hc OoIIcg VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14. 189" NO 80 j SPRING ATTRACTIONS! EASTER OFFERINGS! Our Clothing Our Clothing Display For Spring i-Mlltll'MN. This eeason speaks volumes for our splendid efforts. The things left unsaid that which we cannot put into type the look, the touch, the atmosphere of elegance which surrounds our vast stock makes selling easy, buy ing a pleasure. And it is well to note these tncts: That "style" counts for little if "service" isn't there. Service isn't sat isfactory if fit and tone is lacking, and you can't get fit or finish on flimsy textures. It needs that combination that has made W ; : rim OUR CLOTHING wMM uimm D. D. SACK. MEN'S SUITS, Any grade, und at any grade worth the price asked. $3.75, 4.00, 5.00. Extra good values at $7.50, 8.50, 9.00, 9.50, 9.75, 10.00. So Famous for Style, Service and Satisfaction. Our Spring and Sum mer Clothing Stock ia a triumph of 'Perfect Tone, Tints and Textures. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. iW mini mnK mm r-. Pi.-;,?' It's a Pleasure To ppr tlin inariv nnvoltina wo have on hand to olotho Hip little- men. i The most cunnimr little Suits for lads from 3 to S years, $1.85, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $4.00 In Cheviots, Coverts and Serges. A Great Variety of 2-piece Suits, For boys from 5 to M years, at 75c and $1.00, And nil intermediate prices up to $3.00. Special o..o.t A Fimev Scotch l'laid Cheviot at $2.85 a Suit. jz... $12.50, 18.75, 15.00, 10.50, 17.50, 18.00, 20.00. The above figures repre sent our range of prices on Moii'b Suits. An inspection will prove all we claim. WE FIT THE HARD-TO-FIT REGISTERED TRADE MARK Interesting to those who are hard-to-fit. We carry in stock Rcady-to-Wear Clothing to fit you whether too slim, too short, too long or too stout. We can save you big money and give satisfaction. PRINCETON SACK Suit exactly as above cut, in All-Wool Oregon Goods, New Style, Pattern, Colorings, $9.75. All-Wool Cheviot, In dark brown, black and green broken plaid effects, Any size ranging from 35 to 42, $10.00 suit. The difference what yon pay for a Iteady-made Suit and what you pay' for a Made-to-Order Suit onlv a matter of from $8.00 to $lo.00. Trousers. The beauty of our Spring Line of Trousers is uot only the handsome and exclusive appearance when new, but that they look new when half worn out, and eminently respectable when old. To get the best service out of a pair of Pants, the best work must go into it; wo have that kind. All-Wool Homespun, light, $2.50 per pair. Tweeds and Cheviots, Mixtures or Plaids, $3.00 per pair. Worsteds, most popular patterns, $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50 per pair. Our Easter Special in Hats For the "balance of the week. Brown, Black and Nu tria Fedora Hats, new and bright; no old goods. The regular price, $1.50. Special at 90c. Our "Cherub," similar to cut, iu otter nnd black, all sizes ; very clear stock ; a very dressy Hat. Kegu lar value, $2.00; Special at $1.25. Furnishing Goods Department. ' ' Filled to overflowing with all the new and tasty things that go to make a man's wardrobe complete. Colored Bosom Shirts, The kind that everyone ie now looking for. We are making ft "for-the-week" special of an uncommon good Shirt, the kind you usually pay $1.00 for, For 65 cts. Special in Neckwear. Newest Colorings, Richest De signs in Silk Tecks and Band Bows, as cuts, this week yours for 15c each. Our b9St 25c regular. YOUNG MEN'S SUITS, Ages 15 to 19 years. Our special efforts to procure an espec ially strong assortment of these popular sizes have been well re warded. Wo have a larger assortment and better values than oyer befori iu Suits for these agas. Scotch Plaid Cheviot, all wool, newest colorings ; straight cut : 15 to 19 yearB. PRICE $5.45 Brown nnd Tan Mixed Plaid All Wool Cheviot, straight cut; well and substantially made; our guarantee ticket with same; 15 to 19 years. PRICE $6.75 Dark Grey Mixed Broken Plaid All Wool Cheviot; made in best possible manner; style exactly as cut; sizes 15 to 19. $8.85, Seal Brown Invisible Plaid Covert Cloth; precisely as cut; only one of a number of our special $10.00 Suits. Large Kange of 3-piece Suits for Boys, iJ&tJ From 11 to 15 years; any etyle; any kind of goods at most Ofi any price. Our Shoe Departm't Ever to the Front Is offering Easter Specials In the season's most popular styles. Ladies' Coin Tou, Oxford Ties ; Ox blood; exactly as cut; just opened at $2.50 Pair. Easter Special $1.95. Latest and most popular Oxblood Coin Toe, Ladies' Laced Boot; genuine turned soles; very soft kid; regular $4.00. Special for the wook, $3.25. The "Bull-Dog." Solid Comfort, Good Wear, Best of Stock. Gentlemen's Tan, (Jp-to-Datn Shoo. Opened the season at $1.00. Our Easter Offering at $3.25, Gent's 20th Century Ox blood Street Shoe. o A good wearing Shoo iu the correct color; ull sizes; regular $3.00. For the woek, $2.50. We Shine Our Customers' Shoes FREE. Dress Goods Specials. Stocks too large, season too far advanced, thut tells the tale, the reason why we offer for the balance of the week a 20 per cent reduction on all Plain and Fancy Weaves. This will include our entire stock of Woolen Dry Goods. At once Is none too soon to profit by this liberal and reasonable offer. $1.00 goods, 80 cts. ; 75u goods, 00c; 50c goods, -10c; largo assortment 40c good?, H2c; SOo goods, 24c; 20c goods, 10c. Saturday's Attractions. Easter Offering of Kid Gloves To commence Saturday morning, for Saturday only. Ladies four button Kid (iioT, all sizes, new stock, Ulack, Hrown and Tan, bent quality, White Pearl Muttons, Btoeked for our own trade, at regular 75c. S5u and $1.00. This price will include all odd lots of $1,25 and $1.50 Gloves. Good Saturday only---50o. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO.