The Dalles Daily Chronicle, (session. It j the Cot belt .there is no would end liis job on pay roll. So long as extra session, there is a The only Republican Daily Xetcspapei Wasco Count v. EASTERX OFFICE Court, X. Y. Citu. -230 (o H$i Temple E. KATZ, Agent. "prospect for Mr. Corbett," or thrifty' men like Tony who are working for' him think they can make "tho old man'' believe there is. Salem Statesman. THURSDAY, MAY G, 1S07 THE TARIFF BILL. The tariff bill to the senate, but with many amend, mcnts. among the most important King George of Greece must be a j very sick man indeed if he listens to ! the advice of his physicians to take , a journey at this time to tne island has been reported j 0f Milo. or to Servia, for -change of air." Either this or lie is a poltroon whose courage has vanished with re verses, leaving him homesick. Being si a i i i i being the striking out of the house provision keeping in force the IIawa- weak man, however, from whatever, Han leciprocity treaty, which will oallso. the volatile nature of the indirectly abrogate that trer.ty. . Greek teuiperainer.t renders him un rmler its terms, however, the change Safe, with the wind of the present cannot go into effect until a vear has j commotion in and roundabout Athens. ' elapsed after this government has Hence he may be excused if he act notified that of Hawaii ot its abroga- j upon the idea that a living ass is bet- tion. lhe internal .revenue tax on i ter than a dead lion. Oregonian. 1 beer has been raised to 1.44 per barrel until Januarv 1. 1000, after which it shall be. as at present, ?1 per barrel. Man important changes were made in wool and woolen schedules. First-class wool- were reduced troni 11 cents per pound to S cents, second-class wools from 12 to 9. where as the duties on wools of the third class were raised. The dividing line of the third iltHisv H fi This is the very best Smoking I i t if made. BJackwefl's Gesiiisne ULL DURHAM To j vvlll 11ml cuo coupon Inside each 2 ounce has and two coupons ln3lilo each 4 ounce tog. Kj Bu.. tx.j reaa tht coupon end ec-o how to s your ahure of 2W,uM In presents. g WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER! i Just Received 5000 T?nll nf Wn.ll Paner. The best patterns. The moet beautiful colors. New Invoice i of Paints and Oils. Any ' color or brand supplied. You Get the Profits f, S!f,rs Agents, Jobbers and Middlemen by buyintf rect from the manufacturer. " 1 r i . - . j"v Wholesale. King George of Greece seems to be verv much of :i poltroon. He found time while looking after the interest of the kingdom to speculate in stocks and bonds, which, iluctuat-1 ing on account of the war. made him a winner in the sum of 7,000.00.0. ; A king who could speculate in stocks , subjects were :t the front ,THF nFI FRRATFn CUines and Cigars. while his battling tor their country deserves class was placed at 10 'not only to lose his job. but to be ig- cents, wools under that value being made dutiable at 4 cents per pound instead of '32 per cent ad valorem. m as in the house bill. "Wools valued at more than 10 cents a pound were placed at 7 cents per pound, instead of f0' per cent ad valorem. The woolgrowers failed to secure all the changes they desired in the classifi cation, bin it is understood the rates fixed on the wools are satisfactory to them. .Skirted wools of the first class, as imported in 1S90 and prior, are required to pay 1 cent a pound ' in addition to the rates imposed by this act on washed wools of class one. It is thought the increased levenue J from beer will amount to 12,000.- i 000 and on tea to 617.000.000. The 1 bill is so radically changed as to nominiously fired. seems to be in a fair kind of treatment. King George I way to get this TTTT1 ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER on draught and In Dottles. Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic. Siiipe'iiersly Drug Go, FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rtUN'SACT A GENKKA I. BANKING BU5INKS No better vhjcl made than the Acme Bicycle Built in our own factory by skilled workmen, usin the bis material and the most improved machinery. Wo havo no aqenh Sold direct from factory to th rider, fully warranto J. Shipp anywhere for ex.ariinatict' Write for Our Interesting OSer Acmo Cycle Co., E!!:hr;, hi. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange ml Telegraphic Transfers Fold on New York. Chiiiaao, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore yon, Seattle Wash,, and various pointe in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. STUBLING & WILLIAM ELY'S CREAM BAI.M is a prultivecure. Apply into the nostrils. It ia quickiy absorbed. SO cenu at Draisiats or by mail ; samples 10c. by mill. ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren St.. New York City. "iiticf to Taxpajor. Notice is herein given that bv order ; ' of the county court, the sheriff will re-1 turn the tax roll for 1S96 to the 1 hardly be recognized as the Dincley j county clerk on the first .Monday in ' 1-n " i . ,,. .. .r, , April. 1&97, and all taxes then remain-i bill. Jone of Arkansas say it will ; ing unpaIJ on the rolI wi be decarcd , take six weeks to debate the bill anil delinquent, and thereafter the sheriff! . . it ... i I will not receive taxes until the delin-1 get it ready for its final passage. ; qnent roll is lven him- Ry order of ! l court. A. M. Kel.say, 1 m'J3-ltw Clerk. NEW SPRING GOODS NEW SPRING GOODS JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED C. F. STEPHENS. SHERIFFS EXPESSES CASE. In the case of Sheriff Ilouser against Umatilla county, an order vas made by Circuit Judge Lowell as follows: It is ordered and adjudged by the court that the defendant's motion to dismiss the writ of review herein be, and the same is hereby over ruled anil denied, and that the writ of review is hereby sustained, and that the judgment of the county court of the state of Oreson for I'm tilla county, rendered March 1th, disallowing the claim of plaintiff, is evidenced by voucher lS"o. loG, and that said claim be, and the same is. herein' remanded to said county I The merchant who tells you lie has ' something else as -rood as Hoe Cake soap is a yood man to keep away from, a'2 3m . Garden Hose We are agents for the celebrated MALTESE CROSS. Every body knoTsrs that it is the best Hose on the mar ket today. 11 There is a tide in the affairs of men zviici, taken at its flooa leads on to fortune." The poet unauestionablv had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at C RANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatlv-reduced r a MICHELBAOH BRICK. - - TJNIOxS ST. ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. u H s Pullman Elegent Tourist TO Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car hT. I'Airi. MIXNEAI'OLI Dl'I.l.'TII pa !:('.() ci; AND roll CHOOKSTON MI.NMl'EO HELENA an 1U1TTK Regulator Line Tie Dalles, Portland ana iu Navigation Co.' Through Tickets CHICAGO AVASIUNOTON rilll.ADKLI'UIA 'KIV VOKK 1JOSTON AND A I.I, I'OINTS IJAST and SOUTH sirs. Regulator S Dalles Cny FREIGHT AND PASSENUER UNI 11 ETWEES' ThcDflllesi, Hofxl HIvcr, Ctueade Locks aid P lnud Unity, except Sunday. GOOD SERVICE, LOWEST RATES. Are you going ( DOWN THE YAM OR TO ( EASTERN OMS! K so, save money mid enjoy a beaatiful trip in the C'oliinibln. The we-t-tx)und train irritwi: The Djilles lu amnio time for iassenHUttl; the steamer, nrrivhiK in l'ortlnnd in timefotti outKoiiiK Houthcrn mid Northern tralni; us tontid iiasseiiBerh nrrivlnp in Tbe Dolesi3BW to take the Kast-bouud train. For further information apply to J. N. HARNEY, Agent, Oak Street Dock, l'ortlnnd, Oregon, Or V. C. AM.AWAY, Gen.irt, TlieUall,tteS Forinrormation, time cards, niRpsniid tickets, cul on or Vfrite to W. C. ALI.AWAY. Aeent, ! The Uallei, Oregon i -OB- We also carry the liidjre wood brand of Hose, which we recommend as a superior article second onl v to our Aral- court, and that said county court is tese Cros brand in quality. It hereby directed to allow the same, ' s mace on extra strong duck, and that tho plaintiff, Zoeth ilouser, and of the best rubber. Then have nml recover from the defend-' we can.y the Wallabout brand ant county his costi and disburse, j which is a good quality and inents of action." ', mecium price, equal or better This decision affects every county: than the average so-called in the state, and if not reversed by "jJUst Hose on the market." the supreme court, will be a big thing ye se for wmt jt reaHv js New York Weekly Tribune A. D. CHARLTON. Awrt. G P. A., i. Morrison Cor. Third. Cortland Oregon for the sheriffs, as it makes it nianda tory upon the count courts to pay traveling and other legitimate e. penses of these ollicers, independent of their salaries, .hid 20 Lowell's di cision will probably be sustained by the supreme uourt, as he is known as a very careful lawyer, and he knew in advance that the case was to be appealed, no matter which way ho decided. a good, serviceable Hose. .See our stock before buying elsewhere. 1 -KOK- I. COMINI SOLK DKAI.ER l.N THE DAI.IXa OF Farmers and Villagers, FOR Fathers and Mothers, FOR Sons and Daughters, FOR All the Family. Marl) e Burial Taul DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and With the close of tho Presidential Campaipn THE TRIBUNE recofrnizeH the fact that tho American people are now anxious to uive their attention to tiome and business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less spaco and prominence, until another .State or National occasion demands a renewal of the lijht for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to this present day, and won its urea teat victories. Every possible effort will be put fortti, and money freely spent, to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting instructive, entertaininj: and indispensable to each member of the familv. ' TOXY bOX'T )S'AXT Some of JT. the Mitchell push" want nn extra session. They found it profitable and arc in hopes that an extra session would prove even more lucrative. Portland Dispatch, Tony JColtner's paper. And Tory don't want any extra BICYCLE REPAIRING. We have secured the services of Mr. Joseph KirchofF, who has been doing Bicycle Repair- We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Tric ing and G-un Work for j une one year for only $1.75. the last five years in The Dalles. All work I , ." onT,Cjfo3 Viii w,n , tW v rlto your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, entrusted tO mm Will 'Tribune Ofllce, New York City, and a sample copy of The Now York Weekly Trl" receive prompt atten-: u"e wn lj mailed to vou. tion. MAIER& BENTON'S -Job Printing at This Office. A Perfect Protection from Water and. . 1 j Sides;!rvte the Eody by Ex Picture Moulding- it possesses every merit claimed for ! uio most expensive vaults, viz: absolute security and durability, thus makinu a permanent and imperishable resting place for the dead. This vault is made of six pieces of mar me which can bo firmly fastened to gethet with cement, thus makini; them air and water tight. , A .tlllll I'M A inurement ot DR. GUIITS jjipnoVED LIVER PILLS pike it rwuhr. -ninycuf" ''li.'h.nti' Kiel ridclirthot;..mpJI"nl't""1BMi(:" rul mill MinpM,(rw r ''i'yA'' V'jtilist tljato. lilt llUSANKOMtlJ. ill MinnM ir nr UK. ilOSA.SKO All Kinds Cemetery Work; Sir. Comini has on hand a large sup. ' plyot lirst-class Marble, to be used iu Monuments, etc. Prices lower than in rortiantl. . Tltlfl Ik Your Opportunity j - :BI . ssrctr?iis'Ila COlllIDtl a PBffl1 most popular Catarrh and Hay Fover Cure' IMU UU1U1H1U I (Lly's Oreain Halm) Bnfllcient to demon- PACKERS Or - """liKSS'"" PORKand Bfc&r. 00 barren St., Now York City. MANCKACTUrtKKaoK Uev.JohnItci(l,Jr.,ofGrcatFaUfl,Mout., I . , A Canal tecommomled Ely's Cream Balm to me. I Fine Lard ftUd DU1P inn-triico iau Btatement, "It 1b a poai. ' ...u w.uu mi liiuirni 11 uneu asctirccteu." Lev. Francis W. l'oole, Pastor Central Free Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged euro for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injuriouu driif. Price, 50 ccnta. Curare nf 4V BRA HAMS BACON DRIED BEEF, ETC.