FINELY POLISHED OAK CENTER TABLE ! The Dalles Daily Gbromeie. SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1897 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Itnudom OltnervatiuuH and Local KvoutH of Leaner Mugiiltucle. Edward Shields at the opera house to night. Garden hoee for four cents a foot at Mays & Crowe's. a30-tf Concert and entertainment Vogt's opera house tonight. Admission 25e; children 15c. Clias. H. Whiting, the world-renowned baritone vocalist, in an entire new edition of song, at the opera house tonight. A carload of smokiug tobacco from Mt. Airy, North Carolina, passed through the city today, consigned to a Portland firm. Rev. Mr. Wycoff, who was announced to preach in the Congregational church tomorrow, will not be hero until the 16th, two weeks from tomorrow. The Dalles City towed the big barge, Wasco, across to the Washington shore, where it will be loaded with rock, which will bo used in weighting the D. P. & A, N. incline. Tho piledriver, which has been used here for putting in some extra piles along the roadway was unloaded yester day on the flat between tho inclino and the Umatilla house. A. J. Brigham was iu town today, but in reply to a question concerning Dufur, only had time to reply: "Big picnic next week. That's all we know or care about out at Dufur until it is over." The coroner's jury, examining into the cause of tho death of the persons killed in the electric car accident at Portland, brought in a verdict to the ef fect that the accident was caused by the car being run at a great speed. 'The sheriff undertook to sell some real Property east of town today to satisfy a judgment in favor of Mays & Crowe against John and William Wood, but there being no bidders, the salo was Postponed until 1 :30 o'clock next Satur day afternoon. Edison's animatoscopo tonight. Mr. Wilbur will exhibit his entire collection f moving life-like pictures tonight, commencing at 8 o'clock. Don't fail to see Edison's most wonderful invention. It is marvelous. At tho old Vogt store, opposite Chhoniolk oflico. Admission -o cents. Pease & MayB tables, which are given away with purchases of certain amounts, are very handsome, showing some beau tifully grained oak. They are giving these away now, and when our reporter asked what they were going to do next, the reply was, "See the announcement et week." The river dropped five pointa last n'Bht, standing at 28.4 this morning. It has been above the 20-foot stage lor "early two weeks, and for ten days of that time lias had an average height of 28 feet. It will be seen from this that a vast quantity if water has been carried away, and tho chances for extreme high water have been greatly lessened. The members of the graduating class of this year, or most of 'them, took a trip down the river this morning on the Dalles City, eome oi them going to Hood River, and some to the Cascades. Quite a number of young friends, by special invitation, accompanied them. The day waB a little breezy on the river, but when onceashore, the weather was delightful. Tho Southern Pacific has changed its time card, the change going into effect today. The overland express leaves at 6 p. m. instead of 2:50, and arrived at 9 :30 a. m. The Salem train is with drawn, and there are other Blight changes, which can be found in their regular ad. Persons desiring to visit Willamette valley points will do wtll to consult the new time card. Those Moving ricturofl. The animatiscope exhibition, opposite The Chronicle office, is ,an agreeable surprise to all who see it. The illusions are perfect, and one can hardly realize that science is imitating nature, and presenting a, breathing picture of animnted life. The illusion in the picture of the express train is perhaps the finest of all, though all are good. The train comes sweeping tow ards you, growing larger and larger, un til suddenly you see it sweep by, see the dUBt whirl up from uuder the cars, a handkerchief or two waved from the windows, and a3 it passes you 6ee no picture, but a flying train which lacks only the thunder of Its iron wheels to complete the deception. We advise our readers to see it, for it is worth all and much more than it costs. Edward Shield Touleht. The concert and entertainment, to be given by Edward Shields at the opera house tonight, has a double meaning, nniv is tho entertainment of the highest order, but the proceeds will be i to touch. tdby Mr. Shields to boom the Co- The pleasure of life, a iter a I is In lumbia river and the Inland Empire J B .other happy, and t ie doub e hougbont the East-something thatl happiness if those are children whose has not been extensively done hereto- innocent hearts permit them -till beta I ore. It is a good deal. a. Mr. Shields , measure o joy. May day is a right, a s the immigration board has paid but and the children should onjoy t while little attention to this part of the. state,, they can, for hey will k yet the city of Portland is receiving its i by md ty, and then May day will bo no ?ost substantial trade from this section. , '"ore for them forever. It ..moving Mr- Shields has gone into this work on j.v then. aid, save hla perseverence, and It is to bo hoped that our citizens will appreci ate his meritorious effort enough to give him a good house tonight Baseball. The Dalles Commercial & Athletic ball club will again cross bats with the Champions at the fair .rounds tomor row at 2 p. m. As both teams are con fldent of a victory, a good name is expected. MAY DAY'S CELEBRATION And Some Kiln TiiniiRhtH It biigRPBtfi For On to Think. May day is not kept in this country as in many others, and yet it is of sufficient importance to cauBe every American youngBter at least, a desire to have a hol iday and to spend it in the woods or by the stream. It ought to be a national holiday, for it comes at the time of year when everybody feels the necessity of an "out-dooring." One reason that the day attracts little attention is that it is strictly a country'.day, for a May-day celebration in the city iB an undreamed of thing. It needs the shade of the big trees, the fresh green grass that delights the eye and stains the dainty white frocks of the May Queen and all her sub jects. It requires the pole garlanded with wild posies, the butterflies and birds, ants and bugs, and all thoBe de lightful things that go to makjprii.g. For another reason it Bhould be made a national holiday, and that is that it is the children's day, and the pleasant days of childhood, about which we all grow reminiscent, were few and far enough between in reality. Wo think they were all right, because we remem ber the high spots in them and we for get the woodshed and the bucksaw that always overwhelmed us, just when our best chum wanted us to go fishing. There are other reasons, but why name them. Childhood's days are fleeting al most as those of old age, and if they were our happiest, what benefit if we did not know it? Let us make our children understand it by making the high spots that they will always remem ber just a little more plentiful, and what will hang longer in one's memory than the remembrance of a spring day spent in the woods in childhood? We know of nothing. And what flower-be-laden, sun-freckled, garment-soiled lit tle tot will not come home from such an expedition into the woods, too tired to more than tell half of all the delights of the day before the eyes close uncon sciously, and mamma must unlace the Bhoes that little fingers are too a-wc-ary A young woman onco remarked that she disliked boys from the time one quit kissing them as babies, until it was time to begin kissing them as men. The same might be said of girls, only the line of demarcation is so indistinctly drawn that one never knows just when to drop off in the one character and commence In the other. Perhaps the beBt plan under these circumstances, is to just continue the osculatory pastime heedless of the capacity in which the kissee stands, and To Be Given Away to Our Retail Cash Customers. Displayed in Dry Goods Department." Four Styles. With Purchases of $15 00, $25.00, $35.00 and $50.00. We have purchased a large number of tables of different grades and styles. We propose to make our Retail Cash customers a prosont of one or more of these tables as they may select. We will givo you a card which you can present with each purchase and have the amount of such purchase punched thereon. This applies to all purchases EXCEPT GK0CE1UES. We have the tables in four styles and they will be given whon purchases have been made of $15.00; $25.00, $35.00 and $50.00. THIS TABLE WITH PURCHASE OF $25.00 ALL GOODS MARKE D IN PLAIN FIGURES. let the question just sort of settle itself. That's the way we feel about it. Now, for instance, this morning at the wharf when the boat pulled out, there were three remarkably pretty (or would be so considered outside of Tho Dallesl young ladies, who were watching the excur sionists depart. They were, we judge, between the ages of 18 late falls, and 21 early springs, and they looked to us as though they were just at that age when a fellow might have kiesed them, as children or grown foldB.and he wouldn't (that is if we were the he; have cared two cents which period it was charged up to. It would ha7e been a very pleas ant May-day recollection, but such waB not to be. When one sees a lot of dainty girls so demure, yet Eaucy, so innocent looking, yet so bright-eyed. So all together lovely, and too good for anything this side of Paradise, one easily imagines with what fever and trepidation a young man approaches one of ttie dear crea tures with idenB of annexation, or of es tablishing a protectorate over her. One can easily understand that when he thinks of broaching the subject his heart would be right in his mcuth, at the idea of asking for so great a bundle of femi nine loveliness. But if bIio accepts him, which the chances are, she will, he will recover from his earlier-couceleved no tions. Now we know an old fellow who had been married for twenty-five years. Before we made up our mind, (being somewhat diffident) to ask tho fateful question, we consulted him. "Huh I" said he with a shrug of the shoulders, "Don't be afraid. Why, I felt that way myself, but when I asked Mary for her hand, she put both of them in mine eo quick it staggered me, and. though I did not know it then, I learned after wards that she included a corn-crib full of lip that I hadn't counted on." Teacher' Examination. Notice is hereby given, that for the purpose of making an examination of all persons who may offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the schools of this county, the county echool superin tendent thereof, will hold a public ex amination at the county court house in Dalles City, beginning Wednesday, May 12th, at 1 o'clock p. m. Dated this 1st day of May, 18U7. C. L. GiLHEitr, School Supt. Schillings Best means: vc have taken your money and spent it for lea coffee baking powder flavoring extract oda aua spices as well as we know how to. Your grocer pays your money back if you don't like them. 14 For sale toy W. E. Kahler PEASE Just Received. A stock of Pure Aluminum Ware Cook ing Utensils. No enamel to flake off. Solid metal. No plating to wear off. Absolutely pure. No verdigris, or salts of tin. Wonderfully light and beautiful, and very durable. Foods cooked in it do not scorch. Drop in and see it. Wo will bo pleased to show it to you, oven if you don't buy. Remember We have strictly First-class FIR, OAK and MAPLE WOOD To sell at LOWEST MARKET RATES Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. Again In business at the old stand. I would bo pleased to see all my former patrons, Free delivery to any part of town. W. Z. DONNELL, PESClPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., & MAYS MAYS & CROWE. (HiicccKkor to CIirlMimu A Corhon, ' FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. THE DALLES, OR.