The Billies Daily Chronicle, I OKWHIX ! Till! 1A 1,1. ICS, Ail vertllti; K:tti,. 1'cr i)ich One or tes lit Dally ?! M Over two lttohpx mul under four inches 1 00 Over four Inches and under twelvo inches. . To Over twelve Inches CO DAILY AND UT.RKLY. One Inch or less, per inch 00 Over one Inch mul under four Inches -' 00 Over four Inches and under twelvo inches. . 1 SO Over twelve inches 1 00 I'llliMONAI, MENTION Mrs. Inez Filloon went to Salem this morning. Mr. M. II. Niekelscn of Hood lliver is in ttio city. lion. V. P. Maya returned to Portland this morning. Mr. Win. Westacot of S.ilcin is in (ho city, his lirst visit lieie since 1SS1. Messrs. M. and H. Siehel were in the citv last night, on their way to Trine ville. Miss Virginia Manien, who has been in Portland for the past two weeks, re turned home last nitdit. Mr. J. M. Someis, member of the legislature from Linn county, was in (ho city last night and went on to Prineville this morning, Mr. W. T. Hyars, editor of thoGolden dalo Sentinel, who lias been in Portland for some time, passed through our city vesterdav on his wav home. ICdwimt SliIrlilM Coining- Mr. Kdward Sliields, an eminent young traveler and journalist, who is making :v tour of the Coldmbia river and the inland Empire, arnved here this morning to gather a number of views of this vicinity, and he has made arrange ments to deliver a descriptive talk on his tour, at Vo;:t's opera house Saturday evening, May 1st. His description and histo'v will be illustrated with about 100 views, many of which are of local interest. He is accompanied bv Mr. Chas. II. Whiting, the great baritone ginger who was here with the Carnita Company, and also by Miss ElYaMae Shields, a pleasing young elocutionist and reader. The price of Admission will be placed at the low sum of 25 cts., and a special rate of '13 cts. will be made to children. Full particulars of the entertainment will be uiven in to morrow's edition of Tun Ciikonicle. A LIVE PROTEUS. Jtaro Ilejitilo Found on an Iminilntetl l'uriii in OIiio. A strange reptile was found last week on George w orciiester's tarm, near Middleton, O. It puzzled everv one for a long time, till the Cincinnati En quirer discovered mat it was a genuine protcus Dnriui! the recent fljods a portion of the farm was inundated, and alter the waters receded whole districts of muddy sediment were exposed. It was in this mud that Worcester discovered the rep tile, and, capturing it, placed it on exhi biiion in his stable on Main stieet, in thi.- city, where it has attracted the at tention of hundreds of curious people all day long To those who are acquainted with the history of this species of reptile it it, unnecessary to stale that its rarity makes it a curious sight. It is about one foot long, with an elon gated and cylindrical bod v. The tail is short, broad and compressed laterally The strangest featuie of the reptile is its In lias, which are on the outside of its bodv, and so transparent that the blood can be seen coursing through them. It lias three sets of lungs, or rather three bronchial tuuea, all of which are persistent during life Its skin is slimy. To Ihe body are attached four weak legs. On each of the anterior are three toes, w hlle the posterior have four toes. The body is about half an inch in diameter, and of a pale flesh color, while the bron chial tufts, or lungs, are of a bright crimson. Tho teeth in both jaws and on the palate are small and sharp. 'Ihe head is triangular ami the snout obtuse. Tho eyes are very email and without lids. Tho breathing of this reptile is essen tially aquatic, so far as tho outside lungs are concerned, though it has internal luiiiiN, and rises to tho top of tho water when these aro filled with air. It can live but a short time out of tho water. Whenever the water in which it lives gels low it buries itself in the mud, and lives on aquatic worms and insects and soft-shelled mollusks, ' It is tound only in the subterranean waters of certain caves of Europe, not ablv thrum nf flirintliii. 'r,i ,..i anij uiosu oi oarintiim and lyrol, and urn .-..! Il 4t... A . I . . I I . . . - ... I . V r V , . " r1, ,ver"' 1 '" win muni, winj m n iMiieTB were ever 111 Known to be found in this country. Hy keeping tho reptile in water and mud, -Mr. Worcester may mcceed in exttnd iuu its life indefinitely. Wo sell Hoe Cuke soap. Pease A Mays. u3-2m Mibhcribo or Tin: Ohkoniclu. CANNOT ENl.0.,.. s. .. -171 ENT lndiiiun Soon IJH' T:;cSr I..' '. ;. Are ilcjirlvoil of At iiru'.iili ; 1 ! . ley Med'eal ato.'.at I': Sioux l'alla.rcad ,i m. . ; ': to say startling, papiv iv. coniiiiemont on the ir.di aits. Val- :. H. Clr.;v, of l' - , not .i ( . el of nn. 'i ..." Ar 1 the s.anic c-us-Lendor bad been tc! r.ielK by Col. .1. U. Ltwi.r, ol Ikadv.ood, but was inclined to lake the colonel's statement with u frrain or two of salt, as the colonel is an enthusiastic cham pion of the Indian. The figures of Dr. Olney, however, arc even more start ling than the statements made by J"ud;ro 1'urns. There areeoullnedlii the penitentiary 123 white men; some of whom have been there for years. Of this number but two are sick. Of tho 19 Indians who have been confined in the peni tentiary in the last two years three arc dead, one was pardoned in a dyinjr con dition and is now barely alive, five are in the hospital with (lie death mark upon them, and three are ill. Of the seven who are piaetlcally healthy, five have been confined Imt cue month, one nine months and two for two years. All of these Indians appeared to lie sound when they were admitted to the I penitentiary. The statement of Judge 1 turns to Judge IJiner at the last term of the fed eral court in Sioux Falls, that a. short sentence of imprisonment was to the Indian in effect a death sentence, seems to 1a literally true, and there is in this paper of Dr. Olney an appeal to federal judges which ought to have its weight. CLIMATE AND CHARACTER. Nntlonisl Traits Often molded by tho Na ture of t!io W rather. The civil war is said to have been caused by a difference in climate, and the question is now being discussed whether a hot or cold climate has the jreatest effect on national character. It hug leen widely believed that a se vere climate produces the greatest ef fect, because it compels effort and self denial, and thus promotes energy and inventiveness, says the aow xork Joui nal. It would also seem that the influence of climate upon the national character has been greatly exaggerated. As- syria, Uabylonia, Egypt and Carthage, situated in hot latitudes, were among the most masterful nations of antiq- uity. Mohammed and his conquering legions issued from the burning wilder ness of Arabia, and at a later period his successors were able to beat back the repeated attacks of the combined cru sading nations from the north. The greatness of a nation depends mainly upon intellectual and moral qualities, and these have often been conspicuously developed among the in habitants of hot. climates. It is im portant, too, to remember that the same nation, occupying the same re gion, may lx; great and powerful in one age and weak and contemptible in an other. The difference between the an cient Greeks, Romans and Saracens, on the one hand, and their modern de scendants on the other, cannot have been due to climate. Scfi if ling's Bcsf means: we have taken your money and spent it for tea coffee soda bakinp powder flavoring cxlracta ana spices as well as we know how to. Your grocer pays your money back if you don't like them. Tor sale tiv W. 12. Kahler Notice of Sheriff's Sale. TK THK C'IKCUTT OOUKT of tho .State o. Ore J koii for Vatco County. I. 1". Haines, Plalntill", vs. Thos. M. Dentin, Victor K. Snndoz, Louis A. sandozund Charles K Sundo, liefeiidunls. Hy ittuuof an execution Issuer! out of Ihn above entitled court in said nbovo entitled cause till! lOtli day of March. 1S'J7. 011 11 ludirini'iit niiidi. eTtered mid docketed on January U,lh'J7, in fnvorof pluiutill' and iu;alnst tho above named defeudunt, T. M. Denton. In said circuit court. commaudiiiK 1110 to levy on tho property of said T. Jl. Denton und scdl sulllclcnt Ihureof to real ize the sum of fi'UU mid tho costs of mul on this urit, 1 did onthoiuth day of March, 1SJ7, lew on, and nt 2 o'clock p. 111. on tho '.'7th dav of April, lb'J7 ut thu eourthoiiho door In Dal us Citv. Waseo County. Orek'Oii. I will sell at tmblio aun- tion, to tho liiKlitst bidder, for cash in hand, the followliiL' described uremlses. situnto mul beine in Waseo rounty, Oregon, to-wlt: Tho north one-half of the northwest quarter, mid thonoithwest quarter of thouottlieastqilitr- ler 01 section iu. rn 1 k 1a k. v. ai.. or so much thereof us ill bo sullleient to pay said turn and aeeruIuK costs. T. J, DI1IVKI!, iiie'.'7 Ii Slierlfl'of Waseo County, Oregon. Sheriff Sale. Notieo is herein' l'Iviii Hint niiilorun nvwu. Hon and order of'kale ihkutil out of tho clnniit Court of tlio State of urcKon for Waseo ' County, ution a lmlimclit noil ilifrra In !'.l.vir. 01 ..r.'iy c'iowo and iiKiiinM John Wood, William Wood, ituchel Wood und MmTV . Woiul. Jl lit I tit mn illrr ..toil .1 .1 1 v:1 ' "' AJ.rii,iw7,Hii;;Mr,;H.ii.mirw , rv" ' 1 en esiiiiu iiereiiuuier iiebenoen 10 Mniisiy too kuia 01 j, anil Kill altoiney m tees, I will, on Haturday, tho ilrxtday of May, iw, at tho hour of 1 o clock 11. 111.. at tliiifourtiuiiik.. I . door In ihilles city, iii Wasco ('ouiity,()ruKon,rW8t llomr Kovo inane, at A. Jl. Will hell, to tho lilKhest bidder, for cash in hand, for hints'. the purpoho of catltfyliiK Mild nuns ntiovu I iiiuiied.ail tho foilowiiiK debciihi'il lauds and, Vt, Dl. ,,.,. - . ,r I pteniihes, to-wlt: HKii of .Section 111; NWJf of !&i'.?J!..?lJ.."!,5!. 'I'.V KJ..?.,S4C.,,0,, 'J3'.?.".!" . ..1, .iuu 11,, .(illinU illllXll UllSl, 11,1,, ill Wai-eo County, Statoof Orison. dalles city, Oregon, April a, 1W7. upia ii T, J, Dill VDK, fshcrlir. j-iou; flbout Your job Wu have the facilities lor doing all kinds of -Job Printing, from a visiting card to a catalogue, and we are after all the work we can do. We not only desiie to keep busy, but would, prefer to be rushed. Come in and compare our prices with that of any one, and compare quality of work. Let us h'ave your next order. f?roi)iIe publist?ii7$ ?o. THE WORLD RENOWNED --p4 Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE & MAYS, The Dalles, Oregon. NOTICE. The partnership heretofore existing in Tynh Valley Flouring Mill-, under the name of W. M. McCorku & .Son, is this day dissolved bv limitation, J. M. Alc Corklo retiring." W. .M. MeCoikle will continue, and will pay all leiral claiins and collect all debts of the late firm. TvkI), Or.. April 2, 1S!)7. V. M. McCoitKLE, a7-lm J. K. McCoitKi.i:. NotiL'ii of involution. Notice is hereby given that the part net ship heretofore existing between Frank (.label and V. C. Rupert has been dissolved, to date from Saturday, April :5, 1807. Fiank (label will pay all bills, and is authorized lo collect and receipt for all bills duo the (inn. Dated at Tho Dalles, Or., this otn dav of April, 1S07. FjiAXK G.MIIW., no-lni V. C. lU'i'iiitr. Notion to Taxin eri. Notice is hereby given that bv order of tho county court, the slu-rifl' ,v i 1 1 re- turn the tax roll for 1890 to tin county clerk on the first -Monday in April, 1S97, and all taxes then remain ing unpaid on the roll will be declared delinquent, and thereafter the sherifl' will not receive taxes until the delin quent roll is given him. Ily otder of court. A. M. Kklsav, m2.r! 4tw Clerk. Ciiali iii Vottr CliecltK. All county warrants registered prior to Nov. 15, 1S92, will be paid at my oflico. Interest ceases after April 7, 1897. C. L. Phillips, County Treasurer. Old papers for sale at 10 cents per hun dred. A large lot 01 old daily and week ly CiutoNicLKs on hand, tho accumula tion of 1890. Very uood for putting under carpets, on account of uniform size. Yellow washing powder will make your clothes tho same color. Avoid hub hy using boap l'oam. it's pure ! white. o2-3m This ia un "Ago of Soap." Why use any but tho very best. Best soap means Hoe Cake. Sold by Pease & Mays. n2-3m The merchant who tells you ho has something else as good as Hoe Cake soap is a good man to keep away from. u2 3m Stubling & Williams now have the celebrated Hop Gold Hock beer on draught. It is all right. ,,,,,, . .. . hadies Bhould see the "Mascot, ' the .... . . . . i0" Styles Williama A Co. nH civicn i cium iiuia t i iii. 'e. A b'" drive in miitcbeq Flue minors I, unve in imiicncs, x ive papers for cente at Maier it JJentoii's. pr?iW? .StiulioliliirM ."M:etln(;. Notice is hereby iiven that a meeting of tho stockholders of The Dalles Chron icle Publishing Company will be held at the county court rooms on Tuesday, the 25th dav of ."Wav, A. D., 1S97. at 2 j o'clock p. ui., for the purpose of adopt ! intr supliuientary articles of ineorpora- I tion, increasing the capital stock of said 'company and transacting such other I business as may come before said meet ! intr. By order of the Hoard of Directors. The Dalles, Oreuon, April 9. ISO". A. H. Mac Am.i.sti:ji, President. 11. G. Davknpokt, Secretary. For sulo or Trailt". A desirable ranch of 100 acres, within lour miles of Dalles City, with 0110 span mates, harness, wagons,, plows and other propeitv Fine fruit land and abiin dance of water. Will trade for Dalles City property. Inquire of A. S. Mac Allistkii, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Chko.vicle oflice, The Dalles, Or. Hiioltlen'ii ArinoH naive, Tito best Eiilve in tne world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, Bait rheum, fovei eoreo, tetter, chapped hands, chilblain?, come, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piiea, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect aatisfac tion, or money reiunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale tiy lllakeley and Houghton, druutriste. Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg, the eye specialist, and havo your eyes examined free of charge. If you suffer with headache or nervousness you un doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if corrected, will benefit you for life. Oflice in the Vogt block. nuvu Your Grain. Few realize that each squirrel do stroys $1.50 worth of gram annually. Wakelee's bquirrel and Goplusr Kxterin inator ia the most efl'ective and econom ieai poison known. Price reduced to 30 cents. For sale by M. Z. Donnoll, Agent. Fur Sulu. Yearling eh'eep (1000 head,) sound und in prime condition. Price .$1.75. Ad dress, J.M.Davis, w-nillf SherarB Bridge, Oregon. Do you want your windowB cleaned. carpeta taken up, beaten and re. laid, or janitor work of any kind done by a ursi-eiasa man r ii eo, telephone Hoiirv Johneon at Parkins' barber ebon. Phono 110. nio.if ' NOTICE-SALE OF CITY LOTS. Notice is hereby given that 'by - au thority of ordinance No. 202, which passed the Common Cotinci ( Dalles Citv April 10th, 1897, entitled, 'An or dinance to provide for tho ulr of certain lots belonging to Dalles City." I will, on Saturday, the lothlay of May, ISil, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, all the following lota and parts of lota in Gates addition to Dalles Lit , Wasco county, Oregon, to-y ii. 0. II, 7, 8, i), H) ami n, in mm; u. lots a, 8, !). 10, 11 and 12,iti block lili; loli- .'I, 4, 5, (I, 7. 8, . 10, 1 1 and 1-2. in block I!7; lots 1. '2, .1, 4, 5. (. H, !), 10. 11 and 12. in block 42; lota I. 2, , 4, 5 0, 10 and 11, in block 4Ii; lots 1, 2, V,, 1, 10, .11 and 12, in block 41, and lots 1, 2. I!, 4, fi, (, in block 40. The icasonalile value of paid lots, for less than which they will not be sold, i,., a i. .ii.ii (K-Pil ii r.d determined by tho ! Common Council of Dalles City as fol lows, to-wit: , , , Lots i) and 10, in block 14, $150; lots 7, S, U and 10, jointly in block 10, $200; lots 7, 8, !) and 10, jointly in block 21. 200; lot 10, in block 27, -2f; lot II, in block 27, .1-225; lot 12, in block 27, ifliOO; lot 'J, in block III, $100; lots 2, 1!, 4, f, 8, 9, 10 and 11, in block IV, each respeet AIM): lots 0 and 7, in block III), each respectively $125; lots 2, II. 4, 8, 1), in and 11. in block I'.G. each respectively $100; lot, 12, in block !!(, $125 ; lota Ii, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11, in block 117, each re spectively JflOO; lots (i, 7 and 12, in block 37, each respectively $12o; lots 2, Ii, 10 and 11. in block 41, ei'ch respectively $100; lots 1, 7 and 12, in block 41, each respectively $125; lots Ii, 4, 5,8,0, 10 and 11, in block 42, each lespectively $100; lot h , (i and 12, in block 42, each respectively $125; lota 2. Ii, 4, 5,9, 10 and 11, in block 4:5, each lespectively $100; lot 1, in block 411, $125; lots 2, 11,4 and 5, in block 4li, each respectively $100; lots 1 and 0, in block 40, each respectively $125. FmcIi of these lots will be sold upon the lot respectively, and none of them will be sold for a less sum than tho value thereof, as above stated. One-fourth of the price bid on any of said lots shall be paid in cash at the timiof sale, and the remainder in three equal payments on or befoie, one, two and three years from the date of said and three years from the sale, with interest on such deferred pay ments at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, payable annually; provided that the payment may be made in full at any time at the option of the pur chaser. The said sale will begin on the loth day of May, 1S97, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. 111. of said day, and will con tinue from time to time until all of said lots shall be sold. Dated this llith day of April, 1897. (iIMIKllT W. PlIHM'H, Recorder of Dalles Citv. LDDD POISON A 5PECB AETYSSS cured In 15 to35 days. You can bo treated at homo foreanio prlco under same KUiirau ty. if you prefer to coma hero w win mn. tract to payrallroadfarccndliotcIblll3,and cocbarjre, If jv0 fail to cure. If you u.ivo taken mer cury, iodide, iiotaah, mid stilt havo uelica and pains, -Mucous la tclicn In mouth, Soro Throat, limiiles, Copper C'olorc-ii (Spots, Ul,;t.rH 0' "'u uuiij, jiuiror I'-yeorowH lalllnc out, It is this hecoiidiiry ltl. ()()! ri)lsoiI woKuaranteotocure. Vopolleit tho most obatl nato cases and ciiiillcmro tlio world for a caso wo cannot euro. 'i'liH ctiseaso has always ixilllea tlm Klclll of tlio most oniiiient 11I1 vsl Ciuui. sr.00,000 capital behind our u ' judi. tlonalpruarantj'. AIsoliitoiiroorBenteealodoi! iippllcatwn. Addres3 HM)1C ISK.UICDV iili J. fc'. SOHKNK, President. M. lin.M.i., Cashier. Fiest national Bank. THE DALLES - OREGON A General IJanking Buaiiiess tranaucted Deposits received, Hubject to Sight Draft or Cheek. Collection- made and proeeedH jiromptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco aiu" Port land. DIHBOTOHS D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schknck. El). M. W 1LLIAM3, Gko. A. Likhk. H. M. Bk.u.l. CITATION. dea'sed-Cita'fiou!110 M f J"mUS MoUb,'m' To Jacob -Mcdahan, James McOahan, John Jlo (.ahau, I-aura MclJahmi, Ulvu McUahan -M.irv K e i InRheb, Kllzabeth ilcGahan and Kato wtta;tt1Wi',,i Mrb- u,""",h of S"'t 10 Stuti!0f 'Wn, for 11 oco y of tho courtroom Tho Da es iu tho County of Waseo, on Mond y, t o ; day l!Jl')l' i,'J7 " 0 clock hi tho after, o n , t .Vt lay, then and there to How chum;, If any thero be, why nn or,1()r of Hllu "-. Z nirt !! i;roVerty"-be1oni,,1 This citation IsVeVved upon you Kd J I 9 ' McHahaii, James -MeOa .a , Yo) , McO . I an I.aura -Melialiau, KIvu JleUahait Marv lAl. ! I UBhe, Kllzabeth JlcUnhan a I K,,u nn take I u co , i? 'j ntKr'T' Utcc'' by ortor of ... i "!!J JI'dKo of Waseo Countvr Orewin inado on tho ism liy f .Mllrclli iw,mi ' urttoi WiTNKhs, tho lion, IlobertMnys, Jiiduo of tho ,..., Vr",'.ly LVl,rt 01 tllu tttu oi OieKoii, for hKAI. t ho )( ,,,, y of yf(;o with those 1 , A, 1 ) , 1 81)7, hiis -jh uny oi -Maich, Attkst m'.'Ml A. M.KKI.SAY, Clerk. llybiMnoN lioiroN, Heimty UIiuiikk cif Time. Lots 'J and HI jointly, in muck m 7, 8. iland 10, jointly in block lo j lo a 7 S, D, and 10, jointly in block 21 . known as Initio; lots 10. 11 and 12, in ..i.,i, or. In, o in lilnek I'll : lots 2, .i, 4, I. 11. la D Commencing April 8th, the Hteamora of tho Regulator line will leave The Dallea at 7 a. m. instead of 7 :30. W. 0., Agent. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Rout ok THE Southern Trains leave mul ntu due to arrive nt V6tlm I.KAVH. AKSirr OVKKI.ANl) KV.i irejts, Biilom. Ilnv... Illiru. Aslilnnil ., i s:M) I'. M. J riunonto, 0(U.n,San ! 1 l'MllOlsfO. Mn!.,..,. Anplcs.m iW h:lO A. Jt. 8:S0 A. M. JjosebiirK mul wnyYtn. ilium . Via Woo.ll.nrn nrV H Daily except Sunday:. Mt.AiiRel, Silvcrton, , lJ'"gncia.nd S,",1.CI" "m' w,-v "tt!ons!lo m M:00 1 7:::o a. I (MS l, Jl, MeAllintvIliu and n 23 P. SI Dally. (Dmiy, oxccjit Suiuiay. DINING OA Its ON OUDEN ItOUTE. l'tI.I..MAN JiUKKKT SI.KEl'EHa AND riK.COXD-OI.ASH KI.KKl'ING 'cVRs Attiiehed to all Through Trains. Diree.t coniieutloii nt.mi with n.i .lental mul Oriental mid I'acllie mm I ; lines for.lAl'AN ami CHINA, Sum, !J d?thi.f , ni " -v vu Kates mill tickets to HiiMcmi Tin! ntu nr.A tv tope. Also JAPAN, Oil IX A, lib.VOLUL r ,V Al'STUAI.IA.emi be obtained Iron, m J. 11. KIUK1.AX1), Ticket Agent. TliroiiRh Ticket Olllce, i:il Third street, vheu tlimimb tickets to nil joints In the K S Ht.itcs, Cmimlii mid Kuroiio. can be obtained?! lowest rules from " .1. I!. KIltlvbANI), TicketAecnl All nbovo traltiK arrive at and ilcpt Iran Clrmul Ccntial Station, Filth mid Irvnig street!, YAMHlTTi iTTviSION. PafseiiKor Depot, foot of Jederson street (!::!." mid 7:C"i i. .11 Leave for Sheridan, veel: days, nt 1:30 n u Ariive ut l'ortland, ii:S0 a. in. Leave for AIltLIK on Jlondnv, Wcdnesdav ana I'ri -ay nt UM0 11. in. Arrive nt Portland, W dav, Thiirday and Saturday at 3:05 p. m. Fluidity trains for OSWKtiO lcavont 8:10a. ta and PJtir,, i:i.), :i:::o, fn'i'i : 1,-, mi s Oj p. w. At ,1.jl..l lj 1,1,1.1 .if u.n m.nn .. M . ,.nn ... ! r,:,J' fi;:i,") J:&"'1. ' i l!,,.K.0!';HJ'l:l' K. 1' n00ER3, Asst. 0. r.JcPttss.Att Maiuiui'r. GIVKS THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes , VIA Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Denver Omaha Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities IIUKAN ST13AAII1KH l.ouvo Voitlat Kviirr Klvo Diiys for SAK FRANCISCO, CAL. for full details call on O. K it Cn. s Agent Tho Dalles, or address W, II. IllIKI-IIUU'l', den. Pil' I'ortlimd.Orcioa K. M'NKILI. President ami Jlana it Tlio Now TIiiiu Card. Under thu new time card, which 6! into effect tomorrow, trams will mei! follows : No. 4, to Spokane and Great Northern arrives at 0 p. in., leaves at 0:05 p. ni. No. 2, to Pendleton, linker City and Union Pacific, arrives 1:15 parts 1 :20 a. in. . , No. .), from Spokano and Great Kort- em, nrrtves 8 :H0, deart9 8:35 a. No. 1, from Baker City ami Union Fi cillc, arrives 1 :20, departs 1 :25 a. m. Nob. 23 and 24, moving MitoflM Dalles, will carry passengers. !- arrives at 0:150 p. in., departs -" p. m. Passengers for Ileppnor will take train leaving here 0:05 p. in, Dalles, Mom id STAGrE LINE. Throi.Bli by ilayllght via Grass V1W. Kesl and cross Hollows. DOlMH.AH AI-M5N, The t). m. WHITKI-AW, Aiite-I,e' in I a. in., HIM, iioiii iiiv'7 , , conuec"", Moiiduy, VViilnesilay nl MitcMlJ mado at Aiiteloiio for I'd; ov 'c-Settl118 points boyoiiu. aloso cciiiiw0"!LSB Ihtlles with railways, trains inn 0- Ttt SltiKCk from AiilcJpiw reach ri'Ot' jj. lays, iniirniiiys nun ouu"" Pacific Comp'y Leave for OSV h(U), daily, except Sundar.jl J1-0,1,1; '!!,: 1-;lf1, l!15' :'ia M:' 8:05 P. n (and ll:"(l 11. in. on Batunlnv only). Anlveil Portland nt 7:10 mid 8:j a' 111 nnili-ni i.u - -,vvi EMST HATKH or FA UK Dalles to Deschutes , do Mor do Hruss Valley.. do Kuut...... do Cross Hollows. ... Antelope to Cross Hollows do Kent. do (Irtiss Valley do Mora ' do Do!.cluices do Dulles II 00 'ijD 2 25 IS ;: i " ' jl SCO -jno W