FINELY POLISHED OAK CENTER TABLE To Be Given Away to Our Retail Cash Customers. V 1 Special Sale of Summer Clothing. For the balance of this week we offer a full line of MEN'S SACK SUITS at $6.85. CUHRHNTEED KLL WOOL, These are not last year's goods, but were bought this year to sell for more money. Triulo is slow, anil if We are Selling these Goods at LESS THAN COST it is our loss and your gnin. These Suits arc strietlv up-to-date ; single-breasted, round-cornered, in Fanev Cheviots, Tweeds, Clay Worsteds and Plain Mixtures in all the latest colors. We Guarantee Fit and Workmanship. .This lino will bo found on the front table in our Furnishing Goods Depart ment, and you make a mistake if you neglect to look them over. See Our Furnishing Goods Window. PEASE & MAYS ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. Displayed in Dry Goods Department. Four Styles. Purchases of $15, $25, $35 and $50. Wu have purchased a large number of tables of different grades nnd styles. We proposo to make our ltotnil Cash customers a present of ono or more of these (allien as tiny may select. Wo will give you a card which you can present with each purchases and have the amount of such pur chase punched thereon. This applies to all pur chases EXCEPT CillOCKIUES. Wo have tho tables in four styles and they will ho given when purchases havo been made of $15.00, f'Jo.OO, :f!!i5.00 and $30.00 This Table With Purchase of $35.00. PEASE & MAYS" All Goods Marked in Plain Fiures. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Fill DAY, APRIL 30. 1897 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Itiindoin ObservutiiiiiH and noal Kvoiits of l.eHnur AlaKiiituile. Garden hose for four cents a foot at Mays & Crowe's. a30-tf Tho latest in bicycle suits at Pease & Mays just opened ; $fl and $0.50 per suit. Lee Hung, a Chinaman, was arrested yesterday, charged with catching trout in an unlawful manner. Have you noticed the Flake hominy in Pease &.Mays' grocery window? It looks good enough to eat. A now line of baby carriages just re ceived. Call and examine them at the Jacobsen 13. & M. Co. u29-2t The Labor Exchango lias procured a fine brick making machine, which they will operate here this summer. There will be no Sunday school in tho Episcopal church Sunday, on account of repairs being made in the building. Have you a baby? If so, call at Jacobsen B. & M. Co. and inspect their new stock of baby carriages, which have just arrived. a29-2t The Columbia is coming up slowly, but steadily. At 8 o'clock this morning it stood at 28.9, a rise of about 8 inches in twenty-four hours. Only ono more day in which to get one of those ijO.So all-wool suits at Pease & Mays'. They go back to the original price on Monday, so improve the oppor tunity while you may. Lost A child's small, ailk-llannel shawl. Probably dropped between Court street at Third, and the postollice and Commercial Club rooms. Finder Dle.isu leave at this ofliee. A social dance will bo given in the Baldwin opera house Saturday evening by Prof. S wanton. Do not fail to come, as the French Menuett will be taught to all in attendance. Admission 50 cents. Ladies free. a29-I5t Dalles City offerH eomo choice resi lience lots tor sale cheap and on easy terms. The sale takes place May loth n the lots, beginning nt 2 o'clock p. m., nnd will continue from time to time un til all lots are sold. The Commercial Qlub baseball team ail tho Champions will piny another same at tho fair ground Sunday after noon, and from tho determination to win that each side expresses, the game ought to ho a hotly.conteated ono. A whole can of ice cream disappeared from the parsonage Sunday morning. E. Jacobsen, the popular piano and or Bn man from The Dalles, left town at e tame time. Knowing Jaky'a ca pacity for Ice cream, it looks rather sug gestive. Wasco News. The John Day river was so high that Albin Buckingham could not get over last Monday with the Antelope mall, "y Wednesday the river hod fallen a little and he wus able to cross. All the ranchers on the bottom land were forced out of their homes by the flood, and a great amount of growing grain and stacked hay has been ruined. Charlie Clarno had a stack of hay, containing sixty tons, mostly destroyed. The Par sons ferryboat was carried down the river about a mile, when part of the cable rigging took hold and aeryed as an anchor until the boat was rescued. Fossil Journal. Edward Shields Tonight. Mr. and Sirs, ltufeuo Kutortalneil. The Degree of Honor held a special meeting last night in connection with the A. O. U. W., the occasion being a gathering of the family circle in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Rufeno, who had just returned from Portland, it being their first visit Bince Miss Jennie Russell had discarded the last name to take that of her husband. A short program was rendered, consisting of music and read ings, after which the editor of The CmtONiCLE was called upon to present a pretty trifle, not of much valuej in it self, but representing whole lots of good will, it being a gift of the lodge. The present was a silver sugar bowi, bearing simply the letter "R." The remarks were in that peculiarly modest and quiet vein for which the Ciikonicmj man is noted, and besides eliciting applause thut the remarks woro over, also brought out a very happy response from each of the. young couple. Icecream and cake followed, and then dancing, which was kept up until nearly midnight. Ills Itrothur With JJIm. No better description could be made of Edward Shields' entertainment, to be given at the Vogt opera house tomorrow night, than the following flattering com ment from the Ilwaco Journal, one of the leading newspapers ot Southwestern Washington : ''In the two illustrated entertainments that Edward Shields gave here last Mon day and Tuesday evenings he sustained the excellent reputation he has made everywhere ae a public speaker and en tertainer, and it is to be regretted that more people did not turn out, for it was given as a benefit to create a library fund for our city schools. Besides the entertainments themselves merited bet ter patronage; but it is as Mr. Shields says, there are so many parties running around the country with little "Jim Crowe" magic lantern outfits humbug ing the people, thut when a good enter tainment conies along they are the loser. "On Monday evening Mr. Shields gave a history of the Columbia river and its environments, illustrated with about 100 views. Tho lirst view ehown was that of the Fort Canby life saving crew going out to sea from the mouth of the river. This was followed by a series of pictures of local interest, which elicited much applause. These were followed i by views of the different points of inter- est along up the river to the dalles, and after giving a description of the great Inland Empire, the lecture closed with a history of the city of Portlund. few moments he seemed paralyzed, but after lying on the grass a little while he was able to limp homeward. On arrival there he told his parents ot tho accident and complained that his right leg and arm seemed numb and paralyzed. A physician was summoned but he could do nothing to relieve the sufl'erer, and another was called in. His eilbrts were also futile, so Brodeck chartered a spec ial train and brought four of the best physicians from Seattle, but the efforts of ull were fruitltes, and in 48 hours tho boy was dead. East Oregonian. True to Life. The animatiscope, which iB how ex hibiting the wonderful pictures in our city, is located at the old Vogt building about across the street from the Cuno.v iclk ofliee. Mr. Wilbur, who is in charge of it, is an honest and conscien tious exhibitor, understands his busi ness, and succeeds in presenting, not pictures, but the moving, living objects. To uppreciute it you will have to see it. The Marshfield Sun speaks of it as pub lished below, and dozens of other papers attest the perfections of the living scenes reproduced : The animatiscopo entertainment last week waB a scientific treat; it was in fact everything claimed by Mi. Wilbur. The pictures are produced with such ra pidity ana exactness as to bhow every movement as realistic as if looking it the real object. It is simply marvelous and one who has never seen the anitna iscope will never renret paying the price Just Received. A stock of Pure Aluminum Ware Cook ing Utensils. No enamel to flake off. Solid metal. No plating to wear off. Absolutely pure. No verdigris, or salts of tin. Wonderfully light and beautiful, and very durable. Foods cooked in it do not scorch. We will he pleased to show It to you, even If Drop in and see it. you don't buy. MAYS & CROWE. Remember entertainment were the illustrated songe Thomas White, the brother of the un- j by Mr. Whiting, and also the illustrated fortunate man being cared for by the ! poems by Mrs. Shields. Mr. Whiting ; county, and who has been forwarded j possesses a baiitono voice of deep vol- j from one town to another until he found umo and great richness, and tho audi-' humanity existing here, arrived on tho ence showed their appreciation of his , morning train and is now taking care of talent by vigorously recalling him after his brother. Ho received a letter from j each song. Mrs. Shields' poems could his brother written at Huntington, and j not bo beaten in their line, each verse I immediately started to his assistance. He passed through here night before I last, and ut Huntington learned his a pleasant voice, and was the recipient .1 ..!.,:.... f....i ,.f .1.., I ji ... taut I Ma t'l.'J biium la tnwiu until ft: i ... value received lor vour mouev. We have strictly First-class i FIR, OAK and t-1 ' MAPLE WOOD l'JCKSONAI- MKNTIO.V ueing appropriately niusinueu wun line ; wa9 jn i l Hon. W. II. II. Dufur was in the city this afternoon : Mr. J. L. Covyan,jjgent at the Warm Springs, iirriveirrrfrom there yesterday. Mrs. A. H. Byrkett r f White Salmon the city last night, retuinin To sell at LOWEST MARKET RATES Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO pictures thrown on the scioen. She bus j home on the Regulator this morning. brother had beon shipped to Walla of much applause. The beauty of Mr. Walla. He at once started for that Shields' speaking is his easy and uu place, and there learned his brother was i affected delivery. Ho lias his subject here. Ho is very grateful for what the i well under control, and talks without county has done, and will remain hero ! the aid of notes, introducing juet enough until the ond conies, which in all proba-1 wit to keep the audience in good humor. bility will he in a few days. 1 As for the etereopticon views they are , Mr. wniie came nere iruui iU.,t. vi- inhibited in Ilwiino. Mr. and Mrs. John Chappell, who had been visiting friends hero for a day or two, returned to their homo ot Golden dale yesterday afternoon. I'or Kent. Largo alcove room, nicely furnished, convenient location. Apply to u28-lw J. M. Huntington & Co. City, California, where in the mines. ho is a laborer Autlou SuHjiondi'd. Mr. T. A. Hudson this morninc re ceived a letter from tho attorneys of the engravings The views shown to illustrate tho songs and poems were fine, while the pictures displaying scenes along tho Co'uinbia river stood out on the canvas like steel Nebraska corn for sale at the Wosco warehouse. Best feed on earth. iii'J-t which "We are just in receipt of a letter .Indira Ke v of Washington, in Eastern Oregon Lund Company savd : from which ho inforuiB us that on inst. the attorney-general of the interior department wroto him that the petition of the Eastern Oregon Land Co. for the aupenslon of action in the entries pend ing proceeding in the supreme court of the United States, was granted." C'uiihti A Alydtery. Mlllluery. Portland's latest styles at the Uma tilla House parlors, for a fow days only. Box Ton, A strange occurrence ut Everett is re- n,. oq,i I ported, in which death resulted from me u , un i... injuries receiveu uy a imeeuuii cuicuer. Young Charles Brodeck, 14 years old, was playing baseball with other lads ot his own age, and was acting as catcher behind the batsman. The latter, in making a strike at the ball, jerked the bat back to add force to the forward movement and in doing so forcibly struck young Brodeck with tho-point of the bat just below the knee, which must have struck a sensitive nerve as for a Wouldn't it be surprising if Schilling s Best tea coffee soda laldmr powder flavoring extract! gnu Hikes were all the very best there are? Your grocer pays you your money back if you don't like them. For sale by W. E. Kahler GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. l8ueccnor to Clirlamaii & Coron, ' FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stand. I would ho pleased to see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. m. Z. DONNELL, PESCftfPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES A1D PERFUMERY. Opp, A. M. Williams & Co.,