The Dalles Daily Chronicle, The only Republican Daily Xcicspapet Watco Countu. EASTERN OFFJCE Court, -V. Y. Citu. WEDNESDAY, Clulililiip Ilnte. Chronicle and Oregonian . . Chronicle and Examiner Chronicle antl Tribune Chronicle and N. Y. World 2 00 Leonidas nnd his ?00 Spat tans, but never heard of the 700 Thespian? who voluntarily fought and died at Thcr-j mopylae? Hemophilus was their glorious leader. Although about seven thousand Greeks fought nt c.W to 234 Temple Thermopylae under Leonidas, a fair E. KATZ. Agent, deduction from the words of Herodo tus shows that four thousand of them were slain in the conflict. So much for the mistakes of histories and en cyclopedias, winch lead astray so many superficial writers, who in turn mislead myriads of readers. Salem Statesman. BLACKWELL'S SEE? MAY 12. 1S97 1 7o ERRORS IS HISTORY. There is a great deal of rhetorical fustian in newspaper editorials on the present war between Greece and Tuikn The big daily at Portland, in Us disparaging comments on the valor of the modern Greeks, should adhere to facts, and not follow school "histories" in exploiting its knowl edge of the famous actions of an- The teachers' examination, taking place today, naturally suggests the 1 subject of the system under which these examinations are made. At the last quarterly examination two thirds of the applicants failed to pass, the examination being a very difli- , cult one. In conversation with a prominent educator of the state since i that time he suggested that the ex- 1 animations were being made harder 1 '--' KSJ3 , . I . - ! U SUMMI J It 7. I You will find, one coupon I Ji luslilc each two ounce lmg, ,1,5!? ' ') nml two coupons lnslilc each f7 gSi m$ ill ' four ounce ling of Illucfe- . - Xjr 'vJ ' rr Hell's Durhaiu. Iluy a ling Jf ' JJ ' of tills celebrated tobacco T!4frj,.fesiS5 Iniul reail the coiiiion wlilcli Qte-l nJ-y- - Klvca a IUt of vulunliH- ii- ilffciapfl f t ents nni how to art tliim. ' J l i Ffflf1f.rr.fir. r ' t?7 WflLIi PflPERI Wfllili PflPERI Just Received 5000 Rolls of Wall Paper. The best patterns. The most beautiful colors. New Invoice , of Paints and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. You Get the Profits and Middlemen by buying? rect from the manufacturer ' : Snipes-Kmeiisly Drug Co, tiqinty. .some of its statements are , stca(ilv nf)t t0 incrcase the standard on a par with uie one it recently Wholesale made that in French history 'Water loo is sometimes called the battle of Quatre Eras." The Statesmen asked for its authority, but no response has yet been made. In its paragraph on the war now raging, the aforesaid daily slashes right and left with perfect reckless- ne of Uliciency. but in the interests of the normal schools. The normal graduates do not have to pass the state examination, and many of them could not. yet they are allowed to teach. They have a different exam ination entirely, and a much easier one than that provided by the state hoard. The examinations beimr Ulines and Cigars. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENKKAI. HANKING BUSLNES No better wheel mads than the 4cme Bicycle Built in our own factory by skilled workmen, usiuj;' the best material and the most improved machinery. We have no agents Sold direct from factory to th rider, fully warranted. Sliipp anywhere for examination. WRITE FOR Our Interesting Offer Acme Cycle Co., Elkhart. Id, i - - quuinu; iiuu, uw p.... uu.i u. ; fje, iQmQ indent history, instead of coins to : ,i, i lilillUV. .IUUUI .acaiiJ twu v.- j amination are induced to take a ! normal course. THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER on draught and in Dottles. j Letters of Credit issued avnilable in the j Eastern States. I Siplit EM-hani. n:ul Telegraphic i Transfers Fold oa New York. Chicnuo, ' St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore ; con, Seattle Wash., ami various points j in Oregon and Washington. 1 Collections made at all points on fuv f orable terms. Regulator Line The Dalles, Portland ani Hi Navigation Co.' the fountain head for its facts. It says Xerxes led 1.000.000 Persians into Greece in the third invasion (ptuy, what was the first invasion:) when the Father of History declares positively that there were 2,041.010 fijihting men. 300.000 of whom were Greeks in the service of Persia, be sides as many more non combatants, makina a grand total of .J.2S3.220 men that Xerxes, son of Darius, led to Thermopylae, exclusive of women who made bread, and concubines, and other attendants, besides beasts of burden and Indian dogs, which no one could number. The big daily also speaks of Leon- j idoa' -deathless 300." Had the j editor referred more carefully to his school history he would have found the statement that the 300 all died. ; including Leonidas himself. That is also the opinion generally received the- all died, and were not 'leath. i less.'' The fact, however, is that i only 29S of the 300 actually fell in ! the battle, as anyone will find by consulting the only original author-' ny. JMirtliermore, they were not buried on Mount Olympus, but were ATARRH local'disease BpSS anu is tne resuu 01 cuiu& uuu sudden climatic changes. For your Protection we positively state tiiat this reni.-dy docs cot conlnin mercury or any other injur ious uru?. Anheuser-Busch. Malt Nutrine. beverage, unequaled as a tonic. a non-alcoholic Ely's Cream Balm I STUBLING & WILLIAM ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. Is acknowledced to be the most thorn?h care for Catarrh, cold in iieaa ana my i-ever or all remedies. It open anri cleanses the nasal passage;, 1 allavs pain and imtamnntion. heals the sores, pro-u-ct's the membrane from colds, restores the Eene? i of tasteand smell. Price c. at Drapjists or by ma:i. , EI.V I1KOTUERS. 50 Warren streeu ew York. j We offtir One Hundred Dollars lleward 1 for any case of Catarrh that cannot be i cured by Hall.1- Catarrh Cure, j F. J. Chesey Co. Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Clienev for the last 15 vears, and be j lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ; ness transactions and financially able to j carry out any obligations made by their I firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Walding, Kinnan K Marvin, Whole i sale Druggists, Toledo. Ohio. NEW SPRING GOODS NEW SPRING GOODS JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED C. F. STEPHENS. u There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its Jlooa leads on to fortune." n s Pullman Elegent Tou-.-ist TO The poet unauestionablv had reference to the toil Out Sale of Furniture and Game Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car fcT. l'Al!l. -Ml.VNKAI'OLI Ul'lilITU KAliGI) GU.VNH FOIt CKOOKSTON WINNII'KO HKLEXA mi MJTTE Bi strs. Regulator DallesCity FREIGHT Hall's Catarrh Cure i taken internal- i entombed in the pass, near the hot , y, acting directly upon the Mood and : gates, where they tell. . mucous surfaces of the system. Price) There is another l:irir" tir-tinn nf '-ic. per hottle. sold by JJru''g!ts. history which the Oregonian editor unwittingly adopts, in common with the great mass of loese writers and declainiers. The battle of Thermop- Testiuionials free. 1 5 l at C RANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rat MICHELBACH BRICK. - - UNIONS FT. Through Tiekets CHICAGO T . riULADKLl'MIA , KV YOltK I ltOSTON ANI) A 1.1 1 POINTS KA ST and SOUTH AND PASSENGER LINE The Dalles. Hood Itlver, CuscartclxicksiniJPis! lnnd dully, except Sunday. GOOD SERVICE, LOWEST RATES. Are you going (down the yah on to ( EASTERN ORESDS! II so, save money nnd enjoy n beautllnltrfpra the Columblii. The weit-bound train inirait The Dulles in ample time Inr passengers to Ul( tiie steamer, arriving in Portland in timelnti! nutKoiiig Southern and Northern traim; ti.'! bound putsutiRcrK arrivim,' in The CaIes in tas to take the East-bound train. For further information apply to J. X. HARXKY, Agent, Oak Street Dock. I'ortland. Oregon, Or W. C. AJ.LAWAY, Gen.Ajt., TlieDallM.OretK. Teach it-' Vx mn I nation. Notice is hereby given, that for the purpose of making an examination of ill nurinnc mov o (Y.w lwiiiir?.)nr nes . ae is never icierred to w.thout the candillates for tead;er; o the sehoog o particular statement that theie Leon-1 this county, the county school superin idas and his 300 Spartans died glori- j tendent thereof, will hold a public ex ously while defending the liberties amination at the county court house in of Greece reninst the Persian mill-1 ,Ua!les Cit-V! Wnnlw Wednesday, May , , . , 1 12th, at 1 o clock p. m. ions, the inference being that no; Dated this 1st day of May, 1S97. other Greeks fought and died there. J c. L. Giujeist, The truth is, Herodotus, the only i School Supt. , contemporary authority, expressly' Fr saw- ..r declares that after Leonidas had (lis- j a desirable ranch of 1G0 acres, within missed nil the Gtccian troops except tour miles of Dalles City, with one span his own, knowing defeat was certain. ' wes, harness, wagons, plows and other and that he and the Spartans could l"i'B'"; 1 , anu " """ . , ,, , ' r ; dance of water. Will trade for Dalles not honorably desert the post, 00 Cil v Inf,uireof Thes pians and 400 Thebans, from a. S. Mac Ai.m.stj.t. New York Weekly Tribune For information, time cards maps and ticket, ,' I cal on or write to I W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, ! ! The Dalles, Oregon j A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G P. A., S55, ilorriiou Cor. Thinl. I'ortland Oregon two small cities of Bocotia, stayed with him. Tho Thespians remained willingly, for they refused to go away and abandon Leonidas and those with him, but lemnined and died with thorn; but the Thebans were compelled to stay, as Leonidas distrusted them, and after he was killed those who were alive threw down their arms and surrendered to the Persians. The voluntary sacri fice of the 700 Thespians in behalf of Grecian liberty is seldom alluded to, and is uncelebrated in song, but their conduct was tenfold more glorious than that of the Spnrtans, who re mained nnd died in obedience to the laws of their country. "What school boy h there who does not know KOK- Im. conmnri SOLE DEALER IX THE DAI.I.l OF Farmers and Villagers, For. Fathers and Mothers, yon Sons and Daughters, yon All the Family. Mai e Burial ants Real Eftato and Insurance Auent. Ciiiio.sici.K office, The Dalles, Or. A Perfect Protection from Water and Dampness. Preserves the I5odv hv Ex cluding the Air. " " It possesses every merit claimed for the most expensive vaults, viz: absolute security and durability, time making a , permanent anu imperishable resting i place for the dead. 1 This vault is made of six pieces of mar- j luvwiicu can ue nrmly fastened to Bother with cement, thus making them air and water tight. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. With theelose of the Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes the The Westfield find., .News prints the - business interests. To meet this condition, oolitics will have for . .,,,.. ,i I A I UJ O m i following in regard to an old resident of , prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the 1 "HUb UClTlcIcry WOrK DR. Gums ISU'ItOVED LIVER ... - nP. , A movement of ton tf ! f.h ' .tJol"vU besltb. TOf - MU supply J?hi' b3a Mr. Comini has on hand a large hud- ! Bv"V!Lh."..WKi'" ftSSK . .. T.IM .....It rw..M, ....... - ,k . , , I h if aaCllW ' that place: "Frank McAvoy, for manv ''l-'ht for the priiicij)les for winch lHE'IUIUUNL has labored from its inception . years in the employ of the L., N. A. & ' 10 lllu ,,reSeHl llav won 119 W'" victories. , C. Ry. here, says: I have used Cham- Every no'siblii effort will be put forth, and monev berlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea WEEKLY TRIRUNE pre-eminently a National Family Remtdv for ten vears or lonuer nin 11)3ir"Jl,v" enieriauuug anu inuisnensauie to eacu memuer oi uie lamily. ( never without it in my family. I take pleasure in recommending it.' " It jg n specific for all bowel disorders sale by Rlakeley & Houghton. For Snlu. Yearling sheep (1000 head,) sound and in prime condition. Price $1.75. Ad dress, J. M. Davik, w-mltf Sherars Bridge, Oregon. ney freely spent, to make THE i ' u' . .. I,"1: cla:; M,!!r.1)l0' -d in j 'amily Newspaper, interesting, . ! ' 1 rlCt'H 'WUr thttn 5,1 number of the family. i ' ortll""- i . This in Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten ccnte, cash or Htnmris. !?,' We ftirnish "The Chroninlfi" and TT. V. Wfiolrlir rn-u . a '?D)' wlo will ho mnika of tho I ' ' wkjr .L. X i J- BlOBl une one year for only $1.75. Write your name and address on a postal card, sand it to Geo. W. Lest Tribune Office, New York City, aci a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trio' une will be mailed to vou. SURE CURE for PILES . . . . ., . ;,'!:wSi uod Pfintinq at this Office. C.uuttiiih UU.li0rAUU, I'iiU.. IV most popular Catarrh and Hoy Fever Cure (fclyfl Cream Uahni Rnniiiiit n .1, rnnn. utruto tho great merits of tho remedy. ELY BROTHERS, CG Wairen Kt., New York City. Itev. John Reid, Jr., of Great Fulls, Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Bulm to me. I can emphasize his statement, "It is a poai. tive cure for catarrh if iwed as directed." Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor CeutrulPre. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Creom Balm is tho acknowledged euro for catarrh and coutuins no mercury lior any mjuriaue driif. Price, CO cente. Te GoiumDie pacKiopW.. PACKERS OF e PORKand BEEF MANDFACTOaEKSOF Pine Lard and SaTtfM Curcrsof BRA HAMS BACON DRIED BEEF, ETC.