The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 20, 1897, Image 4

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    ST.?? '
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
tup. iiAi.Lt:,
Below is published a correct time
oi trains and Iwats which leave anil ar
rive at The Dalles. Travelers may trust ,
it, as The Cmio.sicu: is kept fully in
formed of revisions :
I). P i'c A. X. 0. 5TEAMER5.
Stenruer Keculntor taive every Monday. Wed
nesday and Friday at it. m.
Arrive? everv Tudajr. Thursday and Satur
day at p. m. j
okegox railway & navigation co.
riTjiitt. Arrive. Iar.
No.1 We: b.innd ... 4 45 a.m. 4:n.ta. I
0.2 East bound I0:loj'.m. w:ap.m.
DAti.8- rA; ENOBK.
Ko. Wu-bomMl. lve 10 p..
. S E:-boomt, arrives . . .
11:45 a.m.
All pd.'icer tralcs
rr!l as tbedepo:.
lop m: Cnion Street, as
Ail vertUliic 2:;te
j'er ttl i
Give itch or less in Daily 1 S)
Oyk two inches and uuder four laches. ... I (0 !
Ovar four inches nnd under twelve inch. . . 75 J
Over twelve inches SO ,
One Inch or le?s. ir luch 52 30
Over one inch and tinder four laches . . . 2 CO '
Over four inehe? and under twelve ineher . 1 W
Over twelve laches 1 CO ,
Mr. L. Henry of Hood River was in
the city yeslerday evening, returning on
the host this morning.
Jndce Bradshaw will leave for Prine
viile May 1st to hold the regular spring
term of court. He was appointed May
1st, 1591, mid left the nest day for Prine
ville, his first term of court being held
In thi5 citv, Monday, April 19;h, at
10:30 p. ni.. Samuel Gates, 27 years. 9
month? and 4 days.
The iuneral will take place from the
family residence Wednesday morning at
30 o'clock.
The Colouel ana tlir ChlrnioriUt.
Sunday a chiropodiit visited our city,
antl stopped at the Umatiiia house.1
Col. Sinnott ha; or had a corn ; for it
was, but is not. The chiropodist nnd
the corn being in perigee, a; it were, the
colonel decided to have his cereals har
vested, the sisn beins in Pisces and con
sequently richt for corn cutting. He
Engjested to the corn -cutter that he had
a small job iu his line, and inquired the
price. 'Three dollars and a half was
the reply. "But," said the Col., "times
are hard, and 1 am only working here
in the hotel for my board, can't you do
a little better than that?" After con
eiderins: the matter, the chiropodist con
cluded that he could, and offered to re
move the farinaceous product for 50
cents. The Col. walked over to Judd
Fi-h, who was behind the counter, and
in his smoothest tones inquired of that
gentleman "if he could 'et the use of a
room on the lower floor lony enough to
tret a corn opernted upon?" "Csr
tuiiiiy," replied Judd without cracking a
:mi!e, and at the same time handing ont
a key. la a few moments the corn was
removed, the 50 cents paid over, and the
parties lo the contract separated. Soon
after the eorn doctor was standing in the
Etite barber shop, when the colonel
ps-ed by. Incidentally he inquired,
"Who is that oid gentleman just pass
ing? Ihat," said Parkins, "is Col.
Sinnott of ihe Umatilla House. Why
do you ask?" The answer got away.
The New Time Card.
Under the new time card, which goes
into etfet tomorr w, trams wi!l move as '
follow-: j
4, to Spokane and Great Northern
arriv at 6 p. m., leaves at 0:05 p. m. ,
5o. 2, to Pendleton, Baker City and
Union Pacific, arrives 1 :15 a. m., depart--
1 :2i. a. tn.
No. 8. 'rom Spokane and Great NortL
ern. arrives S:30, departs E:35 a. m.
Ko 1, from Baker City and Union Pa
cirte, arrive 1 :20, departs 1 :25 a. m.
Nog 23 and 24, moving east of The
Dalle?, will carry passengers. No. 23
arrives tu 0:30 p. in., departs 12:45
p. ut.
Passengers for Heppner will take train
leaving here 6:05 p. 111.
First German llor.t;,
"rewer ays the Brut book primed in
e German lanpuae wa the "Edel
'n, or "Pre-ioui, Stone," in 1401. by
Ir'eh Boner. Sevf-a years before thii,
'.-r. in l-!4. Gtnenburp and Faust
-;nte:l in Iatin on indulgence issued
v Pope Nicholas V. to Paula: msChappe,
n ainboBador to the kin? of Cyprus.
There in much conflict among the au
thorities as to the date!, of the earlier
oopisc of the Faust and Cutenburg
booka, and in many vase the ixnut
' ine of their issuance U oonjectural.
" Oi"(ii:u iu Jitpcn,
The .Ifipr.:.&e are of raid of tbeaprond
of the burnt uf opium mnoKinjr in tbeir
eouyiry. and eiToni ore heinj mack 10
rcsttfjet- Hj sale nnd consumption.
u-9Um for Tub Oiiiife.Vitfi,.
One irdtistrj T: r.t r-rlvon on Cnnili
tlotis Tl'.rt V ri-f :. Otlii-r.
Th manufacture of paper bag!- isr.n
i .-.this try v.hieh depends largely on iu--tro.terity
to a pre.i.ilir.g n of
luird t'mW. The more the
financial pressure becomes. th.1 ::;ore
paper bar are uwl, says the Congo
Chronicle. In the grocery stores cus
tomer will come in who. instead of
ordering a bushel of potatoes, will or
der a qii.trt of potatoes ami carry them
home in a pnpur bag. Groceries of all
kinds are purchased in small quantities,
and the paper bag is uaed r.imost ex
clusively to do up. not only groceries,
but fruit, vegetables and candies. A
customer :n hart! times will drop in
ami buy half a pound of tea. In a few
tiny? he will come in nsrain ard buy
another half pound. In gu"d times he
would have bought a couple of pounds,
and one bag would have wrapped it up.
It is so with al! kind of groceries and
every-thinr purchasable far which pa
per bag can be used, and the only veai
complaint v hich will be found coming
from the pr.;er bag m:imifaeU'r;: v. ill
be on the occasion of prosperous times
coming on us again. The paper lag
mills lire doing a thriving business now.
and until the growing evidences of
prosperity culminate- in a general re
sumption of business activity through
out the country, they will not lack for
a constant and large demand for their
roods. But v hen the mechanic begins
to buy potatoes by the bushel, apples
by the peek, coflee by five-pound pack
ages and flour by the barrel, then the
paper line will hide its diminished head
and prosperity be with us once more.
How the Executive of New York Cnme
to He Sent t'li.
Judge M. May, of this city, v. a.- rm e
in.-trumenta! in sending William L.
Strang, now mayor of 2-ew York rf .
to the county jail for six veer: -. -. .. - th-'
Mansfield (O.I News. At u.;.; t in.
Manuel May wasn't a judge. Jiin". s t
who is now known all over tin-
by reason of the figure he
New York politics, was m ' a.,
isew York. The judre. v. h r.
tioned in repard to the mar; -r.
gave the incident as he remcnAer-
"It was 30 years ago. and I v ... .
notary public in those days. I v.. ti
red ed to take some deposit :or- r
ease in which there was an n'.'-t
fraud in regard to some finan. ';;! r. -tors.
Strong; refused to answer - m
questions, as he. I think, had rec ': -
the information on certain point.- it.
t-oi-fiilsnee. He was obstinate, and I ex
ercised my prerogative and sert bin: t
ja:!. Strong" moved in what was con
sidered the elite of Mansfield society
in those days, and they stuck to h:m
throuch his term of imprisonment. Th
town was about divided on the jiropfj
ition as to whether it was rich to sent
hsm to jail. Strong had a real nice
time while he wa.- in jail. Hi.'- friends
visited him every day and helped him
pass away the hours. Finalh. after
Strong- had been locked up for .six
weeks, a uirher court ccneluded that
he had had enough and he was re
The Great "Writer Ih Simple, Quiet and
If, meeting him withott- knowing
w ho he was. I had beer. rsked to divine
his profession. I would have said be
was- a retired army general or a profes
sor of phy.cs end mathematics or a
cub.iiet officer n-ver an artist, says .t
writer 511 the Cbautauquan cf Jules
Verne. Ke doeK not show the burden of
his almost W years; he has somewhat
of Verdi's build, with a serious, kindly
face. no artist-like vivacity in look or
word, very simple manners, the im
print of preat sincerity in every fleet
ing manifestation of ieelinsr and
thought, the lantmaec. the bearing, the
manner of dress of a man who con
siders appearance of absolutely no ac
count. Mv 3m sensation after the
pleasure of fceeinp him was one of stupe
faction. Aport from the friendly look
and the affable demeanor I could rec
ognize nothing in common with the
Verne who stood before me and the one
that had a place in my imagination.
My wander even increased when, in
duced to speak about hif works, lie
ppoke of them with an abstracted air,
ai he would have done of some one else's
writinjrs, or rather of thir.2 in which
entered no merit uf his as, .he would
have spoken of a collection of enirrnv
inps or coin he had acquired, and with
which he occupied himself more from
the neeess'ty of doing1 somrthing than
from any passion for the art.
Lumet Poultry Fnrni.
Farm Poultry soys that Isaac Wilbur,
of Little Compion. It. L, has thr- lf-rtst
poultry farm in the world. !! : hips
from 130,000 to 150,000 dozen of rfrgs a
year. He keeps bis fowls on the colony
plan, housing about 10 in a house eight
by ten or eight by ty.ehe feet in size,
these houses bc'.r.r' about 15b feet apart,
set out in lonfc row over the ypiitly
sloping fields. He has 100 of these
houses scattered over three or four
fleldh. The food i loaded into a low
wao, which is driven about to each
house In turn, the attends: t ftedinff
ni he tfooa. At the aftrrr.n,n feedir:jjr
the eggs are collected. Tin- fowls are
fad twloe a day. Tin- rn n. ne- f od is
a ma) of cooked veft-t ::!)! i. 1 mixed
meals; this mash is made up the after
noon of the day before. The afternoon
fdod is whole corn the yar round.
flow bout Your
We have the facilities for doing all kinds
of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a
catalogue, and we are after all the work we
can do. "We not- only desiie to keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Come in
and compare our prices with that of any
one. and compare quality of work. Let us
have your next order.
(?f?ror;i(;Ie publisl?ii? ?o.
I Supplied to United States and
I no superior. Best Dip for the w ool. Sold by PEASE &
I MAYS, The Dalles, Oregon.
of Kinsinnn Vv'orliljisr Havoc
in f'hinn ni'tl .".iin:?:.
Hc:en;. advice.- state x'an' rrreat i..' -af.tation
iie.i'g- v.rou::: in ci..
Japan aral China oy immerse bar-f. -
monkeys, v. hich have beer, driven, t'or.
horn the forets and ravines by the
unusuitily cold weather and heav
s.nrv.-s. Beingr deprived of the ulvc'.
m ;.iis of .-uas-stimj on berric-o r..
ruots the starvmg motkeys sr.- varr- -ir.g
outlying mountain districts t.nd -jdT'.v.y
ercps. EverythMi.'f .Tice .
;!cL:v eaten and then tl: h .-de."
apes press farther into the :-t :t!c::..T.; .
Around Tul;uabasan. in I'.r.-a'.:. Iver
ro ;i,ec, the greatest damage hatl "jesr:.
When the monkeys CrFt cam? dov. r
tv.o woodcutters were attached ar. "
killed by the hunger madencd creat-i-ret;.
Since then numerous cases cf i.y
:!H-ng of pscple living in ?hc!::v.--'laces
have been reported, b ir.
:nscd apparently by their effort..
. ukdue t!te intruders or prctett the:
prajAirty. In such cases monkeys b;
dozens would attack men and kill theu:.
Such devastation wroubt b;.
monkeys vas unknov.-n to .Icpsves--. .
thoutrh their legemls hint at such c:--UTrenscs
centuries ago. Villtirr-r
have been prcpnring for revenge am'
m .. . . , .1 !
by this time organized monkey bur:
-re in progress in both empire. Th-
local governments are also renderinr,'
The Cat's iteiiKion. siroys $1.50 worth of gram annually.
The late Father Stommel, of Dovles- Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Esterm
tmvn. Pa., who died recentlv in Phiin- . inator isNthe most effective and econom
.. ... rr,n,Kin f ; n,i icai poison known. Price reduced to 30
many instances oi his wit are tciu nv
bis friends One of his neighbors, it is i
related, v. bo was not of the same fo:th
a? tl reverend gentleman, once pre
sented him with a very pretty Ktten.
being very emphatic in hor avowal "thnt
it was a good Catholic cat." A few
days later, when out for a walk, she
was hailed by Father Stomrnel after
this fashion: "Mrs. 15 . I though'
you told me the feline you gave me wa .
a good Catholic cat. I beg to assure you
that you were mistaken. It is a blue-
stocking Presbyterian, and eats meat
on rnuoy.
Nertroe wiio Trill; irlnh.
Trie Irish language still lingers in
the llahcmns, among -the mi.ei tie-
scendants of the Iliborcian patriots
banished by Cromwell to the West In-
dies. One can ocejyslonaUy hear, it hi
said, black suitors in the London docks,
who cannot peak n word of English,
talkiiii; Irinh to the old Irish apple
women wliom they meet., and thiumnk
; irig themselves intelligible without a
! knowledge of the Sn.on toqgtie.
Advertife in The Ciusonicle.
British Governments. It nas
.St.iekholileri.' Meeting
Notice is hereby given tnat a mt-Cting
of the stockholders of The Dalles Chron-'
icle Pu'DlishniL' Comnanv will be held at !
. I... fifmtiti. uniirf irnrc r T-Mwailne ,Km
1 i l V I.U1I .1 1 . ( 1JU 111 l! 11.. 1 '
25th dav of Mav, A. D., 197, at 2
, , , . .
o clock 11. m.. for tue pumose 01 adopt-
., ..
ing snpiimeniary articles 01 incoruura
tion, increasing the capital stock of said
company and transacting Eiich other
business as may come before said meet
ing. By order of the Board of Directors.
The Dalles, OreL-on, April ft, lv.7.
A. S. Mac Alumel,
R. G. Davespojit,
.i.tlu. to Taxpajer..
! Notice is hereby given that by order
'pf the county coitrt, the sheriff wij. re
turn the tax roii for 1SW5 to the
county clerk on the first Monday in
! Aprii. 1SST, and all tases then remain
; iiig unpaid on the roll will be declared
1 delinquent, and thereafter the siienfl
: will not receive taxes until the delin
quent roll is given him. l.y order of
court. A. M. Kelsav,
m23.4tw Clerk.
Chunire of Time.
i Commencing April Sth, the steamers
of the Regulator line will leave The'
i t ' m. insteau 01 ,
j W. C. Ai.laway, Agent.
e Your Grain.
Few realize tiiat each squirrel de-
. . r r l
uo out inn tu uiin uii ui, taiineruerg,
the eve snecialist. aud have vour eves
examined free of charge. If you suffer
(with headache or nervousness you un-
' doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if 1
' corrected, will benefit you for life.'
Office in the Vogt block.
Do you want your windows cleaned,
! carpets taken up, beaten and re laid, or
! janitor work of any kind done by a
; first-class man? If so, telephone Henrv
I Johnson at
j 'Phone 1 10.
Parkins' barber ehop. t
alO-tf i
! - ;
! As ufil,a' ulwa'6 ,n the lead. Hop
Gold Bock Beer on sale today. See that
! you get it on draught at all Star brewery
j saloons. alo-lw
i : 7; , ,
merchant who tells you he has
soinetlilng else as good as Hoe Cake soap
is 11 good man to keep away from, u2-3m
Stubling & Williams now have the
celebrated Hop Gold Bock beer on
draught. It is all right.
,'EEH'The Shasta sow
r.Hed the Common Council of lJ.iiic- of the
01 IOIS III - .
-- tn.Wlt
aCO ciunii . v , . . i
Lots P and 10 jointly, in Work U , o s ,
7, S. 9 and 10, jointly in block lo , lo ? ,
-co nnd 10. jo ntlv m block -l,:
n Suite;
lockiT: lot 9 in Io -.-.J.;
V X S. 9. 10, 11 and 12, in block I A jofcburB nnd way Sfl.
11', in block S7; lois l. 2. 0, 4, o. b. a, -J wt,,5iIAsi,i.vcrton'
3, 7, 10. 11 and 12. in block 41, ami ioi r M Snlem nml wny stations io.i5 m
1 2:s. 4, 5, 6.1., block 40 i.llil: gSJ-JS- - -y, f6J
The reasonnble vnlne of taul 5. or , jic.Minnviiie nd ,s
less than which they will not he sold,)H.-lo i..m. wny Mntloils ,
ha been fixeil ''i eieriiiiiu
' Common Council of Dalles City as fol-;
:1OLos9a' block 14. lfO; 8 j
7. S. 9 and 10, jointly in block lo, -00, j
; lots 7, S, H and 10, jointly- in block 1 ;
1 . It( -Hit
l.,t 11. Ill 11 OCK i, ",
r. c a 11 mi block Si. eacli re
II. g. i1, iV Hint .) . ,rt
Bt.itivplv .100: lots 0,
uuvt ...
block 37. each respectively
Intc " .". If) nnd 11. in
41, erch respectively irltw, i.u.- 1,
7 nnd 12, in block, -il. encn retiri.ii..'
il25; lots 5. 4, 5, S, 9 10 and 11. in
block 42, each respectively llHi, lott- i,
iin,wl ! in hWlr 44'. each resnecti vel v
lots 2, o,4, o,U, IV nnu 11,
J ' . ' ino. 1,., 1
D kick 40. eacn rrs ictmci. .-
in biock 43, ?l"o: lots . o, 1 iwiu u, in
,.,cL- Jr.. each resnecti -ely ?100; lots
and C, in block 40, each respectively
Each of these lots will be sold upon!
1 ioiin .
i l.lnnfc 7 0,,5 lot 1". HI UIOCK w .
! 'o, &inn. lntk 3 4.5. S. 1 Direct comic -lion nt Shu Frnncbco with Ow
! lot 9, m block ..4. -KH) Jots- -, o, -i, o , nl (iIuJ 0ra,nwl Ilnd t vam
9, 10 and 11, in block ."o. each . n..e- for Japan mm china. Sam"s SStf 100- lot" 6 and 7. n blofi: Ho, ! H1 plication. b 11,5505
nelj o 4 s n itHte.-t,tid tlcket to En-tern wint an m
each respectively $l2o , lo.r -, o. i.i y ai.-oJai-an. china, it V. V. ,
10 and 11, in block 36. each Af-;TuAuA, cnu be nbtnlned from
S100: lot 12. in block HG, ?125; lots o. 4, j. It. KIltKL.v.ND, Ticket Awnt
the lot respectively, and none 01 tbem;rr, nv Hl j,:40 tt Arrlve ut PortlaadTlBf
will be sold for a less snm than the value dav, f hursdiiy and Snturdy ut 3:05 n. m.
thereof, as above stated.
One-innrth of the price bid on any 01
said uts shall be paid in CiSh at the
time of sale, and the remainder in three
enna ui.vinents on or helore, one, two
nnith'ee vears from the date of said
sale, with i'uterest on such deferred pav-
mints at the rate of 10 per cent per
annua, ravanie annuauy; proiueu
that the payment may be made in fulll
at anv time' at thf option of the
i pur -
chaser. I
The said sale will becin on the loth j
dav of Mav. 1S97, at ' the hour of 2t
o 2iOck p. m. 01 saui oay, ami win uou-
tinUe from time to time until all of said
... . - . ... , ...... i
lots shall be sold.
Dated this loth day of April, 1S97.
Recorder of Dalles City.
For sale or Trade.
A desirable ranch of 1G0 acres, within
lour miles of Dalles City, with one span
mares, harness, wagonE, mows and other
fruit land and abun-
Will , I 1 4rf rioll..C
, . T '."
Citv propertv. Inquire of
' ' .....
A. a. Mac Allistek,
itea. estate ana insurance agent.
Chi:onici.e office, Trie Dalles, Or
. , .
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
; St. Paul
Kansas City
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities
HTEAMKKH Leave J'ortiftlid
Eerv Tire Hays for
Fnr full rtPtMflt. rail rn n v t. rrt
W. H. II UK LB CRT, Gen. I'iis. Agt I
rortiaiiQ, urt-sou
V M'M'lli u.usiHi.iit i... t '
! uu jmno vi
! Schedule.
train o. 1 arrives at The Dalles 4 :45
arriv Dalles 10:15 '
p, m., end leaves 10:20 p. m.
Train No. 8 arrivee at The Dalles 11 ;55 I
i P- m-i weat-hound train o. 7 leavee
at 1 p. in.
. iriu"1Rn" r'4 W1U carrV pr.seengere !
! rI' ! . . nn , n i .,,
carrv nr.sseni'erR
J " n-x n' V,. , ? " . L'""ulla leav-1
The Dalles and Umatilla, leav
n. daily and ar
riving at The Dalles l'p, 'm dailv coni
i necting with train Noe
os. fi and 7 frr.,r
Portland. v. E. Lvn
tIT J 1 l Mr 1
W a tenmakerf Jeweler
All work inomptly attended to,
and warranted.
EAST and SOUTH via
Uirc..-, iilcm, Ito.
mrc, Asihlnnrl. Sup.
LogAtipelcs.KlfW 'I.
Dally. f Daily, esccju sunay
Aiincnwi io mi i nrougii Tiauis.
Througli Ticket Ollicc,lS4 Third stnst. sy,
fVir.,nth tlplri-tK tn fill ..nltitu 1 .1. r...
' ?Hte.-, Cwmdn mid turojiu win be obtilncfii
' lowest rates Irom
Ail Rbovl. train nrrlve nt nnd dciiaitiro
j. ji.,-ncket Ag?at
, unrau i.tmtui 5u;iiua, rum una imaj stnutj
, yamIuITdTvision.
, i-iu-eapcr DejMt, foot of JcSerson street
: ": .1X 7 ''
-" " r-:io, i:-ia. o:,,
fnnil ll:yi' 11. in. on snturdsv onlv.. Anl ..
, i-ortmim iu ,:iiiRiia t.;;n a.m., nudl;S), t;u
U. U.1U i .IAS JI. iU,
jcnvc for Slicridnn, week days, it 1:30 a r
Arrive at I'ortlnud, 9:S0 n. m
;,,,. ,- fnr o;wrr.n w .,t..
n,ldl2:,ii.1:Wf sfc-a r. niids c5p.n vi
rive nl 1'orUnud at S:00, U:to n. in., l:,t:!5
, 5.1c, C:S, T:53 p. in.
nutaii., 1.. 1 nyutw,
Asst. U. V & PiL-i. Ast
nil If 11
in AO ill A1A nnd
j LuiIUi't II1U1U UUU .1
Throush by doyllgtit via Grass Valley, EC.
nnd uros1- Hollows.
C. M. WH1TELAW, Antelupe.
Stapes leave The Dnlles from rmatilla Ecsm
nt 7 11. m.. also from AnteldiK? at 7:S0 R. m. tvtrj
Monday. Wednesday mid Friday. Connecto
made at Aiitelojie ior i'rineville, JlitclieU iri
iHiint bevond. Close c. niifctlons madeallte
I Dulles with railway, trains mid boats.
Htnces from Antelope rea-h The Dalles To:
1 a-t" T"urday and Saturdays at i.jjp.n.
Dalles to Deschutes .... ...11 f
do Moro . -1
do Grass Valley. . I
do Kent
Anteloi to Cross Hollows
Grass Valley.
Dalles . .
.iary lii.uuu j:ijisjui iwiicj
cured in ID to 35 daya. Voucanwtreiwia
ty. If youprciortc crmehereirewuies;
tra-t to piy rci .roau lareana aa:sioiwa
c'nry, iodide potaalt, nnd etUl baTeartotri
any part of the budr, lluir or Eyebrows faUof
out. It la this Bc-coudary 15LOOD OISM
inrc.lf wc fall to cure. IryouuaTouisa mtr-
WMb, I . IU .Hit- Mi,VUMtt.lJ " - 1 .
wo euai-anti f! to enro. We solicit tbCBlMiO.W'r
nato cases and challeuco tho world lor
cane re cannot cure. Tbis dtscao ba
clani. 9500,000 capital behind oar nf
Uonal guaranty. Absolute proofy sent Maiwa
bmiCBltua, Address COOK ItEMLDl w
HOI Masonic Temple, vmuauui umm
t GoiumDia pacKlngGo.,
manofactuijkks of
;Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
x . ! . i i :... Ihat we ffil'i.0?
iotiue in nereuv v...--
- i Friday, April 30, 189. ai n ,
' o o-. unrii
- c ock p rn of f W!
1 "tablo of Ward, Kerue & Kobwtso".
at public auction, to the HM'k . ....
: r cash, the following cetn r
I eorial property, to-wit:
., One bay saddle horse, a 0. -? ,,
"Id. branded Uke this : On rlgu 6
der F, and with letter R on left bP
eft hip!
UKI J , turn nun iciiv. . 11.
...its,. onri Htar in ice.', .
iuiii rt otv.i ivvfc, ,,11 AlisDI
Ktther with bridle and saddle
posed to be the property ol - , 1 uy
All PP-
I P.?.
! This gale is un
,lrnn aL'Iftereu. : ,
to satisfy tho cnag
f..r their ""..1
ouu nara "
me cnuruuH ior we - .i,t
aiieiiiion nnu mo (ctetot,'
animal, anioitnting at ' 'it-lnees,
und for accruint; costs and expend
the expenses of tbif eale. BlWs,
... 1 .1... Ir.ii ltirillBM ,i