The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 01, 1897, Image 1

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    (Tl)c Dallco
SHI Chronicle,
NO 90
Turkish Attacks Repeatedly
Itetmrt "T B TurUlsli llepulKO Denied at
G'ulintiiiiUlllii--Vulii Oceuplecl
ly TurliiHli Cavalry.
Athkns, April 30. Tlio notion between
the Turks and Greeks which began jes
terdny at ValcstitiO, about ten miles
west of Volo, continued today. General
Smolensk's brigade, flghting bravely,
repulsed repeated charges of the Turk-
Denluu by tlio l'orti).
Constantinople, April 30. The Turk
iah government has issued the following
announcement :
"Far from being repulsed at Valestino,
the imperial troops continued their vic
torious march forward."
Volo In Occupied.
London-, April 30 The Evening News
this afternoon publishes a dispatch from
Constantinople, dated todny, saying the
Turkish cavalry occupied Volo yesterday
evening. The dispatch adds that ten
days' delay has been granted the Greeks
desirous of leaving Constantinople.
A runic at Volo.
Rome, April 30. Dispatches from Volo
by way of Athens say a terrible panic
prevail at Volo, and if the place falls
into the hands of the Turks, the situa
tion of the Greek army will be desperate.
Turks Wore Victors.
Constantinople, April 30. A dis
patch from the Turkish military com
mander at Janina announces that Mus
tapha's brigade yesterday occupied the
heights commanding Nichesto and Keer
vausorvall, beyond Pentepegidia, and
the Greek troops in that vicinity there
upon retreated.
The Vail, of Salonica, telegraphs that
a band of Greeks has been routed by the
Turkish corps near I'ravishte. Ten
Greeks were captured.
OmiH Wcru Not l)umaKil.
Atiij:ns, April 30. A correspondent of
the Associated Press, who was at Lar
issa Thursday, reports that tho Turkish
troops found all tho guns of the fortress
intact, and obtained possession of im
mense quantities of ammunition. The
abandonment of such a strong position
ib incomprehensible. News of the oc
cupation of Volo by tho Turkish forces
is momentarily expected here.
l'ociplo Ktinily to I'lo In Case of u Groek
Nhw Yoitic, April 30. A Journal dis
patch from Salonica says :
From Vienna to Nish in Servia, and to
the Turkish frontier all the news was of
the Greek defeat and everywhere was
rejoicing, because the Greek is detested
in all of Southeastern Europe. In Aus-tro-Hungary
and Servia, the Greek indi
vidual is equal to three Oriental Jews,
therefore, Austro-Hungary and Servia
all presented a broad grin at the con
stant news of Greek reverses. In Sarvia
they said: "We are delighted. We
are happy and at peace for the first time
in our history."
Uut when Salonica was reached all
tliis was changed. There were two sides
to the story. While it is true the Turks
gained a great victory at Milouna and at
Lurrisa, yet the Greeks had been van
quishing the TurkB at other points and
destroying towns along the coast near
this place,
So great was the Turkish discontent
with tho way the war is carried on that
It is actually stated that Oaman Pasha
was eont to infuse new courage into the
army, The hero of Plevna is very old.
It is like asking Bisruark to take the
field, or sending Victoria around Eng
land stump-speaking at a general elec
tion but he is idoliied by every Turk.
His mere name is a tower of strength.
Salonica is quiet among its foul smells,
all say : "Tim quiot is only today j God
knows what willwlll he tomorrow."
The Greek fleet of 10 war vessels is
only 20 miles distant, and has already
bombarded two towns. It is likely any
moment to give 10 hours' notico to the
peopie to quit tho town before a bom
bardment. Austria and Italian war
ships lie in the harbor ready to take
care of their fellow countrymen, and all
strangers requiring protection. In all
houses of the better classes men have
their wives and children in readiness for
flight, curios boxe.l up and valuables
put up In portable packages, and yet
nothing of a panic meets the eye. Jews
swarm the streets, selling goods and
counting money. Albanian doormen in
quilted white petticoats back in chairs
in the sunshine, and in the concert-halls
music and beer flow together, and men
and women flirt, drink and suioke to
gether as if the fate of Bain Ion will
be repeated.
Cablegrams from the field of battle
are nil alike all Turkish, practically
dictated by a staff officer of the commander-in-chief.
All dispatches thus
dictated must go via Constantinople,
and are subjected to strict courtship.
This seems quite unnecessary, because
Turkey must win, and win quickly, un
less tho powers interfere. Today she
has almost double as many men in the
field as Greece, and has millions ready
to take arms, while Greece has no more
Other correspondents here are Pierre
Mills, of the Journal des Debats of Paris ;
Stanhope, of the Herald ; Roberts, of
the American legation and the London
News. These are buying teutB, horses
and canned food and aranging to secure
a military guard for three days' journey
to Larissa, only one day of which is by
There Is Nothing So Good.
There is nothing just as good as Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds, bo demand it and do
not permit the dealer to sell you some
substitute. He will not claim there is
anything better, but in order to make
more profit he may claim something else
to be just as good. You want Dr. King's
New Discovery because you know it to
be safe and reliable, and guaranteed to
do good or money refunded. For Coughs,
Colds, Consumption and for all affec
tions of Throat, Chest and Lungs, there
is nothing so good as is Dr. King's aevv
Discovery. Trial bottle free at Blakeley
& Houghton's Drug Store. Regular size
IW cents and $1.00. ;3)
An Electric Ear Drum.
St. Louis, April 30. Civil Engineer
Wilhan L. Skinner had patented an
electrical ear drum which he claims will
make the deaf hear. The drum consists
of an electrode contact plate and an elas
tic receiver designed on the principle of
the telephone, but much more uelicate
in operation. When once placed in the
ear no further adjustment is necessary.
To a portion of the device inserted in the
ear is attached a wire so small as to be
scarcely visible. This leads to a dry
batterv which may be carried in the
The inventor claims that tho wearer
will be ablo to hear as well as those un
afflicted without the annoyance of wear
ing a epeaking tube.
Mrs. A. Iuveen, residing at 720 Henry
St., Alton, 111., suffered with sciatic
rheumatism for over eight months. She
doctored for it nearly the whole of this
time, using various remedies recom
mended by friends, and was treated by
the ohvsicians. but received no relief,
She then UBed one and a half bottles of
Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which affect
ed a complete cure. This is published
at her request, as she wants otners Bimi
lurlv nfllicted to know what cured her
The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by
Blakeley & Houghton.
Stubling & Williams now have the
celebrated Hop Gold Bock Deer on
draught. It is all right.
Be sure you get the right
flavor of Schillings Best
tea. If you have been
drinking Japan you won't
like Ceylon.
There are five flavors:
Taoan, English Breakfast,
Oolong, Ceylon, and the
All money-back tea at
A Schilling & Company
San Francisco
l'rovpil to He Fnlsp.
"I am told," mid she, saucily, "that
though you arc a military man, you arc
nfraid of powder."
" To prove that the assertion i.s calum
nious," replied he, "1 have only to do
Whereupon he lightly kissed her
cheek, nnd his lips, showed that lie was
not. . l . Journal.
Miirht Iji'.-kI to Expectation!.
Boarding Mistress That isn't the
meat I ordered at the butcher's.
Servant lie didn't charge no more
for it, mum.
Boarding Mistress Take it back at
once, 1 won't have my boarders get ac
customed to such meat. Brooklyn
The Heat of Kink.
Life Insurance. Manager (in astonish
ment) What under the sun ever made
you take a risk on this man's life? Why,
he swears he has been n confirmed in
valid for five years.
Agent. One of tho best risks, sir.
Confirmed invalids nccr die of any
ting but old age. Tit-Bite.
A AVUtl.
"Turn hacUwarrt turn backward, oh, time
in thy fltsht;
Make mo a child nEaln" yes, that is riRht.
For If you do this, why then I can sneak
Out of paying1 that bill which falls duo next
N. Y. Journal.
She Sympathize with me, general.
I found a gray hair in m heitd this
He Congratulate me, madam. 1
found a black one in mine. Punch.
Obeyimv Orders.
I wrote a poem, "I'crae Hack to Me,"
I thought 'two'.ild bring In Bold,
But by mum of post 1 found
It did a3 it was told.
N. Y. World.
lie Ills Cuuc.
"Gentlemen of the .iury." &aid a law
yer the other day, "there were Ii0 hogs.
Please remember that fact just three
times as many ns in the jury box, gen
tlemen." Tit-Bits.
Then He Kelt Hurt.
"Life is a stage," quoted a preten
tious man.
"Too bad that most, people are ama
teurs," she replied. And somehow he
felt hurt. Town Topics.
YlrtiiiiH of the Unel.
Critic The hero and the villain had a
duel last night on the stage.
Friend Who got the worst of it?
Critic The audience. N. Y. Trib
une. Wouldn't Have Ileen In It.
"Methuselah must have felt very
"Tut! If he'd run up Against some of
our modern young men he'd have felt
like a child." X. W Truth.
About the Size of It.
Little Elmer lia, what is a reform
er? Papa One who advocates reforms in
others, my aon. X. Y. Journal.
Preacher The meek shall inherit
the earth.
Scoffer Yes, the graveyards are full
of them. Brooklyn Life.
Cuili lu Your Check.
All county warrants registered prior
to Nov. 15, 1892, will bo paid at my
office. Interest ceases after April 7,
1897. O. I... Phillips,
County Treasurer.
For lteut.
Large alcove room, nicely furnished,
convenient location. Apply to
a28-lw J. M. IJuNTi.soToy & Co.
The merchant who tells you he has
something elee as good as Hoe Cake soap
io a twod man to keep away from. a2 3ui
Tho Dalles Trading Co., corner of 3d
and Federal streets, will pay the highest
cash price for second-hand goods.
ni24-tf C. D. Fi.kmixq, Agent.
Subscribe for Tim Ciiko.vjolk,
Lace Curtain Offer.
For Saturday we will offer
our customers a special dis
count of
On any or all
Lace Curtains.
We show a Complete Line,
Irish Point,
Brussels Net,
In new and novel designs.
Notice is herebv given that we will, on
Friday, April 30,"l897, at tho hour of 2
o'clock p. m. of said day, at the livery
stable of Waid, Kerns & Robertson, sell
at public auction, to the highest bidder
for cash, tho following described per
sonal property, to-wit:
One bay saddle hoite, about 8 years
old, branded Mko this: On right shoul
der F, and with letter R on left hip; bus
four white feet, and star in face. To
gether with bridle and Kiddle. All sup
posed to be the properly of S. Patterson.
This sale is under an agister's or stable
keeper's lien, to satisfy tho charges of
the undersigned for their reasona
ble charges for the labor, care and
attention and the food furnished said
animal, amounting at this date to $35,
and for accruing costs and expenses, and
the expenses of this sale.
aO td Waiid. Kim.vs & Roiieutso.v.
18 race a Week. 150 I'liper a Year
It stands first among 'weekly" papers
in size, frequency of publication and
freshness, variety and reliability of con
tents. It is practically a daily at the low
price o a weekly; and its vast list of
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for tho accuracy and
fairness of its news columns.
It Is Bplendidly illustrated, and among
its special features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashlond for women and a long
series of stories by tho greatest living
American and English authors,
Couuu Iloyle, ilurome K. Jeroiii,
Btunley Weymu, Alary K. Wilklim
Anthony limit), llret llurte,
liraudor MaUliewn, Etc.
We offer this unequaled newspaper and
Tho Dalles Twice-a Week Chronicle to
gether one year for $'-'.00. The regular
price of the two papers is $3.00.
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,
and wurrauuxl.
A. m. wmxiiAias & go.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, Tm" So
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
T"FlnnT This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
LUX1 J: 1UU.1. UHu; every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We fell our goodB lower than any house In tho trade, and If you don't think so
call and got our prices anil lie convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Richly and durably bound in Kngllsh Cloth, plain edges; portrait of tho au
thor forming the design on cover; autograph preface; magnificent pro
...... ..i,.t.. i,. n.-.,r .mill mill tiliio: coiiiiilnliiL' GOO iiiiL'es and ai
full-page Illustrations
lu half-Morocco, marble edge
In full-Morocco, gilt edge.
175 Second Street
Country and Mail Onleis will receive prompt attention.
Nova' 2 piece Suit?, grey mixed Satinet; Il-bntton
round cut coat, ami earnest vie in Brown Jean j sizes l
to 14 years; good values at 75c.
Bovs' 2-pieee grey and black striped Cottnnado
Suits, exactly as above cut ; a good overy-day knock
about Suit for a boy; -1 to 14 years; regular fl. 00.
Exactly as above cut. Boya' All-Wool 2 piece Suit-;
two styles; dark brown and wine, plaid and nobby
light brown and tan mixture, faint plaid ellect; all wool
anil good values; pants mado double knee and seat;
elastic waistband ; value $11.00.
I THK H1KHT llA'ITI.K In mi ItileretitliiK otory
l of Itiu Kiuitt polllk'ul htrilKKlOol 1MM, itM mot
I llllliortllllt eVellU llllll tllU IUIIIiySHIII! Involvfjij
it logical IrertlUoon III liii'liilllnlil im Uttt-ritl by
eminent uxiioueiilH, ImilmtliiK Hiu l''ift t":" "1
. Hon. W. J, liryuii in tliu kIIvct iiKltntl" prior to
the OeinovriiUu Niitloniil Convention, iimi ilur.
Inif tliuciiiiipulKii, tli" Ufct uxniapkil hU won
i iWrul uriiiory. tlio moat aiilmvcrtliy IiicIUuiim of
hi (himoiih lour, u curWul review of tliu pnMMciil
' Munition, u ilUoiikkloii of tliu election return
. niul Hit' -lKiilfeuticu thereof, ami tliu fuluro
posblhllltlea of llt incUllUlii ua u ixilltlcul Ishuc.
t "
- -j
M. J. WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamlc, Or.
The Dalles, Oregon
Do all kinds of JOB PRINT
ING at this office.