A h ' ,1.-1 fftrfl: l4iH " ' skit, f. Stir's ' :Y" 5f "J-L t m .. u-.i I inside the ship in the steam cylinder, The Dalles Daily Chronicle, nnd0e outside m the Wat. The 77i only Republican 1'aih, Xtirgpapet Watcc Count it. n i z . : steam, pressing through the turbine screw, whins n, ana tnereiore wuiris ' the screw in the water smniUaiieous- i . i ... i. a , ly. In this case there is not the rise EASTERN OFFICE 2o t 23J Temple ! and fall and ihakc and jar of the Court, X. Y. Via. E. K.ATZ. Agent. j common piston : the propeller-turn- ing machinery is in continuous rota- l tlnn MVinc tlif bnnt frop frnm -ill vibration. The mean speed attained for runs of a mile by the Turbinia was 32$ knots, or a rate just short of MONDAY. MAY 10. 1S57 TAXES A.'l TAXES. James A. Roberts, in the May Porum. has a very interesting arti cle on uThe Progressive Inheritance Tax." which thro.vs a irreat deal of- light upon that subject. Among the most striking illustrations of the workings of tax laws in general is afforded by the inheritance tax. Mr. "Roberts takes 107 cases at random from thoe in which the inheritance tax had been paid in ew York City and prints a table showing the amount of personal property which the admiristrators paid taxes on, and the amount of the same kind of prop erty which had been given in to the assessor by the owner the year before death. The names are not given, be cause, as Mr. Roberts significantly says. -They were not the worst sin ners nor the only sinners in this re gard." We take from his list a few cases. the first figures showing what the ad rainistrator paid inheritance tax on. the second showing the amount at which the deceased while alive gave in his property to be assessed for: $3.544.343 -1 5.000: 10.252.357 500.000: 30.000.000 500.000: 2.01 5,552 5.000. And these are fair samples ot the whole lisi. The average per cent given iu taking the whole list is one and three-quarters. The total amount of the 107 estates, tis per the administrator's reports, was 215,132.3GG; the amount given m by the 107 persons before death. 3.319.412. Mr. Roberts there foie concludes that a progressive inheritance tax is the on.'y possible remedy for the tax dodging class, which at, death per mits the state to recoup for all moneys it was cheated out of by the evasion of taxes. The article shows plainly the evil, but it does not. in our opinion, provide the remedy. Laws can be made and can be en forced that will compel property owners to disclose every cent of tax able property: but the trouble is money influences prevent the passage of such laws, and money influences prevent their enforcement. Judae Suiras, of the United States supreme court, changed his mind on the in come tax, perhaps "unawed by in- j fluence and unbribed by gain." but j his sudden conversion alwavs had a ' metallic flavor to us. thirty-eight miles an hour, the high est -et recorded for the largest i uoai. anu nuany iwmu :is uiuui as i that ordinarily made by boats of the same tonnage, applied m tue usual way. Undoubtedly this mode of propulsion will soon be employed in American torpedo-boats. Oregu-nian. Wholesale. He Ucintiiili'd Hit. Mr. Uadley My dearest, in That dress, with that cluster of rosebuds in you" hair and that dreamy, tender lirht in your eyes, you look a.-, youn? as you did when 1 first &sw vou. It neeni'- to me th:.l ewry year brines some neweharm. some additional rraee to your manner. 1 tell you there are few women iu the world who could retain the freshness, the beauty, the ! Mrs. Cisdley (wearily) 1 had forgot-' ten that the lodce meets- to-nicht. ' Henry. Please be careful of the milk- pitcher when you come up the steps in ! " j1"a-t-c-the morninc. will you ? Detroit Free THE CELEBRATED Press. BHb rE57 -trl:h c blP DlncUweU'B Genuine Bnll rS lun.,.1. is lnaJ.i.s byitsc'f. Inn ivli! I'.nil ono k cour-on !iilde ench twe oui.ee bas, rj:d two coo- k kQ pons inside uch four ounce U'.j, cf k Gaiiifii Ipham 1 B Bnyobasof thlMeelcbrated tobacco and read thecoupon m MHE whlohglvesullstof valuable presontsaudhowto get thcuW WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER! Just Received j 5000 Kolls of "Wall Taper. The' best pattern?. The mo?t beautiful color?. j i New Invoice of Paint? and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. Yon Get the Profits JVIflLiT LilQUOS, CJClines and Cigars. . Snipes-Kmeisly DrneCo. : FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. I rilANS.U T A GENERAL BANKING BCSINEs No betttr vhesl made than th Acme Bicycle: Builr m our own tsctory by skilled workmen, us'iig the b4 material and the mcit improve machiner)'. We hava no nyesfc Sold direct from factory to rider, fully warranted. Shippii an)-vvhere for examination.' WRITE FOR Our Interesting Offer Acme Cycle Co., Elkhart, hi i ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER A Sad Affair. ! .lay firetMi That black spot over j there on the itle of the .'lope is where; yourr Anson Dubby, who was cros.-efl ! in love. coim::'tteil tuickir by settiu' fire j to the hay-stack into which he had bur- j That oeverage. uneq uaiea as a ionic. on draught and In Dottles. Letters oi Credit issned available in the Eastern States. Sieht E:u-!ir.i;"e a:ji Telecraphic Transfers sold on New York. Chieairo. j St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore- vron, Seattle ash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at nil po'nts on fav orable terms. Regulator Line Tie Dalles, Portlaii art Mi Navigation Co.' Anheuser-Busch. Malt Nntrine. a non-alcoholic C'itv Cousin Mv coodnese! wa. awful! .lav G-een- on!v s Yep: '.specially a they pan of the 'hav. Y. STUBLING & WILLIAM: II ORTHERN PACSFIC RY. jstis. Regulator & DalkCity NEW SPRING GOODS Tolerated Them. "Who are these people that live next door"" aked th? caller. "I've forcotten their name." caid the wife of une ,:rosneron? pucilis:. "Thev have queer -ayc and they a-.re rather -j- --- rfTG poor, but they seem to be respectable. IN ill W Or XtllN JT VTWVjiJO The husband. I think, is a professor in ?onie school or other. I: takes ail kinds of people to make a world." Chicacc Tribune. A Preciiie Di-niTliitUin. "Willie WiEhinrton had just said some thin? in the v. ay of an effort to be amus inir. "What did you think of that?" he in quired. inrenuoUBiy. "It wai Cwpital." "Did you think m?" "I am i-ure of it; borrowed capital." Wafchincton Star. JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED C. F. STEPHENS, "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its jlooo Xit Strictly I'rof cooiuutu. "That youni: doctor makes an im- ' mense number of calls on .Mrs. Orlesby. 1 Is. .she ery sick ?" ".Vo: she ia erj- pretty." Philadei 1 )bia I'resiS. One Hindrnnce. Ned I'd marry that girl if it weren't for one thing. Tom fftofs that? ' Xcd She 'refused me last nirin. Somerville Journal. ' leads on to fortune." 'J H s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car TO bT. I'AtrL .MINNEAPOLI DlLl'TU hAHGO GUAXD FOi: CKOOKSTOX I1ELK.NA un lU'TTK Alixnl ntely. I'inter She is not only a fine looking c-irl, but ther sav s-'.ie hs. a fortune ii. It is not probable the evil will be her own richt. What wou'.u ju 1o .:' remedied until it Is cured bv levolu-! -vou had a w e ,:'k- thot? TT. . , . I Ml-nter .'othln. X. Y. Journal, tion. History repeats itself, and the : fit .iprnascu. The poet unauestlonablv had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatlv-reduced rat MICHEI.BACH BRICK. - UNIOI- ?T. Through Tiekets , CHICAGO I WASHINGTON ! 1'UILAHELI'IIIA NEW YOKK KOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST uiul SODTH "7 FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE lir.TWEE.V The Dalles. Hood Klver.Caj-endcLoeisssiPtn-lmid dully, except aundajr. GOOD SERVICE, LOWEST RATES. Are you going DOWN THE MI OR TO ( EASTERN 0B15! II so, s-ave moaev and enjny a bcantilalir.fx the Uolumbttt. The wet-bound train MmaK The Dalles in ample time Inr iiassenzentoU! the steamer, arrivhic in Portland in time tec outEOlng aoutbeni uud Northern tnim, E hound jaseiict'rs arrivlnc in The Dailesucs to tuke the East-bound train. For further information apply to J. N. HARNEY, Agent, Oat Street Dock. Portland, Orejon, Or V. C. AIXAWAY, Gen.Ar-. TheUnlIes.OMX- great tax-dodcers who think they are beating the government, will some J morning wnke up to the fact that the ; government they have robbed is no longer able to protect them, and that they have nothing to tax. In lelligent men may learn a lesson of the Emigrants of France and the story of 17. They may go far ther back and behold the fall of liome in her last great Consul IJienzi, and they may learn from each of these lessons that the blaze that kin dled both these fires was the evasion of taxes by the rich, and the laying of the galling burden upon the shoulders of the producers. The may learn this lesson; but it is Use less to hope that they will profit bv it. "Mrs. McSmith returned us -muh cheap-T coffee Thar, fhe borrowed of us." "Well, put it ir. a jar bv jtseli and lend it t her wher she come? afrain." Chicafo IJecord. New York Weekly Tribune ' For information, time cardt, maji and ticket ' eui uu or write w W. C. ALLAWAY. Apeut, 1 j The VtlWt, Oregon ' vl. A. D. CHARLTON. Aeet. G P. A., i 215. Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Oregon LLLLk ?3r C&Xttrt F r '-iW 111 mm. -rov.- Farmers and Villagers, kou Fathers and Mothers, FOR Sons and Daughters, FOH All the Family. Xi. comiNi, SOLE DEALER IN THE DALLES OF Marie Burial Vaults I A Penect Protection from Water and I Dampness. Preserves the Bodv bv Ex i eluding the Air. " " DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. place for the dead. ELY'S CKEAr BALM is a posltlvernre. App'j- in'.o the ui;ri.;. It a qa. .?awj?W(i. 50 eenu a Drni-s!'. or bv ma. ; eamp.r l"c. hjr mail. ELY BKOlULIiS. ZC Varrcn iu, :;ew Vo:t Cay. Fur ule or Trade. A des -a-ilf r 4rc':i ui 1CD acrcE, ulthin four miles of Dalles City, with one epan mares, harness, wagonE, plows and other nrorertV. Fine fruit lnnd nnrl nlmn. Great Britain, making nearly thirty- dance o wat(jr WHl trade or Daee eight miles an hour. The boat is City property. Inquire of The fastest torpedo-boat in the world has just had an official trir.l in With the cloe of the Presidential Campaign THE TKIBUXE ecognizes the fact thut the Ainericau people are now anxious to jrive their attention to home and bufciness interestfc. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the llfl.t for the principles for whieh THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception tu the present duv. and won its greatest victories. Every possible effort will be put forth, and money freely Bpcnt, to make THE WEEKLY'TKIBUKE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the familv. ' i It possesses every merit claimed for "FT fTr Tj !Ej ILT' the most expensive vaults, viz: absolute I -J"A" - -J-J j security and durability, thus makiiiK a I " i permanent and imperishable reetini: ' DR. GU0S LIVER PILLS j lie tui" -. .knwr: ICC This vnult h made of eix pieces of mar ble which can be firrnlv faptened to. pethei with cement, thug making them air and water tight. i All Kinds Cemetery Work Mr. Comini has on hand a larne sup-' pyot lirst-cluss Marble, to be used in' Monuments, etc. Prices lower than in 1 Portland. , Thin Im Your nnimrtimltv I t M-M j On receipt of ten ceut8, cash or stamps, ' tiAAltn. mn! Minnie lr" ft VhltielpV- IIM.U UU.. aOSA.N JiU Zf-"- ' pacRini n extremely small, only 100 feet lonir nnd 100 tons burden. JJer power is applied on a new plan, whieh gives her the name, Turbinia. She is im pelled by a steam-driven turbine, a wheel of slantiug nnd curving spokes, similar to the common propeller. The shaft of the Turbinia has piac- A. s. Mac Alli.ti:i:, Real Eptatoand Insurance Audit. Crnio.siCLK office, The Dalles, Or. Tfin flAfnmfiifl ' We furnish "The Chronicle" and 1ST. Y. Weekly Trib- 3. 1UG llUlUlUUld i tine one year for only $1.75. S;?ream "a,,n.) efficient to demon.. packers of u : "mc arasasa? por k and beef Write vour name and address on a nostal card, send it rn Ron v v. :-.... .. . MANOFAC1 ur- . . ' -.W.M.Wi..Ul . I 1 I T ! 1 L rl.IN i r 1 1 1 1 l.JT.,'. A , tween 0 and 11. ao-tf The merchant who telle you he has something else as eood as Iioe Cal:e soap tically n propeller at each end, one isatroadman tkep away from. a2 "m . A yirl for general housework. Must . Tribune Office. New York City, acd a sample copy of The New York Weeklv Trli .' I .?.IrJlV,.Jry of otFalla, be a eood cook. A pi. v at the residence tin will liu i.i,51m1 tn vnn. ' , reaia uaim to me .. V Tn.,l r, Ku..Vt..,. i... 1 CAU emiiliasize hlB statement. "It in , noi ' I ... WWI Kit, ...fc... UU , iilUI iilim I.U- i - , w - " I'vw.- tutc mf i-iuurrii ii useu as airected." I lie v. FranciH W. Poole, Puator Central Pre vuurcu, ueiena, aiont. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury i.or any injurious drug. Price, CO cents. Job Printing at This Offiee. '."'i Pine Lard and Sau Curers of BRA' HAMS rf BAC0I J)KIED BEEF, ETC.