The Dalles Daily Ghroniele. TIIK liA LLKs, OltKlillN Aitrerlltnc Kate One ttifh or tew la I!ly Ovoc two Inch? nd wilder four Inch . . Over Iukt Inch 5 and under twelvj inch Over twelve Inches DAILY AND WHEKLY. One Inch or lei. per iach Over one tnuh utid under lour Inches Over Jour Such; and under twelve Iuc6? Over twelve Inches . . lYr inch . n ... t to rit;so" li MENTION Geortre Gaiatlier of is m the city. Frank Fnhon cuie down from Sher man county this morninc. Mr. and .Mr;, li. V. Johnston came in from Duiur thi? morning. Mrs. Laura P.-itiz is in the city from Monterey, Cnlif., visiting relatives. Hon, B. a. Huntington went to Ore con City this inorntay: on business in the circuit court. Tlip True Iieini-ilj. W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, I!J., "Cheif," say." : "We won't keep house j without 1. K'nc's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs ami Colds. 3ix perimented with iiihiiv others, !ui never got the true remedy until v ui l Dr. , King's Xew Discovery. Cu ot: er rem edy can take it place in our home, as in it we have certain and sure cure for ,Jj Coughs, Colds. Whoopinj: Cough, etc." It is idle to experiment with other rem edies, even if they are urged on you as ! just as good as Dr. King's New Discov- j ery. They are not u? good, because this : remedy has a record of cures and besides ; hernian county . is guaranteed. I: never fails to satisfy. Trial bottle; free at Biakeley & Hough-1 ton's Drut: colore. ;; ! ; to l JO l w lion'. Tlil: We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo' cured by Hail's Catarrh Cure. j j F. J. Cheney i.V Co. Props., Toledo, U. i ' We the undersigned, have known F. j j J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- j x, n. i ,j i .,.., aeve htm nenectiv honorable mail bnsi-, Mr. Genrce Darcli arrived home irom , . , , Goidmia;e" this morning. He reports transactions and financially able to , his son as out of dancer and cettinc . carry out any obligations made by their j alon nicely. I fjrm. " j H. W. Wells and wife arrived on the! West & Truns, Wholesale Druggists, morning tram lrom Ar.tncttm. .Mr. Toledo Ohio v tnr ns oeeu .u;ermg nss eiiesn in Pnr: T-,v..n siiphftn. TC !ii!ri?f countv. ' sa'e Druggists, Toledo. Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal- hlravl nnri .Lutheran services at tomorrow as follows : Walding, Kinuan .v Marvin, Whole- THE CHURCH"-;. I ! Iv. nctinp dirpp.tlv nnnn thp . i . ...i . i 1 l""u"""u : ! mucous surfaces of Morning service u i,,. at 11 ; Sunday school at 12 :05, and even- j Testimonials free me service at i j Eev. 0. D. Taylor, pastor of the Fi-st , Baptist church, will preach tomorrow i nomine r.t 11 o'clock. Subject of ser-. mon, "David's Prayers Concerning His i Enemies." There will be no evening . service. At the Concrentional church the system. Price Druccists. 15 9 flow bout Your job pf?iffjW V'q have the facilities for cluing all kinds of Job Printim:. from a visitins card to a v catalogue, and we are after all the work we can do. "We not onlv desire ".o keep busy, but would prefer to be rushed. Come in and compare our prices with that of any one, and compare quality of work. Let us have your next order. fyrorle pubii5t?ii?o o. EAST and SOUTH via thority ot onnnam-t: " xiao wOta JXOTltfi or THE NOTICE-SALE OF CITY LOTS. Notice is hereby given that bv nu- -ru . VA"L""" f Dalles v April 10th, 1S37, entitled 'An or- t'y Southern Pacifin r,, Saturday; the 15lh dav oW - 111, .reS iS lots and" M- ".cave . - to mvo , n.i,iii;.m m Dai es Citv. - Wasco county. Oregon, to-wit ell at public auction, to ' t.:.l.l. .,11 ,),.. t.illnwiML' 10 UHiuci, .iii n..:l nit.. of lots in Gates niiuiuon io v.... , Wasco county. L regon, io- u . i ... n 1(1 ?,,!,. llv. in block l4t lOtS LUIS i' Rill AVI'.".--. J 7, S. Pand 10, jointly l;loc.loi 'S S 7 s, 0. and 10, jointly in blow -I., . known as butte; lots 10. .11 mid 12, in , i olock 27; lot 9 in block 34 b s 2, ... 4, 5, 0. S. 0, 10 and U, i n block .k , , jotc 4. S, 5. 10, 11 and 12, in block ; 36; Tow 3. 4. S O, 7. S. 0. 10.11 nn.l 12, in block ST; lots 1. 'J. 3, 4. o. 6. S, . ' 9, 10. 11 and 12. in bloi k 42; lots 1. ., o, ; ! 4 5 9, 10 and 11, in block 4o; lots J . -, i 3, 7i 10. 11 and 12, in blw 41, and lots ! 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, G. in block 4b. . ' i Th reasonable value of sa 'ots, lor j ic than which tln-y will no. told, ! has been fixed s-cl determine.. y the; Common Council of Dalles City as fol- j ' lows, to-wit : fc . 1 Lot' 9 and 10. in block 14. Io0; lots J I 7. S. 9 and 10, jointly in block 15. 200; in niucK -1, ; LEAVE. f OVERL.Xli EX-i t.tcss, Snluni, Rose. I bant, Ashlnml. Sap. ..- .-r. J rumento. ()piii.n "ion lsAiiRfles.tU'RM;' :10A. V New urlcans anrt 1 s:S0 A. M Dnily except Sinida-. innt... J!n;icblirg Itiotii. ... and way t- linn? .... , . fc fVirt WoiKJbnrn lor W P 51 I Mt.Anecl, Silvcrton, :i viUcSjirtngfleld and 7:30 A.M. .rJ"!.1j!' nl,cl fflyi16iaPM U J1 P M iMcMInnvSllo 1 1ms 7. S. 9 and 10. loin'jy '$200; Int 10, in blocs 27, $225; lot 11. in , block 27, 225 ; lot 12. in block 2i , $300 ; j ot 9. in bioeK oi, "He o, t, Pref riu Send your address to H. E. Buckien (i Co.. Chicago, and get a free san-.'e bos of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These Pills are easy in action and are y ellective m tne cure of L on- , corner --.j. k.,cj.,..u m. , .If'Ll.lUli 1-.J4 1 . . Ubllbtll.llCl Ul .U I. of Coort r.nd Fitth street?, Sunday , T,r trm,uV t!r,,.H )l(HJri it 1 I a. in. and s the . services p.s usual p. iu. worship, and a sermon by mstor, W. C. Curtis. Snndsv imniediateiv after the mornins: service. proved invaluable. They are gr.arar.tted to be perfectly free from every deleter ious substance and to be purely vegeta ble. They do not weaken by tlieir ; action, tint iiv "ivsnr :nnp tn etrimncii 1 r . . : t..j. . n. 1 ' - - 01 uuririian r.noeuvorni . p. m. xouic, . .i Sileetinj: of the Young People's Society : , i am: lcwffl !-rpa?5v!5!t- tl.p sv; U t.y i love Jesus : i jolm iv:H: John ; .em- y laT j 5 rsr.i.i ii . 1 - - - iii:i-i-ii. Aii persuns not woriaippinc ; ov g; elsewhere are cordr.uiv mviteu THE' WORLD RENOWNED i YAM II ILL DIVISION. l'at?eiiRer Dejiot, foot of Jedcnon set U'cvc for OSWEGO. Ittl!y,fSwit5nndTtt 7:iD 11. n.: 12:15, 1:4), 6 t-S S'K'C (mid 11:30 i. 111. on ?iiturlay only.. Anlret; I'ortjnnd at 7:10 mid S:3u a.m. audliS), ill O..V aud 7:56 p. m. Id Ad rertt-ril Letter'. aheiev & Houtrhtoa Drui.'rists The Shakers have made a i:re3t hit. j Their Digestive Cordial is said to be the i most successful remedv for stomach It immedi- rollowins is the lis; of letters remain ing in the postorTice at T:.e Dailes uu- j troubles ever introduced called for May 7. 1S97. Persons call-' ately relieves all pain and distress after ing for the same will give date on which ! eatinc. builds ud the feeble svstem and Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE & MAYS, The Dallas, Oregon. they were advertised: Albanv Steam Dye Akin, Grace Works. Densmore, Edwarc Goble, J (i Hanson, Miss F A JLani:, Joe Patterson, Willie Raymond, Mr P.ichardson, C W Slocum, F M Wilson, Bert Williams,. Mrs A 2 Barchus, Ira Forrester, Melissa Havs, Marv J Keller. E J Morgansor., E G Pyburn, Aaron Seese, Wm Shields, Geo W Tappan, Mrs L B Wri-.-ht. Mrs L G Welch. Edw Wetmore, Miss Hattie J. A Cbosses, P. M. Tt-aclier-" Kit'.umn'.luii. Notice is herebv iriven, that for the pnrpo makes the weak stronir The fact is, foods properly digested are better than so-calied tonics. The Cor dial not only contains iood already di gested, but is a digester of other foods. Food that is not digested does more harm than good. People who use the Cordial insure the digestion of what food they eat and in this way get the benefit of it and erow strong. j The little pamphlets whica the Shak- j ers have sent druggists for free distri- j j bution, contain much interesting infor- j mation on the subject of dyspepsia. 17 ! of tnakinc an examination of! all persons who may offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the schools of this county, the county school superin tendent thereof, will hold a public ex amination st. the county court house in Dalles City, beginning Wednesday, May 12th, at 1 o'clock p. m. 1 Dated this 1st day of May, 1S87. j C. L. GlLBEKT, j School Supt. Laxol is the best medicine for chi'.- : dren. Doctors recommend it in place of GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. Dnily. IDnny, esccpt Sunday. DINING CARS ON OirDEX ROUTE. I'DI.LMAN BCKFET SLEEt'EKs AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CASS Atlndietl to all Through Trains. ! 9, 10 and 11, in block Ho, each respecVJ dental and Oriental and Pacific mm. I,1 -J 'ivflv S100: lots G and 7. in block !".5, lines for JAPAN cud CHINA. Sailiii-dS , , o j c O ill iHiiauoii. each respectively fl.o . io;S o, -i,, . Kates h!1(1 ttckct!! t1 na.tcrn trim n, 10 and 11, in block 80. each rer-reetively roM.. A1mjai-an. clil.w, HoNoLfLr ,S ; J100; lot.12. in block 36. ?r.'J: lots 3, 4, a STK a LI a . can obtained froa 5, S. 9. 10 ami 1 1 . in block 37. each i e- J- h- K1KLa.nd, Ticket At. -pectiveiv $100; lots 0, 7 and 12, in Throuch Ticket OUice, 1:1 Third street, vts. block 37, each respectively Sl-'o : 1 tlfouch ticket to all jmints in the Euan lots 2. 3. 10 and 11. ih block . oMtos ,1 41, e?ch respectively -100: lts 1, J. n. KIItKLAND, TicietAzta' 7 and 12, in bloi-1. 41, each respectively , All above traitih arrive at and derrt"isn. 6125; lots 3. 4, 5, S, 9, 10 and li. in Gr'-Uj (:ti"tr"1 tlou.lfth and Imn; block -52. each respectively ?UH; lot s , 0 and 12. in biock 42. eich respectively ?125; hits 2. 3,4, 5,0, 10 and 11, in block 43, each respectively $100; lot 1, m b n-k 43, $125; lots 2. 3, 4 mid 5, in b.jck 4i.. each respectively $100; lots 1 and l., in bloek 40, each respectively $12". Each ..:" these lots will be sold upon tie . t respectively, and none of them wi.l be si ld for a less .-tun than the value there i. as above stated. One-f jurth of the price oid on any of said Ij's shall be paid in cash at the . ! . . ; .....1 .I... tmnninflu. ! l ll.ilf. equu. pavments on or before, one, two v K0EiILEr and tl.r-e yars from t:.e date of said 1 "jjnnmter. sale, w,!h interest on such deferred pav mi r.ts at the rate of 10 per cent per at. 1. uih. paynriie annually; proviaeu that tt.e payment may be made in fall at any time" at th option of the pur chaser. The said sale will bet-in on thelth dav of Mav, 1S97, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. 111. of 'aid day. and will con tinue from time to time until all of said lots snail be sold. Dated this loth day of April, 1S97. Gimjekt W. Phelps, , Ilecorder of Dalles Citv. : 1 I rrupcxulh for Coimtnictlni; "iVnter ami Inve for Sheridan, week davs, t-L3Dp.-Arrive at Portland, 0:Xi a. ru Ijeave for AIT.LIE on Monday, Weduesdjrti Kri iiy at 9:40 n. m. Arrive nt Portland, Ts.k. dav, Thursday and Saturday at S.05 p. m. ' 1 Sunday trains for OSWEGO leave at 8:Ma.a he 1 and 11!: la, 1 : 15, 3:30, 6:25 (i l.'i and S (3 . a. At op rive at Portland at S:3), 10 no a. m . l:J0,ldi E. P ROGERS, Ast. u. F. i Pass. Ait mm mm m a mi EHST GIVES THE I SfVIT HtHlIl. '"sU'.-cossor to Corisisi.'. i o.son. FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at thf old ?ta-:d. I v.ia d be p't-asd to see all my former patrons. F?ae delivery to any .i.irt of town. encr, i Choice of Tran sco ntinental Routes -VI A- Minneat)olis Denver Omaha Kansas City Castor Oil. Stoehhuliler-' Dleetlng. Notice is hereby given that a IDLtt Wasco Warehouse Oonipaoy rsiitli i- to Tuxpat er. of the stockholder: of The Dalles Chron icle Publishing Company will be heid at the countv court rooms on Tuesdav, tbe 2uth day of May, a. D., 1S9T, at 2 Headquart ers for Seed Grain ofaii kinds. o clock p. m., for tne purpose of adopt- in- suplimentcrv articles of incorpora- TTfia.d H 11 3 1'tftT-R fOT Pfiftfl CrVfiir) nfnll lrinrlc. turn the tax roll for lsH6 to the county clerk on the first Monday in April. 1S97, and all tases then remain- j ing uuptiid on the roil will he declared delinquent, and thereafter the sheriff' will not receive taxe- until the delin quent roll is given him. By order of i court. A. M. Kelsav, j m23 4tw Clerk. j tion, increasing the capital Etock of said such other TTeadfluarters for T?.ollfiri Crrnir all kinds. fore said meet- " " inu. By order of the Board of Directors. hiPCl n Ci 11 Q TTPIC! fnv TsTClY1 RnnPr0 and all kinds r,.. r. I- . r .or- , ' VWVWfc rfaAlbdl.j fW.SJk (Jl. 0f MM f.- T C n Ttic D.ille. rironn. Ann U. IRflT. A 3 ' WILU ffctu A. S. Mac Alllsteb, President. P.. G. Dave.vpokt, nn TP! rn yj This Flour is manufactured exnresslv for frni!f Notice is hereby given that by order com pan v and transautiu of the county court, the sheriff will re-1 business as mav come befi r of the Board of Directors. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, , Orecon, April 0, 189. 3 Headquarters for "By ers Best' Pendle- secretary. use; e ery sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Buckien'd saiTs. We sell our coods lower than anv house in the trade, and if vou don't tiuril- bo The best salve in the worid for cute, , ca:l and et our prices and be convinced. sores, ulcers, salt rheum, feve; tt; -(-). . T5 ,i -r ttt v - -o .1 , you suOer '.',,.,. turns, auu ait skiij urupuou"., unu poa- . tively cunis piies, or no pay required Do not fail to call on Dr. I.annerberg, ' . ''e 0 bruises the eve specialist, and li3Ve vour eves ; " esannned free of cnurf-. It you suuer with headache or nervousness vou un- l ill I it iwll i' rioi'a tmriurfun I'iitAii V.ot if corrected, will benetit vou for life. Il 15 guaranteed to itive perfect satiefac Ottiuu in the Vogt biock. tion. or money reiunaed. Price 25 cents per Iwx. For sale oy Biahelev and Do you want your windows cleaned, Houghton, dnmuists. T7 Indian Service, Warm Springs Aceac ur.. .Mav i, ivjr, SEALEli PP.OP(JAij, endorsed ' P.-ojio.-als ' for Water and sewer eyMein" and addrc-sed to the underricned at Warm r-jiriiiL's. Crook SrinVp T) A County. Oresou, will be received nt thi Meuey LZZZ'JZZ nutil i o'cloei: i. m. of May -jr. Iv.'T. lie furniMi- : ins the neces-ary materials and labor required in the eoiiitruetion und completion oi a water j iiuu sentr .iexji. ineiuuiiic iiiuuiuiiiir: lor ine i - boardinc school jdant p be erected on this re- 1 . serve, in strict aucordanee with plans and a eci- ' ot. JT 3.1X1 I fieations, which may te cxMininetl at theoiliee . . i of the "Moraine Orecouian. Portland. Dr.. ' "The CHBOS1C-.E." The Dalies Or., uud at this ! Apeucy. IlidderE will state clearly in their bids, the ! lentrth of time reouired to comnlete the work. Ti.eritrht i reserved to reject anv and all bidh, i ' or am- cj any bid, if deemed lor the best in-1 tere-t of the servlee. i OCEAN The atleirjon of bidders is invited to the act I ' - . ., v. i . v 1 1. . , "All net lelatliiff to ihe KniiMtuin tti th(. i,.-.u.j i ! ddii service of laborers ar.d mechanies ea pi' ed upon the public worfc of the United -t.;tes mid of the District of Columbia:" mis', to I ruenM ..' CoiiBre.-s appruvel Ansu-t 1:J. Is91, 1 For full detells call on O. K l.tttiec An act for the nrotectiou of Tha Dalles, or address : :rr.iliine materials. mid labor for the constmc- i V. U, UL'ItLBUltT, fien. I'ess. Ap ii j uune wurfcs. CEBTinZO f'lIE' KS. Each Old must be aecoruiiMiiiwl he n nr! I tirwl ciieci: or draft uimn some United Mates Dotxwi-' Mry or solvent Nutiunai 'Sunk in the vicinitj of ' the residence of the bidder, made liavable to th-1 The Smv Time Card, orderof tiic-Commissioner of Indian Aliai's, for TT , . .,, iri,,Ph r at least FIVE PKP. CENT, of the amount of the Under the new time card, wtnen gt j.rop.r,al. which check or draft will be forfeited i.uo cfT tomorrow fains will inovei! 1 to the I ntled statt in case any bidder or bid I ellec. tomorrow , l.aiue j dcrs receivins an award shall fall to promptly j follow6 : ; r.therf No. 4, to Spokane and Great .Northern c5,SffScocrdd!,CU - u ccrtl j arrives at 6 p. m., leaves at O-JMJ , For any additional Information, apply to .No. 2, to Pendleton, Baker City u. l. Indian" Ageit. , Union Pacific, arrives 1 ;15 a. m., I jmrtg .oq a, m No. 3, from Spokane and Great .oni. em, arrives 8:30, departs 8:35 a. -No. 1, from Baker City and Union P citic, arrives 1 :20, departs 1 :2b a. m. Nog. 23 and 24, moving eaetoy"- carry passengers. 30 p. m., departs i- Low Rates to all Eastern Citiss STEAMKi:1) Leave PorllM" Every Fivo Ilayn fur !SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. & Co. s Agent Portltna.Orsra E. M-:;EILL President aud JIana cr roy7.my2 Hchenx, Preiident. II. M. IlE ALL, Caiihier. First National Bank. THE DALLES OREGON nerai Bank ng Business truufeucteo i naiL.p . Deposits received, subje-jt to Sight . ' Draft or Oh?- 1 arnvee at G: 5BLAKELEY& HOUGHTON carjhsts taken up, heaten and re laid, or janitor work of any kind done by a first-class man? If so, telephone Henry Johnson t Parkins' barber chop. 'Phone ll!i. al0-tl fi-.aj- Fi.-.m i in i 't i'. excels all other washing a2 3 m LODD POISON n w , wwir.u.i3 us i.-rrr I iary I1LUOU J'uidON iwraianentlj J ured In 15 toS data You tin treainn nt "boraolortasiepr,!,. cmicr tameKuurac- ty. If Top .cr t jt no here roKi.ip,ru tric-.tODavralirrwdf jieandhntnlhiiu ,ri toctarp.lf wofaiu cure. If you bare taken incr The Westfield Clnd. News prints the following in regard to an old resident of that place: "Frank McAvoy, for many years in the employ of the L., N. A. & C. By. here, gays: 'I have used Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemsdy for ten .wars or longer am never without it in my family. I take pleasure in n-cjiiiin-nding it.' " It ie a fcpecific for all bowel disorders. For . sale by Blakeley dc Houghton. 175 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon Collections made and proceede promptly : V- tn. c- . rftmtifed on dar of collection. I PaesenirerB for Heppner will take tram SiKbt and Teletrranhic i-zciianpe eold on ! ieavin tiere 0-05 p m. New ork. San Franc Acr, n p. i ,eaunfc ere o.uo p. m. 1 '.and. ; DIREOTOKS i p: Thokpbon. J.v0. s. Schkkce. , tiD. M. illiamb, Geo. A. Liebe. I H. M. Beai.l. Dalles, Mora aod A Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. Harry Liebe, STAGE LINE. PKACTICAL Subscribe for Tin: Ciiko:;:clc. I'or -Sale. Yearline sheep (1000 head.jfiound and u.kH..c.ii nuidii mjy. u. jvu uixtv iojn iucr -lT:fi-,d.?tV-ot.a'll,,,r'cl loHehtaaai in prime condition. Price $1.75. Ad palDJ.Jlucousl'MtthiMintnouth.SoroTUrojt. . . dress, J. .M. LUvib, 1 itajilM. Cojijior Colored bpot, Ulcer oa r r.- r (t.,.l U..1.... LV..1 .... . r,. 1 1 1 out, it is this Secondary jiLooo voihuS w-mltf bherars Bridge, Oregon. L-uarnnteo tocurt. Wocjlicutheraojt oljitl- uate caacs una cliallentro the world for a Vi-llnw WHBhiup iinwdt-r will innl-p cat.fi7o cannot euro, aitu due&w his alira 1 "i0" wub,,"1t I'owaer vm mate ijanieatii8iiiif)ithoiuost-uiinetiiiyiii- vour clothes the same color. Avoid ciaiii. SSOO.OOO csp U-hind our uacondi. , , , , Z. DONNELL, PfSESCSlPTIOfi DRUGGIST 1 Watchmake ThrouKh by daylight via Grass ValW. m and Urohn Hollows. IIOUGLAH ALLESi Tlie I'""' C. M. M I11TKLAW. APteli'l'' T 1 V s I A V Ht"t lcavc 'n'e -JalItt iwf?, ViSf m.' 1 i Li w II 1111 .s ..iifine. w.viiiMfiHV and Iridai. .VP'.'l'lTi ul tlocal truarnoty. Aoolutcprixirentiieuledoo thi .oareia luuii iiUMt.ur CO,, Lnnlifstkun. 'diit iXmonic Tviovlt), CIICA.UO, ILL, by using Soap Foam. white. it a pure a2 3m ' TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE DALLES, OR. All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. ' Attorney and Counsellor at Law, AKMNuTO.N, OUEGON. oSSfS!, IS. H'?.u,te u,ltl FJwl Court of uuo uud uliinctoii. juiia-aiiio .Moiiduy.Wediiei.duy nnd Irld". .VitcbU I11 mude ul AiiteloiKi lor i'rinev'e' ?'aertl wiinu beyond. Clow cMii.ectiooi i waae i Uulie with railways, trains uuu fitKc fiom Anu-lojio leach ThPfW'' duyi,, 'fhurwJuys and tiuturdays at 1 . I1- 1 HATKH or rAKC 1 l)ulle to Itoclmtes 1 5J I do Moro '. t do Griiss Valley.. . do Kent .. S do CroM. Hollow. 1 , AnteloK' to Crosi. Hollows . . i W ! do Kent i do Gram Valley.. . I do Moro iS 1 do l)ecliuttii , iw do DulUn