The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 08, 1897, Image 1

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    el)c dalles
HIH Chronicle.
NO 102
Special Attractions for the Week.
Nearly every depart men ( in the house contributes towards
making it attractive buying at our store. New Goods, Sty
lish Goods, Summer Goods at Summer Trices, are a good at
traction to any one at this season of the year; but when cou
pled with such prices as ours, the attraction is two-fold.
The Correct Shoe for . summer wear. The sea
son for Low Shoes is at hand, and there is no time
like the present for buying. We are offering an
attraction in a Black and Chocolate Oxford, as
cit, genuine turn sole, soft stock, at the attractive
price of
$1.75 per pair.
After this week, regular price $2 23.
Special Assortment
School Shoes, Fine Shoes, Black Shoes and
Tan Shoes to close this week.
A few pair of Chillis' School Shoes; sole lea
ther tips; sizes G and 7; to close at 50c.
TAX SHOES Children's Tan Button Shoes,
spring heel ; sizes 7 to 11 ; until sold, 7,"c pair.
MISSES' TAN SHOES Laced or button;
sizes 11 to 2; regular $1.50: for the week, $1.C0.
spring heel Sho"; sizes from to 10 Ls ; offered
this week at 75c. Szes 11 to 12 "to go at $1.00.
Thi regular price of above, $1.25 and $1.50.
Gents' Dress Shoe.
The fi.50 Shoe this week at $2.50.
Eazjr Toe; best Calf; warranted.
Dress Goods selling ought to bo brisk with
us next Thursday, Friday and Saturday. With
nearly the entire lines of ;5, 40 and 50 cent pretty
novelties on the special 25 cent counter. Every
lady should haye a new dress, and those that
have not, have only themselves to blaiiio, as we
are doing our share. Remember from Thursday
morning until Saturday night, the above lines
now on exhibition in our window will go at 25
cents per yard.
MEN'S SPECIAL $1.00 Line
Offers you choice of Lace or Congress, plain
or tipped, round or square toe; Shoes that Fell
readily at $1.75 and $2.00 ; just for the week, $1.00.
Special Line of Boys' Shoes.
Call and see our Bargain Shoe Tables.
Boys' School Shoes, tipped, hook lace; excel
lent stock; sizes 11 to 13, 3 to 5 the regular
value $l.i5 to $1.85.
Special $1.00.
A Corset
for week only.
Our Princess Sum
mer Corset, in white
Lace Net, well stayed;
5-hook lengthe; per
fect form ; sizes 19-27 ;
Special 35c
J ft
Laundered Percale, collar it cufls
attached, pretty styles; special 35c.
Extra Percale, newest patterns;
all sizes 50 cents.
Extra Assortment soft negligee
shirts, imequaled at 50 cents.
: ji v.
Black Diagonal
Clay Worsted
Frock Suit.
Italian Lined; Silk
Buttons ; latest cut ; a
Suit otherH try to du
plicate at. prii'i', hut
f.iii; all sinus; ,'!5 -12.
Business Suits
Business Men.
All Wool; Genuine
Oregon Goode ; correct
styles. Per Suit,
Double-Seated PANTS.
They can't hs beat.
From 50c to 90c pair.
Made with Patent Kinetic Waist
band, Riveted Buttons, and are war
ranted NKVER-TO-RIP.
See our Special 25c lines.
J 1
$7 50.
An n. williaiyis s co.
The (j reeks Determined Not
to Again Retreat.
General .4m.ulenkr lirlnude Hu Safely
Arrived at Alni rot.--Turk Are
.Hardline " Vulu.
London, May 7. A dispatch from
Aiens eaye a telegram has been re
ceived from Prince Constautine, saying:
"Our new poBition, in Domokos, is one
' fe'feat strength. We are resolved to
hold it at all coate. The retreat from
I'liareala was rendered imperative by
the overwhelming numbers of the enemy
and was effected without mishap."
KiuoleiiHkl'H iirlgade In Safe.
Athens, jjnv 7.a, dispatch from
Almyroh announces that Pmolenski's
brigade, which arrived there th!e morn
jig, effected a retreat from Voleetino
n food order.
troops was last heard of as engaged with
the Turks at Velestino. witti the latter
apparently attempting to prevent him
from retreating upon Volo or Almyro.
The government lias ordered a squadron
and several torpedo-boats to obtain
news from the misting brigade.
A panic prevails at Lamia, on the Gulf
of Lamia, now the base of supplies for
the Greek forces at Domokos. Many in
habitants are fleeing, fearing an attack
by the Turks. Three vessels brought
refugees from Lamia to the Piraeus yes
terday evening.
Turklfch Govejinueiit J Officially
vlhed of the Advent.
Constantinople, May 7. The Turkish
vnverritncint has received the followinu
0 .
( oilicial dispatch from Piiareala, under
I date of May 6:
j "At dawn, the imperial troops have
'attacked the enemy, occupied Pharsala,
' from which place a portion of the Greek
i troops had already begun to retreat dur-
ingthe night, defeated them and captur
ed the town. A division 01 cavalry pur
the first of this month on the proposition
to affiliate with the American Federation
.of Labor. The proposition was before
the biennial convention at Galveston
last summer and was strongly urged by
Grand Master Sargent and President
Gompere, of the Federation, who was
present by invitation. The impression
is that the returns will show that the
proposition has been carried.
The affiliation is to he fraternal in the
first instance, and cannot involve the
firemen in a strike or other radical
action not authorized by their own laws.
Tuik Marching oil Volo.
Lakissa, May C (Delayed in trans
mission,. Many wounded Turkish sol
diers have been brought here from the
"ont. They confirm the report of the
capture of Valeatino, where the fighting
"as been severe.
A Turkish brigade ia marching on
olo, which is expected soon to be in
'j' hande of the Ottoman troops.
Everybody spi-uks of the remarkable
courage of the Albanian trr.ope.
''I'alutuiiL neelnK fr fr of u
TurkUh Attuck.
Athknh, May 7. No news has l:en
Reived of the whereabouts of General
b'olonBki, whoso brigade of Greek
lie Paved Muuy Live at the Itmk of III
Houghton, Mich., May 7. With a
box containing 200 pounds of dynamite
011 fire ten feet away from him, John
Thomas, a boy who runs a compreseed
air hoisting engine in the Tamarack
mine, stuck to his post and saved the
lives of the men at work in the mino by
his bravery.
Ten seconds after Thomas had hoisted
the men to the level the dynamite ex-
ea me town, a uivisiuu ui luuhj - .
sued the e;,emv on the road to Domokos, , ploded smashing the eng no to pieces
and the division of Khari Pasha has - -
been ordered to advance in that direct- d tl' ,J0' 10 who' t,lts owe l,ielr ,ivea
tion. The Greeks left their ammunition. wf , ... . . .
and provisions at Pharsala. , T'10 llner8 wor(kln " l1
AH the surrounding villages were also ! Pt wven casts of dynamite in a box
occupied bv the Turks. A mountain , At noon a miner acm-
batterv and 18 mules, a great quantity ! Pl by Thomas went to Mm post, gave
of ammunition and pvisions and per- j ' f
in p,i.... pnut.n.llovvandrau 1,1s engine until he had
alarm of fire caused great excitement,
but no miners were injured in the rush
..... ,...,,...1 ... to reach daylight from a depth ol 3000 to
! tine and Prince Nicholas fell
1 li irulo nf the Turkish forces
into the
Sai.osica, May 0 -(Dfilayed in trans- 4m fuet'
mlffion.) The Greek fleet today; Twenty Victim Hurled
dropped a number of shells into the j pAJts, May, 7. Twenty victims of
Turkish camp at Kaestmlra, but they j tl(J fir(, at tj1(, c,arity bazaar were
did no harm. The Greeks did not try to , iJljru, t-,.,iy. The churches where the
land. (.vieui'Jiiies took place and the routes
i.ociiiotiv.rpireinu"ii. j traversed by the corteges were thronged,
Truve Hvute, Mov O.-Tho lodges The crowds displayed the deepest
of the iirolherhood of Locomotivo Fire ! eympathy for the relatives of the
men throughout the the country voted 1 victims.
'Jlie lleNt Kenicdy for ItlieumatlNtn.
From the Kuirlmven (N. V.) Itefjlstur.
Mr. James Rowland of this village,
btate that for twenty-five years his wife
has been a eullerer from rheumatism.
A tfiv nights ago sho was in such pain
that she was nearly crazy. She sent
Mr. Rowland for the doctor, but hu had
read of Chamberlain's Pain Halm and
instead of uoing for the doctor hu went
to the store and secured a bottle ot it.
His wife did not approve of Mr. Row
land's purchase at first, but neverthe
less applied the Halm thoroughly and in
an hour's time was able to go to sleep.
She now applies it whenever she feels an
ache or a pain and finds that it always
gives relief, lie says that no medicine
u hich she had used ever did her as much
good. The Ufi and (50 cent sizes for sale
by lilakeley & Houghton.
NuraeN Heut to the I'lraeu.
Nkw VoitK, May 7. A special to the
Herald from Corfu says;
Twenty Russian hospital nurses, who
arrived recently, received orders to pro
ceed to the Piraeus. They have just
left here. About 80 Garlbaldians
arrived, and have proceeded to Athens.
The liasileus Georgios has sailed for
North Albania.
Itonehery'n Filly Won Out.
Lo.noo.v, May 7. Lord Jtosebery's
bay filly, Chelaudry, won the thousand
guineas stake at Newmarket today. The
Jay was the anniversary of his lordship's
birthday, Ma v 7, 1817.
nave Vour Oruln.
Few realize that each squirrel de
stroys l.r0 worth of grain annually.
Wukelee's Fquirrel and Gopher Kxteriii
irmtor is the most effective and econom
ical polbon known. Price reduced to iiO
cents. For sale by M, Z, DiJiuiell,
(,'uh In Vour dlieufc.
All county warrants registered prior
to Dec. 1, 1802, will bo paid at my
otfico. Interest ceases after May; 7,
1807. 0. L.'H,
County Treasurer.
A sad itirruosi'iirno.N.
Trump (to fellow wanderer) - Ah, old
fellow, there are two of us; on'y tvou
vnz born one, an' I mudeoiwof inM'lf!
N. V. Truth.
They haven't conlldul tliclr soornt to me
Hill I kllOW Hid dllKUKCIflfM'H lii'KUII,
Kor tin's ordered a hit ycli built for two,
Htio a rodltliiK cliutr built for one.
N. Y. .Iiiiirruil.
1 x i I it 1 it 1 ii ur K.
He It heetiiH i,tnini,'t that Van
Wither with mich a family tree back of
him and money and time to burn, ret
blue every now find then.
She Perhaps it h his blue blood huv
ine; ettVet.- Cincinnati Tribune.
Proprlotor Anyone waiting 011 you.
MIm IJaynced (blushluKJ Well, Mi
Perhinii ia kind er purring round, but In
hain't tnlluil biihlnei.s yet.- Philadel
phia PrcHu.
The main diflbrence be
tween Sciiiiugis V.?and
other tea is: other tea is
fresh once a year; while
'Schilling's Best (five fla
vors) are roasted in San
Francisco and are fresh
roasted all the year around.
They have the full rich
flavor that belongs to tea.
A ScIiIIIiiik Hi Company
San 1'ianiitcii fill
la 1'iiicfN 11 Week. I r 0 I'liiter u Year
I It elands first among ''weekly" papers
in ui..;, frequency of publication and
friicliiiuHH, variett and reliability of con
tents. It is practically a dally at the low
price o a weekly; and its vast list of
subHcribers, extending to evury statu ami
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for tin) accuracy nod
fairness of lis news coIuiiiiih.
It Is splendidly Illustrated, anil among,
lis special features are 11 line humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashloiid for women and a long
series of stories by the greatest living
American and English authors,
(hiliHti Itoyle, .(entitle K. dentin,
Hlunl.y Weyiimn, Mtti-y K. Wilkin
Anthiiny Unite, llrel llutte,
llrHitder Alwtthewa, Kte,
Wu ofler this uneqiialed newsjiaper and
The Dalles Twice-a Week Chronicle to-
gether one year for $-'.00. The regular
price of the two papers is fit. 00,
Notice Is hereby iriven that wo will, on
Friday. Auril 110, 1807. at thu hour of 2
o'clock p. in, of said dav, at the livery
stahleol Waul, Kerns uooertson, sell
at public unction, to the highest bidder
for cash, thu following described per
sonal property, lo-wit :
I ..,1,11.. ,. I.r.i.l U ...,uu
1111, I'M t r.iii.'i,) hui rut i' , vHia
old, brniiilcd like ibis ; On right shoul
der F, and with letter R on left hip; hau
four whim lent, and star In face. To
gether with bridle and saddle. All sup-
po-i'il to be tliii property ot b, Patterson.
TIiIh sale Is under an m-Hter's or slublo
laoper's lien, to sutlffy I lie charges of
the uiideiiiigued for their nmsoiut-
bio (iliiwues for the labor, c,ro and
iilleulloii ami thu food (urulshid said
animal, iiiimiintinu at this datu to f'15,
and (or accruing rusts anil cxpenut's, 11ml
the expended ol till" "ale.
nil til W aiid, Kuu.vsiV lioiiKinso.s.
Si'ijitIIij for I'di Oil it JNIUI.U,