The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 05, 1897, Image 3

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tog leather
FOR $15.00
We have some swell up-to-dale suits, correct in stylo, (It nml workmanship. Wo might sell .you one
of these suits and the etVeel be spoiled by a pair of shoes purchased elsewhere. We wish to avoid this. Wo
havo"?ome Shoes that are also strictly up-to-date. With one of our Suits and a pair of these Shoes, any man
would be well dressed. We realize that the cost would be more, perhaps, than you would want to stand.
AVe are going to make it easy for you. We make this oiler, and for the balance of the week will give you a
$15.00 SUIT of CLOTHES
FOK S15.00
FOR $15.00
All we ask of you is that you bring FIFTEEN DOLLARS with you, either in Gold, Currency,
Silver or Bank Check ; we are not particular. The correct amoiint is all that we care for
See Our Furnishing Goods Window.
The Dalles Daily Ghroniele.
, up on the iiicnic grounds at Dufur. In
this connection it might be remarked
City Council Mretltip.
1 ter crossing, where a new bridge was
I UCIII: LUIIDIIULUU vnu ...... v. ... i
itlini. tlmt nm.. TWnr picnic takes place J-he city council met Mommy evening washed out. lho Mcuuiieo linage, wio
Tl 1 ' Fridnv. end promises to be. like all ' May 3d, Mayor Menefee and Council- old condemned structure near tho Me-1
.ix "' XUl" ' other Dufur picnics, a most pleasant men Nolan, ood, Koss, Ulougli, h-iick ( Duffee hot springs, is high ami ury, al
and baltmarshe being present. though It had a close call. At Monti-
The following proceedings were held : j ment for u time it looked iib though
The minutes were read and approved. , mnnh dnmntre would be done. Since tho
Itamlnm OliKorvut ions and Local Kvonts
of I.PHHui' fllugnitiuic.
We would rather sell our stock of
carrv them over. Pease & Mavs make 1 Verbal Protest wa8 made b' Geo Li?be I wa,er haa receded, the grade to the steel
this" stntenient. and have Rni'ted the regarding the cow pound. On motion bridge is washed out in two places, and
One hobo was arrested yesterday, but
Garden hose for four cents a foot at
Mays & Crowe's. a.SO-tf
Newest ribbons lor Btock collars just
opened at A. M. Williams & Co.
County court is in session, and is
wrestling with a large batch of bills.
English and Belgian cement, very
best imported brands, for sale by Waeco
Warehouse Co. myo-lm
Two hundred and fifty sacks of wool
were received at the Wasco warehouse
Monday and Tuesday.
A most liberal offer is made by Pease
& Mays to all in need of clothing. Read
their ad. and you will know all about it.
Animatoscope tonight at Vogt old
store opposite Chkoniclk office, the last
exhibition of these wonderful moving
pictures. Don't miss It.
The examination of S. M. Meeks at
Hood River yesterday resulted in the
discharge of the defendant. The charge
against him was the larceny of a horse.
Quite a number of ladies, members of
the W. 0. T. U., went to Hood River
this morning to attend a meeting of the
county convention of the society, which
is, or was, held there today. They will
remain until tomorrow evening.
The strawberries shipped by the
Winans Broe. yesterday to Portland
were the first Oregon berries to reach
that city this year. The Dalles is easily
the earliest section in the state with
these berries, and should raise more of
of .7 of a foot since yesterday morning
reports from up river points are that the
nee in the next twenty-four hours will
be not less than 2 feet, and possibly
more than that. The weather bulletin j
riBe more rapidly than formerly," by
which rather indefinite statement we
will soon be repaired in order that travel
over the bridge may proceed. All the
ferry-boats and bridges below on the
John Day river are reported as gone.
William Iturcli Shot.
l. . c l t ,.n...tnr.
action to the word, having marked their "1C "UE " l"
entire line at cost to close. They are , hea th aud P',ce- , (r
. . , 1 The monthly reports of officers were
displayed in the center window. i . , J .
i riivpn. nnd on motion claims ner mar-
The river at noon stood at 27.9, a rise , ehal,g repQrt an(, U)e o(Rcerg gaarieg
I were ordered paid.
On motion a special license was au
thorized to be issued by the recorder to
Dilberger & Lucas for $5 per week for
I Urn U'PPlra nftpr Anrll 50. 1R07. to run
last night says: "The Columbia will , .rond.
On motion the engineer of fire com-
nnnv wna nnt.hnrizpfl tn nntifv thfi Ore-
suppose it was intended to say that it . Telephone Co ,0 r(Jmove ti,e tele
would rise more rapidly than in did dur- phone frQm Ue engjne house
ing the first rise this year. j JIotion Umt property owners be noti-
Stephen B. L. Penrose, president of ned to remove trees in the middle fortv
the Whitman college, at Walla Walla, is j feet 0f proposed opening of Fourteenth j arrived at Goldendale about 5 o'clock
now confident of being able to raise the . street, within ten days, and if not re- this morning.
necessary sum which will give the col-1 m0ved in that time that the marshal j Further particulars of the shooting
lege nn endowment fund of $200,000. i cause the same to be done. show that it was done by Mr. Presby,
D. D. Pearsons, of Chicago, promised to! Qn motion the committee on fire and ! who was examining a pistol. The bul
give the sum of $50,000, in the event of ; Water was authorized to purchase at let struck Darcli in the chin, shattering
the lower mw, and was supposed to
have passed back Into the neck. Tho
doctors probed vainly for it, hut at
an early hour this morning Mr. Darcli
was seized with an attack of voiniling.
and the lost bullet was ejected. Tho
wound is a bad one, but is not consid
ered dangerous.
Last night Mr. George Darch, of this
city, received a telephone message from
Mr. W. B. Presby of Goldendale, saying
that Mr. Darch's son, Will, who is prac
ticing law with Mr. Presby, had been
accidentally but not fatally shot, and re
questing him to come at once to Grant,
where a team would meet him. It is
feared that the accident is more serious
than the message implied. Mr. Darch
left on the 1 :20 train, and Bhould have
$150,000 being raised by the phople of 1 ieaat three fire plugs,
Walla Walla. Of this amount only ! Qn motion the council recommended
$1,000 remains to be raised. The pros- j to water commission that it lay a four
pects for tho college were never brighter j inc, umn on Fourth street as far as
than at the present time, Eaid Rev. C. , Laughlin street.
T. Whittlesey, while in Pendleton. The
course of studies has been greatly im
Bills were allowed as follows:
C F Lauer, marshal $75 00
proved during the last few years, and , Geo C Brown, engineer 75 00
the number of students is gradually in- gj Jg
creasing. 0 j (Jrandall. treasurer 20 00
In a private letter received from Dr. j Walter Norman, work ou tewers. . Mi 00
Logan, after speaking of his satisfaction Jim Like, J jj J . . . 48 00
with the work accomplished while there, J . , Darcv " " " . ". 0 On
and the knoweldpe gained, be mentions
having met two Dalles young ladies who
have been in New York City for some
F S Smith,
Mrs Frazier, meals to prisoners. .
Dalles Lumber Lo, lumber.
Mays & Crowe, mdso.
Mr. W. G. Kerns and family left this
city yefcterday for the Willamette vulley,
where he will engage in tanning.
Mr. Wallace came in from Antelope
" n 7n ' yesterday, and reports everything pros
"' ,! i pering in that neighborhood. Tho
Jr shearing la at its biiBiest, and the clip is
n,i whnm thfi dor-.tor save.are'iW w. 'X unusually clean and good.
viuiv, " , - . . Maier & uenion, u uu
a credit to our city. MIsb Gertrude M T NoiaDj . 3 S5 1 J
Jr. R. B. Hoed was a passenger on
r nn .. .f.. al.f I 1. fv.
The Redmen'e excurBion from Port- Meyers, having finished the course of Ike Perry, labor i ! " rSrl S
land to this city, which takes place one training as a professional nurse, is now Henry worl:e;-' ; ; Jron lose
week from Sunday, promises to bring inost successful, as her fnendB in Ihe I f Harper"8treet Hg,ts 40 45 ! him, but envy him his residence in the
the biucest crowd ever ossBmbled here. 1 Dalles predicted. Dr. Gertrude French nalles Eiectrlc Lit'ht Co, lit-hts. . . .".7 80 1 beautiful Santa Clara valley, in our
OjillllOIl Hie llion oeaiiiuui in ouuioriuu.
We are told that more than 8,000 tickets ' is now assistant to one of the leading J W Bla
have been sold, and ten days yet remain ; -""GeVlr.K AXoPZr ' ffi
iKeu me number. j aml application, need not this knowl-
Pease & Mays have added an elegant J edge to aesure them of her succes.
Eet of canisters to their tea department. wanted.
They are finished in black and gold, and j gill for general housework. Must
were made to order in San Francisco, bo a good cook. Apply at the residence
The addition of these fixtures makes ; of W. Lord on fcaturday morning oe
their tea department one of the prettiest twee" u u"a AAt
portions oi their immense store.
Blakeney, hauling. .
erguson, " ....
hel, " ....
Win Henzie, " . . .
DWMann, " ....
E Benjamin, sawing wood. .
1 50
1 00
1 00
Grunt C'out.ty Itrldert. i)uiiuii'(l.
The high water last week did con-
Tfucliorx' ICxiiinlnat Jon.
Notice is hereby given, that for the
purpose of making an examination of
all persons who may offer themselves aj
candidates for teachers of the (?c!ioo1h of
this county, the county school snperin
tendent thereof, will hold a public ex
cirli.rahlM (lnTiiArru tn tlir. hrtdiHS iilnnts ! t .1 ...... i...r.y. (
This is an "Age of Soap. by use tll0 mdiii fork of the John Day riyer, I i)a11ea Citv. betriunliiK Wednesday. May
The Foresters are havini? a beautiful , any but the very best. Best soap means though not so much damage au would
winner painted, to be carried in their Hoe Cake, bom y 1 ease cc iua b. a-'om iave been done had the water not been
checked by the cool weather, eays the
Long Creek Eagle. The bridge on the
road to Susanville is repotted as gone.
20 tO 3O times as Strong as ITJjIb structure was put in by Ed. C. A!
Parade. One side is of white silk, on
which is painted in gold the emblem of
the order, with the motto, "Liberty,
Unity, Benevolence, Concord" and the
words "Foresters of America." The
other aide is of red silk, containing the
words "Court The Dalles, F. of A.,"
also in gilt.
The merry-go-round, which baa made
life for the young folks here one joyous
round of pleasure for aome time past,
was taken down today and will be put
Schillings Best lemon is
a,,-nrr v,f,.fc len years ago duriug a miniug excite
Common flavoring extracts. , J at Seville, and liaa been ot
Try a drop in a tumbler
of water.
For sale by
V. E. Kahler
great service to the people of that lo
cality. Report from Granite creek is to
the effect that the north approach of
their new bridge across the middle fork
was washed out, but was saved with the
exception of a few timbers. At the Kit-
12th, at 1 o'clock p. m.
Dated this let day of May, 18U7.
School Supt.
ftacKluu'o Arnica ttitlve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all akin eruptions, and posl
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satiafac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Blakeley and
Houghton, druggiste,
Just Received.
A stock of Pure Aluminum Ware Cook
ing Utensils.
No enamel to flake off. Solid metal. No
plating to wear off.
Absolutely pure. No verdigris, or salts
ot tin.
Wonderfully light and beautiful, and
very durable.
Foods cooked in it do not scorch.
Drop in and see it. Wo will bo pleased to show it to you, even if
you don't buv.
We have strictly First-class
FIR, OAK and
Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO
Huctmnr to (,'lirUiuuii .V Cornou.
Again in business at th old stand. I would be pleased to
see all my former patrons. l'K'o delivery to any part of town.
Opp. A. M, AVilliams & Co.,