The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 28, 1897, Image 3

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    Special Sale of
Summer Clothing.
For the balance of this week we offer a full line of
MEN'S SACK SUITS at $6.85.
These are not last year's goods, but were bought this vcar to sell for
more money. Trade is slow, and if
We are Selling these Goods at
it is our loss and your gain. These Suits are strictlv up-to-date ;
single-breasted, round-cornered, in Fancv Cheviots, Tweeds,
Clay Worsteds and Plain Mixtures in all the latest colors.
We Guarantee Fit and Workmanship.
This line will be found on the front table in our Furnishing Goods Depart
ment, and you make a mistake if you neglect to look them over.
See Our Furnishing Goods Window.
The Dalles Daily Ghronieie.
WENDESDAY, - - - APRIL 28, 1897
Random Observations mill Local Events
of Lesser Mugtiitude.
Found A pair of glasses. Finder can
have them by calling at this oftlce.
The riyer is at the 27-foot mark today,
and is about nt a stand.
The sprinkling cart is doing excellent
work, making the breezy day, at least,
The 3-year-old daughter of O. V. Cook
of !.Mile, while playing in the school
yard, near their home, fell and broke
her arm.
That's so? Price gets customers; but
its quality that keeps them. A. M.
Williams & Co. say they neyer lose a
customer who once wears their clothing.
Its on record.
Mr. Sherar is at work on the new road
from Bakeoven to Antelope, and is mak
ing the finest road in the county. When
completed it will serve to direct travel
towaids The Dalles, rather than to points
on the railroad farther east.
Don't worry about vour "P's and Q'b"
price and quality when trading with
A. M. Williams & Co. ; they have saved
you that trouble. When yon see their
latest display of clothing anil see the
price-tickets, you feel safe.
The man White is being taken care of
here. A small house has beon put up
in the jail yard, where he can be taken
care of, and where he will not interfere
with the pleasures and eoclnl home com
forts of the balance of the county's
Indian Commissioner Barge has re
turned to North Yakima from Montana,
nnd will be joined this week by Com
missioner Hoyt, when negotiations with
tlie Yakima Indians will bo resumed.
Commissioner Goodwin has gone East
on a leave of absence.
Mr. Frank Davenport is up from
Hood River. Tho work of building the
J flume is progressing very fast, and it
is expected it will be completed by the
raiddlo of May. Tho flume is five y
three- feet, and will supply a large terri
tory with water for irrigating purposes
Miss Rosino Edwards, who has been
attending the Oakland, Cnl., theological
seminary, has received a call from the
Hillard, Wash., Congregational church,
to net as pastor. Rev. Jonathan Ed
wards, hor father, baa accepted a call
jrom tho Pilgrim Congregational church
"i the same town.
I. L. Mitchell left Walla Walla last
Sunday in charge of 1300 stock hogs,
which are being (shipped to Nebraska
over tho 0. R. & N. and Union Pacific
lines. These hogs were bought for 8
cents a pound by H. Winalow, of No
nraaka, who bought 80,000 buahela of
corn nt from 10 to 11 cents a bushel be
foro he came West to buy hogs.
Mr. L. I,, HUl and son left this morn-
ing for Canyon City, where they will do
some assessment work on a quartz claim
owned by Mr. Hill. They will then go
to Robinsonville to do development
work on the "Mammoth Comstock," a
very promising ledge in which several
Dalles people are interested, and which
is liable to give very speedy returns, the
mine lying in good shape for working,
and a small mill being conveniently
An excursion party, consisting of a
dozen or more persons, came up from
Portland last night on the .steamer Reg
ulator. Among them were Mrs. Com
stock, a former resident of this city, and
Mr. E. S. Edwards, inspector of hulls,
of Portland. The party were delighted
with the trip, and well they might be,
for the day was perfect, and a perfect
day on the Columbia is enough to make
the fairies go into raptures about the
The man White, who was sent here
from Walla Walla a day or so ago, is a
pitiable object. His face, hands aud
feet are now bleeding, skinless, horrible.
Today he had a fit and fell down the
back steps at the court house, bruising
himselt up badly. Looking at the poor
fellow, we could not but think that it is
a mistaken trait in civilized humanity,
that does not allow the ending of such
misery as his. He has but a short
time, at the most, every hour of which
must be one of torture, and this with
out one hope of relief. Would it not be
better, in such cases, if painless death,
the greatest boon possible, could be
On account of the changing in the
time card on the O. R. & N. between the
advertising of Professor Kelchner's ex
hibit of the Tabernacle ot Israel and the
time for exhibiting the same, it was im
possible for him to get here at noon, and
so the afternoon exhibit could not take
place. Last night there was quite a
crowd out, and all were highly pleased
with the unique exhibit. Owing to the
many slips that have occurred in the
matter of getting the exhibit here, it has
been determined to extend the time in
which it may be seen until this evening.
At the same time tho price of admission
will be practically nothing, as a silver
offering, only, will be taken in.
Children's Home Society.
Editou Cju!0.vici.k : The Oregon
Children's Homo Society (auxiliary to
the national) is placing homeless chil
dren in carefully-selected homes, SOUO
children having thus been placed by the
tho national society and its auxiliaries.
Homes wanted for children of all ages.
Address, Suit. I. F. Tohev,
Room 309, Marquam Bldg.,
Portland, Or.
For Kent.
Large alcove room, nicely furnished,
convenient location. Apply to
a28-lw J. M. Huntington & Co.
Lost-From the white house, this city,
Saturday, a canary bird. A suitable re
ward will be paid for ila return. aSO-St
A Itrave Woman.
A letter received yesterday from
Granite by a resident of Pendleton gives
further details of the killing of Lewis
Guthridge last week. The writer states
that as Lewis Guthridge was walking
along the street in front of his brother
Sam's house, he was met by John Me
Mahon, who drew a pistol and fired at
him. The ball entered the breast and the
man fell dead without uttering a word.
Sam Guthrie, who heard the shooting,
ran out and grappled with McMahon
and wob shot twice, one ball striking
him in the face and the other in the hip.
He succeeded in knocking McMahon
down, but would probably have been
killed by McMahon had not Mrs.
Guthridge ran out and caught the re
volver ust as he was in the act of firing
another shot. Mrs. Guthridge wrenched
the revolver from his hand and held
him down until help arrived.
Jelen Ida Stuiletoi: l'ouiidly Her ltleh
Aunt ut Sulci
Mrs. Annetta Grerfh, the elderly
wealthy woman from Alabama, who lias
been on the coast seyferal weeks in searcli
of her neice, Missllelen Ida Stapleton,
her only blood reition living, has found
the missing girlKt work in a laundry at
Salem. Mrs. Green and Miss Stapleton
have left for the South. Mrs. Gieen
proposes to make a will leaving all her
wealth to her neice at her death, and to
share it with her during her life time.
It is seldom the rich look up their
poor relatives, as Mrs. Green has done,
going thousands of miles to find them
and save them from the burden of pov
erty. Mrs. McK liiley's Favorite Color.
While President and Mrs. McKinley
are on their little outing down the river
this week, Mrs. McKinley's bedroom is
to be re-papered, re-carpeted and the
draperies changed to her favorite color.
She is occupying the same room which
Mrs. Cleveland used, and the paper and
draperies aro of the latter'n favorite
color red. As is well known, Mrs. Mc
Kinley's favorite color is blue. Mre.
; McKinley's tastes are quiet, and, while
! the change will make the room fresh
I und dainty, thero will be nothing
elaborate or extravagant in it. Wash-
ington Star.
J ' Tliu Sdw 'i'line Curd.
j Under the new time card, which goes
into effect tomorrow, trains will move us
, follows :
No. 4, to Spokane and Great Northern
I arrives at G p. m., leaves at 0:05 p. in.
! No. 2, to Pendleton, liaker City and
Uinon Pacific, arrives 1 :lo a. m., de
parts' 1 :20 a. m.
No. 3, from Spokane and Great North
ern, arrives 8:30, departs 8:35 a, m.
No. 1, from Baker City and Union Pa
cific, arrives 1 :20, departs 1 :25 a. m.
Nos. 23 and 24, moving east of The
Dalles, will carry passengers. No, 23
arrives at 0:30 p. m., departs 12:45
p. m.
Passengers for Heppner will take train
leaving here 0:05 p, m.
Garden Hose
We are agents for the
celebrated MALTESE i
CROSS. Everybodyj
knows that it is the!
best Hose on tho mar-,
ket today. j
We also carrv the llidsxe-i
wood brand of Hose, which
wo recommend as a superior
article second only to our Mal
tose Cros brand in quality. It.
is made on extra strong duck,
and of tho best rubber. Then
we carry the Wallabout brand
which is a good quality and
medium price, equal or bettor
than the average so-called
"best Hose on the market."
We sell it for what it really is
a good, serviceable Hose.
See our stock before buying
Just Received.
We have secured the
services of Mr. Joseph
KirchofF, who has been
doing Bicycle Repair
ing and G-un Work for
the last five years in
The Dalles. All work
entrusted to him will
receive prompt attention.
A stock of Pure Aluminum Ware Cook
ing Utensils.
No enamel to flake off. Solid metal. No
plating to wear off.
Absolutely pure. No verdigris, or salts
of tin.
Wonderfully light and beautiful, and 2
very durable.
Foods cooked in it do not scorch.
Mr. Koberts is in from Tygh Ridge.
Mr. L. E. Crowe returned from Port
land yesteiday.
Hon. Henry Blackmail was up from
Portland last night.
Dr. Logan has been to New York City,
but is now in Chicago, and will start tor
home in u week or so.
Hon. F. P. Mayscamo up from Port
land with tho excursionists yesterday,
and is visiting friends here today.
Miss Nett'e Griines eamo np from
Portland on tho Regulator yesterday-,
and iB the guest of the Misses Ruuh.
Miss Lucile Thompson caino up from
Vancouver last night, and went on to
her home at Goldendalo this morning.
Dr. LannerburgJs again home, arriv
ing last night from Fossil. He expects
to go to Priueville for a short time,
staiting next.w.eek. .
Mr. R. H. Guthrie' of Grass Valley is
in the city. He reports a very success
ful lambing season, und fine prospects
for uu abundant wheat crop.
Miss Kate A. Cnug, who for eeverul
months past has been making her home
in Lewiston, Idaho, arrived w the city
thib morning, aud will vibit friend here.
Mies Mamie Goetz and Miss Ellen
Rankin, who have been visiting Miss
Pauline Drews, here, for several days,
returned to their home in Lower Albina
Dr. V. (leaner Arrived from Ciiicago
last night, and wfar. joined hero by his
wife, who has been visiting relativeH in
the valley. The doctor took a post
graduate course while In Chicago.
PliotuH., the 1'liifit.
All kinds and sizes at just half price.
Paris panels, $3.50; olive platino cabi
nets, extra largo cards, $'.'.25 ; cabinets,
enameled, $1.50; tnautellos, $1.00;
carres, 75 cents ; mlnettes und petites,
50 cents per dozen. Columbia river
views, 12U cents each. At tho Herrln
gallery. II. E. Ham.mond,
a23..H Photographer.
Soap Foam excels all other washing j
compounds. a2-3m
Nebraska corn for sale at the Wasco
warehouse. Rett feed on earth. ni'J-t j
A German or Swede girl to do general !
housework. Apply at this office.
Drop In and see it. Wo will be pleased to show it to you, oven if 4
you don't buy
We have strictly First-class
FIR, OAK and
Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO
Successor to Clirlxmun & Corson.
Again in business nt the old stand. I would bo pleased to
Bee all my former patrons. Freo delivery to any part of town.
Opp. A. M. Williams & Co.,
Down Go Prices.
Call and see us, for now is the time to get
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
A complete Line to Select from.
New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
Northern Grown .Seeds.
Fresh Garden and Grass .Seeds In Hulk,
.Seed Wheal, Seed Rye, Seed Oats.
Heed Parley, Seed Corn, Flax Seed.
Alfalfa See'd, Timothy Seed,
Red Clover Seed, Millet Seed.
Crimson Clover Seed, lUne GrusH Seed.
White Clover Seed, Orchard Grass Seed.
Ileo Supplies. Fertilizer, Oil .Meal Cake.
Hay, Grain, Fwd and Groceries.
Early Rose Potatoes.
I'otiltry aud Kggs bought and fold at
ttwu uiuii.i wvlu imv wvvm uimh; tutu ihg WwllglH Mini tv
J, H. CROSS' Feed and Grocery Store.
No. Schillings Best
kikhiir nowder
tluvoriiK euiacti
aim spices
Goods Sold at Uedrock Prices for Cash.
Store open from 7 a. in. to 1) p, in.
are not as good as we can
make without any regard to
cost. They are as good as
we can make with both cost
and goodness on our mind
all the time.
For sale liy
W. K. Kahler
Lumber, Building Material and Boxes
TradediorHay, Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c.
rowe & CO..
The Dalles, Or