The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 06, 1897, Image 3

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Wo have some swell up-to-dale suits, correct in stylo, fit and workmanship. We might, sell you one
of those suits and the efl'eet bo spoiled by a pair of shoes purchased elsewhere. We wish to avoid this. We
have some Shoes that are also strictly up-to-date. With one of our Suits and a pair of these Shoos, any man
would be well dressed. Wo realize that the cost would be more, perhaps, than you would want to stand.
We are going to make it easv for you. We make this oiler, and for the balance of the week will give you a
J FOH $15.00
Spring ttleather
$15.00 SUIT of CLOTHES
FOR $15.00
FOR $15.00
All we ask of yon is that yon bring FIFTEEN DOLLARS with yon, either in Gold, Cnrrenoy,
Silver or Bank Check ; we are not particular. The correct amount is all that we care for
See Our Furnishing Goods Window.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
MAY 6, 1897
Itiiinloin OliHurvatioiiK unci Local Events
of LiFHHur Magnitude.
this year are similar to those of 1894.
More than ordmarv caution should be
' exercised by all who may be affected by
i the river. Much warmer weather pre-1
' vails over the country drained by the i
I Columbia and Snake rivers.
Fern lodge, Degree of Honor, had a
very pleasant meeting last night, wind
ing up with a little surprise in honor of
the 12th anniversary of the wedding of
It Lack Heuuty, Grace, Selene, Art,
Skill Everything: ltlit Mouth.
Limberger cheese at Maier & Benton's.
Garden hose four cents per foot at
Maier & Benton's.
White Mountain ice cream freezers at
Maier & Benton's.
C. W. Phelps will raffle off a bicycle
tomorrow night at Billy Wisemans at 8 ;
English and Belgian cement, very
beat imported brands, for sale by Wasco
Warehouse Co. my5-lm
Ernest Jensen has been awarded the
contract for making the excavations for
the Lutheran church.
Social dance in Baldwin's opera house
Saturday evening. The new Trilby
two-step will be introduced. inG-Ut
Tinning, plumbing, gunsmithing, cop
persmithing work and bicycle repairing
a specialty at Maier & Benton's.
Two more days tomorrow and Satur
dayof that great 25-cent dress goods
selling at A. M. Williams & Co's.
Members of The Dalles Commercial
Baseball Club are requested to meet at
the city recorder's office at 8 o'clock to
night. Are you wearing Mascots? They
only cost a dollar, and they are decided-
the best glove ever shown at the
Among the pictures shown by Mr. .
Wilbur's animatosebpe is one entitled j
"The May IrwiiKiss." Let it be pre-
mised that May Irwin is an actress, and
n celebrated one, and from the fact that J
her kissing is made tne subject of the
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Stephens. Refresh-1 photographer's art, iy4s presumed she
ments in the shape of ice cream and nns a repUtation in the effete East as a
cake were served and congratulations 1 kjgBer froni Kiaaerville. She may be,
were showered upon them. It was a , but i 80 tne ditfne art has sadly dete-
pretty compliment, neatly paid, and ; riorated since we took even our first
subsequent turning of two little heads
in opposite directions produced the most
satisfactory results. May Irwin is, was,
and aWays will be a back number com
pared to it.
price. A. M. Williams & Co. are exclu
sive sellers.
A. K. Isenberg. aged about 50 years,
died at Hood River Monday and was
buried Tuesday. He was a brother of
M. P. Isenberg of Hood River and had
been out from the East but a short time.
The remains of the late Mre. W. H.
thoroughly appreciated.
The rainfall last night was .08 of an
inch here, and probably much more
than that in the surrounding coun
try. AcrosE the river in Klickitat
there was a heavy thunder storm about
10 o'clock, undoubtedly accompanied by
a good shower, and the same conditions
seemed to prevail in Sherman county.
At Hood River there was quite a shower
vesterday afternoon.
Slice)) Will 1'rouHbly ISe Allowed on the
A great many telegrams have been
sent within the past forty-eight hours to
our delegation in Washington concern
ing the pasturing of sheep on the reser
vation. The sheepmen have been in desperate
straits, for the Eeason is near at hand
when their flocks must be moved. The
only place for them is the mountains
and as these old paeturage grounds were
closed, there seemed to be nothing for it
but to let the sheep starve or ship them
clear out of the country. The situation
caused all classes and pursuits to unite
in urging on the department the neces
sity of some action that would afford relief.
Last night and today telegrams have
leoBous. In the first place, May Irwin,
(judging by the picture) is not a kissa
ble woman. Her 4int has too great
breadth of beam, .and is brigantlne
rigged. ByrooAvished that womankind
"were all one' rosy mouth, that I might
kiss them all at once from north to
south." Xlay Irwin would have suited
him, all except the cardinal points, for
J in her case he w-ould have to kiss from
east to west, he mouth being built that
I way. Her mouth is too, too large. It
'lacks shape Her under lip has a
droop lika' that of a government mule
accustomd to scooping its barley from
a nose-bg. It is thick, gross, elobbery.
Her upper lip lacks thatdelicato Cupid's
bow that in osculation adds the delicate
gustoso. It is not prehensile enough,
not piegustant.
These are but few of the faults in the
scene. One cannot well kiss the mouth
of the Miesouri, yet it is not much
larger or muddier or more shapeless than
the mouth of Mies Irwin. She is, how
ever, not to blame for these things, they
are simply the misfortune of the man
unfortunately condemned to kiss her.
Then she has no coyness, no please
don't, please-do expression; no grace of
manner. Her neck is not flexible, her
head is held stiffly and refuses that hack
ward tilt so necessary to the perfection
of the art. Her eyes are cast down, a
fatal mistake, for the; should look tow
ards the pky, not staringly, hut just at
an angle of forty-five degree, taking in
been received from our delegation, that
Creighton are expected on the midnight from Tongue being the inopt explicit and
train T." 1 ! ...III U o L . lollies tiilufirnt.lll: flint Wl'fifV.
"i i uncrui nervicea wi i uc uiw i iiuuuiui. iJim vv,n-b. - ,
the residence of her brother, D. M. I thing is being done that possibly can be, j tho eyes oi tne oilier party, anu gazing,
French, Friday at 2 p. m. Friends of ' and he hopes to make a good report in a , t the same time, dreamfully into the
t.,f,f .',......, J t ., in mitotance . beyond ns though she saw, as Jacob did
uuitlj lllVilCU. un Ul cv. w-rf- ... - .l,lr ,lnu, .l,;,.l. l.f.
Hmt .o thinks - t safe for sheepmen to -
uie seventh annual convention ot the;" , reservation 'angels came. 'Jhen the other party is
Grand Court of Oregon, Foreaten of' ko t he is compelled to do the
America, will be held here, beginnin, h;;iZ atMf' hliH to herd that
Tuesday next. The delegation will come , i .n? l. st0' , " ! fr , IIl0Ut together by placing a hand at
ii.wic urinn itmi iimikii liiicijliii
ItLICIMVIWU) ... , ,
up on the steamer Dalles City, leaving
Portland at 0:80 Monday morning. The
local lodge here will give thcin a royal
Howard Marshall, the Goldendale
The forestry cranks of down East are
the men who are the hardest to fight,
each of its extremities and pressing It
together so as to kiss it9 jjb-lots.
Then instead of attacking, as a humming
I - ...11. . I ...!
but it looks now as though they will be j u o nower, ,, ini.u.uu
' i. i,..nmn will hv to ""d llnty touch, May goes at it as a
Ktage.drivor, tolls us that Mr. Darch, k t, , gh on the reservation or t wr. wlu. It makes
who was accidentally shot Monday j! t, u 8trlkes 8 they nght a ! wpary to contemn ate it, therefore
"isht.iB getting along nicely and will ' loE them by lHkIn tbem on ae why prolong the dismal crit.clsm. As a
recover. It was a very close call, and
we congratulate him on hie escape, as
well as Mr. Presby not having the eter
nal regret of having caused the death of
his partner, on hisralnd.
The Columbia ie again on the rise, be
ing at the 28.8 mark this morning, a
rise of 1,2 since yesterday morning. The
weather bulletin yesterday sayns The
temperature and weather conditions
Weil luec ..s,. It .. t.rltu,.r,,..,l K
A'Te'uer from Senator Mitchell also j veriest tyro Why we can recollect
abowi that he is taking a deep interest j when we used to kiss a little div nity
the matter, and at the time he wrote 0, to our 11 when we had to
an WpTted a favorable solution of the I o wandering into ,t be roseate depths of
IWU'U1 . a pink sun-bonnet to find at the other
njBtter' lend what waB there. The eun-bonnet
' ad a tendency to bring two little pug
noses in contact first, but when once
they touched their freckled tips, the
This Is an "Age of Soap." Why use
anv but the very best. Best soap means
Hoe Cake. Sold by Pease & Mays,
Just Received
Upward of STO.OOO I'er Month I'ultl
out In the Similiter Section.
Ed. W. Copner. of tho Sumpter Mer
cantile Company, is in the city. Asked
about the prospects for good times in his
section, ho said :
"The mining country tributary to the
terminus of the S. V. R. R., and that
embraces all the territory lying south
west of Baker City Sumpter, Granite,
Robinsonville, John Day and Quartz
burg districts is most favorable for a
healthv development. The mines, are
looking well and employing big pay
"Why, the other day I made a rough
estimate and placed my figures conser
vatively. I estimated that the mines
adjacent to Sumpter were paying out
monthly the enormous sum of $70,000
for labor and supplies. All this monoy !
finds its way into circulation in Baker
county, and no wonder there are good
"One thing I wish to eay is that peo
ple are rushing into the mining camps
expecting to find work. Few of these
people are miners and know but little of
mining life. They haven't the least idea
of prospecting, even, Theru is no em
ployment for them, and all such become
a burden sooner or later, not alone to
themselves but the community. To all
such I would advise they had better re
main away. The unskilled laborer can
do better in other localities." Baker
City Democrat.
(iuoil IVurilN for the IIImiiioiiiI MUJn,
A. II. Curtis; proprietor of the Dia
mond rolk-r mills, of Tho Dalles, Or.,
writeB us that there is plenty of wheat
in the vicinity of that place for all re
quirements and some to spare at pres
ent. This is one of the mills that Ore
gon is justly proud of. It turns out bet
ter Hour, and commands always DO cents
per barrel over all standard brands,
The wheat comes from the Klickitat
valley. There is only one other mill in
the Pacific Northwest that receives the
same price for itH output tho Golden-
dale mill, at Goldendale, Wash., that
aUo uses the same wheat. Mr. Curtis
reports the crop outlook as very good at
present. Commercial Review.
A stock of Pure Aluminum Ware Cook
ing Utensils.
No enamel to flake off. Solid metal. No
plating to wear off.
Absolutely pure. No verdigris, or salts
oi tin.
Wonderfully light and beautiful, and
very durable.
Foods cooked in it do not scorch.
Drop in and see it. Wo will bo pleased to show it to you, oven If
you don't buy.
Garden hose for four cents a foot at
Mays & Crowe's.
Schilling's Best lemon is
20 to 30 times as strong as
common flavoring extracts.
Try a drop in a tumbler
of water.
J-or sale by
W. K. Kahler
We Carry
a full line of
Builders' and Heavy Hardware,
Lime and Cement,
Farm Machinery,
Bain Wagons, Champion Mowers
and Reapers,
Blacksmiths' Coal and Iron,
Barb Wire, Etc.
Phone 25.
Hiu'CChfcor to ('lirUmiiii & (.'onon.
Again in business ut the old stand. I would lie pleased to
see all my former patrons, FrVo delivery to any part of town.
Opp. A. M. Williams it Co.,