Cljrankle VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRTL 20. 189" NO 91 )t dalles ENGULFED BY A WAVE An Appalling Calamity Be lulls Guthrie, Ok. FIFTY PERSONS HAVE PERISHED Keserviilr l'it; Tlinn Ilrolce, Adding to thu Alruudy Iiiihihiiho Volume of Water. Kansas Ony, April 28. A special to the Star from Guthrie, Oklahoma, save: A terrible Hood in the Cottonwood river suddenly engulfed West Guthrie shortly after sunrise this morning. There is reason to believe that fully a score of per sons were drowned. Hundreds were driven from their homes, and many houses were swept away. It is the moat appalling disaster that ever befell Guth rie. The Cottonwood river is a small stream scarcely more than 4(1 feet wide, that winds in many curves between the banks in West Guthrie, which lies in a level valley. Terrific rain fell yesterday afternoon and the greater part of last night. The river was already full from the heavy rain of several days upo. Still no great alarm was felt last night. At about 0 a. m. the river began to rise as if by magic. Then it jumped four feet in twenty minutes. This part of Guthrie is thickly settled, mostly by colored people. Many began carrying their household goods to places of safety. Few made more than one trip, then they were forced to flee for their lives. The river burst from its banks and a raging sea half a mile wide swept across the valley, carrying houses barns and fences before it. To add to the horror of the situation the main Bupply pipe of the waterworks system burst where it crossed Cotton wood in the southern part of the city and all the water in the reservoirs poured into the river. During the .night tVu liriflnrn lonflint. nrrnoa tlio rivor tn thf city had been swept away. Tnis morning when the flood from the reservoir came down in a solid wall and cut across an arm of land near the main land, it cut off the people from escape. They fled to a higher part of the newly formed island. The river at 0 o'clock was . thirty feet higher than the usual level. DKItuK AT LAST KLKCTEI) SKNATOK End of thu Hitter Content in Ken tucky. Fit an k fort, Ky., April 28. Deboo was elected United States senator today. The vote was us follows: Deboo 71, Blackmail 50, Martin 12, Stone 1. Tho election was followed by a great demon stration on the part of the spectators who crowded tho chamber. W. J. Deboo is about 50 years old, a native of Crittonden county, where he was a practicing county physician for a number of years. His first political prominence was his election to the state senate, four years ago. fie is still a member of the state senate. There Is Nothing So Good. There is nothing just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, so demand it and do not permit the dealer to eell you some substitute. He will not claim there ia anything hotter, but in order to make more profit he may claim something else to he just as good. You want Dr. King's New Diecovery becauee you know it to be safe and reliable, and guaranteed to do good or money refunded. For Coughs, Colds, Consumption and for all affec tions of Throat, Cheat and Lunge, there is nothing eo good aa ia Dr. King'a New Discovery. Trial bottle free at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. Regular size o0 cents and $1.00. t3) Two years ago R. J. Warron, a drug Riat at Tleaaant Brook, N. Y bought a small supply of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. He sums up the result aa fol lows : "At that time the goods were un known in this section ; to-day Chamber lain's Couuh Remedy is a household word." It is thu same in hundreds of communities. Where evor tho good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy become known the people will have nothing ehe, For eale by Blakeley & Houghton. By POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for Its grout travelling strength mid licnltliftilncss. Assures the food ngulnst nluin mid nil forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. 110YAI, ISAKIM! I'OWDKlt CO. XCW YoltK. EVERY MAN A FIGHTER. Tho Biol alleles, Who IJiivii Risen Asninst ICiinllsli Colonist I In Africa. About three; years iijo tho warlike tmd intelligent Metabfle:;. ol 31:i.,ho:i:i huid, thrciitoned a war upon Ih Eii'T lish colonistj in V.wJ: country, but, listening to the counsels ox their kin;,-, th;- wi&e Lobungrula. the troul k- was j worded off. Hut the grumblinp. i f the ' fighting men continued. Th;-y 7 ;-ri."til ly 'believed Lobeii&Mla'n explanation of the cour;;e he was put-.uinjT. lie hud told them Ihal'hir, ambassadors to England said that lor every clrop of Enjfli:;h blood shed a fresh Kaliuh man would tiprinfr into boin.r- The medicine men tiiid: '"Lot us hill there here and sec if v. hat they nay will hap pen,'" but Lobcnpula'a counsels pre vailed. The restive feelinsr finally grew beyond that cable monarch's con trol and now the cable brku;;; new:; that the young men have risen and arc marching upon Forts Victoria, i-ialis-bury, Tuli and the other.;, comprbtajr the foreign military system in that country. If the uprising is not speedi ly suppressed England has a serious job on hand. The Mctabelcu are of tho same stock as the Zulus. Their mili tary organization is almost perfect. The population of Motabclolancl proper is about two hundred thousand. The standing array is said by the Pittsburgh Dispatch to number fifteen thousand, divided into f orals or refrimcats and commanded by Indiums. AVhat I, more, these fellows can fight. They are born soldiers, and aa the troops are almost as thoroughly organized as the British they will make quite a struggle. The favorite weapon is the assegai or spear, but many are equipped with good guns and know enough to pick out their men to shoot at when doing battle. Hid Y1111 Ever. Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. TIiiB medicino has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the re lief and euro of all Female Coniphunte, exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have Loss of Appetite, Constipa tion, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Sleepness, Excitable, Melan choly or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters in the medicine yon need. Health and Strength are guaran teed by its use. Large bottles only fifty cents and $1.00 at Blakeley & Houghton, Druggist. 3 Mrs. A. Inveen, residing at 720 Henry St., Alton, 111., suffered ' with sciatic rheumatism for over eight months. She doctored for it nearly the whole of this time, using various remedies recom mended by friends, and was treated by the physiciaus, but received no relief. She then used one and a half bottles of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which affect ed a complete cure. This is published at her request, aa alio wants others simi larly afllicted to know what cured her. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Schilling's Best Blend is exquisite tea; but it may not suit your individual taste. . If you don't like it get your money back (of the grocer) and try another flavor; Japan, English Breakfast, Oolong, and Ceylon. A SeMllins & Company San Krancifcco 633 . NO CLOCKS THERE. Gambling Uounei llnvo No Use for Time Indicators. There are no clocks in gambling hoxises, and there never will be, except those of the clock game variety. There's reason for this nnd a good one, too, in the opinion of the gentlemen with hurdle-course shirt fronts who personify the tiger, says the Chicago Tribune. "What's the time?" asked ono of them the other morning early morn ing as he pulled a diamond studded watch from his pocket nnd answorcd the question. "Why don't wc have a clock hanging up?" he continued. "Cr.use they cost money. I don't mean it takes more than the result of one denl to pay for one of 'em in the first place, but they're expensive in the end. You sec it's this way: If we bad a ticker on the wall and a fellow had promised to be home on the last car, and happened to look up and see that he had r..ven minutes to catch that car. why, it's nearly an even thing that he'd quit us and go home. That sort of business would soon burst us up. If he do"sn't know what the time is he misses his car, then he doesn't give a rap what time he iroes; he generally waits for the cable to start again. That's where our 'soft .noney' comes in; men get reckless as the morning dawns. "No, sir; no clocks on my wall. I'm not going to fix things so that a man will have to lie to his wife When he tells her he didn't know what the time ras. I don't like a liar nohow." And Mr. Surething pulled his watch out of his pocket and told a man who had just arisen from a poker table that 'It is just 2:50, sir." The man mut' tered: "Missed it," and bought another .tack. It was 3:15 a. in. HOW TO LIVE LONG. Marriage Is the Prescription of a Distill Rulshed Berlin Physician. Some curious figures have latelj been made public by a celebrated Ber lin physician, which seem to point tc the fact that if a man wants to live long and preserve his health nnd strength he ought to marry. Among unmarried men between the ages of 30 nnd 45, says Spare Moments, the death rate is 27 per cent. Among married men be tween the same nges it is only 18 per cent. For 41 bachelors who live to bo 40 years of age 78 married men trl nmphanlly arrive at the same period. The difference gets all the more marked as time goes on. At CO years of age there arc only 22 bachelors to 48 mar ried men; at 70 there are 11 bachelors to 27 who were married, and by the time they reach !)0 the married men are three to one. for there are nine of them to every three bachelors! And yet, in j the fuce of facts like these, we still find 1 men daring to remain single! It really is as much as their lives are worth, if they only come to think of it. Men may talk of their lives being shortened by domestic worries and anxieties and cares. That is all rubbish. Statistics must tell the truth, and these statistics of the Berlin doctor say that the inan who is a bachelor stands in far greater risk of a shortened span. Reasoning Power of ltoDlns. A robin's nest and a kingbird's nest were situated in adjoining trees, each containing young birds. When the kingbirds saw the robin bringing a worm to feed its young they would at tack it and make it give up the food in tended for the young robins. After being robbed a few times the robin ap peared with a worm, accompanied by two other robins, and when the king bird made his appearance the two extra robins pitched in and gave him a sound thrashing, while the one with the worm fed its young and seemed to be laugh ing all the while. The game was played until the kingbird gave it up, and now tho robin feeda its young with out help. A liiunt Mun. An intensely reserved man, Ibsen is not at all fond of talking of himself or of his works. At a dinner some time ago the wife of a well-known artist, being seated beside him, insisted on conducting the conversation to that end and finally maintained at length that his "Hedda Gablcr" was an im possible woman. "But, madam," ho answered, ''I draw her from the life." "Yes, IlerrDoktor, but I am a woman. I should know. I say again that it is Impossible thai sueli a woman should sxist." This was too much for Herr Doktor; like a flash ho turned on her. "Idiot!" ho ejaculated, which was laturally tho end of that conversation. Attt'litiou Horsemen. The horeemen will meet at Bakeoven May 1-', for the purpono of having a j-eucntl round up. All horeeowners are requested to bo present. K. Bootk.v, II. C. HOOI'KK, Fr.ANK, Ladies' Fashioned Seamless Hose, in aborted tan or black, special Ladies' "Champion"' Hose, drop- stitch, L'-tlireaii, seamless foot, J a guaranteed fast black. NOTICE. Notice is berebv jriven that wo will, on Friday, Apiil 30, 1897, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the livery stable of Wind, Kerns & Bobertson, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described per sonal property, to-wit: One bay saddle horse, about 8 years old, branded bko this: On shoul der F, and with letter It on left hip; has four white feet, and star in face. To gether with bridle and saddle. All sup posed to be the property of S. Patterson. This bale is under an iiuister's or stable keeper's lit n, to satisfy the .charges of the undeeigied for" their reasona ble eharcte for the labor, care and attention and the food furnished said animal, amounting at this date to $.'15, and for acei uiim costs and expenses, and the expenses of this sale. aO td WAitn. Ki:isns & Uoinnnso.v. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRIGE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 1 8 i'UKUH It V(!i:k. 150 I'uiiuih u Vviir It stands first among '"weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly ; and Its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for tho accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It ib splendidly illustrated, and among its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashioud for women and a long serleB of stories by the greatest living American nnd English authors, Conan Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome, HtHiiley Woymiti), Mnry K. Wilkin Anthony 11 ope, IJret llurte, Jiruuder Matthew, Ktc. We offer this unequaled newspaper and Tho Dalles Twice-a Week Chronicle to gether one year for $2.00. The regular price of the two papers is 3.00. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL All work iioinitIy atteaded to, iiiui wuriuntod. 174 VOGT BLOCK. Watchmaker Jeweler Hosiery Attractions. Wo make special mention this week of certain numbers in our Hosiery Department, which on invest igntisn will be found to be ex tremely good values. Hosiery Attractions. 1Q l-Of T)T Afcl A "' f Misses' ScninlcsH, Bibbed Hose, 11V tnv Ol If w Kibbed Hose, IMliieaM, extra double heel, sizes t to ; the 1 Gents' Half Hose. Tan, Fashioned Seamless Foot, white ribbed top, while heel and toe; automatic knit.; a value at 10c pair. $1.00 dozen. Gents' Fine 2-lhrcad, Tan or Black Cotton lose; perfect foot and tops; colors guaran teed. For pair T2,c. $1.00 doen. Gents' OO-gauge Tan Cotton Half Hose; extra high spliced heel; double sole; a value at 25c. Our price, 20c pair; 'A pairs for 50c. A. IH. WIXiialAIKES CO. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, "lpeId Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle fnn TT'lmiT ThiH Flour is manufactured expressly for family AJ XvyU.1. lt.u. overy sack is uiiaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our eoods lower than any house In tho trade, and if you don't think bo call and yet our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. HON. W. J. BRYAN'S BOOK. THE FIRST BATTLE STYLES AND PRICES: Kichly and durably bound In KukIIhIi Cloth, pluln edeo; portrait of tho an thor forming the dewign on cover; autograph prefaco; luanWlcoiit pre sentation plate in eilvcr, gold uud blue; containing 000 pagee and 32 full-pago illustrations $1 78 In half-Morocco, marble edge - - -5 In full-Morocco, flit edge 75 M. J. WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamlc, Or. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON 175 Second Street, .'.-ARTISTS MATBBIALS.-. Country and Mall Orders will reeoive prompt attention. WE absolutely fast black IMhiead, extra heavy 1 rt -t-vyt iet at -w Z-'- Misses' Cordurov ltibbcd Seamless llose, -J Kn yij 2-1 bread foot, '.S-thieml heel ami toe. At-'v-' PA couldn't get a better I lose for school wear. Abso lutelv last black and stainless. I TIIK KIllBT HA'ITI.K Ih mi luui-.tliiw fctory of llio KTCHt pillllcil NtniKUloof lhlKl, itn moat iniMirtiiiit uvcuts mill thu many luaiti-b Involved; it loKli'iil lietitiru oil III ini'laHUm nn Uttered by eminent oximiiiuiiIh, IiirIikIIiii; tlio lmU taken by lion. W, J. llryiiii in Mm Mlver ukUhIIoii prior to tho Dt'iiKHTiillc Niitlonu! Convention, nnd dur ing thv eiimml(iu , thu brut uxiiinpleit of III" won. d?rfiii orntory, thu moat nntuwcitiiy InciiiuiilN of 111 famoiiN tour, ii careful review of the political Munition, u itUcuhHlnn of thu election ruttiniM unit tin; klKiilllcuiiL-e tlieieof, unit tliu future poufclbllltk'H of Jll-mctitllium ua ii uolltluil iamiv. The Dalles, Oregon Do all kinds of JOB PRINT ING at this office.