The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 26, 1897, Image 4

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
I'll K DAI.1.KS,
.1 i'ild u II till- I 1'.. . t . H'tv lot'
.vcKtillc iivr 'tr..t pi. 1' 'f to do
I tiriniiH', b.v compnr n. what wiri the
i-inisps of oivunnul hmdi'iion's. ur.rt what
i 1 ! l-i-thi condition'- t1usu tondonoiffi
1 hrou-rht iil-out. X. V. I.i'dpcr.
AilvertUhiB Kutoi.
J'cr Inch
One or less. In Dally tlM,
Over two inches mid uiulcr (our Inches 1 00 j
Over four Inches mul under twelve inches. . .o
Over twelve inches 60
One Inch or less, per Inch I- CO
Over one inch and under four inches 'J 00
Over four Inches iinduiulcr twelve Inches . 1 ft)
Over twelve Inches 1 00
This New Tlnui Caril.
Under the new time card, winch iroes
into elVect tomorrow, trains will move us
follow- :
No-. !, to Spokane and Great Northern
arrives at 0 p. in., leave? at 0:03 p. in.
No. 2, to Pendleton, Haker City and
Union Pacific, arrives 1 :lo a. in., de
parts 1 :20 a. m.
No. I!, from Spokane and Great North
ern, arrives SitfO, departs S':33 a. in.
No. 1, from Baker City and Union Pa
cific, arrive? 1 '20, departs 1 :'2o a. ui.
Nos. 28 and 24, moving east of The
Dalles, will carry passengers. No. 23
arrives at G:!50 p. m., departs 12:45
p. in
Ilujuvni't'iii Lsmtll:
tcni: to Colli!'!.
A siit will shortly he hopur agaln-st
p. wealthy New' Yorker and nu'inherof
many leading eluhs in this city for the
recovery of t. balance-of three month.-.'
rent that he i ullcgvri to owe for t'n
tenancy of a house in l.'ai
tieulars of the claim were received re
cently at the Austro-Hunt-T.rian con
sulate and the ease was suhscc-iL'titly
transferred to the care of the r.ttorrey.-
for the consulate, says theRNcw York
The complainant is Mine. 11. Selunitt
Ordody. a prominent business womr.n
in the Hungarian capital. Her proper
ty ir.eludes a villa situated in a fash
ionable - of that city. Last i-uir-nier.
on tiie occasion of the Austro-llun-g-ai
inn exposition, she asserts that she
rented her villa to the defendant for
the months of .1ul v, August and Septem
ber f ir 1,1.00 florins, and of this amount
GOO florins is still due. Thus sum she
has instructed the consulate to ie
cover by .'egal process.
Some merriment, was caused in the
consulate by the fact that a remittance
of CO cents wan inclosed by lme. Oi-
Passenu'ers for Ileppner will take train dody in he- letter, presumably as a ve-
I tainer. 11 tnss was sietuany tne purposo
leaving here G :05 p. in.
The I.lttlti Hiiu-ilitfr of .1. K. Foley
Itt-sctieil rriim lro wiling in an
Hid Well.
Probably the most narrow escape from
drowning which ever happened in this
community was that which occurred this
forenoon, and throueh which the life of
Etta, the young daughter of Mr. and
Mr', j. E. Foley, was miraculously
The child, in company with her two
brothers and Mr. Win. Osborne, were
to be devoted to it would be probably
tlie smallest retaining fee ever ofteieti
to a lawyer in this country. The law
yer who will take proceedings against
the American explained recently, how
ever, that .Mine. Ordody intended the
money to cover preliminary it-imp -.
In Hungary a petition to the court.- i
obliged to have alibied a revenue stain,
of the value of about (o cents. The d- -fendant
is at present abroad and is t-up-posed
to be traveling in IJussia.
l'osHililliiy ui' Forelrrii Piii'f'.-s
l,iiinli:ip- on the Little Isio.
; Is there any clanger of Cngh.M. i 1
i m it.wl 1- m fnr.M'rn ViiV Pi. t ii
out thi3 morning in quest of Dr. Honan's j tjon wns r"L,et.ntv jUlt t0 (Jell. Wol,! 1V. .
dog, "Pete," which had been missing j says :l London letter. His reply was as
since yesterday. The dog has lone, been ( follows:
. a pet of the Foley children, and the , "Not so long ago we were wiiii'i.
children consequently took a deep in-j .measurable distance of a war wt.i
Tterestin the canine's" absence. In the France. Such a war, believe me. won. I
search thev heard the doe floundering in I ht "-y "u1- A ntr.v v.-lileh In
,' .. r . ,. .ii a colossal armv as i ranee woultl
wa er under the St. Louis livery stable I taln,v wiah t0 lls;c it. Invasioi)) at
and they started tor the rescue. Under j .nmptei m uccom,,ushe,i, would have
the stable is an old well, into which the j t0 be one of tlu! military contingene.e
dog had fallen, and just as Mr. Osborne t0 be considered hy us. Of course v..
' . 1 . . ..!. .1..
reiy upon our neei lur piunnujuy .i ur
had given a word of warning the little
girl pitched headlong into the well.
The well is but two feet and a half in
diameter and is Oiled with sixteen feet
of water, which readies within about
five feet of the surface. Under the floor
of the stable it was dark as night, and
"The navy is our 'first line,' but ther
are some who think 1 do not say tha'
I am one of them that our navy is not
i-3-o immeasurably superior to the
French that we can always count upon
meetinsr it strength for strength at the
Mr. Osborne could do nothing but call j critical moment in the home seas,
for help. When the child fell in the dog "Command of the channel might
naturally scrambled to the top, forcing j obtained by stratagem or after ccnflict
the little one under the water. Mr. ' and a very short time a couple of da. -
Foley was let down head foremost into
tiie well, and after one or two attempts
he succeeded in britming out the dog,
and afterward seized the little girl by
the foot and brought her to the surface.
It is thought that the child had been
under water between three arid five
minutes. She was in an unconscious
condition when brought out of the
water, but shortlv afterwards recovered i . . '
, ' , .' ,.! indeed
aim seeuieu out mue w orse lur ner j
fctartlini: experience. i
.Mr. Foley, father of the little girl,
eays that as soon as he descended into j
the well lie was met by the awful truth
that the child was underneath and that !
the ti rat thing to do wa3 to get the dog
would inlicc to etleet a very seen:.
lodgment on our shores. No, no: i- -vasion
is not impossible. Von Molt!-'
thought that, nlthoucrh he s-iid it woul :
be easier to get into Kngland than out o.
it aeain. T dare say we should five ::
good account of ourselves to in'-.
but the s-hoek, the temporary pttr::!,vs!
anil collapse would be very terrible,
even if we triumphed in the end. l'u:
let us hope that invasion is very lar cm
.Vnt l.iwitr Af?o T!i;y AVero Trcuti'il us
Tiirliixli AVomcn Are.
It is curious to think what a short
time it is since the emperors of Russia
treated their womankind in the same
wni i w ciill t I'O'i t ud iti 'I'll tl i f
out of the way, as there was not enough lu -thosflav8 the c!Uir uhose his
room to permit both the dog and the; from nmou,; hi(. Mlljje(.t,s fuul slu. was
child to stay above water at the same! m.ver considered his equal. The mat
time. As soon as he could get the dog j ter was arranged in this way: Onacer
ont of the way, he plunged for the little tain day the nobles brought their young
girl, being, himself, held by the feet by daughters to be looked at, and she who
his assistants above. He reached his
lull arm's length into the water before
ho could sieze the child, which was just
returning from a descent to the bot
tom of the well.
Dr. Hoiian immediately applied the
took the emperor's fancy was forthwith
chosen to be his wife.
The princes,'.e-s were- kept with the
si;jne strictness as eastern princesses,
and marriage only changed their place
of residence, but gave them no more
freedom. They were allowed occasion
flow fibout Your
Wo have the facilities fordoing all kinds
of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a
catalogue, and we are after all the work we
can do. We not onhy desiie to keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Come in
and compare our prices with that of any
one, and compare quality of work. Let us
have your next order.
$i?ro9i;ie publisr?ii?( $o.
Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has
no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE &
MAYS, The Dalles, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given Hint by nu
thority of ordinance o. !)-, wiiu-M
isUl the Common Council o Dalles
0 itv An 10th, 1307, entitled, 'An or
di'iVance to provide for the -lo .f eerta
lots belonging to Palles Cit "'
Saturday, the loth, day ,,;.
hpII at public auction, to the liighest
hi l.ler, all the following lots and parts
of lots in Gates addition to Dalles City,
Waeco county, Oregon, to-wit:
Lots and 10 jointly, in ock 14 , i
7, 8. U and 10, jointly in block lo; lo a
7 s l and 10, jointly in block -l,
known U utte lots 10. 11 ami 12, in
ffik 27; lot 0 lii block :M; lots 2, , 4,
5 0 7, 8, 0, 10 and 11, in block .lo ;
lots" i 4 8, 0. 10, Hand 12, in block
lo 3 4. 6, 07. 8,0. H), 11 ami
V Jn block 157; lots 1. 2, .!, 4, 5. d. H,
0, 10, 11 and 12, in block 42; lots I, ,
- ,r i 11 1, iipL- 4 : lots 1. 2,
3 1 10, 11 and 12, in block 41, and lots
l! 2. :, 4, 5, 0, ill block 40.
The reasonable value of Raid lota, or
lea. than which they will not ho aoUl,
liao lieen llxrd i.nd determined by he
Common Council of uaiies wij
Iowa, to-wit :
Lota!) and 10, in block 14, $lo0; lo 8
7, 8. 0 and 10, jointly in block 10, if-in ,
lota 7, S, 0 and 10, jointly in 'lock 21,
$200; lot 10, in block 27 , 2'-'o ; lot 1 1. i
block 27, $225; lot 12. in block j,, 4.100;
lot 9, i'n block .'14, $100; lota 2, .i, 4, f, 8,
I), 10 and 11, in block J'.o, each eapect
ivelv $100; lots 0 and 7. in hW A',
each respectively $12.'; lots '-, -1, h, ',
10 and 11, in block HO. each reapectively
$100; lot 12, in block M, $12o; lota .., 4,
5,8,0, 10 and 11, in block 117, each re
apectivelv $100; lota 0, and 12, in
block :?7, each respectively $ -o i
lots 2. 10 and 11, in bluck
41, eiudi reapectively $100; lota 1,
7 and 12, in block 41, each respectively
$125; lota !!, 4, 5,8,0, 10 and 11, in
block 42. each reapectively $100; lota ,
0 and 12, in block 42, each reapetitively
$125; Iota 2, I!, 4, 5,0, 10 and 11, in
block 411, each respectively $100; lot 1,
in block 4:3, $125; lota 2. Ii, 4 mid 8, in
block 40, each respect i ady $100; lots 1
ami 0, in block 40, each respectively
Each of these lots will be sold upon
the lot respeetivelv, and noun of them
will be sold for a leas sum than the value
thereof, as above stated.
One-fourth of the price bid on any of
said lots shall be paid in cash at the
tin,.. 1, r c , 1 .'ind thi teniainder in three
I equal payments on or before, one, two
and three years lrotn tne (into 01 sum
sale, with interest on audi ileferteii pav
nieiita at the rale of 10 per cent per
annum, payable annually; provided
that the payment may be made in full
at any time at the option of the pur
chaser. The said sale will begin on the 15th
day of May, 1S07, at the hour of 2
o'clock p. 111. of saiil day, and will con
tinue from time to time until all of said
lota shall be Fold.
Dated ibis lLUh day of April, 1807.
Gii.nnitT V. l'm-M's.
Recorder of Dalles City.
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
TrnliiN lenvennd nre ilut; to nrrtvo nt PottIinj
8:00 1. St.
8:S0 A. M
l:00 P, M
7:.".0 A. M
tl:l,-. 1'. -M
'-!:10A. u,
iiresh, Snlom, llnve-1
biirR, Ahlilimil, Snc-1
I llUIIVIllll, U),MH!ll,Sllll :
1 I'ruiielsco, Sloltivc, f
Now (Irlpntiu .1,1,1
I Knt
ItoscburK mul wnv'y'tn-
llH J.M t, ..
fViu Wonilbum fnrl ,a
I Mt.Aimel.SllvcrtiMi,
(way slatlims
a nil) f 8:iJp.M
Stockholtlurs' 31t-i-tiiiK.
Notice is hereby given that a nihctinc
of tlie stockholders of The Dalles Chron
icle Publishing Company will be held at
tlie county court rooms on Tuesday, the !
25th day of May, A. D., 1S97, at 2 J
o'clock p. 111., for tiie purpose of adopt-(
ins aupliinentary articles of incorpora- j
tiun, increasing the capital stock of said j
comuanv and traiisaeiiiiL' such other 1
business as may come before said meet
in. By order of the Board of Directors.
The Dalles, Oregon, April 0. 1897.
A. .S. Mac'rmt,
K. G. D.vvnNi'our,
I For .lit 1 11 or Trade.
! A desirable ranch of 100 acres, within
tour miles of Dalles City, with one span
tnares, harness, wagons, plows and other
I piopertv. Fine fruit land and abun-
dance of water. Will trade for Dalles
City property. Inquire of
A. S. Mac Ali.istku,
Ileal Estate and Insurance Agent.
CiiiiONici.i: ofiiee, The Dalles, Or.
(itlCf of lM-solutiiin. j
iottce is hereby given that tlie part- I
nership heretofore existing between 1
Frank Gabe! and V. C. P.upert has been !
disfiolvcd, to date from .Sa'turdav, April ,
3, 1S97. Frank Ciabel will pay ali bills, !
and is authorized to collect and receipt
for all bills due the linn
ItiiuklHii'r, Arnica riitlvn.
'Die best salve in tne worid for cut!-.,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
I aoreo, tetter, chapped bunds, chilblains
I coma, and al! kin eruptions, and posi
tively ourtiH piles, or no pay required
It iB guaranteed to trive perfect satisfac
tion, or money reiunoeii. Price 25 cents
per box. For Pale iiy lilakeley and
lioutihton, drii'.'tiisth.
Dully. MJ'Uiy, exccjit Sunday,
Attiiflii'd tu nil Through Trains.
Direct couneotlnn tit f-'nti KrnncUco with 0(M
ili'iitnl mul anil I'nolllc mail steamHii,
lines fur .1 AI'AN mill CHINA. Sailing dates of
ii illciitlon.
KiiU unit tickets to Kiistcrn imliits and rn
roiie. Also J AI'AN. CHINA, HONOLULU and
Ar.STKAl.IA. emi be obtained from m
J. 11. KIKKLAND, Ticket Agent.
Throueh Ticket Olllee, llil Third street, where
tliroutli tlekutM to all imlnts In the Eisieni
Htnti'S, Ominila mul Kuropt! can be obtained it
lowest rates from
.1. 11. KIHKI.AN1), Ticket Arm,
All above traliiK arrive at anil depart (rooi
(Irand Central Station, Fifth and Irving streets.
YAMHIMj division.
l'littciiger Depot, foot of Jellcrtoiutrcct.
Leave for OSWKOO, dally, except
7:20 a. 111.; l'J:15, 1:45, &-.'&, 6:4.i, 8:05 p. a
(ami 11::0 p. m. on Saturday only), Artlve it
i'ortland at 7:10 and a, 111.; and 1:30, 1:13.
0:0.5 ami 7:5.1 p. 111.
Leave for Sheridan, week days, st 4:30 p. n.
Arrive at Portland, U:"0 a. m
I Leave for AI HLIK 011 Monday, Wednesdav and
I Krioay at'.): 10 11. 111. Arrive nt Portland, lues
; dav, Thuroday mid Saturday at 3:05 p. ra.
I Sunday trains for OSWEGO leave nt 8:10a.m.
I ami j'Ji if), 1 : i.i, :i:;;o, 6:a" 0: lo and s 03 p. m. Ar
j riviMit rortlmul atK::V0, 1U:U0 a. m.j 1:30,1:15
. 5:10, fi:;',i, 7:iV ji. 111.
E. 1'. K00ERS,
Asst. 0, I i Pass, Azt
nK wrCblAkii I ondaryorTer.
tlary JtI,OOl l'O I SON permanently
cured In 15 to3 j tiayB, You can bu treated at
Ih uumu iui-cuuiu 1J71C0 uiiuer same uuruu
Bty. If you prefer to come, licro wowlllcon,
tract topayrnllroailfareandhotelbllla.ancl
HUbuutKbiU l,u liltu.v, II llll MitVU LUUUIi Illfir
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
cury, indiilo iiotush, uul ctlll havo neliea and
pains, 3lucouHriituJicHiti mouth. Sure Throat,
1 imples, (Mpper Culorcd hpots, UlcurH oil
any part of tin) bocly.lliilrorKyehrown f iillin"
nut.. It. In thlq Kii,iiiwl,iri. lel.fhil lituK
wo Kuurnnteo to cure. Wo solicit 1 110 most olisti
uatc cases and cli:illunu-i) tlio world l'or :i
?IX1P, wocaiiiiiit ciiro. This dlcaso ha nlnaya
ballleatlioHklllol tiioiuoHtoiiiinoiit.iihysi
chuw. S50(l,0l)( capital bohinil our tincondl,
tlonaltniaram.y. AlJaoluto iiruiift) rant rcuU'il oil
application. Address COOK CliJUlDV CO..
307 aiueoulc 'Aciuiile, WllU&UO, ILL.
)o not fail to call on Dr. Luntiiirberf.;,
thu oyo specialist, and havo your vyes
examined freo of chariio. If you fiiiller
with headache or nervousness you 1111-
iJated at The Dalles. Or., this otli day idoubtedly havo im ierf;ct vision that, if
corrected, will benefit you for life.
Oflice in tlie Vogt block.
of April, ISO".
Fit an k G.mii:l,
W. G. Kt'i'mn.
UHual course of treatment and the little . ally to he present when guests were re
one was brought out all right. The ceived, to whom tlioy would hand a cup
phvfciciun fitates that it was the nearest of winu aml tllL' rutlr(? to their npairt
ecape from death by drowning of which "t8' t,iert: " sultc of (roonis at
Im bos unv iiHrsriniil T.ti "t -" '
Grande Clironicle.
''Ik- Hraln cif (lie Crlnilnr.l.
An Italian iirinuul haing died after
a most notorious and rvimirhtibli'
eureer, oven for a man in ills profession,
liiu brain was given to a i-cientist i or ex
amination in order to discover, if pos
sible, whether thete was any dilYerence
between it ami tlie hone-it, or normal
hr.iin. After exhaustivi' e.Nperiments,
the professor in ehurge was forced to
admit that he could lind nothing nl
iicrninl about the brain strueture. Ae
oording to all Junnvn lawn on the nub
jcut, tlie man was possessed of great
nullity, and. the (irofe.-sor sajs. migiit
iuvc been a great man. A:: tlie brigand
was a murderer, a thief and a bad lot
gcnerully, it would seem that tin- fact
of there being no abnormal condition;!
in the brain might ha ve a bearing: on tho
jiiuuh-disoiisscd subject of brain struc
ture. .Some time uiiiee a suggestion
wns made that, intelligent peojilo and
thoso of eminence in tlie.ii' professions
osiK'cially for them.
If they worn ill the room was dark
ened before the doctor was admitted,
and he was not even allowed to feel
their pulse, and when they drove out
the windows of their carriages had
drawn curtains.
The first czarina who emancipated
herself from this .state of slavery, and
so instituted a new and happier era for
Hussiuji women, v.t: the beautiful Na
thalie .Veryschl !, the .second wife of
Alexis .Mlchaelovitch and the motherof
i'eter the Clroat, and her triumph was
when she obtained her husband's con
sent to drive with him in an open euir
rl!',ge to the monastery of Troitzsky, a
proceeding which at the time occa
sioned a great Kcandal.
Naturally, when the llusslan princes
began to Intermarry with other Ku
ropcun royal families they were obliged
to tireat their wives dlnercntly, but it
was a long time Ijcforo the. court of
Hussia became as eivlliiu'd us the rest of
EuropeMontreal Star.
The partnership heretofore existing in
Tyjjh Valley Hlourinir Mill-", under the
name of V. M. McCorkle & Son, is this
day dissolved bv limitation, .1. AI. AIc
Corklo retiring. " W. AI. AlcCorklo will
continue, and will pay all legal claims
and collect all debts of the late linn.
Tvgh, Or., April 2, 1S97.
W. Al. AIuCoiiklk,
n7-lni J. K. AIoUohklk.
Notice to Xaxpiiyiirn.
Notice is hereby iven that by order
of the eountv court, the sherifr will re
turn the tax roll for 189G to thu
county clerk on the first Alondny in
April, 1S07, and all taxes then remain
iW unpaid on tlie roll will be declared
delinquent, and thereafter the sheriff
will not receive taxes until the delin
quent roll is given him. Ily order of
court. A. AI. Kki.sav,
mL'IMtw Clerk.
Nuvii Your Grain,
Few realize that each squirrel de
stroys $1.50 worth of grnin imnnully.
Wakoleo's Squirrel and Gopher Exterm
inator is the most effective and econom
ical poison known. Price reduced to 30
cents. For eulu by AI. Z. Donnoll,
Old papers for salo nt 10 cents per hun
dred. A largo lot ot old daily and week
ly Ciuto.Niai.KS on hand, the accumula
tion of 1890. Very good for putting
under carpets, on account of uniform
Yellow washing powder will make
your clothes thn tame color. Avoid
this by using Soup Foam. It's pure
white. ' n23m
To Truilu.
A Winchester rifle, re-loadina tools
and 100 shells, for good pony. Enquire
at this office. atH-Ut
Do you want your windows cleaned,
carpets taken up, beaten and re laid, or
janitor work of any kind none by a
first-class man? If so, telephone Henry
Johnson at Parkins' barber shop.
Phone 119. al0-tf
As usual always in the lead. Hop
Gold Bock Heor on salo today. See that
you get it on draught at all Star brewery
saloons. alo-lw
This is an "Ago of Soap." Why use
any but the very best. Best eoup means
Hoo Cake. Sold by Pease it Alays. aL'-Ihn
The merchant who tells you ho has
something else us good as Hoe Cake soap
is a good man to keep away from. u2 3m
Stubling & Williams now have the
celebrated Hop Gold Bock beer on
draught. It is all right.
A big drive in matches. Five papers
for 5 cents at Alaior & Benton's.
Delft ware, new Hue, just received at
Alaior & Benton's. a20lt
ChrIi In Your UliuokN.
All county warrants registered prior
to Nov. 15, 1892, will bo paid at my
office. Interest ceases after April 7,
1807. C. L. Pmi,uis,
County Treasurer. .
Advertise 111 Tub Ciuionicle.
First National Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold 011
New York, San Francisco anj Port
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Soiucnuk.
En. AI. Williams, Gko. A. Likuk.
H. AI. Bkai.l.
r.V Till' COUNTY UOL'itT ot the State of Ore
J Kon, for tlio County of Watco.
In the matter of the eetute of James JlcOuhan,
deceased Citation,
To Jacob JlcGiihan, James Meaaluin, John Mo
(laliaii, Laura Mcdalmii, Klva Mcliaban, Mnrv
l.llea HuKhes, Kltzabetli Mcliaban ami Katb
Hmuimkc, heirs iuiU leKatue.s,anil Mrs.. Ilaiiiiali
W aril, k'Katev, greutlng;
la tho namo ol the State of Oregon, you are
hereby cited ami required to appear la tho Coun
ty Court of the Statoof Oregon, for tho County
of nteo, at thoeouttroom thereof.tit The Dalles.
f.f m10 1 VmJt5', vvst'-' 011 iloiulay, tho ;id day
of May, lbw, at i o'clock lu tho afternoon of that
day, then ami there to show cnuto, If any there
be, wbs- an order of mlo should not be ln.ulo ami
c tereil herein, direct ng the executor of tliU last
mil mid testament of Ktiid deceiibed, to soil tho
r;;al property boloiiKlng to said estate, to-wit:
ihotouthwest quarter of Section eight, Town-
t mw'v1'.111" n'".1 l""lrty (It-sorlbwl la the i.e-!n,iV'.iV'?l(;JCl-'.cl,,')r
', vlit,xXo '"eit bore In.
cob Mcdahan, Jaine.s Mc(!a inn, Job 1 McUabam.
Laura Mcdaliiui, Klva MeUahan M, rv K WqiI
Hughes, Kllzabeth McOahaaanil Kate Slmi n, ke
iclib of James Mctiahau, deceased by rr o
tho County Judge of VUh-o county; Oregon,
mado 011 tho tad day of March, W. ua"",
Wn.NKSs. the lion. llobortMays, Jtulgo of tho
1 , , , Vi"",'.ty t',.",rl i" tllu Htl' "I Oregon, for
S.K.U. tho co.ui y of Whk-o with theSe 1 f
"i'HWi mxvl1 iUl,i 'M ly "f tmcb,
"i J 1 lbJ7t
mTi7f'T! uA M- KI'-bSAY, Clerk.
HybiMKON 110I.TON, Deputy
(Iliungn of Timu.
CommonciiiL' Anrll Rtl ti,n
- V Ut.WMVin
of the Regulator lino will leave Tim
wuhvb uv t a. m. instead of 7:30.
W, 0. Allawav, Agent.
St. Paul
Kansas City
Low Rates to al! Eastern Cities
OOICAX SriSAMKKS Leave I'(iirlliiii
Kvorv Vivo J)uys for
For full details call on O. U Ja Cn.'B Agent
Tlw Dalles, or address
E. M'NKILL rresident ami Mima cr
New Soheilul".
Train No. 1 arrives at The Dalles 4
a. m., and leaves 4 :50 a. in. ,,
Train No. 2 arrives at Tho Dalles W.w
p. in., and leaves 10:20 p. in.
Train No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 1
p. m., and weBt-bound train No. 7 ie"
at 1 p. m. .,
Train 23 and 24 will carry pmhP?
between The Dalles and UniotlHa, k
inp The Dalles at 1 p. m. daily ntt
rivini? at Thu Dalles 1 p. m. fol'f
nectinp with train Nos. 8 and 7frorr
Portlalld. B. K. Ltg
Dalles, Moro and A
Through by daylight vl lirass Volley.
and Cross Hollows.
V. M. WIUXKI.AW. Alte''I,t
Stages leave The Dalles from '.'""'""vW
at 7 a. 111.. also from Antelope tit , , Mtem
Monday, Wednesday mid 1-rldi ,VTcbell ?4
made at Antelope for I'rlnov Ie. J1"cdue,tltf
nol'.itH boyond. (ilot.0 criu.cct ious mi
balles with railways, trains ami boats.
Stages from Antelppo reach Tbe .'M"
iinvu 'i-hiiruiiiivu uiiil Katurdaysaii-''!'
Stages from Antelppo reach
duys, ThursdayH and Baturdaj s at 1. v
ItATKH Or lAlit,.
Dalles to Deschutes
do Moro,.. .
do Grass Valley
do Kent
do Crosb Hollows
Antelopo to Cross Hollows ...
do Kent
do Grass Valley
do Mori
do Doaflhuces
do Dalles
"' 2 25
... jj,
'" JOO
- ((
Attention llreo'
Z nakeotf
The lioraemon will ineo - . ,
May 1st, (or the purpose ?' " 0
Keneral round up. All honeo"
requesttju to 00 prcruu..