The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 12, 1897, Image 4

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ' geokgia's gold gllaneu.
OK tin OX
An Old Woman Who Hunts for!
the Precious Motal. j
Per inth ',
,l M !
1 00 I
Otic Inch or lcs In Dally
Over two luetics mul under four luehe;
Over four Inches mul muter twelve Inches. 7"i J
Over twelve lnehe TO
One Inch or less, per Inch iif)
Over one Inch mul under four Inches. ... - 00
Over four Indies- nud under twelve Inches . 1 SO
Over twelve Inches 1 00
County Couiinl'Xloiifir.' Court.
Followimr is the list of hills allowed at
the May term :
C C Hoburt, remittance tuxes . 0 30
E F Hardwick, labor on county
label G Mack, clerical services
A M Kelsay, salary
Simeon Bolton, deputy clerk ....
Robt Kelley, deputy sheriff ....
.1 Fitzgerald, janitor
C L Phillips, treasurer
C L Gilbert, school sunt
31 M dishing, keeping county
poor . "
Win Jordan, rebate on tnx
James L l.angille, rebate on tax
Erwin-Hodson Com pan v, records,
$223. 55; allowed
Ieston A Dyyart, records'
Glass & I'rudnomme, records ?43,
Georco 1). Uarnharrt & Co, rec
ords .22, allowed
Ward it Robertson, use of team. .
V Winchell, viewing road
C J Hayes, services deputy as
sessor W H Whipple, assessor salary. . .
Dalles City Water Works, water.
E Jacobsen, mdse sheriff
3lary S Myer, clerical services. . .
C L Gilbert, school supt
J F Hawurth, supplies sheriff. . .
J H Ahlrich, coroner's fees
Timothy Miller, coroner's juror. .
V E Hersraton, do do . .
TB Hudson, do do ..
J F Atwell, do do . .
R Schmidt, do do . .
John Treno, do do . .
Br Caudiana, medical examiner.
A Frank, diggius grave
B Glazier, burying pauper
A M Barrett, coffin pauper
Ed Sweetland, witness coroner. .
Wm Frizzell, team hire
Frank Hall, do do
Mrs Davis, board pauper $21, al
lowed Pease & Mavs, supplies pauper.
Sinnott it Fish, lodging pauper .
Crandall A- Burgett, burial pau
per F LaPier, assistance for pauper .
i W Li akibhe, hoard pauper 2
A Dietrick, medical services .... 5
J H Cross, supplies pauper 2
Quen Tai Co, washing for jail . . 2
J H Cross, cashing machine ... 3
31 E Hitchcock, room rent pau
per A
Mays & Crowe, sundries 130
3 00
115 00
166 66
100 00
100 00
60 U0
66 66
75 GO
123 00
3 57
4 45
206 30
IS 00
25 50
12 00
6 50
2 00
60 00
212 00
10 75
5 70
4 00
150 00
3eo H Riddell, road supervisor
3 00
3 00
6 00
1 50
1 50
10 50
33 97
3 00
20 00
14 95
2 00
5 00
$25. allowed.
Geo M Wishart, road supervisor.
J B Goit, surveying ... .
6 00
20 00
64 50
A t aaliinctoii Scandal.
Startling sequel of a United State
genator's unholy alliance comes from
Washington, a story about which some
novelist could write a thrilling book. It
is one of those storiep that have to be
told without names, although they could
be given. It would bring too much
trouble upon innocent people. Twenty
years ago a United States senator had a
mir-tress in the pension department.
When a daughter came, the senator paid
a young man of respectable family a
handsome sum to marry the mother of
the child. They removed, and the sen
ator, failing of re-election, also left
Wa-hington. The young man prospered
and became wealthy. The daughter is
now visiting influential friends in Wash
ington. A son of the senator, who is
there in official life, met the young lady,
proposed marriage and was accepted.
The parents, to the astonishment of the
young people, strenuously objected ; the
mother of the young lady went at once
to the city, and it is announced that she
and the daughter will sail for Europe.
Report Snyn She Hun ii Ulcli Ilonril ;
lin till' ItOHiitt of Mirny A ours j
of 11 a rl Work mul i
l'riiKul l.lvlUK. !
j-lou fibout Your
to a
"We have the facilities for doing
of Job Printing, from a visit! nc
catalogue, and we are after all the work we
can do. "We not only desire '.o keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Come in
and compare our prices with that of any
one, and compare quality of work. Let us
have your next order.'
tyropile pub!isl?ii ?o.
Mary Odom. gold hunler, lives in u lit- j
tie cabin on the mountain .side, about a
mile from Auraria, the ancient mining
tow n of north Georgia, whose bcf.t days
were- those prior to the discovery of
gold in California in lal'J. The cabin
.as built by a miner named Odom, and
when the excitement, in California be
gan he bade his wife and daughter Mary,
then a girl 1 years old, farewell, and
. tartcd we.-t. HU family never heard
from him again.
His'e managed to support herself,
;;nd, Inning some knowledge of gold
mining, taught Mary how to wash the
golden grain.s from the sand in the beds
oi the .mountain streams. The two were
quite successful and gathcied a great
deal of gold du.-;. When Mary was Id
yvars old her mother died. That was in
'.o2. and the L'r.ited States mint was
.iil in operation at Dahlonega. Mary
-oon grew expert in finding gold, and
many a pennyweight did she carry to
t.. mint. Having disjiosed of it. she
. . ereted. invariably, half her prolits in
tae cabin at the mouth of the gulch
above Auraria.
The war came on and the mint was)
broken up and for four years Mary I
Cwim had a hard time or it. 1 he con
federate government needed all the
money it could get and the tithe gather
ers made frequent visits to her cabin
in search of gold: but .she was able to
l:eep her hoard hidden. After the war
matters settled down a little, and when
she va assured of the protection of the
civil authorities she went about her!
work boldlv and devoted all the time
that she could spare from the cultiva
tion of hr little patch of cleared land
to the business of gold hunting. The
richest deposits had been worked over
: o much that they were not so profit-
able as they had been when she first be
gan to wash gold in the mountain
streams. She lived verv frutralh end I
raised her own erop of corn, cabbage
am! potatoes, and spun and v.w e her own
clothing, she has ahvays kept u,: the j)rapers Manufact ured and Repaired.
habit of putting aside hah her findings, i
whether thev were large or small.1. . , , - .
sometimes her washing., would not i Pitts Threshers, Powers and Extras.
amount to much durimr the week, but
:f ::lie scoured only ."0 cents she would
nut aside a nuartcr and :ip".rl the rest. I
i - - (
piecing out. her wants bv going into I
debt, she is now in her Piano Header.
and she has hoarded away a sock tilled
with gold dust, which she has shown to j
zomc of her most trusted friends, and j
is worth several thousand dollars. Still j
she keeps at work, and on any fair day,
when not busy about her cabin, she
may be seen tramping over the hills in
search of gold. She. will tuck up her
homespun skirt and stand knee-deep
in the chill waters of the mountain
streams all day long washing the sand
and gathering up the shining particles.
"It ain't so easy as it wer' 40 year
arro," she said, as .she smoothed back
her iron-gray locks from her forehead,
"hut I kin make a purty good livin'
mit'n it yit. I've seed the day when T
eculd wash out f'om four to five penny
weights a week, but I hardly ever.trike
. leh a streak as tliat nowadays. J spect
ed pap to come home old an' po' fur
years a'ter he let" fur California, but I
done gin up all hopes now. I seed so
manv o' them po' ol' fellcirs come back
brake down 'thorn noth'n to live on 'at
I thought I'd save up pari of all T foun'
"o's to he'p "im out wen he come back,
that's how 1 eome to save up my
little pile. The Lord knows hit's little
'nough. in spite o what folk's says 'bout
my beiii' a rich 'oman an' all sieh ,:s
that." X. Y. Sun.
Notice is hereby given that by all
ot ordinance imj.
council oi iniuB!
nied the Common Council o imue:
U-.... A..-!! inth. 1S07. entitled, "An or
dhmnce to provide for thnl? of certain
lots belonging to Dalles City, I will, on
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
i.. i,n in i nav oi .nay. iavi
CIlulIll.Mt lll I I .
I gcU at public auction, to the highest
' bidder, all the following lots and parts
' of lots in Gates addition to Dalles City,
I Wasco county. Oregon, to-wit :
Lots 9 Btid 10 jointly, in block 4, ots
!7, S. 9 and 10, jointly in block 15; lots
7, S, 9, and 10, jointly in block : 21,
t known as butte; lots 10. 11 nml 12, in
I mock 'J7; lot 0 in block .14 ; lots -, ., 4,
o. , 7, S, !), 10 and 11, m block Jo ;
' ots 2, !. 4. S, 0. 10, Hand 12, in block
B0; lot 3, 4. 5 0,7 . S. 0. 10, H and
1.1 8., l.lm.L- 17; hits 1. 2. 1. 4. O, ll. O,
' o:io, ii t"i 1,2. X: v ii
V, HI lino 11, in unKiN '"'Y'"'
10. 11 and 12, in bloc 41, and lots
4. 5. G. in block 4b.
v.ibie of sa . 'ots, for
le than which they will no sold,
i bus been lixed i.nd deterininei. t the
I Common Council of Dalles City as fol
I lows, to-wit : , , .,.n . ,
j Lots ll and 10. in block 14, lp ; lots
7, S. 0 and 10, jointly in block U, 200;
lots 7, S, 0 and 10, jointly in block 21.
; 8200; lot 10, in block 27, 225; lot It. in
! block 27, $225; lot 12. in block 2, $.100 ;
lot 9, in block .".4, $100; lots 2. 3, 4, 5, S,
0, 10 and 11, in block :15, each respect-;v,.u-
smoi hits R and 7. in block So,
I each respectively $125; lots 2, 8, 4, S, i),
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trnbis lenvc mid nro duo to nrrlvc t l'o,tUal
4, 5.
O, I ,
press, Biilcm, ltnsc-1
lllirrr. A kIiI 1 r... .
"""nil, nnc.
,1 Frnnclsen, Molavc.f
juw uricmis mid
S:S0 A. M.j'' w.yMi.
I ( Vln Wnndlmrt, '
. I . . . . -- till ,
ft n i5sir,,Bflw' asssa.
. . . iC.ln.. I J .
1:00 r. 51. , v., "'mons'no.tu
U:l' I'. 51.! p'cMlniivllie n n'd
'MHO p.j,
it 6rj)p;j.
'I 8:15 p. Jj
I)idly. IDiniy, eseent Siinrur
Atlaeliiil to nil Tlirnugh Trains.
Direct cnunectlon nt San FruncUco with rwi
(lentnl nn.l mul I'.icldc innli ,iSaS
llner for JAPAN CHINA. Salll l g8
each respectively $Io; lots ... t, s, .', . 1!llteh ,, tiukcts to Enstcrn Mint .nir
10 and 11, in block SO. each respectively ,.e. A No JAPAN, china. HbsoLuS 'Si
$100 ; lot 12. in block ISO, $125 ; lots 4, , Al't'UtALlA, cm be from U
Agricultural - Implements.
Pitts Harrows and Cultivators.
Lubricating Oils, Etc.
White Sewing Machine and Extras.
n ; i. ....... (t imi) i v.i
o, a, v, iu and 1 1, in ijiiil-k oi, i
spectivelv $100; lots G, 7 and 12. in
bluck ."7, each respectively $12o;
lots 2, 8, 10 and 11, in block
41, eech respectively $100; lots 1,
7 and 12, in block 41, each respectively
$125; lots 3, 4, 5,8,0, 10 and 11, in
block 42, each respectively $100; lot e ,
0 and 12, in block 42, each respectively
$125; lots 2. .1,4, 5,0, 10 and 11, in
block 4;;, each respectively $100; lotl,
in block 43, $125; lots 2. 1'., 4 and 5, in
block 40, each respecti rely $100; lots 1
(and G, in block 40, each respectively
Each of these lots will be sold upon
! the lot respectively, and none of them
j will be sold for a less sum than the value
! thereof, as above stated.
One-lotirth of the price bid on any of
i said lotH shall be paid in cash at the
; time of sale, and the remainder in three
equal pavnients on or before, one, two
, and three years from the date of said
sale, with interest on such deferred pay
, ments at the rate of 10 per cent per
annum, payable annually; provided
I that the payment may be made in full
, at any time at the option of the pur
' chaser.
The said sale will be'in on the 15th
I, in,, r.,,. 1S07 nt tl... I.nnr nf
Vtll Ul .'All, , .U.'f , ..V ... . I J . V
o'clock p. iii. of said day, end will con
tinue from time to time until all of said
lots shall be sold.
Dated this 13th day of April, 1S97.
Itecorder of Dalles City.
Fur hnle.
J. 11. KIKKLAMl.TlolrM
' -"v,n6vuL
Thrnnifh Ticket Ollicc, i:n Third street cim
throueh tickets to h11 points in
t.tes, Cnim.lii iiiitl Euroju! can be ohUlncd l
lowest rules from "
, J. 11. KIHKLAND, Ticket Afnt
All nhove trnliiH iirrlve nt and dewrilrm
Ornml Centrnl Station. Fifth and In-ing ' itreet
PiiffieiiRcr Dc-.ot, foot of JcUerson street.
Leave for OSWEGO, dally, except Sundar U
7:-J0 n. m.; K:U, 1M,",, 6:25, 8:03 p b
(miiU ll::so p. m. on Saturdav only). ArilTut
i'ortlmid nt 7:10niul b;3u, n ra.; andPS)
fi.So mul T!oo i. 111.
Leave for Slicrldnn, week days, ".t4:S0o n
Arrive lit Portland, :S0 a. m. '
Leave for AIKL1E on Mondav, Wednesdirial
Kri 'iiy nt 0:10 u. in. Arrive at Portland, W
duv, TliurMluy und Saturday nt 3:05 p. ra.
Sunday train for OSWEGO leave nt 8'.lb
mid 12:10, 1:15 B:K0, f:2." iiM5and8 05p.m. u
rive nt Portland at K:!!0, 1U:00 a. m.:
5:10, f. :.V., 7:5T.p. in.
Manuaer. Ast. G. F. i Pais.Ait
Lots A, B, K nnd L, block 30; A B,
block 72; A, B, C, D, E and F, block 82,
and A, B, C, D and E, block 25. Apply
to Wm. SiiACKEi.roiii).
the Town nf
Fiml Nenr
li.-.l tlml.
I'rejiarations are beiiifr made to ex- '
jilore a cave whieh was recently found ,
The younc man vows he will follow. The j by some hunters, who accidentally dis- j
few who know the facts are wonderinir covered it while chnsiiif,' a wounded,
if they can be separated without letting
them know thev are brother and sister.
StouKliolilurrt .Mt:etlllR.
Notice is hereby given that a meeting i
of the stockholders of The Dalles Chron
icle Publishing Company will he held at
the county court roomw on Tuesday, the
2oth day of May, A. 1)., 1S97," at 2
o'clock p. in., for the purpose of adopt
ing snplimentary articles of incorpora
tion, increasing the capital stock of fcaid j about 10 feet ide nt all points,
(ni.ii.anv and traiiHaeline Riieb other ! In the center of this cave, flows
w ildcat. The cave i:s .situated in the re
gions known as the "sink liole.s," citfht
lijiles west of Ked Bud, 111. The en
trance is about seven feet in diameter,
but after entering' the size varies, it
being1 2ii to u: feet to the ceiling in some I
places. The ceiling is studded with ;
larfre stalngmites. Uirge rocks jirojeet !
from the sides of the cave and are eov-1
ered with inmunerable white jxiint.s,
which by a dim light resemble stars, i insolvent debtor
The width does not vary so iiiuuh, as it ,
1 Administrator's
rropiiHiilh for ('oiiHtriirtliiK Watur mill
Smvur Sjtem.
S. Indian fcurvlce, Warm hprlngs Aiienc",
Or.. May 7. 1.VJ7.
mEALKD Pl'.OPOSALs. endor.-cd ''ProimMils
for Water mul Hewer byiitem '' and nddrosed to
the liiulurflKiied lit Warm hirlni;s, Crook
( imnty, Orecon, will be recciveil nt tills nfjeney
until l o'clock p. in. of May -ll, l'., for furnlhli
iiiK the nttewry material', anil labor required
iu the construction and completion of n water
nnd M-wer i-y.stem. (includint; ilimibiiiK'. n.r the
boardimj.-uhool iilaut to bo erected on this re
.tvi!, in htrlet iieeordance with plans nnd m eel
t.eutiniis, which may be examined nt the olliee
of the ".Mornlup; OreKoninn," I'ortlmid. Or.,
"J hb ( i!i:o.s'ici.K," The l)nlle O.-., uml nt this
lli.I.iers will state clearly in their bids the
length of time required to complete the work.
Tnu riKlit is re.-erved to reject nny and nil bids,
or nn pnit of any bid, if deemed for the best In
terest of the service.
Thentteii ion of bidders is invited to the net
of Congress approved August 1, lsir.;, untitled:
"An not ruliitlue; to the limitation of the hours
of dally service of laborers nnd mechanics em
ployed upon the public works ol the I'nited
states and ol the District of Columbia:'' also to
the not of Congress approved August 111, Ib'JI,
I entitled "An act for the protection of uursnns
furnishing materials and labor for the construe
It has I tiou ' pulilic works."
110 Superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE & Kehbld must be aceompaiileil by n certified
...wit Huirn. nuiivn iuimni
tory or solvent .Niitionnl Hunk In the viciuit of
the residence of the bidder, made payable to the
order of the Conunissioner of Indian AHiilrs, for
, nt least HVK PKH CK.NT. of the amount f the
prono-iil, which cheek or draft will be forfeited
j to the L'nlted Htnus in ease any bidder or bid
uers receiving an award shall fall to promptly
e.ecute u contract with good mid Miillbieiit
sureties, otherwise to be returned to the bidder.
I ids accompanied b) cash iu lieu of n certl-
uvu uuvi.h iu 7iot oe considered
Choice of Transcontinental Route
St. Paul Kansas City
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities
Supplied to United States and British Governments
no superior. Best Dip for t
MAYS, The Dalles, Oregon
Assignee's Notice Final Settlement.:
Sheriff" s Sale.
-.v TIIK C1RCTIT CO CUT of the fetnle of Ore
i .Votice is hereby given that the undersigned, I . , , .. ..
: assignee of theestiiteof R. K. Williams, an in- !' ('teene. PJniiitlll,
solvent debtor, has tiled his tinal iiccount and i, . . v- .. . . ..
j report in snld assignment with the Clerk of the J- L- I.ucrotlu Story and Dalles City. Dfts.
i Circuit Court of tlio State of Oregon for Wasco Hy virtue of an execution nnd older of stile H-
hearing before the Judge of said Court on the
I lirst day of the next regular term of said Circuit
Court, to-wit: On Monday, tlie'JIth day of May,
JUT. or if the same cannot bo heard by snld
! Court nt said time, as soon thereafter us the
same can be heard by said Court.
Daied tills 10th duy of April, 107.
A. S. Mac ALLlffTKH.
lUsignee of the estate of It. K. Wiiliiims. nn
For any additional information, npplv to
V. H. Iudinn Agent.
J. S. fiCUKNK,
II. M. 11 KA LL,
Finn I Aprniint
and traiiHaelint; audi other! 111 tl,L' CL,ter ot tins cave. Hows n ,
bu-inet'g as uiav come l)efore eaid meet-' " l,f,,raier' w,"c """ms
inu. Bv order of the Hoard of Directors : "1" mmU' f,slV ,A !,m-
,. ., , -i n .en- ! "i-'r of tlieni were eaiifrht tiiid placed on
Hie Dalles, Oregon, April 0. 180,. ; t...hlhItlfn ,,,. ,,. .,,.. ',, nnU.
few day.s. The depth of tlit .st.renin is
j from U0 to no feet. About two miles
I frnni tin. ..i... ........1,...
; V -- ..uu:. ., 1)1I)y ,ht.v hnvefmor ifojo the day appointed
...i., ..i.iii i.wn-; m in-. nn iiuut i.iu ncarit.K ii.uiv.ii.
Do you wunt your windows cleaned,) live to 10 feet and lies beneath a eeil
carpete taken up, beaten and re laid, or! '"K "bout 100 feet from its .surface.
ini.itnr work nf unv kind done bv a e.:i-iuiv nu CX piorillL'' party Had n
K. G,
A. S. Mac Allistku,
Notice is hereby given that the undcrsignwl,
j iidmiiilstr.itor of the estate of J. I),
! ceustd, has filed his liunl iiccount, nud that
j Jlrinday, tlie M (lay of May, U37, at the hour of
10 o'clock a. in., has been appointed as the time
I for hearing objections thereto and the settle
, ment theieof. All heirs, creditors or other per
sons interested in said estate tire hereby untitled
I to tile their nblevtious to said tinal
Dalles City. Oregon. .March ftj. 1S97.
mc-IM! K. A. OI'.U TIN, Administiator.
lirHt-clugH mutiV If ho, telephone Honry
Joliiisun at Parkins' barber uiiop.
'Phone 110. al0-lf
The merchant who telle you he hue
eomethtni! else as food as Hoe Cake soap
ie a L'ood man to k-ep away from. a2 Sm
Wo bell Hoe Cuke oap. Pease &
lieeently an
fininll boat made und iittemjitcd to cross inue, lint, after goinir nearly htilfa
mile from shore decided to return. 1
There are n great many crevices in the '
roekn. nnd if win in some of these that I
Notice of Final Selllemenl.
Notice it hereby givci that tho undersigned
administrator ol the estate nf Mary .M, (iordou,
deceased, has tiled his llunl report nud account
iu said estate, uud that Tuesday, the Ith (lay of
May, lh'J7, ut the hour of 'J o'clock p. in. of said
the Hkeleton.s nf v. ILl ,' " !:. u" fff.m, 111 the county
, : " court nouse it. unties uity, vtiisco county.oro-
found, suiijiosed to be of tlie wolf. K"u, has Ijeen npirfiinted by said court as the
SnakeH of all kinds: nuik.. tl.l n,.v,, n...i "" . 1!UV f"r. "earing sa d Inalaccouut
home in winter. Chicago Nowk.
Dated this -Joth duv of March. 1VJ7.
Admfiilstrntor of the estate of Mary M. dor
don, decease., nprS-ll
sued out of the Circuit Court of tho ritateof
Oregon for the County of Wa-co, to me directed
and dated ;the 30th day of March, l'.i7, iiikiii a
judgment anil decree for the foreclosure of
certain morii-ages, rendered and entered in said
courio i ine.'.-o uay oi jiarcn, ikU7, in the above T"r. . 4 , . j
entitled cause, iu favor of the plalutill and LltfCr NOrinSl Dn Kl
against the defendants, J. L. Story ,nd I.ucrotia I flVbi JlQllODa 1 UQ D K. judgment debtors, Iu the sum of liKi.oo, 1 " 1 M U.uit
wttn Intsrest thereon at the rate of eight per ! THE DALLES nDCnM
cent per annum from the '.".'d day of Match, lbU7. ' a t-Z,Vi,lt..i,x. o " OREGON
and the further sum of 7o attorney's fct" nd h Ilur' iiunking Busineas transucUid
inu mriuer sum oi :ji.,u costs mid disburse. uupuoiis receiVt'U, auolect to Kitrht
Irip.lK llf soil- mill further I n f ..,,.,..(. I. ,..! . T ti. J.
f :r. ;. ,t n;.i.j: v ,t,i ;., . v;' v.. ';, . r .. . or uuecK,
mid on said
lug me to make
braced lu said decree of foreclosure mid
inni ii i. f f.. il.n.ll... ? l ... .
levied on and will, on tho;w dav of Mav. istrf. ' oikkotoks
at tho hour ol 'J o clock In the afternoon, at tho . " - XHOMHHON. Jno. S. Huiiknpv
fn.mtv ilimr In ll, .1 l..u l ... if P.. r nr . ... . - '
County. tyregouVr T ..ubllc" noli. til 'u w luHK 0. A. LlKRK
highest bidder, for cah iu hand, alt thorieht. At,L.
I title mid Interest which the said J. I Storv mid '
i.ui:iuiin onii, in eiinerill llieill, llttll Oil U1C Iht I
day of Jaliuaiy, 1S.SU, thedateof tlie moilgai;eof 1
plaintlll' foreclosed herein, or which such do-'
leudants, or any of the defendants herein, have I
aiuce ac.julrcd or now have, iu and to the fol-1
lowing deecrlbul real property, sltuateaud being i
iu the County ol asco, btato of Oregon, to-wit: '
Iits iiuuibcred eleven (11) and twelve (12. In I
block twenty (20) of (iates Addition to Dalles !
City, nsco County, Oregon, or so inucdi thereof ,
as will satlsly said above mentioned mid dc-1
serllAil jiidgnieuts, attorney's fee and costs.
Bald nronertr will bo sold siibieot to nimiirim, 1
Hon by said Circuit Court and to redemption, as
by law provided.
Ml at The Dalles, Oregon, this 31st dav of
:nts of suit: and further in favor ol the de- Draft or f!)
mailt Dalies Miy and against the defen la its rnlWf 1- Jfl.tlJ! m ' .
L. Htmy nnd Lucrctia story, as judgment ' 0ollectlonB made and proceeds promptly
liters in the sum of, and the further . remitted on day of collection
"l '''.K,a,s of sult. ciud further the cosis of Sight and Teleirranhie K-nhnn Bw
iwruoi execuiioii; nud cominaiid- Vn, v.i, c V 1 .
nake tule of tho real propcrtv em. 1 ew York' fean Francisco and ort
id decree of foreclosure and order of , land.
reiiiniier uescrioea, l luivo dulv mwrr,
d wl 1, on tho M day of May. Istrf, no
I 'J o clock in the afternoon, at tho . D. r. IilOMPHON.
house door in Dalles city, Wnco En, M. Williams
on. sell at public miction, to the w vV
r.for caih iu hand, alt tlioright. . n'
Harry Liebe,
Every Five Duys fur
For full details call on 0. K i Co. t Afeat
Thn Dalles, or uddress
W, II. liUKLUL'UT, Gen.
Portland. 0r
E. M'NKILI. President aud Muna er
Tho New Time Card.
Under the new time card, which
intofffect tomorrow, trains will move"
follows :
No. 4, to Spokane and Great XortbW
arrives at G p. m., leaves at 6:03 p. o
No. 2, to Pendleton, Baker CitJ;
Uniou Pacific, arrives 1 :15 a.
parts 1 :20 a. m. .
No. 3, from Spokane and Great Mw
em, arrives 8:a0, departs 8:35 a. o.
No. 1, from Baker City and Union
cific, arrives 1 :20, departs 1 :25 a.
Nos. 23 and 24, moving ''
Dalles, will carry jmssengers,
!. No-3
arrives nt 0:30 p. in., departs
Passent'ers for Heppner willtaW'""
leaving here 0:05 p. in.
Murch, lbU7.
a. ... .... T. J. DltlVKH,
fiherin of Wmco county, Oregon.
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
Dalles, Hon and A
Through by (layllb'ht via Grass ValW. ;
aim cross iiouuns.
C. M. WHITKLAW. At.ll-
Btages leave VhoVM.X!SZ.m
at 7 a. in., also from Antelope ' .7-acoauf13
t ii'. ...... iv nnd l'(I(IU). ,Y7. .
made at Anteloii for 1 'r n"1,"', wde"' ,
points beyond. Oloe cc uiectl ow
lialled with rallwayH, trail". U",1W ft
Stuues from AnU'lope teach Jae
(lays, ThursdayH und Hatutaujs
Dalles to Deschutes
do Aioro.. .
do Orass Vulley.
do Kent. .....
do Cross Hollows.
Antelope to Cross Hollow
do Kent.
do Grass Valley
do Moro '
do Desehuees ' "
do Dulles ':" '
- r
i ii.