The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 07, 1897, Image 3

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We have some swell up-to-date suits, correct in style, fit and workmanship. We might sell you one
of these suits and the e fleet be spoiled by a pair of shoes purchased elsewhere. We wish to avoid this. Wo
have some Shoes that are also strictly up-to-date. With one of our Suits and a pair of these Shoes, any man
would be well dressed. We realize that the cost would be more, perhaps, than you would want to stand.
We are going to make it easy for you. We make this oiler, and for the balance of tho week will give you a
j FOH $15.00
See Our Furnishing Goods Window.
$15.00 SUIT of CLOTHES
FOH $15.00
FOH $15.00
All we ask of yon is that you "bring FIFTEEN DOLLARS with you, either in Gold, Currency,
Silver or Bank Check ; we are not particular. The correct amount is all that we care for
The Dalles Daily Ghronieie.
MAY 7, 1S97
cannot be learned, as Mr. Clary, acting
under instructions from the department,
' refuses to make any statement concern
ing the matter, other than that he had
received orders toclose the bank. Mr.
TO ell-Known .lurlst Will Not lie
cover He is in Valla Walla.
Tn n rnnrpnantinn over the telCDhone
; Moody, the cashier, in response to in-1 today, the East Oregonian learned from
1 quiries said An had no statement to ! Levi Ankenv that Judsre Lewis L. Mc
i ... nl... 1 .. .1... 1 1 t 3 1 f i . . 1 , .1 I 1. . 1 1. ,J - . 1
Kaudoui Observations and Local Events "'"i u"i"ul- "JC uuut" "uu pieiuy ui .arumr a ueaiu may uc luuncu iui .ti,
of Lesser Maetiitutle.
assets andthat every depositor would be most any time. The East Oregonian
I paid in lull. There is some city and ( called Mr. Ankeney to the telephone and
cents a foot at eouie county money in the bank, but , requested such information as could bo
a.-iu-tf i tnose wuo put it there are giving them- j obtained. Mr. Ankeney said in reply :
The river this morning was at the 30.6 : selves no uneasiness, feeling that it will i "Judge McArthur's condition today is
Garden hose for
Maysnfc Crowe's.
mark and rising steadily
There will be a business meeting of
the Epworth League this
7:S0 at the M. E. church.
The Spokane flyer came in this morn- j
ing with a red-hot bos, and, at a result, '
one of the cars had to be left here. j
The high school graduating exercises j
will be held at the Vogt opera house on j
the evening of Saturday, May 29th.
A telephone message from Dufur, re-
ceived at 3 o'clock, stated that two inn- ;
.ilk. uau uccu Jlttacu Ui LUC uau u'i J
the score being Champions G, Dufurs 3.
Frank KIobs, who was hanged at San
Quinten the other day, said: "Durrant
to.i me that he murdered Blanche La
mont and was a guilty man." I say
this in the presence of death, and it is
as true us that I shall be hanged within
the next ten iniiiutes.
The funeral of the late Mrs. W. H.
Creighton took place from the residence
of her brother, D. M. French, this after
noon, the tervices being conducted by
Rev. V. C. Curtis, and the interment
being in Sunset cemetery. The body
arrived from Denver, Colo., on the 1 :20
train this morning.
Quite a number of Dalles people went
to Dufur today to attend the picnic,
among them being a dozen or more
young folks who rode their bikes. The
Champions crossed bats with the Duiur
nine, but up to the hour of going to
pre;g we had not learned the result of
the came. The day has been rather
be' paid in a short time. I a slight improvement 07er yesterday
It is a very unfortunate thing for the j and there may be some variations from
evening ni w uuncteai icgicu j iiuui uav iu uu v , uiu iitcic cwcuia iu w-
' The DalieB has always had a pride in but little hopes that Judge McArthur
the soundness of her institutions, and j will recover. Heart failure, with grad
was especially proud of the showing ' ual sinking, is the simplest diagnosis of
made by her banks during the panic of ' the case."
1893-4. The whole matter will be made ! Judge McArthur has been at Mr.
plain in a few days, but for the present J Ankeney's home in Walla Walla for four
the bank officers, following the example 1 weeks, but the trouble that Eeema to
of the bank examiner, are silent. ; be about to take his life ha3 been of sev-
The officers of the bank are Ex-Gov-1 eral mouths standing. He was removed
ernor Moody, president; Hon. Chas. from Portland to Walla Walla four
Hilton, vice-president, and Hon. M. A. weeks ago.
Moody, cashier. There was no run, and His law partner, E. C. Bronaugli, is
apparently is plenty of money on hand , now with Judge McAUhur.
to meet anv ordii:
or usual demand.
County Court.
Judge McArthur was once a resident
of Umatilla Landing on tho Columbia
river, where Umatilla town now stands,
on the Columbia river, forty-four miles
from Pendleton. He has resided for
several years in Portland, where he has
an extensive practice and stands as
highly as any citizen of that city. East
Smith of Hood River, and a response
Ifrom Mrs. M. E. Biggs of The Dalles,
; the chairman of the convention intro
S duced the distinguished speaker of the
evening, Mrs. X. R. Kinney of Astoria,
j Her address was eloquent, practical and
I was followed with the closest interest by
i a large and attentive audience. Tho
session closed with singing the Oregon
stato song of the W. C. T. U., composed
by Mrs. Kinney.
The closing session of the convention
on Thursday morning was occupied in
election of officers, reports of commit
tees, etc. Convention adjourned at 12,
Hood River was a delight and a reve
lation to those who had nevor seen it
Ireshly dressed for its summer outing.
Tho big oaks were just fairly in leaf,
showing all gradations of color, from
almost a yellow to the deepest green,
and everywhere were flowers, freshness
and fragrance. The church was hand
somely decorated, and Hood River peo
ple vied with each other in extending
hospitality to tho visitor. Besides be
ing the beginning of tho county conven
tions, and thuH marking a new era in
the society, it was an occasion that will
be long remembered by all who visited
tho beautiful little town.
Just Received.
A stock of Pure Aluminum Ware Cook
ing Utensils.
No enamel to flake off. Solid metal. No
plating to wear off.
Absolutely pure. No verdigris, or salts
of tin.
Wonderfully light and beautiful, and
very durable.
Foods cooked in it do not scorch.
Drop in und suo it. Wo will bo pleased to show it to you, oven If
you don't buv.
County court met Wednesday and
acted upon road petitions as follows, i
there being no further business except !
the examination of bills:
Petition of G. Gessling and others for j Oregonian
county road. G. R. Castner, H. H. j
Railur on1 P Hrxvt11 annmnfpil viuu'Prn W. C
and J. B. Goit surveyor, to meet May MeetiUK at n,i iuver WrdneMiuy the
25, 1897. I First in the County.
Petition of H. W. Wait and others, !
reused, mad hini? on reservation. I The first annual session of the Wasco
Ptitlnn nf George P. Oowell and county convention of
nthpre. read first time. convened in
the W. C. T. U.
the Methodist church at
Petiliou of J. B. M. Gill and othere. I Hood River May 5, 1897, at 10 o'clock a.
H. W. Patterson flies claim for damages. m., Mrs. Louise Bishop, county prcsi-
I. D. Driver. A. A. Bonney and B. Sav-1 dent, in the chair. The following offi
age appointed appraisers, to meet June ' cers and delegates were present:
j 1897. I 'r8, Naruisea Kinney, state president
'Petition of Peter Kopke and others, j W. C. T. U.. Astoria; Mrs. Louise Bish-
cool and cloudv here, but at Dufur tho , read first timt Claims for damages : op, county president, noou itiver; airs.
weather has probably been perfect. ; filed, and B. R. Tucker, Peter Jochiin- j Ursula Dukes, county corresponding sec
fllm1 nf. unntttM t-o Vluf lift Jit SOU and John Hinricks appointed ap- retarj ,
hut a change is expected soon, as the ' praisers.
best run usuallv occurs about the 9th of . Petition of V. Winchell and others,
Mav. Thfi r,ffirf-s t Tiilnmnnk lii?ht. read first time
house report that the water outside Is '
Hood River. Delegates Meg
.dames li. M. Reynolds, J. K. Dean, M.
1 K. Biggs, C. T. Donnell, Rebecca Wil-
; sou, .Mary -Mcnois, ine wanes; airs.
Petition of W. F. Jackson and others, ' L. U. fctuart, oaecacJe jjcks; .m-suames
f- iy n.i f - r IT t . -v
.t,n i... , , ., first t Imp. . u. J.. JiaruiiesB, i. J. .werter, uerBiiuui,
, 7,7 m?aal Prouaoiy own? and others. Martin Nickelsen, Flagg, 0. P. CrovveH,
o the high water in the river, and this I e tio. of . C. h ' ' ; E f; 6m,th 0 j Slran8,ian, ,,ora
undoubted v keens the fih outside as Claims tor damages mta, j. r-. ai ,,. ,i
yet What nKrl Ln?vuLM 0- J- avt'9 nd JoseIh WIso ap-. Hartley, Miss Crowell, Hood River,
jet. hat f sh are being caught art - i ' , ffJ ,fe morM,njf fc(;66jOI1 VVas occu-
om the north side, where the water ,s I-ointed PP.ars, to mett ,edne.daj, J n, .
clear, the muddy water going out along 1!lbJ ,. eu A .,.,.. . ',, various committees and adont-
i eilUMU Ul ItV) .llVliuy IHIU uiuctc, r- -
Ijohn Hinrichs, Hans Lage and S. M. inu theconstitulion for county organi.a-
Baldwin appointed viewers, J. B. Goit tK"
.... I Ti
surveyor, to meet May 0, layi,
G. E. Johnston and othere, petition
not allowed.
Charles H. Wallace was appointed
constable for Antelope precinct.
the jetty on the south aide. Old-timera
predict that If a eudden warm spell oc
curs in the upper Columbia river
regions and the heavy snow comes out
in a lump, that there will be a great
lood in the Columbia and small chance
ot a heavy run of fish. Astorian.
The Dalle Nutluuul Closed.
It was a genuine surprise to most of
our citizens this morning when a notice
wnB posted on the door of The Dalles
National bank announcing that it was
taken In charge by the bak examiner,
Mr. Clary. Just what the trouble is
Cuth lu Your Chuck.
All county warrants registered prior
The afternoon session was taken up
with reports from different superintend
ent, and the question box, conducted by
Mrs. Kinney. The questions related to
nearly every phase of W. C. T. U. work,
and Mrs. Kinney's remarks were perti
nent and instructive.
In the evening the session opened
to Dec. 1,1892, will bo paid at my with a quartet by Hood River musicians,
office. Intereet ceases after May 7,
1897. 0. L. Phillips,
County Treasurer.
and eeveral beautiful and appropriate
numbers were rendered. After a cor
dial address of welcome by Mre. E. L
Nebraska corn for sale at tho Wasco
warehouse. Best feed on earth. m9-tf
English and Belgian cement, very
best imported brunds, fur sale by Wasco
Warehouse Co. inyi-liu
Social dance in Baldwin'n opera house
Saturday evening. The new Trilby
two-step will be introduced. mO '.it '
This is an "Age of Soap." Why Ube
any but the very best. Best soap means
Hoe Cake. Sold by Pease & Mays. a2-.'Jin
A very fine line of ladies' and chil
dren's sunbonnctH and shaker hats just
received at M. K. Briggs' milliner store.
Prices from .'5 cents to .f 1.2ft. Also a
new and complete line of stamped
linens. Prices from 50 cents per dozen
to 75 cents per piece, Call and see new
goods. m-l-iJt
The Westfield (Ind.) News prints tho
following in regard to an old resident of
that place: "Frank McAvoy, for many
years in the employ of the L., N. A. A
C. Ry. hero, says: 'I have ueed Chain
berlain'H Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy for ten years or longer am
never, without it in my family. I take
pleasure in recommending it.' " It is a
specific for all bowel disorders. For
sale by Hlakclnv A Houghton.
.IVUIllKll. '
A gill for general housework. Must
be a good cook. Apply at the lesidenco
of W. Lord on Saturday morning be
tween 0 and 11. itMf
We Carry a.uinmeof
Builders' and Heavy Hardware,
Lime and Cement,
Farm Machinery,
Bain Wagons, Champion Mowers
and Reapers,
Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron,
Barb Wire, Etc.
Phone 25.
We pay the grocer, the
grocer pays you, what you
have paid him for Schil
ling's Besl
baking powder
tlavoiiiiK extracts
and tplces
If they are not satisfactory
to you.
Tor sale by
W. E. Kaliler
(HiK'cosMir to ClirlHiuuii A Coitun.
Again In business at the old utuud. I would be pleased to
see all my former patrons. KiV-o delivery to any part of town.
Opp. A. M, Williams it Co,,