The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Tin: n,t.i,i:s. AdvertMtiR l;iti. Per inth One It. eh or less. In Dally ... Jl fio Over two Inches mul under our inches 10) Over four Incite unit under twelve Inches. . 7 Over twelve Inches DAILY AND WKBKI.Y. One Inch or less, per Inch Over one Inch anil tinder four inches Over four inches mul under tw elve inches Over twelve inches . . J 00 1 w 1 00 County Co in ill l I oners' Court. Following is the list of bills allowed the May term : J H Woodcock, viowina road. ... 2 at 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 J II Sherar do do Martin Wing, do do J 15 MeAtee, chaininan W W P.itison, do A Lake, marker Chris Detlinian, viewing road. Win Ehrick do do . S Copule, do do . D H Ses:rs, chaininan J C Poner, do .1 S Harbison, viewing road S Coy do do F M .lacksou, do do .... O L Stranahan, chaininan .1 P Watson, chaimnati H P I.-.iugille, marker F V Brosius, viewing road . ... W A Lungille, do do E L Smith, do do O L Stranahan, chainuian .) P Watson, chaininan J H Dukes, viewing road. . . . J Wil-on, do do J P Watson do do O L Stranahan, chainuian ... . H X Dukes. do . ... H D LinKllle, do Virail WineheH, viewing road.. S Copjile. do do . ffiu Ehrck, ilo do . . A Paa-ch, chainuian John s'cliuctcle, chainuian T C Dallas, supplies Dist 4 E K Kit-fell, work on road . . . 00 oo ! 00 I 00! 00 2 00 00 001 00! 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CO 00 20 30 W F Jackson, appropriation for road mot allowed 50 00 .los T Peters, supplies foi road. . . G Gi Oregon Telephone & Tel Co, rent 11 SO Hugh Glenn, work on courthouse S GO JanifS Benson, work countv road o 00 Ed Waddle, do do 15 00 John Ryan, do do 35 00 Joel Koontz, do do 77 50 Geo C Biakeley, asst pauper .... 3 50 Ciir.oMCLL Pub Co, minting 39 00 G W Phelps, justice 'fees, 27.10. 26 50 Charles Lauer, constable fees . 13 GO Mrs Abbie Phares, wit jus court 1 o0 Mrs J P Tooiuev, do do 1 50 W II Calvin, " do do 1 50 J 13 Hand, do do 1 50 John Uollett, do do 1 50 Ed Davenport, do do 1 50 Mrs Turner, (to do 1 50 John Hardwick, do do 1 50 T B Kent, district attorney fees 5 00 A A Jayne, dist atty fees, $55.95. 40 95 W H Butts, coroner feea 13 35 .H M Donnell, juror inquest 1 20 A Lauer do do 1 20 L S Davis, do do 1 20 F N Hill, do do 1 20 I J Xorman, do do 1 20 D S Dufur, do do 1 20 C B Welch, witness 1 90 J S Winzler, witness 1 90 J H Aldrich, justice fees, $12.70. 12 45 A M Barrett, coroner fees 3 00 J VY Branstator, witness 1 00 John Ilranstator do 1 00 C A Stewar do 1 00 Win Frizzelf, do 1 00 J Al Filloou, justice fees $53.90. . 41 95 F X Ihil, constable fes, .fJu'.oO. . 24 00 Mis Belle ltogers, wit jus court 1 50 W II Butts, do ilo 1 50 W H Young, do do 1 50 15 Thurston, do do 1 50 F Cminelly, Jo do 1 50 E Kurtz, do do 1 50 .Mis Walters, do do 1 50 A L Btittain, do ilo 1 50 Henry Davidson, ilo do 2 30 L .Marquis, do do 2 30 Dalles Lumbering Co, wood for pauper ami lumber tor county lO.llla .... 15 R Tucker, lumber for dist 4. . . W II Wilson, professional ser vices .... A S Blowers Co, sundry bills. . C E Detlinian, supervisor district 4 $25, allowed E F Sharp, jurorclrcuit court Win Floyd, do do do F .Matthews, do do do E M Waterman, witness circuit court V C Moore, witness circuit court X P Moore, do do do Stockmen's Union, bounties on w ild animals . . Nels Alsen, bounty on animals J G Bums, do do Lf-turMarquIs, do do F F Kirkheimer, bounty on ani mals Clyde Snodgrass, bounty on ani mals 20 29 20 19 20 00 19 90 20 00 2 00 13 00 2 00 2 00 4 00 4 GO 110 00 2 00 4 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 M 15 Zuinwalt, bounty on animals 1 00 1 00 10 00 1 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 G W Snow, do do do do do Ed Bothweli, Ewd Krich, Win .Morris, Fred .'eel, W fcGribble, do do do do do do do Kan l'raucUco Murketv. Thero ig nothing to report in thia mar l:et. The trade !h purauiiiK a waiting! policy, and exporters claim that they 1 have finished ahippiue: for the season and are entirely out of the market. All tiro anxiously watching the growing crops, and from advices to hand spring sown has been backward and the acre. (e will hardly ho up to the average, u. though, of course, it ia much too early to atieinpt a forecaat oven in that par ticular. Continued absence of ruin after the hot spell caused damage to the grow ing grain in the state, and the excellent jiroHjieot has been cut down materially, fcouio tay the loss ia large and irrepar- able, but this viow of ihe matter is from the speculative stand point. Conserva-, tive claim that a good shower will add 10 per rent., at least, to tin- yield, and no one denies that the work of recupera tion is proceeding Mowlv now under cloudy skies and cool weather, t'nleis further misfortune should inti-neiie, , the result is not likely to be within that of last season, notwithstanding claims' tir the contrary. Prices on futures and I shipping are strong. Quote No. 1 ship- J ping $1.35 per cental, milling $1.3"S;(ff 1.45. " ! Flour market quiet and exports light. Prices firm and quoted at if-l.TuiVM.So ; Oregon extras 5.10ii5.G5 per barrel, net i cash". SlHIH't IlllIK to l)oll!tlll 1)11. Mr, James Jones, of the drug tirni of Jones & Son, Cowden, 111., in speaking of Dr. King's Xew Discovery, savs that last winter his wife was attacked with LaGrippe, and her caso giew so serious that physicians at Cowden and Pana could do nothing for her. It seemed to develop into Hasty Consumption. Hav ing Dr. King's Xew Discoverv in store, Oil 1 and selling lots of it, he took a bottle1 j home, and to the surprise of all she be gan to get better from the first dose, and , half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound j and well. Dr. King's Xew Discovery I for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is j guaranteed to do this good work. Try it. Free trial bottle.- at Biakeley x ! Houuhtun's Drug Store. 5) I Stockholder' -Moi'tillS. Xotice is hereby given that a mtcting j of the stockholders of The Dalle; Cliron- ic'.e Publishing Company will be held at the county court rooms on Tuesday, the 25th day of May, A. D., 1S97, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of adopt- 00!l"E snplimentary articles ot incorpora tion, increasing the capital stock of said company and transacting such other business as may come before said meet ing. By order of the Board of Directors. The Dalles, Oregon, April 9. 1897. A. S. Mac Almstei!. President. R. G. D.VVEXt'OKT, Secretarv. Old lVople. Old people who require medicine wii! regulate the bowels and kidney find the true remedv in Electric Bitters, This medicine does not stimulate and contains no whisky nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alternative. It acts mildly on the stomach and oowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding Nature in the uerformance of the functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent a,M,etizer and aids digestion. Old people find it just exact- ly what they need. Price 50 cents and $1.00 per bottle at Biakeley & Hough ton's Drug Store. 5 The merchant who tella you he has something else as good as Hoe Cake soap is a aod man to keep away from. a2 rim NO DANGER IN GRAPE SEEDS. .Miioli nrt-niiuil Ani-ndicltlH Sot t Uf iy Tliuin. There is a popular and false notion that apendicitis is eausi-d by a f,'raf , .seed, an orantre .seed or come uiher for- , eign substance fjettin into the ern.;- form appendix. The true eau.-' is ti " , Mntiucr up of inflammation ami eousi- ! fjiient un;,'renc in the tissue r;f tir ' appendix. uually due to in.suilicicnt circulation of blood in the part itself. In thousands of onerationn i which liave taken place many in time to .save the life of the patient, .iik many too late ther;- i; not one anther.- ticated eas? of a foreign substance, hiieh ns ti seed, being- found i:. the appendix. ! Thi:; will be more fully realized u'n n one I:r:s in mind that the interior of the i appendix is only hip enough to admit j a medium-sized darning ncerll:. It.s great liability to disease is due entirely to its. low order of vital resistance. That is, it is an organ which appears to have no actual use in the present ma chinery of man, but in its earlier stages of man's development it is believed to have been a large pouch that played an important part in the digestive opera tions of the human system. By ages of disuse it hasgradually .shrunk to its pres ent dimensions, and is known to. science us a vestigial organ, one which is only n remnant of its former self, and pos sessing but a vestige of it.s original functions. This becomes clear if some other partw of 'lie body which now seem to have no use nre considered. The tonsils are in this class, and nlso the wisdom teeth, and both nre peculiarly subject to dis ease. X. Y. .Tourv.I. Spices and flavoring ex tracts are favorite nests of adulteration; perhaps you don't care. But Scliillings Best are pure and money-back. 8 For sale by V. 15. Kahler J-iou; Ibout Your job We (if -J have the facilities for doinpr all ob Printing, from a visiting card catalogue, and we are after all the work we can do. We nut only desire '.o keep busy, but would prefer to be rushed. -Come in and compare our prices with that of any one, and compare quality of work. Let lis have vour next order. - j l C. W. PHELPS & CO. Agricultural ; Drapers Manufactured and Repaired. Pitts' Threshers, Powers and Extras. i j PlttS HarrO WS and CultiVatOrS. j fpl cr "Plann TTfaarfOT . V-fCltJ UI ClbtJU JT1CIJJ.U HCdUCI . ; . ,. t-ix , LiU DriCating UliS, JhlC. i j-e SeWing" Machine and ExtraS. ' i EAST SECOND STREET, jgSCAB, TICKS LICE THE WORLD RENOWN EP r-ft Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE & MAYS, The Dalles, Oregon. Assignee's Notice Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby Kiven that the uiirierslsneil, assi(,'i:eu of thecstatoof K. K. Williams nil In solvent debtor, hus HIcil his !innl nccount mul report In Mild iissimmwnt with the Clerk of the L'iri ult Court of tho State of Oregon for Wusco County, and that the same will bu called ii for hearliif; Ix'foiu Ihe JikIru of Miirl Court on the (irst day of the next regular term of said Circuit Court, to-wlt: On Monday, the 21th day of May, Is'J". or If tho same cannot be heard by said Court at Mild time, as soon thereafter as the same can bo heard bv said Court. Ualeii this lOth day of April, ls'J7. A. fi, Mac AI.I.I.-iTKIt, Assignee of the estate of U. V.. Williams, an insolvent debtor. H17-5MI Administrator's Final Account. Notice Is hereby Klven that the undersigned, administrator of thu estate of J. I), Urlttiu, de ceased, has tiled his final account, and that Monday, the Ul day of May, ls'JT, at tho hour of 10 o'clock u. m., has bteu apoluttd us thu time for hearing objections thereto and the settle ment theieof. All heirs, creditors or other per sons Interested in said estate are hereby uotlllcd to tile their objections to said final uccoiiut, It any they have, on or tefoie the day appointed for the hearing thereof. Dalles City, Oregon, Marcli 25, IK17. H1C27-1H1 K. A- OKIrl'I.N, Administrator. Notice of Fioal Sellicinenl. Nolleo In hereby Riven that tho undersigned administrator o! the estate of Mary M. Cordon, deceased, has Hied his tlnal leport and account In said estate, ami that Tuesday, the Itli day of May, lb'JT, at the hour of o'clock p. in. of said day at thu Canity court loom, In thu county court house In Dalles City, Wasco County, Ore gon, has been appointed by said court us the time uml pkoe for hearing said Dual account. Dated this 'J-Mh day of Match, 1-'J7. ABA H'lOliHDII.I,. Administrator of the estate of Mary M, (ior dou, deceufcet. tipriMI priiwq; kinds to a fyrotyicje publistyir ?o. -DKAl.Kll IX- - Implements. THE DALLES, OR. Sheriff's Sale. I.v TJIK C1KCUT COL'fVf of tho Slate of Ore J- koii for Wasco County. 1'. D. Greene. I'laintitl', v J. I.. Story. I.ucretla Story mid Dalles City, lifts. Hy virtue of an execution and order of sale Is sued out of the Circuit Court of the Statu of Oregon for the County of Wuseo, to uiu directed ami dated. tho :wth day of March, IS'J, iiikui a judgment anil decree for tho foreclosure of i certain morif-agcs, renuereil ami entered In said court on the :".'d day of March, ls.U7, in the above entitled cause, In favor of the plaliitiir and against tho defendants, J, 1.. Storv and I.ucretla judgment debtors, In the sum of t)i.U), with Interest thereon ut the rate of eight per cent per annum from the SM day of March, 16;i7, and the further sum of 7.1 attorney's fees, and the further sum of 131.70 costs and disburse menu of suit; and further 111 favor of the de fendant Dalles City and against tho defendants J. L. Stoiy and I.ucretla Story, as Judgment debtors in tho sum of f.'lfi.ll, and the further sum ot ?5 costs of suit, and further tho costs of and on Mild wilt of execution; and command lugine to maUo sale of tho real properly em braced In said decree of foreclosure and order of sale and hereinafter described, I have duly levied on and will, on thoai day of May, lb'J7, at tho hour ol '2 o'clock in the afternoon, at tho county courthouse door In Dalles city. Wasco County, Oregon, sell at public auction, to tho highest bidder, for cudi 111 hand, all thu right, title and Interest which the said J. I., storv and l.iicrethi Story, or either of them, had on the 1st day of Jauiiaiy, ISM), the Unto of thu moitgai;o of plalutlll' foreclosed herein, or which such do lemlants, or any of the defendants herein, have sinco aciilrcd or now have, In mid to tho foj. lowing described real property, situate and being III tho County of Wasco, State of Oregon, to-wlt: U)ts numbered eleven (11) and twelve (Wi In block twenty (20) of Gates Addition to Dalles City, asco County, Oregon, or o much thereof us will satlsly said ubovo mentioned and de scribed judgments, attorney's fees and costs. Said proerty will bo sold subject to couiirmu tlon by said Circuit Court and to redemption, as by law provided. Dated at Thu Dalles, Oregon, this ;ilst day of Match, JK)7. T. .1. DKIVKU, upr.' li Hherlll of tuco County, Oregou. NOTICE-SALE OF CITY LOTS. Notice is hereby given that bv thoritv of ordinance No. 202 which , ed the Common Connci o Dalles Citv Apiil 10th, 1897, entitled, 'An or dinance to provide for the a oof certain lots belonging to Dalles City." will. Saturday, the loth day of May, ISOi , Mil nt public auction, to the .ighest bidder, all the following lotn and parts of lots in Gates addition to Dalles Cit , Wasco county. Oregon, to-wit: Lots 9 and 10 jointly, in b bck 14 , ots 7, 8. 9 and 10, jointly in block loj lots 7, 8, 9. and 10, jointly in block -I, known as butte; lots 10. 11 and 12, in nlock 27; lot 9 in block 34 ; iota J, -, 4, 0. 0. 7, S, 0, 10 and 11, in block .. ; , ts 2, 3. 4. S, 9. 10, block 30; lot 3, 4, 5, , 7. 8. 0. 10, .11 and 12, in block 37; lots 1. 2, .5, 4. o, t., h, 9, 10,llandl2, in hlock42; lots 1. 4 5 9. 10 and 11. in block 43; lots 1.2, 3, 7, 10, 11 and 12, in bloi 41, and lots 1, 2. 3. 4, 5, li. in block 4b. The reasonable value of m 'ots, or les than which they will no. " sold, has been Used i.r.d determine.. I v the Common Council of Dalles City as fol lows, to-wit : Lots 9 and 10. in block 14, $lo0; lots 7, S. 9 and 10, jo'tntiv in block 15, .$200; lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, jointly in block 21, $200; lot 10, in block 27, f-'25; lot 11. in block 27, :f225; lot 12, in block 2r, 300; lot 9, in block 34, if 100; lots 2, 3, 4, 5, S, 9, 10 and 11, in block 35, cacti respect ively $100: lots 0 and 7. in block 3o, each lespectivelv $125 ; lots 2,3, 4, 8, j II, 10 and 11, in block 30, each respectively .100; lot 12, in block 30, $125; lots 3, 4, 5, S, 9. 10 and 11, in block 37, each re snectivelv $100; lots G, 7 and 12. in block 37, each respectively $12o; lots 2, 3, 10 and 11, in block 41, e.-ch respectively $100; lots 1, 7 and 12. in block 41. each respectively $125; lots 3, 4, 5,8,9, 10 and 11, in block 42, each respectively $100; lot e , G and 12, in block 42, each respectively $125; lots 2, 3,4, 5,9, 10 and 11, in block 43, each respectively $100; lot 1, in block 43, $125; lots 2, 3, 4 and o, in block 40, each respectively $100; lots 1 and 0, in block 40, each respectively $125. Each of these lots will be sold upon the lot respectively, and none of them will he sold for a less sum than the value thereof, as above stated. One-fourth of the price hid on any of said lots shall be paid in cash at the time of sale, and the remainder in three ......... , n .1.. i: l.lfrM... 11,111 tll'n I and three years from the date of said I sale, with interest on such deferred pay ments at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, payable annually; provided that the payment may he made in full at any time' at the option of the pur chaser. The said sale will begin on the loth day of May, 1897, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, and will con tinue from time to time until all of said lots sliall be sold. Dated this Kith day of April, 1897. Gii.iiilr.T W. Piikm'S, Kecorder of Dalles City. For Sale, Lots A, B, K and L, block 30; A B, block 72; A, 15, C, I), E and F, block 82, and A, B, G, D and E, block 2.". Apply to W.M. SlIACKKI.l OKI). I'ropo-ml- for (JiuiMtructliiK Wutitr mid Sn-.ver System. I T" S. Indian Service, Warm Springs Agency, I L Or.. May 7. 137. SKAI.KD 1'ltOl'O.SAI.S, endowed "Proposals fr Water and !-ewer svstcm " and addressed io the undersigned at Warm ftjirings, Crook ( uuty, Oregon, will ! received at this agencv until I o'clock p. m. of May 27, ls:7. for furnish" ing the iitce-ary iimtfriaN and labor required in the coutruction and completion of a water nm! sf wer system, (including plumbing) for the boarding school plant to bo erected on this ie serve, in stiict accordance with plans and si eei- fictitious which may be e.vimined at tho oilice of the "Morning Oregonlan," Portland. Or., "fHE Ciiiio.sicm:," The Dalles Or., and tit this Agency. ' lildders will state clearly In their bids the length of time required to complete tho work. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids, or mi part of any bid, If deemed for the best in teat of tho service. Till, lltll.ll l.f I, 111. I., r. I.- I. ...I,.. I ,. .1 , ..- ..... ... U...I.VI.-. ,o niviiiii (i, uiu net ii (.oogress approveo August I, 1WJ, entitled; "An act reluting to thu limitation of the hours of dally service of laborers and mechanics em ployed upon the public works of the L'nited Stales and of the District of Columbia1"' n-oto theaet of Cnrnrn.s imtimv.. 1 n,.nb in ,w.n entitled, "An act for the protection of i,ersoi,s furnishing materials and labor foi the construc tion of public works." cmniFiun ciiki KS. fcuch bid must bo accompanied bv a certified check or draft upon some United sta'tes Dei)o lory or solvent .National Ilauk in the vlclnltv of the residence of thu bidder, made payable to'the order of thu Commissioner of Indian Aflalis, for at least HVK I'KU UK NT. of the amount of tho proposal, which check or draft will bo forfeited to tho United Statts in case any bidder or bid ders receiving an uwaid shall full to promptly execute u contract with good mid sullhient sureties, otherwlso to bo returned to tho bidder. liids accompanied ! cash in lieu of a certl lied check will no( be considered, tor any additional information, applv to , . ... JAMKS 1., COWAN, ny-ny'-i U. S. Indian Agent. J. S. SCilK.NK, 1'iesideiit. II. M. Bkai.l, Cashier. First national Bank. THE DALLES - - OREGON A. benoral banking BuBineBs truiiHivcteil Depostte received, aubject to Sieht . Draft or Check. CollectioiiH made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Stent and Telegraphic Exchange Bold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. DIRUOTOKS, D. P. TllOMPBON. JN0. S. Schknok. bn. M. W11.LIAM8, Gko. A. Likbb. U. M. Bkai.i., Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker? Jeweler All work promptly attended to, unit warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OK Till: Southern Trnlns- leave mul me dun tr nrnrc nt t'ottIi-t I.RAVK. r Jirm, Siilum, ltose- S:M) I'. M. Til, II 11,... f.,.t .'. I truiielseo, Jloavc,H h'lOA.51. l.-,wt " m,u iv iirifintiu .11, ii Mi A. ' jtiotis " W"r MH ! f Vln W'ootlhur'n iorY ''nio l'.ji I :CO 1'. Jl J8,",1.!:"' ".V.'1 w"5' '"'oi's'no.iiA m 7:u A. M., jfflfJi"- ,,.5 Dally. t'Uiy, except Stumiiy, ' DIKING CAltS OX OODEN noi'TE. I'UIil.MAN J1UI'1'1;T SLEKfEIo AND riKCO.VD-OI.ASS SI.KUI'ISo CtRj Atliicl'cil to nil Through Trains. Direct connection nt Sun Kranci-ra with nt .lent., mul or leutiil i iiiul 1-acllie mall ,toQt ' imu mm .uw ,v. n:iu v,iu... balling datM n , u plication. D m oa I litites diiil tickets to i:atern rHiliih anlTt, I rope. AIm.JAI'AN, UIII.VA, IlOXCII I'LP '.m ! At fcTltAl.IA.cmi beohtaiiirtlfrom a,1 J. 11. KlItKliAXl), Ticket Agest, j Through Ticket omee,i:!l Third street. nw thrmiph tieKet.s to nil points In the Hasten 1 Htitvs Canada mul Kuiopo cau bo obtained ii lowest rates from ' J. II. KIHICI.AN1), Ticket Acent. i All above traliiH arrive at and depart Iron ! '.Iraml Central Station, Fifth and Irving "treS ! YA.MH1U. DIVISION-. , I'liisciiRcr Depot, foot of Jetlerson street, i - - i Leave for OSWKdO. dally, except :-M a. m.; 11! :1ft, 1:1:,, f,:'Ji,' fi.4:,! 3:l p. n ; (and U:::0 p. in. on Saturday onlv). Anlre t rortland at 7:10 ami S;;;o a, m.; and 1:50, P15 I :&") and 7:55 p. m. ' ' ! Leave (or Sheridan, week dnvs, it l:30p.a Ariivc at Portland, 0:20 a. in. i I Leave for A I It I.I K on Moudav, Wednefdiyaod ' fri'iny at tl: 10 a. in. Arrive at Portland, W I dav, Thursday and Saturday nt3:05p. ni. . Sunday traln.s for OSW'KOO leave nt 8:l3a.n J and 11!: 15, 1 : 15, 8:S0, t:i' fi: 15 and S 03 n. m. A: rivo at Portland at 8:;w, 1U;00 n. m.j l:M,t:l) 1 f:io, r.::!5, 7:5.5 p. m. Ii. KOKIILKK, K. 1'. ROGERS, ' Manager. Asst, (i. 1'. ic Pass, .lit GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VIA- Spokane Denver Omaha Kansas City Minneapolis St. Paul Low Rates to all Eastern Cities OCEAN STKAMEKH l.enve TortlM Eviirv I'lve Days tT SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Kor full detnils cull 011 O. It i Co. s Agent Tha Dalles, or Kddress V, II. HUUUtUl'.T, (ien. I'aw-W Portland. Orejon E. M'.NEII.I. l'resldent and Mima cr The Now Time Curd. Under tho new time card, winch tott into etleet tomorrow, tnuna will moveas follows : No. 4, to Spokane and Great Northern arrives at G p. m., leaves at 6:05 p. o. No. 2, to Pendleton, Baker City and Union Pacific, arrives 1:15 a. ra.,de parts 1 :20 a. m. No. 3, from Spokane and Great Xortt ern, arrives 8:110, departs 8:35 a. m. No. 1, from Baker City and Union P cilic, arrives 1 :'J0, departs 1 :25 a. m. Nos. 28 and 24, moving east of The Dalles, will carry passengers. No. arrives at G:30 p. in., departs l- p. in. . Pussongers for Heppner will take tram leaving here (5:03 p. m. STAGE LINE. ThroiiKli by iluyllght via Grass Valley. W mid Cross Hollows, 1IOUULAN AI.LKN, The C. M. WH1TKI.AW. Atitel"!'' SUiges leave 'i'ho Dalles from , V.'Sfi1 m. nt 7 0. m nUa from Antelow at 1 .s" .uonj Moiuluy, Wednesday mid V rid' j . M2t nd made At Antelope for 1'rlnov lie. M TW i)l:itH heyoud. (iloso coiinectloua iiibub Dalleh with railways, trains mid hoais. , SIuro. fiom Antelprw wcj The W diiyb, Thiirbduys mid Viuturdujs at i, 1 mfva nr PA UK ..11 w '" 1 2 25 tai IX ' " 2 OO ,300 K,3'J J00 500 Pacific Comp'y i EMST Mnin uml lliliidl"1 LUX V Dulles to Deschutes do Moro do (iras Valley. . do Kent do Cross Hollows Antelope to Cross Hollows .. . do Kent do (Jrius Valley. do Sloro do DokcIiuccs ' do Dulles 1 f