The Dalles Daily Chronicle. brand it. and she is figuring on it now, there will be serious trouble. ' annexing the islands now we can The only Republican Bail, Xeicspapct n p'cvent n t"us at the same time ' Watco Countv- s stop tne increase of undesirable in-, " habitants by shuttinc out the Japs E ASTERS OFFlCE-UOioSU Temple d Cliinese We nQt care w,Rtj cori. -v. r.niu. ..1. effcct thU hM on thc MRnr mwt or BLACKWELLS "WEDNESDAY. - APRIL 21. 1S97 A PVyK BODY. anvone else, the islands must belong . to this government or no other, and the quicker we give the world to un derstand this, the better. The Chamber of Commerce of, -Portland is still in existence, though ' "We would respectfully suggest to nearly everybody supposed long ago our poetical friend. Sam L. Simpson, that it was defunct. It gave evi- that the newspaper that is to be dence of vitality Monday afternoon , started tn Portland would furnish a by a meeting! at which it had subject for a companion piece to the , strength enough to whereas eight "Bridge Actoss the Willamette." It titnef and resclve twice, the second has started so many times, has been olntiou beinc that the other be , '"is going to oe started so mnir furnished the press and forwarded more, that the oldest inhabitant has to the Oregon congressmen." ceased to ever think about it. other The Portland Chamber of Com- than to sometimes mumble -They're merce has been in existence for many going to start." etc. years, and has made a failure of everything it touched, big or little. ' from the time of its inception. It re GENUINE DURHAM r turn & ir" SEE? Wfllili PAPER! WAItlt PAPER1 Just Received ! 5000 You Get the Profits and Middlemen by buying di rect from the manufacturer. Ton will flml out coninn Inside each two ounce but;, uud tWD conponi Inside racli four ounce lmg of Black well's Durham. Buy a ting of tills cclvbrnted tobneco nnd rend the coupon which gives a list of vnlnnhlr jr euts anil how to get tlnm. Rolls of Wall Paper, best patterns. The beautiful colors. iNew Invoice The! most i of Paints and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. jSDipes-Kwly Drug The outlook for a wheat crop in thi1 section was never better, and the , lr..L- irr nnnn: ic crnnrlHl irntUYIV. I butchered the Hunt railroad proposi- n j tion, and kept it out of Portland ; it . cmmtr5e5 Jt 5eem5 MW "0 be well 8. j put up tue Die ouiitung tuat u Wholesale. damned with its name, and which. 1 while never meeting its interest t charges, ruined First street, and va- i cated all the office buildings in Port-, land. It hac been a society of the mutual admiration variety only, and , should have expired from inanition years ago. Indeed, it would have done so. were it not for the fact that ii is composed of a lot of moribund old webfeet who imagine they are progressive, and who remain organ ized for the purpose of assisting in developing the resources oi thc coun try. They are a deadlock on the wheels. They have imagined Port land was all Oregon, and man' of them think so vet. sured that Illinois and other of the , Mississippi valley states are to have i very beavilj' decreased acreage on account of the floods. The Oregon wheat-grower seems to have this vear stiuck it about right. CClines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BL'SINES No better wheel made than the Acme Bicycle Built in our own factory by skilled workmen, us'.iuj the best material and the most imcrovsd it-1 i maenmery. a a navo r.o aatni; i Sold direct from f .Uory to ih rider, fully warranted. Shippe anyvhere for examinarior,' WRITE FOR Our Interesting Offer Acme Cycle Co., Elkhart, r.d. on draught and in Dottles. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Evlsauw'e sunt Telecraphic ; Transfers soid on Xew York. Chicaco, i St. Lonis, San Francisco, Portland Ore- j con, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and asnington. Collections made at ali points on fav orable terms. Tie Reguator Line" He Dalles. Portlaii M ttii Navigation Co. Anhetiser-Bnsoh Malt Ntitrine, a non-alcoholic "beverage, unecmaled as a tonic. ELY'S CREAM BAX.M is a posltlvecure. l nostril. It U quietly absorbed. 50 Tbeir meeting the other day was elt brothers. Ee'Wanen :ew vori: cuy. called bv the sugar trust for the pur-, pose of getting ay indorsement of the attempt to shut out Hawaiian sugar, and we print one of these whereases, whereased by this.Portland witenagemate, which shows their keen insicht and heroic determina tion to do something for Oregon. It is as follows: -Whereas. It is with-! Vuutecl. A German or Swede crirl to do general housework. Applv at this office. ' al9-lf The Dalles Trading Co., corner of 3d and Federal streets, will pay the highest cash price for second-hand coods. STUBLING & WILLIAMl NEW SPRING GOODS NEW SPRING GOODS JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED 11 t ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. tn24-tl C. D. Fleming, Ai'ent. C. F. STEPHENS. Trim MppAvtiflc h?c nfitr Imrhsr in uiewu.-je ui ow.uimj , shop opposite the Clarendea restaurant state of Oregon will have located 1 0D secoaci trt!et. a24-lm somewhere within its border a larce , Z '. T , , , : xiop Gold Buck Be-er ss the best ever refinery for the manufacture of be.t prodnwd on the Try k. 0n sugar." This was one of their most .jrRUght at all Star brewery saloons. cogent reasons for demanding, at the ; b1o-1w behest of the sugar trust, that the jce cream -yja nt a. Keller's bakery reciprocity treaty with Hawaii be and confectionery. aS-lw not renewed. The Portland Chamber of Com ilwavs has been, an : 11 yvn VKU . se;Kise o. Ijock cer, can lor tue nop uoui awn, liTherc is a tide in the affairs of wen which, taicn at its fiooo UJ leads on to fortune" The poet unauestionablv had reference to the losiiiff Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets n s Pullman Elegent Tourist THROUGH Iffiislt ai PassBpii i Sleeping Cars j Steamer Relator wiU leave The Ualleson :uonaays, & and Fridavs at coU TO Dining Cars Sleeping Car ST. TAI L I MI.VNEAI'OLI Dl'Ll'TH MliGO ' GUANO POP. I CKOOKSTON WINNII'KG I I1KLKKA nil lil'TTK Through Tiekets ISock licerl ISock Ilf-erl UocU Ueer! merce is, aim n.jur iu lue itu ut u!u, made onJy by the Star brewery, and on the only thing about it that is not a ' Re ,E a;i star brewery saloons only, delusion and a fraud is its name. al-j-lw at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rates MICHE I.BACH BRICK. - - UNIOI ST. CHICAGO WASHINGTON I'HILAIJKLI'IIIA 'E W VOJtK 151)5 TON AXU ALL l'OINTS AbX KilU bOL'7'U nesda's a. m., and will leave Portland on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at G:30 a. m. I'ASSKNGKIi KATES: One way . , Round trip .. 3 CO Freight Rates Greatly Shipments for Portland received t anv time. Shipments for way !aniiir?i must be delivered before 5 p. a. JJ stock shipments solicited. Forratesai on or address W. C. ALLAWAY General Aseof THE DALLES. - OREGON The Grautlot licmedy, The course of this overmnent' Mr R j.t ureeve. merchant cf towards Spain in the latter'; trouble Chilhowie, Va., certifies that r.e had with Cuba has been a despicable and ' consumption; was given up to d:e, cowardlv one. Unarmed and peace- 50I'l,, a!l medical treatment that m -ney .... , , , , i could nrocure, tried all cough remedies able citizens of unuapnv Cuba have;. ... , , . .. . . he could hear of, but got no re.ief ; sper.t been shot down like wild beasts by . Jaany njhts g,.tlJB up in a chair waE the ruthless .Spanish soldiers under induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery, the direction, or at least with the ai.d was cured by the use of two lew York Weekly Tribune sauction Wevler. jf that butcher of babes, i-or past ttuee years nas oeen ntieu i:mr , , . ., . , to busines, and savs Dr. King's Xew Dis- omen ana children have ... . , , cowrv is the grandest remedv ever made. Leen outraged, tortured, and then aE it 'ha, done i0 ronch or ,;im Bod ai5, murdered in cold blood; yet we for others in his community. Dr. King's have made no protest. And what New Discovery is guaranteed ior Cousrhs, has been our excuse: Spain is a Colds and Casumption. It don't fail. Trial bottle free at Blaheley ikHcuchton's Drugstore. 2, friendly nation, and we cannot inter fere." The reasou i; not reason, it is subterfuge, and that of so lying and despicable a class as to be un worthy of the contempt of decent people. We are as one who permits the murder of a lot of innocent children in his dooryaid, and ex ' plains his non-interference with the excuse that of mine." It is only a question of time until SURE CURE FOR PILES this government has to annex Ho- SSd&WW&X PV". waii. It will never permit any other uaiion to absorb it, and hence will " be compelled to take it in. We have virtually assumed u protectorate over the islands now, and Uncle Sam ought to know better than to let any KOK Farmers and Villagers, POP. Fathers and Mothers, rop. Sons and Daughters, FOR All the Family. For inlnnnntJoa, nnic card, njnpe K:id ttctt'.t , cal on or write to j j W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, j 1 Tlie iMlkt, Orecot. j ok i A. D. CIIARLTQX. Asst. G P. A., ! i6, Morriho:; Cor. Thirl. I'orti.ia't Oreaor. j I. COMI1MI, 'lh dealei: in the dlle; of :Marble Burial Vaults iSnoKlrn'o Arimn ealTi. j The best salve in tne world for cute, bruises, sores, ulcers, ea!t rheum, fevei j sores, tetter, chp.nped hands, ehilblaiuE ' corns, aud all skin eruptions, and poai- j lively cure? piies, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac- j tion. or money reiunuecl. Price -5 cents per Vjx. For sale uy Blaheiey and : the assassin is a friend Houghton, druggist's. A Perfect Protection from Water and ! Dampness. Preserves the Bodv bv Ex cluding the Air. , It possesses every merit claimed fort the most expensive vaults, viz: absolute! security and durability, thus making a j : permanent anu luitjeriFhnh rustim' i place for the dead. j : This vault is made of six pieces of mar- PlCtlire MOUldlBfe' ' ble which can be firmlv lAstnwl to. w i gethei with cement, thus making them ! uir unu water tignt. j DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and With the close of the Presidential Campaign THE TKLBUXE recognizes the ' fact that the American people are now anxious to give tlielr attention to home and in ! j r mi! business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and fl KinOS LBfflfitPrV Wflfk. prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the vwniuiuij VVUin light for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception 1 . ' to the present dav, and won its greatest victories. j Mr. Comini has on hand a large eup-' 1 ply ol first-class Marble, to be used in Every potable effort will be put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE Monuments, etc. Pricee lower than in i,-T.T.y-T mitlirUM' : .1.. I T." II.. V........ - . - ; . ..... 1 ....c ivm.1 UlUll 111 ii!.ivL.i iiiiuu pre'oijiiueuii v .Miiiuimi l auin; esim;ier, inierwrUliL', i ortiaiHl. : .t..! 1 !,!-., l.l. . ......V. ........ I .1 .1... !!.. I I ZEE. a-XjE3ST' g A. 1). OL'llLt'V, Attorney M Counsellor at Lew, ARLINGTON. OREGON. I Practice in the State und Federal Courtt ol "slick-ears" of his be running on the oitgou unu wukiiinfton. "When Japan undertakes to instructive, entertaining uud indispensable to each member of the familv. We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. Write vour name and address on a postal card, Bend it to Geo. W. Best. Tribune Office, New York City, acd a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib une will be mailed to vou. I This Ik Vour Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cimb or stamps, : a generous fcatnple will be mailed of tuo most jiopular Cnturrh and Hoy Fever Cure , (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon irate tho great merits of the remedy. 1 ELY BROTHERS, t CO Wurren St., Kew York City. "Rev. John Reid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont., , recommended Ely's Cream Baha to me. I can ciupbaize his statement, "It is a poai. tlve cure for catarrh if used as directedV Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Fr( Church, Helena, Mont. don Ptrmtmri at This Offit .wjlF. w -w v -w 'w i jui iawrru uuu comains no mercury nor any injurious druf. Price, 00 cents. ' DR. GUMtS ..tit nr n l'w't fin. I'll. "--mMVTP" A motwtuent ot I be bowelf n r..B al it i.milr They cam Haff "fi iilViil n,ii In- or lull lffJ!5lidi4l ikfc Lit. iiosAAKO mv. ' - Attention HoremB' The horaemen will meet t JJJ May let, lor me purFv -general round up. All horeeo" requested to be present B. BootsXi