The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ! v THE POLITE ITALIANS. TUT. DAl.I.KS, OKKMOX Ail vortUiiii; Unto. Vr inch. Duo inch or Joss in Dally ft SO Over two inches anil under four inches 1 00 Over four Inches unci under twelve inches. . 73 Over twelve inches CO DAILY AM) WKl'.KLY. One inch or less, jier inch f- M Over one inch anil under four inches 'J 00 Over four inches ami under twelve inchev. 1 f0 Over twelve inches 1 00 Tim Xpiv Tiiut Curil. Under the now time card, which goes into effect toinomw, trains will move as follow? : No. -1, to Spokane and Great Northern arrives nt 6 p. m., leaves at 0:03 p. in. No. 2, to l'endleton, Baker City and Union Pacific, arrives 1 :15 a. m., de parts 1 :20 a. in. No. .'!, from Spokane and Great Nortl. ern, arrives S:H0, departs S:!o a. in. No. 1, from Baker City and Union Pa cific, arrive 1 :20, departs 1 :'2o n. in. Nos. 23 and 2-1, moving east of The Dalle?, will carry passengers. No. 23 arrives at 0:30 p. ni., departs 12:45 p. in. Passengers for lleppner will take train leaving here 0:05 p. m. To rilic ('imiell. 1'rinevlllc Heview. Mnrom't", tlio City of 'WHl-.Miiiiiii'rril CIHr.enn. If I wished to teiwh an awkward child, youth or tfirl rood ninunrni by example, 1 should send him or her 1o 1'loreuee, says a writer. Theic i ay he iil-inaitnered pei'snar. there, 'u. 1 ..ever s-aw one. Pour people behmo .lth the suave dignity which used in Kmrland to .stamp the lady or freiitlemaii. Most persons are brainy, but cleverness is not eager to shine. It is very subdued and more oily than corrosive. The charm of Florence steals on one like the wit of its clever inhabitants. The senses are soothed in all directions by harmonious maiiner-s and objects. Architects understood chiaroscuro not less thai: the jrreat painters ar.d sculp tors. One nevrr wearies of the strect.s and public buildir;.vs; their aspects con stantly and strongly vary, according to the course of the pun. Lights and shades at ten in the forenoon are whol ly ilMVrent from what they will beat four in the afternoon. The Florentine women haw interesting, though not beautiful, faces. I!ut one lias only to walk into the market to see country girls v. ho would have done for models of Raphael's Virgin-mothers. One is stmel:, in the galleries with the nice judgment with which the pictures are hung-. What more lofty in sentiment than the tomb of Lorenzo de .Medici'.' Loflincsu is an 'ittribute of Florence architecture, palatial or domestic. The doors of private houses might pass in Kngland for portals. One feels them to be great facts in their way. Talking of hut morions things renin-1 1.3 me of the Uoboli Gardens. Is there a spot in England, the land of Eihtoh Kkview : I am much gratified j stately and lovely seats, that at all up- to note the effect on the leading paper of this state that our united work has ac complished in allowing the injustice of the proposed exclusion of sheep from ranging in the Cascade mountains. Also that our petitions and letters laid before Secretary Bliss have elicited from him favorable comment. I would now take this opportunity to recommend to proaehes them? ln-sitiiation, and tran quil, generous loveliness, I can only think of one the duke of Xorthumber hi nil's terraced gardens at his place in Surrey. The Boboli Eden, where th" prince and princess? of Naples still court seclusion, has the advantage over the Surrey ppradise of being under a u vealing sky. Every shade of gtcenerj . i very floral hue is well brought out. One sees the faultless toxtuic ol ,-t'itues .... ..... , u.8,. iu ... Jmd foumainr, mellowed bv time. !u into the Cascade mountains to sum-; M s,ronfr a light a well-ord- red '- mer. if he feels so disposed, for these j js required, and one has it. TncmuiU reasons : j are the climr.:;. They are to tlu- h -lt'- First It lias been decided by the ' cultural beauties as brilliants to th TTnitp.) ShiiPB ennrt flmr r.n ntlier rans ! lace-and patin of a fine woman.; ore- . of action will lie other than a cause for damages. Public opinion has now been so educated that it will be difficult to se- Florcnec is not. what it to ir tii.j grand ducal days. Still, it retain, the airof a capital with a longaud illustriou. historv. The ladies' dresses nro nnK cure a jury that would assess any dam- j prm im.inj wlcn jj11!asureil by the Paris ayes whatever unless it should appear to j f.taiulard, towhieh Italian women above have occurred through the carelessness : the peasant clas.s generally submit of the sheepmen in letting fires spread j morc's the pity Paris fashions only -throuiih their iieidi-wnee in the uioun-1 HUlt I'reneti women, unless applied n.v French hairdressers and lemmas d chambrc. An English or a German face under a Paris hat or bonnet is at a dreadful disadvantage, if the hair luus not been first dressed by a French artiste capillaire. lie places the hat, through ihc- medium of the hair, in harmonious relation with the face. I fancy these French coiffeurs are not j much employed by Italian ladies. Lon don Truth. tuins. In the second nlace I think there will be legislation soon that will enable us to know just where we can take our stock. The fact is, I think the reserva tion 'vill be cut down and that permits to use it for pasturage will be granted under restrictions of a nrotective nature. In fact, I believe if there ia a single arre-i for trespassing upon the reserve, it w ill only hasten a final result in our favor, and for the matter of costs to ttie party arrested, we could easily adjust nt .ill i.rwt t riltli t , ntf ,,-ltn Imvo i lint. I J liy Itul'pHvcTUtioti. ural interest m the Haul ending of the Tn ,ln ilrU(.(. mu 1)t,fore the Xational controversy. Warehousemen's association at Boston 1 think the Hon. George V Barnes j lately by Prof. Howard, a government will j'in me in the recommendation 1 1 entomologist, the tubject of the preser have made. Respectfully yours, vat'on of furs by cold storage was Wu C Wins ; treated, ami puoiic attention was canon FUR IN ' COLD STORAGE. Stimii.or Att.iol: if Moths I'rrventcil At 11. me.WillowCieek.Or., April 18, '97. .Mtirduret! itt I. it (.ramie. to this, one of the latest novel uses o I1 artificial refrigeration. In a cold stor age room the temperature can bc-rnisi d or loweted at will. In some of the rooms, for instance, where it is desired to keep poultry for any length of time, Tin- chancellor commander and mem biTH of Lemon Lodge, No. -1, K. of P., reiviv.d teleeraphio advices Sunday that the temperature is kept at the zero liarrv idell liail been shot and killed . I-"'"t. With the improved systems, the Sm.dnv ..t Lit Grande, in an alteroatinn ! W fm f"1 dampness, and for with one Bartenms. .Sidell was a nietn (ii I 1 1 1 1 1 Lodge, and formerly ran into IVmllf ion as fireman on the engine of il.iny St. Uyr. Today, particulars were received from this reason can be utilized foranalnioi.t unlimited number of purposes. In the case of furs, the temperature of the room, if kept at. .'!0 degrees, would make it impossible for any of the insects which get into and destroy this hind of Li Grande regarding the afl'.iir. Sidell 1 goods, t'o live. Every housewife ltuows had r.-ntfd some land from Bartemus, ' tliat motlis do not urceu in me winter ,, .-,,(!,.,, rnr hia a time, and camphor balls and mheci-He- stroying" powders are made use of only in the summer months. Already there is one large vaiohoik;. in New Vork city where furs are sent for ii- handling. During the dispute, to be stored through thenummer. 1 1 j ihf two ..en allowed their airer to rise, I a most satisfuctory method, for the fur and, in the melee, Sidell chased Barte who reserved a portion for his own use a- a L'arden spot. Sunday the two men been 1 1 e involved in an altercation re g mlinu' the land and the arrangements inn inn. ihe latter'a house, -iilt-il then proceeded to break down are kept free from the odor of cainphoi and other drugs and powders, the smell of which ir. disagreeable to many i persons, woolens ami an otuer lines oi he.,, ce and coinineuced plowing the , 1 lH wl,cll apo S()j(!Ct to ,,c8tria.lJoii IhimI. Martemus graaped his Winchester j 1)y in?(.L.ts can bo preserved in this way. r II.. iii-hed out of doors and shot ' rimr... int.. t-.-tiulv inimiifiicturei-s user " Si ieil, who died from the wound. Barieinus was placed under arrest. cold .storage room in which their can dies are kept, and the candies arc S dell being a member of Damon a(-'-' " a room so cool (hat lo. me here in Pendleton, the chancellor commander telegraphed for the body to h- buried at the expense of the lodge. II" iw well known here and leaves a smith family. Hast Oiegoniuii. I " vears ago it. ,1. Warren, a drug gici a Pieamuit Bio'k, N. Y boutiht a i-in.ill Hiipply of C.i.aiiiherlain'H Cough H uiedt. He 6iitii& iii the result as fol-e-i . "At that time the goods were tin kni'wii in this section ; Chamber-inn'- t'oiiijli Beinedy is a household wied." It ie the same in hundreds of c miniiiiities. Where over tho good (jiiuliiieh of Chamberlain's Cough liem- dy i.ei omo known the people will have noiiiing else. For Hale by Blakeley & Ib'iU'hioii. melting cannot retard t lie iirueeui of manufacture. In this way the outi u of the cindy plant is largely increased. Soa() factories, refineries, chemical works and a large line of other factories are coming to use the eoldstorage room. N. Y. Tribune. For Sul.t. Yearling sheep (1000 head,) sound and in prime condition. Price $1.75. Ad dress, J. M. Davis, w-mllf Sherars Bridge, Oreon, Ladies should seo tho "Mascot," the best dollar glove made, at A. M. Will lams . New styles in straw hats at A. M. Williams '& Co.'e. j-lou bout Your JOB piIfflW AVe liiivo the fiicilitius for doing all kinds of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a catalogue, and we are after all the work we can do. AVe not. only desire to keep busy, but would prefer to be rushed. Come in and compare our prices with that of any one, and compare quality of work. Let us have your next order. ?f7roi?i;ie publisfyii $o. HI 1 atip, i icniAiiv Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE & MAYS, The Dalles, Oregon. NOTICESALE OF CITY LOTS. Notice is hereby given that bv au thority of ordinance No. iM)-', " SJ S the Common CcHtno l ,,f Ille, rite Anril 10th. 18 b , entitled, An or- lob. belonging toJ)eB Olt. 1 ilL " StrtlV,. the o h day bidder, till the following Intfl 1i r ? lit! in nates addition to Dalles City, 7, 8. and 10, jointly in block 15 I h Inta '' i I, S, !. 10, 11 ami 12, in block l-. in block :i7;JotH 1. B. (; h, 9, 10. 11 and l'J. in blork 2 ; lote 1, J, .;, .1 f i). 10 and 11. in block -1.5; lots 1. ;;' 7 10, 11 and 1'-', in block 41, and lots l! 'J. II, -J, 5, b in block -10. The reasonable value of mud ots, or k'ss than which tliey will not be sold, 1,mh been lixed i.ud determined by he Comnu.n Council of Uallea City as fol- 'Lo" l.lofc 14. 7, S, 9 and 10, jointly in block 10, , loin 7, S, !) and 10, jointly ni block 21, $200; ha 10, in block 27, $22t ; ot 11. in block 27, r-'25; I6t 12. in block a. 4-J00; lot 0, in block 111, $100: lots 2, .i, 4, , 8, , 10 and 11, in block Ho, each respect !....... j.ino. l..iu l niul 7. in block ill). each respectively $12o; lota 2, .1, 4, 8, ), JO and 11, in block 86, each respectively $100; lot. 12, in block III., $12.); lots .., 4, 5, 8, 0, 10 and 11, in block 117, each re spectively $100; lots (i, 7, iiml U block .'57, each respectively Jfl-'o; lota 2, .'I, 10 and 11. in block 41, ei-ch respectively $100; In la 1, 7 and 12, in block 41, each rcBpectively $125; lots li. 4, 5,8,0, 10 and block 42, each respectively $100; Iot , fi and 12, in block 42. e;ich respectively $125; lots 2. :!,4, 5,0, 10 and 11, in block 41!, each respectively $100; lot 1, in block 43, $125; lots 2, I!, 4 and 5, in block 40, each respectively $100; lots 1 and 0, in block 40, each respectively $125. Each of these lots will be sold upon the lot respectively, and none of them will be sold for a less sum than the value thereof, as above stated. One-fourth of the price bid on any ol said lots shall be paid in cash at the time of sale, and the remainder in three equal payments on or before, one, two and thiee years from the date of said sale, with interest on such deferred pay ments at the rate of 10 per cent per .. 1.1.. ...... t .1 1 I ,V.,ill l.lll annum, piij iimt' .iiiiiii.ii... , ............ that the payment may be made in full J at any time at the option of the pur , chaser. .1,1 . 1 .. .1 in 1 : ,i. 1r.1l. tllC Slllll S.IIU Will UL'iii ill. l.n- inn. day of Slay, 1807, at tiie hour of 2 o'Jlock (). ni. of said day. and will con tinue, from time to time until all of said lots shall be sold. Dated this Kith day of April, 1807. Gii.iiKin- W. I'um.i'S. Recorder of Dalles City. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y, Trains leave anil nre iIiir tn nrrivo nt PortUm l.K.WK. S:60 I'. M. 8:80 A. 51, Daily except Bitiulny-d. "1:00 I M vino a. .i li:i: I'. M OVKUI.ANl) KJC-I iircss, Siik'tii, Hose. I hurir. Ablllllllll. Sfln. 1 1 riimunto, OR.k'ii.Siui ) 1' runcisco, .Mojnvc. .osAllSL4es)KlIa.v0 I New urlcnus nnd I KllKt HohcburR anil way'ftn. ili'lin ..... , . . fvlii Woodburii fori I I flit.Aiipei.Hiivcrton, i West Hclo, llrownn! ylllo,Siiriii!lleianii(3 N11 tint 1 . ( nuiiiijun. , 1 JMeMiiuiville mid (way stations, I Sundjyi, I 3:25p.m Dully. tDaiiy, circjit Hiuuiay. DININO CARS ON OODEN UOUIE. 1'iJbl.MAN IlUlWr Si.KKl'EKS AND 81'X'ON'D-CI.ASS BI.KKI'IXO CAR3 Attnelicd to nil TlirmiRh Trains. Direct connection at Sun I'nmcisco with fwi (leiitiiliuul Oriental mill I'.iclllc mnll stean lines for JAl'AN and CHINA. Sailing dates 7 ill plication. KiiU-s tout tickets to Uustern points nnii rn roiw. AIM) JAl'AN. OIII.NA, HONOLULU .ni AtfSTltAUA.eiin be obtuliu-il from Dl J. II. KIK1C1.AN1), Ticket Agent Through Ticlsot Oilieo, Third street, when thinauh tickets to nil points in the Kutcra StHto.M, CaiiiKlnantl Kiirope can bu obtained it lowest rates from J. Jl. KtliKLAND, TieketArent All above trains arrive at and depart fro'ji firautl Central Station, Fifth and Irving streeti, YAM1I1I.I, DIVISION. I'aseiiKer Depot, foot of Jellcrson street Leave for OSWKdO, ilnily, 7:'J0 a. m.i l!i:lG, 1:1.'., firii, CM; 8:05 p. la (mid ll:no p. in. on Satiucluy only). Arrive at I'orthua! at 7:10 and 8;::u 11, 111.; and 1:30, iij (: ami 7:r." p. .11. Leave for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p. e Arrive at l'ortlaml, OHM a. m I tnr A it"! TP Mi. I iA.,,t.iui . . ...w.ti.i,,, , , , vu uvauai ma Kri'iay nt !):-i0 11. m. Ariive nt Portland, Tufs j (lav, ThurMlay and iintunlny at .";0j p. m. I Sumluv trains for O.SW'KOO Ictvent 8:i0a.n. i ami l'J! !f, 1 : i-l, :;::, ,r:'2.'. (1. 15 mid 8 0j p. m. Ar 1 rlvoat lMrtlnml at 8::!0, 1U:00 a. ra.; 1:30, 4:13 5:10, !:.TT,, 7:55 p. 111. It. KOKHLICK, E. 1'. ROGERS, JIiiiiin:er. Assl. (i. 1'. & l'ass.Atl Stoclcholilois' Mcnting. Notice is hereby given that a mtctinc of the stockholders of Tiio Dulles Chron icle Publishing Company will be held at the county court rooms on Tuesday, the 25th day of .May, A. D., 1S97, at 2 o'clock p. in., for tiio purpose of adopt ing Huplimentary articles of incorpora tion, increasing the capital stock of said company and transacting such other business as may coino before said meet inc. 15y order of the Board of Directors. The Dalles, Oregon, April !). 1S07. A. S. aIac Au.isTat, President. I?. G. Davijni'oiit, Secretary. NiltH'H Of I 1 -SO 1 II 1 1 1, II . Notice is hereby given that Ihe part nership heretofore existing between Frank Gabe! and W. C. Hnpert has been dissolved, to date from Saturday, April 3, 1S97. Frank Gabe! will pay all bills, and is authorized to collect and receipt for all bills due the linn. Dated at The D.illes. Or., this fitb day of April, 1S97. FitANK Gaiiim., a5-lm W. C. llui'KUT. I For itlt or Triulu. j A desirable ranch of 1G0 acres, within j tour miles of Dalles City, with one span I inares, harness, wagons, plows and other I property. Fine fruit land and abun ! dance of water. Will trade for Dalles City property. Inquire of 1 A. S. Mac Am.istkk, j Ileal Estate and Insurance Agent. I CintoNici.E oflice, The Dalles, Or. r.uoklen'n nulvt). The best salve in the world for cuts, brun-es, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fuvei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all ykin eruptions lld posi tively cured piiea, or 110 pay required It is guaranteed to uive. perfect satisfac tion, or money teiuiiued. Price -0 cents per bov. For sale oy Dlakeley and Houghton, dtimtrists B LDDD POISDH A SPECiALTYooS llary Jtl.Utm l'OISON permanently cu red In 15 to 35 days. You can bo treated at UomoforsatnopricounUerBamuKuiiraa- fv. If rmi nrftfni mrnn inn, ..-it ... 1 1 1 Eoebarco, it wc fall to euro. If you havo taken mer cury, iodido potash, and otlll liavo uc-lies aud pains. Mucous l'atchcs in mouth, Suro Throat, l'luililoti, Copper :oloi':ct Spots, Ulcers on any part OH tiio boiiy, Jluir or Hyobrows fiillin-' out, It is this Bi-cnuttiiry Kl.OOl) FOISOf wo Kucraulco to euro. Wo solicit tho most obsti nate casus antl cliailciu;c tiio world fur a caso v.oc:inno(;ciuii. Tula rilseao haa alwnya LiallleatlioHltlllol" tho montomiiicut physi cian l. M.r,(IO,00(r capital behind our uncondl. tlonalftnarauty. Nopllcntiuu. Address COOK ICKMKOY Jt).. 307 alaeoulo 'i'omplo. tJUXCAUO, iJLL, NOTICE. The partnership heretofore existing in Tygh Valley Flouring ZM 1 1 1 - . under the mime of W. M. McCorkle & Son, is this day dissolved by limitation, J. M. Mo Corklo retiring." W. M. McCorkle will continue, and will pay all legal claims and collect all debts of the late firm. Tvgh, Or., April 2, 1897. W. M. McCohkm:, a7-lm J. K. McCohklu. Notlco to TitxpuyurH, Notico is heroby given that by order of the county court, the sheriff" will re turn tho tax roll for 1890 to the county clerk on tho first Monday in Apiil. 1897, and all taxes then remain ing unpaid on tho roll will be declared delinquent, and thereafter tho BheriiT will not receive taxes until tho delin quent roll is given him. Hy order of court. A. M. Khlsay, m23-4tw Clerk. Hitvu Your Grain. Few reulizo that each squirrel de stroys $1.50 worth of gram annually. Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterm inator is tho most effective mid econom ical poison known, l'rico reduced to 80 cents. For sale by M. H. Donuoll, Agent. Old papers for sale at 10 cents per iiun dred. A large lot ot old daily ami week ly on baud, tho accumula tion of 1890. Very good for putting under carpets, on account of uniform size. Yellow wushiiig powder will mako your clothes the saino color, Avoid this by using Soap Foam. It's pure white. a2 3m Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg, the eye specialist, and havo your eyes examined free of cliaruc. If you sillier with headache or nervousness you un doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if corrected, will benefit you for life. Oflice in the Vogt block. Tn Trade. .1. H. FCIIK.NK, President. 11. M. 1(i:ai.i Cashier. A Winchester rifle, re-loading tools and 100 shells, for good pony. Enquire at this oflice. u2l-St Do you want your windows cleaned, carpets taken up, beaten and re laid, or janitor work of any kind Uono by a first-class man? If so, telephone Henry JohiiEon at Parkins' barber shop. 'Phono 119. al0-lf As usual always in the lead. Hop Gold Hock Beor on ealo today. Seo that you get it on draught at all Star brewery saloons. alo-lw This is an "Ago of Soap." Why use any but tho very best. Best soap means IIoo Cake. Sold by Pease & Mays. u2-3m The merchant who tolls you ho lias something else as good as IIoo Cake soap ia a good man to keep away from. 2.;jm Stubling & Williams now havo the celebrated Hop Gold Hock beer on draught. It is all right. A b:g drive in matches. Five papers for 5 cents at Maier & Benton's. Delft waro, new line, just received at Maier & Benton's. a20-4t Ciuli In Your VhuukK. All county warrants registered prior to Nov. 1C, 1892, will bo paid at my oflice. Interest ceases after Anril 7. 1807. O. L. Pim.ui'8, County Treasurer. I First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A Uenoral Banking Businesn transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on din- of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange Bold on New York, San Francisco anJ Port land. DIKKOTOKil D. P. Thompuon. Jno. S. Soiiuhok. En. M. Williams, Guo. A. Lieuk. U. M. 15 hall. CITATION. TN Till) COUNTY CO OUT of tho State of Ore X ton, for tho County of Wasco. In tho mutter ot the o-tnto of Junius MuGuhan, ileeniHd-Citutioii. To Jacob McOiihan, .lames McCiahun, John Mo (.ahull, Laura Mcliahan, Klvti Mcliahaii, Murv hllen lliiKhes, KUzabcth Mctiahiui and Katb Hhuuiake, lieirsaml k'Katees.and Mrs., llaniinli W ard, k'atto, (jieetiiiK: la tho immo of tho State of Ok-roii. you are Hereby cited anil rc(iuifd to niipor In tho Coun ty Court of tho State of OrtKOii, for the County of W the courtroom The Dnlloi,, ,V m'H.1 Vi!'ity vVM,!,'.t"1 ,-M,,"-. tho lid day of May, lhU7, at U o'clock in tho afternoon of that day, then ami thero to show came, if any there he, why an order of mlo Bhould not be imido and entereil herein, directing' tho executor of tho last will and testament of said deceased, to bid 1 the mil property beloiiliiB to said estate, to-wl : Iho fcouthwest quarter of Section eight, Town ship one bouth, UaiiKU fourteen Hast, W, M the WiZWiF tllu rt'".1 1,roJwrty 'It-f-etlbwl in the pa "tm 0'V,0Ioxc1(,",or i-statu tiled herein. i 1 i'V"10",'8 tvvil ili.on you, tho mid Jit cob .Mcljuhati, Jaines Mctiahan, John Metialiam. Laura Mc ahan, Klva McCJahan. Marv l' e lUBhes, KlUabeth .Mcliahan and KatoS uu rmi ; ". lolrt ; of James Mctiahan, deceased, by r or o tiio Conn y .ludKo of w!nco Couiily, Oreuoi made on tho'ild day of March, lb'J7. ' urti,"' WiTNKss. tho Hon. Robert Mays, Judi?o of tho r,,i Vimn.ty "rtpt thoHtatooi Oregon, for skaj. thu Couiity of Waken with tlmSeal of bt"l',l,('Vii!r,t amvii f'is'iJd any of Miucli, JPli"1'' .. M' KKMAY, Clerk. m7'" Hy Simkon lloiroN, Ueputy Uhruifro of TI1110. Coiiiiiiencing April 8th. the sten of tiie Regulator lino will I Plll'f 'Pill Dalles at 7 a. in. instead of 7 :30. W. O. Allawav, Agont. ERST! OIVKB THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VIA- Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Denyer Omaha Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cilies OOKAK HTKAMICttS l.cuvfl l'ottll ICvorV Flvo Days for S.AN FRANCISCO, CAL. Kor fall detnllh call 011 O. K Si Co. s Agent Thn Dalleh, or iulilrcs w, 11. nviiumc,Ma K. M'NUILI. I'resident and Mnna er Nun- Sheliit. Train No. 1 arrives at The Dalles! u. 111., and leaves 1:50 a. 111. .. Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles W.w p. in., and leaves 10:20 p. in. , Train No. 8 arrives at The Dalles d LW p. 111., and west-bound train Iso. 7 ie Train 23 and 24 will carry ff botween Tho Dalles and Umatilla, ing The Dalles at 1 p. m. ltiilv and v riving at The Dalles 1 p. in. "VSr necting with train Nos. 8 and 7 Irorr Portland. E. E. Uv ntelope Dalles, Moro aud A STAGE LINE. ThrouKh by daylight via Grass Valley, W niul Cross Hollows. DOUUI.A8 AI.LKN, The ' C. AI. WlllXKLAW, Antelope. Stage leave The Dalles from VaMtlluHjJjJ at 7 11. 111., also irom ah iVJVT 1 ,V Conuection; Monday, Wednesday and dd' )- wo'cuell?1 nmdo at Antelope for 1'rlnev '"P'SitlW points beyond. Oloo connecl Ions naa Uallcs with rallwny, trains and M ToM. magus irom Aineiupu "-- -1 .j0 p. days, Thursdays and Baturdaja at l.aur ntf PtltR. Httl llA I r.f " r Dalles to Deschutes... , do Moro I' do Grass Valley.. do Kent. ........ do Cross Hollows. .... Antelope to Cross Hollows ... do Kent. do Grass Valley ao Moro do Dosohuces ao Dulles ""."to 525 " ...... 50 .. jjo 2 OD JOO : ii ...... jw AttDiitloit Hrim' The liorseuien will meet t JjJ, May 1st, for the porpu - fS general round up. All horieonnert requested 10 no pruo" R. UooTi H. 0. Voor