i . tv & Ilk, Si?- ; I i The Dalles Daily Ghroniela. The only EepuUican Dai1, ycu-tpayo Watco Coiin't. EASTEKy OFFJVE,'h ?M Templt Conn, y. y. art, e. katz. Agm. TUESDAY, may 11. isn: judge Ayr- cirizEy. The TeltgrMii last nipht. mention inc the TatYe c.iie. as among other for us to allow ihisiirs. "The indignant protest of idle, than to operate them at a loss of the Alaska fish, which cost but little, and with which the Columbia canneries were forced to compete. The only thing possible, ho claimed, to permit the canneries to run was a lower price for fish. "While not speaking for the canneries, he ex pressed the opinion that when the fish began to run the price would drop to three cents, as above .that canning was a losing business. He also thought the fishermen would strike. "But." said he. "it is better our plants to remain Judge Bellinger against the raising of the verdict on the second trial from 14.."i00 to 17.,"00 without one scintilla of justification." "Was there not . It seems to us that the juiy had some justification for the raise, and that its verdict was an in dorsement of the first verdict, and nothing more. The Ameircan jmy generally tries to get at the rights of a matter, and administer strict and The fishermen have a cannery of their own. and this will soon con vince them that the price cf fish must come down, or the canneries close." States senate does care a picayune The United not seem to whether Corbet t is seated or not, his case not even beins considered wor- tin of consideration. It must be Irvine on tue old centieman to oe T-EST with a blp H. ninckwell's Genuine Etillk HC Uurhnm is In n clns hy Itself. You will find ono H coupon lnslile cacti two ounce bug, r.ud two coo- L H pons Inside each fenr ounce bai. cf A H SfackwelPs I Genuine Durham Smoking Tobacco H Bny o-bac of thtseelebrw ted tobnceo and rend the coupon M vhlchctVewiillstofvuluublepresentyr.udhowtogettheiUj Wfllilt PAPER! WALL PAPERI Just Received 5000 Ml? of AVall Paper, best patterns. The beautiful color?. New Invoice You Get the Profits Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbers and Middlemen by buyinrdi rect from the manufacturer. ' The most of Paint? and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. imnovtiol inrifv sniTiptimoi in the . " , , .iv i ' kept coolintr his shins in the corri face of instructions from a technical ' . - judge. i The jury in the second trial might. , and probably did. take into consider-: Wholesale. Suipes-Kincrsly Drug Co.; FRENCH & No batter v .iesl made thanfl- uv 4csiie Bicycle Built in our own factory by skilled workmen, usiti" thsbeji material and the most improved machinery. We have no agenis bold direct irom tactorvtoth; rider, fully warranted hipoed anywhere for examination. WRITE FOR Our Interesting Offer CO ' Acm0 Cyc,:! Cc"' ation the tact that the United States had forced Taffe to a second trial, had caused him additional costs and expenses, and raised the former ver dict enough to cover it. The jury uiay Lave had no right to do this: that proposition we do not care to argue: but we submit that it is prob bably what it did do. and was cor rect in doing it. Taffe is as square and straight a inau as there is m the state of Ore gon, and his ocer to leave the matter of liis damages to the decision of ludrre Bellinger, showed the big- heartedness of the man. all men are built in his mold, and that by leaving the matter entirely dors while that vacant chair stands , so invitingly near. This thing ought: not to be thus : the senate should take him in hand and ship him home. Ulines and Cigars. BANKERS. TRANSACT A GEXEKAL BANKING BUSINEa . Some Other Morntnc ; ' "We have had a dispute." said the 1 boardinc-house proprietor, as Stxapely took his seat at the breakfast table, j "Indeed," said Strapely. eonrallinir ' tie butter. ! "Yes: I snki you were six weeks be 1 hind in your board, and Mr. Bean pny j ' you're ahead. Will you settle if?" ' "Not this niornin?." replied Strnpelr. ! . Yonkers Statesman. ! THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER Regulator Line on draught and in Dottles. Letters of Credit issued available in the i Eastern States. I Sight Es.ehini:e and Telecraphic 1 Tmnofere old on New York. Chicaeo, St. Louis, San Frnncisro, Portland Ore-! ' con, Seattle Wash,, and various points ' i in Oregon and ashingtou. Collections made at nil points on fav ! orable terms. The Dalles, Portlaii ad tiA Navigation Co.' It iJinert-nt Then. sav." he said, "that talk i." i Anhe-aser-Busch Malt Nntrine. a non-alcoholic' beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAM "Thej cheap." "I've heaitl such statements made." "But 1 venture to say," aud the j speaker crew very earnest, "that the " mriTi wtin mnfl it lipver Iu1 incl fM-cn. ! Pie thinks ' ciriT-i tr, nnnsnlr n lnivvr nrnfp.inrt!l. - . 1 Thev were all agreed ujon the prop- ; , !NEW SPRING GOODS N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. 1 Mfe. " I stri Regulator & Dalles Gtf to Judce r.ellincrer. who has been in- . . , , . , , , , . i It "VVns Settled. , lmical to him. he would put him on ; ..I5y the wny. nsked ;he form,,r reM. j his honor. The only mistake Taffe dent of the village, "did Jones and j made was in foreettinff that -little . Smih. f'er 'eI diPutc-settled as to wnicn one owneo inai siripoi iana v men of little souls rise up to buy and sell again." He will probably regret his action in turning the mat ter over to Judce Del'inger, for there are persons who cannot rise to that height where they can see or appreci ate a noble action. "0. ves: that was settled some time ero." "And who cot it?" "I foriret the lawyer's name." L"p-to-Date. PO VEIITYB CT GOLD. Future Will llrlnn IlevenRe. "Papa is a jeweler, you know," nhe said, etulanih "and he tells ne that the encasement rinc vou irave me is filled." ; "I presume .. for I bouxrht it at his ' store. But you can dejend on me u. ; of eel even in time, darlhur." Detroit ' Free Press. JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED C. F. STEPHENS, j n s Pullman Elegent Tourist TO The traveling correspondent the London (England) Daily Mail writes to that journal as follows: There may be poverty in Ross land, and that. too. of the "rim. ugly, mining camp sort; there may be more empty stomach; than eoir.ed dollars and quarters: there may be her. I wanted to jfo to lied. FUeeend shivering forms and much human Blaeu-'r- "There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at its flooa j leads on to fortune" j The poet unauestionablv had reference to the ' Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car bT. l'Al'L .MINWEAI'OLI Dl'Ll'TH PAKGO GKANI) Toil CKUOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA an lil'TTE i FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE , BETWEEN j Tlie Dalles, Hood Itlver, Cascade Ixells nd Pav I lund dully, except Sunday. i GOOD SERVICE, LOWEST RATES. ( DOWN TEE YAH Are you going OR TO ( EASTERN OfiEOIII! II so, save money nnd enjoy a bcantlloltnpe the Columbia. The wet-bound train aniTeit The Dulles in ample time for patsenfrerstota the steamer, iirriviiiK in Portland in time for Cs outKolni; southern and Northern treimi aft bound pashencers arrivlnc In The DaIesinni to take the Eust-bound train. For further information apply to J. N. HARNEY, Apent, Out stret't Dock. Portland. Oregon, Or W. C AI.LAWAY, Gen-A The Mes.oras. Ahhent-Mintlffl. loiessor lafttT having bt?e: sorbed for hours; in a pik- of rare uiaim- seripti-1 Let me I va so:nir to do something whnt the deuce was I po insr to do. anyway? (After thinkinp half an hour.i Oh, ves. now I rernem- Cteii Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling those goods out at greatlv-reduced rat MICHELBACH BRICK. - . CNIO.N FT. Through Tickets TO . CHICAGO , WASHINGTON I'HILAUELI'UIA NEW YOKK ; ISOHTON AND ALL POINTS EAST ami SOUTH iniser: but there is cold. The seed looking man who comes in with a dozen ounces of ore from hi? new claim on Trail Creek may not have had any breakfast; but it is not improbable that he will have a dinner that would make a Roman glutton ashamed of his slim and slen der orates. Tomorrow that man will have sold his mine for $.jOO u a speculator, and the next day tlu speculator will be floating a company with 1. 000,0(iu capital. It is stu pendous. this recklessness with which big figures are handled. Millions pass as easily through the lips of these seedy-looking men in IJossland a: units. The town is full of shaiks and speculators; there is much lying and cozening and hundreds of thou .mds of pounds are invested, which may prove to be a; good as thrown Tnkiuir ()i(1t. MrF. Brown Did you know that Mr. Vestment is poijiir into the ministry V Mr-. Greene No. You si-.i prist- iih I rhoutrht he was t'oiptr to '( a wa'tc in uai eat:iir hone. Hi-s niother toi . me he was coir.;.' t take orders 4 laiow. Iir.-1 r. '! r':r ript. New York Weekly Tribune -roc ELY'S CUEAM HALM Is a posltlverure. Apply into the r.oitrhe. It m (jalfK.y aborbd. w cents a Druzcisu or br msi; ; earnp.t lc. liy mall. ELY IillOTUEIlS. IC Warren St., New YorU City. Farmers and Villagers, FOR Fathers and Mothers, For. Sons and Daughters, FOR All the Family. For Information, t:rae cards, ran; and ticket, cl on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Apent, ' The iMlk'h, Oreguu on A. D. CHARLTON. AfHt. G P. A., .'55. Murriton Cor. Ttilrd. Cortland Oreson T- fSflTVf T1WT LE DE VI.EK !N THE UALLEs OF Marble Burial Vaults A Perfect Protection from Water nnd Dampness. Preserves the Eodv bv Ex I eluding the Air. " " DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, - FIRE CLAY, LIME,. CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. It possesses every merit claimed for j "FT" Cr Tj !Hj into the sea. lint after nil, this fact remains: Hoisland is the niotroiolis tnnres, iiarno's, wagons, plows and other oi a nuaily inexhaustible sold-beitr-. projit-rtv. Fine fruit land and nb : .wi T?.-io.wi tin,. dance of water. Will trade for Dall With the close of the Presidential Campaipn THE TRIBUNE recognizes the fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home aud business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the ! the most expensive vaults, viz: absolute i security mid durability, thus making a ! permanent and imperishable reeting ; place for the dead. i ; This vault is made of six pieces of mar ; ble which can be firmly fastened to gethej with cement, thue making them uir anu water tight. I"nr !"ial or Trmit!. A dferalii. ruiieli nf Ititl nprps. u'itlim lour miles of Indies Citv. with one span l?l!.r !!J:r!!lflh. J!!.TllK h?6 laX)rS;d from Us the greatest gold copper camp on the face of the earth." The salmon run is still very light; but it is thought that as soon as the river falls a little and begins to get clear, the run will commence. Jn conversation with a prominent can nerymnn a short time ago he stated that the canneries were losing fifty cents cn each case of salmon picked; that the price was down on account City property. Inquire of A. Mac Alui-ter, Real Estate and Insurance A'-'ent. Cjihonici.e ofiiee. The Dalle0, Or. The merchant who telle you he has something else as good as Hoe Cake soap is a good man to keep away from. a2 !)m i All Kinds Cemetery Work Mr. Comioi hns on )mnl n 1 .... ' Everv nosfible effort will be put forth, and monev freelv spent, to make THE 1 1'.- 0 lirst-c'la&s Marble, to he used in . ' WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, ! jo"n'ntB1 etc. Prices lower than in 6 instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family. i ortlan('. , DR. guhits ixruoveo LIVER PILLS A incitement oi tun imwi-is - WO mate it renter. Tlw cpr ffhvi,B0S iiki cit.'ir tiiei.(mi""V"" . i-onruicr. wii Aini-i" '' t . i . eiiilidclpi ' A incitement ot hie laey Kill roait '' i1.';l.,,.J ,i "eiiL'dcltW'r" We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib' une one year for only $1.75. I Till Ik Your Opportunity, , On receijit of ten cents, cash or Btamps, a KenerouB sample will be mailed of the ; most jmpular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure I (Liy 8 Cream Rahn) euflicieut to demon. I I strato the great merits of the remedy. ' , ELY BROTHERS, tab CoiumDia PACKERS OF - PORKand BEtt Mays. cti iji-.c rvu ,,.n i,t t lriuune uince, ew i orK ' sell Hoe Cake soap.-Pease & , une WJ be j, tQ you SURE CURE for PILES .. . ... .rtj, iiU.uuoA.NKu, I'iiiifc., .aitf Write your name and addresE on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. V.eut i -,. ti . I MANUFACTUBtn SlbSn SSifedu0' ncd a 6amp,e w,y of The Nmv Yorl: Wefck,y Trlb: ' 'i I Fine Lard and Sau s - . , i ve cure for catarrh if used as directed." o Q R 1 1 1 t Iter. FranciH W.Poole, Pustor Central Pre , blKCrS 01 Dn Church, Helena, Mont. . . fHfflS Job Printing at This Offiee. sy&SSj!-:HAMS aor any iuiuruur drug. Pric, CO cents. DRIED BEEF,