The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 21, 1897, Image 4

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    J.1 TWP
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Below is published a correct time card
oi trains and boats which leave and ar
rive at The Dalles. Travelers may trust
it, as The Chronicle is kept fully in
formed of revisions :
Steamer Regulator leave every Monday. Wed
nesday nnd Friday tit 7.80 . m.
Arrive eve ty Tuefday. Thursday and Satur
day at 5.80 1- JB.
fa?t mail. Arrive. Leave.
No.l VKt-bMilid .. 4:30
No.S Kaft bound 10:l.Sj..m. 10:2" p.m.
No. 7 West bound, leave- l:COp.m.
No. t SH-t-bonnd. sr:tve
All j5?enceTtralL5 stop at Union Street, n
well as the depot.
Ail vortUliijr Knit"
One. liieh or ies In Dally SI 0
Ovr two laches snd under four Inches ... ICO
Over four hich and under twelve lnch. . 74
Over twelve Snohe 50
One inch or i Inch ?2 50
Over one inuh and under four inehe- - W
Over four luchei nnd under twelve Inches. . 1 .V)
Over twelve Inches 1 CO
Mrs. C. C. Hobart is confined to her .
bed from nervous prostration.
Mr. and Mrs. F.ufeno will arrive from
Portland on the Regulator tomorrow
Mrs. Col. Nye arrived from Priueville
last night and went on to Portland on
the Regulator this morning.
Aivab W. Patterson, who has been
connected with the Heppner Gazette for
several years, left Heppner Monday for
Indianapolis, where he will attend the
law school, fie may return to Oreuon
when his law course is completed, but .
at present has no definite plans.
"VVnEEEAs, The Supreme Consul has
seen fit to caii our late neighbor, Latimer
Booth, to the supreme torest above,
therefore be it
JUfohed. That in the death of our late
neighbor, Latimer Booth, Mount Hood
Camp, No. 59, Woodmen of the World,
has lost an exemplary and faithful
Woodman, which ever member of this
camp feels the loss of and misses bis
cheerful presence. Be it further
Ilcsohed, That this camp extend to
'the family their sympathy, and that a
copy of these resolutions be sent tbem.
Ileaohed, That a copy of these resolu
'tions be spread upon the minutes of this
meeting, and that our charter be draped
ior thirty days. Also that a copy be
cent to the papers for publication.
C. L. Phillips.
D. W. Mans,
A. L. Reese.
1'ortcr Itiver lSuomiiifr.
A Diminutive Yiilsnn! That Von Cnn
Pliiil In nlcr.
He really look? ".cry much liken bear,
though you must put him under n pow
erful microscope to sec the . ?m
tihinoe. sty.s Tid-Hits. Tito r uir
linury thing, however, about th . ur.y
creature is that he is found i- tb gut
ters of houses, where he is at one time
Ory as dust and scorched by the blazing-
sun. nt. another active and full of
life under a reirciiiiiig shower of rain.
The water bear is one of the Rotifer
animalcules, and i. of all of them the
most capable of standing any extreme.
of temperature without riving- up the
ghost. He may be left dried tip for
months, even years, and yet on being
put into water will expand ami boerin
moving about and feedinpr vigorously.
Although be eannct stand bailing wa
ter, lie will live in dry beat nt a far
hhrhcr temperature, even up to SGOcli-jr.
Fahrenheit. One has actually been
kept in vacuum for 30 days with sul
phuric acid and chloride of calcium
without losing- his capability of revivi
fication. As for the reason why. it seems the
little beasts' bodies nre chiefly com
posed of albumen, which, it is well
known, will stand a very high tempera
ture ".-knout losing- its solnirJity. Then,
too. they are provided with two shir..-,
one over the other and these skins
are wonderfully tough and elastic.
The water bear has the scientific
name ot Tardigrada. because be takes
life so easy. He is always fat and
plump, ami spends his waking- periods
in constantly grubbing- with his four
pair of lerrs. among" whatever rubbish
conies in bis way. Having eye:-, brain
,md a nervous system, he is much ahead
of his tribv. and is altogether one of the
most interesting and amusing little ani
mals known to science.
IIoy und Girls Cliimher Into I'nnth
anil Pole Home.
A description of life in the fei-bian
swamps, Vendland, run.- as follows, say
the Century:
"school out" at the village school . i
Burg is a pretty sight. The sutxst-nT.ti.
brick building overlooks the v tr ii.ur
murinrr highway, and the bys an J
girls, instead of stringing- up a dust',
road, tumble into punts r.ijd j.-jIc
for dear life the boys much like o'h r
boys, but the girls reduced t fac
similes of their mothers ar-d tkb r sis
ters, clad in bright but rhort ra:mert
and visible afar o'J through their
strange mob caps with wings. As one
moves down the stream from Burg by
Leipe to Lubbenau these wirg. grov
smaller and collapse, while the itv.rt
grow lomrer and more resemble the or
dinary dress of women. At a dnnee the
Spreewaider knows instantly, by the
jR'Culiarities of her costume, from what
village a woman or girl has come. At
Leipe the multitudinous skirts of
alarming girth are no more. The gown
reaches the ankles, and the cap fits close
to the head instead of resting on a
framework as in Burg. Thus the dress
in Leipe is perhaps mare graceful, but
it is more commonplace. It no longer
testifies to tha." pr! Je of the easant fa
ther or hurbaud which is shown by the
number of ycrds in the skirts of his
woman folk and the variety of their
capK. by th'- richness of their dress ns
well as their jewelry.
J-fou; fbout Your
(MTV I HTS. Hliu OXHl w 1B
NOTICE-SALt ur , . .
Notice is hereby iventliat br SliaSta Roilffi
tl.nritv of ordinance t". -v-.f
. .i I nil MP1 III I'itllc
en1 fllO I illUIIIUIl W"-V .
job piTifkS?
We have the facilities for doing all kinds
of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a
catalogue, and we are after all the work we
can do. "We not only desiie to keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Come in
and compare our prices with that of any
one. and compare quality of work. Let us
have your next order.
roiiqle pdblish?ii) ?o.
igSBSS Southern Pa
lell at public auction, to the highest TrnlnsIcavc nd rc dun to ntPonUy.
bidder, all the following lots a (1 pn-
of lots'in Gates addition to Dalles Citj , 1
Wasco county. Oregon, to-w t .
Lots 9 nd WjolnUy. in b ock 4 'nl,
7, S. P and 10, jointly m block lo , io . 1 1 turSt AhMnnA ,
7 ? 9 and 10, jointly in oiock -i, , rninento, Oftden,San !
' . ,,. i',t 10. 11 and 12, in , s" 1 l-A Francisco, MoJve,f,.
known as butte , lots i . o , , An(?e,cs E, , .j:10 A x
nlock 27: lot 0 in block ..4, lo ts ( Ncw 0rlCHns j l
lot! 2 k 4.' S, 9. 10.11 and 12 i.; , block , .Ss50 A. M. jgM d w5- tt
30; lots 3, 4,0.6, . S , 9. 10, H "' . . , fy, Woodbijrn for- lM P-
l'J. in block oi lots i. -..-"" ' ,)nllv , i ..miKv, uvenon.
'fi.,nik-v.,lm. oi mlJ '. ;,. ,. ; ltw,
lellmn "liicli thfy will not lie sold, ' H h j,vfly SntlfinK . ; t.-PK
' Los 9 and 10. in block 14. 15p; lots;
7, S. 9 and 10. jointly in block lo, f-OO, ,
r o o.wl 10. ioint v in block -l. i
lot 11, in
Attached to nil Through Trains.
block ri . ; j i i . ., ijt Direct connect Inn at s'nn FrnncNco with 0!
lot 9, in block 4, 100 Jo.s -, a, -i, o, ml nIU, 0rluntlll ,, ,,ncHe o-
i 9, 10 and 11, in block So, each respect- lllics for . JA1.AX Wld china, sailing g 7
lirplv 100- lot' G and 7. in block rfo, oi iilicntinn.
ivel .,IW, iou " ,, , g ltnte;-and tickets to Knstern tvlnt5 nnil rn
each respectively 12o lots o, h , a, , , a No JAPAN, CHINA, H Wluu j
10 nnd 11, in block SG, each respectively Al, rKALlA. run be obtained irom
.im. u, to Ir. Wr.,.1- 3C. .tl'2o: lotSo, 4, J. 11. KI UK LAND. Ticket a.m
:tHte-. Canada and turone can he nht.i .'.
J. B. KIliKI.AXT). TfrVnt i..
l1t.s All above trains nrrlve at and dqmrtlrar
?spectivelv , Grand Central Station, Fifth nnd Irving strati
PutseiiRcr Dejiot, foot of JeaersonstrMt.
:o, S, 9, 10 nnd 11, in block o,, each re-, T,irpRh Tlckct omcc,i3i Third street. wi
spectivelv 100; lots G, and 1-. in throtieh tickets to all points in the EwtS
block 3), eacn respecnci
n S 1f nnd 11. in
: ji ' po7.1i rpnt'ctivelv $100: !ts 1,
r onrl i" in lilnck 41. "each res
125; lots 3. 4, o, b. v, iu nnu n. .
; block 42, each respectively if 100; lots 1,
n,,,iio i Mn.i- 4". each resiiecti vely
"wmV lot. 2. 3,4, 8.9. 10 and $&
block 43, each respectively ?iw, , fumi ii:80ii. m. on Satnrdav onlv). Anlreit
in block 43 $125: lots 2, 3, 4 and o, in Portland at 7:10 and S;S0 a.m. "and 1:3), i-.u.
block 40, each rwpectifely $100; lots ! c.. and 7:55 P. m.
and G, in block 4G, each respectively lienvc for siierldnn. week dnvs, U:30ti.ri.
4joj i Arrive ut Portland, 9:K0 a. m
' Each of these lots will be sold upon (or au,ue 37, Wedd.toJ
the lot respectively, aud none oi tliem Kri ay at P.10 a. m. Arrive nt Portland, In
will be sold for a less sum than the value dev, Thur.-dar und Saturday at 3:05 p.m.
thereof, as above stated. nv M fnr r0 , t s ,
One-fourth of the price bid on un oi nnd . 1M5( s.;!0 b..s, fl 45 nmi 8 05 p. rn. a
said lots shall be paid in cash at the rive at Portland at S;30, 10:0o a. ra.; l:M,l:li
Tim-nf h1h nnd the. remainder in three o.h'.tvr.V 7:,f j). rn.
Baker City is experiencing a flood,
Powder river havinc gone wild. All the
bridges across the stream in the city but
one iiad uone out by Tuesday morning,
and the Democrat oi that date said that
one was liable to ro at any moment.
The water fell slightly Monday after
noon, but in the evening it was aeain
risiim, and before morninc it had
reached the burliest point. The
Sumpter Valley railroad is entirely
under water, and it is thought much of
it has b-en totallv destroyed. The
Democrat closing a lone article on the
flood situation, savs : "When the end
will come, no one knows. The snow in
the high atttitudes has only just com
menced to melt, and the weather will
have all to do with the reeult.
The "t-w Tmiti Curd.
Under the new time card, which goes
into rflVc: tomorrow, trains will move as
follows :
No. 4, to Spokane and Great Northern
arrives at G p. m., leaves at G:05 p. in.
Iso. 2, to Pendleton, Baker City and
TJtiiou Pacific, arrives 1 :13 a. m., de
parts 1 :20 a. m.
No. 3, from Spokane and Great North
ern, arrives S:30, departs -.35 a. m.
No. 1, from Baker City and Union Pa
cific, arrive? 1 :20, departs 1 :2o a. m.
Nog. 23 and 24, moving east of The
Dalles, will carry paesengere. No. 23
arrives at G:30 p. m., departs 12:45
p. 111.
Passengers for Heppner will take train
leaving here G:05 p. 111.
Tin- St 11 Serpent.
! Many scientist? concede that the sea
serpent is a possibility. The extent of
!the sea is so vast nnd .so little is really
known of its inhabitants that varieties
,'of prehistoric monster. may still exist
' in its depths.
I Something to Know.
It may be worth something to know
that the very 'rest medicine for restoring
the tired out nervous system to a healthy
vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine
' is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone
to the nerve centres in the stomach,
gently stimulates the Liver and Kidneys,
: and aids these organs iu throwing off
' impurities in the blood. Electric Bit
ters improves the appetite, aids diges
! lion and is pronounced by those who
J have tried it as the very best blood puri
! fiei nnd nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for
'o0cor$l.C0 per bottle at P.lakeley &.
Houghton's Drug Store. (2;
Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has
no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE &
MAYS, The Dalles, Oregon.
equal pavments on or before, one, two
and three years from the date of said
sale, with interest on such deferred pav
ments at the rate of 10 per cent per
annum, payable annually; provided
that the payment may be made in full
at any time' at the option of the pur
chaser. The said sale will becin on the 15th
dav of May, 1S97, at " the hour of 2
o'clock p. ui. of said day, and will con
tinue from time to time until all of said
lots snail he sold.
Dated this 13lh dav of April, 1S97.
Recorder of Dalles City.
Asst. G. F. ti Puts. AT.
The Cirvat ncoiioiiitec Secured hy Xew
Develoiiin fi-.ts.
I Ktir Sale or Trade.
I A flnoirnV.lo rnnnVi nf 1 Pf) nerps. within
Notice is hereby given that a mttting , o Dales Citv with one epan
mares, iiarness, wagons, plows and other ! siaces f rom Antelojte reach The Dalles Tos-
Stoekholtlers' Meetinc.
of the stockholders of The Dalles Chron
Mora and I
Through bv daylight via Grass Valley, Ket
nnd uro--s Hollows.
DOUGLAS ALLEN, The Dalits. .
C. M. WHITELAW. Autelnpe.
Staces leave The Dalles from I'raiitilla House
nt7 a. in., also from Antelope at 7:30 a. m.evrj
Mondav. Wednesday nnd Friday. Connection
made nt Antelope for Prineville, Mitchell oi
IKiints bevonQ. Close c niiections made at Tit
lialles with railways, trains and boats.
.Many persons resHiinrr a: a iistance Cle Pubiisumg Uompany win ne neiu at , j,r0j)ertv, pjne fruit land and abun- days, inursaays ana saiuruajt ui j.imj.
from mining: districts nr...- tin- isjfI the county court rooms on Tuesday, the J ,nnce of' water. Will trade for Dalles Dttn, to lUchutS, F
erroneous loea as to the buppo-d i- r.i- 25lhdav 0f May, A. D., 1S97, at 2 1 C!tv nroertv Tncmire of du Moro- . , . H
plicity and enormous proht, of mining p o ad Cit property . Inquire of do Grass Va ley
appaiently derma? ine.r information . . 1 . . . ? . . ' t do CroU' Ho'liows. J
nomcnal ussavh. or ' r.eai .ctate auu insurance .-igent. .vntelo to Cross Hollows
. tiou, increasing tne capital siock oi saiu rIflViri v nftlf... Th DuIIcp. Or. do ;
, , ao urass valley jr.
' do Moro
. do Deschuecs JS,
OKSh wZSi, ' w do Dalles tt
rvi-nsinnal noeket.s of rich OIV. mb
trtnr Biii.'n couioanv and transacting such other
business as may come before said meet
inc. By order of the Board of Directors.
The Dalles, Oreiron, April 0. 1S97.
A. S. Mac Ai,u-n:n,
R. G. Davenport,
Nutluc to Taxiiaj ur.
v as&uniiEg
average samples, and that ore can be
dug- almost us potatoes, are dug. On the j
contrary, with the exception of a vrry ;
iew niines which racy jay exixnts i
from the grass root down, suecesEfti: j
mining to-day involves ihe max'.rauni of ;
practical experience, prcfvsb-onal
knowledge and financial mean. This ;
is fullv borne out by the following-'
brief notice of some of the leading min- yoliL.e ig ilerebv given that by order
ing- tunnel of Colorado. 0 tlt. unnnty coiirt, the sheriff will re-
The ouicrois of minernl-bearinrr ; turn the tax roll for 1SDG to the
veins or ledges are usimllv fouud on county clerk on the first Monday iu
the steep, rockv sdopui, of hisrh nioun-.' April. 1SD7, and all taxes then remain,
trios, separated bv deep and great ing unpaid on the roll will be decuired
gnlcher ravine,: As the vein.uunl-; J STo Ui?e SxTuSltlhJ
ly dip into the solid interior of the : n rM s jven hinj pv Qrder of
mountains, shafts are sunk either on,.0,rt A. M.Kui.s.w
the veins themselves, ore hem? tniton m23-4tw
out as the process goes on, or in ouch
nroximitv to the veins that they can be
Choice of Transcontinental Routes i1
reached from the shaft- by drift or
save Vnur Grain.
Few realize that each squirrel de
stroys $1.50 worth of irram annually.
Wakelee'e Squirrel and Gopher Exterm
inator is the most effective and econom
ical poiaou known. Price reduced to 30
cents. For sale by M. Z. Donnell,
Fur Sale.
Yearling sheep (1000 head,) sound und
in prime condition. Price fl. 75. Ad
dress, J. M. Davis,
w-m lif Sberars Bridge, Oregon.
levels which are really side tunnels
from tlic shafts) and the ore sloped ou:
r wA .... .r..l S. L'! - -f tfH.rttiL filnnrr
1.11U t;u hi o.i.kiii m v. .. .......
f-uch drift:; or levels to the shaft, hoisted
to the surface and thence lowered down
the steep mountain side to the nearest
v.ngon road leading to the mill or mil
road. As the shafts art frequently
hundreds of feet deep.nnd themouthsof
the shafts frequently hundreds, if not
thousands, of feet nbove the liottom of
the adjoining gulch or alley, the ore
hns to be hoisted by steam power to
the siwface (such Fteam power invok
ing the conveyance of fuel from the val
lev to the shaft house), end from the
cierk. ; Minneapolis
Cuh III Your Check. ;
All county warrants registered prior
to Nov,
15, 1S92, will be paid at my ,
Interest ceases after April 7,
C L. Phillips,
Countv Treasurer.
St. Paul
Low Rates to all
tiary IJLOUO l'OJSON perausefij
cured In 15 to35 days. Vou csnbetreitda
home for same price undcrsancgiuria'
ty. If you prefer toconiehere ire wie
twiM t n m?Tn mart f nreana cp:ci phis"
cocbarfte.lf wo fall tocuro. If you bs?etsienmuj
cury, iodide iiotash, und gtlll bsie
implcg. Copper Colored Spots, ClJ'tt"
tny part of the body, Ilalr or JKyenru f.4a
, out, It is thlB Hecoudury l$LOOD rOIsW
I we truaranttio tocure. We sohclUne most
"nnvirv. ate cases nnd thallenco tho woriu iorii
JJenVer case vre cannot cure. This dlseaje bMJg
- - ballled the skill of the most eudnentpWg
. claiii. SSOO.OOO capital behind our ncc
Omaha , r"1
Kansas City ' .
all Eastern Cities 6 COlllIli!l PllClQD!!
Chaucn of Time.
STEAJIEK8 Leave J'urtluud
Everv rive lla for
Commencing April Sth, the steamers i e a tct tits a "kt-tc-n- -r i ,u.i.'
of the Regulator line will leave The SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. j mauufactoiIKKs ot
Dalles at 7 a. m. instead of 7 :30. I For ... R A rn At i Fine Lard and SaUSOgeS.
. C. Ai.lawav, Agent.
, For lull details call on O. P. 4 Co. t Agent
' Tho Dalles., or address
W, II. HURLBCKT, Gen. Pass. Agt
Portlund. Oresou
, M'NEILL President nud Muna er
Kicvclti Itepairlhc.
We have secured the seivices of Mr.
Jose-ph Kirchoir, who has been doing
bit-Mile repairing and gun work for the
last live years in The Dalles, All work
ontriieieii to him will receive prompt at
tention. m'JO-Iw Maimi; A- Bcxtos.
New fine of step ladders at Maier &
Do you want your windows cleaned,
carpete taken up, beaten and re laid, or
janitor work of any kind done by a
first-class man? If so, telephone Henry
Johnson Parkins' barber shop.
Phone 119. al0-tf
This is an "Age of Soap." Why use
any but the very best. Best soap means
floe Cake. Sold by Pease 6c Mayg. a2-3m
The merchant who telle you he has
fcomcthing else as good oe Hoe Calte i-oap
is a good man to keep a way from. a2 8m
Subscribe for The Chuonicle.
Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg, 1
the eye specialist, and have your eyes j frp nf rlinrrp. Tf vrm tinfr,r !
with headache or nervon.neai you an- i 11 T.!'e DalleE 4 'M
mouth of pumjiing plants, in addition , doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10'lr
corrected, will benefit you for life. ' p. m., raid leayee 10:20 p. m.
Office in the Vogt block. " ! Trai" 8 arrives at The Dalles 11 :55
. ! P' ru., and west-bound train No. 7 leavee
at l p. in.
Trolr OQ o..l O 1 ...ill
,..( iu.uuu -twin carry passengers
fcee that Uffi. n.n. nj tt. . ' , ,6'
;'v" uuco nnu iiiuiiutt, iea v-
to the cost of hoisting the ore und sub
sequently getting it down the steep hill
side. The expense of pumping, hoisting
and hauling seriously reduces the mar
gin of profit, nnd in some cases extin
guishes it altogether.
It is obvious that, under the above
circumstances, through n tunnel
driven into the mountain nnd ronohing
the ore bodies at a low level say, from
the level of the lxittom of the adjoining.
gulch not only can the ore le extract
ed from below and taken out almost by
nnturul gravity or the niinitmim of
power, thereby saving the expense of
hoisting und subsequently conveying
down the steep hillside, but also drain
nge can bv had by riaturalgrnvity-.then
by dispensing with the expemdve pump
ing plants, costly fuel, wages of engi
neers, etc. Engineering Mnguzlne.
New Hchedule,
Ae usual alwuys in tho lead.
Gold Bock Beer on sale today
villi I. mi ii nil iiriini'iii in ii 1 1 .iiir nriiu'iirv ,nr. 'i..-. i i.ii... a i . , ,
j b-- ...... w j nit: j. tic jinnee m i p. m. aaiiy anu ar
ealoone. alo-lw j riving at ilie Dallee 1 p.
Curers of BRAND
11 ATI
Xntino la h,.rbv iriven that we wn . ,
cc Williains now have the I Portland.
celebrated Hop Gold
draught. It is all right.
Bock beer on
Fresh asparagus, onions, lettuce, etc.,
and Chinook salmon every morning at i
Dalles Commission Co.'s. 14-lw i
A b:g drive in matches. Five papera i
for 5 cents at Maier & Benton'e. i
Soap Foam excels all other washing
com pounds.
Nebraska corn for sale at the Wasco
warehouse. Best feed ou earth. m9-t
. n,ii iiiii av n n n nri p & l .a w - - A , j aw
LP. in. daily, con- ,h hiirbeet wo
a cni eonal Drouerty, to-wit:
- One bay saddle horse, ,tybool-
Haddv I ic-Dr '"Id, branded like this : On g m
JTIAKRY JLIEBE, ' der F, and with letter R onleW'
four white feet, and star In op.
PRACTICAL I Kether with bridle and We'wWn.
, posea to uetne propen; aDie
rl I aiita I aw keeper's Hen, to sa tiefy t L'1
SllftWft Pf '' undersigned for reircarre n
lUVUVlVJ ble charges for the labor, care d
attention and the i"u fltetoF'
animal, aniounting at t jiii w 1
and for accruing coets and exp
the expenses of this sale. bis0k.
U0 td WAltll. KEUSti iww
All work promptly nttcaded to.
and warrantee.