The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 10, 1897, Image 4

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a' iter
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Tbe Dalles Daily Chronicle.
AdvertUInc ISittp-.
SiillH-tllllls to IlepeiHl C!l.
Mr, James .loiit-s, of iiif dm,: (inn of
Jones A Son, CowcSen, 111., in sneaking;
, of Dr. Kmc's Xev Discovery, snvs tbat
lnt winter his wife was attacked with
jVr fur , l-avtr.ppe, nun "vi i"" yv' r"
One iucta or less In Ihiily .MM that physicians at Cowd and Pana ;
Over twoinche mid under four inches 1 00 ; could do not hint: for her. 1: sfi-nn'd to
Over four incite and nnder twelv inc"S. . TS ' :n!n Uatv ttnitMimtiiiriti. Hnv- '
SP - r
, inc Dr. Kins;' New Discovery in store,
t aft ' and sellinc lots of it, he took a bottle
flow flbout Your
Over twelve incbe.-
Over on inch and under four inches. ... e co : home, and to the surprise of all she be-
Over four luche mid under twelve incite . J 50 1 can to cet better from the first dose, and
Over twelve Inches 1 w half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound
and weil. Dr. King's New Discovery
I'KRSosa l mention. for Consumption, Couihs and Colds is
t, ,, . ., .,,, f -n, i cnaranteed to do this cowl work. Try
u Hr,J-daukd,on the?ue5t ofDr,;U. Free trial little at Biakelev i,
Belle Ktaehart. Honchton's Drue Store. J' j
C. A. Bell and H. F. Davidson of Hood '
Iliver are in the city.
Mr. F. P. Kendal!,
Astoria, is in the city.
Miss Ethtsl Grubhs
a canneryraan of j
flow ' Tiit: i
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward J
j for any case oi Catarrh that cannot be
returned to her ! cured bv Hail's Catarrh Cure. ;
home in Portland today. pt j. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo, U. ;
Mr. G. C. Fulton, brother of "ourj AVe the undersigned, have known F. ;
Charley," is up from Astoria. . j. Cheney for the last lo years, and be-!
Auenbt Bnchler went to the Cascade lieve him perfectly honorable in all bust-;
Locks this morninc on a business trip. ne55 transactions and financially able to j
Hon. F. P. Mays spent Sunday in the carry out any obligations made by their j
city, rtstnrning to Portland this inorninsr. , grI1K ,
George Anderson, who has been in' West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, ;
California since Januasy, arrived home J Toledo, Ohio. j
las: nk-ht. j -Raiding, Ktnnan & Marvin, Whole-
Mr. Arthur Kenuedy. who has been j a;e Dmcrist, Toledo. Ohio.
in Arlington for tbe past week, returned , c c f fe lnteraB,. j
home liit nisrht. , ... , .,
ly, acting airectiy upon tne niooa ano .
mucous surfaces of the svstern. Price ,
Miss Williams and Miss Marshall re-
visit in the cit v. ' M?. per bottle.
. . , . testimonials tree.
Captain Baujrnaian. the old-times
steftmboat man, accompanied by hi
wie, were on the flyer this morning
bound for Portland.
Sold by
Dmzsistr.. i
15 9 ;
tooklinliler-. Jli-etlus:.
i Notice is hereby given that by nu
tborfiy of ordinance No hich
UIOIl lira'"""' "
Wc liave the facilities for doing all kind
of Jab I'rintinir, from a visiting card to a
catalogue, and Ave are after all the work we
can do. Ve not only desire '-o keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Come, in
and compare our prices with that, of any
one, and compare Quality of work. Lei us
have your next order.
..I , i,a I :nm
Citv pril 10th, IS97, entitled, An or-din-ancl
to provide for col n
lots belonging to Palles ' ;i0-"
atnrdav, the loth dav of !
- ,, " . ..i nnnti,.n. to the highest
hi hler a the followlnc lots and parts TnimUcnvc and tc due to mvt M v
0 lots'in Gates addition to Dalles City, -
' Wasco county. Orecon, to-wtt : ' . n
IMS 9 and 10 jointly, m block 14, , f 0VERUvN1) ;
7, S. P and 10, jointly in block lo, lo s , s ,eni) r
7 9. and 10, jointly in block 21.! 1 bunr, .ut.iand, sac.
k'nown Ms ltte;' l t? 10. U a.,dol2, in , ,,.M v. M, --tod?
n's: dnandt:i? 'mnioc-t; i
f'"o ' t u 10 11 and 12, in block ; j j
P in block 37; lots 1. 2. 3, 4, 5. 6. S, j j fVla Woortburn for 40
.9;V0landl2 in.h1ock42:Jot jJ "SS&f 'SSSSSy CJ.
1 -5 ' a 4 5 6. in block 4t. , M :(0 r. M. wa rMo nA.x
' l't.rl: ll value of sa lots, for 7:30 a. M. J "", - B!"1 w5f .Jr'S
f sola, ! .. .. ,, M i iMcMiunvllie and, i
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y,
hnh ihfv will no
ihas been Used i.r.d determniei. t v the
, Common Council of Dalles Oity as Jul-
lows, to-wit
Daily. tlnliy, eseerit Sundar
lxl 9 anfl in. m mock ii. y . . dining cars on ouDEN kocie.
17 ?o nnd 10. iointiv n block lo, fr-VU, , -
te-f 7 S 9ndJ 10, jointlv in block 21. PCU.MAN nrKFM sixepebs
: 00 - U 10, in block 27, J225; lot 11. in ; axd secosd-cuss stEEMso ues
' block "7 "'' lot 12. in block 27, 300; ; -UUced to all Through Tnua.
; lot 9, in block 34, $100 ; jots -, ii, o. a, ; P!rM connection
:o in and 11. in block So. each lespect- dental and
'.' , 7 in 1, nek fo. lines for
lveiy ?iwi ii' , V c o atMictttion
i each respectively $12o : lots
couneotlon t T.n rarifco wl-Ji rwt.
id Orientnl and I'uci:.- i ,j
JAl'A.N Md CHINA. saiur.g iTtw'S
o, i, a,
lintes hnd tickets to EVto-
Doclyr Belle IMnehart, who recently
Notice is hereby given that a mtctin
oi the stockholder; cf The Dalles Chron-
i 10 and 11, in blocK ao. t'acii riccuici.i rot. .iso jai-a.-s, ttii.v.i, f i yurvc
$100; lot 12. in block 3b. $125; lots C, 4, , a r a T It a 1.1 a tB'' , ,
i 5 S, 9, 10 and 11 , in block 37. each re- J- MRKLAN TicketA?e-.t
Unectivelv 100: lots 6, 7 and 12. m , Thronph Ticket Oftice,l"i,
. blr ck 37 each respectivolv ?12o ; ; throuch tickets to nil .isits .a the ltit
P.. o o in ,A 11 i i block St-tCNCnnmlaimd turoj,e can be obtihaic
m n i. iv i inu tr mips ini'n
l.'ts l,' j.
41, epch
B. KIi;KL.NI. Ti.'kctAaci
rr siwrtivelv
7 and 1. in block 41 , "each respectively j AH above trains arrive r.t kkJ Cept-t tTj
5X25; f0.I 34. o, S, 9, 10 and 1 1 . in Grna(1 Ces,trul ataUon.Hfth and imsg
block 42. each respectively ifiuu; 10; e , YAMIIIU. Divis.ON
; r, and 12, in block 42. each iespective.y
SIM: luts 2. 3.4. o, 9, 10-anil ii.m
Pms-eoKor Dtwt, font of JeCerwa strctt
Leave for OSWEGO, du.:;
cradnatei from the medical department : Jcie Puolishmg Um;wny win be He'd at ,
of tbe Ststte Univtsrsity, ha located the county court room; on Tuesday, the ,
horv and open an office in the Voct ; 25th day o: May, A. D., 1S97, at 2,
loc"'' J o'clock p. m., for the purpose of ndopt-
Hon. John M. Somer; of Albany, at-; snnlimenrarv articles of incornora-,
, block 43, each respectively ?100; lot 1, irrJU a. w.: ri:io, 1:J5. j. , : u c
! in block 43 $125: lots 2. 3,4 and o, in , (end 1 11:30 . in. on Saturd:-.. t v Arlrjc
i b ock 4(, each'elj il00, .'1-1 i 0:33 and T:55p. in.
C. W. PHEi
Ijeave for Slieridnn, week &-s 4 sop.
Arrire at l'ortlnud, 9:30 a. :a
caty last mht. He was on his way
home from Prinevitle. where he had
been attending to le?al basines;.
In tbt city, Sunday May 9th, 10 the
wife of Levi Chrisnian, a daughter.
Shooting st (f rciiita.
comuaa" and transacting snch o'.lv
basiness as may come before said
in. By order of the Board of IX ret t
The Dalle;, Oreron, April :m7
A. S. Mac Allis-tee.
R. G. Davenport,
teens tarv.
and G, in block 40, each respectively
! 51.
i Rarh of these lots will be sold upon1
the lot respective!, and none of them ' iavefor AIRUEonMor.r. wG-siatui
i will lie sold for a less sum than the value r ri .y a: 9:40 a. m. Am-1 r -tlani tt-.
1 thereof, as above stated. i dav- a SJ7 " " a
Oue-loarth of the price bid on any ofs sundar train' for OSW::-i.i -mtsSts
sniH 1,11! shell lie Daid in cash at the 1 and 12:15, 1:.8:S0, 6:2f ; .;:,' 'pai
time of ale. and the ieminder in three i m : ' '
eqtm; payments on or before, one, two h ' KOEHLElt, r.i.ERS.
Tenctaer 'Cx&iniiiatiuu.
Notice is hereby given, that for tl.r
parpose of inakisg an exam nation cf
A fata! . shooiinc aflray occurred in
Granhe, Grant county, on April 21st.
It seems that a report, derogatory to tbe
character of Miss Cecelia McMabon had
baea -t afloat, and John McMaLon.
brott ar to tbe ri, act ased Louis Got- j lhls county, the county sehoo! superin
xidge of starting it. The men met in ; tendent thereof, will hold a pcb.ic -feint
of S. W. Gutiilsg store and cot J animation at the county court house in
tetuft qaarrel over it, when McMabon palles City, besiaaiag Wadnesdsv, May
dww a gau and shot Gutridee twice j 1-&t t 1 o'clock p. m.
tbrougo tbe body, kiliins him initently. D":ed tWg 1;t day a-v !Sit7
Sam Gutridfe, brother to tbe murdered j C. L. Gilbert,
man, ran oat and rrappied with the) School Supt.
murderer, receiving a bullet in the face
Drapers Manufactured and repaired.
Pitts' Threshers, Powers and Extras.
all person who may offer themselves a. pg Han'OWS aild CultiVatOl'S.
candidate; for teachers ot the ?choo.s o:
Celebrated Piano Header.
Lubricating Oils. Etc.
1 White SewniR' Machine and Extras.
mid t: ree years ironi ine uaie 01 aiu
sale, wills interest on snch deferred pay-;;'s at the rate of 10 per cent ner
annntti. pavahle annually; provined
that the payment may he made in ia
at any time at tb option of the pur
, chaser.
! The said sale will begin on th- 1";1
jdar of May, 1S97, at the hour n' i'
(o'clock p. ni. of eaid day. and wii: cot.
j Uaue from time to time until ail "i :i :
s Sole iisll be fold.
Dated this ISth day of April, 18ft7.
j GU3EBT Phelps,
i Uecorder of Dalies City.
v-l V
1 tfr? 1
Iiook1k lo r (Juiitr m-.tln- Water and
Sower 8yt m-
TT S. Indian Bervioe, Warm .-pritig Aeeuc;.
Ghoios of Transcontinental Boutss
tr . May 7. 1W.
SF.ALED PBOFOAl. endorwd:
ia the scnffle. McMabon was arrested
mid taken to Canyon City. Xeither one of the county court, the fib-r:fl' , it-
"tlofi tti Taxpaverf.
KotieeU berebr riven that by order EAT SECOND STREET.
; for Water and fcewer armvm"' and addrc".ed o
fi-risics Crjtk SnntraTiP
, Coui'ty, Uiefpin, wiU received at this usri-ucy " -
The? ' lcrn l"e l5UC ro;i M i!S
' Atftna-.- rA&rtr n t 1a flat- t
WU M V Virift JU HIV ftA , B .
of tbe Gatridt-s wt-re armed.
nav unje wo a pro -" m Aprii. 1397, and all taxes then ren.air-Grsciu-,
where tbe have resided for a j jD uupaid on the roll wi.l in- dec'..'.
auai:r of years. After the ebootmp, ; delinquent, and thereafter U.e s-i.r ti
en.:iem-ai ran hieh and feaw wereen- 'iwil1 not receive taxea until tr.e :.-
. . 1 ti.u.vtt- 1.1 K!Qint 'oil t mven him. P.y orc-.-r .
tcrtained that McMabon would beoarL - A. M. Ke:.--..
lynched, hut bettet eonnee! prevailed. m23 4tw Cieik.
Priuevil:e Review.
j Soap Foam excels all other west:: -j
Ch.we4 bj a ar, ' compoondt. aS-Co.
An iudian boy named Maine w, be- j
longing 10 lite Nt-r Perse reservation at
Wwai, was almost killed on Sunday . A Xm $ZZhsUu-a f,rThir-
by a Cinnamon bear. Tbe bay, with i xr j3cyt. n.
white man. wa- out hno'in chicken;! a medical man cxyieiu :L.-ab'jvt-
the Mission, when tfceirdor scared j that & person could lue for li.? t -
op a bis she bear. Sl made for the i 0 tune and tal:e h-y c-... ... t.
boy, and thoueh tbey both emptied j wliileon no other food thaiih ....
their twentr-twos on her. he almost! Uih " i - the boy to pieces before he eould ; WJtftted w tLe
be rescu-d from her clutches, i he phy- comclscimj tcnj t , ,
tician at tbe agency was eaiiml in to ( may gixm stronger with no other . :
dree the wound:, which are liable to me'ut than seetmiik, and that tlit ;. .:.
nasalt in tiis death. WaiiaWclla Stales. ; not obliged to take "soraetUingi.oiid'
man. to eat BO many people iia-g:nc. He
, " T T . 1 holds that many a convalescent hai
Do not fall to call on Dr. Laanerber", , ?OEt. inl0 his a& a rejult of over.
the rye pt(;ia:i8t, and have your eyes, taxing ki wtak atomach
cammed free of chan:. It you suffer , ".volid" food into it, and he maintained
w ith b4cbe or nervousnes v
the ttnuer.Jcued at Warm
until i n'ciuck v. m. f Mkt i7, InH7, lor (uruith-
rT 1 ing tlit-t eesa,-y luat.-riul nud labor r!t:ired jUi"-!rncn -nnl i
UJ"' ri the por.clruttiou and cnipletio?i of a wnter ATiiiiica2-JiAO
a: a s,t er iao). Including pluinbing' k-r the , "
l Ufioi piam 10 erwren ou re
::i rtrict acoordanw with plans and t:eti- '
:i . v l.ith may be escutiuvd at tlie oi'irt
M'irninir Orfguuian," PriUnd. ur..
:n: j.vicll,' Thi-lMlle Or., and at tl.ii-
St. Paul
Kansas City
clearly i their bid. the j lQW RStBS tO SH EaStBP, CillSS
niii stat?
:' iTiut rtouiPNl to tximolcte the work
: ib reMtrrod to reject auy and alt bide
: u.' auy bid, if deemed for Uiv txt ii--L-
1 1. i.ii of bidders is invited t; the act
unproved Auauitt 1, 1WIB, entitled
KverV I'lve
. L-aTf rortltt
l aH for
11 fr s V t. V - pr m. c !
ittlliK to tbe nuiiutlnu oi tbe bourn a tvt
ice ol iaburers and meebituict. em. -J" -
.,m tbe puuiie work ot the I'niled
ui.U ol the liitnct oi Colurabiu:" at. to I , .. , .. ,
- i t-'ingre approve! Attgu-t i, i8iM, t Kor full detail call on O. I.
Au act lor the proutiiiun f persm, Tha UaUt. or uaoross
ir inafatittU. and labor tor the eoUhtrnc- j V, H. HUKLBL'KT
; ': lie workr." 1
, nu be ueeompaitietl by a certie.1 ; K- " eac-
- ft u:k:. some L'niteii ntule Lk wikI- i
v : i;t National Bank iu the vicittitt of
; .i .(' of the bidder, made uaruliie Lo'the
. t." i.'ii::iMlikioner of Indian Afl'ui, for
HVt l'KR CUNT, of theamoun- ..' the
1 ifiCl
tan IP
'Iln Now Time Card.
TTmW Ihft now tici-'J. wfctcb
Supplied to United States axa British Gc; crninentb It has
110 superior. Bcst. Dip for te Wool, fjotl oy PZA. jZ ec
MAYS. The Dall-5, Oregon.
,a?,eH3' ! iHto et tomoirow, tru:ns i
...iB an uwHtn abali lull to promptly tOIIOWS:
ii. . tuutjuct with good und nuih-kut x- ... e..r.v-n(. o,i Great "ortbts
.- . t'.erwise to be returned tr. the bidder. ! No "j 10 spOKane ati'i uica. .
...f-t; ;'.ni.anM i b .-aih in iieu of u terU-, arrive: at 6 p. in., leave at bJP-"1;
' i.tti Mi!! not be -oimidei-d. . ,
' 0. to Pendleton, r.asvi -i
Uninn Pacific, arrives 1 15 a- ffi-lfli
1 a!. ada:ti jjiul itil'rmutKiTi. untilv u
I-'. .-. Indian AKeut.
Assignee's -Notice HmI Mlemcnl. ;
Notice i hereby civen that the under.-iined.
Sherins Sale.
r.v TliE UKCflT roi'ET of the slttv uf Ore-
i. a. SCMEKK,
H. JI. Beau.,
parts 1 :20 a. m.
No. 3, from Spokane and Great ort-'
orr, orrirn R !!n. d(?lart5 S t35 8.
2oti iu: Wuico Count.
by puttinsr ' alienee of the elate of K. E. w iUiaw, an in- j r v Ortwne. Kcinllir,
. 7, o!vent debtor, baa bled hl una! account and i Vt.
re)Mri in wua a.ieuuieui who me nerj. oi iuv j, L i.uure.i8 story and lwlcf Citv. bfti.
First National Bank. iSiM
.'Ail fin, ! th&t. thfr filfl lilif fiic tk hp4n1 lkaircr iK 1 Tin nit Court of Ihe ytatL i Oi-tron for Wo GO
.J ..UOAr.T;nt t ut.,M t:fc 1 Couuty. ual that me s-awe uUi be called up lor j
doohwdly bve too per" vision that, it urL wenwai oi numan me is nown hearit.V before the Judge of taid tonrt on the ' ?"ea n "- fenit Court of
ormited, wiii WueMt vou for life. y hi experiment to be erroneous. ftrt day of the next rpulat Krm of Mld circuit i itwf , i":,?
Omee in the Vo,t block. ' ' j Hia teat wa to live 30 duy with only ' V'&ffi $d Wtwtt nnd A
e. a soon llitituullC'I hb luv ' a"i cmiovm tu dmiu
bV idCou-t court on the -.'io day of Match, 197, in the above Si
av of Avrii,'l-!T. i entitled fMiie, iu favor of tbe plaiuut! and
Ity virtue of on execution and irler of kale
the .stale
me dime
and Union P-
departs 155 a. o.
v..c oq n,,fi "4. niovini: ea u -
,u. A uenertu isstufcmg Uueinees trsrutwited nai,.
eof 1 Deposits received, subject to Sk'ht 1
l Draft or f!r.B?.t. arriV
will carry patscii-
ves at p. in., ucj -
aviuet milk a roiiris..hme":. T. tK. Court ! uiil tune
Do vou want vour w indow s cieanea. hr,: w, t-.. tame tan ie neaia
carpets tafcen up, heaten and re laid, or but no strength, lie even attributes ,
ieej.ttrc of Lollfctione made and proceeds promptly j m- 'titetrj'a
jeiuitieu m uaj- oi collection. i i'aesenjierr lor iieppnci -
janitor work of any bind done by a 1 the loss of ueight to the warmth of tbe
llm-ulae? man? II ?o, telephone Henry weather and to exewive exercise on the
Johncon at Parkins' barber Ehop. bicycle end the daily manipulation of
'Phone 119. alO-tf Impound dumbbells and other heavy
fight. He took more than
Yeii w wBEhmg powder wi." make uw in ardfr to test tbe '
vour c'.'thes the tame color
f it v )ap faam. It's pure hi ran several fast races iu a bkillfu!
liaied tl.u l.tb d
. . w . rl n V ....... . . . , t.' , j . .. . . - Z
A.j.ls4e. uf the tate of 11. 1'.. Mfllan... au j n , J"' ' ,.,.S.'tt3 MJXl
1 cunt ler annum from the ?Jd riuv of iliirrh. liurr uiHLrJUK3
mm tne lurmer tuiu oi 7 ,otton)ev 6 Ices, nnd ' U. sr. IIIOMPBO.V. J
inv luruiur uIn oj ai..u cosI nim ulfeOUC-; JJrj, JI, WILLI Mfi G
H. M. Bka
I. i in. i - , . -,, . i - c
KiTr "cnange Bold on leavos here 0:05 p.
..w,. .via, .;uit riauucw Uii ori '
W I'H,
I J... f ' i . 1 . ivi i x
A Mn I ' r A" menth of suk: and further in fax or of thi do
i fendaut Dalle City and uKuiiiht the defendants
! J. I- slot Hd l.uetetia story, ns judcnient
Notice Is hereby given thnt the uridersicned, ! debtors in the tum of ?.rIC.ll, und the further
AVOlU us me f-' veiwn Jay ot the expcr;m.-nt filed hi linal arcount. und thut und on nuid writ of execution: mid command-
Monday, the ui day of .May, ivt, at the hour oi tut' me ' inane rale ol the real property ein-
oraer oi
a2 3m
10 o'clock a. m.. hu Ixen upjMjinttd a tbe lime j bruced in taid decree of foreclosure and
for heuriliK objeclioiib theieto and the M-ttle-
heteinofter deK:ribed, I hove duly
iary IILUOU J'ul.SON permanently
ured In 15 to3S dars Vou can to treated at
I borne for tamo prurv uaccr eamet;uurau
ty. If youpn ferutoircebere Trer:jicoo
tract to r-ar iroad f areacd h ote. b.; 1 i.arid
cocbanre, If we tail v cure. If you have taken mer
cury, Iodide iiotafcli, end milt have achee and
patnu. Mucous i'utc lies in ruoutb. Sore Throat,
llpleH. Copper Colored tipotfr. Ulccra on
my parted the body.iiuirorK.veljroivii fulllnt?
out, It la this feecoudury liLOUU J'OISON
ne cuarantee to cure. We Uicictbo roost obtti
xiate and cnulieiiU'o tlie world for a
case ro cannot cure. diease has draye
baOltd the Kklll of tiio iu jet euUneut phyl
claui. SSOO.OOo can:ul behind our en' jadl
Hon a I jraaraiity. Absolute iiroofpe,-t M-a(ed on
tpplicat n. Addrens COOK ItUMUIiV C(jL
Wl Mtmontr. leiupl. UilCAUU, ILL. .
other ier- , levied on und will, on theft day of May, inc,
notilied : at tue nour oi -j o cioei: in the Hlternoon, nt the
mu nner, but wa beaten in each race
Or. the thirtieth dv -iie atraln pitted mem thereof. All heirs, oredltom or oi
" ' . konk Interested in aid estate are hereby
I..IHMII da.n' t tse rame ininntr ant! to file their nbiectloim to Miid linal aecouut, it county courthouse aoor iu Dulle City, Wusco
io; the ht--t f !;! 'iijoaont, which ccr- ' a"' tbey haxe.onor befote tbe day upoiuted 1 Couuty, Oregon, e!l ut public uuction, to the
i . i. . ior tne rienniie tnetetn
i. .J wo'j, j u-nO to COCfirn; hl6 KttU- l)NHe, city. Oregon. Mateb 25,
! :.t t-..T I. - icift no ftrenjptn Uurin mc.-j-it ii
' ' ' Oi, .-' t'St. flrnr.W fmip nint
j-.-. I'm, utii. luimvm iivivin, oi IMllt'Jl Mien ue-
,-.. i . ., . ... . , .wuvv ui tiuuik.kiuwui.ui. I htnee acquired or now have, n. and to the ioi-
. ..I..' Xi :.-.ulli peraon should take I lowing described real iiriper'.y,hituuteaud being
ui iiM- j'.-.r. oi I;.. IK UTi!:v When UO1 is nereuy give'i inai me uuuenigneu ; jii me wjuuii oi u useu, auiie oi uregou, to-wu
oiht r food :. tikeu. Hi. urnctiL"-
Harry Liebe,
&i& Dalles. Moro and
Through by daylight via Onus ValW.6'
The I""1
lUIrn.S". Administrator
. ft Tin ITflSK llftlUtUb
. T . I . ! t . U'lllTELAMi
I A ! I .!2
niEnei oiuuer, ior e.i-u in nana, an tnerlght. I f I II III 1 11 II I A 11 A 1 ATl i HUgt leave Tlie vuuc """.- "a a. m-'JVi
title and lntetes! which the Mild J. I ctory and II A I ill IIM HM. ,1 MU' Ml IU at 7 a. m.. alo from AntrfoWt -ue(
. Lucretiatory, or either of them, had onthelst l! U IVllWUIlul TlVM Ulvl 1 Monday, Wednesday und lfW be!i jrf
- Ui!'. B,UUI;,11 "n? t the inottgase of . " v " vxv : made u Anteloi for J-rinev lie. ade,ilM
.... ' iioinu ueyona. ciosc u-y..u
All work promptly attended to,
aiiu wariauiua.
administrator ol the estate of Mary.M. Gordon,
(lw.M.4l. link tiled his final rciirt mill ueeount
v :.n to dr.Lk milk at interval, of two in said estate, and that Tuesday, the Ithdayof
'.OUTS flur'T -he llllV . -.I-m I nnincr t ".. Ul .UC flOUT OI . O ClOCK p. Ul. OI halU
ur ' 1,1 ,,u., ' 'miiinoing et ahyut the U-uuty court room, In the county
h.-en o "i. i!i :h- iitojjiii.t.' mid con- court house in Iiulki, city, Vaoo Couuty.Ore
tinuini' i rt ' tr r . r'i ft KOn, bat beeu apjHiluted by said court us the
Tiuuint i.r.T . ten t r..o- t. ft?rtbut (jmeuiKl pltcu for beurliic tuld iiual ueeount.
he wou . : ,. n- n r, , ti!t. aeM 1 Wuted this '.5th day of .Match. IsiC.
momintr.-i,t. Juia I'oai-Dtepatch. . Administrator of the uute of Mafy'Gor.
dc:i, deceusei.
1 "71 rrT r- i 01
Ixits numUrwl eleven (in and twelve ij, in ' V UU 1 DLLll"r.
block twenty C.U, of Gates Addition to Uulle .
City, Wiltco County, Oregou, or ho muoh thereof i '
us win satisiy saia unovu mentioned und de- O a. i.
surioeu juugmcms, attorney ites ana costs. ! kj
DPld nrotmrtv will bu sold subleot to oonflrinn
Hon by said Cltuuit Court und to redemption, us
by law provided.
nuicu hi j ue uunut, uregon. aist day of
Muich, 1117.
'i. j. univKit.
ehelil) of uifco Count) , Oiegou.
til" It LEV,
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
I I'raetices in the etute und 1'ederul Court of
' Oiego- und ashlrigioii. JauM-atao
points oeyouu. iosc i.,.t.
j lialles with railway, trains uuu ja-
hlages irom Antwuiw i-a) p.
daj s, 1 hursdays and oatuidaj at 1 r-
Uullcs to JJeschutes
do -Moro.
do Gmss Valley
do Kent
do Cross Hollow.
Atitelojic to Cross Hollows
do Kent
do Gras Vulley--
do Moro
do Uescliuecs-
do Halle