The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 12, 1897, Image 3

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How Would It Do?
The question now before us is not to get the stuff. The crowded
shelves, the counters full, both show we've got enough. "What we need just now
is buyers folks who spend the ready cash; so we mention a few' "flyers,"'
knock the prices into smash. This metrical announcement may tempt vou to
"The Delft
10 00
10 00
10 00
15 00
7 00
G 50
7 50
10 00
10 50
Ladies' Capes.
Tan Double Cape sToO
Black Clay Worsted Double Cape 3 75
Tan Single Cape, finely trimmed .. 5 00
Tan Single Cape, finely trimmed G 50
Tan Broadcloth, silk lined, trimmed 7 25
Black Gros Grain Silk, silk lined and jet trimming G 50
Black Moire Silk, cut jet trimming 10 50
Ladies' Jackets.
Tan, tailor-made k 5 00
Tan Covert Cloth 4 75
Black Serge 0 00
Black Serge 7 25
Rod Broadcloth 8 00
Displayed in Our Center Window.
v Enameled
vv are.
Mixed Blue and White out
side and White inside.
"The Delft" is the latest
ware out in cooking utensils.
Prices are about the same as
granite ware, and a great deal
cheaper than the aluminum
ware, and prettier than either
of them. Call and see the
goods at
The Dalles Daily Ghponieie.
MAY 12, 1897
several more of wheat came in from
Klickitat county this morning, and some
wool from the conntry south.
Daggett, the man who attempted sui
cide at Rufus Monday night, was to have
county is $2,042.70, a little more than
one-thirteenth of the entire taxes of the
In a divorce case in Waterville last
week, the judge granted the wife's mo-
Just Received.
A stock of Pure Aluminum Ware Cook
ing Utensils.
No enamel to flake off. Solid metal. No
plating to wear off".
Absolutely pure. No verdigris, or salts
of tin.
Wonderfully light and beautiful, and
very durable.
Foods cooked in it do not scorch.
Drop in nnd sio it. Wo will bo pleased to show it to yon, oven if
you don't liny.
1G7 Second Street.
been brought here for treatment on the ( tion to compel the defendant husband to
I'.aiulom Observations ami Local Kveute
of l.rRNer ftlHtfuitlitle. 1
Maccabees meet tonight.
Choice potatoes 75c per sack at Maier
& Benton's. m8-lw
Garden hose for 3) 'cents a foot at
Mays & Crowe's. a30 tf
License to marrv was issued yesterday
to Peter Oleson and Sigrid kelson.
One carload of hogs, shipped from j
Colfax, were fed here last night and
shipped to Troutdale this evening.
Don't forget to go to the Epwortb
League Eocial at the M. E. church Fri
day eveninn. Admission 15 cents.
A tralnload of stock cattle passed up i
the road last night, bound for Montana, j
Thev were purchased in the Willamette j
valley. !
Choice Burbank potatoes for 70 cents
per sack, and good butter for 30 cts per ;
roll at J. H. Cross' feed and grocery!
store. myl0-tf !
The fall in the river last night let the
Baker Fettle in the mud, and this morn- J
ing it took some energetic tugging on '
the part of the Regulator to float her. J
Parties who have recently been in !
Sherman county say the grain fields are (
in splendid shape, and the prospects for ;
an abundant harvest were never better.
A. B. Jones came up from Hood River ,
last night. He is one of the big straw
berry growers, and reports the vines in
fine condition, with berries juBt begin
ning to ripen. Shipments will begin
this week. j
The Wasco County Christian En-1
deavor Union holds its annual conven-1
tion at Hood River Thursday and Fri- j
day of next week, May 20th and 21st.
All Endeavorera in this and adjoining
counties invited. Entertainment free. l
The alarm of fire thie afternoon about
3 o'clock was caused by a small blaze in
tbe Red Star laundry. We were some
what uneasy for a few moments, as our j
other shirt was in the building. Fortun
ately the fire wns put out before any
damage was done.
The regular quarterly examination of
teachers began this afternoon. There
are twelvo young lady applicants for
certificates and two gentlemen, and one
applicant for state diploma. The exam
ination this afternoon was in penman
ship and geography.
A special telegram from I). S. Fugue
to Mr. Brooks thie morning says: "On
Friday the Columbia will rise rapidly
and warm weather will prevail on
Thursday and Friday over that portion
f the Rocky and Bitter Root mountains
drained by the Columbia."
This is one of those days that you read
about, but which produces nothing to
read. A visit to the East End disclosed
the fact that several loads of wool and
make final proof on his homestead
claim' it appearing that the full five
years' residence and cultivation had been
complied with. It is said the case will
be appealed to the supreme court. It
was alleged by the wife that the lins-
morning train, but a telephone message
received at 8 o'clock stated that his con- j
dition was such that he could not be
moved and that his wounds would prob-1
ably prove fatal. I
The bodv of Weslev Williamson was i
found among the embers o his burned nd, with intent to deprive her of her
cabin on Rock creek, Klickitat conntv, community interest in the land, was
this morning. He was in Arlington , aut t0 relinquish the land to the gov-
yesterday and sold a bunch of cattle, eminent.
taking the money received therefor home urKe-Ashby.
with him. It is suspected that some
one cognizant of the facts followed him ' At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. U.
home, murdered and robbed him, and Ashby, No. 212 Fourteenth street, Salem,
, . .. . , ., . 'Oregon, on wlonday, Mav 10, 189,at
burned tbe cabin to conceal the crime. , b!gn.noonf Mig8 Mie Aghl)y t0 Mr. j.
The river this morning at 8 o'clock . Burgess, Rev. W. E. Copeland, D.
. it oi n i i t ir ,1 i.. , of the Church of the Unity, ofn
was at the 31.9 mark and falling slowly. cjatjngt
According to the weather report, it will , ThJ bHde ig a niece of Mr George Ut
continue to fall until Thursday, when a Aebbv at whoge home ghe hae Bpent
sharp rise may be expected. The wea- th(J pagt wInler w,)ile ghe pursue(I her
ther throughout the Northwest is re- 6tudieg in gchool andj inci(entallv, won
ported as unusually warm, and the a host of admiring friends in the Capi
upper Columbia's flood can be expected , taj QjtVt
to commence between now and Satur- Th(J 'ferooln .g a progperous vounf? ,ner.
day. It is thought the fall in the Snake cbant of WaeCQ county an( yery popular
will prevent any unusually high water. ; -n all cirdeg 5n ,,e moveB therCi
Tafl'e was arraigned in the United , After the ceremony, at which only the
States court Tuesday, charged with , family and a few intimate friends were
"embracery," or trying to influence a ' present, u delicate wedding lunch was
jury. Carey fc Mays appeared for him I served, and at 2 o'clock the young people
as his attorneys, and' on their motion he left for their trans-mountain home.
was given ten days in which to plead. Salem Statesman.
Mr. Tafl'e came home last night, but did ' Everybody here knows "Newt" and
not stop off here. Kilfeather, who is in-( the best wishes of his hundreds of
dieted with him. demands an immedi-1 friends are his. The bride is the
ate trial, asserting bis ability to estab-, daughter of Mr. Win. Ashbv, and a
lish his iunocence without anv trouble, niece of Mrs. Steers of this city. The
The Redmen's excursion next Sunday ! young couple are expected here on the
promises to be the largest affair of the j evening train.
kind ever coming to ihe miles. vei
have it from reliable authority that j
more than 1,000 tickets have been sold, I
and it is expected that from l.oUU to !
2,000 Portland people will visit us. It j
strikes us that the local lodge here should j
be taking some steps In the matter to
see that this vast throng iB cared for.
Unless preparations are made before !
hand, some of that crowd will go home ,
hungry. ;
Last week J. W. Dykes plowed up a ;
relic of bygone days in Mrs. Mary Will- J
iams' orchard, near Milton, in the shape j
of a rifle of a decidedly ancient manu-;
facture. The weapon is of the pattern i
Jury L.lfct May Term.
that has the hammer under the breech, j
instead of on top, and it must have been
lost during a battle that took place be
tween a band of hostile Indians and a
party of white men in that locality about
forty-five years ago, and all this time it J
has been buried in tho ground until
plowed up by Mr. Dykes.
The Southern Pacific Railroad Com
pany's tax on its track in Benton county
was' paid Thursday. It amounted to
$1 ,018.10 and was paid in gold coin.
The same company has to pay the taxes
on 40,000 acres of land it owns in the
county, amounting to 857.60, payment
of which Js expected this week. The
total tax the company pays in the
T Burgess, hotel keeper, Bakeoven.
Geo Mcintosh, farmer, The Dalles.
Geo W Rice, farmer, The Dalles.
John Cates, carpenter, The Dalles.
L S Davis, tanner, The Dalles.
J. B. Crossen, auctioneer, The Dalles,
Wm Bennett, farmer, Tho Dalles.
A Cram, merchant, The Dalles.
A Bolton, faiuier, The Dalles.
W F Helm, insurance agt, The Dalles,
Mark Fleming, farmer, The Dalles.
G R Castner, farmer, Hood River.
J E Harina, nieichant, Hood River.
J J Gibons, farmer, Hood River.
C E Markham, farmer, Hood River.
M F Anderson, farmer, Hood River.
Chris Dethinan, farmer, Hood River.
Frank Caddy, farmer, Hood River.
Warren Miller, farmer, Hood River.
B R Tucker, farmer, Hood River.
J D Belle, farmer, Boyd.
Albert Allen, farmer, Boyd.
Wm Heisler, capitalist, Dnfur.
W H H Dufur, farmer, Dnfur.
Henry Hudson, farmer, Dufur.
Henry Menefee, farmer, Dufur.
F S Gordon, merchant, Wamic.
J P McGill, farmer, Wamic.
Geo Carter, farmer, Wamic,
W H Butler, farmer, Nansene.
L Davis, farmer, Kingsley.
We Carry a famine of
Builders' and Heavy Hardware,
Lime and Cement,
Farm Machinery,
Bain Wagons, Champion Mowers
and Reapers,
Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron,
Barb Wire, Etc.
Phone 25.
Mr. C. L. Morse is up fiom Hood
Miss Nettie Grimes returned to Port
land on the Regulator today.
Mr. Frank Meredith is in the city
from Salem visiting relatives.
Professor Frazier of Dufur came in
from that pretty little town this morn
ing. Mr. Carl Gottfried left today for Ala
meda, Calif., where ho will visit his
Mrs. Thornbury and Mrs. Hudson
went to Portland on the 8:30 train this
Miss Bertha Burkhardt came up from
Portland Monday, and is a gutst of Mrs.
G. A. Liebe.
Mrs. E. Jensen went to Hood River
this ir.orniDg, where she will visit for
some time.
Mr?. Emery Oliver and little son are
in the city from Portland, visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sylvester.
Mr. Harry Morse, who has been in
Portland under the doctor's care for t lie
past few weeks, has returned much
Dr. Logan arrived home this morning
after nearly a month's absence. He at
tended clinics in New York City, and
the meeting of the railway surgeons in
Chicago, mixing business and pleasure,
and having u very pleasant visit.
K. of I'., Attention,
Baby Carriages
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
Where will also be found tho largest and most com-1'
plele line of 1'ianos, and other Musical Instruments
in Eastern Oregon.
Complete Line of FISHING TACKLE,
Notions, Haso Ball Goods, Hammocks, Books and
Stationery at Bedrock Prices.
New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
Kucct'.shur to ClirlMiinii it Corson.
Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to
see all my former patrons. FrVo delivery to any part of town.
It is hard to tell the facts
about Schilling's Best
baking powder
flavoring exiractf
and apices
because each has its own
All money-back, though.
For sate by
V. E. Kahler
The officers and members of Friend
ship Lodge, No. 9, K. of P., are re
quested to meet in the small hall on
Thursday, May 13th, at 8 p. m. Col.
Ronald, general organizer of Endow
ment rank, will address the members on
the aims and objects of Pvthinuisiu.
Hy order of the lodge.
J). W. V.mjhk, K. of R. S.
A gill for general housework. Must
be a good cook. Apply at tho residence
of W. Lord on Saturday morning be
tween 9 and 11. aMf
j Nebraska corn for sale at the Wasco
' warehouse. Rest feed on earth. iiiO-tf
English and Relglaii cement, very
best imported brands, for sale by Wasco
Warehouse Co. myO-1 in
Social dance In Baldwin's opera house
Saturday evening. The new Trilby
two-step will be introduced. mO ,')t
This is an "Age of Snap," Why use
any but the very be6t. Rest soap means
Hoe Cake. Sold by Pease & Mays. a'J-Ifm
Yellow washing powder will make
your clothes the same color. Avoid
this by using Soap Foam. It's pure
white. a2 Uin
Opp. A. M. Williams & Co.,
Ball I
Sunday, Maj 16, 1897.
Admission 25c. Ladies Free.
Tickots on sale at all the buslneeH houses,
Lumber, Building: Material and Boxes
TradediorHay, Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c.
rowe & co
The Dalles Or