Tta Mes My Ghronide. TO LEAVE CUBA If an- one desires to trv the manner of living employed by the Indians bun- j dreds of years ago, he can model his home after the wigwam and be carried THE DALLES OKEOU.V INDIAN HUT AT THE ZOO. rsmaiiuiHlily Itullnn Kirch Hark. Built It of back to the time when Columbus was not even thought of. j A miniature of the wigwam will bej placed with the group around the fonn fpaiu Withdrawing 10.000 of Her Troops. j The "Washington Post of March 25th has the following description of an old time Indian hut, recently built in that city by two Passaniaquoddr Indians, Joe Toma, now at Rockland, and Francis .Lola, of Pleasant Point, who is still in "Washington. The Indians were em-1 ployed for this work on recommendation of Prof. Gatschet, who spent last sum mer in this section. The primitive birch-bark wigwam, which has been m course of construction durinc the past winter at the Zoological Park, is now practically completed, and is probably the only one of the kind in i existence today. It was constructed un der the supervision of the Bureau of -c-.i i , . : . . V. r. x-iuuiiiuKj, s on iu"uu ,u. vuc rked from Portland last nicht, and i visitors to the Zoo. 1 cntndinr the dav hern. HIS WILL WAS BURIED WITH HIM, The Mlliipt Flood Has Left Tliou. tain. This will be supplemented by the i was figures of the Indians in their tribal j costume and will give a clear idea of , what the earliest settlers in the North-j 8"" nomeie..ActiYe Measure, eastern states saw when they first ar-1 Heinp Taken for Their Keller. rived in America. lKr.SOAL MENTION. HCDP9 NOTICE-SALE OF CITY LOTS, Notice is hereby given that by an hority of ordinance No. -O-, hch tl passed the Common wo"Cu . Citv April 10th, 1S97, entitled, 'An or-din-anceP to provide for the -ale of certain lots belonging to Dalles Utv. I iU. on Saturdav, the loth dav of ..a. lJ , r.ii win niiPtion. to the highest EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or THE Southern Pacific Comp'y, Indianapolis, is in the city. Mr. H. G. VanDusen, who is This wigwam is of the style used by the Indians of New England and a part of New York before the white men came to this country. The only trace left of this style of dwelling is the old pictures of the first events in the history of the colonization of America, such as the landinc of the Mavflower. It was the Washington. April 16. According to ! information received from trustworthy Mr. T. K. Long, a cattle buyer from ; source5 i,ere the withdrawal of at least a i part of the great army Spain has main- in the tninpH fnr spvprnl vpnra in r)ip icl;nri nf rea estate ana insurance ousiness in ! . ... . . . . .:.. ., I .nhn n'lll naittn rt r Trie i m Eiinann Astoria, is in the citv. , ........ , sets in within a lew davs. The initial Air. riavwara tiiddeu went to urecon ,, . j,. ,,, Citr this afternoon to look after a case ovemeut W,H be 'he departure in the iand office there. , Spanish troops from Havana to Vr V.. T Cr.nn. hnntr Snanpnrnr. nr. and witl,iu a 5uor l5lue trKP5 is unaerstoou. win witunraw. ine ish insist nositivelv that it means only ! rreo. urews ana musses Aintuie uoeiz . ..t. " ' ....... v..... i , , t, i i Ti. -r . n i (l: . 1 . i . rn i cu me Lei lar ana r,nen r.aiikiii, aii oi .-i.ju.iiii, are ( remains; mat toiuez uns omy auont ou visiting Mr. Drews relatives here. , nr lfvi fniWprc nn,l m tfiish'ili. m. ' , - ., 1 water Mr. Bingham, the liquor merchant, tier conuiuons in men me campaign; who has been enjoying a vacation in has been necessarily conducted, u few The Dalles, left for Portland today. 1 thousand are qnite as effective as the! "f- W "P P,rrn.rlt or..-? f.l m 5K- .' 1 50 fiflfl man nn.i-in P..V... I recently moved into tniS City iroill .n- I The Hnlnr, printirr-pnt nn thp ntipr POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated ior ll- prent lpnverine :rcnstb nud heiilthfuluess. Asure the h A eiiiiit nlum and nil foru oi HdVilrsrrtou coinmou to the cheap brntids. Eovai. Bakinu I'owdkk Co. New Yor.K. Wdder, all the following lots and parts of lots in Gates addition to Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon, . Lots P and 10 jointly, in block 14, S. 9 and 10, ointly in block : lo, Io s, 7 S, 9, and 10, jointly m block : Jl. i k'nownas butte; lots 10 .11 and 12. in , clock 27; lot 9 it. block 34 lo s -, . . S. 6. 7, S. 9. 10 and 11, in bloc k oo , , ti s. 4. S. 9. 10. 11 and 12, in block j - ' ' . . - r- n 1i 11 unit lots o, 4. O, O, I. a, l.ln..L- r.7 ; ots 1. -'. o, t, o. v. o, . Trn'iw leave and are dne to arrive at for. LEAVE. 36; 12, in S:50 P. M :J0 A f OVERUNI EX-1 1 f.ress, Salem, l:oJe-'. i rHinento, Ogden.san ! 1 b ninciseo, Molave. f I uAngeIe,KU'a.o, I New urleaits and I j I. Lnt . . ' A1 i?t'lmrR and way Hi'"? 4 !:10JLX 9, 10, 11 ana l-'. in oioi-k - T' ' 4, 5 9. 10 and 11, in block 4o; lot l , -, , 3 7, 10, 11 and 12, in block 41, and lots 1,2. 3. 4, 5, 6, in block 40. , itn:-ntKl rtld VHI1 H 111 7 Ik I V. IW.fc", " " X IJU i fticuuoi'iv. Dallv eseei't Sunday,. (Mu Wnodlmrn lor1 Mt.Anecl, Sllverlon, ' i Wet Sclo, Brown?. S villc&iirtngQcld and ' (.matron i'..M.,s,n'ein lV,',d wny lons IO.iu less than which they will not w eoici, ; ha been fixed i.r.d determine.. u i c Common Council of Dalles City as fol lows, to-wit McMIutiTltle 1 Dally. n( lft nfln ' Lots v ana iu. m , '40; of lU.WU Tljp Fln(a nt ,laven,ir,. la. . 7. S. 9 and 10, jointly in block lo, -W , sPa,n n.. t Anr;i i(;a cpven-. lots 7, S, 9 and 10, jointly in oiock -i. . ...... v... , - ' ioiin- lot 10 in block oi ii, m ' l c.c . ..! rr. cir inr.l.pc nr T lip ' i. n : 'M fllhl mrfi .1. t. u. o. .'1 1 . . 1 II III fcL. .. 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 II'."" V - " " , nil 111 ( 1 1 I 1 1 H. .F-T, I II , - F I ' danger line. The rising fbod has invad- many jobbing-houses, and the levee is almost entirely 9, 10 ami 11, in block So, eacn res pew ivelv J10O: lots G and 7, in block bo ctivelv $125; lots 2,3,4, 5, S. 9 desire of the Bureau of Ethnologv to ' Jsbr, and are now living on Eicbtb lmnd( that the Sp'auish &mwM ; Muscatine i-!and. the ceat melon ing ground, is reported to be larg der water. Rains continue nearl 1 dav and the situation dailv becomes more serious. , $100; lot 12. in block 30, 12o; lots o, 4, rais-1 5, S, 9, 10 and 11, in oiocko(, eacn re- elv un- spectivelv ?UH); lots o, .aim i-. u j even , .. 10 nd n jn block. find out how these wicwams were built and all about their interior and furnish-, Mr. U Ireland, of the .loro ut- , iL i . . server, enme down from stiertnan ves- incs A thorough search oi the New terd;u' and wem Qn Q port,Bnd -hL3 England states was made, but failed to numine. reveal an example of the primitive mode ' of living. Finally a very old man was : resources are exhausted and the are to be withdrawn because of lack money to keep them in the service. 41, e?ch respectively ?11W; lots i, 7 and 12. in block 41 , each respectively In the neighborhood of Bnrlincton the! 125; lots 3. 4. 5. S. r'. in and 11. :u trooDS . . - .. h nnl-J". pan i r,-icL.VciV 1UU: loie i. 1 - ZLA i i 1 . 1 1 . ( 1 1 H 1 C , lIUU I Ul LI ; of Mr. Hugh Glenn is home from the' Astoria-Goble railroad. He us the weather is delightful down that way, and that tine progress is being made in the wav of cradins. ! DESOLATION I.V ITS WARE. found who bad been taught io build these bircb-bark wigwams in the old fashioned way, and he was employed, with an assistant, to build this one at the Zoo. It was constructed by exactly the eame methods used by the aborigines. . , H 5 Tnraer Qf tJje Dua. Dig. The Indian employed belonged to the , vaich. is iu the citv todav. Turner is a Passamaquoddy tribe, but has recently , great stickler for Dutur, and thinks that The friends of Mrs. F. T. Esping wili , be pleased to learn that she is improv . ing, and was able to ride down into the i citv Thursdav. I Flood in Yazmi District Ha JLeft Thou. Auntls Homelns, Washington, April 16. Secretary Al Sersieceaeuaiemgramirom oue OI Shreveport, La., savs: ' his inspecting officers at Cairo, who has N Discover is the" onlr neeu worsing in me l azoo aistrici. ; which says : "I have completed the the upper portion of my I fi and 12. in block 42. each resiective.y i area of valnaHe bottom farm land in "5105. iot o 3 4 5 9 10 and 11, in I Illinois. The farmers there have j up hope of getting in their crops, j much loss will result. The river is ' risinsr. given ; block 43, each respectively $100; lot 1, a in block 43. J125: lots 2. 3, 4 and 5, in E.. ! block 46, each respectively $100; lots 1 51111 land G, in block 4G, each respectively 1 Daily, execjit sniiaay. DINING CAP.S ON OliDE.V UOCIE. ITJUJ1AN BUFFET S1.EE1'EK5 , AND SECOND-CEASS SLEEPING CAES Attached to all Through Trains. dental and Oriental and I'acilic mall st-T lines lor JAPAN and CHINA. Sa, aj plication. ra ffi Kate and tickets to Eastern points asd t, 'row:. Alo JAPAN, CHINA. IlbXOLULC ri ' ArSTRALIA, can be obtained from U J. B. KliiKLAND, Tlcie: if.- Throueh Ticket Oaice.lJl Third street. v throucn tickets to all points In the EuS State, Canada and Euroje can be obUheJc lowest rates from t T. ruit'T . i M. . . All above trains arrive nt nnd dewrt ho , Grand Central Station, Fifth nnd Irving ssa YAMHILL DIVISION. Put vender DejKit, foot of JeflersoDstrsft Leave for OSWEGO, daily, except Snsiir t iTt'JO a. in.: 12:15, 1M5. 5:2.i, 6. i, b:65 1.' fnnd 11:30 p. m. on saturdav only). hmt Portland nt T:I0nud S;S0 a", m., and la, IS il.So and T:5o p. m. stauiln at the Head. Auc. J. Bogel, the leading druggist of Dr. King's thing that cures my cough, and it is the best seller ' I have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of ! 12.5 I Each of these lots will be sold upon the lot respectively, and none of them will be sold for a less sum than the value thereof, as above stated. One-fourth of the price bid on any of said lots shall be paid in cash at the time of sale, aud the remainder in three equal payments on or before, one, two and three vpars ironi tne ciate o. saiu state of trapper. say enough for its merits." inspection o: Satford, Ariz., writes : "Dr. Kinc's New C115triCt 1TOL13 nisnnrof c nil t-Kat ic nloin.a1 fnr il tt cnlo irftti Inturoct nn cti(fl f1pfprrt! t V- for Con- uients at the rate 01 iu per cent . t Icnnot annum- ryno,e annually; provided x i-.wiuu. . T,nrmFnt mav he made m full Dr. K i n c ' s : ... .7 , .v, ., . : n .1 nt tVn. nnr- 1 rn.-ui r mi . - - - ill itij . Liuic ..I luc wynyn v .wv. i' i i atwut the manner ot performing his 1 n v m a i r v p : .New Uiscoverv for consumption, chaser, work and has done it well. He told the . ,..iV- K?JL"h. J ul.l , ar-v at Ca5r0' bnt 15 risJnS low there. , CoQh, nd CoW. ... ., ejcw,riment. ! The said sale i ii 1 1 . r i t Lt i i'. w C Li UIJ siuiaij. .12 liC'C . .... . ... .... .. " . time to rather vpterdav in i-on?n!t:uion with Dr. t Aoour. -w reiuges 1: certain time in , Sutherland in the case of Carrie Butler, j havecollected at points on high grounds Sntember "nd'be bean work a' tha' : Ht? a?retd with Dr. Sutherland, both in 1 have located and noted the approxi . 1 (liacnosis and treatment, and pronounced , maf(. ni,n, patnhliehf.d rp' Iave for Sheridan, week days, m-IiMr-Arrive 11: Portland, 9:30 a. m, Leave for AIRLIE on Monday, WednesdiTiai Kriiay at 9:10 a.m. Arrive at Portland, i. dav, Thursday and Saturday nt S:05p. m. Sundav trains for OSWEGO leave at S:0ts. nnd 12:15, 1M5,3:;, o:2." G:lo andS (Bp.c 1: rive at Portland atS.'SO, 10:W a. n.; 1:J,U5 5.10, C:So, 7:55 p. in. P.. KOEHLEP., E. P. R0GEE5, Munacer. Asst. G. F. Jt fui. ir. ben living near Penobscot bav. in the ' is the coming town 01 Eastern Oregon. snepori 10 cairo ana nna tneconuiuons , never faUi and js a snre cnre . - I not ' f ha r m ri rr niijn ifu lt-Ci ff Jua rlifthUt' niftt'Qi I ho mns r r.fnniitn . . . lilaine. He was a cu We and Tu " y "b"v... ..v,. ... ut , 5Umptj0n coughs, and Co ds. Hp wn Pfti-pfnlU- ir.tmntPil ,".." , crevasse, oeiow, nas wici- - . : iiMir 'itiiiif 11111 ti . ; . -. A officials that the best birch bark was at a section t. v, ,,1 .,.,.,. ., ( X. 1 1 11 UCC.t 1. 1 ILU 1U4 11 Vj 11 (1 1 IL1 W 1 11 LUU I tury, and today stands at the head. It time A JIAHVEL OF INGENUITY. fie selected the birch trees in forest, from which he would gather the , rebel stations .:v, 1,0 V.,i .,,.. and communicated the the 1 ;en before. ! ws to Captain Davis, who n ws supplies from Alempiiis. This point stoekhuiiier.- Meeting. ' is the natural center for ceneral distri- necessary ue- forward- Imrk. Inn" hpfnrp thp ttnip fnr mittinir it. . "When it "was fathered he used a stone Notice is hereby given that a meeting : button by small semi-weekly packets knife and onlvnch other toaU a were ' of the stockholders of The Dalies Chron-1 that know the landings, and are expec ted to nrove more satisiactorv and used by the aborigines. The posts to be icier Publishing Company wstt be heid at the county court rooms on Tuesday, the 25th day of May, A. D., 1S97, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of adopt ing suplimentarv articles of incorpora tion, increasing the capital stock of said company and transacting such other business as may come before said meet-! incr. By order of the Board of Directors. The Dalles, Orecon, April 9, 1S97. 1 A. 5. Mac Allistek, President. 1 R. G. Davenpoet, Secretarv. eco nomical than the chartered boats. All the relief stations but two are already supplied from Memphis with five days' rations." Another armv inspector telegraphed , at her request, as she wants others simi from Greenville, Miss., that the total larly afilicted to know what cured her. nrp.i hiWt tn nvrnfW in his iUtrw-f The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by ne'er disappoints. Free trial bottles at Blakeley A Houghton's drug store. 1 Mrs. A. Inveen, residing at 720 Henry St., A'.ton, 111., suffered with sciatic rheumatism for over eight months. She doctored for it nearly the whole of this time, using various remedies recom mended by friends, and was treated by the physicians, but received no relief. She then used one and a half bottles of Chamberlain's Paiu Balm, which affect ed a complete cure. This is published will becin on the loth day of May, 1S97, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. ui. of said day, and will con tinue from time to time until all of said lots shall be sold. Dated this 13th day of April, 1S97. Gimiekt V. Phelps. P.ecorder of Dalles City. STAGE LINE. Dip uiostlv in The 25 and 50 cent sizes for Blakeiev ti: Houghton. is about 4000 square miles Phillip; county, Ark., aud Coahoma, j Two years aco R. J. Warren, a rirng Quitman, Bolivar, Sunflower and Wash-, uist at Pleasant Brook, 2C Y., bouubt a small supply of Chamberlain's CougL CliancH of Tiin. Commencing April Sth, the steamers , of the Regulator line will leave The Dalles at 7 a. m. instead of 7 :30. W. C. Allaway, Agent. iiiston counties, Mississippi. It is sug geteu that a ten days' supply of rations he sent at the earliest practicable mo ment to supply 1000 destitute persons and 1000 head of stock in Quitman Remedy. He sums up the result as fol lows : "At that time the goods were un known in this section ; to-day Chamber lain's Couch Remedy is a household county, in which there are ten towships r word." It is the same in hundreds of used were cut with stone hatchets and burned into proper lengths. The roots which furnished the fiber for sewing, were due with ancient tools and split m & like manner. No hammer, nails, saws, nor any tools but those in use before the white men came, were used in any part of the construction ot the lodge. The wigwam, as it now stands, will eurprise most of the visitors who see it. The shape and ceneral appearance of the Sioux tepees and the mud, stone, and reed houses of the tribes of Indians out "West are well known, but this witrwam is entirely different in many ways. Its Ehape reminds one of the cover to the old "prairie schooners." It has a small door cut In front and an opening m the roof to allow the escape of smoke. The structure is fifteeen teet long, thirteen and a half feet broad and nine feet high. Tit's Indians first drove tali stakes of arbor vitae into the ground for each side of the building. These were bent over at the top in a half circle and tied to gether with thongs of split ash. Other poles were driven at both ends of the "buildine and then smaller noles were tied across these after the manner of carpets taken up, beaten and re laid, or i work in the inundated area, but as this j this medicine has often averted long and elats in a shin"le roof. The birch bark janitor work of any kind done by a j period will vary with the locality, the perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medi- first-class man? If so, telephone Henry ( inspector recommends that no supplies Johnson at Parkin-:' barber shop, be sent for a longer period than ten 'Phone 119. al0-tf days. Fur sale ur Trade. A desirable ranch of ICO acres, within tour miles of Dalles City, with one span mares, harness, wagons, plows and other propertv. Fine fruit land and abun dance of water. Will trade for Dalles City property. Inquire of A. S. Mac Allister, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Cnno.vicLE office, The Dalles, Or. 0.R.&H. Throueh by daylight via Grass Valley, : and Cro5i Hollows. DOUGLAS ALLEN. The DillM. C. M. 1VHITKLAW. Antelor-e- Stagei- leave The Dalles from CmatfllsHsi at 7 a. in., alto from Antelope at 7:a)a.n.m7 Mondav. Wednedav and Friday. ConscKJ made at Antelope for Priaeviile, JHtcbaci liolats beyond. Close c m.ections madeiuia Dalles with railways, trains aud boats. Slaces from Antelojie rearh The Pi!!es I days, Tburdays and s'aturdays atl:3)J. HATES. OF FARE. . 55 5i IS :j t j :s a do Moro. 1 do Grass Valley , do Kent ! do Cross Hollows i Autelo to Cross Hollows i do Kent ' do Grass Volley I do Moro. . . do Deichuees , do Dalles . . inundated. Also for 5000 jveopie and 500 head of stocfe destitute in Coa- conimunities. Where ever the good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Reiu- homa county, where 12 townships are , edy become known the people will have 1 flooded, and for S00O people and 100 head nothing else. For sale by Blakeiev tv of stock in Bolivar county, where nine Houghton, townships are inundated. ia-ctric miter. On the Arkansas side it is reported , Electric Bitters is a medicine suited ; 5000 destitute people and 400 head of for any season, but p&rh&DS luorfc uftntir ERST! GIVE5 THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes LDOD POISON -VIA- Spokane Minneapolis Dn not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg, the eye specialist, and have your eyes examined free of cham. If you suffer with headache or nervousness you nn- lnnh.pllv Viovp imnprfpn. iMsinn thnf if corrected, wilt benefi't voa" for llfe. ! "vestock in Phillips and Monroe counties ! ally needed when the languid, exhausted St. Paul Ofiice in the Voet block. are requiring assistance. , feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid Jrrom 6i) to 4u days is estimated as the ; and sluggish and the neea of n tonic and Do you want your windows cleaned, period of time before laborers can go to . and alterative is felt. A prompt use of. fU RatPC tfl all Factorn Pitioc Denver Omaha Kansas City iABPECIALTYSS. cureu iu iuiuoj uaj d. uuv- zr. hotnoloraatae pnceundersaaesjOT Ity. llroaprefortococehc we tan to euro. "yu";"rrxj cury, Iodide potash, and e:lll b? pains. Silicons 1'atcheu In nouth.soreiB , k'iinplcii. Copper Colored SpoW'Sai any part of the body. Ilalr or Eyebrowit out, It IB this Secondary UL0D?E& weiruaranteetoctire. WeaolicltUiew,K; aatc cases and chaUence the cao we cannot cure. Tula dbewe WgE baflied theBklll of the most emintnlgg clartj. COO,000 canltal behind ojwgj tlonatpiarant7. Abs("'PFjirOJi , tippUcntwn. Address S04&inAiaB i jfii MatiTl-r Xemple CUlCAWi was put on in large square pieces and sewed together with split spruce root. The sewing of these pieces of bark is the most attractive part of the work, and was accomplished with a needle made of bone. There are numbers of different Btitches used, and tome of them ap proach in neatness of design tne fancy needlework done by the ladies of the present generation. EVEKV DETAIL COMPLETE. The bark is turned with the outside exposed, and renders the wigwam im pervious to the severest rains. Iuside, just as you entur, there is a small, square bdjcc divided off b ground. Inside of this space the floor is bare earth and here is the fireplace directly beneath the opening in the roof, AH around nest to the wails little branches of spruce art spread and this is used for the sleeping place. A great many Indians occupied a eingle wigwam, and when their bed9 were ali made for the night, they laid out as straight and 1 etiff as so many matches in a box. The ' wigwam will he furnished as though it were in the midst of a Penobscot village in the fourteenth century. Tne earth has been banked around the eidee nnd a , OCEAN HTEAMEKH Leave I'ortlaud Ererv five Vayt for As usual always in the lead. Hop Gold Bock Beer on sale today. See that you get it on draught at all Star brewery saloons. alo-lw The merchant who tells you he has something else as good ns Hoe Cake soap is a good man to keep away from. a2-8u: Stubling Williams now have the celebrated Hop Gold Bock beer on draught. It is all right. Freih asparagus, onions, lettuce, etc., Miles laid upon thf and Chinook salmon every morning at Dalles Commission Co.'s. 14-lw A b:g drive in matches. Five papers for 5 cents nt Maier it Benton's. Soap Foam com uounds. excels all other washing B2-3m A Will I'lit-arthrd From An Old Grave. Leve.mvoiith, Kan., April 16. Aft er lying in a man's coffin for more than 30 years a will has been exhumed, the terms of which are likely to increase the troublesome litigation among the heirs of the man who had the document buried witli him. Jacob Kissingen was the man: The will was found by accident, because when Kissingen died, although r. will believed to have been made, nobody could find it. So the heirs went to law nnd have been at it for three decades. A few days ngo a dispute arose which could be cured up by the family Bible. The grave was opened and the book tak-, en out. It was m a good state of preser-: , ration, and when opened, to the surprise cine will act more surely counteracting and freeing the system from the malar. lal poison. Headache, Indigestion, Con- SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. stipation, Dizziness yield to Electric Bit- ters. 50c and $1.00 per bottle at Blake- For lull details cu on o. K & Co. s Agent lev & Houghton's drug store. l Tho Dulles, or atld-ess W, H. IIUELBCRT, Gen. Pass. Ag. Uuckihu'd Arini.a autre. 1 w Portland, Orc- The best salve in the world for cuts, ' E- JI'NEILI- President aud Maim tr bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fevei Schedule, sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains. Tra5n 1 n,'ves at The Dalles 4 :45 corniid all skin eruption,, and posi- J "feS'ViteTh Dalles 10-15 lively cures, or no pay required ' p. ns, ard 'eayes 10:90 p n . it is guaranteed to give perfect eatisfac- 1 Train No. 8 prrives at The balle 1 :55 tiou, or money roiundeu. Price 'Jo cents ! p" in ar(i w abound train No. 7 leaves box. rnr sh. r.v, .i K Houghton, driiL"ji3t6. . I ebraskacorn for sale at the Wnsco 1 . K 1I,e Uj,,e3 t 1 n. :p. dailv and ar- warebouse. Best feed on earth mO-t : nv'."1'' fk f.h? 1,alIe9 1 n- ,ri- dailv, con- "n earth. mJ-t . nectlng wth tmjn g and y Portland. , k. Lvtle, There i; mnnpv in C-n Agent. jtieCoiumuiaP2ffl I PACKEKb ur iPORKand BEEF j MANDFACTCKKKSOr (Fine 'Lard and Satisag niirPKnf w' BRAND HAMS r- urn DP.IED Bhtti NOTICE. Train - and ?4 carry passengers L K'!?" tie i t kT f a UmatUla, leav- i ?' W ?P " Z day. ot stable at du for ca New line of step ladders at Maier cc of everybody, disclosed a will. Benton's. For Kale. Yearling sheep (1000 head,) sound and in prime condition. Price $ 1.75. Ad dress, J. M. Davis, w-inljf Sherars Bridge, Oregon. trench dug in the rear, and when the Subscribe for The Cuko.vicle. Bv the terms of the document found j in the grave the property of Kissingen is divided them residing Kieeingen's first wife. new trouble American hei ler'e first marriage. PRACTICAL j lings Best tea for you and i Harry Liebe, j lor your grocer. ; There's money -back for among five children, one ofjyou tOO yes, and VOUr, ling in Germany, and born of I . , . , . i Irst wife. This ia where the l U,-C1 uucmi I lose any tning j begins. .one oi the four either; we pay him. irs ever heard of the fatti- ( A S(hnii h CoroJ WatchmakeriJeweler San r rancuco t3 All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. aonnl property, to-wit: , g One bay eaddle horse, about . old, brauded like this: On "bipi der F, and with letter B on W . ' i ... n.t star to .ii lour wuiie icei, , jAe. gether with bridle ."Tsft IKiaed to ba the property This Bale 1b under aiue bJ bio charges for the J Wr. b(d g attention and the food animal, amounting at W",, and for accruing coste ano the expensea of tbie sale. noJ aOtd Wabo.Kebn8110