The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The only Republican Lath, Xeu tpayet Watco Coitofii. EASTERX OFFICE CSO to S3S Temple Court, y. Y. Ciiu. E. KATZ. Agent. was rcturninc along tho line of the outward flight when ho was com pelled to land. If this be true, and there seems to be no reason to doubt it. the ques tion of aviial navigation may be con sidered as settled, for if a machine will H3- fifteen miles, it can be made totlvl.oOO. SATURDAY, MAY S, 1S97 yEEl'ED LEGI&LATJOy. Great Britain wishes an American alliance. There is only one way to set it. Let her bundle out of the One of the bills most urgently : Western hemisphere, bag and bag needed to be passed by congress and ' gage: evacuate the American conti suppleracntcd by legislation in every jnents and islands, horse, foot nnd slate and territory in the- union, is a ' dragoons j take nwny her flng, her bill to prevent the damphools of the warships, her royal governors, her conntry. like Hamlin Garland for 1 monarchal insignia and her imperial instance, miblishinc a lot of siilv and policy. Then America will stand at self-evident lies "about our dead her back while she conquers the rest heroes. Who is there in America of the world. The way to make the but venerates the name of Lincoln? ' pica of blood brotherhood effective Who but admires the sterling quali- is to let go of the brother's inheri ties of Grant: And who of these , tauce before preaching to him the but feel their souls sicken with dis-! fraternal duty of help in need. The gust at the puerile lies told about, way to unite those of one race' them by self-appointed biographers : j upainst the alien is to rest content Hamlin Garland has sadlv belittled ! with looting the alien, and respect1 fnmiiv possessions , oueht P)E-T with a blf 13. BladreH'e Gentilno BnUBL H f"S Durham is Inn clans by itself. Yon will ilnd ons k - coupo:i lnsldu ench two ounce bag, sad two coo- L pons Inside cacti four ounce bat of L BiackweiPs Genuine Durham I smoking t ocacco H Bnyabairof thiscelebrotedtobneeoandreadthocoupon m vrnlchglvesclbitof valuable iiresecWuadhowloge'.Uien WAItlt PAPER! WAItli PAPER! Just Received 5000 You Get the Profits of, gfjljn. Agents, Jobber and Middlemen by buyinrd; rect from the manufacturer. Roll? of Wall Paper. The best patterns. The most beautiful color?. New Invoice of Paint? and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. Snipe .-Wy Drug Co.; Wholesale. & Grant, as Hay did Lincoln, and still the soul-harrowinir work goes on. every penny-a-liner considering our illustrious dead legitimate subjects for their manufactured stories. Colonel Peyton, who wrote a book. Reminiscences of the Past." and who unfortunately died onlv a week 01 two ago, is one of tho:e who comes to the front and tells about Grant breaking a run away horse. The incident hat all the earmarks of fiction, and decidedly ,e!low-backed fiction at that: the kind of fiction one would naturally expect of a man wtio would write a hook -Reminiscences" and then add that they were of the -Past. Were these stories only to be heard now. the effect would not be so bad; but when it is remembered that in the course of time the' will be accepted as true, the outrage upon the memories of our illustrious ; dead can be measured. Our great magazines have vied, are wine, with each other in their I efforts to load the public with this kind of trash, and they sbonl.l be re fused admittance to the mails Three continents to content the British land-. hunirer. Oreconian. , Chas. F. Lord, district attorney of the fourth judicial district. Portland. . is in no wav related to Gov. W. P Cllines and Cigars. FRENCH j BANKERS. TRANSACT A GEXEKAL BANKING BUSINE No bstler " heel made than the Xcme Bicycle Built in our own factory by skilled workmen, usiu? thshest material and the mo:t rarrevsj machinery. Ve hevs r.o counts Sold direct from fctorvtoih rider, full' warranted. Grippe,; anywhere for examination. WRITE FCn iuui intcs c3"Lt!iy vuGr CO 1 Acme Cyc!c Co' 'k1-'- Regulator Line iLord of Salem. Hillsboro Inde j pendent. ' The nublic announcement of the ; above fact should give each of tue parties named a great deal of satisfaction CATARRH local'disease and is the result of colds and sucCen climatic changes. For your Protection we j-.UTe.v s'te tfca: this reaetiy dre no: contain mir'ary or aav oltirii-jr- 10 ui on ! THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER on draught and in Dottles. Letters of Credit issned available in the Eastern States. Slcht Enhance ami Telegraphic! 1 Transfers sold .11; New York. Chicaco, ; St. Lonis, San Francisco, Portland Ore ' con, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washincton. ! Collections made a: all points on fav ! orable terms. The Dalles, Portlanfl anfl Astorii Navigation Co.' Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine. a non-alcoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic. Ely's Cream Balm i .vknowsetJced to i the mwt thors;h cure for Cawnh, Co.d in Uead and Hay fever of ah reridirt. It opcn ar.n dearies the na-ol paia;, oavs pain and lntixnrnation. heais the sores, pro v.u the membrane lrom conis. restores the sen?e cf tx te and smell, lrice Z'K. a; Drntrij is or by mau. U.Y BKOTHEES, W Warren Street "ew Vert Fur sale or Trade. A desirable ranch of ItiO acres, within tour miles. of D.tiles City, with one span mares, harness, wacons, plows and other -. . Tiie propertv. rtae fruit land and abun-1 , T 1 1 ... ' dance of water. Will trade for Dalles true stones of Lincoln, showing tbej " . . " " great and tender heart of ihe man, endear him to ail; but the silly twad dle of the Garlands, the Hayses, the Pe3tons. and all that class of illiter ate and untruthful asses, are only blots upon the fair picture. There is only one clas? of people more con temptible than these inventors of character stories, and that is the edi tors who permit the mendacious scum to find its way into print. I City property. luquire of A. S. Mac Allisteh, Eeal Estate and Insurance Acent. Chko.vicle ofike, The Dalies, Or. The merchant who telle you he has something else as goad as Hoe Cake noap is a iiaod man tu keep away from. a2-3m : STUBLING & WILLIAMl NEW SPRING GOODS NEW SPRING GOODS JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED C. F. STEPHENS. "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its jlooa leads 011 to fortune." The poet unauestionablv had reference to the N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. strs. Regulator if DallesCity H s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car TO ST. I'AI'L .Ml.VNEAI'OLI DULl'TH fAHGO GI1.1ND FOlt CKOOKSTOX WINNIPEG HELENA an Ul'TTE mis SHIP .SAILS. :: Garden lose We are agents for the celebrated MALTESE CROSS. Every body knovrs that it is the best Hose on the mar ket today. A dispatch from Nashville. Tenn.. yesterday says: Today, at the centennial exposi-, tion grounds, Professor Arthur Bar- -it- i i ii nard. physical instructor of the Youm ,a,S0 caiTV the lvltlpe- Men's Christian Association of Xash"- 'Ood brand Ot Hose, which ville, began a journey in an airship J we recommend as a superior constructed by himself. The otii-1 article second onl' to our Mal cials of the exposition and the people lese Cros brand in quality. It attending the exposition, witnessed ,,i r ,i.,,i the ascent of the aerial voyager. 1 made on extra strong di ck, The ship moved off in perfect order, . aiKl oi the rubber. Ihen and passed out of sight in a few we carry the Wallabout brand minutes. Professor Barnard prom-, which is a good quality and feed to sail against the wind after medium price, equal or better ansinc into the air, and he did so. ,i,n fi ,.,. .. , n,,i The aiiship trill be continued in use' averB?e ""-called at the exposition. Jt is 40 feet long ' ,jGt Hoe on the market, and 20 feet in diameter. ' We sell it for what it really is , Mr. Barnard, who returned with a good, serviceable Hose. ; his airship tonight, soys he has a ma-, ee our stoci. before buvinL'! Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets! at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling those goods out al greatly-reduced rat MICHELBACH BRICK.. - - CNIOi FT. New York Weekly Tribune Through Tickets CIIICAUO WASHINGTON I'llILADELI'IIlA j NEW YOJIK I BOSTON ANI ALL FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BETWEES The Dalles. Hood Ki ver. Cascade Locks and ftsv lnnd dnlljyexceiit hundsy. GOOD SERVICE, LOWEST RATES. Are yon going ( DOWN THE YALLET OR TO ( EASTERN OEESflH! POINTS EAST nnd SOCTH ; For inforniBtlon, time cards, map and tick:U, 1 cnl on or write to I W. C. ALLAWAY. Afjent, 1 The liullefc, uregoii ur D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., Morrison Cor. Third. PortlauS Oregon JOK- Farmers and Villagers, I'on Fathers and Mothers, roii Sons and Daughters, ron All the Family. Im. comini, SOLE 1EAL.EI1 IN THE UALLE5 OF Marble Burial Vaults chine which will Hv tindur oidinarv . conditions. Ik- said it 15 not per .fect, ncr could it be perfectly eon trolled, but he believed he could petfect it so that its course would be controlled. After disappearing from view tins morning, the ship circled mound, the navigator hoping to meet with a favorable current. At last the ship began to sail to the west, nnd went, 3Ir. Barnard says, as far as "U'ntkins, a village lifteen miles west of the cit, where it turned nnd when four intles from Nashville, the gas in the balloon attachment began to give out. He then sought a safe place to descend, and came down easily. "While aloft a sudden gust broke one of the spans of the ship. Xo other damnge was done. The time he was aloft was one nnd n half hours. lie Uew itre. BICYCLE REPAIRING. W'UVi ll.i. r.lnco r, t.c iLociilnnliol fn m no r. r. TUT? TUTDT'Vt.' 1 j fact that tliu American people ore now anxious to give their attention to home and , business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less enacf and I prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the ; iiuht for the principles: for which THE TIMBUNE has labored from its inception to the present dav. ant) won its urea teat victories. A Perfect Protection from Water and ' Dampness. Preserves the Bodv bv Ex- eluding the Air. ' " J It possesses every merit claimed for ! the most expensive vaults, viz: absolute ' security and durability, thus making a I permanent and iinpe'rhhable resting This vault is made of six pieces of mar ble Which can be firrnlv fflBtf.nt.rl tn. ; Kethei with cement, thus" making them i air and water tight. , II so. save money nnd enjor a beautiful tripes tbe Columbia. The vc-t-bouud train arrirat! The Dalles in nraiile time for iiasen!rerstotile the stenraer, nrrivinc in Portland In timetetii outeoini; eouthern und .Northern trnini; tifi hound iattenpers arriving In Tbe DaliBt3i to take tbe Eust-bouud train. For further information ujiply to J. N. HARNEY, A Rent, Oak street Dock. Portland. Orejon. Or W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen.AEt, The Dalles. Okpx. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. Everv noible eflbrt will be put forth, and money WEEKLY'TKIBU.VE pre-eminently a National Fan freely spent, to make THE instructive, entertaining and indispensable to We have secured the services of Mr. Joseph KirchorT, who has been doing Bicycle Repair ing and Gun Work for tne last nve years in The Dalles. All work w" ' " ,. ' ont-neto a r. vi-m-.rri11 Mr w rite your name and address on a postal card, end it to Geo. W. Best. entrtlSteQ tO him Will Tribune Office, Xew York City, acl a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trlh- receive prompt atten- une w"' h mailed to vou. mal Familv Newepaper, interesting, pr,,i each member of the familv. I ortmna All Kinds Cemetery Work Mr. Comini haE on hand alartfecup. plyot hrst-class Marble, to be used in: .Monuments, etc. Prices lower than in ' DR. GUNM lMI-I'.OVES LIVER PILLS - IIas. ftill null Mini..' or full I?"',1 f& vaunt iu.iloa.Ml.alUJ.-0..iu,QC'' This Is Your Ojiportunlty. We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. tion. MAIER& BENTON'S Job Printing at This Office. ! most I (Ely's Cream Balm) fenffinicrit in d trato the great merits of tho remedy. ELY BROTHERS, CO Warren St., New York City. "Rev. JohnBeid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont., I rwuiHineuuea .iy's Cream Balm to me. I cm einjibtwize Idh Btatemeut, "It is a nosi. I tve cure for catarrh if ued as directed." ! Bev. Francis W. Boole, Pastor Central Pre , Church, Helena, Mont. nnnlrinn Ri On receipt of ten cents, cobb or stamps, ! TflO Onflimflin PACKEK9 wr PORK and BEEF MAJJUFACTOKERBOK Fine Lard and Sausage Curersof 4r Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged HAMS fiT cure for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any lujumue drug. Price, 60 cents. DRIED BEEF, ETC.