The Dalles Daily Chronicle, The only Republican baibj Setctpapti Wasco County. EASTEIiX OFFICE 2.10 to 2S4 Tempi Court, -V. Y. Citv. E. KATZ, Agent. THURSDAY, APKIL '22, 1S97 THE WAX SPIRIT. of war, and this explains her position in the Cretan affair. England wants peace, not war, and all her effotts arc to maintain the European condi tions as they have existed the past few years, llcr commerce forces her into some unpleasant positions which she would not otherwise take, and gives her at times the appearance of being cowardly. r Two hundred and fifty of the un employed of San Francisco went to 1 Stockton on the steamer Tuesday, It is lour since, on the conti- i and after havinc established a camp such a war as that in which there, thev sent a delegation to the 1 The world is about to see two ereat nations ciicracre in mortal com bat, ncnt Turkey and Greece are about to en- mayor demanding food and trans gaee has been fought. Fraught with ! portation to Sacramento. The mayor the gravest import to the nations of and city council compromised with Europe, the outcome will be anxious ly watched by all the peoples. Whether or not this contest will be the forerunner of a great European war is an open question. There arc many things to indicate that it is. The peace that has existed in Europe for manv historv. been unnatural. them by giving them two days' pro visions, the new Coxeyites agreeing to furnish their own transportation, bv walking. Astoria is priding herself much on j her railroad to Goble, which prom- I $250,000 To Be given Away I this year in valuable articles to smokers of e IS. B&ackweSPs g Genuine g Durham i Tobacco S You will find one coupon iu- g side each 2-ounce bag, and two coupons inside each 4-ouncc g bap. Buy a bag, read the coupon and see bow to get vour share, .Wflltli PflPERI j WALL PflPERl 1 Just Received 5000 Rolls of "Wall Paper. The best patterns. The mo?t beautiful colors. New Invoice j of Paints and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. You Get the Pf0f!ts jl ucaieii, Atrents. Job,, and Middlemen fay buying icti Hum mc uiiinuTacturer, ,1 5 The Best g SmoktngTc-baccoJVSade . un: tr tin nnihnr' fine rnll V it . , . . . I IwLC V t- V. 1 J t Ill, ItJtO Mill! ' V- vears has. m the heht of , , , . , , It has lonir . . .., - . . , ,. ,. ut ttiereirom as sue anticipates, out ocen the opinion of thinking men , ... , . . , , , 1 we fear that it will prove a detriment that a mailt struecle between thei , , , , ' . .. 1 rather than a help. It is not iar to areat European powers was mevila-1 , , , , , , , , ... -i ... . Wl .11)11 kill. IJUI1IVJ .'W.VO ..IV 1 Pnrlinnc it. ii tn nnmo nru nnri ) 1 Wholesale. blc. and ! That it o be no perhaps it is to come later must come there seems doubt. As far back as the history of the human race can be traced war lus ever been practiced. It is an in stinct of humanity. As if implanted in the human breast by divine power itsel", man turns to war as his natural occupation. In savage tribes the warrior is the ruling power in the government, ai.d in our civilization the highest honors are heaped upon those whose profession is that of arms. More than once a brilliant military record has served to seat a man in the chair of the chief execu tive of the nation. "While in the last decade in the United States more attention has been paid to the arts of reace, the war spirit but slumbers. its beiniz aroused, but its town, and there we fancy the rail- road will find its western terminus, j WRUT IiIQUOfiS, Cllines and Cigars. LOCALWSEASE and is lh. result of colds 3r.d succor, on.atic change. For your Protection vrc i .!.iiV(.r state toa: ti.f rer..-jT iloes cot contain cur.ury or any other Siijar ic .5 lirui. Ely's Cream Baim is R-icoiY.. to be the most thorc;h cure for .". Catarrh, Co.d in Head and Hay lever of a.i resii -!?. it open ano cleanses the nasal passages, alavi and intiamnanon. heals the snrc, pro-ti-5 the membrane from co.ds. restore the set. -h ci' t ite and smell. lrice at Urnrists or or rn:.u. iLV UKOTBEKS, 50 Warrsa Suvet, :ev.- Vcri "Wanted. 11 THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER on draught and in Dottles. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co, FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINES No better n heel made than built m our own factory by skilled workmen, usii the fc material and the most miprovd machinery. We have no Sold direct from f actor vfni'C riaer. Tiinv wnrrnritoii ic?,;.-, ' ' v J r V'T." uiiywiicic lur uxaniinauon WRITE FOf! Our Interesting Ofe Acme Cycle Co., Elkhart, Ui Letters of Credit issued nvnilnble in the Eastern States. Sight"jc Telegraphic Transfers soUi 01. Xevv York. Chicniro, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore con, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all po'nts on fav orable terms. Anheuser-Btisch Malt Nutrine. a non-alcoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAM I, i "Tie Repatoii The Navigation Co. ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. A German or Sweile girl to do general housework. Applv at this office. a!9-tf NEW SPRING GOODS NEW SPRING GOODS JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED The Dalles Tradiiv.' Co., corner of 3d Thcie is no necessity for and Federal streets will pay the hk-hest cash price for second-hand poods, presence OJ . r n v, f will serve to stir up admiration for; the achievements of the comm? great i Tom McCoy has opened his nee- barber contest in another land. f hop opposite the Clnrendeu restaurant fco lung as man is constituted on the present plan, the dream of the j Hop Gold Bock Beer is the best ever idealist of a day when tnhunals of 'produced on the coast. Try h. On YTiiere is a tide in ike affairs of men which, taken at its floor. C. F. STEPHENS. . arbitration will settle nil differences 1 will never be realized. AVhile all ; civilized nations regard war as a . great evil, the same nations pay it the highest honors, and as an institu tion it will probably flourish to the end of the world. I he paradise ot the ancient s-candinavian was a place where a perpetual state of war exist ed. In a modified form the love of ' strife exists in all nations. AVar has been defined as being "a contest be tween nations or states or between different parties in the same state, carried on by force and with arm;, commonly either for defense, for! insults and redressing draught at all Star brewerv saloons. ald-lw Yellow washing vour clothes thf powder will same color. make Avoid this by using Soap Foam, w hite. It's nure r.2 liai Ice cream soda at and confectionerv. A. Keller's bakery aS-lw lSncl: litctl I'.iinl; llecr! line!: lo; It' you wain a rood :enuine class of Bock Beer, call for the Hop Gold Bock, made only by the Star brewery, and on sale in all Star brewery saioons only. alo-lw leads on to fortune." The poet unauestionablv had reference to the Sale of Furniture ui Carpets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatlv-reduced rates ' MICHE T.BACH BRICK. - - UXILS FT. Closing On s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Oars Sleeping Car hT. VAVl. .MINNKAl'OLI Dl'Ll'TU kaj:g) JO GliAND 1'Olt CltOOlLSTON WINNIPEG HELENA un 11UTTE Through Tiekefcs CHICAGO T WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW VOUK lMIBTON ANI ALL POINTS EAST unci SOUTH The l.'einedy. Mr. P.. B. Greev. merchant of Chiihowie, Va., certifies that he had c consumption, was civen uu to die, w York Weekly Tribune Forinformatlnti, time cards, mnpiimd ttckuti. cal on ur writt; to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalliih, Oregon on A. D. CIIAKLTOX. Asst. G P. A., 455. Moirisnn Cor. Third. I'ortlnnd Oresou THROUGH Fieiglt ana pssswiui The elegant steamers, th Dalles City and Regulate, make dailr trips between Tb Dalles and Portland. I'ASSENGEU One way Round trip KATES: ,.9i ,38 Freight Rates Greatly Shipments for Portland received il anytime. Shipments for waylas&p nniflt be delivered before 5 p. m. k Btock shipments solicited. Forratestu on or nddreai W. C. ALLAWAY General A Kenf THE DALLES. - OREGON wrongs, for the extension of com-j sought all medical treatment that money merce ail acquisition of territory, or ; conld procure, tried all cough remedies to obtain and establish the superior-' hec0ll,d 1,earof- bul 'ot 1,0 reliefi 6PC!,t , , . . . . Al , , manv nhrhts sittine up in a chair; was Uv and doimnton of one of the bel- . . , n ' . induced to trv Dr. King e !New Discovery, liferents over the other; also the and was cured by the use of two bottles, condition of things created by such For past three years has been attending r contest." Spokesman-Heview. Carson City seems destined to he. come the paradise of the pugilists. The latest statement is that Dan Stuurt is to take charge of the glad intorial arena there, and is already arranging for seveml first-class meet ings. Corbettjias challenged Fitz simmons for another contest, but the latter contemptuously tells him to go , tobusines, and says Dr. King's New Dis i covory is the grandest remedy ever mude, 1 as it lias done so much for him and aiso for others in his community. Dr. King's New Discovery is guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and Coaumptton. It don't (ail. Trial bottle free at Ulakeley &Ht ughton's Drugstore. 2. -FOlt- Farmers and Villagers, ron Fathers and Mothers, FOIi Sons and Daughters, kou fill the Family. Xn. COMINI, SOLE DKA1.ER IN THE DALLES OK e Burial Vaults liar i liU J !J DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, A Perfect Protection from Water and 1 uampnese. Preserves the Bodv bv eluding the Air. " " k"-:LIME, CEMENT, It nossessee every mfiril olnimBil fnr I the moat expensive vaults, viz : absolute ! TKTi n r rTtT-Cr RSS us making a v.w security and durability, th permanent and imperishable piace ior tne dead. resting HucKli.T.'r ArmiB salto. The best enlve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, sail rheum, ievei eoree, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all ekin eruptions, and posi and earn a reputation as a fighter in- lively curce piies. or no pay required stead of n boxer, and he will then ac commodate him. Gentleman Jim, it is said, has posted $f,000 to back up his challenge to Champion Bob. It is all long-distance though, for Flu will have none of it, preferring the certain income he will derive from exhibiting himself, to the tin certain rewards to be won in the ring- It is gunrantefcd to jrive perfect fiatisfac- tion, or money refunded. Price '-'5 cents per box. For sale Dy Dlakeley and Honu'hton, druauist!-.. SURE CURE forPJLES i i. f.u .... UU.IJUi.A.ShU.MIU.I'k. , With the close of the Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes the fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and business interests. To meet this condition, nolitiea will have far less gpaco and prominence, until auuther State or National occasion demands a renewal of the light for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the present (lav, and won its greatest victories. Every possible effort will bo put forth, and money freely spont, to make THE WEEKLY'TRIIJUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family. This vault is made of six pieces of mar-1 hie which can ho firmlv fastened to- j pother with cement, thus making them iwr hiiu water tignt. Picture Moulding zee. a-X. IE ntftf- fill Kinds Cemetery Work! Mr. Comini has on hand a large sup-1 ply ol (Irat-cluM Marble, to be used in .'IonUirientB. OK!. Prifen ...., 1 i I'fir.ln.wl Tlila Is Your Onnortuitltv. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib-' 0"! Tine One Vear for Onlv Sl.75. I (?'.v'B Oreom Balm) BufHcient to demon- 1 A lllil I'liv England's weakness lies in her im nieuse merchant marine, which would . r.t , r.nri,,. 0I PrHCtlces in th ntute und Kwleral Courts of be at the mercy of r.n enemy in case oiem und vijjngton. jmia-amo g A. ll. GTltLKY. v 'Attorney and Counsellor at law, AUUNliTOX. OKEGO.V. Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best Tribune Oflice, New York City, and a eample copy of The New York Weekly Trib une will be mulled to vou. Job Printing at This Office. trato tho great merits of tho remedy. CC Warren Kt., New York City. Hov. John r.eid, Jr.. of Great Falls, Mont., reeomrueuded Kly's Cream Balm to roe. I can cinpliaHize his statement, "It is u posi tive cure for catarrh if uod m directed." Bev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pwc Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledge cure for catarrh nud contains no mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 ceaU. DR. OUHITS PILLS .til A II P'' i. p. one rv.'aamz- beib. Tho pin- uppir ,KLfi?h5 :k-2S Eim, nd clear the umplUn eyStSyJ will null midiiI" iw-l' iSi-iti-avSi miin. UK. iloSANKO HLU.L0..1' The boraemen will meet at B May 1st, for the porposs 101 requeited to be present. K. Boot5!