The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 17, 1897, Image 3

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    Dry Goods Department.
Dress Goods.
French Weaves
Latest Colorings
Silk and Wool and all Wool
Bicycle Suitings.
85c j Ens!ish Homespun 65c to
to &1.25 LatGSt Leather Shades $1.25 yard.
French Etamines.
The Celebrated
Broadhead Goods.
Many Patterns, QQ
Goods that will wear,
Styles that will please.
In Checks,
Fancy Mixtures
and Plain Weaves,
Guaranteed all Wool.
j The Swell Fabric
. For Tailor Made Suits.
to 60c Gold Medal
yard. . Black Goods.
The name guarantees
the goods.
25, 30 ! Pattern Suits.
and 50C Endless Variety.
60 to
75c yard.
60C yard.
$6.00 to
yard. Every Pattern a Gem. $12.00suit
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
APRIL 17. 1897
Random Observations mud Local Events
of Leafier Magnitude.
ted post-
John Lvons has been
master at Condon.
Don't miss seeing those olive platino
photos of Mr. Hammond's at Herrin'a
The 0. R. & X. sent the Baker up to
tbe middle river today to remain daring
high water.
The long distance telephoncompany
bas arranged to put in a ljire from Grant
to Goldendale.
Miss Myrtle Michell now wears the
medal, having captured it at the bowling
contest this week.
Tomorrow morning's service at the
Congregational church will begin at
10:30. See regular notice.
Members of The Dalles Commercial &
Athletic Club will find hat ribbon in the
club colors at Pease & Mays.
The west-bound train this morning
was tnree hours late, on account of a
washout in the Blue mountains.
There will be business of importance
before the Elks lodge tonight, and all
members are requested to be present.
straw hats, you want one this warm
weather. A full line for men, women
and children at Pease & Mays. Popular
A dainty assortment of children's
parasols at prices from 35 cents to fl,
is displayed in Pease & Mays corner
Jack Glasgow, who was indicted for
stealing steers, was tried at Condon last
week and acquitted, the jury being out
twenty-five hours.
The Columbia this morning lacked
one inch of the 19-foot mark, and just
that much of having made a foot raise
in twenty-four hours.
Pupils of the Lutheran Sunday school
are requested to be present at the court
house Easter Sunday at 10 a. m. On
account of the pastor being ill there will
be no Lutheran service Easter Sunday.
Mr. Thos. H. Burgess of Rita Rock
died at the Obarr House yesterday, bay-
been sick but a dav or two. Hie
Was with Mm no li nnauiwl nvcav.
The body will be shipped to Arlington
wnight for burial.
. Orders have been issued from the ad
Want's office of ,he Tblrd reglment
calling for an election of officers for Co.
at Wasco. The terms of Captain
J'ock and Lieutenants Hendricba and
Joe Marsh have expired and new officers
are to bo elected.
Mr. E,j fschanno thinks the proa
jc'8 for a fine fruit crop were never
er. The strawberries are well ad
"need, and if the present weather con
'"Hies, the crop will be a remarkably
"y one. The apple trees, which were
one u"ie thought to be seriously In-
jured, are mostly coming out in good
shape, though occasionallv there is one
A. M. Williams & Co. are introducing
for this summer's kid glove the "Mas
cot," made of selected stock, and comes
in tans, modes, lemon and oxbloods;
latest improved cut and finish; two
patent-button fasteners; stitched back;
perfect fitting. This glove will sell at
the reasonable price of $1 per pair.
Mr. Brooks gives us the following
weather and river statistics : This is
the warmest weather ever recorded here
for April. Yesterday the thermometer
registered 8S at Sacramento, 87 at Port
land, and 85 here. Today it was 88 here.
The river April 17, 1894, was 20.4 feet
above low water mark, againet 18.7 this
Mr. W. A. Cates thinks the unknown
suicide found in Dry Hollow Borne time
ago, was Chris Smith. He did not see
the body, but from the description, and
knowing Smith was expected here about
that time and that he has not since
shown up, he seems quite positive that
it was he. Smith has two brothers
living in, or near, Boise City, Idaho.
There was a case tried at the term of
court closed in Condon that resulted in
a very pecular verdict. It was that of
the State against Kenney, charged with
stealing two calves. Tbe jury brought
in a verdict that he was gui'ty of steal
ing one calf and recommended him to
the mercy of the court. It was further
found that other calf was in the pos
session of the prosecuting witnes. The
result was that Judge Bradsliaw ad
ministered the lightest punishment, a
fine of $100.
Shortly after 2 o'clock this morning
an alarm of fire brought most of our
citizens out of their beds, who soon dis
covered that the house belonging to
Mrs. Bunnell on Ninth street waB on
fire. The Mt. Hood Hose team was
soon at work, bat tbe fire had gotten
such a start that nothing could be done
but protect the surrounding property,
and the building and contents were a
total loss. Her folks being away, Mrs.
Bunnell was spending the uight at
a neighbors, and how the fire originated
is a mystery. The building was in
sured. Mr. C. W. Moore, of Camas prairit,
Wash., was in the city yesterday ar
ranging for the sale of butter from the
Mt. Adams creamery, located at Camas
prairie. CreamerieB are rapidly taking
the place of the old-fashioned plan of
every fellow handling bis own dairy
products, and it is well that it is so.
For one thing, the creamery is handled
on scientific principles, has a reputation
to maintain, and consequently makes a
better and more uniform kind of butter.
Mr. Moore left lor Camas this morning,
having arranged with Pease & Mays to
handle the products o! the Mt. Adams
creamery. If the products are like the
sample we saw, there will he a much
larger demand than supply.
This is an "Age of Soap." Why use
any but the very beet. Best soap means
Hoe Cake. Sold by Pease & Mays. a2-3m
Oar New Iotinaster.
Mr. Wm. Yates has received the ap
pointment of postmaster for Hood River,
and his commission will follow in due
time. Mr. Yates is in every way quali
j fied for tbe position of postmaster of our
growing community, and the Glacier
i predicts he will make a model official
Capt. J. H. Dukes was his chief oppo
nent for the appointment, and it was
generally thought he would be success
ful. Capt. Dukea waa endorsed by
Canby post of the Grand Army, of
which he ia a past commander and a
respected member, and by a large pe
tition signed by many of the leading
members of his party. The appoint'
ment of Mr. Yates, like that of Mr
Yates, like that of Mr. Hermann's,
shows that ex-Senator Mitchell and Con
gressman Ellis have charge of tbe Ore
gon appointments and will look out for
their friends every time. Mr. Yates and
I Capt. Dukes, both supported Mr. Ellis
and both favored Mr. Mitchell's re-elec
tion, but-Mr. Yates was backed by the
straight-out Mitchell Republicans of
! Hood River and Wasco county. While
congratulating Mr. Yates, we can sym-
j pathize with Capt. Dukes, knowing how
it is ourself. It takes a strong political
pull to get an office these days. Hood
River Glacier.
Sacred Concert Easter Kvenlnjf.
The Lutheran Sunday school will
render a grand program next Sunday
evening at the courthouse, where the
exerciees will commence at 7:30. Fol
lowing is the program :
Oman Voluntary
Hon. "Hail to Christ" School
I'raver 1'ui.tor
Song "Jebus of Nazareth" .... , Choir
Kespoiiblvo Scripture Heading hchool
Kecitatlon "My Galilee"
Song "seeking the Savior" Choir
Scripture Beading
Dialogue Mcrabcrsof Infant CIuisn
Song "Tbe Dear Old Story" School
Addrcbs Superintendent Dr. Krazier
Song "Wonderful I'rombe of Jesus" Choir
Motion Song Infant CIiuh
Organ Voluntary
Song-"Hfllleluitth1 Christ Is Kiten!" ....School
Mutlc Choir
Scriuture Iteudinir. liturtrlcal rosnoiibes
I Song School
! Dialogue i'rimary Clam
' Song School
jsencaicuon rauior
Everybody ia cordially invited to be
At the Congregational Church.
Tomorrow morning service will begin
at 10 :30, and the following ia the order
of service:
Organ Prelude.
Invocation utid the tjori'n I'raver.
Hymn, "Hark! Jlarkl My Soul, Angelic Songn
Are Swelling '
Scripture U-skon and Ketpontlve Heading.
Gloria I'atria.
Anthem, "The Lord In KUeir"
Notices and Ottering.
.S'ermon by the pastor. W. C. Curtis. Topic,
"1 he Nature of the Heavenly We."
Hymn. "O Mother Dear, Jerusalem."
Reception of Member.
Administration of the Mrd'n Supper.
Hymn, "Oh Could I Siuk the Mutclilem
Worth Jf ,
Aottollo Hcnedlctlon.
Sunday school at 12:20, Meeting of
the Young People's Society of Christian
Endeavor at 0:30 p.m. Topic, Differ
ent kinds of death and the conquest of
them; I Cor. xv:50-58. Evening ser
vice as ueual at 7:30. All persons not
Fishing Taekle,
Steel Ranges.
We have secured the
services of Mr. Joseph
KirchofF, who has been
doing Bicycle Repair
ing and Gun Work for
the last five years in
The Dalles. All work
entrusted to him will
receive prompt attention.
worshipping elsewhere are cordially in
vited. Concert at the Atethodlat Church.
The Methodist Sabbath school will
give an Easter concert Sabbath morning
at 11 o'clock. A most cordial invitation
to the public. Following is the program :
Gloria l'atrln nnd Lord's Prayer . .Congregation
Scripture Le&son .Mrs. French
Hymn No. 018 Congregation
Prayer , Asst. Supt. Win. Michell
Kaster Lessons .. .. Three Hoys and Three Ulrls
Kecitatlon Ucorge Obarr
Anthem Choir
Motion Song Class of (litis
Address Hev. J. H. Wood
Song No. 99, Sunday School Hook School
Recitation Dotha Darker
Duct and Chorus Class of Girls
Address Mrs. Warner
Kecitatlon and Song Two Classes
Hencdlction Kcv. Wood
In the evening the pastor will preach
an Easter sermon.
Tonight's I'rogram.
The following program will be ren
dered this evening at the "Pink
and White" social to be given by the
Good Templars in the K. of P. banquet
hall, commencing at 8 o'clock :
Instrumental duet
Kdythu Handall mid Clara Nicklcson
Dialogue . . . Clyde Hiddell and Francis Sexton
Mixed Quartet
Kecitatlon ,
Vocp.l Duct . . . .MItb Kilna and Archie Harnett
Dialogue -"Hack woods Weddlug"
Misses Ktlitl and Mabel Hiddell
Instrumental Duet..Kdlc Fisher and Klllc llolton
Drill Fourteen Young I-adlcs
Ice cream and cake will be served.
Admission 10 centu.
AdvertlHt-d I.ottorx.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postoilicu at The Dalles un
called for April 17, 1897. Persons call
ing for the same will give date on which
they were advertised :
Aiken, Miss Marv Ash, F L
Allen, Walter G lierrith, Miss H
lijurling, Frans Job Boehmer, Mrs
Host, John Brown, A II
Cran, Jno Clark, Maggie M
Ulenuenning, w urauy, Pat
Hilton, Fred
Hall, E
Hale, CC(2)
Jackson, Cora
Johnson, Annie
Johnson, John
Jyjvelace, Kosa
Iienson, Hoy (2)
Hale, Maggie
Jackson, Stella
Jounson, Josephine
.lowells, l.idcilo
Lauglilin, Lizzie
Meyers, Louis
McKenion, J A (2) McCoy, Mrs Allle
McDonald, Mrs Ann Moore, Sarah
Poly, E (2)
Powell, Ofecar A
Stringer, C A
Swauson, & Co
Uren, Clay
Wilson, Jno A
Williams, Frank
Procton, J W
boring, 11 M
Simon, Mrs II A
Thomas, Iaso
Webster, A L
Woodland, Mr
Walsh & Osborne
J, A. CuOHHKN, P. M.
Yellow washing powder will make
your clothes the same- color, Avoid
this by using Soap Foam. It's pure
white. a2-:iin
Money -back dealing is
organized honesty safety,
If you prefer it.
Schilling's Best
half fnis nnu'rttr
flavoring extract
and eplccs
are money-back goods.
Just Received.
A stook of Pure Aluminum Ware Cook
ing Utensils.
No enamel to flake off. Solid metal. No
plating to wear off.
Absolutely pure. No verdigris, or salts
of tin.
Wonderfully light and beautiful, and
very durable.
Foods cooked in it do not scorch.
Drop in and see it. Wo will be pleased to show It to you, oven if
von don t buv.
We have strictly First-class
FIR, OAK and
Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO
Succebsor to Chrlamau & Corson.
Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to
aee all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of .town.
Opp. A. M. Williams & Co.,
l'or sale liy
V. B. Kahler
Down Go Prices.
Call and see us, for now is the time to get
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
A complete Line to Select from.
New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
Northern Grown Seeds.
Fresh Garden and Grass Seeds in Hulk.
Seed Wheat, Seed Rye, Seed Oats.
Seed Hurley, Seed Corn, Flax Seed.
Alfalfa Seed, Tlmothv Seed.
Hed Clover Seed, Millet Seed.
Crimson Glover Seed, Illtie Grass Seed.
White Clover Seed, Orchard Grass Seed,
lieu Supplies, Fertilizer, Oil Meal Cuke.
Hay. Grain. Feed and Groceries.
Early Hose PotutoeR.
Poultry and KK bought and sold at
J. H. CROSS' Feed and Grocery Store.
Goods Sold at Iledrook Prices for Cash.
Store ojioii from 7 a. in. to 0 p. in.
Lumber, Building1 Material and Boxes
TradediorHay, Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c
rowe & CO..
The Dalles, Or