The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 21, 1897, Image 3

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    We're After
In Our Shoe Department. We have the latest
Styles and Shades.
Men's Lace, in Ox Blood, Chocolate and Tan, Coin Toe $3 00
Men's Lace Congress, Pointed, Medium and Wide Toe 2 00
Ladies' Lace Chocolate and Ox Blood..... . 3 50
Ladies' Lace and Button Tans 3 00
Oxfords, Tan and Black o 50
Oxfords, Black, Pointed, Medium and Wide Toe 1 50
Grey Cloth, per pair.. ; (35
Jersey, Tan and Black, per pair 1 u0
Garden (lose
We are agents for the
celebrated MALTESE
CROSS. EverybodyJ
knows that it is the
best Hose on the mar
ket today.
We also carrv the Kid ye
wood brand of Hoso, which
wo recommend as a superior
article second only to our Mai- j
tese Cros brand in quality. It.
is made on extra strong duck,
and of the best, rubber. Then
we cany the Wallabout brand
which is a good quality and
medium price, equal or better
than the average so-called
"best Hose on the market."
We sell it for what it really is
a good, serviceable Hose.
See our stock before buying
Just Received.
The Dalles Daily Ghronieie.
APRIL 21, 1S97
took place this morning at 10 o'clock
' from the family residence, Kev. W. C. ;
Curtis conducting the services, which ;
'vere brief and simple. A large num-1
ber of sorrowing friends followed the I
! body to its last resting place, where
What Was, What Was Not, nnd What
Should Not Hart) ISeeu.
Handom observation and Local Events ; after reading the services for the dead, it
of Lesser Macnilude.
pans at
Quaker and crusty
Maier & Beaton's.
March was ehy on wind storms, but-
April is balancing up the books for her ;
in good shape. J
Deift ware, new line, just received at
Maier & Benton's. a20-4t
Kegular meeting of the Maccabees to
night. All loyal Eir knightE are re
quested to be present.
Djn't miss seeing those olive platino
photos of Mr. Hammond's at Herrin's
It is evident that Pease & Mays are
preparing for high water. They are un
loading three more full carloads of gro
ceries today, making eight since the iirstl
of the mouth.
It does not take long for customers to
learn to appreciate choice and freshly
picsed fruit. The grower who furnishes
tiiis class of goods is not long looking
for customers.
There are two dangerous extremes in
tut selection of varieties for the orchard.
Tiie one it the liability of selecting too
few, and the other too many. You can
strike the medium if you observe care the success of. other people.
A social dance will be given by Prof.
F. G. Swanton at the Baldwin opera
house Friday evening, April 23d. The
Pr.mrose two-step will be taught to all
in attendance. Gentlemen 50 cents,
ladies free. a21-3t
The river was at 2S Jl this morning at
& o'clock and at noon was at 29. Re
ports from the upper country indicate
that it will go Eeveral leet higher before
checking. It is so early that a substan
"Are women human beings?" was the
question before the meeting in the sixth
was laid awav century at tne council or .Macon. The
n nf ,L nn.i f tv.q I reverr)ed fathers went at tho subject in
n . . , .. . ... , no frivolous manner, but debated it lone
Dallns is that whpn thp pnsf .hnnnrt train ' '""b
iiinu earnestly, ana ui'J not ueciue it un
til several days had been consumed in
twenty strangers board the cars. The
mystery is where do thev come from.
debating the proposition. The council,
I tint trlth r lit CrtVi rlSaenntinn nn Knn
n examination of the pasEeneer lists of ,,
.-.. ' n: .. levtri u"aiy ueciueu mat sue
for them, but it is the only explanation
that can be made.
From the news brought to Port Town-
sAnil hv Hip cfpainpr Al.TCi. whSnh nr. f
rived from Alaska at
the new gold fields
noon yesterd;
on the Cfondyke
river are much richer than were at first
supposed, recent discoveries avowing as
high as $335 to the pan. The city of
. . .t
was a
human being. That opinion is shared
by some people even to this day. It
was, perhaps, the only solution possible
that was not beset with future bicker
ings and dangerous pitfalls, for suppose
that the council had decided that she
was not a human being, tho question of
man's position would have also been
brought into the matter, for if tho wo-
outfit is
I mrm irne tint hnmin or.nl1 tlm mn.
Juneau is almost deserted as every i , . . f it . , , '
, s , ueiug uorii oi tuuieuiiiig not mimai , ne
able-bodied man who canpurchase an ,.,.,, . . o . .
leaving for rue Clonuike . , , tl . . . . .
& j good lathers were biased m their jud-
streets of The Dalles have not ' . . . , ., , , . ' .
, , , .1 uiev uujv ueuiueu likil nr.': WHS lliimMll
presented eo dead an apoearance in . , .... ,
v it . ' . for policy take. Whenever a man's
years as thev do now. The reason is , ... . . 1(
, : . t proud position as boss of the universe
that evervbody is at work and only show . V ... . , . . ,, ,
, 3 t . and master of all created things is called
themselves in the evening. Many are . .,,. . , . . . .
in iicctiuii, iic ucuuuieB suuuuiiiy itiiu
pathetically tender about other things
that might combine to his injury
at work on the farms and many more at J
fisheries. Ihe results will be seen in a
short time in the shape of more abun
dant money. At the same time tUo
stores are all doing a fair business, and
Had we been in the council we would
probably have voted as they did, especi
ally when wo consider the style of head
""''rT 'uau'"B dress and cut of garments women of those
for points feouth. ;Jayg woro. b)U UQw a(j w(j admjre th(j
The Kast i-nd today was uuu as a -hii
of July picnic, and quiet as a country
courtship. Judge Filloon's temple of
Janus was closed, the constable gone
fishing, the Judge gone we don't know
where. There was neither hog nor
Eteer for shipment, the warehouses were
in zlatu quo, whatever that is, and Joe
Woreely was engaged in an abstruse or
abstract argument on the proueness of
Mormon women in
gracefully-falling skirts, peep at tho
neatly-booted Trilbys, glance at the
bewitching waists and leg-o'-mutton
sleeves, and bow down before the rain
bow splendors of the Ea6ter hat, vje
would not vote that way, She might
have been human then, but now she
is an angel.
As we went down towards the depot
tiie eauy uays oi i tie otlier dav . wakiiitr alomr the track.
we eaw a can of salmon (or at least such
we supposed it to he, for the label was
tlai fall mav w Innlrpfl fnr Ivpfore its
big annual rise. ' Salt J-ake t0 irnitate sentile fashions,
t w r- ' n c aud getting the best of the argument,
ivvigu, uver ti yearn ui uKc, vuui- i .,,.., roa, it,,,. ,!
fitted suicide at Mount Vernon, Skagit 8 W near u.e oiu i crncK cannery,
county, Wash., last Saturday, by shoot- j ln the ha6t hnd todaJ ' , o, under ordinary circumstances we
iK himself in the head The old man I Tw dail-v pasnger trains are now would have paid no attention to it ; but
had been ailing for some weeks. He;'u between Portland and Umatilla. 1 what struck us about it was that it
leaves a widow and eeveral eons and ; the afternoon train out of Port- would roll over end over end, and at
dau'-htf.. iinf ,vv,m no, l! ri r ! is a ne w through train to Spokane times jump up in the air a foot or two
awav fmm i,nm d arrives at Umatilla in the evening, ! and ehake itself as though it was trying
, .. .... M , ,T ,, ,. . lr ,. i. ( i . .
continuing to hpoKane via anma, ; to iigiu in uvo or six places ii once, as
i without change of cars, and connecting may well bo imagined, we were very
ie Falls & Northern , much astonished, and had to stop and
and Great Northern smell our breath two or three times be-
i.nat.liAiinH fm.t uvnracu Clrant Vnrtli. fnrft U'P pnillr pnti vl n f riiiftrilf Mint wu
meiabera unabated by the ordeal through erjj Ince and tourj6t eleeper6 Bre oper. diuVt ,jave eIn 3f,ain, Jj8,nK fatiefied
which they had passed. The company s . ... nn fl.iB train. This train is on that noint. we beiran to examine thu
next march will be to Dayton, two weeks , the conectlon for iIeppner branch j can- As we started to pick
We have secured the
services of Mr. Joseph
KirchofF, who has been
doing Bicycle Repair
ing and Gun Work for
the last rive years in
The Dalles. All work
entrusted to him will
receive prompt attention.
Company B, O. N. G., of McMinn
..ill, ... . . 1 UIIUUV UJHUlgO VI
"lie, returned from its practice march , wJth R kan
to Amity feundav evening in good co; , trftIn for Kootenal, uuu wim me eniuubiaeiu ui ne
from next Saturday.
It is amusing to read some of the no
tices concerning mines, given by our
brethren of the press in the bucolic
neighborhoods. One exchange says a
piece of ore had been brought to town
that was rich in gold, silver copper and
Jead, and added the farther astounding
statement that it was fine "free milling"
The funeral of the late Samuel Gates
trains from Ifeppner Junction and all
branch lines north of Walla Walla. No.
2, the evening train out of Portland, is
still the through east-bound connection
of the Union Pacific, but now runs via
Pendleton and not via Wallulu, connect
ing with Oregon Short Line east-bound
flyer at Huntington. Pullman and tour
ist sleepers, also free reclining chalrcare,
are operated on this train to Chicago via
Granger and Omaha.
made a mightly leap and the end tow
ards us bobbed up in such a manner
that if the blamed thing hud had lege
we would have believed it was trying to
kick at us. It was with some trepida
tion that we finally got the can in our
bands, and with something of a grew
some feeling that we proceeded to open
it. However, it behaved very nicely
and lay perfectly still as we cut the top
off with our jackknlfe. There was no
salmon in the can; instead it was filled
with two pounds of as good meat as ever
grew inside the hide of n bucking devil
of a cayuse. It was a piece of the- famous
old saddle horse ridden by Chief Moses,
and canned by llerrick two years ago.
Tho warm sun awakened tho natural
instincts of tho biute, which had been
preserved by the canning process, and
he was trying to buck. Salt is cheap.
One of tho pretty minor tales of myth
ology has for its subject a most beauti
ful youth named Narcissus, who was of
graceful mein, n rover of the woods, a
poetical, dreamy Eort of a fellow, who
set the wood nymphs by the ears over
his sweet self, and almost broke up the
peace and quiet of the forest, vale and
stream. To see him was to love him,
for hu was a thing of wondrous beauty.
Tho Diyads peeped out of their trees,
and tho leaves trembled with their sighs
as he passed unheeding by. The Naiads
smiled at him from running brook, and
stirred the surface of tho placid pools In
their desire to see him; and it is even
said that Venus, having cast her eves
on him, made some comparisons be
tween her husband, Vulcan, and the
gazelle-eyed youth that would have
made the old man jealous could he have
heard them. He was tall, supple, grace
ful, with a magnificent head of jet-black
hair and eyes of limped violet. Yet
with all the beauteous nymphs, and
even the goddess of oi love, gone on him,
Narcissus remained ns cold as the buows
on the summit of Olympus. Tho DryadB
ogled, but he ogled not. The Naiads
sported, hut ho wasn't sporty. Venus
wooed, but he would not. Why? Be
cause lie liaa seen his own Imago re
flected in a pool where a love-lorn Naiad
had shown it him ; ami from that mo
ment he wa9 mashed on himself. His
fate was sad, but deserved, for, stooping
to kiss his image in the pool, the treach
erous Naiad, who wan strictly up to that
date, nulled him and he wus u goner.
There are eeveral morals to this moral
tale, one of which is that in eomo things
reciprocity is better than a prohibitory
To Trail).
A Vt'l miIkiui.v rWli. r.i.lni.llrw. l.n!u
. f I flliw, I li-iiy.iw I il lluin I
and 100 shells, for good pony. Knqulro I
at this office. a'-'Ktt I
A stock of Pure Aluminum Ware Cook
ing Utensils.
"NTr otiqtyiiiI o flol-o rff SSnlil Tnanl Wn V
plating to wear off. S
Absolutely pure. No verdigris, or salts
oi tin.
ttt j a.ii m t. j i i.jri Ji W
wonaeriuiiy ngni ana uuttuuiuj, uuu
very durable.
Foods cooked in it do not scorch.
Drop in nnd see it. Wu will bo pleased to show it to you, oven if
you don't buy.
We have strictly First-class
FIR, OAK and
Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO
Successor to ClitUinnn A Corson.
Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to
see all my former patroiiH. Free delivery to any part of town.
Opp. A. M. Williams & Co.,
Down Go Prices.
Call and see us, for now is the time to get
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
A complete Line to Select from.
New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
Northern Grown Heeds,
Fresh Garden and Glass Seeds in linlk
Keed Wheat, Heed Kye, Heed Oats.
Heed Hurley, Hoed Corn, Flux Heed.
Alfalfa Seed, Timothy Keed.
Hed Clover Heed, .Millet Seed.
Crimson Clover Keed, llluo flrasi Heed.
White Clover Seed, Orchard Grass Seed.
Hep Supplies, Fertilizers, Oil Meal (Juke.
Hay, Grain, Feed and Groceries.
Karly Hoso Potatoes.
Poultry and Kggs bought and Hold at
No. Schilling's Best
l'aLini' iiowilcr
riuvoi:ng i-icacts
a in I kpicts
are not as good as we can
make without any regard to
cost. They are as good as
we can make with both cost
and goodness on our mind
all the time.
8 . .
I'or kale hy
W. E. Kahler
J. H. CROSS' Feed and Grocery Store.
GooiIb Sold at Hedrock Prices for Cash.
Htore open from 7 a. in. to 0 p, m.
Lumber, Building1 Material and Boxes
TradedjrHay, Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c.
rowe & CO.,
The Dalles, Or