The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 29, 1897, Image 3

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Special Sale of
Summer Clothing.
For the balance of this week we offer a full line of
MEN'S SACK SUITS at $6.85.
These arc not Inst year's goods, but were bought this year to sell for
more money. Trade is slow, and if
We are Selling" these Goods at
it is our loss and yonr gain. These Suits are strictly up-to-date;
single-breasted, round-cornered, in Funcv Cheviots, Tneeds,
Clay Worsteds and Plain Mixtures in all the latest colors.
We Guarantee Fit and Workmanship.
This line will bo found on the front table in our Furnishing Goods Depart
ment, and you make a mistake if you neglect to look them over.
See Our Furnishing Goods Window.
The Dalles Daily Glu-onieie.
APRIL 29, 1897
Kiiiuluui Observations and Local Events
of Lesser Magnitude.
A now line of baby carriages just re
ceived. Call and examine them at the
Jacousen B. & M. Co. a29-2t
The Grand Court of the Oregon For
esters will meet here May 11th and 12th.
The local lodge here is arranging for
their entertainment.
Have you a baby? If so, call at
Jacobsnn 13. & M. Co. and inspect their
new stock of baby carriages, which have
just arrived. a29-2t
Go and see Edison's animatoscope to
night in Vogt's old store building on
Washington street. The most wonder
ful invention of the 19th century. Ad
mission, 10 cents.
The river stood at 27 yesterday even
ing, but took a start again during the
night. It was at 28.2 this morning and
reports from up the rivor indicate at
least two feet more of a rise here.
Mr. Edward Shield is in the city, on
his way East, where iie will deliver a
lecture on Eastern Oregon, illustrating
it with storeoptican views. He will add
soiiio views to his list here, some from
Memaloose island among the number.
A social dance will be given in the
Baldwin opera houee Saturday evening
by Prof. Swanton. Do not fail to come,
as the French Menuett will bo taught to
all in attendance. Admission 50 cents.
Ladies free. a29-3t
Mr. J, F. Moore won the log-cabin
quilt in the guessing contest at the St.
Paul's Guild. He had four guesses as
to tho number of pieces in the quilt,
and guessed 1912, coming within three
ot the correct number, there being 1909.
Judge Bennett wont to Portland this
morning to perfect the appeal in the j
case of Walker againBt McNeil, receiver'
of the O. It. & N. This is the caso i
where a verdict of 40,000 was given in I
favor of Walker, and the briefs in the I
appeal have just been completed. I
Tho man White from Walla Walla,
who is being cared for at the county 1
jail, is in very bad shape, and will
hardly live tho week out. It is a dis
grace to Walla that it did not have hu
inanity enough to care for tho poor
dovil the few days yet vouchsafed him
on earth.
The mother's meeting will bo held at
"o M. E. church Friday at 3' p. m.
Mrs. Mattie Barnett will present a
Paper on "The Relation of Mothers to
the Public Schools." Mrs. Reynolds
will read a very interesting articlo on
"Mrs. Kyle's Life Work." Everybody
Pease & Maye have a large number of
handsome polished oak center tables,
vhich they will give away to their retail
customers. Tickets will be "issued, and
the amount of each purchase punched
thereon. The tables will be given away
when purchases have been made of $15,
$25, $35 and $50. This rule does not ap
ply to grocery purchases. The tables are
in four styles.
While Griff Jones, Charles Deeter and
Ray Weston were rounding up a band
of young horses on lower Crab creek, in
Washington, they undertqok to swim
the horses, below Rocky ford, across the
stream. While crossing, the horses be
came entangled and unruly, and Jones
and Weston were thrown into the water
and drowned, while Deeter managed to
reach the Bhore.
Geary, the 4-year-old son of Mr. aud
Mrs. David Griffiths, of West Rosebury,
was drowned yesterday in the Umpqua
river, near the bridge. The child was
playing with another small boy on the
bank, and waded in after a duck, where
he soon got beyond his depth. The
other child immediately gave the alarm,
but it was probably an hour before the
body was recovered.
T. H. Buford ought to be reasonably
satisfied with himself today. Last night
he lost a pocketbook containing a check
for $(i0, quite a number of notes and
ovidences of indebtedness and $15 in
money. He reported his loes this morn
ing to the sheriff, and at about the same
time Al Everding brought the pocket
book to this office. It had been found
by a Chinaman working ior Mr. Ever
ding. Justice Fillcon has been trying a
small case this morning, it being that of
L. S. Davis against Pope aud H. H. Rid
dell, the suit being brought to recover
fees due Mr. Davis while he was justice
of the peace. Mr. Riddell had brought
the suit for Mr. Pope, and as the latter
did not pay, Davis brought suit against
both. The facts in the case were not de
nied, 'he only question being as to
whether Mr. Riddell could or should be
held responsible for the fees. The court
took the matter under advisement.
This morning there was quite a lively
runaway on Second street, it starting
near the Snipes-Kinerely drugstore, and
terminating at the corner of Court and
Second. The team was that used to dis
tribute the matutinal milk for the
Slinonson dairy. In some manner one
of tho horses got a bridle off and thon
tho fun started. There was a generous
and impartial distribution of milk, made
much more speedily' than uBiial. The
horses managed to go on opposite sides
of a tolephono polo. The damage was
slight and tho horses wero not injured.
By invitation of tho Good Intent Soci
ety "of the Methodist church the mem
bers of the Ladies' Aid Society of the
Congregational church spent yesterday
afternoon with them at the home of
Mrs. S. French, when a most delightful
time was passed. About forty-four
ladies were pesent, who being united in
such commendable work as that in
which these societies are engaged, were
more than congenial. By way of enter
tainment a list of questions bad been
prepared, and a guessing contest asto
some of the flowers which grow Mn
"Grandma's garden" took place, and
in consequence of her success in guesE
mg, Mrs. J. B. Condon was awarded a
beautiful bouquet. During the after
noon Miss Myrtle Michell sang two very
pretty solos, and later ice cream and
cake were served. When the time for
parting came, all agreed in hoping that
many union meetings would be held.
Musical Matters.
Mr. Guy Miller lias been correspond
ing with O. E. Peterson concerning that
gentleman again returning to The Dalles,
and a day or so ago received the sub
joined letter, which speaks for itself:
La Fayette, Ind., April 17, '97.
FuiENn Mili,ek :
Your letter juBt received.
I am now corresponding with a man
(a band man) who is going to start a
cigar factory somewhere in the West
and I am engaged to run it for him at a
good salary, as he is not a practical man.
He expects to employ at least five men
from the start. He is a composer and
arranger and was saxaphone BolotBt with
the Iowa State band, to you may know
he must be all right. He expects to
employ nothing but musicians. He and
his brother are going to start out next
week and hunt up a location. I will
turn him over to you and you may do
what you want to with him. I will also
recommend your town to him. His
name and address is : E. S. Thomas,
Maryville, Mo. Tho town that secures
him will be fortunate, indeed. It makes
no difference to me where he locates, I
will run the shop anyhow. His brother
would take the road is not a musician.
I should like to see you secure thi? en
terprise for The Dalles, but yon have to
offer some inducements. There are
others after him. If your Commercial
Club would offer him a small bonus 1
think you could catch him. The band
could also piy him a little during the
summer season. He does not expect
much salary, for he knows that bandH
can't pay it these times. If you offer
him $20 per month during the" concert
season it will bo enough, or say $25. He
is said to be a good director, and that
would give me a better chance to play
my part. I haye never met him person
ally. I will not be here in time to get
your reply, but you may address. 1037
Penn street, Kansas City, Mo., and it
will reach me. I go to join him in
about a week. Now if you ever got a
hustle on you in your life, do it now and
secure this enterprise. Lay it before
the Commercial Club or anybody that
lias Influence. Think of six first-class
musicians and a director for The Dalles!
Yours truly,
CJ.'A. Petkiisox.
A. M. William & Co'h S-irclal OIIojIhk.
Tomotow and next day (Friday and !
Saturday) A. M. Williams Co. will offer '.
their entire stock of lace curtains, em
bracing the newest designs in Notting
ham, Irish Point and Brussels Net, at
the liberal discount of twenty-five per
cent, or one-fourth off regular price.
Special attractions in their clothing
department. Boys two-piece Fiilts, new
goods, in gray satinet and jean, their
regular 75 cents line, at 50 cents ; regu
lar $1 cottonnade, good value, at 75
cents; and two lines of boys' all-w.ool
cheviot suits in new and nobby plaids,
value $3 a suit, tor the next two days
will go at the special price of $2,
Fur Kent;
Garden Hose
We are agents for the
celebrated MALTESE
CROSS. Every body
knows that it is the
best Hose on the mar
ket today.
We also earn the riulsie
wood brand oi" Hose, which j
wo recommend as a superior j
article second only to our Mai-;
tese Cros brand in quality. It,
is made on extra strong (luck,
and of the best rubber. Then
we carry the Wallabout brand !
which is a good quality and j
medium price, equal or better
than tho . average so-called
"best Hose on the market."
We sell it for what it really is
a good, serviceable Hose.
See our stock before buying
Just Received.
A stock of Pure Aluminum Ware Cook
ing Utensils.
No enamel to flake off. Solid metal. No
plating to wear off.
Absolutely pure. No verdigris, or salts
oi tin.
Wonderfully light and beautiful, and
very durable.
Foods cooked in it do not scorch.
Drop in and seo it. Wo will be pleased to show it to you, even If
von don't buv.
We have secured the
services of Mr. Joseph
KirchofF, who has been
doing Bicycle Repair
ing and Gun Work for
the last five years in
The Dalles. All work
entrusted to him will
receive prompt attention.
Large alcove room, nicely furnished,
convenient location. Apply to
a281w J. M, Huntington & Co,
MoHler Items.
The railroad company by its new
train schedule gives this place tho
"black eye" in good shape. The only
east-bound passenger train on which it
is possible to leave or arrive at Mosier,
passes here at 12:27 a. m., which neces
sitates an all-night vigil. The railroad
people seem determined to make the
people here patronize the river lines,
which they would surely do had wo a
good convenient boat landing. If the
boat companies would now arrange witli
our people for a lauding, they would
surely get considerable business from
this point.
Mr. Max Young of Astoria has been
looking up the silica business hero for
several days past. We hope that his
visit may result in a boom that will
bring among us many such genial as Mr.
Young. Messrs. Bryant and Berry are
also back, and are preparing to open up
their claim.
Mr. John Evans has taken charge of
the engine at the diamond drill on Chen
oweth creek. Mr. Evans is a first-clues
machinist, and the right man In the
right place.
Miss Lindsay of Hood River opened
school on the ridge last Monday. Sam
Stark says the new teacher is all right,
and does not albw any "monkey" work.
Mrs. J. M. Watt was taken quite sick
last night. Dr. Hollisterwas telephoned
for and came down on the morning train.
Wm. Stevenson has cleared up quite a
patch of land this spring, and is now re
modeling his dwelling on the ranch,
which would indicate that Billy has
some notion of carrying out his oft-repeated
threat of securing a "cook."
Rev. U'Ren will preach the funeral
sermon of Mrs. Reiioe next Sunday,
May 2d, at No. 8 schoolhouse.
Mre Evano, accompanied by her grand
son, Ira, started for Sumner Co. .Kansas,
last week. She expects to return to
Oregou as soon as she can arrange her
affairs in the land of cyclones.
iV son of Mr. J. W. Davis arrived last
week from Kansas. We understand Mr.
Davis will also become a resident of this
locality. We, are glad to see tho coun
try settling up with practical and expe-,
rienced young farmers, who have the
grit and stamina to go to work and clear
upas line a fruit belt as exists anywhere.
This refers to the benches along Mosier
aud Rock creeks, aud extends back from
tiie river twelve miles or more.
The prospect for strawberries was
never better in this locality, and ff
nothing interferes Mosier'a output will
far exceed any previous season.
Novus Homo.
Mosier, April 28, 1897.
liock liter! Hock itverl ISnuk lieerl
If you want a good genuine glass of
Bock Beer, call for the Hop Gold Bock,
made only by the Star brewery, and on
sale in all Star brewery saloons only.
Nebraska corn for sale at the Wasco
warehouse. BeBt feed on earth. m'J-t
We have strictly First-class
FIR, OAK and
Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO
(Succohbur to CJirUmiiu A Corson.
Again in business at the old stand. I would bo pleased to
see all my former patrons. Freo delivery to any part of town.
!Opp. A. M. Williams & Co.,
Down Go Prices.
Call and see us, for now is the time to get
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
A complete Line to Select from.
New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
Northern Grown Seeds. Crimson Clover Seed, Blue Grass Seed.
FrcHh Garden and Grass Seeds in Hulk. Whlto Clover Seed, Orchard Grass Seed,
; Seed Wheat, Seed Rye, Seed Oats. Heo Supplies, Fertilizers, Oil .Meal Caku,
, Seed Barley, Seed Corn, Flax Seed. Hay. Grain, Feed and Groceries.
Alfalfa Seed, Timothy Heed. ' Early Rose Potatoes.
Red Clover Seed, Millet Seed. Poultry and Eggs bought and soM at
J. H. CROSS' Feed and Grocery Store.
J GoodH Sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash.
Store open from 7 a. in. to 0 p. tit .
Lumber, Building Material and Boxes
Traded lor TTfltr H-ron'vi "Ro
ROWE &l CO..
The Dalles, Or