t 235 ft-?-. Mi 6v it ; The Dalles Daily Chronicle, Tlic only Republican lhuly Neiespape) n Wasco Countv. J! ASTERN OFFICE MO to 234 Temple Court, X. Y. Citv. F.. KATX, Agent. MONDAY, APRIL 215, 1S07 est of successive waves of invasicn 'and produce the hybrid race now battling under a Danish king the , name of Hellenic traditions. Schol ars think that probably this race is nine-tenths Slavic. If so. it might be well content as a member of a ' Halkan confederacy under lxiissinn 1 protection Orcgonir.n. "LIVING GREECE NO MORE." It is classic ground the modern Greeks are defending from the Turks, as the ancient Greeks might have de fended it against the Persians, had not llie Thessaiians played them false. The plain of Thessaly was the garden and battleground of historical Greece, like Belgium in Europe. Here alone was space enough to make wide farms and move great armies. It fed Rome with wheat and saw the greatest battles of his tory. Thessaly was the fairyland of mythical Greece. Peneus drains it. It is entered through the lovely va'e Tempo, cleft by Poisedon and cele brated by Grc'ilc poet from Anacreon to "Walter Savage Landor. Olym pus, Pelion and Pindus mount them in and overshadow the plain. The Salambria is the ancient Peneus, and the Gulf of Yolo is the ancient Pa gasae. From here Jason sailed with his Argonauts and Achilles led his Myrmidons to Troy. Thessaly was the home of the Eacidae. Silver footed Thetis had a temple there and Chiron nourished the goddess born in the caves of Pelion. This plain was the stage of many world-dramas of history. Xeixes crossed It, with connivance of the Thessaiians, on his way to Thermop ylae, and retreated across it after Salamis and Platea. On it Cynos cephalac, tivico famous in battle, saw Thebes victorious and Philip of Ma cedon crushed by the Roman powei. One and a half centuries later, and only a few miles away, the fate of the Roman world was decided at Pharsalia. Caesar's legions came through the Pindus passes, where Turks and Greeks are now struggling, to meet Pompey's eastern forces on the plain between present Larissa and the Gulf of Yolo. Two thous and years later Europe and Asia are j in combat on the same ground. Seventeen years after I'harsalia, the voung Oetavius. defeated Mark An thony and Cleopatra off The Democratic wing of the Cor bett push is again in evidence. This time Salem furnishes the material in the person of Ahasucl Rush, who goes back to "Washington to shed more light on the senatorial proposition. Rush has the proud distinction of having been sat upon by Cleveland and afterwards picked up by that gentleman, a brand from the burning, a scrap from the waste basket. lie and II. "W. Scott ought to 'Mix Cor bett plenty," and we think they will. -The push'' has yet the ubiquitous U'Ren, the versatile Ronnie, the pic turesque Barclay, the amusing Ril yen, besides the general job-lot of the Salem solons. There is still the Hon. P. N. .lones of Sherai's Bridge, really ''the; biggest man of the lot," who ought not to be overlooked, and who weighs sixteen ounces to the pound, avoirdupois. There is Mise ner of Crook, who will work as well as a measure of weight, as a weight itself. There is Joe Simon. In fact, when one considers the heavy reserve force, one is forced to won der why the small fry like Koltner, who couldn't possibly control his own vote; Scott, who couldn't con trol any one's else, and Bush, who wouldn't know how to vote any how, should be sent to the front to light Mr. Corbett's battle. ATARRH LOCAL DISEASE KMB anu is i lie rcsuu oi cuius uuu sudden climatic changes. For your Protection we positively fctate that thU remedy does not contain mercury or any other injur ious uru?. i HKh 'km Tobacco I iBBSS'W made. BlaekwelPs CSenuine f S BULL DURHAM I Yen r.-lll find or.o ccupon lnsldo each 2 ounce lug find two coupons lnsldo each -I ounce bog. S ? ISuy u baj. road the coupon and see how to get your sliaro of fiW.OOJ la presents. g Yen r.-lll find or.o ccupon lnsldo each 2 ounce lug nnd two coupons lnsldo each -I ounce bog. ISuy a baj. road the coupon and see how to get your sliaro of fiW.OOJ in presents. Wholesale. JVIflLtT MQUOftS, fjQines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER and In tfottlos. Anheuser-Bxisch. Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, unecjualed as a tonic. WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER! Just Received STUBLING & WILLIAML Ely's Cream Balm I is ncknowledced to be the most thortnph cure (or Xas.il Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay Fever of all remedies. It opens aim cleanses the nasal passages, allays pain anu iuilammation. heals the sores, pro tits the membrane from colds, restores tho sensei of taste and smell. Trice COc. at Drujrfrists or by mail. i:LY liKOTUEIiS, 50 Warren fctreet. New Vort SlOO lte.wnrd SIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and Aetitim, ' that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure z NEW SPRING GOODS NEW SPRING GOODS JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED C. F. STEPHENS. ctiru known to the which is the very noint from which i the only positive i n .- i j,..,i.n..,i: medical fraternitv. Catarrh being a the Greeks have been bombarding !i .nc .,.roti. old Ambracian "iilf : tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh . 1,.,, f , ,,!,,, Care is taken internally, acting directly sua oi Aouiini, ant (pon tllL, b!o0(1 ;U1( mucoug Hrjiu:ea 0I- of Arta. separatiii" ; the svsteni, thereby destrovini; the toun- 1 .J..-: " .1:. l ":..: .i..um .urn -i-.i atjnt strength bv bnildim: up ttio con- like the 1 stitution and assistins; nature in doing i its work. The proprietors have so much faitji in its curative powers, tiiat they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fa'ls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. Chknky & Co., Toledo, 0. T"Sold by Drus&iats, 75 cents. No. 2-8. Preves.n. The became Antony' is now the 15av Thessalv and Epirus. here reek of battle memoiies low countries. Glorious traditions cluster about Thessaly, but cold-blooded ethnolo gists iniist that the modern Greeks have small right tu claim their inher itance. Thoae Greeks can be Hel lenes only in name. Fifteen centu ries of political servitude and social i chaos separate them from the pure i race the Romans found, spared and j piecerved. Jiut after the Romans , came Goths, Serbs, ITiins, Dulgars , barbarians who ravaged Greece with, lire and sword and enslaved the sur- J vivors, mingling their blood with ; their own. After these came Nor-' man and Jtalian crusaders, Venetian j and Florentine merchants, and finally live centuries of slavery to the Turks. Not less than ten of these lifteen j centuries were times of such grinding j and mixture of human material as j destroys all continuity of race. L'n- j dor the Koman and ICastcrn empires 1 and the feudal monarchies of the j Crusades the Greeks lived and reared ' families, though in political slavery. 1 Hut Goths, llulgars and Turks re- garded life and domestic ties no' more than if dealing with beasts.' Greeks of purest strain were ravished i as slaves, and all of ambition and en-' ergy sought relief in exile. JProba-l bly the purest Uellenas now aro those whose ancestors never saw Hellas. Only the dregs of the native popula tion remained to mix with the low. u There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its jlooa leads on to fortune." The poet unauostionablv had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are sailing those goods out at greatly-reducod ratos MTCHK1.BACH BRICK. - - UNICIi FIT. New York Weekly Tribune Wanted. A German or Swede irl to do general housework. Applv at this office. al9-tf The Dalles Trading Co., corner of 3d andFederal streets, will pay the highest cash price for second-hand poods. m24-tf C. I). Fu:.Mi.(i, Agent. Tom JIcCov has opened his new barber shop opposite the Clarenden restaurant on .Second street. tn-i-lin -KOU Hop Gold Hock Jieer is the host ever produced on the coast. Try it. On draught at all Star brewery saloons. alo-lw line); ISuor! Itmil; Itixtr! Iluoli liccr.' If you want a good tronuiuo glass of Dock lieer, call for the Hop Gold liock, made only by the .Star brewery, and on sale in all Star browery saloons only. alo-lw Farmers and Villagers, von Fathers and Mothers, FOIt Sons and Daughters, All the Family. SURE CURE for PSLES llo!iiu u 1 liliiw. liln-dluj or I'ruiruliuitl'llr.ilel'Ut vutf.i DR. BO-SAN-KO'S PILE REMEDY. iuv iuU. :bk,UMru lu.ukf. .1 jiu.itlvu curt. L iruuijr. ut Itvc 1-rJctt g A. I. UVULKW ' Attorney and Conuscllor at Law, AIU.I.NUTO.N. OHEGON. 3'rnotk'cs in tlie Btiite und Rtieml Courts of Oregon uud Wunlilngtuii, juiil-Uino With the close of the Presidential Campaign THE TMIiUNE recognizes the fact that the American people aro now anxious to give their attention to homo and business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and oroininence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the light for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the present dav, and won its greatest victories. Every possible ofrort will bo put forth, and money freely spent, to mako THE WEEKLY TItlHUNE pro-oininoutly a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family. We furnish "The Chronicle" and 3ST. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Beat. Tribune Office. New York City, and a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib une will be mailed to von. Job Printing at This Office. 5000 Rolls of Wall Vapor. The best patterns. Tho most beautiful colors. New Invoice of Paints and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. Snipes-Kincpsls Drug FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ntANSACr A GliKKltA L HANKING UUSINKS Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Em'Ihuig" and Telegraphic Transfers soli! ou New York. Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. n u n s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car TO hT. TAUl. MINNKAl'OI.1 IMI.UTII FA JtfSO GUAM) I'OIt OKOOKSTON WINNIPEG iii;i.i;na an IUITTK Through Tiekefcs TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHlI.AHKr.PHIA MiW YOKK HUSTON ANI A 1. 1. POINTS EAST and SOUTH For Information, time cards, mnpsnnrt tickets, cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon on A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 253. Morrison Oor. Thint. t'ortlmul Oregon SOLK UKA1.KU IN THE DAi.I.KS Or I Q1 Marble Bur ial T ais A Perfect Protection from Water and Dampness. Preserves tho Body by Ex cluding tho Air. It possesses every merit claimed for the most expensive vaults, viz: ubsoluto security and durability, thus making a permanent and imperishable resting place for tho dead. This vault is made of six pieces of mar bio which can bo firmly fastened to gothor with cement, thus making them air and water tight. All Kinds Cemetery Work Mr. Coniini has on baud a largo sup ply oi (irst-class Marblo, to boused in Monuinente, etc. Prices lower than in Portland. 'I'lila Ih Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten conts, caHh or stamps, a gouoroiiH eainplo will bo mailed of tho most popular Catarrh and Hay Fover Cttro (Ely'B Cream Halm) Bafflcient to demon trato tho great morits of tho remedy. ELY UHOTHEItS, CG Wurren St., Now York City. Hov. JohnReid, Jr.. of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Elv'a Cream Balm to me. I can emphasizo hw statomont, "It is a posi tive euro for catarrh if used ns directed." Jtev. Franois W. Toolo, Pgstor Central Pre Ouurcu, Helena, Mout. Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercurj nor any injurious drug. Price, GO cento. You Get the Profe and Miaalemen by buying ! JLL'- -T" Vt YVJ No belfer wheel made than the Acme cycle Built in our own factory by skilled workmen, using the best material and the most improved machinery. We havo no aqenfs Sold direct from factory to tlr rider, fully warranted. Ship- anywhere for examination ' white For: Acmo Cyclo Co., Elkhart, InJ, Regulator Line The Dalles, Portlanfl anfl isii Navigation Co.'s sirs. Regulator (6 Dallesfit? FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE hktwekn The Dalles, Hooil Kivcr, Cnscitdc Locks anlPorV lima (lallj-, except fcunaay. --i-r ecDtnpc i nuuceT dath DOWN THE I OR TO Are you going If ho, i-nvc money unit enjoy n bcauttfal tnpa, the Coliimbiu. The wc-t-bound train ammil The Dulles ill ample time for passengers tofclt the steamer, arriving In l'ortlnnd in timeloiia outKohiB Southern ami Northern trMM.u bminil piissengers arriving In ThelJaleslnta to taKe the K(thMnumi iniin. For further information apply to J. N. HAHNKV, ARunt, (Jak Street Dock. Portland. Oregon, Or W. C. A I. LA WAY, Gen. XsU The Dalles, Orepi DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass an Picture Moulding- HI. C3r Xj DR. GU0S IMl'KOVKB A .Hilil l'livhlf. Ono rMi,-i-H; insUe it ni;uhr. 'i 'hay euro I e,S?M thin Tho nnlnmtiia WM I iiu uuiuiuuiu i k .fe. w w i wm r , AnutAv. Pine Lard and Sti t RRlNB hams baooj nflPC KTO.