The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 11, 1897, Image 4

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Sr'tai'." .
& ill ;,
""' J-iWr'-, "
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
A1 vertUliic Kate. or iej- In Dully
Over two inches ntul under (our luetic
Over four inches uml u titter twelve Inches
Over twelve Inches
Something to Iii-pi-otl On.
Mr, James Jonts, of the dm,: firm of
Jones A Son, Cowdcn, LI., in spunking
of Dr. Kinc's New Discovery, says that
int winter his w ife was attacked with
,-,., LsGrippe, and her cafe crew go erious ,
?i vi that physicians at Cow den and I'ana
1 could tio nothing for her. It Miin-d to
develop into Husty Consumption. Hav
1 ins Dr. King's New Discovery in store,
12 ,vi 1 and selliuc lots of it, ho took a bottle
2 co home, and to the surprise of all she be-
One inch or less, tor Inch
Over one Inch nnd trailer four inches. .
Over four inches nud under twelve inches . 1 i ?an to get better from the first dose, and
uvw reive, new iW , ,,.llf Aqwu boU,ea cllrcd ,jer gound j
and well. Dr. King's New Discovery i
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is f
cuaranteed to do this trood work. Trv
ZSIr- Chas. II. Green, a wool buyer
representing Koshland Bros., is in the
it. tree trial bottles
Houghton's Drue Store.
at Biakelev
Mr. and Mrs. .1. F. Haworth returned
last nL'ht from a visit with relatives in
Hum Thl-l
lr.. v.. r L1..-J l T-..1! i i
I i e tiuei win.- iiiiiMucu l.'unars r.eHiiru
t t - - -i n . i. . t. !
... T- ... ior anv case ot uaiarrn mat cannot ue
Deputy j-hentl Kellev was taken sick : . . ,,, . ,
last nteht, and was unable to attend to cure(l b' HuU s Catarrh Cure.
the duties of the office today. I F. J- Cheney tfc Co. Props., Toledo, U. j
J)IKI) ! Ve the undersigned, have known F. I
, ... , ,, .' , J. Chenev for the last lo vears, and be-'
In tins citv. Mondav afternoon. Mav ...... .- . ",, ,, -.
10 1" Vr lemon " ' penectlv honorable in all ousi-,
ness transactions ana financially able to '
carrv out anv obligations made bv tiieir I
West A Truax, Wholesale Drtigc'tsts, i
Wheel- anil Wlieler-
Walding, Kinuati v Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo. Ohio.
Hail's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Price:
sold bv Drnssi-ts. ,
"oc. per bottle.
Testimonials fre.
1 5 P
Stiiekliiilili-r-' JIuptliif:.
People who ride hie cles seem to de
rive a t'rciit iihiiI nf nlpniiiro frnm on Ho.
ing, and we are glad they do, but they 1 To't;d,0' 0hi;.
should recollect that there are people
who do not ride bicycles, and that this
class take pleasure in walking or driving,
and that they, as well as the cyclers,
have rights. Tilings have come to a
pass where the cyclists seem to have for
gotten this fact and some of them think J
the earth and all there is on it was made. I
constituted and appointed by a divine '
Providence for the sole and especial pur-
pose of beinc: used for a bicycle track.
We are moved to make these few re-'
marks by way of caution to our wheel-,
men and wheelwomen, for at present ',
they respect no rights of anyont else, 1
get four, five or six side by side and 1
come sweeping down the streets, while ,
the youns; fellow with his best girl out ,
fnr n firiv hns tn ctnn tint.t Hiot- bwa fit
..,. ...
rio psE6 Jnm. inert is no objection to j
bicyrfes or bicyclists, but the,v must re
spect other people's rights if thev want j
their o'fii respected. We confess that it
.rites our temper to have a cvcler come1
charging at us at a street crossing, jmgl-!
ing his bell for us to Bet out of the way, carpets taken up, heaten and re laid, or
and not turning his dodgasted wheel a ; janitor work of any kind tlone by a
fraction of a point of the compass from first-class man? If so, telephone- Henrv
the line he has marked out for himself. ' Johnson at Parkins' barber
These remarks are app'.ied to the gentle- 'Phone 119
men only, for when a woman gets on a
thike she nor no one else knows where
.she will t;uide tiie thing to. Pedestrians
und others using the streets or sidewalks
can only put their trust in chance and
take the consequences.
Jtou Ibout Your
Notice is hereby given that a meeting i
of the stockholders of The Dalles Chron-!
icle Publishing Company will be held at !
the county court rooms on Tuesday, the j
2oth day" of May, A. D., 1S97," at L
o'clock p. m.. for the- purpose of adopt-!
ing sup'.imentarv articles of incorpora- j
tion, increasing the capital stock of said
company and transacting such other
business as mav come before said meet- '
Bv order of the Board of Directors.
The Dalles, Orecon, April P, 1S07. '
A. S. Mac Ai.listeh.
P.. G. DAVENP027,
"We have the facilities for doing all kinds
of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a
catalogue, and we are after all the work we
can do. "We not only desire ';o keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Come in
and compare our prices with that of any
one. and compare quality of work. Let us
have vour next order.
Notice is hereby given that bv an-, , 0,
-. .. r ,.v,itin lien , n. HM-t II ii.ii w ! k v-i i n
S the Common Council , (Dalles . XIO
Pacific Comp'y
.Vs.V.A.,,!! inih. 1S)7. entitled, "An or
dinance to provide for the eale of certain .
fobelongi'ng to Dalles Citv,'' I will on , SOUttiem
Satnrdav, tne imn ""'.,,'
.n ..Ki,n miclirtli. to t lO highest
tCII .11 1' . . .. . ' 1 , Trnlllli Ifnen nurt
bidder, all the tollowiiic ioi r ue ,o nrrive
'of lots in Gates addition to Dalles City, JT4
Wasco county. Oregon, to-wu . ,
Lots 9 and 10 jointly, in block 14; o 8
7, S. land 10, jointly in block lo; lo 9
r s o i.nii 10. iointlv in block 21,
known i s bntte; lots 10. 11 and 12, in KMUK0
lilts ' ... 4. o. i . in. " i" J-' It? i
Hrt.'Tn J t 4. 5. 0. 7. S. 0. 10, 11 and -3:30 A. M.! r.bu
1L'. in block 37; lots 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 0. S, fVln" Woodbur'n terV M:W
j press, Snli-in, R0','e.i
I uurp, Ashland, Sc-
'). 10. 11 ant J". in diock i- ; iui i. o, , I)n . . . , livcnon,
4, O JUnmi 11. in ma, ,.,;;:, ' villLprliieficld mrt f
a 7i 10. 11 and 12. in bloc 41, and lots! j5U'Ml"- . iNntron . pnuu,,!,d
1,' 2. V 4, 5, 6, in block 4b. ' V. M-;st'&v-.r,Vl moj.
The reasonable value ol sa os, or - -m a. n. - a.v e.ap.ji
....11 tr OMlfl 1 ....t. .. '" 1 .
-11;.111I1I1VI1 P n , ...
1 1 wiiy Muttons ,' a -ar.X
less than which inn m . ' ' tl-43 1. M
has been lixi-d i.i.d detenninei. 1 y the
as ioi-
. Coinmon Council of Dalles City
, lows, to-wit :
I hots Si and 10. in block 14, ilnO; lots
7, S. 9 and 10, jnintlv in block 15, $200;
j lots 7, S. 9 and 10, jointly in block 21.
U200; lot 10, in block 27, 22f); lot 11. in ,
I block 27, 225; lot 12, in block 27, $!00:
lot 9. in block SI, -f 100; lots 2. 3, 4. o, b, .
! 9. 10 and 11. in block "5, each reaped
Iliilly. (Daily, excent smi.,v
rrji.iiAX ncrrFr sleevep
Atliiclicd to nil Tlirniigh Tiaiai
Pircct coniipctlon m .-mi Franclin tn,n
(Icntnl anil oriental .mil l'acilic man T,T"
ively $100; lots l and 1. in diock .,0. ...- r . .w .,. MiiinS(Uta
each respectively ?l..i; lots -, a, h, b, 1 ',.llttfK fl,lrt cL. ts t K
' 10 and 11. in block lUi. each respectively .l-o JAPAN, i.'HINa, Howrfr l
' $100; lo: 12. in block 30. $125; lots 3. 4, ArsTKAUA. cnu be obtained (rmn "
jo, S, 9. 10 and 11, in block 37, each re- J. n. MKKI.and, Ticket .fa
spectivelv $100; lots b, 1 and 1-, 1 n Throuch Ticket Olliec, 11 Third ilv- Si ''.i' throuch ti(!kot.s to nil
UlUi:K HI, : .:.'':. f.,.,.,H.. f... ' '." ue tt!IB
11. in block!
out; riin r nV,.i7!!
Itmixt mri frnm E
J. B. KIUKUNP, Ticket
All iibove trninti nrrive lit llTili dam 1.
11, in ' Grand Central Station. Filth end Irnag fsi
I'lirsenpor Dejiot, foot of Jt-derson sctei
-deai.i:i:. in-
Agricultural implements.
10 and
cuch if soectivelv $100: bus 1,
and 12, in blocl. 41. 'each respectively
$125; lots 3, 4,. 0, M', 1U and n.
block 42. each respectively jfiuu; lot e ,
0 and 12. in block 42. each respectively
1 a 1 nr . .. .. .1 " I .-. II If! .....I 11 I.,
i-o; nils .. 0,1, o, v, v ...... Iave for OSWEGO. dllv...Tr..Q.
block 43, each respectively iuu; lot 1, -vM . ,.; v,.-n, n. 5:'iv e" i T e
in block 43, $125; lots 2. 3, 4 and 0, in , fanil ll:Wp. m. on Saturday only). Arati
block 40, each respecti fely $100; lots 1 dVi, m ';3 "m,s milZ'
and G, in block 40, each respectively) ' '
$125. j I-inve for Sheridan, wcut days, stlp.!
Each of these lots win tie sold upon j " ..............,,.., ... ...
the lot respectively, and none of them I U-avefor AIULIKon JIondsv,VedniiTol
will be sold for a less sum than the value 1 Fri my nt 9:40 a. m. Arrive n't Porta!!, !
1 thereof, as above stated. ' duv' Thur.Mlny mid Saturday at3:05p.n.
1 At,t,.fr,!irtl, rf t l,t t.rinp l.Wl nn nnv nf r 1 .... r-...,.. . . . -
said lots shall be paid in cash at the 1 ntul l'J:15, 1:45, 3:G0, ft:i" t; ttandiKp.a i
er ill three ;i: i ruriuuiu iu; a. ra.; i.iJi
"Nebraska corn for sale at the Wasco
warehouse. Best feed on earth. m9-tf
English and Belgian cement, very
best imported brands, for sale by Wasco
Warehouse Co. m5-lm
Social dance in Baldwin's opera house
Saturday tveninsr. The new Trilby
two-step will be introduced. mo-3t
TbU is an "Ace 0f Soap.'' Why use
mtv hut the very ben. Best soap means
Hot-Cake, sold by Pease & Mays." a2-3m
Choice Burbank potatoes for 70 cents
per sack, and 'ood butter for 30 cts per
roll at J. H. Cross' feed and grocery
store. mylO-tf
Do you wnnt your windows cleaned,
At i.::s. ..1' jil.
Ere long tht- Kf.ii- '. 'it b&o
Will ov.-n, witr. r.-.r.r.r.or? rac-eker.
He is eclipsed in industry
By the active olii'-e-.-ioi:er.
Washington Star
Drapers Manufactured and Repaired.
Pitts' Threshers, Powers and Extras.
! Pitts' Harrows and Cultivators,
j Celebrated Piano Header.
Rubricating Oils, Etc.
! White Sewing Machine and Extras.
1 time of sale, and the remainder
equal pavments on or before, one, two ,
and three years from the date of said
sale, with interest on sucn deferred pay
ments at the rate of 10 per cent per
, annum, payable annually; provided
t that the pavineiit mav be made in full
' at any time at the option of the pur
j chaser.
The said sale will benin 011 the loth
day of May, 1S07, at the hour of 2
o'clock p. m. of said day, and will con
tinue from time to time until all of said
lots shall be sold.
Dated this loth day of April, 1897.
Gll.llEllT W. Phf.U's..
Recorder of Dalles Citv.
IP, b:.i, . :5o p. in.
Asst. G.F.&Pul Alt
Nutlt't' to Tanim tr.
Notice is hereby given that by order
of the county court, the sheriff will re
turn the tax roll for 1SW to tiie
countv clerk 011 the first Mondav in
April. 1S07, and all taxes then remain
I'ropoitult. for CmiKt rtic-Unp; fftfr Hiitl
Server Syotfin.
US. Indian Service, Warm -Spring Agene;
Or., May 7. Is97.
r. ; Choice of Transcontinental Roites
i Spokane
SEALED I'UOPOHAI'j. entlorsed- "I'rntiosals I
inr niiier aim sewer system ana n'lari'.-'-wl in
the uiulurricned at Warm eprinus, C'rnok
I lounty, Oregon, will bo received nt this agency
until 1 o ciock ji. m. 01 .-viny isut. for niruisli
! ine the uecesnry materials mid labor required 1 TUT,- nn -.l A o
1 in the construction anil completion of u water I AXlXLiJ.CpUJ.JLO
and sewer system. (Including plumbing) for the i
boarding school plant to be erefted on this rt- ,
serve, In strict accordance with plans and sit-ei- 1 ot. fElIll
hcatiolis, which may lie exaniiued nt tlieolliee
of the 'Morning oregonian,' I'ortlaud. Or., .
"i he 1 ut.umcmy ineualle Or., a'ld at this
liidders will state clearly in their bids the
length of time required to complete the work.
Tne right is reserved to reject any and nil bids,
or .in part of any bid, if deemed lor the best in
terest of th service.
The ntlen ion of bidders i Invited to the net
11 i.ongre-s npproveil August 1, l5l', entitled
1 lanrnr
Kansas City
Low Rates to all Eastern Citiss
'Sonnv, uhat is thut u:r!v brute trood
"tiood for? (iood for? All Trie irot
nit' unpaid on the roll will be declared j to soy to her is 'Sick him. Hcauty,' an'
delinquent, and thereafter the sheriff! she'd jump at ver t'roat and tear er
will not receive tax-; until the delin-; windpiiH ri ihousant plecas: Vtr
qunt roll is ytven him. By order of conWiir. hfMl hsr avav with n
COUrt. A. .'1. iS.EI.SAV,
Soap Foam escyls all other washing
TeaelierH' Kxninliiutioii.
Notice is hereby given, that for the
jiurpose of making an esamination of
ull persons who may ofTer themselves as
candidates for teachers of the schools of
this county, the county school superin
tendent thereof, will hold a public ex
amination at the county court house in
Dalles City, tieyhinin Wednesday, May
12th, nt 1 o'clock p. m.
Dated this 1st day of May, 1S07.
C. L. Giuikht,
School Sunt.
Yelh-w u ashing powder will make
your clothes the game color. Avoid
this by u-ing fcoaii Foam. It's pure
white. a2-f.m
nn' a lighted kerosene lamp,
yer like to bee me do it?' X. Y,
Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has
no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE &
MAYS, The Dalles, Oregon.
UUEAX STEA.lIEItS Leave fortlul
Eterv Five lus Ior
" Vn net lelatinc to the limitation nf tlip hn I n a --- , t- a n-rTanr f!iT,
i ' daily service of luliorers mid mechanics, em- 1 OAIN X Xtii-IN OlOUU,
ployed noon the iniblif works of the failed
.-ime mm ui me uiiinci 01 1 oinrnniu: niso to ,. ,a ,, ,. Cn AKt
the act of Congress: HiqiroveJ August ill, lti, ' lor full details calron 0. ! aias aj1 ,
entitled. "An act for the protection of lier.-ons I T1)a Dalle, or address
f'lrnisliin materiuls nud labor for the construe- W, II. HUIU.lsri'.T, Gen. FwyjL '
cKr.rinr.t) chki-ks. I v v.vrTtT
hacli bid must he iicioiiiii,ml..ii l.-,1 n.riii!..H . t. Ji .tiiji.
cheek or draft upon some United .States Deiisi- 1
lory or solvent National Hunk in the vlclnltj of . rarA
tiie residence of the bidder, made payable to the The New Time Cara.
order of the Commissioner of Indian Adults, for , , ,. .,i ffhich
ut least FIVE I'KU CENT, of the amount of the nder tlme cara' .,, '
pronovil, which check or draft will be forfeited jnt0 effect tomorrow, trams will mc
to the I uited states in case ituy bidder or bid I euec tomurr j ,
oe receiving nn award shall full tn nmmnti.-: in nirt
cxcci te u contract with good and Minn cut v a , cUi nnd Great
sureties, otlierwise to bo returned to the bidder. .4, to Spokane and ureal 1
arrives at 6 p. ra., leaves ai.y
o p-n.iiotnn. Baker w
... . . . . n.,n,UH IU lllb UJUIRIp
IllUs iiecomnauied hi ensh In r.f ..
neu enich win Hot oe coiisidereu.
For any additional Information, upply to
Tuo Cnnncrvutivi'.
'How comes it," I said to the j.ri.oner,
"That you re in such a place ae this is''
"Well." he hah!. "I'm a kleptomaniac
And only aid a retail business."
Chicago Times-Herald.
L'. S. Indian Agent.
I An Ailill t luiial Ol.s.Tviit Ion.
j '"J'ruth crushed to etirta will rise
; again." quoted the earnest man.
j "That's true," replied Senator Sor
j fc'hum, "but, in many cubes not until
ufter the referee has counted ten."
j Washington star.
j .lllirht lie Oi erlookfil.
j "I would not marry a woman who did
not know how to cook."
1 "Oh, I mii-'ht overlook a little thinf;
; like that, if f.he had money enough to
pay my board." IndianajMjlis Journal.
Not tht- ItLtl.r Half.
Miss Struckile Ma, whut is a vulgar
Assignees Notice Final Settlement.
Sheriffs Sale.
First national Bank.
A tjeiieral Hanking BuBineee tranauctd
Deposits received, subject to Sight N
urait or uiiecK.
1 TS THE CI RfTI'lT mi'T nl tl.n
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, , J- gon for Waseo Countv.
assignee of theeatuteof it. K. Williams, 1111 in-1 v- 11 (,r(m. iMninMii'
iolvent debtor, lias tiled his tlnal account and ' l,rM" 1 illinI"1'
report in said assignment with the Clerk of the j 1 store l'm-rctix stnrv ..mi iinii.. fi... 1.. 1
Cin uit Court of the state f Oregon for Wasco I J, 0T ' 1-U(-rullH hlor " City, Ufts.
County, and that the same will tie called up for ; virtue of an execution and order of sule Is
heiuing hefote the Judge of said Court on the ' Circuit Court of the Ktuteof
nrsi udj oi 1 ne nest rtguiar term 01 sum laicuu .; ".....j ... us.-u, m me uirecieti
Court, to-uii: On Jlouduy, the -1th day of May. I ""d dated .the th day of JIatch, 1!I7, upon a
iu.,tir it tne same cannot be neuru by said J""S,.,M:"1
v-ouri nt sain tune, us soon in
.st.rnl. ri,,i I ... .nirl f'c.i.rt
ited Id! luhdavof a, VlVot. lentltled cause, in' favor af tho n I lD1?HB eiegrapmc Jixctl
. . . . . . . .iiritllltir thf floft.iirl.i.ttk I f T .. .i iNfW Yrtrlr S. n rt Kranmar.. n J TJaua
a. .hav rti.i.i- 1 ..I,, I v- . ... .mm. i.uereua ! t w.v..Gv.vj auv. uri
At signee of the estate cf It. K. Williams, nn 1 judgment debtors, in the sum of ?, land,
insolvent debtor. al7-5t-ii with int-jreit thereon ut the rale of eight per j . .
cent per annum from the 2-.'d dny of March, I'i7. DIKEOTOKS
mm uiu luruiersiiiii ni J uiioniey s lees, and ' U. r, THOMPHO.V. Jvo. S Kciiknpv
the further sum of t II TO .r..t ..,,,1 ..i.i....... , r-. ... DCJIJIWCK,
...i ui.) ui iiiien, i?;ii, upon 11 ry ir , ,
and decree for the for.-nlcr.iiV.. nf VOlleCtlOnB made and DroCeedR nrnm nflu
Court nt said tune, as soon theteufter as the certain morl( Hges, rendered and entered in said , remitted on dar of collection
euuti on iue..u uuy 01 Jiatcn, 1SU7. Ill the above ' Ki,,V. ,1 rpi u.-.. , . .
t.. r . 1 . 1 , . ... . 1 uiKiiif auu i r:irri'iM.iiii !! p tii nn iwti ari rt
Administrator's Final Account
A GDCPI JVS TY I'l'ary.Sec.
money) lour lather, my love.
!)l.ic. I'n
the further sura of 1 70 costs nnd disburse-1 Ed M Wiiiiav'r
merits of .suit: and further in favor of the de- 1 'hUAMS,
telluuiil Uuiies ' llv mill nL.iilnst thn d,.c... ,,(.,,,,
, " ' J. I. btmy and J.ucretia Story, ns Judgment
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned. . dehtorti in the sum of,.ii. .,.i ti,..
admiuistrntor of tiie estate of J. 1), ( sum 01 15 eostxHif suit, and further the costs of
ceahul, has tiled his tlnal aroouut, und that 1 mid on said writ of execution: and command.
.Mommy, the .,u day of Jlny, s'J7, nt the hour of . ing me to make sale of the reul ptoiKjrtvem
10 o'clock a. tn., bus bten pK)iiittd as the lime braced in said decree of foreclosure and order of
sole iinu Hereinafter desctibed, I have dulv
levied on und will, 011 the M dav of JIuv. jyjf,
Ht tno hour nl S o'clock lu the afteriitxin.'ut the
county conrthoute notir in Dalles City, Wasco
Countv. Oregon, sell ut nubile nnntim, ,i.
I lilghest bidder, for cash in hand, all tiie right.
.... .. ...ui. iiiesauij. fttotv utm
Geo. A. Likhp.
H. M. Bkai.l.
for hearing objections thereto and the settle-
t . ct.i.ti, ....i. 1.0,1 ,1 -,. I '"em wieieui. All ueirs, cretutors or otner ler-
Mrs. stnickllf (who had married for j tons interested in said eitate ure hereby untiiicd
-1'hila- 1 to llle their obiecitlons lo suid tlnal account, it
any uioy nave, on or ix'torc tne nay appointed
for the htnting thereof.
Dalles 1 ity, Oregon. Jlarch 20, ItU7,
Harry Liebe,
Union Pacific, arrives 1 :15 a.
a 1 .OA ...
No. 3, from Spokane and Gret.
ern, armea 8:0, departs 8:3a t.
No. 1, from Baker City and lon
cilic, arrives 1 :20, departs J'
n. 33 and 24. moving e- x
Dallee, will carry paesengert. .
nt li:3U T). ni., -r
p. 111.
' . illUHirt
t -, Hannnnr n-
leaving here 0;05 p. ui
and m
Sttary JSI.OOD l'Oi.SON pc.-maDently
"MTva in 15 to3i days. Vou can bo treated at
hoaioloreataopriei under sartiOKuarau"
rty. If you prefer to come hero wowiilriM.
tract to pay railrolfarear.dhotolblli3.and
i.ocuariie,u ,o jau 10 cure. jiyounavota-n mer
cury, Iodide imtuKli, and atlll have at-hoa and
piiiu) . Mucous J'n tcht-H hi mouth.. Sort'Throat,
I impli-s, Cojiiier (Jiilot-i.'il Siiots, L'lceM oa
tnr part of the body, Jiuiror Kvolirotvx lulling
cut. it is this (Secondary lit.OOIJ I'uisoS
vt) cruurantco tocure. Wo solicit, thomoj. ni.ati.
uate i.i.hfii nud nliulleiigtj the world fur a
r i. i. C-T '7 Uuceuteii, 11ns llleil ills uiiul report nud uc-t-ouut
OI yOUr STOCCr tO Gfet OClll- in a(i estate, and that Tuesduy.the 1th day of
0 0 Jiuy, leif?, ut tho nourof o'clftck p. in. of wild
iiin-'c ?c T-Tf nnvc vm'ir ' lyiit the uv.unty court loom, in the county
Ullg i IMSl. lit. JJa)b)UUr court house ii. Iialies city. Wusco County, Ore-
It is like borrowing
tea baVing powder
coffee flavoring extracts
soda and spices
tncJ7-ltii K. A. OKIr KIN, Adminlstiator.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby glvci that the undersigned
udmiuidlMtor 01 theestute of ilurv M. Uordon.
j deceau-d, has filed his llnul report and uc-t-ouut
I.uctutiu htory, or cither of them, had on the 1st '
I ,,,,,.0!.",l,l";' Is9' ,"e 'lute of the mottgage of I
plaiutitt foreeloH-d liereln. or u-hic-h n..i? ,1,..
leudnuts, or any of the defemiauih herein, have
Miico ueoulretl or now have, in nnd to the foi
ow ng ilescrlbetl real proirty,hltiiatemid being
in the County of usco, htate of Oregon, to-wit
Uith numbered eleven (U; mid twelve (hi, lu
block twenty C-'O; of t.ates Addition to Dalles 1
cuhh we cuilliot curu. 'i'ma ditnasn
tallied tii.ihhlll of tlio morit iimiiiuut
cluu it r.00,000 c'jt'ltal behind our uiu .."uill-
iriu ior a UIT 4- '4. '' nas wen appointed iy sniti court as tno
iiuamwaTa 1I1UUCV UtlLh. II VUU ivaill 1 1, lime ami piBco ior neutjng sum mini account,
nut phyil- J J I Dutcil llnV.i'ithduyof Jlntch, lsU7.
tlomil gunrawy. Absolute proof soot tf.lert on
i.nnllmtkin. Adrtrc-iS CI1IIK Ifl'MI HV l't
Tor ale by
W. K. Kahler
Ailminlstr.itor of the estate of Jlury M. Oor
1 don, deceiuT-l. iipta-ii promptly attended to,
and wurruuted.
City, yu,co County, Otwon, urm much thereof
us nut smisiv smh 1 uiiovu ln.-iitiiim-ii im.i ,1,.. 1 - .
scribed Judgments, iittoriiey'n fc-c and cost, ' O. '
Said nroiiertv will t ml' io.i....i 1,. .1. '
tlnn by suld Circuit Court and to redemption, as '
by luvv providtd. 1
Iiuted ut The Ij.illea, Oregon, this .list day of
.Match, HOT.
T. J. DItlVKIl
f HI.KV,
Attorney and Conusellor at Law,
Wm!. ! OiJ'a'nd ttg U",, VtZ '
Throuch by daylight via Gr
and Cross Hollows.
V, .11. WU "" ,
., m I'rm
Btflgei. leave Tno j -.30 iv-'i
7 11. 111., nlo from Aiiit.'",.. cone's
v. Wet nesday turn ' '" tts
for l'rie'"v'; raJi"
mudo ut Antelope
' -I I
; ;.t.,iu ciose : mw.-
l.Ulies Win. l.'"' . IMlitr "
, l..n rcflCD llG.
nilipes 110111 i""'r. :,r,iav J:'
elms. Thtirsduvs Uhd tjutliriiu
BATr or -Dalles
to Deschutes
.in I'.nkk VnlleV 1
.1. 1 TT.-lit. ... ,
. . . .. . ll.IW.US '
fin 1 ni.a . hiiv;
!,. Mcirci. . 1
llO DCsCltuevs
do- Diilleti .