The Dalles Daily Ghroniele. T1IK t)AI.I.f, OKKlfUN Atl crtNiuc Hate. One itiCh or icjj iu Iaih Over two Iiiolie and under tour metre Over four iiiche? nnd ntulcr twelre inches Over twelve !uche DAILY AND WEEKLY. One ineh or less, for inch Ovor ntve iinjh and under lonr iuettr. . Over four incb? and under twelve inch?. Over twelve inch? . I'KKON.A I. M KNTIO.N. Mr. M. J. Finlaysou came in from An telope yesterday. Mrs. Ancnit Bushier returned from Portland vejterdftv. Tlir Triu- Itfini'il v. V. M. Repine, i iiimr Tiskilwn, 111., "Cheif," say-: "U'e won't keep house without fr. Kinc's New Discoverv for Consumption, Couehs and Colds. Ex-iv-Nf , perimented with maiiv others, but never , n cot the true remedy until wtj used Dr. 1 w! Kinc's New Discovery. Xo ol!.er rem- i edy can take it place in our home, as in it we have certain and sure cure for Coughs, Colds. Whooping Conch, etc." It is idle 10 experiment with other rem- j edies, even if they are urced on you as just as good as Dr. Kinc's New Discov ery. They are not as cood, because this remedy has a record of cures and besides is Guaranteed. It never fails to satisfy, j : Trial bottles free at B'.akclev & Honch- ton's Drue tore. ;4; 2 10 , 1 CO' Miss Croscfield is in the city, the guest of her brother and his tamily. Rev. Trov Sheliev of Hoot! River came upon last nicht's train, and will remain limit tomorrow. Amonc those day were Messrs. J. Perkins and Arthur and Charles Clarke. How'. Thl..! j We ofter One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be f cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. i F. J. Cheney Co. Props., Toledo, U. ! We the undersigned, have known F. Who went tO Dufur tO- j T ni,,,,.,. fnr tllaSt 1 vmr. nnrt lw. ' f lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi- ! tiess transactions and financially able to land ves:erdv, and is the cnest of her carr-v 0111 nn? oWigations made by their sister. Mr;. Mnr-nn. tirm. Mrs. Chas. Tibbeti is in the city from Monterey, Caiif., viritinc with par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Buehler. West & Trnax, Wholesale Drngcists, j Toledo, Ohio. ; Walding, Kinnan ifc Marvin, Whole-1 Mrs. C. L. Schmidt returned from Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Portland yesterday, leaving Miss Edith ' Hail's Catarrh Cure is taken interna!-' in Portland visitimr-her nnnt. ; ly, acting directly upon the blood and, Mr. J. A. Cranston of the Portland f mucous surfaces of the system. Price Electric Licht Co. came up from Port-,!7oCt per bottle. Sold bv Druccits. ' laud yesttjniay and leaves for Spokane Testimonials free. " 1-5 1' tonight. ,, T , , ... . i The lJt"t Itemed v for Ithuu matNiu. ?.Irs. J. A. and Miss Elba Apperson, who trnve been visttinc Mrs. M. E. . irom u FMrtavca (X. V: Rler. Brigirs for several days, were passengers Mr. James Rowland of this village, on the nurnins train for home. i sate tnat for twenty-five years his wife Mr. F. M. Ghrismau of Silver Lake nas been a sufferer from rheumatism arrived on the Prineyilie -tau'e last ' A few nichts ivjo she was in such pain nit: tit. 1 lie terrible holocaust in Paris ... , . -.. ca.ts to mind that similar affair in Silver : tl,at she wns near,-v craz' she ient Lake a tew years a-.-o, it happening in a , iIr- Rowland tor tne doctor, but he had building belonging to Mr. Chrisman. j read of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and Mr. J. F. Haworth and wife went to instead of comg for the doctor he went Portland Wednesday. Mr. Haworth's to the store and secured a bottle ot it step-fauier was injured in '-he recent His wife did not approve of Mr. Row-street-car accident in that citv, and;,.. ,, . ,. . , . . ., while his injuries have not as vet'nroved i huul 8 Pahase at first, but neverthe serious, it is feared he is hurt internally. !ei applied the iJalm thorough!y and in I an hour's time was able to go to sleep. I'HAItS ALA 1- TAKEN. J she ,0W nppljei j n-j,eneVBr HJie feels ail ache or a pain and finds that it always crives relief. He savs that no medicine flow flbout Your JOB pilJJIJCi? "We have the facilities for doing all kinds of Job Printing, from a visitinc card to a catalogue, and we are after all the work we can do. "We not only desire '.o keep busy, but would prefer to be rushed. Come in and compare our prices with that of any one, anil compare quality of work. Let us have vour next order. NOTICE-SALE OF CITY LOTS. EAST and SOUTH via Notice is hereby given that bv ait' , CrUQe,r . the Common Council ot Dalle, " UUt i . . . A.::. . ..: in, l. tear, entitled. "An or V .l fnr t.i..k.if certain -or THE 1 will, on iim tA nrovuiO lOr Xliv ' . l.Utimni in Dfl ICS LltV f're,ti?P lfit, dav of May. ISO ...II t .,) in illll'lllill. IU l III; ii'i.iv- y;. Southern Pacific Comp'y. Wdder, all the f lloli.B lots and parts TrH.n, .cave nnd are m,e to arrive Pon of lots in Gates addition lo. Dalies City, ; - ,! nmniin. tO-Wit Lot? 0 and 10 jointly, in b ock 14 , o ; 7, S. Oand 10, jointly in block lo ; lo - 1 irt lentil' In hifu'K Jt. r OVKtU.ANDEX.'i' ! rirnw Cr1.., n . burir Abhlnnd. nr.. . known', bntte:' luU 10. 11 , V. M-! . nlock 27 ; lot 0 in block 34 lots o.n 4, . u AnRdc,El SIS f is fi ill nml II III 1 1 1 1 1 1 rv VrWoiornund 12. in block ; lots T.. 4. O, I', . v. Um-h R7: ots 1. " i : 1, m 9. 10. 11 and 12. in block 42; lots I. 2, : . . o in nr,i 11 in block 43: lots 1. -', s! 7! 10. U and 12, in Uoc 41, and lots j , I, in i . : ana ILajt. ... 5:50 A. M.lJbutB ! way ti-' !fVln Woodljuru lor' r,1! Dnily J ?,,.t-"p0,1' Sllycrton, , except n ,r? - l,u' l,rwns nr. v.-.i..i i vei., lr...,j . r cirer: SUIUllS.Vs. i,Niitrou 1 .i.nn i m Salem nnd wav sinHn.;. ... . for 7:30 a. M.,'1 n,ld wny-teapv SllMlji. 2 3, 4, o, 6, in block 40 .... 1. 1.. u ..i u't ln!e. i ne reasoiiiis.1". nur v - -i ! less than which they will no. i sold, r Jt M Mc.MIimvJlie nnd( tSS5P Ihas (wen flx-d . r.d determine.. the , j way niUons I Couimou Council of Dalles Uity as mi ! lows, to-wit: ... , ! I Lots 9 and 10. in block 14, $lo0; lots 7, S, P and 10, jointly i" block lo, 200 ; , hots 7, S, Oand 10, jointly in block -1. j ! J2110; lot 10, in block 27, f-'So; lot 11. in ; ! block 27. $22i: lot 12. in block 2i , oOO; ; lot 9, in block 34, ,100: lots 2, o, 4, o, . ! Dally. tl'Riiy, eseejit tiimaay. DINING CAItS ON OLiDEX ROUTE. PDLIAJAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND -SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING Cl5 AttucJied to nil Through Train.. ' " Direct connplinn nt.-'nii Fmnnko .ut ! 9, 10 and 11, in block S5. each respect- ; .lciitnl mid oriental mid Pncltic in,ui SI-hi Ivelv tl00; lots 6 and 7. in block So. ; i. for japa.s nmt CHINA. SmiiusS I each lesjiectively J12.i: i-trf , 3. 4, S, 0, ui liiicntion. 10 and 11, in block 36. each respect. vely , m)u yux a. 4oaS h 5, S, 9, 10 and 11. in block 37. each re- . J-5- MRkiD. Ticket Apas. Thrnuch Ticket Olltcc. VA Third Mnch riructtwtv 2o thrnuch tickets to nil points fn the v,,?- spectivelv ?100; lots 0, 7 and 12, in lots 2 3. 10 and" 11. m block J fXIrom" Mn 0b,ikei'! 41, ei'ch rfspectively $100: lt? ltl J. It. K.IRKLAXD, TictetArr,t 7 a"d 12. in block 41. each respectively , All iibove traliit. urrivc at and depart Irco U25; lots 3 4. 5,8,9. 10 and 11. ,n Gmpd Ce"trnl 5tutl0"' nfth hngcwa, block 42, each respectively $100 ; lot v ' , j VAMH1I.I. DIVISION. u and 12 in block 42. each resjwetively Piuseiiser Dei3t, foot ot Jcflerson strwt. iu and j l, in 1 25; lots 2, 5, l, j5SCAB, TICKS RLiCE THE WORLD RENOWNED -g TurkUii Triioii. l.'iulr Edheui l'a-,lia Occujild It. Lakissa, Mav 6. 4:20 p. m. The Turkisii forces under command of Edhem Pasha have captured Pharsa'a. block 43, each respectively $100; lot 1, 7:-jo . m.: 12:J5,' l i 6 !,' s:t8 ;p e .n bluck 48. $125; lots 2. 3,4 and 5. in I '""J'ao i. i "Vrt.y b... -k 4i. each respectuvly ?iw; lots i -. ,; and (., in block 46, each respectively . ;'- t U-ave lor Sheridan, weefc days, st 1.3) p. - "Lich of these lots will be sold upon j Arrive at I'ortlmid, :3U n. tn the iut respectivelv, and none of them! u-ave for AIUUK on Mondnv, WednesiiTo' wi.. he sold for a lens sum than the value ! Kri .ny ntU:i. iu. Arrive at I'ortkrK!, tl ere..f. as above stated. , i ,Iav- uftJarund aturdy auitop. n. One-fourth of the price liid on any of Sunday trains fnr OsWEnO leave at 8:Mi.e paid loth Ehall be paid in cash at She and 12! 16, 1:13, 3:.", 5:i' i -i". and.s (Bp. b. x: ri .-f o.ul t,.. r(....ninderin thiee "Yf .,:""","u ":. i" a- m., i:x,ii c m.i' iiiivments mi or before, one, two ; and tf.r-H- years from the date of said saie. wiih interest on ncb deferred pav- 1 iiki ts at the rate of 10 per cent per' annum, payable annually; provided that the payment may be made in full a any time at th option of the pur chaser. The said sale will becin on the lnh day of May, 1S07, at the hour of 2 o ciock n. m. oi said day, ana wi., con- ., , :m . iu. It. KOEHLEK, ilr.imcer. E. V KOSERS, At. O. F. & Pju. .r Greek- AgHlu in Itetreat. Athens, May G. A dispatch from the iront announces tiiat Prince Constan tine's army retired yesterday evening in perfect order upon Domokes, about 13 miles from i'harsala, where the Greeks will wait the attack of the Turks. Gen eral Smolenski remains at Velestino to protect Volo. Ptiarsala has been abandoued and tel euranhic communicatiun has been cut off. Kvacuatei!. May b. Oenerai Smolenski s and bowels creativ invigorate the svs- i VelHNtlno to llr ATHE.V brig-de of cireek troops is about to re treHt from Velestino. Smolenski may fall buck on Volo and try to hold chat with the protection of the Greek fleet, or he niny retreat on ASmyro ; Halinyros,, svitn a viw, possibly of uifectinu a jnuct tfuu later with the main body of the Greek Rrniv. which she iiad used ever did her as much good. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has by Blakeley cc Houphton. ! no SUDerior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PSASE & tinue from time to time until all of sai l ' MAYS, The Dallss, Oregon." E. Bucklen 1 mn mm Free I'ill- Send your address to H. k Co., Chicago, and get a free sample. bos of Dr. Kin-.-'s ew Life Pills. I trial will convince you of their merit inese fills are easv in action and are particularly effective in the cure of.Con stiiiation and Sick Headache. For Ma laria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed ! to be perfectly free from every deleter ious substance and to be purely vereta ble. They do not weaken by their action, but by jiivinp tone to stomach Carria lots sindl be sold. Dated this 13th day of April, 1397. GlI.llEUT V. PlIEI.l'S. Recorder of Dalles Citv. EAST ges I l'miiii-ul- t I JUST ARKIYEP AT THE jjacobson Book & Music Co.! r. for CiiUNtructiriK Water and I Agenc, , GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes tern. Regular size 2ai per box. Sold j bv Blakelev ii Houghton Drut'L'ists. (4, 1 Vhere will also he found the largest and most com plete line of Piano?, and other Musical Instruments in Eastern Oregon. stoul;hiililr' 3Ictlii; Wuril h rum l-illi-m l':i-lui. CoiiSTAKTiKOPLE, iMay 6.--Ttie ministry 2votico is hereby given that a met-linu of the stockholder: of The Dalles Chron icle Publishing' Company will be held at the county court rooms on Tuesday, the JifcJ-sV Vot Block. 25th day of May, A. D., lsl'7," a: 2 I o'clock p. m., for tiie purpose of ad'ipt- tn" scplimentary articles ot mcoriiora Complete Line of FISHING TACKLE, Notions, liase Ball Good-. Hammocks. Book- and .tatioiierv at iiedror lc Pric---. The Dalles, Oregon. . Indinn Service, Warm hjirincs or..3Invv. l-s7. i .vti. for Water and fcewer system" mid n'idte-icd t the uiidetflirned ut Warm -rrinz. Crook i fcP0iC3.2ie County, Orezim, will be received ut tbiA iicmicv until t o'clock p. m. oi Miiy lT, ltrr. or lurtiish- " . intr the heoes-ary lrmt-irinls mid iMtior reUirl WLlTL2iecLT30liS in the con-trttclion ulid completion of a valor ; aim sewer y.item, (iiiciunmir piuniBlnc; for the , 1 Ixjtirdins "ofiofil plant tn be erected on this re- Qf "Pan! i :erve. in &trlrt acuonliiiice with plntis mid e,i-''' d UX ! tieutiims. which may le examined it: the uillee 'of the '-Morniny iireKOtiiuu." 1'ortlund. tir . , HIE CH110N1CL!:,' The iJuttei- Or., and ut tl;is Asrency. UiridtTs will state uleurly in their lad.- tht leiiRin or ;ime requirea p, compleic the wnv TtieriKbt i re-erved to re;t Hiiy and kI! bids, or any part of any bid, if deemed for the beat tn- ' ock.w u-rtitnf th service. I x"s', The .-itlutt.iou of bidde-is i. invited to thf- net o; (.ongre-s Hiipr.ivett Aucunt t, Wli, entitled Denver Omaha Kansas Citj Low Rates to all Eastern Citiss STKAMKKS Leave I'JitUJJ I:ctv I'ivo Uav for of war ha received the following dis-1 tion, increasing the capital stock of said patch from Edhem Pasha, the Turkish ; comnany aud transacting such other ooiuuiRiider in Thessaly, dated yt-tt-r-dy evunini:. " The Turks today won a veat victory. TttrkiEh shell are coiumencint: to fall ner Therein. Details will be forward-! eri later. Sabah ayfi a division of Turk-1 iah troous cummanded by Hakki Pasha ; nrried the first line of Grerk defences at Vttle;iini and tiie attack is proceeding j ayain-t the other Hnee." business as may come before said meet ing. By order of the Hoard of Directors. The Dalies, Orecon, April S, 1S97. A. S. Mac Ai.i.iti.i;. President. R. G. Davexhort, iecrelarv. luin.ivtii Autna i. ivjj. crni:iel. oit An net lelutine to the limitation nl the l,,.nr ' C! A TvT TT W A TvjnTRnf ) lAil- ;ii-iyed uimn the public works of the I'niteii tutea and of the Dimwit of Columbia;"' also to tn- ur-t of (;onj;fe npprovi-3 AlUJUt la, IVJI, ittitiefi '-An net for the protection of pernon turniihinK mnterialft and labor for the con-trtic-tioi. i-f public works.' CEKTIKKIl rilgl K. Eiifh bid t aeeomp.inie(l by a certified rheofc ur draft tllmii ome United .ilnle Duiul. or solvent National llutik in th vioinltv if I tne reniaunce o: tne nui.ler, made payable to tint For full details cull on 0. K i On. s Arsl Thi Uulle.-i. or address W, II. HUKUJL'KT, Gen. PwUt; E. M'NEILL President uud Mum cr The New Time Card. Under the new time card, ffbich t into efl'ect tomorrow, trams will mow- Te .Shakers liavc made a trreat hit. Their Dljie-tive Cordial is said to be the imiei fiiccesifui remedy for stomach Worthies uvtjr introduced. It immedi-! Hnn nF mr...... .,-,,,1 Vlll W t 114 IJIIl. T klitUtlU'wU atelv relieves all pain and distress after 1 UHimv, builds up tiie feeble system and maker the weak strong. Tlitf act is, foods properly digested are belter than so-called tonice. The Cor iiiiet not only contains food already di ucottid, hut ig a digester of other foods. Pnl that is not dlyehted does more Um than good. People who Use the Cwdiitl insure tiie digestion of what fiM they eat and in tliK way get the liiefH if it and t-row strong. 'I'iih iutle painphleu which the Shak-. rf liitve s-eiit dru'.'gista for free distri-, biiiixn, contain much interesting infor lKHtimi on the snlijeut of dyspepsia. 17 I'.UGkleu'i .vrincu naiv. The best salve in tne worid for euis braises, sores, ulcere, salt rheurn, feve: sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblaint corns, and al! skin eruption1?, and posi tively euros pites, or no pay required It is guaranteed to uive perfect ?atistac- Price 2o cent . .-CHKNK, I'resiident. u. m. cuHhier. ppst National Bank. per box. For sale Houghton, dni'.'iriats. ny Blakeley and NOTICE. The partnership heretofore existing in , Tygh Valley Fiourina MitN, under the name of W. M. McCorkle & Son, is this day dissolved by limitation. J. M. Mc Corkle retiring." W. M. McCorkle will continue, and will pay all legal claims and collect all debt" of the late linn. Tygh, Or.. April 2, 1S07. W. M. McCokkm:, a"-lm J. K. McCoitKi-K. f Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, i; 'Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle tOTl FlOUr ThisFl-mr is manufactured expresslv for famllv A General Banking liuainess traimacttil ' use; every saek is guaranteed to give'satisfnction. Deposits received, aubject to Sight Drnff rr nt,r..l- WV sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so Collections made and nrot-eede nromntu- cad ana get our prices and he convinced. , r.n Aa- nf ..n.ti.. ' J I bight and telegraphic Exchange eold on New York, San Francisco an;' "ort 1 land. DIRBOTOK8 JJ. P. Ikompho.v. Jmo. S. fat'HS'cK Ed. M. Wilmamb, Geo. A. Likbs. H. M. BKAI.f.. onler of the Commis-ionur of Indian Allairi-, for at i.-ast FIVE I'Kit fK.ST. of the amount .f the prniHitl, whieh check or draft will U nr(Mit.i iu me niieu .-taws in Mm, any bidUer or bid I friir,,,.D . dors receivine an itwurd Hlmli fall to promptly ,01,ov 8 u eontruet with kimki and MihYji.-iit 0. 4. to Snokaiie and Great on.i ur. tie., otherwise to be resurncfl to the bidder, t . , R.f&t C liid- iir:fominil b cash in lieu of u certi- I amVCS at 6 p. in., leavef ato.wi" U.a rti.. will nor be considered. i Vn o , u.nilluinn Raker City for an) additional information, apple to I -S0, -i t0 1 endleton, TiaKer ..-,.v. JAMhs I. .'(jw.vx. Union Pacific, arrives 1;15 a. rc., r; .-iuiX l . h. Indian Agent, i . , nn . j parts 1 :20 a. m. . , No. 3, from Spokane and brcai.' ern, arrives 8::!0, departs 8:35 . No. 1, from Baker City and tTn'oa n' cific, arrives 1 :20, departs 1:23 a.m. Nos. 23 and 24, moving w?!n" Dalles, will carry passengers. departs THE DALLES Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg, i the eye apecialiu, and have your eyes examined free of charge. If you suffer u Uh headache or nervousness vou un- ; doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if Laxol ie the M;-!t medicine for chil-, corrected, will benefit you for life, dreu. D'utors recommend it in place oi Otlku in the Vogt block. C3ti-if Oil. Yellow washing powder will mako ;yoitr clothes the same color. Avoid ' this by using Soap Foam. It's pure I white. a2-3m Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON DRUGGISTS, 175 Second Street, - The Dalles, Oregon Countrvand Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. arrives p. m. at 0:30 p. m. Passengers for Heppner wiHtaW2 leaving here 0:03 p. ui. If A In ffi AM oro m am Harry Liebe, i PRACTICAL WatchmakersJewelci r. savr Vunr (irain. Fw realize that each gqnirrel tie t- nvr HJaQ worth of cram annually . tcletf'- Squirrel and Gopher Kxturm-1 Bel iiiii'tr I- the most efl'ective and ecoiiom- ( iave I n-i... ...,l.....i . qo ' ,-.-ll .IJU II. I jiuv n-UUIiCU IU IIV , i-'iit-. P'or sale by M. '.. Donnell, i Ai'i-nt. ' compounds, Hoe Cuke fcoap. Pease & a3.2m Lumber, Building' Material and Boxes1 TradediorHay, Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. ! All wors promptly attended to, and warranteil. 174 VOGT BLOCK. Soap Foam excels all other washing ; u2.3m ROWE &CO., The Dalles, Or A. 1). UfltLKV. Attorney aud Conuscllor at Lav, 1 AUMNUTON. OUKGON. I I'rartiicc in the Htate and KedCTuI Court of Oienoii nnd ashinKlfm. jaiia'amo STAGE LINE- ThroiiKh by iluyllKht via 0ra VriW.0' ; oiid Cross Hollows. Doimi.AH rUelHT I O. M. WII1TKI.AW, Al.ll"I ! 8faiKe leave TlioJ)ttllwfrow l"f.Trt' i at 7 ii. in., ul. from AntelM j .Monday, Wlnw.lay niul JilM- JIiItM ViMv with nilhvaya, train u,' it HIbl-l froiii Alitclor reah we' x ilayn, Ttuuduy unci tiutunw ItATte Dalk lo lK'.i(;fiut.-s do Morn. . . lo OriDiH Valley. ilo Kent. do Uro. Hollow Aliteloito Cni HoIIouk do Kent- do Oratn Vallu)'- ilrt .Mom (Id I)e(.'iiiice)i. do IMIIca t 2- 5 k