The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 11, 1897, Image 3

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    How Would It Do ?
The question now before us is not to got the stufl. The crowded
shelves, the counters full, both show we've got enough. What we need just now
is buyers iolks who spend the rondvc.ish: an ti f....ui
knock the : prices into smash. This metrical announcement mav temnt voulo
invest. l'OU
Garden Hose
tirr r .i
vv u Hi o agents lur mo t i
celebrated MALTESE
CROSS. Every body
knows that it is the
best Hose on the mar
ket today.
Ladies' Capes.
Tan Double Cape 4' '(DO
Black Clay Worsted Double Cape .Z.ZZ"'Z' .IZZZ'. " 8 75
Tan Single Cape, finely trimmed 5 00
Tan Single Cape, finely trimmed o 50
Tan Broadcloth, silk lined, trimmed' ' 7 25
Black Gros Grain Silk, silk lined and jet trimming ..Z. G 50
Black Moire Silk, cut jet trimming 10 50
Ladies' Jackets.
Tan, tailor-made 5 qq
Tan Covert Cloth i 75
Black Serge 5 qo
Black Serge 7 25
Red Broadcloth 8 00
Displayed in Our Center Window.
The Dalles Daily Chronieie.
MAY 11, 1897
I Against Three UMteil State .Jurors In
Talfe's Case.
Last night's Telegram, in giving the
I account of the alleged bribery of United
Ramluiu Observations and Local Events
of Leaser Magnitude.
Garden hose 3 cts per foot
& Benton's.
at Maier
panied by his brother. His care cost
the county a little something, but it was
well worth the money. He is not fully
recovered, but will be entirely well in a
Ehort time, and it is certain that had he
; been "forwarded" as the counties above
I f 1 1 1 trttli him tiQ n- n 1 1 1 I 1 1 n i' i linnti ! nnJ
I tt t i x ,i . I States jurors bv Taffe, assumes that he
! He feels very grateful for his treatment 1 ' " '
jhere, and Wasco county need feel no 1 is Bui!t' an assumption that will never
; shame over her treatment of him. be borne out by the facts. We give the
Telegram's version of the affair, which
is as follows :
Mr. allace, who came down from
Attempted Suicide.
Choice potatoes 7oc per sack at Maier
i' T i J n i i T?nftiQ iliic x r r ri ? - r cora tliaf loot nirrrti
a Dlon s' U1WW "" sutes juror d t kj b .b d l,
(Wn ho,P for su oPntB font. at ! man naed George Daggett stopped ' , .
or r n o Mntal n t that n una ani imnn 1 or
Mays & Crowe's. a30-tf . . c,
; tiring, leu woru to oe caueu tor mis
train, which passes Rums
The man Dnppett. who attemnted sui- '
t, , , . , . . , , i morning s
. - . . suortiv alter i
uere on toe morning train lor treatment.
There is little profit in being a United
bribe, and, lees
actuating the
proffering, if the developments
now transpiring in the caee of the United
I Qtoloo !.a T t-T Tatra ;n .l,tl, !,., r
o clock. Upon knocking ' , . . ' . ,
fin hifl nnnr nrtrl apffincr nn rpennnup tliP e j-
A special train carrying officials of the .QB Lrn,.!n )n 0,, t QO f ' nH , "lo "oat railway, be a criterion.
road arrived at 1 o'clock from Portland .,., r.t ; Tne story of the increased verdict on
1 the Eecond trial of the case, whereby an
of blood. He had cut a fearful gagh in , . . , , . . .. ' '
,. .. , ... . ., -p. ,. . t wiiuoui a bcintiua oi lustiucation, was
uv.. i. u ,r. told in Saturday's
that Daggett had attempted to commit
suicide, and was nearlv dead from loss .
and passed on up the road. A general
inspection is being made. ,
Klickitat farmers are taking advantage
of the good roads and spare time to haul
in ttieir surplus wheat, and quite a ym. Bennett keeping bachelor's hall
quantity of it is being received daily. together. No reason is known for the
Garland stoves and ranges from $G.oO ' act, though Mr. Bennett says that last
to 50. Call and see the new stock of ! Sunday Daggett acted "queer :
Gariands and Michigans at Maier & had no idea he contemplated harm to
Benton's. mS-3t j himself.
The river this morning was just 33 feet !
above low water mark, and falling ,
Elowly. Indications now are that the
hiyh water at the worst will not go much
above the 40-foot mark.
Do not forget the sale of city lote be
ginning May 15th. This will give those
who desire to make a home for them
selves an opportunity to gratify that de
sire at a reasonable cost. See ad. on
fourth page.
The Epworth League will give one of
itfc socials next Friday evening in the M.
k. church. A vnni nrnoram will he
rendered, after which a lunch will be'
S'rved. The small eum of 15 cents will i
be charged for admission.
Mr. J. Frederickson, who drives a j
team for the Jolirj' Lumbering Co., was I
Mt'heu in the stomach by one of hie
Judice McArtliur Head
At the homeof Levi Ankeney in Walla
in fcaturuav e Evening lelegram.
There was no mention made in the arti
cle, however, of the names of those
against whom indictments had been
but jJt i found by the United States grand jury,
nor wie cnarge umier wnicn larsnai
Grady was ordered to take the indicted
ones in custody.
Those indicted are I. II. Taffe, Charles
S. firatton. Edward Kilffatlier nml otic
Walla Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock.the I otljer peron, whose name .has not as
spirit of Judge L. L. McArthur took' t ' ,' ...
flight for the beyond. j et been raude Publlc-
He resided here for vears and leaves Bratton " Kiifeather were members
manv warm personal friends. He went , of the iur-v- and the charee g'li''6t tht'
from here to Portland and eoon took his 1 is conspiracy to defraud, in that it is al
place as one of the leading members of i leed the-v accepted a bribe, influencing
the Portland bar. He was born March tbeir Vfcr(ic:t t0 U)0 detriment of the
18, 1843, and in 1878 was united in mar-' Pontiff. In this case the government,
riage with Harriet, second daughter of ! Taffe and the othc'r person, as yet unar
the late Col. Xesmith. Two sons and : resttd are charei with a violation of
the wife survive him. j ?fcCtion So- 5104' United StateB etatutes'
Th hnAv r,nBcp,i ,wn on tho 8 -SO ,n that they are charged with having
train this morning, and will be buried
in the Nesmith private groundB at Derry
The Itliuii J'hreuoloelit.
Prot. Vinter F. Cooper, the blind
U .nnAlA!et mill lent it wa rntiirivrou'
Horses while taking care of it last night, ; .,,, flt tha Baldwin oaera house at S
. o'clock. Admission
aud it was thought for a while he was
seriously hurt, but he is all right today,
Nearly forty members of the Grand
Court, Foresters of America, arrived on
the Dalles City lasknight. In the even
"ig. refreshments were served at K. of
f' hall, and an interesting program was
rendered. The regular session began at
I'J o'clock this morning, and will prob
ably end tomorrow. A banquet will
" ind up the session.
There was a lively runaway last night
about 7 o'clock, Maier & Bentofs team
doing the running. The tesmi was in
the alley back of Keller's saloon when it ,
is free, ltie loi-
lowing testimonial gives some idea as to
his etanding aE a lecturer :
AsroifU, Or., April 14, 1S07.
To Whom It May Concekn:
The bearer of thic, Prof. Vinter F.
Cooper, has delivered a course of lec
tures in Fisher's opera house in this
citv, to large and appreciative audiences.
It 'is quite generally regretted that hjs
course of lectures was not longer. His
manner of reasoning and speaking will
command attention from any audience,
L. 12. Selio,
Mng. Fisher's Opera House.
j endeavored to influence a juror.
Edward Kiifeather was arrested Sat
' urday, and was released on giving bonds
1 in the sum of $5,000; Bratton is still at
'liberty, but under surveillance; I. II.
. Taffe was brought from The Dalles this
morning by Deputy United States Mar
shal Humphrey, arid this afternoon was
awaiting the arrival of Judge Bellinger
to have the amount of his bonds set.
! In connection with the arrest of Mr.
Taffe, the following document, filed Sat
urday, May 8th, carries with it a pecul
iar interest:
In the Circuit Court of the United States
for the Districtof Oregon. The United
States, Plaintiff, vs. I. II. Taffe, No.
It is stipulated and agreed by and be
tween the parties hereto that this cause
sliall be tried before Judge C. li. JJellln-
ger, district judge of the United States
for the district of Oregon, sitting as a
circuit judge for eaid district, without
Wo also carry tho Kulgo
wood brand of Hoso, which
wo recommend as a superior
article second only to our Mal
tose Cros brand in quality. Tt
is made on extra strong duck,
and of the best rubber. Then
we carry the Wallabout brand
which is a good quality and
medium price, equal or better
than the average so-called
"best Hoso on the market."
We sell it for what it really is
a good, serviceable Jlose.
See our stock
before buving
We have secured the
services of Mr. Joseph
KirchofF, who has been
doing Bicycle Repair
ing and Gun Work for
the last five years in
The Dalles. All work
entrusted to him will
receive prompt attention.
The Westfield (Ind.) News prints the
started, and the way the animals lit out ' following in regard to an old reeldent of tue intervention of a jury; and the right
showed they were in A hurrv to get that place: "Frank McAvoy, for many of trial' by jury is hereby expressly
W At the cornetby George Gib-' years in the employ of the L., N. A. & w.l .ved Jbto.
Jons' residence the ran into a tree, I C. Ry. here, says : 'I have used Chun. SSffliSS,
knocked the fire plg over, and demo!- berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea tl)e taking of any testimony in said
ished and demoralzed the wagon and , Remcdv for ten years or longer am cause, unless the eaid judge should call
harness. i never without it in my family. I take lor testimony on any particular point, in
m, J 'n i, i ii it ;a a which event the parties agree to furnish
The man White, who came here in pleasure in recommending It. it is a thfj te(jtlmony re(jired by said judge,
such bad shape from Walla Walla left epecific for all bowel dlsordere. I-or Jt jB further stipulated and agreed
lor California 'this morning, accom- h' Blakeley & Houghton. j that the testimony heretofore taken be-
fore the petit juries impaneled to try
Baid cause, may bo considered bv said
judge, in forming his estimate of the
compensation due the said I. H. Taffe,
on account cf the condemnation of the
proposed site for a boat railway.
And the parties further agree to abide
by the decision of said judge as a sole
arbiter and judicial tribunal, to award
the said defendant such compensation
for the damage occasioned to him by
the prooosed condemnation and con
struction of said boat railway.
feigned, in duplicate, this 8th day ol
Mav, 1897.
Danieij R. Muiti'iir,
United States Attorney for Plaintiff.
I. II. Taffe, in person.
This stipulation, waiving all rights to
jury trial, and turning the entire adjudi
cation of the suit and award of the
amount of damages over to Judge Bel
linger, whose indignant protest on the
finding of the $17,500 verdict in the sec
ond trial has been recorded, is con
sidered by some as n surrender of th')
Tafl'u claim to large damages. In con
tradiction of this, others consider the
stipulation simply a display of honesty
on the part of Mr. Taffe and an effort on
his part to show that he is willing to
abide by honest judgment.
.mis. tafkk'h ktati:.mknt.
Jir. lane was seen tins morning hy u
Telegram reporter, on hiH arrival from
The Dalles, in custody of Deputy United
States Marshal Humphrey.
"My arrest is the result of tho failure
of one of the most contemptible) black
mailiug Echemes ever attempted in this
Btate of Oregon," said Mr. Tnffo. "This
man Charles Bratton, a juror in the
trial of tho suit of the government
against myself in the Celilo boat railway
proceedings, was a veritable leech on mo
during the trial.
"Some five weeks ago, following tho
rendering of the verdict in tho second
trial, he met me at my hotel during a
visit to Portland, and asked of me that
I lend him $100.
"I told him that I had not $100 with
me, and it J Had, J knew of no reason
why I should lend it to him.
" 'Well, you had better give it to me,'
he replied.
"There was something in his voice
that nettled me, and I told him in short
language ho could go to ."
I'M ward Kiifeather denies in toto hav
ing any knowledge of bribery proceed'
ing that miht have occurred In conneo
lion with tho Tuffa suit.
"I have been arrested on this charge,
and all I ask Is a quick and prompt
trial," said Kiifeather. this afternoon,
"I desire a speedy hearing, through hav
lug the knowledge that with llm very
first testimony I introduce my name is
cleared of this scandal. All I want is a
square deal, and that I tun assured of
receiving before the United Stutes ills'
trict court."
"Whom do you blame for your ar
rest?" wai asked.
"I cannot, iia yet, blame anybody. I
know nothing of the matter beyond
what is common street talk."
District Attorney Murphy states that
I, II. Taffr, on Mtly 7, wrote that he was
willing to abide by Judge Bellinger's
decision as to the amount of award
proper. Mr. Murphy immediately drew
up the stipulation published above, and
this Mr. 'I n Ho at once signed,
Just Received.
A stock of Pure Aluminum Ware Cook
ing Utensils.
No enamel to flake off. Solid metal. No
plating to wear off.
Absolutely pure. No verdigris, or salts
of tin.
Wonderfully light and beautiful, and
very durable.
Foods cooked in it do not scorch.
Wo will be pleased to ?hov it to you, evt'ti if
Drop in and see it.
you don't buy.
a full line of
We Carry
Builders' and Heavy Hardware,
Lime and Cement,
Farm Machinery,
Bain Wagons, Champion Mowers
and Reapers,
Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron,
Barb Wire, Etc.
Phone 25.
Baby Carriages
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
Whoro will also bo found tho largest and most com
plete lino of Pianos, and othor Musical Instruments
in Eastern ( )regon.
Complete Line of FISHING TACKLE,
Notions, Iiaso Ball Goods, Mammocks, Books and
Stationery at Bedrock Prices.
New Vogt Block.
The Dalles, Oregon.
PIONEER GROCER.'ior to Glirlsiiiun V: Ciiihon,
Again iu bubineuH at th4 old etand. I would be pleaned to
eeu all my former putronu. l'reo delivery to any part of town.
Opp. A. M. Williams it Go.
Admission 25o.
Sunday, Maj 16, 1897.
Ladies Free.
Tickets on bale ut all the busIneBH housea.
Lumber, Building Material and Boxes
TradediorHay, Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c.
rowe & CO..
The Dalles, Or