The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 24, 1897, Image 3

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    We're After
In Our Shoe Department. . We have the latest
Styles and Shades.
Men's Lace, in Ox Blood, Chocolate and Tan, Coin Toe $3 00
Men's Lace Congress, Pointed, Medium and Wide Toe 2 00
Ladies' Lace Chocolate and Ox Blood 3 50
Ladies' Lace and Button Tans ; 3 00
Oxfords, Tan and Black 2 oO
Oxfords, Black, Pointed, Medium and Wide Toe 1 50
Grey Cloth, per pair $ 05
Jersey, Tan and Black, per pair 1 00
The Dalles Daily Ghronieie.
SATURDAY, - - APRIL 24, 1897
Iliiniloin Observation nncl Local Events
of LeBHer Alueuituile.
Forecast Tomorrow fair and warmer.
The electric power plant at Lyle is
very liable to materialize.
The salmon run is extremely light,
there not being sufficient caught to sup
ply the local market.
The piledriver is at work today put
ting in some additional piles along the
D. P. &, A. N. roadway.
Those who have business with the
postoflice tomorrow should remember
that the office -will be open from 10 to 11,
instead of from 12 to 1.
The Tabernacle of Israel at the Metho
dist Church Tuesday afternoon and even
ing. Admission 15 cents for all under
14, all others 23 cents.
Last evening Miss Rintoul lost a
bundle oi "Pacific, Echoes" between
Ninth and Second streets. Anyoue
finding thtiu leave with C. L. Phillips.
The weatiier, while cool, is not inter
fering with shearing in Morrow couuty,
which Is now in full blast. Wool is
coming in slowly, and is in much better
condition than last season
This is one of the dnysfbu read about,
warm, calm, fragrant with flowers and
skies as blue as thfeo which leflected
good old Grandmqtflier Eve's eyes in
Paradise, wheu sire was a one-dayold
Two Bix-horse teams loaded with mer
chandise for Prineville, left yesterday.
There is lots of freight to bo moved, but
it is held back to give it to the wool
teams for a return load. The merchants
get their freight cheaper, and the team
fteis also derive a benefit from this
The Bale of useful and fancy articles
l.v the ladies of the St. Paul's Guild,
which took place at the reeidence of
Mrs. J. S. Schenck yesterday afternoon,
was not only a success in every way, but
the social features of the affair made it
one of the most delightful of after
noons. The branch of the Wasco Warehouse
it Arlington has already received 100
sacks of wool of the '07 clip, and Mr.
Lord tellB us the Baldwin -Sheep &
Und Co. have two six-horse loads on
tho way in to tho warehouse here. It
will probably be the first of the 6eaEon
received here.
A hobo, who attempted to steal a ride
from Northporton the brakebeam of the
Spokane & Northwestern train Monday
night, had an unpleasant experience,
says the Spokane Chronicle. Near Addy
the track is covered with water for a
Jng distance, pnd the water was so deep
that the tramp could, with difficulty,
keep up his head out of it. At times he
was completely eubniorged, and he
would probably have drowned had not
Eome of the passengers beard his criea
for help. The train was stopped, and
the half-drowned hobo rescued from his
perilous position. He continued his
journey toward Spokaneon foot.
The long expectetLmail from the east
arrived last night end in consequence
the postofBce ofTioials have had a busy day
following a bus night. One of the de
layed trains passed down shortly before
midnight followed at 1 :20 this morning
by the regular train. The O. R. & N. did
some remarkably good work in getting
their track in order bo quickly, work
that is thoroughly appreciated both by
the traveling public and business men
anxious to get their mail.
The Aurora, of Enterprise, says:
"Should the proposed Seven Devils
railroad be built and extend down
Snake river to Lewiston, it will mean
a great deal to Wallowa county. A
good wagon road can be opened up to
tap the railroad on Snake river, near
the Seven Devils, a distance of less
than sixty miles from Enterprise and
twenty miles from the Imnaha, the
famous fruit and stockraising section,
thereby bringing us in touch with a
good market for our productB."
Judge Lowell has filed an opinion in
the expense case of the Umatilla sheriff.
He says : "I am of the opinion that
the county court has the power and
authority to consider and audit the f x
pense accounts of the sheriff of the
county, necessarily incurred in tho per
formance of his official duties, and that
in this case it erred in disallowing
charges which seemed to be reasonable
and necessarily incident to the proper
conduct of the office of such officer.
Said claim is remanded with direction
to allow the same."
Tho river has fallen about sixteen
inches since yesterday morning, but is
again almost at a standstill, with the
present warm weather indicating an
other rise. Reports from up the coun
try tuow that there is plenty of snow
to" make a very high water, should the
weather remain warm for a few weeks.
At Baker City, although the floods have
been unprecedented, there is a report
that another warm spell would cause
yet a greater flood. We do not antici
pate extra high water here, though it
may come up to the 50-foot mark.
Kelchner's celebrated model of the
Tabernacle of Israel, which is advertised
to be exhibited at the Methodist Church
Tuesday night, will also bo shown Tues
day afternoon at 4 o'clock. This has
been arranged for to accommdoate the
school children, and prices have been
fixed at 15 cents for those under 14
years of ago and 25 cents for all over that
age. The same prices will also be made
in the evening, instead of those adver
tised in the bills. In the afternoon a
special lecture suitable for childreu will
be given explaining the exhibit. Do not
forget the prices, both afternoon and
evening being the same 15 and 25 cents.
Judd Fish has a fine specimen of pur
ple eye-ris, it being his le't optic. Just
how he got it is a profound mybtery,
that will probably, like the fate of
Charley Ross, rtuaalu forever undeter
mined. One statement was to the effect
that he was rolling cocked hat in the
new bowling alley and the pins flew out
and struck him. Another is that he was
holding a candle while another man
caught somechickens (the chickens were
Judd's) and that the candle going out,
in moving around a chicken blew in his
his eye. Still another is to the effect
that the other fellow was carried home
in a coal oil can, which will also serve
liim for a coffin, and still there are
others. Judd doesn't say anything
about it, only remarking in reply to our
sympathetic inquiries that he had "fully
expressed his opinion on the subject
when he got it,"
The Iowa legislature has tho blue-law
craze. A few days ago a bill was passed
making it a criminal ofl'ese to exhibit
kinetoscope or other representations of
prizefights, bullfights, -tc, and to estab
tablish penalties for giving the exhibi
tions, renting halls for them, or even
attending them, for the latter offenee the
penalty to be a fine of $5 to $25; also,
providing severe penalties for playing
baseball or football on Sunday. Two
sections of the bill were dropped, one
providing fines nnd jail sentences for
cursing and swearing at another person
in public; the other, fixing a penalty
for marriage of cousins. Cursing and
swearing can therefore be indulged in,
and cousins can marry, if they choose.
Motions for reconsideration of the base
ball and kinetoecope sections were filed,
and a lively contest is expected when
there is a full attendance of the senate.
They l'rlut the Nfiws.
"Citizen" in the Dufur Dispatch says
there is a rumor atloat tiiat the county
court has allowed $3 per day for a spe
cial deputy to collect the tuxes, and that
said deputy is to be allowed his ex
penses, amounting to $4 or 5 per day
besides. He also intimates that The
Dalles papers omitted to print this bit
of news at the request of parties in
terested. Citizen is mistaken in all his
propositions. The county court has not
appointed any deputy sheriff's, therefore,
has not allowed them $3 and expenses,
or any other sum per day. It also fol
lows that the bit of news could not have
been omitted by The Dalles papers at
anyone's request. Nothing was printed
becmse there was nothing to print.
In conclusion we might add that The
Dalles papers print all the news, and some
tilings in these dull days that simply
have to do duty as such.
Sermon uud Lecture.
The Rev. Wilbur Harwood, D. D.,
presiding elder of tho Puget Sound con
ference, colored M. E, church, arrived in
the city this morning, and will occupy
the pulpit of the Christian church to
morrow morning at 11 o'clock, In the
evening he will deliver a lecture entitled,
"A Missionary Voyage Around the
Globe, or America the CynoBure of the
Christian World." This lecture prom
ises to be a treat, as the reverend gen
tleman has traveled extensively in
Europe, Asia, Africa and the Oceanic
island. He is a native of Ceylon India,
Garden Hose
We are agents for the
celebrated MALTESE
CROSS. Every body
knows that it is the
best Hose on the mar
ket today.
We also earn tho Kklue-
wood brand oi' Hose, which
wo recommend as a superior
article second only to our Mal
tese Cros brand in quality. It
is made on extra strong thick,
and of the best rubber. Then
we carry the Wallabout brand
which is a good quality and
medium price, equal or better
than the average so-called
"best Hose on the market."
We sell it for what it really is
a good, serviceable Hose.
See our stock before buying
We have secured the
services of Mr. Joseph
Kirchon0, who has been
doing Bicycle Repair
ing and Gun Work for
the last five years in
The Dalles. All work
entrusted to him will
receive prompt attention.
and was educated at King's college,
London. He is now on his way to
Transvaal republic, Africa. The lecture
begins at 7:30. and everybody is in
vited. Illgli Water at Sumpter.
A number of Sumpter Valley residents
say that Sumpter valley is covered with
water and all the bridges on Powder
river are in a dangerous condition. In
their opinion Powder river has not
reached the highest mark and when
warm weather again comes there will bo
more water than ever. At the old Jirit
ten station tho snow is a foot deep on tho
level and from tiiat point to the high
mountains the snow has not commenced
to melt. Through the Democrat they
warn the people oi Baker City of im
pending danger. 1
Wasco Tribe No. HI, I. O. K. M.
The chiefs, braves and warriors of
Wasco Tribe, No. 10, I. O. It. M are
requested to trail toward their wigwam
(K. of P. hall; on tomorrow Sunday
at the 2d run of that sun, for tho pur
poses connected with tho adoption of
pale faces into tho tribe. I5y order of
A. An. Kkm.ku,
Capt. I). T.
Mrs. J. A. Henderson came up from
White Salmon lust night, returning this
Attorney W. H. Holmes of Salem, is
in tho city looking after eomo legal
Joe Howard arrived
night from Prineville.
150 head of beef cattle,
muht at iMght-.Mile.
slowly, as the grass a
in tfcH city last
fie drove down
Fnch were lust
e came in very
ug tne road was
good, and the cattle arrived in flue shape,
riiotott,, lliu I'lnett.
All kinds und sizes at just half price.
Paris panels, $3,60; olive plutinn cabi
nets, extra large cards, cabinets,
enameled, $1.00; mantellos, $1.00;
carrcs, 75 cents; minettes arid petitee,
50 cents per dozen. Columbia river
views, Yl cents each. At tho Herrin
gallery. II. K.,
u'ilKJt Photographer.
llicjflit )(ulrllii;.
Wo have secured tho eetvices of Mr.
Joseph Kirchoff, who lias been doing
bicycle repairing and gun work for tho
lust five years in Tho Dalles, All work
entrusted to him will receive prompt at
tention. aSO-lw MajkhA IJk.ston,
Just Received.
A stock of Pure Aluminum Ware Cook
ing Utensils.
No enamel to flake off. Solid metal. No
plating to wear on.
Absolutely pure. No verdigris, or salts
of tin.
Wonderfully light and beautiful, and
very durable.
Foods cooked in it do not scorch.
Drop in and seo it. Wo will bo pleased to show it to you, even if
you don't buv.
We have strictly First-class
FIR, OAK and
Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO
Successor to Cliiisnmn it Corson.
Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to
see all my formei patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
Opp. A. M. Williams it Co.,
Down Go Prices.
Call and see us, for now is the time to get
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
A complete Line to Select from.
New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
Vnrtlmrii flrmi'n pfflH.
Fresh Garden and Grass Seeds in Hulk,
Seed Wheat, Seed Hye, Heed Oats.
Seed liurley, Seed Corn, Flax Seed.
I A (fulfil Kuu.l 'I'll, ,nt lilt Kixul
(l. .I.ll ,lwt. .V....
ited Clover Seed, Millet Seed.
Crimson Clover Seed, ltluu Grass Seed.
Whlto Clover Seed, Orchard Grass Seed.
Heo Supplies, Fertilizers, Oil Meal Cako,
Iluy. Grain, Feed and Groceries,
Karly Itoso Potatoes.
Poultry and Eggs bought and sold at
How long will it take
you to find out whether
Schilling's Best
tod a
bakitie powder
flavoring extracts
wid bjilccs
are good enough for you ?
Tor sale by
W. E. Kahler
J. H. CROSS' Feed and Grocery Store.
Goods Sold ut Hedrock Prices for Cash.
CJfri rittfiM fi-Ain 7 fi til if O tt tn
4VWU WjfUlt WM tttt W ' I'
Lumber, Building Material and Boxes
TradediorHay, Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c.
rowe & CO.,
The Dalles, Or