? II f i- Who! arv, .... .4 Tk full W1 nk:1 trous 10 tho Greeks, aml tlie crescent The Dalles Daily Chronicle, triun.r,ie(1 over tll0 erofs. The Greek retired to Domokcs, thirteen The only republican Haily Xeuspapo n miles distant, where Prince Constnn Ufl,co Countu. tine will again gtvc battle to the nd- -" vnncinn Turks. In consequence of EASTERX OFFICE 230 to 234 Temple the trend of affairs, the powers have Court, S. Y. Cite. E. K.lTZ, Agent, instructed their ministers to offer "j " ' mediation, and it is quite probable Fill DAY. MAY 7, 1S97 that the wnr wjj be cmletJ by tn;s I means. The Greeks are far out A FIE'yD 2Ljl FATHER' j numbered, perhaps nearly five to The 2sew York Press tells of a one. which makes their cr.se desper farmer who died recently, and who ! ate : but dissensions at home are in his will disinherited his daughter1 really more- dangerous than the for an offense alleged to have been enemy. King George seems to be committed fifty yeais before. The j every inch a scrub, with an eye to offense consisted in the sending to , increasing his wealth at the expense the old man a valentine, comic, rep. j of his country, knowing, as he does, resenting a miser counting his gold. that the powers will not allow Greece .She had asked her father for a dress I to be destroyed. In our opinion, a short time before, and being re-! the war will not last more than a fused, as he claimed, sent him a val-, week or two loncer, another decisive entine. The daughter admitted ad- j victory by the Turks being sufficient dressing the envelope, but denied, to compel Gieeee to accept the sending the picture. For this offense I friendly offices of the powers and let 1 I I 1 is i This Is the very best Smoking V-c will fin ooacco made. Elackweli's Qenuhie RHAM ru' one cccpon lasWs each 2 ounce ba; nnd two coupons lcslilc each 4 oanco bag. Bj rJ.:h coupon ondsw how to gut your share of $XO,CCO In presents. g WALL PflPERI WALL PftPERI i i : Just Received Voy Get 5000 Eolls of Wall Paper. The! best patterns. The most I beautiful colors.' New Invoice of Taints and Oils. Any col or orb ra n d su p pi i ed . A" her father never spoke to her. never forgave her, and in his will be queathed her "A package to be found in my trunk, tied with green ribbon and sealed with green was." "When this was opened it was found to con taiu the cause of the trouble, the valentine. A father who could carry his an ger at his child to that extent, who, admitting even that the offense was committed, could steel his heart against a daughter for fifty years of his miserable life, and then from the j grave call up the cause of Lis ani-) ruority. can hardly be ranked as human. The foul fiend's face must have been illuminated with a joyous 1 smile as he rammed his threc-tined . fork into the shriveled soul and set it up to toast. And yet this misera ble caricature on humanity was al lowed to cumber the earth for fifty years after his little girl offended him, and all this tic e there was chain lightning going to waste. The small fry of hades should amuse them selves by plastering him with green sealing was. heated to a turn, and he i should have ever before his eye: that comic valentine. i i ?i t i them settle the dispute. Greece Wholesale will have lost much in blood and treasure, but King George will have made probably - 10.000.000. The East Oregonian and Pendle ton Tribune are at it hammer-and-tongs, and the fight has descended into criminations and recriminations unworthy of either. The public are not interested in these things, hence we offer our kindly mediations and surest that each go at their legiti mate business, bustline for news. CUines and Cigats. :SDipes-K'ncrslyDfng Co. FRENCH & CO., I I BANKERS. ntAXSACT A GENEKAI. BASKING Bl'SlNEs Profit of. Dealers, Agents, Jobbers and Middlemen by buying & red from the manufacturer, " & fcL- 1 . I.' No bettor v .-.v.l aucli than. iWV keme Bicycle Built in our own factory by skilled workmen, ush" thebesv material and the. mo 4 .V-.rrr ved machinery. Wo hz,-o r ? V-w. Sold direct from fa.: rider, fully vanant,:.. anvwhere for tzjx-.;s:xv. WHITE P.3H Otar Interesting Offer Acme Cycle Co., Zkz-, kl THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER on draught and in oottles. Letters of Credit issued nvnilnble in the Eastern States. Stent Exr'innc" nnd IVleeraphic Transfers sold mi. Xev York. Chicnco, i St. Lonis, San Frantisco, Fortland Ore i con, Seattle Wash,, nnd various points j in Oregon and Washington. ! Collections made at all points on fav ! orable terms. v Fever Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, iinecmaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAM ELY'S CKE.WI BAXM Is a posltlvecure. Applv into the n&:rili. It U quickly absorbed. 50 eents a: Dmsilats or br mail ; eamples lCc by mal!. XLY EROTUEIIS. JC Warren Su, New York City. Js'utlce ti Tcinayer. Notice is hereby given that by order of the county court, the sheriff will re turn tiie t?.:; roll for 1S96 to the countv clerk on the first .Mondav in April. 1S97, and all tases then remain NEW SPRING GOODS NEW SPRING GOODS JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED C. F. STEPHENS, The April state election in Michi- j in? uupaid on the' roil will be declared i gnn was not of much importance a? j dajinquent. and thereafter the sheriff i , i W1" not receive taxes until the delin-1 . . . n- , , , , , n regards the minor othces at stake. ! qnent roll is given him. P.y order of 1 here IS a hcie 2K tllC affairs of men "Wtncl, taken at its flooa hut it had ontj feature which is nflL0Hri? a. ji. a.m.s., ml'3 4tw Clerk. The merchant who tells you he has something else as pood as Hoe Cake soap is v. mar. o k-er nwnv from. a2 3m mm iiose We are agents for the celebrated MALTESE CROSS. Every body knows that it is the best Hose on the mar ket todav. great significance. The regular. Democratic convention was controlled , by the Bryan element in the party, which stood on the free silver plat form adopted at Chicago last year. The sound money men resolved not to support a ticket thus nominated. and named candidates who believed m the principle asserted at Indian apolis when Palmer and Buckner! were put in the field. The full ofli cial returns of the election have not yet been announced, but enough is . kuown to show that the national , Democratic ticket polled at least .'ID,- ; Wg a..Q cam. the KidBP 000 votes. This is a great surprise d bmnd ofHOse, which to all the politicians, as even the I recommend as a superior most sanguine sound money Demo-artiele second 0nlV toour Mal crats did not expect anything like so tese Crog bmnd . - ualitv It large a total. Palmer and Buckner ; jg mftde Qn estra ,t Ju(?k received less than 7,000 votes lastly of the begt mbbej.c Then fall, and some who were prominent we . the Vallabout brand in the movement then doubted the j wllicll is a ff0od qualitv and wisdom of running a separate ticket : medium prie equal or better so-called the market." We sell it for what it really is a good, serviceable Hose. See our stock before buying elsewhere. leads on to fortune" The poet unauestionablv had reference to the i H ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. Regulator Line Tie Dalles, Portlaufl aii Astoria Navigation Co.' wit-hi- sirs. Regulator & DallesCitr s Pullman Elegent Touirist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car bT. I'AVL Ml.V.NEAI'Ot.1 Dl'Ll'TH h'A ItGU XO ois.vxu ron Cr.OOKSTOX IVISXIl'EO HELENA an 1SVTTE Through Tickets Glosinff Out Sale of Furniture and Gaiib! G I I rillIVELIHlA at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling those eoocIs out at greatly-reduced MICHELBACH BP.IOK. - - UNIOI PT. ! NEW VOKK BOSTON ANJ) all, l'OINT.S LAST unit SOUTH New York Weekly Tribune 1 For Inforrnntion, :lme curtli, maps unil tlckuti, cal on or write :o 1 W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, ! Tlie l).ills, Oregon OK A. D. CHAIILTOX. A?st. G P. A., SA. Morrisim Cur. ThinJ. t'ortland Oi'.-oii FREIGHT AND PASSENGER Llf(t BKTWKES The Dalles. Hood River, Cascade Lock sand rvn liiiul dully, excujit Sunday. GOOD SERVICE, LOWEST RATES. Are you going ( DOWN THE Ml OR TO ( EASTERN OfflS! H so, save money nnd enjoy a beautiful tripo the Columbia. The we-t-bouud train arrival! The Dalles in amiile time tot passengers to til! the steamer, nrrivlnp in Portland Jntinehsu outfroinjr Southern und Northern traim; un bound iiasent;ets nrrivine in The DaPuit2 to take the Kast-bouud train. For further iiiformatiou apply to J. N. HARNEY, Agentt Oak Street Dock. I'ortlaad, Oregon, Or V C. ALLAWAY. Gen.ir-, ThelwUes.UrefS. in me sjiriiiL' election, noi only oe- j J)ail ie cause it must widen the breach in j -Jt Hoe on the part-, out alio because they feared that such candidates would receive small support. The scund money Democrats who insisted upon carrying through the movement are more than satisfied with the result, vote of 30.000 in a spring election gives promise of twice that number in a vigorous fall campaign, and this means that the independent Demo crats may hold tho balance of power in iMichigau. It certainly shows that a Bryanized party .vi'l stand no chance whatever of carrying the state. average i FOE Farmers and Villagers, ron Fathers and Mothers, yon Sons and Daughters, ron All the Family. s-JLE dealer in the dalles of Marble Burial Vaults BICYCLE KEPxlIRENG. With the close of the Presiilemial Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes tha I iiiui. nail iiic .-iiiiuriL.ui kiiv htv nun iia.iuus iu .ivu inuir utieiuion to iioiny and ' ImakLeo ; .....o I rr,a .t.ic nliftn.. n.ll.ln ....II 1....... 1 , , A Perfect Protection from Wuter nnrl ! j Dampness Preserves the Bodv bv Ex , cludliiK the Air. ' It possesses every merit claimed for the most expensive vnults, viz: absolute security and durability, thus nmkini a j permanent and imperishable resting i place for the dead. ! TI.iB vault is made of six pieces of mar I ble which can be firmly fattened to i gethei with cement, thus making them , air and water tight. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, I ifire clay, 'lime, cement, I Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. ZEE. O-XjET' iteresls. To meet this conditiou, politics will have far less space and I fill K ilfiQ PpmOtDfU lllnfl e, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the HllJUO UCIIiClCljf ITUIrV e principles for which TIIE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception I 1 prominence , light for th ! to the present dav. and won its crenteat victories KM DR. GUMS xnri:ove OVER A raojftmeti' 1 1 tho boelsfcJn Vott.. The Greeks ami Turks have had a bloody battle on the historic Held of Pliarsala, where Ciesar and Pornpey fought one of the twelve decisive1 battles of the world and Pompev went down in defeat. It was disns- , Every nobble effort will be put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE VJ"o Vin-tr connvorl tVio " kkk-Li ii'.J.l5Lb pre-eminently a .National I-aniily.Newspaper, interesting, v v c aa v c avL, uj. cu me instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the familv. services of Mr. Joseph ' . Kirchoff, vho has been doing Bicycle Repair- We furnish ,sThe Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib- ing and G-nn Work for tine one year for only $1.75. the last five years in The Dalles. All work . , " pnT,T1Rl.ftr-i n -u.- m rltP -vour nnme nni1 address on a postal card, send it to Geo. V. Best, entrusted tO mm WILL Tribune Oflice, New York City, and a bample copy of The New Yorl: Weeklv Trib' receive prompt atten- u"e wdl be mailed to you. tion. . , l O Blip- ! ,, rloartbt-o'i.p!l'nn Used II) KLin,,,! nrlir.i ,'?',!, vhJ&ll than in itt.ilo.s&:iK.vMLl.co.,iJ,u i mm Mr. Comini has on bntul n lurfr in ui urHi. ciass .unruie, to be j Monuments, etc. Prices lower j rortianu. I This In Your OiiportunitvT On receipt of ten cents, cash or ntampa, I Tflft Ofif limfllQ a generous tamplo will be mailed of tho I K l I II d l moat immi ir f'ulnml, H.,.r n I UU UUIUilM I (tl.v's Cream Holm) sufficient to demon- PACKERS OF ; iiiruio mo great merits of the remedy. ou barren bt., New York City. MAIER& BENTON'S Job Printing at This Office. Iter. John Eeid, Jr., of Great Falls,Mont., recommended Ely's Cream ltohu to mo. I can empbanizo his statement, "It is a posi live cure for catarrh if used as directed." Jtev. FranciH W. I'oole, Pastor CentralPre Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowlfidnfrf cure for catarrh and coutaina no mercury I nor any injuriaua driif. Price, CO cents. PORKand BEEr MANOFACTOKEKti Of Fine Lard and SaTH Curersof BRH HAMS BA00S DRIED BEEF, ETC