s C 9 Special Sale of Summer Clothing. For the balance of this week we ofler a full line of MEN'S SACK SUITS at $6.85. GUHRRNTEED HLL WOOL TheBe arc not laut year's poods, but were bought this vear to sell for more money. Trade is slow, and if We are Selling these Goods at LESS THAN COST ltisouf loss and your gain. These Suits are etrictlv up-to-date; single-breasted, round-cornered, in Fancv Cheviots, Tweeds, Clay Worsteds and Plain Mixtures in all the latest colors. We Guarantee Fit and Workmanship. This line will be found on the front table in our Furnishing Goods Depart ment, and you make a mistake if you neglect to look them over. See Our Furnishing Goods Window. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY. APRIL 27. 1897 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. ICiiiKlom OlmervatioiiH and I.ocul Eveuts of LeMSer Alnciiltude. Forecast Today und tomorrow, fair. Farmers from Klickitat unloaded three tons of bacon here this morning, which they will ship to EosBland. A boy named BenEon met with an ac cident this morning, resulting in a brok en collar-bone, which Dr. Hollister patched up for him. The river today is standing at 25.7' and the indications are that there will be a quick rise, the water in the tribu taries being now on the rise. Tho river continues to fall, and in con sequence the salmon are beginning to run. There were enough caught last night to supply the local demand. The railroad to tho Deschutes after all has some chances of materializing. We understand there is money back of the proposition, and that it is liable to go. lieports from 5 and 8-Mile are to the effect that grasshoppers are hatching out by tho thousands, and it is feared they will do much damage to the growing wheal. The railroad accident at East Portland was a very bad one. The Chronicle presents the full details in its telegraiup, which were sent to it by special tele graph report. Pease & MayB yesterday sweetened the town with a carload of syrup, prepared 'or cleansing it with a carload of soap, and are fixed to save it, having three carloads of salt. Five cars were stopped at Castle Rock this morning, which will bo loaded with wool for tiiis point. The Dalles ib tho wool markot of tho Northwest, and thoeo who want prices, send thoir wool here. The Wasco warohouee received sixty bags of wool this morning from the Baldwin Sheep and Land Co., the llret &f the season. The Moody warehouse also received a consignment from Day ville. Governor Lord has gone to Washing ton. Harvey Scott is in Now York. Ex-Senator Corbett is in Washington still "unseated." Tho rest of tho story will bo told later. Ex-Senator Corbett is more than "liberal," which explains why he holds on eo tenaciously. E. 0. When the members of G company liavo their rifle practico on May 1st, they intend having a royal good time. They invito all tho ex-inembors of the company to march with them, and will furnish uniforms (or tho occasion. Re freshments will be served on tho Krounds, and it will bo, iu fact, a picnic. This evening at the Methodist church Keichner'a model of the tabernacle of Israel will be exhibited. The Oregonian of yesterday gives a long account of it as shown in Portland. Every Bible stu dent, aB well as those who are interested in it merely aB a beautiful piece of work, should see it tonight. Admission 50 cents; children 15 cents. The Oregon City Pulp Company has adopted an original and wise method oi forest preservation. Much of the pulp used is manufactured from balm trees, which grow in profusion in the vicinity of the plant. The trees are said to have a rapid growth, and the company em ploys a man to plant a tree whenever the soil is good. In this way the com pany hopes to have a perpetual Eupply of balm. A Berious accident occurred near North Yakima last Monday to an Italian work man employed at E. R. Learning's nur sery, north of that city. The man had started to drive to the headgate of the irrigating ditch, and the horse he used was not trustworthy. He made some alterations in the bridle, and left the nursery for the trip. Not returning when expected, search was instituted, and the man waB found lving by the roadside in an unconscious condition, bruised and badly injured, while the horse was cropping the graBS some dis tance away. He will recover. Senator McBride had quite a long talk with the navigation bureau of the uavy department, the other day, urging that orders be issued to the battleship Ore gon to go to Portland, so that the pre sentation of the silver service to the ship might be made at the metropolis of the state. The officers of the depart ment, however, said that they feared the vessel might strike something and be injured In going up the river. The Oregon will go to the United States buoy station at Tongue point, and the proba bilities are that the presentation will be made at that place. The Oregon office-Eeeker must possess his soul in patience. There are but few loaves to be given out, and the appli cants are legion. A letter received in Portland recently from Washington otates that the Oregon delegation is lit erally deluged with applications for office. What is more to the point, the letter also states, that it is not likely Hint nnv annointment will soon be made, probably not before the terms of the present incumbents expire, which, ! if they date from time of confirmation I bv the senato, will be next September, i . i in most cases. Nicholas White, the man who is now ( in the county jail under tho doctor's, care, is in pretty bad shape. He has a b.id case of eczema, and is helpless, i Wasco county Is able and willing at all . times to take care of its own, but it, seems hard to compel it to take the care of other counties. While accordiug to his own Btatement, was furnished a ticket by the Walla Walla authorities, and was sent here. We can do nothing but take care of him for humanity com pels that, but it strikes us that Walla Walla should take care of its own pau- pers. Lost From the white houao, this city, Saturday, a canary bird. A suitable re ward will be paid for lis return. a20-3t DASHED TO THEIR DEATH ELECTRIC CAR JUMPS THE TRACK IN EAST PORTLAND. Thirty-Four I'HKSeURers Thrown Into the Ditch, Three of Whom Are Killed, und All Are Hurt. Pohtland, April 27, 1897. Special to The Chronicle. An electric car on the Mt. Tabor line jumped the track this morning at Eaa Morrison and Eighth streets and plunged through tho bridge into the slough, 25 feet below. There were thirty-four people in the car when the accident happened, and it is now be lieved only three were killed, three bodies having been recovered, those of W. A. Blanchard, laborer; Newton Han son, 18 years of age, and an unknown young lady. A number of others were badly bruised and cut on glass of car windows. The accident occurred on the bridge winch spans the slough at the foot of Long hill. When the -car reached East Eleventh street, two blocks from the scene of the accident, the motorman lost control of the car, which was then run ning about fifteen miles an hour down the sleep. Realizing that the car was beyond his control, the motorman jumped, leaving it to dash down the in cline with its load of passengers. Near the bottom of the grade there is a curve in the track, and when the runaway car reached the curve it jumped the track, and then ran about forty feet, when the bridge 'gave way, percipitating the car into the water below. The conductor and several of the passengers jumped before the crash came, and escaped with only a slight shaking up. Most of the passengers were laborers on their way to work. Tho water where the car struck was not more than five feet deep, which enabled most of the passengeis to escape drown ing. Had the accident occurred forty feet further ahead, it is probable every person on the car would have been drowned, as the water is fifteen feet deep. i Commencing with May 1st, the South ern Pacific will put into effect a new time card, which will make a number of changes, the most important one being the leaving time of the San Francisco overland irom Portland, which will be at 0 p. m,, Instead of 8:50, as at present. The object of this change is to make closer connection with the Northern Pacific from St. Paul, which now arrives in Portland at 5 p. m., instead of 7:30, aB heretofore. By leaving Portland at 0 Garden Hose We are agents for the celebrated MALTESE CROSS. Every body knows that it is the best Hose on the mar ket today. We also carry (ho Ridue- iwood brand oi' lloso, which wo recommend as a superior article second only to our Mal tese Cros brand in quality. It is made on extra strong duck, and of the best rubber. Then we cany the Wallabout brand which is a good quality and medium price, equal or better than the average so-called "best Hose on the market." We sell it for what it really is a good, serviceable Hose. See our stock before buying elsewhere. i Just Received A stock of Pure Aluminum Ware Cook ing Utensils. No enamel to flake off. Solid metal. No plating to wear off. Absolutely pure. No verdigris, or salts of tin. Wonderfully light and beautiful, and very durable. Foods cooked in it do not scorch. Drop in and see it. We will bo pleased to show it to you, oven if vou don't buv. MAYS & CROWE. BICYCLE REPAIRING. We have secured the services of Mr. Joseph Kirchoff, who has been doing Bicycle Repair ing and Gun Work for the last five years in The Dalles. All work entrusted to him will receive prompt attention. MAIER& BENTON'S p. m. the Southern Pacific through train will take the place of the present Sulem local, which leaves at 4 p. in., and the through train will do the local service, stopping at all the stations between Portland and Salem. The through tram from San Francisco will arrive in Port land at 0:30 a. m., instead of 8:10 as at present. I'KItSONAL. MKNTION. Al Everding was a passenger for Port land this morning. Dr. Sjjldall left this morning for Port land. Tie will be home Thursday. Judge Brad8haw goes to Crook county Monday to hold tho regular May term of court. The docket is light. War No ten. AhmokyCo. G, 3i Battai.io.n.O. N. G.,) The Dali.es, Or., April 27, 1897. Orders No. 5. f I. The members of Company G, 3d Battalion, (). N. G.. will assemble at the armory Saturday May 1, 1897, at 1 o'clock p. m., fully uniformed, armed and equipped, with campaign hats and leggius, and march to the new rifle range for target practice and extended order drill. II. There will be no drill Saturday night. By order A. L. Reese, Capt., Commanding. Official: F. II. VanNoiidk.v, Acting 1st Sergeant. I'liotos., tli Fined. All kinds and sizes at just half price. Paris panels, $3. 50; olive platino cabi nets, extra large cards, $2.20; cabinets, enameled, $1.00; mantellos, $1.00; carres, 75 cents ; minettes arid petites, 50 cents per dozen. Columbia river views, cents each. At tho 11 err in gallery. II. E. Hammonij, a23-3t Photographer. Bicycle ltialrlli. We have secured tho seivices of Mr. Joseph Kirchoff, who has been doing bicycle repairing and gun work for the Remember. We have, strictly First-class FIR, OAK and MAPLE WOOD To sell at LOWEST MARKET RATES Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. Successor to ClirlMimu & Corson. 1 FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stand. I would b pleased to see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. Z. DONNELL PESCIPTIOJI DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams it Co., Til 10 DALLES, OR. Down Go Prices. On PIANOS and ORGANS. Call and see us, for now is the time to get Jacobson Book &; Music Co. LATEST NEW SONGS. A complete Line to Select from. New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. Northern Grown Seeds. hist live years in Tho Dalles. All work ! rt'V'V" . e " iV T V , l,,,,K' . , . . . .,, , , . Seed Wheat, Seed Hye, need Oats, entrusted to him .will receive prompt at- fioe(, j,lirley; 8ec,i Corn. Flax Seed. tention. Alfalfa Seed. Timothy Seed. a20-lv Soap Foam compounds. Maikii & Hentos. Ited Clover Seed, Millet Seed. Crimson Clover Seed, Hint' Grass Seed. White Clover Seed, Orchard Grass Seed. lieu Supplies, Fertillern, Oil Meal Cake. Hay. Grain, Feed ami Groceries Karly Itoso Potatoes. Poultry and Eggs bought and sold at i excels all other washing a2Um Nebraska corn for sale at, tho Wasco warehouse. Heat feed on earth. JiiO-t Do you want true or false tea? baking powder? coffee? flavoring extracts? soda? and apices? Schilling's Bestxs the true. Your grocer pays your money back if you don't like it. For sale by W. E. Kahler J. H. CROSS' Feed and Grocery Store. Goods Sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash. Store open from 7 a. in. to U p. tn. Lumber, Building Material and Boxes TradediorHay, Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. ROWE 8i CO.. The Dalles, Or