The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 19, 1897, Image 3

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Dry Goods Department.
Dress Goods.
Checks ggc
French "Weaves .
Latest Colorings tO 1.25
Silk and Wool and all Wool. ' yard.
The Celebrated
Broadhead Goods.
Many Patterns, 5Q t0 60C
Goods that will wear,
Stvles that will please. yard.
In Checks,
Fancy Mixtures
and Plain Weaves.,
Guaranteed all Wool.
Bicycle Suitings.
English Homespun 65c to
: Latest Leather Shades $1.25 yard.
French Etamines.
The Swell Fabric 60 to
For Tailor Made Suits. 75c yard.
Gold Medal
Black Goods.
25, 30,
40 and 50C
The name guarantees
the goods.
Pattern Suits.
60C yard.
Endless Variety, $6.00 tO
Every Pattern a Gem. $12.00 suit
The Dalies Daily Ghronieie.
APRIL 19. 1S97
Kainlom Observation and Local Events
of Leaser Magnitude.
The rainfall last night and today is
.10 of an inch.
One drunk and disorderly is doing
penance in the city jail this moruing.
The weather forecast for tonight is
showery, for tomorrow fair and cooler.
Don't miss seeing those olive platino
photos of Mr. Hammond's at Herrin's
The west-bound passenger was six
hours late this morning, caused by a
washout on Meacham creek.
Rev. 0. D. Taylor occupied his pulpit
yesterday for the first time in several
months, and enjoyed beiug again home
with his congregation.
Tere has been an epidemic of measles
throughout the Northwest. Recently
Baker City reported 300 cases, but just
mw Tr.e Dalles is the measliest town in
the state.
Mr. McGanu of Lyle conducted the
services at the Episcopal church yester
day in jrninL'where a large congrega
ti n was in attendance. The music was
exceptionally good.
The delayed passenger train stopped
here this morning for the hungry pas
sengers to get their breakfast. The care
were a.most empty, there being only an
average of two passengers to the car.
John Andrews, who was charged with
exhibiting obscene pictures, had his
preliminary examination before Justice
Filloon today, and wag bound over to
appear before the grand jury, with
tends fixed at $500.
The Champions played a picked nine
from the White b'tare and Athletic Club
yesterday and ecored another victory of
0 to 7. This club has accepted the
cha;:enge of thr Dufur club to play for a
kat and ball, and the contest will come
off at Dufur May 7th.
Sunday morning was as fair and beau
tiful an Easter as we would svish to see;
kQt in the afternoon a Chinook wind
suffering from the delirium tremenE,
came along with a jag on that was sim
V Y immense. The way the Just and
"trything else loose flew was a caution,
and it kept it up well through the night,
bringing gome rain before it quit.
The members of the Lutheran Sunday
school gave a sacred concert last night
in the courthouse, which was well at
tended. The eicknees of Rev. Grey,
who had the training of the children in
charge, caused Eome inconvenience, but
wery little tot did their part well, and
H was a success. The room was beauti
fully decorated.
The services at the Congregational
church yesterday morning were partial
Iarlv impressive, and the church was
well filled with an attentive congrega
tion. The stinging was up to its usual
degree of excellence. Besides the cus-
tomary anthem and hymns, a solo,
, "Ashamed of Jesus," was sung by Miss
', Mamie Cusbing. The pastor, W. C.
Curtis, chose for the topic of bis sermon
. "The Nature of the Heavenly Life," and
made a very effective address, after
which eight persons united with the
church. The service closed with the
administration of the Lord's Supper.
The river yesterday morning was 20.4
and this morning 23.9, a rise of some
thing over three feet in twenty-four
hours, ending at S o'clock this morning.
During the day the rise has been at the
rate of about three inches in two hourE.
The change in the temperature, if ex
tending to the head waters of the Snake
and Columbia, may slacken the flood in
three or four days, but there is water
enough coming from the effects of the
warm spell to send the river up to the
30-foot mark. It is now nearly four feet
higher than on April 19, 1S94, at which
time it was falling slightly, standing at
19.5, and having been a foot higher than
.School Funds.
Easter Services.
In accordance with law, the April ap
portionment of county school funds was
sent out from the office of county super
intendent today. The total amount dis
tributed, $7,G12.G5, after deducting the
$50, for each of sixty districts entitled
to funds, gives $1.15 per capita on the
school enumeration. In April '90 the
amount distributed was .?10,717, the per
capita being $2. The greater per centage
of delinquent taxes this year has caused
the shortage in the county fund and as
the delinquent roll is now placed with
the sheriff for further collection, it is
probable that the August apportionment
of '97 will exceed that of August '96.
Rev. 0. D. Taylor and wife went to
Portland this afternoon.
Prof. German, late of the Normal
echool at Weston, spent yesterday in
this city with hie friend, W. C. Allaway.
Miss Mabel Riddell left for English,
about ten miles from this city, this
morning, where she is to take charge of
a school.
Mr. Frank Gumiing is seriously ill,
and his brethren of the K. of P. have a
committee to look after him. Mr. Louis
Davenport, his father-in-law, came up
from Mosier last night to be with him.
Are Schilling's Best
baking powder
flavoring extracts
as good as Schilling's Best
Yes and no. Other coffee,
baking powder, and soda,
are not usually so bad as
other tea. Other spices and
flavoring extracts are almost
For sale by
W. E. Kahler
i The Easter exeicises at the Methodist
church yesterday morning w ere beauti
ful. The decorations were very pretty,
and of the usual Easter order, consist
ing of potted plants, lilies and other
flowers. The most unique decoration
was a regular tree of the Christmas vari
ety that had grown a prolific crop of
highly-colored hen-apples. It was the
only genuine egg plant we ever saw,
and we wouldn't have believed it then
if it had not been in the church. How
ever, when the exercises were through
the Sunday Echool children were each
given an egg from the wonderful tree
and were delighted with them. The
music was all good, and the children's
songs not only w;ell rendered, but well
selected, the motion song being especi
ally effective. It was sung by nbout a
dozen little girls, dressed in white, and
when the little arms weui all at once,
reaching up ae if asking to bo taken into
someone's strong aii3, it made as
pretty a tableau as we ever witnessed.
There were so many pretty things that
we cannot remember them all, but have
only a memory of having eoent a most
delightful hour and a half enjoying with
the little folks the beautiful Easter day.
It has been twenty-one years since we
attended Easter tervice before, and it
had somewhat an air of newness to us;
but after yesterday's experience wu will
not miss another soon.
Married, in this city, on Sunday
morning, April ISth, by W. C. Curtis',
pastor of the Congregational church, at
the residence of the bride's parents, on
Third street, William J. Kufeno.of Port
land, Or., and Miss Jennie S. Ruseell,
of The Dalles.
The ceremony was simple, only rela
tives of the parties being present, with
the exception of Captain and Mrs.
Waud, The parlors were handsomely
decorated with a profusion of flowers,
apple blossoms pievailing. The mar
riage took place at 10 o'clock and the
young couple left on the afternoon local
for Portland, A large number of friends
were at the Umatilla house to bid them
God-speed, but as they had hoarded the
cars at the depot there was only time to
wave handkerchiefs and throw a few
handfnls of rice, old shoes and con
gratulations, all mixed, after them. We
wish them the very happiest of honey
moons, that may extend through the
next fifty years.
WIlL-IICU CollltiM III!) l''lOll,
On can get an idea oi where the flood
is coming from, from the following taken
from the Baker City Democrat of
The oldest inhabitant of Baker City
never saw Powder river when it had on
its fighting clothes like the preeent. A
week ago the stream was on a tear, hut
that was mild as compared to its mad
ness yesterday and last night. All day
yeeterday it raised rapidly, and last
night it was a second Columbia.
The great rush of waters has caused a
change of channel in many places, and
through the city it has widened its banks
in many places, causing considerable
damage to property owners In its vicin-
fishing Taekle,
Steel Hanges.
We have secured the
services of Mr. Joseph
Kirchoff, who has been
doing Bicycle Repair
ing and Gun Work for
the last five years in
The Dalles. All work
entrusted to him 'will
receive prompt attention.
ity. At Donald's grovo the overflow has
cut a channel on the west side and water
to quite a depth is running over the
north part of the city and Hooding many
residence lots. Where the water comes
in Front street near the old Brothers'
Echool building it hay cut a channel due
north down the street in some places
three feet deep.
The bridge on Vallev avenue is out
and much of the grade with it. The
footbridge on Washington street is im
passable. The black bridge lower down
is in danger of going out, and if this
should occur it will entail a big loss to
the city.
Oilhert In Indiana.
Indianapolis, Indiana, April 14, '97.
Editok Ciiro.mclk:
The remains of the late U. S. senator,
Daniel W. Voorhees, lay in state here
yesterday afternoon in the rotunda of
tne statu capital, and wore viewed by
fully 15,000 citizens.
The act of the legislature placing the
street car fare of this city at 3 cents in
stead of 5, went into effect yesterday.
It will be contested by the companies,
who have General Harrison employed
for one of their counsel.
The State Tax Board has directed that
the paid-up life insurance policies and
those having u cash surrender value are
tj'.h representative of value, and should
fcj taxed, as tho governor sayB, at some
value. There are policies in the Etato of
this class representing . 110,000,000, and
some individuals have as much as $100,
000 insurance.
The weather hero the past week has
been cool, with rain or snow most of the
time. '
There is comparatively no spring
plowing done, where, at this time last
year, corn was planted. Farmers aleo
complain of the outlook for a wheat
crop this year. C. L. Giuikkt.
In this city, Mondav morning April
19th, at 1 o'clock, .1. 'M. Walton, aged
about 50 years. The cause of death was
chronic bronchitis.
Funeral tomorrow at 10 a. in.
A German or Swede girl to do general
housework. Apply at this oflice.
Yellow washing powder will make
your clothes tho samo color. Avoid
this by using Soap Foam. H'h pure
white, u2-3in
Tho Dalles Trading Co., corner of 3d
and Federal streets, will pay the highest
cash price for second-hand goods,
m2-l. tf 0. I). Fi.HMi.Nfi, Agent.
Tom McCoy has opened his now barber
shop opposite the Clarendon restaurant
on Second street, m l-liii
Hop Gold Bock Beer is the best ever
produced on the coast. Try it. On
draught at all Star brewery saloons,
This is an "Age of Soap." Why use
any hut the very best. Best soap means
Hoe Cake. Sold by Pease & Mays. a23in
Ice cream soda at A. Keller's bakery
and confectionery. a8-lw
Just Received.
A stock of Pure Aluminum Ware Cook
ing Utensils.
No enamel to flake off. Solid metal. No
plating to wear off.
Absolutely pure. No verdigris, or salts
oi tin.
Wonderfully light and beautiful, and
very durable.
Foods cooked in it do not scorch.
Drop in mid see it. Wo will bo pleased to show it to you, oven if
you don't buy.
We have strictly First-class
FIR, OAK and
Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO
IHut'ceskor to Chrlsmiui t Cordon.
Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to
see all my formei patrons. Freo delivery to any part of town.
Opp. A. M. Williams cfc Co.,
Down Go Prices.
Call and see us, for now is the time to get
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
A complete Line to Select from.
New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
Northern Grown Seeds.
Fresh Garden and Grass Seeds in Bulk.
Seed Wheat, Seed Rye, Sued Oats,
Seed Barley, Seed Corn, Flax Seed.
Alfalfa Seed, Tlmothv Seed,
Red Clover Seed, .Millet Seed.
Crimson Clover Seed, Blue Orass Seed,
White Clover Seed, Orchard Grass Seed.
Beo Supplies, Fertili.orn, Oil Meal Cake.
Hay, Grain, Feed and Groceries,
Kurly Roto Potatoes.
Poultry and Kggs bought and sold at
J. H. CROSS' Feed and Grocery Store.
Goods Sold at Bedrock l'ricus for Cash.
Store open from 7 a, m, to 0 p. in.
Lumber, Building Material and Boxes
TradedjorHay, Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c.
rowe & CO..
The Dalles, Or