The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 03, 1897, Image 1

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    Stye JUalles
NO 97
Special Attractions for the Week,
of the year; but when coupled with pri ces such as we are making, the attraction is two-fold.
Tlio Correct Shoe for summer wear. The sea
eon for Low Shoes is at hand, and there is no time
like the present for buying. We are offering an
attraction in a Black and Chocolate Oxford, as
cut, genuine turn sole, soft stock, at the attractive
price of
$1.75 per pair.
After this week, regular price $2.25.
MEN'S SPECIAL $1.00 Line
Offers yon choice of Lace or Congress, plain
or tipped, round or square toe; Shoes that Rell
readilv at$1.75 and $2.00; just for the week, $1.00.
Special Line of Boys' Shoes.
Call and see our Bargain Shoe Tables.
Boys' School Shoes, tipped, hook Ince; excel
lent stock; sizes 11 to 13, $3 to $5 the regular
Special $1.00 to $1.85.
Special Assortment
School Shoes, Fine Shoe?, Black Shoe9 and
Tan Shoes to close this weok.
A few pair of Childs' School Shoes; sole tea
tips ; sizes 6 and 7 ; to close at 50c.
TAN SHOES Children's Tan Button Shoes,
spring heel ; sizes 7 to 11 ; until sold, 75c pair.
MISSES' TAN SHOES Laced or button;
sizes 11 to 2; regular $1.50: for the week, $1.00.
spring heel Shoe; sizes from 8.;. to lOs. ; offered
this week at 75c. Sizes 11 to 12 to go at $1.00.
The regular price of above, $1.25 and $1.50.
G-ents' Dress Shoe.
The $4.50 Shoe this week at $2.50.
Razor Toe; best Calf; warranted.
A Corset
for week only.
Our Princess Sum
mer Corset, in white
Lace Net.well stayed ;
5-hook lengths; per
fect form ; sizes 19-27 ;
Special 35c
Dress Goods selling ought to be brisk with
next Thursday, Friday and Saturday. With near
ly the entire lines of 35, 40 and 50 cent pretty
novelties on the special 25 cent counter. Every
lady should haye a new dress, and those that
have not, have only themselves to blame, as we
are doing our share. Rpinember from Thursday
morning until Saturday night, the above lines
now on exhibition in our window will go at 25
cents per yard.
Laundered Percale, collar cfc cuffs
attached, pretty styles; special 35c.
Extra Percale, newest patterns;
all sizes 50 cents.
Extra Assortment soft negligee
shirts, unequaled at 50 cents.
Nnnvlv nvnvv ilnnnrf ninnf. 5n Mm 1imisn contributes
....-j 4, . ...... ... ......
towards making it attractive buying at our store. Isow
Goods, Stylish Goods, Summer Goods at Smninor
Prices, are a good attraction to any one at this season
Black Diagonal
Clay Worsted
Frock Suit.
Italian Lined ; Silk
Hut tons; latest nut; a
Suit otherH try to du
plicate at .priri', but
fail; all sizes; ?,o 12.
Business Suits
Business Mon.
All Wool ; Genuine
Oregon Goods ; correct
styles. Per Suit,
Double-Seated PANTS.
They can't ba beat.
Prom 50c to 90c pair.
Made with Patent Elastic Waist
band, Riveted Buttons, and aro war
ranted NEVER-TO.RIP.
See our Special 25o lines.
Edliaui Pasha Begins the
Expected Attack.
Oreolts Succosiifully Unpolled the Turks
With Great Lu to tho Invaders
-Xtiwn From Kpirua.
London, May 1. A dispatch from
Athens says :
The reports of the Turkish assaults on
Pliarsala are officially confirmed.
The Fighting Ht Velestino.
Athens, May 1. Dispatches from
Puarsala, the headquarters of the Greek
army in Thessaly, give further particu
lars of the recent fighting between Turks
and Greeks at Velestino, 10 miles west
of Volo, at the junction of the railroad
connecting Volo with Larissa and Phar
eala. The Turkish attacking force consisted
of 8000 infantry, 000 cavalry and 13 guns.
The charges of the Turkish cavalry were
firmly withstood by Evzones posted on
Karnavassa hill. An entire Turkish re
fiiment was decimated. Four Turkish
squadrons which attempted a charge
were received with a combined rifle and
shrapnel fire which mowed down several
hundred. The Greek irregulars co-operated
with the regulars. Fifty Greeks
were killed, and a major and five eubal
terns wounded.
A detachment of Turkish cavalry from
Larissa approached tho railway between
Pharsala and Domnkos, which' town is
about 10 miles south of Phareala, in the
Greek rear. The Greek artillery opened
fire upon the enemy's cavalry at long
jauKe, aud alter heavv cannonading
forced the Turks to retire, the Greek
cavalry pursuing them.
The Turkish commander apparently
wished to surprise tho Greeks at Pharea
la and sent two army corps against them,
oue from Trikhala, the other from Larissa.
Greek Positions Till; en.
Constantinople, May 1. Edhem Pa
sha has eent a telegram announcing that
after a serious fight at Velestino the
Turks had captured three forts and four
entrenched positions, the Greeks retir
ing to Volo.
In Eplruft.
Athens, May 2, 1:25 a. m. A dis
patch from Arta says that 10,000 Greeks,
under Colonel Bairastaris, are again at
tacking Pentepigadia.
The German cruiser Augusta Victoria
has arrived at Phalerum.
Official Tuiklttli Advices.
Constantinople, May 1. Kifzi PaBba,
commander of the Turks at Janina, yes
terday telegraphed a report to the effect
that the troops had occupied, after a
fight, the heights commanding Karavan
Serai. The Greeks fled, according to
the official Turkish accounts, by way of
Ketrcated to Arta.
London, May 1. A special dispatch
from Athens announces that the Greek
army has retreated in thorough order to
Arta, where it is awaiting reinforce
No SlKU of
Law aud
Order lu the
Nkw York, May 1. A Herald dis
patch from Salonica says:
An Englishman who arrived here last
night from Volo, where he had been
four days, says that the scenes of panic
and confusion are indescribable. Law
and order have disappeared and all sem
blance of authority is gone. The whole
beach is strewn with baggage, and peo
ple aro clamoring and waiting for ships
which do not come, liifles aro being
promiscuously served and cartridges are
thrown in heaps in the streets and the
people fill their pockets with them.
The Englishman saw the GreekB' fight
at Velestino. Fugitives rushing in with
out money or provisions intermingled
with the soldiers who had thrown their
arms away so as not to impede thM
flight. He also saw the captain of aiiTf(
American ship who left Athens on the
2Sih. He said the' people were terribly
bitter against the royal family and would
kill any of its members if they could get
at them. They accused Prince Coustan
tine of having betrayed the army and of
being in collusion with the Russians.
The latest he iieard was that the king
had taken refuge on a Russian warship.
The streets were full of armed people.
The shops were being plundered.
Stockholder Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that a meeting
of the stockholders of The Dalles Chron
icle Publishing Company will be held at
the county court rooms on Tuesday, the
25th day of May, A. D., 1897, at 2
o'clock p. m., for the purpose of adopt
ing suplimentary articles of incorpora
tion, increasing the capital stock of said
company and transacting such other
business as may come before said meet
ing. By order of the Board of Directors.
Tho Dalles, Oregon, April 9, 1897.
A. S. Mao Allihteic,
R. G. Davenport,
There are five flavors of
Schillings Bestir as dif
ferent from one another as
peaches, apples, pears,
plums, and grapes.
Try every one, and get
your money back on what
you don't like.
The tea and the money
are at grocers'.
A Schilling & Company
Sn Francisco Ml
Notice is herebv given that we will, on
Friday, April 80, 1897, at tho hour of 2
o'clock p. in. of said dav, at the livery
stable of Waid, Kerns & Robertson, sell
t public auction, to the highest bidder
or cash, the following described per
sonal property, to-wit:
One bay saddle horse, about 8 years
old, branded like this: On right shoul
der F, and with letter R on left hip; has
four white feet, aud star in face. To
gether with bridle and saddle. All sup
posed to be the property of S. Patterson.
This sale is under an agister's or stable
keeper's lien, to satisfy tiie charges of
the undersigned for tiieir reasona
ble charges for the labor, care ami
attention and the food furnished said
animal, amounting at this date to $35,
and for accruing costs and expenses, and
the expenses of this sale.
aO td Waisd, Keunh & Roiikuthon.
18 Pages a Week. ICO l'upera a Year
It stands first among ''weekly" papers
in size, frequency of publication aud
freshness, variety and reliability of con
tents. It is practically a daily at the low
price o a weekly; and its vast list of
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for the accuracy and
fairness of its news columns.
It Is splendidly illustrated, and among
Its special features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashions for women and a long
series of stories by the greatest living
American and English authors,
CotiHU Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome,
Htunl.iy Weyman, Mary K. Wliklu
Authouy lloie, liret IJarte,
liruuder Matthew, Kte,
We oflVr this unequaled newspaper and
The Dallt-s Twice-a- Week Chronicle to
gether one year for $2.00. The regular
price of the two papers ib $3,00.
New styles in
Williams & Co.'s.
straw hats at A. M.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts,
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour.
ThiH Klotir ih in it nil fact ii red cxnrcHslv for fumllv
use; every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Wo sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, aud if you don't think so
call aud get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
THK F1KHT IIATTI.K Ik im iiiteriwUnK utory
of Itiu KU'itt pftlltlciil MriJKKloof IhUO, lU MOfcl
Important uveitis uml tliu nmiiy lonuc Involved;
h logical i ruutUo on lti-iiiutiillfniii nn u tiered by
eminent uxiwiiitnu, Iiicltiilliiu tho m taken by
Hon. W. J, ilryuii In Hie ullver uylluilmi prior to
tliu Democratic Nutlonul Conrentlou, and dur
llllf tllU ClllllpUlKMi tllU bent UXUUIpU'HII liU won.
(Infill oratory, tliu Mont notuwr.rttiy luclleiiU of
liU fumoua tour, h direful ruvluw of tliu illtlcl
titiiutiou, ii dUonsalun of tliu ulertioii rcluriii
mill tliu Itfiillieance tliureof, uml tliu future
pokIMlltle of JH'MutulllMii u u bolltltMl Uuu,
Richly and durably bound in English Cloth, plain edges; portrait of the au
thor forming the design on cover; autograph preface; magnificent pre
sentation plate in silver, guld and blue; containing 000 pages and 32
full-page illustrations , $1 75
In half-Morocco, marble edge, , 2 25
In full-Morocco, gilt edge , , . , 2 75
M. J, WOODCOCK. Agent, Wamlo, Or.
Do all kinds of JOB PRINT
ING at this office.