WW' 1: 7 ff- l t.n ?i -. - BE arts fts i fife J1 BP- ft; tir-.. I bo plnccil upon the success of their efforts. Five powers were committed to a defensive eampaian by their alliance, aru the sixth has made little use. so , far. of the opportunities for independ ent decisive action. It is amazinc E ASTERS OFFH-E-SSO to 2?4 Ttmph tna in a cr:is f raucht with moment- The Dalles Daily Ghroniele. The only Republican i-ai.'i, AVu;mi;" Ha?ft Countv. Court, S. 1. Citu. E. KATZ. Agent. TUESDAY. - APRIL 20. 15P7 PLUCKY GREECE. ous consequences for Europe, the foreicn ollice should be without cap tain or lieutenant, and Hie British cabinet scattered over the continent. ''One man's food is another man's It is possible, but hardlv probable, poison." say; the proverb, and it is EST with c hie nSackvrcU'E Genuina ar.ll Durham Is In n Ct.i? by is.-c.f. ou wi.l nna one eturon issldo erkh two ennce tag, act! two cou pons inside each fcur or.ntx cf SiackweEls Llili I If IB ydSE ?g TODSCCO Buj-&barof tb'.seelebmif :obncconndreat the coupon 72Uea elves c. llsi of varou uio uresiins aua ao, 10 b i Wholesale. that there will be a general European ' equally mie that one nation's mis war. The powers are afraid to be- fortune? are another's opportunities, gin it. knowing not where it will "With the first report that war had end. aiid some of the monarchs uu- commenced between Turkey and derstand the temper of this people , Greece, wheat went up four well enough to know the prosecution , cents a bushel in Xew York at a of a war is apt to end by some of the . single jump. Should the war be aforesaid monarch- being out of a come general. -a dollar a bushel for job. ! wheat" may yet be realized in this The sympn thies of the people are j country. From many causes the with the Greek?, while the interests ! outlook for the coming wheat crop of the rulets seem to lie with the is ece'lent. Argentine, instead of Turks. The rulers cannot permit sending sixty million bushels into Greece to acquire Turkish territory, the markets of this world, u ill be and the former will no: permit the : compelled to import. India, instead Turks to overrun Greece, and cou . of twenty to thirty millions for ex tinue the horrible atrocities upon the ' port, will have none, while Australia Armenians and other of her Chris- j is about in the same condition. Iie tian subjects In the meanwhile ; ports from Europe show a diminished Greece is displaying a trace of her . yield, or rather prospect for a yield, ancient bravery, and is fighting for s and. taken all together, the chance her rights as manfully as she did for high prices is good. 2,")00 rears aco. She has heard the ' call trom Macenonia, and has re-1 sponded nobiv. She has not stopped A German or Swt-tlt; ?irl jo do general to consider the cost nor the conse-; bonsework. Apply at this o3ce. , . . . . alP-tt ; Avoid ' "beverage, unecnialed. as a tonic. S lt: nnre - . - , - . - .- a WALL PflPEHI WALL PAPERI t Just Received ! 5000 Kolls of Wall Paper. The best patterns. The most beautiful colors. New Invoice of Taints and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. Soipes-Wy Drue Co.: You Get the Profits Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbers and Middlemen by buying, rect from the manufacture, " No better .uee! m-dc t!:anih Acme I icycie Built m our own f..c:ory by skilled workmen, v s 'u t4 material and the m.-1 machinery. Wg hsi. Sold direct from f;.v rider, fully warrair . anywhere for exr.r-:. ..-..c. VJnh FC": -af to u. I. s w "v r. n w a a 1 FRENCH & CO,1 Acmo Cycle Cc CClines and Ciaars. THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER-BUSCH and ' HOP GOLD BEER BANKERS. rEASSACT A GEKEKAL BANKING BCS1N Es Tie Relator Line on draught and tn oottles. Letters of Credit issued available in the , Eastern States. Sicht Eirbanc pd! Teletiraphic ' Tie Dalles. Portland anft iste Transfers so".l -i. Nt-w ork. Chicaco. I , St. Lords, San rranciseo, Portland Ure ' con, Seattle Wash., and various points . in Oregon end Washington. i Cj!iwtins uiaJe at all po:nts on fav ! oratle tsrms. Navigation Co. P Turk what the powers vrere otrnui to , , . 1 j ronr clothes the same co:or. sav: -laou sbalt not. lhat she titis bv nsin Soaa Foam. may win is the ardent wish of every white. lover of hbertv. and every admirer ORTHERN PACSFiC RY. .it. ! of braverv. JU.iT A QUESTION'. The D.;es Tiadia-.' Co., c-jrner of 3d , j and Federal streets, will pay the highest ; ; cash price for second-hnd poods. ; i its24-tf C. D. Fleming. Acent. STUBLINC & WILLIAM shop opposite trie , on i'ttrond street. Ciarencen restaurant Hop Gold Back Beer is ttie hest evt-r , produced on the coast. Try it. On ! draught at al! itar brewerv saloons. alo-lw j inis is sa Whv use ; ., . . TI , anv bet the verv best. Eest soan mesns isincr the above is "How did , , n , ' n 0m ! Hoe Cake.old bv Pease oc .uays. a2-3m i ed 20 piece set into circa- l '- Keller's bakerv J aS-lw One crooked $20 gold piece has come into the jK5essicn of the Lane county tas collector four times this season. In other words, it has al ready paid the taxes of tour men. and promises to pay many more be- j fore the rol!s close. Eugene Guard. 1 The question naturailv arisin after pern the crooked i - lation airain after gettic into the! ice cream soca at . . , 7 .t ii . - tt nd eocfectionerv. lianas of the tax collector.- How( : manv time; did he ikis; it out, and ! Two years a-o P.. J lirie rtr.fr will 1ia rr.tin!io r r ;n - 21s at PI rr'tion nti.in l-.ft.i- muii'ti y3ia? o.u. -but avn Remedv. He sums ud the result as fol- county or anyone else loss by the use twi . ..At thal thne the were un of the counterfeit "20: Jt h paid , known in this section : to-day Chamber- G0 indebtedness to the county hon estly, and if ic is successfully passed off by the tax collector, the sum is increased to $S0. It may pay 510, 000 fairly and squarely, aud yet can never entail upon anyone a loss of more than $20. The honest man who finally deslroj-s it will be out 20: but we er.nnot set around the Tom McCoy has opened his new barb. r NEW SPRING GOODS NEW SPRING GOODS JUST ARRIVED JUST ARRIVED H s I Pullman Elegent Tourist C. F. STEPHENS. Warren, a rlrup- saa: Brook, Y., bonch: a . . , , j7 , , J j7 . mail supply of Chamberlain's Couch 1 ncrc " a nac 7K ine H'airs J mcn aw iaK us Jiooa TO leads on io fortune." Sleepmg Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car ST. I'Al t. .Ml-V.NEAl'OLI DfLUTH Gi: and roi: ckook5tos vinii'i:c; HELENA au lil'TTE THROUGH FrBigat ana PessenoBiiine Until further notice, the , , Steamer Eesulator will leave ( ! The Dalles on Mondays, Wed- ; ne5da5 and Fridays at 7:30 a. m., and will leave Portland jon Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6:30 a. m. ! IMS SEN OX!: li.VTE5: i One way . . ' Round trip .J2C0 .3 0) Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Iain's Cou-.-h itemed- is K household word." It is trie same in hundreds of conjtnnnhies. Where ever the yood qualities of Ciian.btrJain's Coi:ii Reiii edy becuu.' kr.'nr. :e ro; c wi i have m'.nir..: e.st'. Fjr -i.t Lak-'.py Hon;bfn. CATARRH is a n I' The poet unauestior.ablv had reference to the Through Tickets osine Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets ! at CRANDALL &, BURGET'S, Who are sollina those goods out at reatlv-reduced rates MICHELBACH EF.IOK, - - CNIL- FT. MOSTON A Nil ALL l'OINTS EAST &nd SOCTH 1 Shipments for Portland received , - anv time. Shipments for way lsndirp must be delivered before 5 p. m. u ' stock shioments solicited. Forratesoi i ; ou or address nJ i W. C. ALLAWAY f 1 General Acnuf , THE DALLES. - OREGON I TT. fact that the bad $i0 for all practical LOCAL DISEASE ptirpoies v,-ai ns good us the true one. AVbat is monev. anvbow- THE TURKISH SITUATIOy. A dispatch from London yesterday sizes up the Turkish situation very fairly and concisely as follows: Greece has carried her point of compelling Turkey to be the ag gressor. Her own campaign is defensive, and tl.i: has an important beating on the action of the powers ana is th. -sJ cf colds and sudden c ..-.atic changes. For your Protection e y sis'.e tut V i rem-:t.7 d.ei z.r c mu.n cercury or asj" o'Xer iZ-iUi. EivTcream Balm i cknow JetJ to te the n! thortnea csre lor Xi5.il Ciwnb, Co.d in Head and Hay Ferer cj a remi;. It ojnn an'5 clenie the nasal pajjapw, al-v-s txi:c and ictiamma:oc. nea.i the tore-:, t tne raenihrane Jrom co.d.?, restores the set - i,i :a.teand ezatlL ITSce J.-c. a: Drnzpiit or by raj. ELY UKOTUEIti. A V arrec Suee- evr "i ori New York Weekly Tribune or lnlorrnatioa. time cards, mic&nsd ilcketn. ctJ on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Apent, The DuIU-s, Ort-jjor. op. ' CFIARLTOX. Asst. G P. A. A. D, M-j'risoa Cor. Thirl, fortlnnrt Ort'.;oii liuck liter! l'.nck licer! liock Beer: I: you want a pood per.uine plas of lurKey makes war on breece and Bock Beer, caII for the Hop Gold B- ck, forces her to defend her territory, made only by the Star brewery, and on Itirkey is consequently mar.ing war sle m all Star brewery saloons only upon the powers, and the combined blockade and concert cannot iossi bly be maintained after an outbreak of hostilities. This is a great disad vantage, and one well worth waiting for. Iiut, with the exception of a righte ous cause, it is almost the only one which the Greeks have, The Turks have the heaviest battalions, a fiercer and more warlike spirit, superior facilities of transport and a more ac cessible baseof operations. If Mac edonin remain behind them, they will possess all the advantage of numbers, discipline, leadership and position in the campaign no.v open ing. If Macedonia revolt, there will be appalling massacres and the Balkan states will be on fire. The powers will now devote their energies to localizing and restricting the area of conluct, but when the re. New line of step ladders Benton s. alo-lw at Maier ii -10E Farmers and Villagers, ror. Fathers and Mothers, roit Sons and Daughters, All the Family. Subscribe for Tjik Chko.vicle. SURE OURE for PI 5 It.Jit. .. : til 1 J At Kl it , 91 U f OR. BO-SAK-ltO'E PILE REMEDY. With the close of the Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE tbco'alzi the . fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and business interests. To meet thifc condition, nuiitius will have far less space and prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the light for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the present dav. and won its greatest victories. Every po?Ibh- effort will be put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE ' WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, ; instructive, entertaining and inui-jieneable to each member of the fainilv. I DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, vuv muck eapeilfcive vautlE, VIZ . aUSOlUte J security and durability, thus inakim? a TTTiJ nince flTlQ permanent and imperishable resting VV lllUUWUiw place for the dead, :weT2 Picture Moulding. gether with cement, thus making them air and water tight. .-k-T -hi. C3- Xj j jn LE DEA1-EI1 I.V THE IjALLES OF Marble Burial Vaults A Perfect Protection from Water and ' Dampness. Preserves the Bodv bv Ex cluding the Air. ! "It POSSeSSeE everv inrit nlaitnr.fl fnr : the most expensive vaults, viz: absolute g A. 1J. OflSLKV, ' AtiorneY and Conusellor at Law, AftUiCoTON. OKECON. !'raet!c in th stute and Federal frt of Oii-sou und WMhincton. jun23 -3mo All Kinds Cemetery Work Mr. Comini has on hand a larue sup pivot first. class Marble, to be used in Monnmente, etc. Prices lower than in Portland, Thlo If, Your Oiijiortuiilty. On receipt of tea cents, enhh or htamps, 1 a generous fcamnle will he jimilp.l r.f tii 1 DR. CMS : We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib- popular catarrh ana iioy Fever cure -.-.-no ttq- -Tv r,r,lTr ftl W? .Prtara m) sufficient to demon. uuouuji-tti jr v-' ' iroie me great merits of the remedy. OVER V1LI3 .MiUt JMiihir. Ono I'lll.f"'"? tDALe it rMfaUr' They cur ifffi wfj e Aim e ear ii.(H,o aii.n"' nf- cmWZ. ieyiw.thr r'Hw nor iekn. r g? bSi will mall Mroi. n ireo or id i c,,i'titlst" tora Vli. cOSANKO SltW- ' CO Warren 8t., New York City, j Ca.li lu Yuur Clieckn, All county warrants registered prior ' to Nov. 15, 1692, will be paid at my sources of the concert have nlrentlv,' office. Interest ceases after April 7, C. L. FHULiris, County Treasurer. Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. RHt. Tribune Office, New York City, aci a 6ample copy of The New York Weekly Trib une will be muiled to vou. been exhausted in diplomatic mis-1 1S97. management, little dependence can' Job Printing at This Office. T.ev. John Reid. Jr.. of Great Falls. Mr,nf recommended Ely's Cream Balm to ine. I cu emphaKize his statement, "It is a poaU live cure for catarrh if used as directed. " liev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pre Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure tor catarrh aud contains no mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cento. Attentluu Ilorewe' The horsemen will meet at , May 1st, for the purpose of general round up. All horieotW" requested to be present. R. Boots, H. C V.oott Frank Ftf3" i