The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THE l)AU.Ki, OKKOllX The N-w Time Ciiril. Under the new time card, which goes into effect tomorrw, trains will move sis follows : No. 4, to Spokane and Great Northern arrives at 6 p. m., leave? at 6:05 n. in. No. 2, to Pendleton, Baker City and Tuiion Pacific, nrrives 1 :lo a. m., de parts 1 :20 a. m. No. 3. from Spokane and Great North ern, arrives SiUO, departs S:35 a. m. No. 1, from Baker City and I'liion Pa cific, arrives 1 :'20, departs 1 :25 a. m. Nos. 23 and 24, moving east of The Dalles, will carry passengers. No. Jo nrrives at 0:30 p m., departs 12:45 p. m. Passenger for Heppner will take train leavinc here (i:05 p. m. Adt ertUinc Itute. ' Per frA One inch or Ies in Daily .f 1 W Over two inches mid under four inche 1 CO Over four hiche nnd under twelvs inches . 75 Over twelve iuclu 50 DAILY AND WEEKLY. One inch or leM. jwr inch Over one inch mid under four inches Over four ineho nud uuder twelve luctie Over twelve Inches ?2 50 2 00 . 1 50 . 1 00 NO HELP FOR THE CHILD. A Gyiy fortune Teller Cllves Snd Netr. to a .Mother. "Teil me what my baby's lot in life will be!"' pleaded the fond young mother, crossing the gypsy's hand with silver! "He is so different from other babies, don't you know, that I" "All babies are different from other babies, my dear." replied the soothsaver, Vi'ho was as befitted one who could read the secrets of the stars with the facilitv with which the average man discerns his own litne:s for holding office-dead onto .... , , the frailties and toibles of human na- ture in general, and of doting mammas , in particular. "But he will outcrow that in time." "But he really is different," persisted the youii!; mother earnestly. "Although he talks aitnost incessantly, and bis lausrua'.'t! sounds exactly as if it ought to be intelligible. I am utterly unable to understand a word lie savs. Then his head is extraordinarily large for a child of his age, and he often suffers from Ee- 'domain. Some months ago his former -vere pains in it. He is bold and self- --elf revived for a moment. He bought possessed in the extreme, and is abashed ' n quantity of yountr trees for plant at nothing that frequently affects chil- and, as 1? talked up and down the , , : , , . 1 rows of saphmrs he broke silence for lren. but, on the other often e tfJ hloli:avY attendant, exclaim wakes in the dead of night shrieking in?. -God be with you!" He then re with the fear of terror of his own dream- f turned to the house-where he was found tng. And during his waking hours he l a few hours later dead from heart dis i? never satisfied with what is given him, ease. but cries lor the sun or the moon and ) other impossible things." ' "My poor dear !" returned the gypsy, handing back the silver, while the tears rnn down her withered cheeks like rain. "It is entirely unprecedented, but I ca: not kep your money while I procnosti-' outt ill fortune for vou. Trv to bear the 1 1 lilow braveiv. lourhaov will crow up ! tH-n Populist! There is no help for i it!"-Portland Welcome. IV ill Ticlit for Grocer. Home, Anril 21. Hicotti Garibaldi, sun -ii the lamous General Garibaldi, acL-miipanied by the Guribaldian veter- ai , tAiionei i.7attarno. tia saueu ior 1 Gieece, where he will take part in the ' r a;ainst Turkey. Sfverul f-leamers at various places I alonu the Italian coast are embark injr ; n,e.. who have volunteered their ser-; ... ... vices to Greece for the war. Ciiliint-l .Muiiiik' (irutiniiH ATHKNfe, April 21, 5 p m. Colonel .Main"-, in command of the Greek army opernt.n against the Turks in Epirus, 1r,rti,,r,uic nuuu; lu,n,cl , about it; it is rather a large snake, fori and advanced without opposition to; Qn a dark night it "makes" a light in FnJipadia, which place the Turks aban- the pool, which shines so brightly that dmie l aft-r burning it. Colonel Mano; I when one first sees it one's eyes blink. hu- lmifct'd the Grecian flag over Fil-1 - ',"1,J'U j Soinotltiuc to Knov, Mr-, A. Inveen, residing at 720 Henry ' It may be worth something to know St., A. ton, III., Eufl'ered with sciatic that the very Lest medicine for restoring rheumatism for over eight months. She the tired out nervous system toa healthy ilociorf'd fur it nearly the whole of this vigor is Electric Bittere. Thie medicine time. udiig various remedies recom- is purely vegetable, act6 by giving tone uieiidnd by friends, and was treated by to the nerve centres in the stomach, tin nhysicians, but received no relief, gently stimulates the Liver and Kidneye, She then 11-ed one and a half bottles of and aids theee organs in throwing oil' Cimiiibf-rhti'i's Puin Balm, which affect- impurities in the blood. Electric Bit ed 11 ciinplete cure. This is published ters improves the appetite, aids diges nt ht-r request, as fihe wants others elmi- lion and is pronounced by those who n! iiillicted to know what cured her. have tried it as the very best blood puri Th 25 and 50 cent mzes for sale by tier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for Blakeley & HotiKhton. I'or Stl. Yr-arliiiir sheep 1000 head, sound and in prime condition. Price $l.o. Ad dre-.f, J. M. Davih, v 11 1 f ShcrarH Bridne, Oregon. Do vou want your windows cleaued, inator ie the most ellective mid econom . . . . 1 . . 1 ical po son known. Price reduced to 30 iMffHtH taken up, beaten and re laid, or (;eilt For ea,e hv M Zi Doaneni jituimr work of any kind done by a , Agent. lir-t-chi-fc man If so, telephone Henry , J.ihiiBuu m Parkins' barber 6hop. 'Phone 110. ulO-lf WORSE i ri. Woes of a IJlltoli i ii. What is called;: "i just been built bj n and illustrate rather ;ctr.n Who Uullt lli.titir." ienii' hou.'.e" has IV.teh physician ori'ihly thi ;:cs- sibility if pre-, eiite inc. worse to undergo than ri : ala- dies, says the Now ork l .rr.c-. lhe walls of this extremely modern nnd scientific dwelling are made of parallel plates of prrnumi irlnsa swvernl ir.el.e. apart, with n concentrated solution cf aiuni or sa'ts of porta between them. These platen arc fixed in metal frames, by which they are built together. The roof is not translucent, and i. made cf materials which arc impervious to heat, ihufe Ueepintr out the sunshine and hold inrr in the warmth of the room.. The house is entered by an underground door, to which a stair leads. The air also enters underrrronnd and passes throtitrh a microbe filter of cr-tton. wool and trlyeerir.e. 11 circulates through the looms by of cratinjrs awl escapes under the roof. The house is heated by the sun. except when a stove is found to be necessary. The salt solu tions between tho panes absorb the heat by day and give it forth by nitrht. In summer the air is cooled by its pns sinre underground and tempers the tropical warmth of the climate. The illumination inside is diffus ed frcm all parts of th" walls, but there are no win dows out cf which the inhabitants can look, and it i dillicult to sec how they will be able to endure life in a place ;o horribly v. hulesomc and dull. LEGACY FOR A BAVARIAN TOWN. Eccentric Count Jlornlii-rrr I.i-nvert It l.".Oliti.O(i() "IiirUs. By the recent death of Count Ernest Von Dornbercr the town of lJepensbursr. in Bavaria, comes into an unexpected k-craey of 13.000,000 marks. The i.uthor of this benefaction was the 1:;M of one branch of the Dornberjr fair..!.-, w ' .1 holds prreat estates in Austria. Prussia and linden. In his yountrer day lu en' a brilliant figure at the court if urm. and as captain of hussars distinsr'ishe 1 h'mself highly on the field of M; . l ' He then took UP hortieultur.' . . "avacant ardcr.- his park an ! - i in the environs of Hefrensbu-fi" . '- T 1hl. earden5 of Schonbrunn. ' . for r.asons unhnown, he dropm-' :i interest in his favorite pursuit r.r-! v. tit drew altogether from human .-:) . lib; castle was allowed to c. to ja-1. nnd ruin, his .conservatories ft-1! t pieces from neglect and his s'! plants moldered av.-aj-. Evrrv n. r: -inc the solitary gardener retained f v it-dispensable work used to see a bent tiirure with ha treat-tl features issii" f rem a side door and wander over the fo'b WONDERFUL LAMP SNAKE. Einit n DnzillnK: I.Itrht That Can Hi Such Tito IHIi-h. The native of Natal, outh Africa, have an in!;;liei- faith in tiie existenot of the lain;. :iake, which they call "umuinri-" This reptile is suopesed to frequent swaniitK or lakes ant is of a size so vast that cn an occasion when one or the species was awachea anu by a Doer party it.-. "upcass filled a couple of wasrans. In . . 1 fnct, the umuingi's proportion.-, are al most unlimited. The litrht emitted by thi.- monster is bright and dazzling in the extreme, and can be easily dis cerned irom a distance of a couple- of ,ik.s cr inore Naturally this rudi- aiuie u visible bv night only! Manyna- tive call the lamp Bimlce ivimbela, but usually this name is applied to a ter- I'eIlt v'hose dwelling is in the sea. and whKt' IKwers- ll?uh a'.nl milT' vt-lous, are not display ud in rivers or frauffbt wjth A nut;vp savs he has often reen th" irusp snake in 'he pools of the i'mvoti river, whore it passes through thorn country, tie Hays it is not uncommon and in color is very , hi wth tchcB i50t-or$1.00 per bottle at Hlakeloy & Houtrhton'e Drug Store. (2; iiuu Vuur Grain. Few realize that each equirrel do , strove 11.50 worth of uraiii annually. 1 Wakelee'e Squirrel and Gopher Esterm- Advertifte 111 The Ciiiioniole. Subscribe for The Oiiko.viole. flow fibout Your job Yg have the facilities for doing all Grinds of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a catalouue, and we are after all the work we can do. Ye not only desiie to keep bu?y. but would prefer to be rushed. Come in and compare our prices with that of any one, and compare quality of work. Let us have your next order. Q)roT)Ke publisl?ii?$ ?o. SCAB. TICKS 0R LICE THE WORLD RENOWNED ; SuDnlied to United States and , r TRYING TO BE FUNNY. AlnuiHt Everj- Itlun Hns Ills I'd J)Uc. I MiiUly SUlv. "Did you ever stop to think," raid the licensed misanthrope, "what a lot cf fools men aro?" Without waiting for a reply the li censed misanthrope never waits for a reply he con tin-tied: "The dreary imbecility resulting from the American national disease- cf trying to be funny is something a v. nil to contemjilat. .Now, I met a mzzi t'J. mornir.g a man with large in ten-", in the city, an operator in real estate, a banker and a 'prominent citizen.' Ke shouted out to myself and my ccirpnr ion: 'Well, you're a nice pair to tlrav. to.' and I doubt if he has seen two of hi:-: acquaintances together in 15 year. wiilwut pprhighig that poor, pale, shrinking jest. "There's another man who has a big mercantile business down the Rtree: v ho never meets a friend without a. !: ing: 'How does your coirtStHtiof-ilii;" aagaciat?'." He's considered a man of intellipc nee, too. and yet he's been chirp ing that bit of idiocy nt everybody he knows for ten years. "Then there's the head of a big manu facturing firm in tihe south end. a man of wide culture, a man of the world, who ought to have some sense, who was so delighted with his discovery of 'Xif a few years ago that he regard? it as a hrilliaut witticism in itself, nnd never loses an opportunity to inject it into his conversation with an air that amounts to a demand for recognition of his mot. "And so it goes. Xine out of every ten i men you meet have some pet phrase j like that, wliich has ceased to mean anything, if it ever did, aud which they ' fire at the hinds of ill with whom they tome in contact. Dr. Xordnu has de fined this affliction as eeholalia, I be- lieve, but the proper designation for it wouldn't look well in print." Chicago Journal. No vlttatliur tlio Air. Among the novel idea's iniicrinl I potion is the coupllnff together of a , number of balloons; in what might be ' called a tandem form. In the foremost in a machine which Is ?u. posed to be the propelling. These balloons are um brella-shaped, nnd contain hydrogen gas. The car i Mispt-ndcd 11 long dis tance below the balloon proper, and is (Connected with it by n frame of nlum i intiiii. The relative position of car and ! balloon would not Lt unlike a very long bundled umbrella fully sprend, the ear being attached to tin- lower end of the handle. The motive jxnver if an engine ! operated by liquid fuel. The i.-xju-ri-, ments with thin form of navigation are I liniiiir f-n'iiliii-tinl nt Mfmti'Omnrv. Aln.. by men who are fully abreast witli the best scientific ideas of the day. X. V. Ledger. no superior, .tsesi; uip ior ine w 001. MAYS, The Dalles, Oregon. piifOW British Governments. It has a 1 TTT T Sold by PEASE & I Stiiekliolilnrs' Meeting. ' Notice is hereby given that a meeting j of the stockholders of The Dalles Chron icle Publishing Company will be held at i the couuty court rooms on Tuesday, the '25th day ot May, A. D., 1S97, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of udopt j ing suplimentarv articles of incorpora- ! tion' increasing the capital stock of said comnanv and transacting sucn otner business as may come before said meet in:.'. By order of the Board of Directors. The Dalles, Or.-uon, April 9, 1897. A. S. Mac Alusti.i:, Presided. Ii. G. D.WENl'OUT, Secretary. Outlet- to M'uximj t-ri. Is 01 ice is iierebv givn that bv oider I of the county court, the sheriff .vill re- 1 turn the tax roll for ISL'G to the countv clf-rl: on the first Monday in April; 16H7, and all taxes then remain-! inc uiilittld Oil the loll Will be declared1 flMltnniiMnt imrl t lifrc-iftcr thf ci.prif ' fieiinqueiii, ana uiere.uiT me siierui , will not receive taxes until the delin- qtient roll is given him. P.y order of court. A. M. Kelsav, n23.4tw cierk. Cn-li in Vnur Clx-uks. All county warrants repistered prior to Nov. 15, 1802, will be paid at my oftice. Interest ceases after April 7, 1897 C. L. Phillips, County Treasurer. Cliuupt: of Time. Commencing April 8th, the Eteamere of the Regulntor line will leave The Dalles at 7 a. m. instead of 7:30. W. C. Ai.laway, Agent. Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg, the eye specialist, and have your eyes examined free of charge. If you suffer with headache or nervousness you un doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if corrected, will benefit you for life. Office in the Vogt block. Ae usual always in the lead. Hop Gold Bock Beer on sale today. See that you get it on draught at all Star brewery saloons. alo-lw Stnbling 6c Williams now have celebrated Hop Gold Bock beer draught. It is all right. the on Fresh asparogue, onione, lettuce, etc., and Chinook salmon every morning at Dalles Commission Cu.'e. 14-lw A b:g drive in matches. Five papers for 5 cents at Maier & Benton'e. , Soap Foam excele all other woehing compounde. a2-3m Ke braaka corn for sale ut the Wasco warehouse. Best feed on earth. m0-t NOTICE-SALE OF CITY LOTS, i ' " UUTH Via JfhBThe Shasta Route P"eii the Common Council of Dalles -ok the- .SaSifflSjSouihera Pacific Comp'y. ijntnrdav. the lolh dav of Ma , 1M r' sell at public auction, to the highs' j Trains leave nnd .ire dim to nrrlvc nt rorltCl . b diler. all me iuiiu .$. - of lot in Gates addition to Dalles L-itj , I Wasco county. Oregon, to-wit . : . Lots 9 and 10 jointly, in l ock 4 , , 0 and 10, jointly in block lo ; lo s " . . ni liloi U -l, and 12, in c o n,.H 10. M HIV i" ' "",,.' i to. n Known lis """V', , t o q j olock 27; lot ! in oiock i, '" -" ,,' o 0. 7, S, 9, 10 and 11, ' ''l0 i' wit. o s 4. S. 0. 10, 11 and 12, in block 1 ' b, 4, O, O, in oiui-h 'The reasonable value of said lots, or lc than which tliey win noi u It.." i fi..,! i.r.fl ili'termined tiv the ' Common Council of Dalles City as fol- j 1 7, S. 9 and 10, jointly in block lo, ir-01 , I lots 7, S, 9 and 10, jointly in block -1. I . li 10 i !'7. .22o : lot 11. Ill uu , l'l .vf ... " uiolk -i, ,- , ,, , - c. lot U, in IjIocK ..4, l uu , Ji'is -. ft. 10 and 11. in block .".). each res pect- ivelv 100; lots 6 and . in . .. tio-, l..rc ?. !. 4. S. 9. ' . . r, . 1 - I. An V:. eacu refivi:iiici T'-fj i '. , ' , 10 and 11, in block 30, eacn raswuuw i ,.100: lot 12, in block SO, 12; lots , 4, , 5, S, 9, 10 and 11, in block :i7, each re-, Ispectivelv 100; lots G, 7 and U , in , 'block 37, each respectively lot 2. li, 10 and 11. in block 1 41, eech rtspectivelv $100; lot? l.! 7 and 12, in block 41, each respectively '$125; lots 3. 4, 5, S, 9, 10 and 11. :n block 42, each respectively .uju; iui i, , UG; W? 3, 4. o, 0, . "c 12, in block o, ; w . o. f ; - S' 0, 10. 11 and 12. in block ;Jotsl. J, o, , 14 5 9, 10 and 11, in block to ; lots 1, , ' 1 !. . . . . ,.i !.. l.1l- at nnd lots Ill I I 11,111 I III UiVfllV - - . Rnndl" in block 42. each respectively io" l7t " 4 0 10 and 11, in! Leave for OSWKOO, daily, except Sundar, at . !fl2o; lots , o, 4, o, J, a" " i, l V " In-: 12:16- 1:l5 5:ii, C:, j:05 p.n block 43, each respectively -f 1UU, lot l, , (imd ji:n0 on Saturdiiy only). Arrive t in block 43 12o; lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, in i-orthuid at 7:10and S;3U n. m., and 1:30, 4:13, block 40, each respectively 00; lots 1 0.35 and 7:53 Jh in. and G, in block 40, each respectively. u,nve for Sheridan, week days, stt:30p.n. 4125. i Arrive at Portland, 9:;i0 a. m ' Each of these lots will be sold upon ; uavefnrAM.IEolduv, Wedllesd d the lot respectively, unci none ot tliem Frl ,(lV t 9:40 a. in. Arrive ut Portland, lues will be sold for a less sum than the value i dav, Thun-dny and Saturday at 3:05 ji. rn. thereof, as above stated. sundav trains for OSWEGO leave at S:iOa.n. One-fourth of the price bid on anj oi an(1 j.,.jf 1:4rii 6:2,-, p. 15 ,md s 05i..m. At aid lot5 6hall be paid in cash at the rivo at Portland at S:30, iu:tw a.m., 1:30,1:15 time :.f sale, and the remainder in three ; 5.10, G:S5, 7:55 jj. m. equal pavments on or before one, two -- and three years from the date of said sale, with interest on sucn deferred pav- . moms at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, payable annually; provided Frl that the payment may he made in Mil at anv time at the option of the pur chaser. . The snid sale will beein on tht-lmh dav of Mav, 1S97, atthe hour of 2 1 o'clock li. 111. of said day, and will con- tinue from time to time until all of said lots shall be Fold. Dated this 13th day of April, 1S97. Gimikkt V. Phkm-s. Recorder of Dalles City. Fur tmle or Truile. A desirable ranch of 100 acres, within lour miles of Dalles City, with one span mares, harness, wagons, piows and other property. Fine fruit land and abun dance of water. Will trade for Dalles City property. ' Inquire of A. S. Mac Ali.isteu, Ileal Ectate aud Insurance Acent. Chiioxicix office, The Dalles, Or. HSTI OIV1.5 THE ' . . . UhOICe Of TranSCDntinent8 HOUtBS VIA j 31-u.a.iic UtlUYer : Minneapolis rimaha vDiaiia ' St. j Paul Kansas City J I Low Rates to all Eastern Cities OCEAN STKA.MKKS Luv I'ortland Every Five Uayn for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Kor full details call on O. K i Co. s Agent ina Dulles, or uddrt-M W, H. IIUKLBUP.T, Gen. 1'nss. Agt 1'ortlnrid. Oregon E. M'NKILL President aud Mnnu er New Schedule. Train Is'o. 1 ai rives at The Dalles -1 -Ao a. 111., and leaves 4 :50 a. in. Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10:15 p. m., cpii leaves 10:20 p. n Tiain No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 11 :55 p. in. and west-bound traiu No. 7 leavee at 1 p. m. Train 23 and 24 will carry passengers between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav ing The Dalles at 1 0. m. daily and ar v and r. Sally 00" ind 7 fro.r riving vi ine Dalies 1 p. m nectlim with train No-?. 8 nnrl .Portland. K. K. Lvn.p Agent. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL All work promptly attended to, and warraated. 174 VOGT BLOCK. ! E W a tch maker? Jeweler AKWTt. f OVKUI.ANI) EX. 1! Hi1; iressi, Holem. Hasp. i I DtlrK, AMilniHl, Sue- li I riimento, Ogilen.snn I' ,,u 1 l'A Frtmeiooo, Mo'nve, f , IisAllCPlc.Kll'iisn. .' New urlcims nnrt tKnt s-1! M '""'""''B " ny Ma- ' f Via Wpndburii fnn tintu- ' ' Mt.Anpcl, Sllvcrton, tsiilem mid wnv stntlnn m it . ,. 7:.1U A. M.! ;iv i . .u. irv.rvi.lll x stitions . : '" 11:15 P. M. (McMiiinvlllo fwiy stiitinus a'"lj I 8:15 p. it Diillf. thinly, cscent sslinilny DINING CAP.S ON (HIDES nOfTE. PULLMAN IlL'FrKT SLEEI'EKS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attucliea to nil TlirouKh Trulns. I Direct cnnni'fiim at ,-nn Fnuiolsnn ultt. r, ; dentnl and Orieatnl and Piicllic mull MranVhK , Iltics for j,i-an and t lllNA. sailine dm ai i.ltfiition. liatth and tickets to Knstcrn jiolnti nnd En. rn rnpo. AIM) JAl'.l.N, Utll.NA, HO.NOU'LU M ctrsTP.ALIA. can be obtained from J. 11. KIlik'l.AND, Ticket Agent Through Ticket Otlice, 131 Third street, where throuch tickets to all iiolnts in the Eastern StNtes Canada and Lurojiu can be obtalncS t lowest rte from J. H. KIItKLAND, Ticket Agent All above train ariivu at and depart Iron Cirand Central Station FL'th and Irving street. YAMHILL DIVISION. PakseiiRer Dejiot, foot of Joflerson street. 1 n Dalles, Mora and A STAGE LINE. Throuch by ilnyliglit via Cirnss Valley, Eot mill cross Hollows. DOUGLAS ALLEN, C. i"U. WI1ITKLA1V, The Dalles. Antelope. Mace-- lenve The lnlles from fmntills Houm nt 7 11. 111., nlso from Autelojie at 7.30 a. m. eve? Mondtiv, Wedne-diiv nnrt I ridav. ConnwtioM limde At Antelope for 1'rincville, Mitcheil r.d iioitits Iwvonu. Clo'-e cf iinectiotis madeatite billies with niihuiys, trulns nud boats. riliiRL-s from Atili'lope reach The Dulles Tu days, Thursdays nnd Saturdays ut 1 :S0 1. m. HATES OF TA11E. Dalles to Deschutes ... do Mom do finis Valley do Kunt do Cross Hollows Antelope to (5riM- Hollows do Kent do finish Vulley do Moro do DosobiR-os d Dalles. ..51 CO . 150 . :25 . 3W .. 130 ia .2(0 . 3W 3M 1(0 5ui A SPECIALTYS&s! tlnry liLUOO POISON percsncctif cured in 15 to3.ri days. Vou can be trcsiMS homotorsanioprioouuiiereanieenawjr t y. If you prefer tocorae here mw cocbarco.lf wefai'ltocuro.lfrouliaTOtafccnEier cury.ioiUdo potash, and stm iiavo aeciM . Sc cny part of tho body, Jlair or Eyebrows Main i outt It le tills Secondary ULOOD tfOMUji 1 lnnnn,ntiMi,.t vrnKr.iK-itthemostoUtr . nnix rnsni nun riiiillt-nirn tlio world ior cuk wo cannot cure. Tills disease- naj ai"P (milled thtttilcill of the most emlneatpbyiij ciuiu. 500,000 capital behind our uni- tional troaranty. Absolute prooBMntiguw" tppncVtlon. Addreta COOK. KEMED JUiioonlc Xcmplc CH1CAOO, ILU - DA Plf FRS OF PORKand BEEF M ANUFACTUKEKd OK Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS P BACON DRIED BEEF, ETC. NOTICE. Notice is iierebv iriven that we wil,f2 p.i,iu a. ,,11 -40 'ibh7. at the boor .rOT- Ar:. ?. iT,r;t the u ciocK t, 111. ui cam "--,7,,IJfin sea ! stable of' Ward Kerns & ffider " Pl.c unction, to e hi w ior casn, ine iouoihk sonal property, to-wit: sveart One bay saddle bowe. about g, old, branded Mke this: Ou r 8 W -l. -'r. 1 ...l.l. I.,itn. R nil left ll'P ii uer r , uu wuh icnui . 'jq. fnnr v.i,w font, nnd star In four white feet, and star gether with bridle ana eau' posed to be the property f 'Var gUble This sale is under an f keeper's lien, to eatisfy ;eeirdlraeV: the undersigned for their 1 ble charges for the labor, can w,d attention and the food f ornl 35, animal, amounting at this 1 da .ei and for accruing costs and exptniwi the expenses of this sale. nTg0s. LEAVE. ! i M8 LOOD PQSSOH The coiumDia pacKip