The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 06, 1897, Image 1

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SfiP Chronicle.
NO 100
Special Attractions for the Week.
Nearly every department in tlie house contributes towards
making it attractive Inlying at our store. New It nods, Sty
lish Goods, Summer Goods at Summer Trices, are a good at
traction to any one at this season of the year; hut when cou
pled with such prices as ours, the attraction is two-fold.
The Correct Shoe for summer wear. The sea
son for Low Shoes is at bund, and there is no time
like the present for buying. We are offering an
attraction in a Black and Chocolate Oxford, as
cut, genuine turn sole, soft stock, at the attractive
price of
$1.75 per pair.
After this week, regular price $2.25.
Special Assortment
School Shoes, Fine Shoe?, Black Shoes and
Tan Shoes to close this week.
A few pair of Childs' School Shoes; so! lea
ther tips; sizes fl and 7 ; to close at 50c.
TAN SHOES Children's Tan Button Shoes,
spring heel ; sizes 7 to 11 ; until sold, 75 c pair.
MISSES' TAX SHOES Laced or button;
sizes 11 to 2; regular $1.50: for the week, $1.00.
spring heel Shoe; sizes from S,1.. to 101.. ; offered
this week at 75c. Sizes 11 to 12to go atlfl.00.
Th regular price of above, $1.25 and $1.50.
Gents' Dress Shoe.
The $4.50 Shoe thiB week at $2.50.
Razor Toe; beet Calf; warranted.
Dress Goods selling ought to be brisk with
us next Thursday, Friday and Saturday. With
nearly'the entire lines of :o, 40 and 50 cent pretty
novelties on the special 25 cent counter. Every
lady should have n new dress, and those that
have not, have only themselves to blame, as wo
are doing our share. Remember from Thursday
morning until Saturday ninht, the above lines
now on exhibition in our window will go at 25
cents per yard.
MEN'S SPECIAL $1.00 Line
Offers you choice of Lace or Congress, plain ,
or tipped, round or square toe; Shoes that sell
readily at $1.75 and $2.00 ; just for the week, $1.00.
Special Line of Boys' Shoes.
Call and see our Bargain Shoe Tables. I
Boys' School Shoes, tipped, hook lace; excel- j
lent stock; sizes 11 to 13, 3 to 5 the regular
value $1.35 to $1.85. ;
Special $1.00. 1
A Corset
for week only.
Our Princess Sum
mer Corset, in white
Lace Net, well Btayed ;
5'hook lengths; per
fect form ; sizes 19-27 ;
111 I pi F0R
OH 1 h H e
Laundered Percale, collar & cuffs
attached, pretty styles; special 35c.
Extra Percale, newest patterns;
all sizes 50 cents.
Extra Assortment soft negligee
shirts, unequaled at 50 cents.
Double-Seated PANTS.
They can't hi beat.
From 50c to 90c pair.
Made with Patent Elastic Waist
band, Riveted Buttons, and are war
ranted NEVER-TO-RIP.
See our Special 25c lines.
J !
Black Diagonal
Clay Worsted
Frock Suit.
Italian Lined; Silk
Hut tone ; latest cut; it
Suit othets try to du
plicate at pi Ice, but
fail ; all yii-s ; "5 42.
Business Suits
Business Men.
All Wool ; Genuine
Oregon Good? ; correct
styles. Per Suit,
$7 50.
Results Worse Than at First
Many ISodleH Unve IJeen Denuded of
Kvery DlfttlMEUlflliiiig Mark Nu
iiicrous l'ruiulnent l'arls
Juiim Aiuouk Deuel.
Paws, May 5. The terrible lire at
Grand Bazaar de Chanste, a temporary
wooden structure, 100 yards long and
sixty yarda wide, erected in the Rue
Jean Goujon, for the annual charity fair,
f which nil the inoat prominent society
ladies of Paris are patronesses, has
thrown ttie French capital into mourn
ing. The conflagration, which broke out
shortly after 4 o'clock yesterday, in
Kinetomagraph booth, near the stall of
Duchess d'Uzes, while from 1500 to 2000
people were present, is believed to have
caused the loss of over 200 lives. As
this dispatch is sent, early Wednesday
worning, 111 charred corpses have been
recovered, together with twelve portions
f bodies, the identity of which may
never be established.
Since 5 o'clock this morninsr, crowds
have been flocking to the Palais du
L'Industrie, where many bodies and in
jured persons were taken. At 0 o'clock
tt detachment of the garde republique
relieved the detachment of infantry
which had been on duty all night about
the scone of tlie catastrophe.
The search for the dead continues. ,
Wiifttitities of coins, watches, rings, neck
'aces and brackets buvu been nicked tin
'n the debris. As soon as bodies are
claimed by anxious relatives or others '
who have been hovering in despair about j
the spot throughout the nit-lit, they are
placed in carriages and taken to their
' i jrmer hoaxes.
The scene at night was reinaikable.
Long lines of infantry were drawn up
in cordon around the dreadful spot.
Bonfires, torches, electric lights and gas
jets used to illuminate the scene, re
flected upon the bayonets and accoutre
ments of the soldiers, and threw a
ghastly illumination upon the houses in
the vicinity, the windows of which were
crowded during the most of the night
with people watching the work of horror.
Now and theu a hearse would be called
from the line of vehicles stationed in
proximity, a black mass would be ten
derly lifted into it, and another unfor
tunate victim of the conflagration taken
to one of the temporary morgues in the
Palais du L'Industrie or the neighbor
ing Hospital Beaujeu. Frequently as
many as a dozen hearses were gathered
together in the court yard and opposite
to the entrance to the Palais du L'In
dustrie. Hundreds of coffins were
ranged ready to receive the bodies, in
most cases charred beyond recognition.
Upon several occasions a distracted
father or mother half mad with grief
would endeavor to force his or her way
way through the line of soldiers or the
inner line of police drawn about tlie
blackened ruins. Children were there
weeping for lost parents, and the oldest,
youngest, and middleaged joined in
murmurs of lamentation and exchanged
hopes and fears.
The atmosphere at the hall in the
Palais du L'Industrie, where the burned
bodies were ranged, was almost unbear
able, and there again heartrending
scenes were witnessed. Men, women
and children passed up and down, weep
ing distractedly before the lines of black
bodies, eagerly scanning the terrible re
mains, and now and then throwing
themselves down by the bide of some
seemingly unrecognizable corpse in
which they by Instinct, which no out
sider could understand, made out Eome
dearlv loved and missing relative.
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its Kieat leuvenlui; htrcnuth and
tR'iiltlifulnesK. Assure tlie fool titriilnut alum
ami all lornib of adulteration common to tbc
cheap brands.
JSoY.u. Baking I'owdkk Co. New Vokk.
regiments are marching on Carditza,
and tlie Greek commander there has
asked for lelnforeements.
VllMiOH til IjfHVU Crete.
Athens, May 5. The government is
negotiating with the admirals in com
mand of the fleets of tlie foreign powers
in Cretan watertj for permission to tend
a Greek wan-hip to Crete to bring oil'
Colonel Vassos and other Greek oflicera
who have been recalled.
In ISiittle Array ut I'liumula.
Athknh, May 5.-5 p. in. A dispatch
from the front say the Turkish forces at
noon today were, drawn up in battle
array on the plains of Phareala, facing
a Gieek army numbering 23,000 men.
Anoilier Attack Upou VeleHtino Jte
liuUeil liy the Ureekx.
Volo, May 5. The Turkish forces
made a tierce attack today on the Greek
troops at Velestino, but were repulsed.
There were heavy losses on both sides.
Fighting Is proceeding between the
opposing armies at two other points.
Greeks Leave Volo.
Voi o, May 5. Fifteen thousand Greeks
have retired upon Domokos, The Turks
are centering a large force there, and an
important engagement is expected.
Turk Occupy Muuut Kllberul.
Conktantinoi'J.k, May 5. Hlfza
Pasha, commander of the Turkish force
in Eplrus, telegraphed yesterday that
the Turks had occupied unopposed the
summit of Mount Kilberm, dominating
the hlooeg opposite Arta. The Greeks
Turku Movlujr uu Kurdtt.u.
Athens, May 5. Crown Prince Con
stantino telegraphs that two Turkish
Maluiilcu to lie lilockuileil
New Yojik, May 5. A dispatch to the
World from Volo says :
The Turkish squadron refuses to leave
the Dardanelles to meet the Greek fleet.
Prince George has gone with u fleet of
torpedo-boats to blockade Kulonica and
intercept the Turkish reinforcements
from Smyrna.
The Turks were routed today in nn en
gagement near Nicola.
Soap Foam excels all other washing
compounds, u'-'-Um
The test after all is : do
you like it? Schilling 's Best
tea is wholesomer than most
other lea ; but that isn't why
people buy it.
They buy it because they
like it.
If they don't like it, they
only borrow it they get
their money back of the
A Sclulllne & Company
Tim Statu .tlitileii Srw Iteounl.
San Fiianoihoo, May !. The steamer
State of California arrived from tlie Co
lumbia river today, huvlng made a new
record for the run. Slits came from
Portland in 4!! hours, GO minutes, and
from ABtoria in 'M hours, lowering her
own previous lecord by one hour, and
the best record of the Queen by thico-
quarters of an hour. Captain Green
Hays there was a very Heavy sea all the
way down, and when he came through
the north channel, the Potato Patch was
breaking badly.
The Westfleld (Ind.) Nowa prints tlie
following In regard to an old resident of
that place: "Frank McAvoy, for many
years In the employ of the L., X. A. A
C. Hy. here, says: 'I have used Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Jtemedy for ten years or longer am
never without it in my family. J take
pleusure in recommending it.' " It is a
specific for all bowel disorders. For
sale by JSIakeley A Houghton.
Colored Kx-I'reuuliur Jluiitfi'il.
SoMKitviu.E, N. J., May C. Jacob
Johnston, colored, uu ex-preacher, was
hanged here today. He died protesting
his Innocence, He was convicted on
circumstantial evidence of the murder of
Annie Beekinan, who lived at his house,
and whose body was found September
12, 18!)5, bearing evidences of strangula
tion. Hiickien'n Arim: native.
The best salve in tiie world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, level
sores, tatter, chapped bunds, chilblainf,
corns, and ul! skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 2b cents
per box. For sale oy Hlukcloy uud
Houghton, druggists.
Furty-four fvr uutl 'I weiiiy-nlx '-
jione II.
Washington, Muy , I'Iuj arbitration
treaty has been defeated in the senate
by a vote of 44 to 2S. It thus failed to
receive the necessary twothlrdd rt qui red
by the constitution.
IH I'uircH it Week.
ISO I'liperi a Yer
It dtuudu first among "weekly" papers
in size, frequency of publication ami
freshness, vnriet) and reliability of con
tents. It Is practically a daily at the low
price o a weekly ; and Its vast list of
subscribers, extending to every state anil
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for the accuracy mid
fairness of its news columns.
It is splendidly illustrated, and amoug
Its special features are a flue humor
page, exhaustive market report, all the
latest fashioiid for women and tt long
series of stories by the greatest living
American and Kngllsh authors,
Uiiiiuii Doyle, .leruino K. .luroina,
Htunley Weymsii, Alury K. Wllklu
Anthony Hope, llret lUrte,
llrumler .Muttliewn, Klo.
We oiler this unequaled newspaper anil
The Dalles Twice-a Week Chronicle to
gether one year for -'.00. The tegular
price of the two papers is t'.i.QQ.
Notice is hereby given that we will, on
Friday, April IK), 1807, at the hour of 2
o'clock p. in. of said dav, at the livery
stable of Waul, Kerns iV Robertson, Hell
ut public unction, to the highest bidder
for cash, the following described per
sonal property, to. wit:
One buy caddlu horse, about 8 yeara
old, branded Uke this: On right shoul
der F, Hud with letter It on left hip; haa
fntir wlitli, fi.ot. mill ktiir tn fui. TV..
gether with bridle and saddle. All sup
posed to be the property of S, Patterson.
Huh sale Is under an nutter's or stable
kf-mii.r'H Hon. In h:illift I lio nhururMa nf
the undersigned for tiieir reasona-
till (li!irnM fnr I hi. hihnr. puru un.t
attention and the food furnished aaitl
ii ii i inn I . iimmiiif inis ut HiIh iIiiIm In t'tft
uud for accruing costs and expenses, uud
the expenses of this sale.
aU'tt) W.uid, Kmi.vsit Hoiikutbon,
Nebraska corn for sale at the Whsou
wutehouso, Heat feed un iiirth, inO-t