The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 23, 1897, Image 4

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
Tlip New Tlint' Curd.
Under the new time card, winch goes
into ell'ect tomorrnv, trains will move as
follows :
No. 4, to Spokane and Great Northern
arrives at 6 p. tn., leaves at 6:05 p. in.
No. 2, to Pendleton, Haker City anil
Union Pacific, arrives 1:15 a. in., de
parts 1 :20 a. ni.
No. 15, from Spokane and Great North
ern, arrives S:H0, departs S:35 a. m.
No. 1, from Baker City and Union Pa
cific, arrives 1 :20, departs 1 :L'5 a. m.
Nos. '23 and 24, moving east of The
Dalles, will carry passengers. No. 23
arrives at 0:80 p. m., departs 12:45
p. in.
Passengers for Ileppner will take train
leaving here 0:05 p. in.
Alvortllii(i i::Ues.
Per itieh
One inch or les in Daily $1 SO
Over two Inches ami under tour inches 1 CO
Over four lnehe- and under twelve tnclie. . To
Over tuelve incite 0
One inch or le.-s, per Inch 2 o0
Over one inch and under four inches - 00
Over four inche. and under twelve inches. . 1 60
Over twelve inches 1 CO
Miss Carrie Ketcluini has returned
from Portland, where she has spent the
Mr. C. J. Van Duvn is in from Tvgh
Attorney YV. U. Presby is over from
Col. Pike arrived from Goldendale at
noon today.
Mr?T. Dalfour of Lyle is registered at
the Umatilla.
I. N. Tit fie is down from the Grand
Duchy of Celilo.
Mr. B. S. Huntington is at Baker City
on a business trip.
Mr. John S. Hollintrshead of Antelope
is registered at the Umatilla.
Mr. Ed M. Williams returned from a
business trip to Kingsley tins morning.
Mesrs. V. H. Moody and II. II. Lons
dale were passengers for Portland this
Miss Minnie Michell went to Portland
this morning to see Fanny Davenport in
Mr. Victor Marden returned yester
dav from the metropolis, where he took
in the theater.
Mr. J. P. Jones, traveling passenger
agent of the Southern Pacific railroad,
was in the city last night.
Miss Georgia Sampson accompanied
.Miss Eliot to Portland today, and will
visit with her for a few davs.
.Ne-I'roce liucon.
The Melbourne Leader describes a new
process of curing bacon, called the mico
process, introduced by a Mr. Vecht at
Sidney. The pig is scalded in the ordi
nary way, and then tne unopened car
cass is hung on a trolley and rushed
into the fierce flames of a furnace,
whence it comes out in a black and blis
tered mass, it then goe3 through a cold
water dip, and the two outer skins are
removed. This removes the sweat
glands of the nig, than which nothing
can be more filthy, containing matter
akin to uric acid, and 75 per cent, of
the-o glands contains living organisms.
This process removes with them all
foulness, and the layer of fat next the
fckin having been melted in the furnace,
saturates the thin, paper-like inner skin,
and when suddenly cooled hermetically
t-eals the pig. Such bacon can never be
come rancid.
Tiie pig is now cut in two and the
spine entirely removed, allowing the
Keruin to escape and the cool air to play
around the flesh. Then salt is applied
at a temperature which makes the active
part of chloride of sodium inoperative.
Otherwise, the chloride would dissolve,
mix with the albumen and run away,
taking with it the most valuable con
stituent of the meat. Ordinary bacon
ehows only ,5 per per cent, of albumen,
while the new process shows .19. Tho
new system also makes the bacon im
pervious to the jumper fly, which, ow
ing to the albumen, cannot get in to lay
Its eggs.
Mrs. A. Inveen, residing at 720 Henry
St., A, ton, 111., suffered with sciatic
rheumatism for over eight months. She
doctored fur it nearly the whole of this
time, u.-ing various remedies recom
mended by friends, and was treated by
the physicians, but received no relief.
Hhe then n-ed one and a half bottles of
Chamberlain's Pain ISalni, which affect
ed a complete cure. This is published
at linr n-quest, as she wants others simi
larly afflicted to know what cured her,
Tin 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by
Illakeley A Houghton,
On yun want your windows cleaned,
carpets taken up, beaten and re laid, or
jKiitdir wnrk oi any kind none iy a
lir-t-chirif man? If so, telephone Ilonry
.liiluiMin at Parkins' barber shop.
M'liuwllU. al0-tf
the isle of ckete.
Now tho Bouo of Contoution Bo
twooa Greoco and Turkey.
Hoim'tliltiur About (In- Criulli- if CIiimx
le Clvlliztitiiiu Its Punt IliN-Ur-
find Its I'reHOUt
Slit mlliiK.
In a political view the addition of
Crete to the small kingdom of fireece
would not be ery considerable, though
that island is three-fourths as large as
C onnect ieut and is capable of support
ing 1,500.000 people, as it may once have
done. It now has perhaps 300.000. or
about one-tenth of the prosert popula
tion of King George's domain which,
by the late census, reached nearly 3.000,
,t)i)0. It is a mountainous land, and its
higher peak, Ida. is nearly 7,700 feet
high but U'0 feet lower than. Par
nassus. In the later period of ancient Greece,
r..ul when first controlled by the Hu
mans, Crete 'V.-as a species of maritime
Switzerland, furnishing archers and
sailors mid other mercenaries to the
powerful sovereigns around it. The
right of insurrection was recognized
there by law, if the rulers were unjust
and usually they were. From mercenary
soldiery to piracy was but one step, and
the Cretans took it. They were the
worst pirates in PompoyV day with
whom the llomans had to deal. Even
earlier, in the time of Polybius. they
had a bad name, for lie says: "Crete is
the only country in the world where
moncy-mr.king. no matter how, passe.-,
for honest and legitimate. If you look
.-it t'.ie individual Cretans, few men are
more knavish. If you examine the gov
ernment, there is none which cherishes
more unjust designs." This i what
most nations to hear about them
selves from their enemies; but there
is a singular agreement of opinion con
cerning the Cretans. To lie was to "play
tiie Cretan."
And yet the cradle of classic civiliza
tion was in that mountain land; and its
fertility lias always been famous.
Aristotle said that no position tin the
narrow Mediterranean worh1 1 was eve
more favorable for the establ'-hmen.t
of a great empire: and Pinto r"rew from
Cretan sources his ideal laws, as Lyetir
trr.'s was sa'.il to have done when he re
formed Sparta. Minos, the mythical
lawgiver, and Daedalus, the mythical
artist, were both Cietnns, and Zeus
himself is fabled to have been born upon
.Mount Ida, named for the Phrygian
mountain that overlooks Troy. Tin
worship of several of the Grecian dei
ties came from Crete the Eleusinian
Ceres, for instance; Epimenides was a
Cretan, nnd the Delphic Apollo got his
Fythian priests from the same holy isle.
Paul established a church in Crete,
and it was for centuries an orthodox
island. Venice did what she could to
make it Uoninn Catholic, and when the
Turks finally held it, but little over two
centuries ago, they did their best to
make it Mohammedan. The fierce
orthodoxy of the islanders resisted it;
and now' bin a fifth part of the resi
dents follow the crescent, nnd most of
thofee are of Greek descent renegtules
for the sake of gain and power.
For the interests of learning nnd
archaeological research, the control
oi urete ny ine wreeit frovurmiiuni
would be all-important. The Turks have
latterly allowed excavations there, and
many discoveries have been made; but
the difficulties of such work in a Turk
ish dependency are always great.
Twelve years ago Ilalbherr and Fab
richis discovered the antique laws of
Gortyna, carved in marble, and lying
in the bed of a mill stream: and for the
past four years Arthur Evans, the Eng
;rlish archaeologist, has been finding1
vondrnus Myeenean roma'ns, which
..fid much to our theoretical knowledge
of that prch'atorin period which Prof.
Manatt, of Brown, has described so
c learly in his new work. But nil this
e.earch would go forward faster if
Kavndia. r.nd TKOtintns, and the other
learned Greeks who have done fo much
on the mainland, would extend their
inquiries over Crete, and open it.'-, treas
ures to the American, the Briti.-h, the
German, nr.'d the French school., new
so busy digging in Greece. Springfield
(Mass.) llenublicnn.
SomolhiUK to Know.
It may be worth something to know
that the very best medicine for restoring
the tired out nervous system to a healthy
vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine
is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone
to the nerve centres in the stomach,
gently stimulates the Liver and Kidneys,
and aids these organs in throwing off
impurities in the blood. Electric Bit
ters improves the appetite, aids diges
tion and is pronounced by those who
have tried it ae the very best blood purl
fiei and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for
50c or $1.00 per bottle at Blakeloy &
Houghton's Drug Store. (2)
have Your Grain.
Few realize that each squirrel de
stroys $1.50 worth of urnui unniially.
Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterm
inator is the most efl'ective und econom
ical poison known. Price reduced to 80
cente. For sale by M. Z. Donnull,
Quaker und crusty bread pans at
Maier & llenton'e. aL'0 -lt
Advertise in The Ciikonici.k.
Subscribe for Tnu Chho.vicli:.
flow fibout Your
AVe have the facilities for doing all kinds
of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a
catalogue, and we are after all the work we
can do. Ye not only desiie to keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Gome in
and compare our prices with that of any
one, and compare quality of vork. Let us
have your next order.
Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has
no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE &
MAYS, The Dalles, Oregon.
A Murkoil IC.-wlilLl t ion oi' It "VTiuienMMl
by n .Naturalist. j
Even the eold-bloode.i! clammy
8iiake evinces ir.ateni..l ,aT :ticn, and I
nm fortunately able to j'-odme evi
dence corroborative of this staitment
tnat is fresh in my memory . Or. ?!ureh o'clock p. m., for tiie purpose of ndopt-
UJ, while .seated on my front perch, lnK suplimentary articles of incorpora-
notieed one of my do-s, a ; .arlinj,' ; ti(JI1) iIu.rL.a!iiI1(, t,e capital stock of said
puppy, acting in n yecuLor way in my CQm an(1 u.ansai.till,f aneh other
lawn. lie was circling a: cund a small : . .' , , . ,
., , . " , , business as mav come before said meet-
eireiiniscnbed spot, every now and . 1 , .
,1,,.,. n,.inw l,!, nnv.c mv.-r.l th. By order of the Board of Directors.
(rround and
then quickly jumping
On approac'iiins,' the anir.;al 1 discov
ered that the object of his pluyful r.s
htiults was a bunch or ball of snakes, a
three or four-year-old mother and her
last venr'si brood of youKir. Tv day
v.-as erv v.urm, the sun shinit.r clear
nnd bright and these crcatun.:; had
n,.,nmn.l t'rn,,, l,i. rl.,n nf ni-d in tl...
ground, a foot or so away from thecnot
where they vverc lvinf. and were aur.- , , pjtUl'on the roll will be declared
nintr themselves. hen they obaencu j lelinf)U(.Mti untl ti,er0llf,(!r the sherifl'
me they made an attempt to regain i w-,n not receive taxes until tiie delin
their nest. 1 killed two of them, hew-. queiit roll is given him. IU- order of
ever, before they could enter. 1 had ;
rend somewhere tiiat if n snake's ynunfy '
were taken and their bodies draped
along- the (rround the mother snake
v.inild follow the trail and. if sh" fouud
thern alive, would conduet th-.-in back to
the nest. I took the two which I had
lulled, and after draf.'Rin,r them aloiifj
the turf, deposited them on the pave
ment some 50 feet from the den. 1 then
re.'iuined my seat on the porch nnd
awaited developments. In a short while
the mother snake emerged from the
nest, and, after craw-ling- about for a
second or two, struck the trail and at
once followed it to the pavement nnd
her dead yniuiK. Fortunately I had u
witness In the person of my iceman,
who was delivorinp; the ice at the time,
nnd who was dunifounded at beholding
such high intelligence in a creature ho
low in the scale of animal life. I killed
the old snake ( for these snakes garden
moccasins become harmful after the
third year, eating young birds, etc.),
nnd ten of her progeny, leaving two
pairs to carry on nnd perpetuate the
race. Home Magazine.
(Mip Vonrly I-'lre I.oshcs.
This average yearly Ios from fires In
the United .States during the prist 20
years has been about $100,000,000. Dur
ing the past year, according to the
chronicled fire tables, th.'re have been
3S.003 fires, destroying S.'J.Ofll pieces of
property. The total loss entailed has
been $142,110,9.13, with tin insurance loss
of S3 1.0S0.0.10. In this tall column
of disasters there were 22,711 dwelling
houses, 310 churches, 302 colleges nnd
Kchoolhotiheis, SOS theaters and public
halls and 5,281 luninifnuturing estab
lishments. X. V. Journal.
StocKlioliltirri' Meeting.
xotice is hereby given that a nitctine;
of the stockholders of The Dalles Chron
icle Publishing Company will lie held at
the county court rooms on Tuesday, the
25th day' of May, A. D., 1S97, at 2
The Dalles, Oreuon, April 9. 1S97.
A. S. Mac Am.iti:k,
R. G. Davlwi'out,
J"utlee to Tiixiui irn.
Notice is hereby uiven that by order
! of the county court, the sheriil' will ro-
1 tUfll tllO taX Hill fOf 1S90 tO till!
! county clerk on the first .Monday in
I A, 1,-11 1 Ml? ,W,1 nil lovuQ tin. ii,-
A. M. Kki.say,
(,'u-ili Iii Your uliocks.
All county warrants registered prior
to Nov. lo, 1S92, will be paid at my
oflice. Interest ceases after April 7,
1897. C. L. Phillips,
County Treasurer.
CIiiiiiko of Time.
Commencing April 8th, the steamers
of the Regulator line will leave The
Dalles at 7 a. in. instead of 7:30.
W. C. Ali.away, Agent.
Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg,
the eye specialist, and have your eyes
examined free of chunte. If you sufler
with headache or nervousness you un
doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if
corrected, will benefit you for life.
Oflice in the Vogt block.
As usual uhvays in the lead. Hop
Gold Bock Heer on sale today, Seo that
you get it on draught nt all Star brewery
saloons. al5-lw
Stubling & Williams now have tho
celebrated Hop Gold Rock beer on
draught. It is all right.
Fresh asparagus, onions, lettuce, etc.,
and Chinook salmon every morning at
Dalles Commission Co.'s. 14-lw
A b:g drive in matches. Five papers
for 5 cents t Mnier & Renton'e.
Soap Foam excels all other washing
'.'oinpoutidsj h23iii
No braska corn for sale at tho Wasco
warehouse Beat feed on earth, mO-t
Notice is hereby given that by an
itirity of ordinance No. -J-,
'passed tho Con,., ion urn.
: ritv Anril 10th, ISO , entitled, An or
dtnffl! Provide lor
, .... i...t....,.i,,n in Billies CjltV. 1 VMM, "11
"t 11 "Vit.... 1C07
Saturday, the loth iiiw j
f . nl.lir. unction, to tne niiini
! orKin'Ultes'Suon 'if Dalies Sit
Mil IUi fi.tlMt
Wasco county, Oregon, to-wit :
Lotsl) ami 10 jointly, ni Mock",
7, 8, 0 and 1U, jointly m "
n i ni in ntlv in block Jii
known as b tteo.s 10. 11 nndJIJ. it,
B 27; lot J) in block 34; lots 2, . 4,
5 0, 7. S, 0, 10 ami H, n l,loi!' ,,o1:
lol9 2, !, 4. 8, 0. 10, 11U.K112, iii i block
una-, , i i ' ,, 11 ,.,..1
lot-, s, .:.!..' B.i w.; 1 V . '
!0, 10, 11 and 12. in block 42 lots 1,., . ,
U 5 0, 10 and 11, in block -ill: ; lots 1.-,
-; 10, 11 and 12, in block 41, and lots
1 1 " 3 4, 5, 0, in biock 40.
i 'The reasonable value of said lots, or
less than which they will not be sold,
ban been fixed determined by ho
! r . Pnn, nf l)a lea City as fob
10 ,., 1 ni't w : mis 1 , i ii
'ntln'Mml'm. in block 14. ifloO; lots
7, S. 0 and 10, jointly in block 15, .$200 ;
lots 7, S, 0 and 10, jointly m block 21, 1
f2U0; lot 10, in ihock zi, i t i j.
block 27, $225; lot 12, in block 2. ?.100;
lot 0, in block 34, if 100; lots 2, 3, 4, f, S,
9, 10 and 11, in block 35, each respect
ivelv $100; lots 0 and 7, in block -in,
3, 4, S, SI,
nnn I rna nilf. ei V 2 KILE! T , 1 '
10 and 11, in block .o, eacn respeui.nui
$100; lot 12, in block 30, $125; lots 3 4,
block 37, each respectively jfl-'o;
lots 2, 3, 10 and 1 1. in , oo
41, epch respectively lliu; mis
? 10 ; Lin,. I .11. irndi reflnectivelv
iior. . r,',c -i J S 0 10 and 11. in
ifl2o; lots ,i, 4, o, b, J, iu mi i i , .11
hind.- 4''. eaeli resiiectivel V $100; lots
lit! 1,1
0 and 12, in block 42, each respectively
$125; lots 2, 3,4, 5,9, 10 and 11, in
block 43, each respectively !00; lot 1,
in block 43, $125; lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, in
, block 4(5, each respectively :fiuu; 101s 1
lull 1 U, 111 IJIUUK. iu, uiiuii
Kaeb of these lots will be Fold upon
th lot resnectivelv. and none of them
l will he sold for a less sum than the value
thereof, as above stated.
! One-fourth of the price bid on any of
1 snirl lnts slinll lie u.'iid in cash at the
I :... ..r l tl... romiiiwler iii t Ii rei
iiinc u. u.v.v,. ......
equal pavments on or before, one, two
t and three years from the date of said
' sale, with interest on such deferred pay-
ments at the rate nt iu per cent per
annum, payable annually; provided
' that the payment may be made in full
at any time at the option of the pur
chaser. The said sale will beein on tho loth
day of May, 1S!)7, at the hour of 2
o'clock p. 111. of said day, and will con
tinue from time to time until all of said
lote snail be sold.
Dated this 13th day of April, 1897.
Gii.inntr V. PiiuLPS,
Kecorder of Dalles Citv.
For halt) ur Truilo,
A desirable ranch of 100 acres, within
tour miles of Dalles City, with one span
mares, harness, wagons, plows and other
property. Fine fruit land and abun
dance of water. Will trade for Dalles
City property. Inquire of
A. S. Mac Almstkk,
Real Estate and Insurance Audit.
Ciikonici.i: oflice, The Dalles, Or.
The partnership heretofore existing in
Ty'h Valley Flouring Mill, under the
name of V. M. McCorkle & Sou, is this
day dissolved by limitation, J. M. Mc
Corkle rotirinjr. W. M. McCorkle will
continue, and will pay all legal claims
and collect all debts of' the late firm.
Tygli, Or.. April 2, 1S97.
W. M. McCoitici.i:,
a7-lm J. K. McCokkli:.
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
St. Paul
Kansas City
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities
OUKAN HTKAMKItH l,euve J'ortlaiul
Kverv Five 1)uh for
W, H. HUHUlUItT, fion. Pass. Apt
Portland. Orcuon
t. M NKII.L President nnd Maim er
Nw Schedule.
Train No. 1 arrives ut The Dalles 4 :-15
a. in., and leaves 4 :0 u. m.
Train No. 2 arrives ut Tho Dalles 10 :15
p. in., and leaves 10:20 p. ni.
Train No. 8 arrives ut Tho Dalles 11 :r5
p. m., and west-bound train No. 7 leaves
at 1 p. m.
i fruin 2,n,nml 24 wI11 C""V passengers
between Tho Dalles and Umatilla, leav
ing Ihe Dalles at 1 p. m. daily and ar
riving at The Dalles 1 p. m. dally, con
necting wjth train Nos. 8 and 7 froir
Portlund. E. K. Lytle,
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
! n, leave iino to ntflVe
i I
jircss, Snlcin, ltnse-1
biUR. AhIiIiuhI, Sue-1
ritmittitn. fltvilm. u.. I
.8:60 v. M.
I' rune I joo, Mnjnve, f !
urk'iuts nnd
I KllMt.
'S:so A. M.
UtuliurB nml wuv
hi" Wonil'lmrn 'fori M:W P,M
t.Ancel. SilVLTtnn.
j j 1
West Scln, llrowas-l
ylllcdi.rliigiiuiaaud ' 8"lJ?'
I J-..V. . i ....
TisS A: m.i jai8 nml WMy "
'Dally. tlJaiiy, cxcojit Sunuay.
Attached to nil Through Trdiis.
Direct connection ntSnn Francisco with Otri
ili'iital nml Orluntiil and I'acltic mall slwimsM'
, U'" fr -iai'aa ana uiuna. Sailing datei oa
. . i.
, nt(;!) ,i tickets to Kastcrn pi)im and En
, Jmww ai
Ti, rmiph Ticket Olltcc, 1.11 Third street, whet.
0,' and M
lowest rates from
: J. 11. ICIUKLANI). Ticiet ln
All ahove trains arrive at and depart Irou
GriUld (;L,utri station, fifth nnd Imne stS
I'atscnpcr Depot, foot of Jetlerson'streit.
Leave for OSWEOC), dully,
11. 111.; 12:15, 1:1), 5:2. 6. 15, 8:05 p. n
(and ll::si p. in. mi Saturday only). Arrive it
I'ortlaiid at T:I0imd S;20 a. ni.; and 1:3), 1:1.
and 7:55 . ill.
1-eave for Slieridan, week days, t 4:00 p. n.
Arrive at I'ortliiiul, u:a0 a. m.
Leave for A1HLIK on Mnnday, WedncsAiTarii
frl'iay at 0:10 a. in. Artivu at Portland, Tun
dav, TliurMlny and Satuiday at 3:0o i. ni.
Sunday trains for OaWKOO leave at 8:Wa.n,
nnd l'J! 15, 1 : 15, :i:S0, tf.'Xi ii: 15 and h 05 p. tn. At
rive at Portland at 8::w, lU:ai a. m.j 1:3X1:15
5:10 a-tf, ,,. ,. '
K koehlli:, L. P. POGER3,
Manager. Asst. G. I'. &l'
Tlirousli liy ilayllKtit via Grass Valley, Kcat
mid Crojs Hollows.
Tlio IlallM.
Stapes leave The Dalles Irom rmntilla House
at 7 a. in., iili-o from Antelope at ".-SO u.m. evert
Mondav, Wednesday mid Friday. Connection!
made at Antelope for Pritiuvillo, Mitchell uw
points bevond. Close e; liiieetions madeatTM
balles with railways, trains and bouts.
Singes from Anlelope rea-di The Dalle Tus
days, Thiiiidaysaiul Kattitdays at 1:3) p. m.
Dalles to Deschutes .
do .Moro,
do Ora'-s Valley. .
do Kent
do Cross Ilolioivs.
Antelope to Cross Hollows
do Kent
do (irass Valley. .
do Moro
do De.irhuees
do Dalles
o 25
3 a
A SPECiALTYontorotTw
tlary iil.OUU 1'OISON pcnnueSB
cured In 16to35 days. Youcanbatreitela
hoaiolorsame price tinUqrsamOBOiraa'
ty. It you prof or tocomo hero wj wo fall titcuro. If yonhavounenrnti'
enry, iuillilo imtiiHli, and still havoacMJMa
i luiplcH, C'ojipt r Colored Spots, UIcert M
any pnrtof tho body, llalrori:yobroW8fali
out, It lo this Secondary ULOOU PO0
wo Kuaranteo to euro. Wo golicittuomostooiu
nuto cases nnd cliullencro the worw ior
caso wo cannot euro. Tula disease dm f in
balllcd tho slt 11 of tlio must eminent phW
claiu. S6OU.O0U capital boliind our mcojw
licnal guaranty. Absoluto vr''fE!'lke1S
oppUcutlon. Addrosa OOK ItKMfcD.Vf'
gO? JOMOOio Temple, CLUOAUO, Ub
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly nttcadcil to,
and warranted.
Notice is hereby given that we i will."'
Friday, April 30, 1897, at tli bg o
o'clock p. in. of said (lav, t ie"Vl
stable ol'ward, Kerns & Kotor eon
at public auction, to the I g
for cash, the following dccribea r
Bonal property, to-wt: g-n
One bay saddle horse, abmi t
old, branded like this: 0l' r f b
tier F, and with letter It onWM' To.
four whito feet, and star in ',,0p.
gether with bridle and 8iulfdie,pflttern.
posed to be the property of . be
This sale U uiidor oil aB or oI
keeper's lien, to satisfy t Jwd
the undersigned for 'olrJl ni
hi,. ,,i,nr,H for the labor, cw" uia
ttttontlqn and the food f r Kft
animal, itniounting at t his " gnd
and for accruintc costs and expend .
tho expenses of this sale. nTgos.
Moro and Antelope