The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 15, 1897, Image 3

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    1 ; ; 1
Three i Spring Clothes.
Tj "V" S Ne w Styles' New Colorings, New Ideas ex-
tS ! pressed in the Suits, Tot)Coats and Trons-
Ladies' Capes.
1 ers that make up our New Spring Stock.
fl YJ 2, V ?he very latest and l3est the country affords
J is here for our customers, and the rrices
are less than usual. Every man who likes
good cloth and perfect making should look
at them.
Per Ct. Discount
on Clothing1.
and $18.00.
Per Cent. Discount
on Clothing1.
Light Tun Broadcloth, srngle unci double Capo ...
$o.5U to $ 5.00
Tan Broadcloth, braid trimming, (inequality .... 7.00
Tan Broadcloth, braid trimming, bettor quality. 8.00
Tan Broadcloth, silk lining, elegantly trimmed.. 10.00
Black Gros Grain Silk, cut bead trimming 9.00
Black Moire Silk, braid and cut bead trimming...
$15.00 and 10.50
In Black, Tan and .Red, lined with silk. Those arc
good bargains at prices ranging from $0.50 to $12.
Navy Serge Blazer Suit, braid trimming $15.00
Black Serge Jacket Suit 12.50
Tan Covert Cloth Blazer Suit 12.50
Black Serge Blazer and .Jacket Suits, trimmed,
$12.50 and 15.00
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
APRIL 15, 1S97
Hamluin Obmirvaticinn and Local Events
of Lesser Alacnltude.
Forecast for tonight and tomorrow is
New line of step ladders at Maier &
The wheelmen meet at the Commer
cial Club tonight at 8:30.
A b:g drive in matches. Five papers
for 5 cents at Maier & Benton's.
Sintrle veil!!, with all thn Intent; p.Abp.p.
50c, 7oc, $1 and $1.25 at Pease & Mays.
Ten per cent discount on clothing and
ladies' capes for the next three days by
Pease & Mays.
Stubling & Williams now have the
celebrated Hop Gold Bock beer on
draught. It is all right. .
Freah asparagus, onions, lettuce, etc.,
and Chinook salmon every morning at
Dalits Commission Co.'s. 14-lw
Drop into the store of Mays & Crowe
and see their aluminum. ware cooking
utensils. It is the coming ware.
Tickets for the entertainment at the
Congregationnl church, April 23d, can
be had from any of the Endeavorers
for the small sum of 15 cents.
Try a pound of that new confectionery
Pease & Mays are opening today.
They'll sell it to you for 25 cents; you'd
pay 40 or 50 cents anywhere else.
Seufert Bros, received a carload of tin
this morning, which will be made into
cans.uind before the season is oyer they
will be filled with delicious Columbia
The diamond drill waB put in place
yesterday, and will be started up Satur
day. The coal question is going to be
solved pretty quickly, and we hope very
The Brown boy, who was so badly
ecalded Sunday, has been more or less
delirious since the accident, but Dr.
Hollister has strong of pulling him
through all right.
Two double-deck cars of stock hogs
passed through this morning, coming
om the Willamette yalley, and bound
or Febraska, where hogs are evidently
scarce and G-conts-a-bushel corn abun
dant. Now line pure silk veilings at Pease &
Mays, thirty patterns to choose from, 10
to 30 cents per yard,
Mr. Lyman Daily tenders bis heart
felt thanks to neighbors and friends who
so Ireely and generously assisted In the
care of his wife, and for the rnrny kind-
e88 rendered by citizens of The
Plana and specifications for the Col
uinbiu Southern railroad will be com
PWed and can be seen at the company's
i in Vogt block, on and after
Monday. Work will be begun on the
grading within a very short time, and
will he pushed to an early completion.
The company's offices will be located
permanently in the Vogt building.
Owing to the probability of war in
Europe, wheat has become stronger,
with an upward tendency. At San
Francisco, there was quite an advance
Monday, and since that time there has
been no re-action. With the outlook lor
an abundant harvest and good prices,
our wheat growers may well look
Representative Misener, of Crook
county this morning shipped a billiard
table and a stock of goods for his saloon
business, to Mitchell. The people out
that way must have a large capacity for
liquid refreshments, as Bob shipped
something over six tons of supplies. He
also purchased a fine two-seated buggy
of Mays & Crowe, and evidently intends
to enjoy life, even though he is a hun
dred miles from the railroad.
We want it distinctly understood that
we sport an Easter hat of elegant shape
and elaborate trimming. It is a cold
day when we get left, and the way the
young ladies in Mrs. Brigg's' millinery
store caught on to our new spring
"shape" and decorated it with marguer
ites and forget-me-nots,, showed that
they just couldn't resist the temptation
to bring out our peculiarstyle of beauty
by oruamenting our hat with the mod
est and unobtrusive little flowers so em
blematic of our lovable character. We
shall ever hold those flowers and the
donors thereof u- green in our memory
as the 17th of March, and the flowers
shall bo preserved U9 long as the Colum
bia does not go dry.
The Artisans gave one of their social
sessions last night in their ball, and a
number of guests were present, who
thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The
program was exceptionally good, among
the numbers being an address by the
deputy organizer, Max Morehead, which
gave those present a better idea of the
order of Artisans than they previously
had. He will be in the city next week,
when new members will be taken into
the order. After the program the gen
tlemen served refreshments in a unique
style, boards being used for plates, and
one of the principal delicacies was taffy
on a dish pan. The pleasing part of the
lunch was the generouB manner m
which it was served, each guest being
offered nothing less than a box of or
anges. Altogether it was a very sociable
As usual always in the lead. Hop
Gold Bock Beer on sale today. See that
you get it on draught at all Star brewery
saloons. al5-lw
ONE OF THE OLDEST SHIPS, j a verdict rendered in a verdict rendered
An American Hark 1S3 Years Old Doing:
Duty In Knclish Waters.
If money-back talks, what
docs it say ?
It says Schilling's Best
are right for you.
Tor sale tiy
W. E. Kahler
Ki ! I n or rwurlir
flavoring extracts
and spice
The bark True Love, buiit in Phila
delphia in 17G4, has been found upon
search to be yet afloat in the capacity of
a coal hulk, engaged in active trade at
the age of 133 years. ThiB discovery was
made through a casualty recorded in the
Maritime Exchange as follows : "True
Love," barge, was in collision with
schooner Gravesend of London off
Gravesend, and had port quarter dam
aged to such an extent that it was found
necessary to tow her into Rochester, and
she arrived at that place in charge of tue
tug Commerce." The True Love has
not only outlived her builders and their
successors, but has also outlived every
craft that waB built in her time and for
many years afterward, and this fact,
coupled with the report that the historic
craft is still engaged inactive pursuits,
olaces Philadelphia at the verv top notch
as a shipbuilding center.
In 1704, when this famous old craft
was launched on the banks of the Dela
ware although her length was but ninety
six feet eight inches, she was then the
largest vessel of commerce that the
Delaware had ever floated. Contrast
this with rhe dimensions of the huge
Hamburg-American Packet Company's
steamship Pennsylvania, the latest ad
dition to commerce, whose length is 587
feet, while the new White Star liner
building is 704 febt long, and one will be
amazed with the magnitude of the modern
ship of commerce. The True Love, upon
being completed, sailed away from
Philadelphia early in 17G5, and no rec
ord is had of her return to this city
until August 22, 1873, when at the age
of 109 years she came into port from
Ivigtut, Greenland, with a cargo of
kryoliue, in command of Captain Tho?.
Nathaniel, consigned to B. Crowley. She
was discharged here and surveyed by
the American Lloyds in October, 1873,
and sailed away, never to return again.
Upon her arrival shortly afterward in
London, she was sold and turned into
a coal hulk, in which capacity she still
The dimensions of this famous True
Love are: Length, 00 feet 8 inches;
beam, 20 feet 9 inches; depth of hold,
17 feet. She measured 20G tons register,
and, like all old craft, carried very little
more cargo.
The discovery that there waB still
afloat a Philadelphia-built vessel of such
an age has caused much comment on
the floors of the Maritime Exchange, and
some shipping men are of the opinion
that the old craft should, if possible, be
purchased as a relic. Records show
that the True Love was for a time
owned fn Hull, England, by G. Dahl,
previous to her purchase by John S.
Ward, of London, and during that time
she was engaged in the Baltic trade.
J. W. Itutlt-r'K Hult.
The suit of the United States against
Dan Butler, recently agent the Warm
Springs agency, and his bondsmen, was
tried before Judge Bollinger Monday and
in favor of plaintiff for $117.53. The
suit was for something over $1450, but
Mr. Butler was able tonecount for every
thing except one item of $164 35, which
should have been deposited with the
First National bank at Portland, but
which failed to show up. It was this
item on which judgment was given
against him, the amount being cut down
by credits due him for salary. Mr. 'But
ler had nothing but his word to explain
this item, he claiming to have turned
the check over to Clerk Lester, and the
latter neglected to forward it.
The amount is a small one, and will
be paid at once, as there seems to be no
way of correcting the mistake, except to
pnt up the money. But two mistakes
were found outside of this in Mr. But
ler's accounts, one of 35 and the other of
30 cents.
Where Wo Out Tlmt Hat.
When E. J. Collins does anything, he
does it thoroughly. This morning in
company with the reporter of our con
temporary, wo called at his place of
business, and it at once struck Mr. Col
lins that the newspaper fraternity
ueeded new hats, which he ut once pro
ceeded to supply. After those noble and
classified heads were properly fitted, he
presented each of the reporters with a
big block of matches, and as mutches
are no good without something to light
with them, he added a fine cigar to his
gifts. Then he carefully wrapped up
the old hats which have for jcars
done ye scribss such yeoman ser
vice, and remarking, "gentlemen, your
hats will be delivered to your oflices by
special messenger, ho invited us to call
again, and as we left, his genial face Was
irradiated with that beautiful smile that
illumines the countenance of him who is
conscious of duty well done.
The Mew Marriage Hervlce.
Wilt thou take her for thy pard, for
bitter or for worse; to have, to hold, to
fondly guard till hauled off in a hearse?
Wilt thou let her have her way, consult
her many wishes ; make tiie fire up
every day, and help her wash the dishes?
Wilt thou give her all the "stuff" her
little purse will pack ; buy her a monkey
boa and muff, a little sealskin sacque?
Wilt thou comfort and support her
father and her mother, Aunt Jemima,
Uncle John, thirteen sisters and a
brother? And then his face grew pale
and blank; it was too late to jilt. As
through the chapel floor he sank, he
sadly said, "I wilt."
Kelchuer's celebrated model of the
tabernacle of Israel and the heavenly
sanctuary, in gold and silver, will be
shown at the Methodist church Tuesday
evening, the 27th of this month. It is
a perfect reproduction of the tabernacle
built by Moses, contains 1700 pieces
weighs 1200 pounds, and cost $15,000.
It is one-eleventh the size of the or
iginal. Hop Gold Bock Beer is the best ever
produced on the coast. Try it. On
draught at all Star brewery saloons.
Wo have secured the services of an experienced
bicycle repairer from San Francisco, and are bettor
prepared to do this class of work than wo have ever
boon before. Wo will guarantee all bicycle work
done by us to bo first-class, and satisfactory to our
We have on hand about 25 whools, '00 patterns,
of different makes somo new and somo second
hand. To close them out, to mako room for '97
wheels, wo have decided to oiler them for salo at
very low prices, many of them away below cost.
This is your chance if you are not particular as to
whether 'ou ride a '90 or '97 wheel. They aro all
good whepls, and in good shape.
.Sin cchsor to CliriMiiuii & Cordon.
Again in business at tint old stand. I would lut pleased to
see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
Opp. A. M. Williams & Co.,
Down Go Prices.
Call and see us, for now is the time to get
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
A complete Line to Select from.
New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon,