The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 13, 1897, Image 1

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Sl)c Hoiks
NO 79
1111 Ctycomclt
Have You Purchased or Placed Your Order for
a Spring Suit? NO?
Then this may interest you, Our Stock is now complete. We
show the Styles and Assortment.
Trtt Lomcd Short f PiatwicKiY6Ten
RijjjhFShape clotfiingfif Odd-Shape flen.
VJftpadnun, nicnAtLAonn c- Co. .
Second Shipment
of which
Just Received.
And in addition to our regular line,
we have placed the Celebrated
Hight-Shape Glothing
for Odd-Shape fllen.
We are prepared
to fit any
and everyone,
especially men
who are classed as
tor Pickwick 6
Pickwick 6tout. J
Sole Distributing Agents. Z
A Bull Comes Out Winner
in a Fight.
Thinks tlm .Flood Ilnve Reached Thuir
lliKlieNt. and Vlint tliu Homeless
Vun lie Kuslly Cured for.
Yuma, Ariz., April 12. La Gran
Fiesta da Yuma wound up last night
with Wild West sports and Spanish
bulllights, which constituted a crowning
feature of the fivo days revelry. The
feature of the show which drew the
crowds was the Spanish bullfight, head
ed by the reuowed fighter, Captain Car
los Garcia, from Juarez, Mexico.
Captain Garcia and his troop of torea
dors and picadors, including La Car
lota, a female bullfighter, displayed
wonderful skill in fighting the fierce
animals, but a magnificent bull proved
himself invincible, and before he was
dispatched in the third fight in which he
was used, he caught Captain Garcia and
rtpped open his jaw. His wounds niBy
Prove fatal.
After goring and badly mutilating
Garcia. tho hull atnnn in franvo Ktr ttin
torments of toreadors and picadors,
charged lull at the bull pen, and though
it was strongly built, after several des
perate attempts, he smashed a panel of
the pen and charged into the gounds
which were filled with ,jfiiople. Many
were injured. The roulette table stack
ed with gold and silver coins, was tossed
'. high in the air and the money scattered
'n the dust. Straight through the main
street went the bull, but fortunately no
jnoro people were In the way. After a
ions chaBe and hard work the bull was
Weyler left Placetas yesterday, escorted
by the cavalry ot the Puerto Principe
regiment, and arrived early this morn
ing at Santa Clara. He was not ex
pected. The gunboat Baracoa was fired upon
by insurgents in the Mayan river, which
returned the fire.
General Bernai sailed today for Spain.
Instructions have been issued for a
8ummarv court-martial of Jose Guerero,
Manuel Lonez and Jose Martinez, on
charges of rebellion.
Ladies of the Red Cross Society have
distributed money, clothing and tobacco
to 300 sick soldiers at Matanzas.
Alger Kiiya the Worm In Over.
Washington, April 12. Secretary
A't'er tlinkn the worst of the flood dan
8e" is passed in the Mississippi valley,
and with a force of the war department,
which is in the field co-operating with
ue Jowl relief committees, there la
email danger that suffering will he per
mitted to go unchecked and unrelieved.
The War In Cuba,
Havana, April 12. Captain-General
Killed lllinst-lf After Mliootiug a 8o
kttue l'ollcu Oillcer.
Spokane, April 12. Police Officer
McPhee lies in a critical condition, with
a bullet wound in his neck. The dead
body of the man who shot the officer
lies in the city morgue. McPhee had
the man under arrest and was taking
him to the station, when the prisoner
sprang back and fired a revolver at the
officer. The ball struck McPhee in the
jaw, went through the neck and lodged
near the vertebrae.
The man who did the Bhooting was
Arthur Chappelle of Dayton, Wash.,
where he has a wife and five children.
He was wanted for burglary. After
Bhooting McPhee he ran through the
city several blocks and concealed him
self in an outhouse. He was pursued
by Deputy Sheriff Ferguson and a crowd
of angry citizens.
As the deputy pulled the door open a
shot was fired inside, and the officer
thinking he was being fired upon shot
at the man inside. Chappelle fell to
the floor and was dead in a moment.
It was then seen that he had shot
himself through the head. Ferguson's
bullet passed through tho burglar's arm
and made a flesh wound in bis side.
Mrs. A. Inveen, residing at 720 Henry
St., Alton, 111., suffered with sciatic
rheumatism for over eight months. She
doctored for it nearty the whole of this
time, using various remedies recom
mended by friends, and was treated by
the physicians, but received no relief.
She then used one and a half bottles of
Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which affect
ed a complete cure. This Is published
at her request, as she wants others simi
larly afflicted to know what cured her.
Tile' 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by
Blakeley & Houghton.
Goiclien Says England Will Maintain
Her Power In South Africa.
London, April 12. The speech of the
first lord of the admiralty, George J.
Goschen, at the farewell banquet ten
dered on Saturday to Sir Alfred Milner,
the newly appointed high commissioner
of Great Britain in South Africa, line
produced a great sensation, and the
imminence of war between Great Britain
and the Transvaal is the common talk
of the street.
Referring to the presence of British
blue-jackets and marines in South
Africa, Mr. Goschen said:
"They are to represent to Sir Alfred
Milmer the British power m South
Africa. They are the guarantee to him
and to our colonists, the loyal men who
support British rule, that the country is
determined to maintain its power in
those quarters, and that it will back its
high commissioner with the power of
the British empire."
A dispatch from Cape Town confirms
the report, apparently, of the dispatch
of the British war vessel to Delagoa
bay. The British warship Raccoon
sailed today from Cape Town under
sealed orders. The officials there re
fused to divulge her destination, but it
is rumored that she is bound for Delagoa
bay, and the report is believed.
It is semi-oflicially announced this
afternoon that the British troops going
to South Atrica are merely intended to
relieve the regiments already there
which are bound for home at the expir
ation of their terms of foreign eervice.
Two years ago R. J. Warren, a drug
gist at Pleasant Brook, N. Y., bought a
small supply of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. He sums up the result as fol
lows : "At that time the goods were un
known in this section ; to-day Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is a household
word." It is the same in hundreds of
communities. Where ever tho good
qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy become known the people will have
nothing else. For sale by Blakeley &
Ttie Grand Duke Killed Iltiuielf.
Cannks, France, April 12. The fact
became public today that Grand Duke
Meiklenburg-Schweriii, whose death
was announced as having occurred at 0
o'clock Saturday night, committed sul
cide. It had been stated his death was
due to aneurism of tho heart.
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its great lrnvcnins strength and
lieiilthfuluctiH. Azures too food hkhIiihI iiliiiu
iiud ii 1 1 forms of adulteration common to the
cheap brands.
CuIihiih Want Judge Day.
Philadelphia, April 12. In local
Cuban circles it is reported that Presi
dent Betancourt, of tho Cuban republic,
has ordered the junta in this country to
urge on President McKinley that be en
deavor to make arrangements to the end
that Judge Day, of Canton, shall be sent
to Cuba as special commissioner, that he
may be permitted by the Spanish au
thorities to visit President Betancourt
at Cubitas to obtain a true insight into
the conditions prevailing at the seat of
the Cuban government.
ttrymi Ntlll Kutreriug.
Washington, April 12. William J.
Bryan returned to Washington today
from Florida. He is still suffering as
the result of the accident at St. Augus
tine, and is considerable bruised. Hie
worst injury is on the left side, which
pains him greatly when going about.
The force of the fall can bo judged from
the fact that a silver match safe which
Bryan can ied in Ids vest pocket was
crushed completely out of shape.
Tendon Order to Ite Jtevokud.
Wahhinoton, April 12. A sweeping
order of President Cleveland affecting
consolidation of pension agencies will be
revoked by President McKinley if pres
ent plans are carried out. Though it Is
stated no conclusion has been reached
on the matter, the president, it is
learned, lias practicolly become con
vinced it should never be allowed to be-1
come operative.
New York Weekly Tribune
Farmers and Villagers,
Fathers and Mothers,
Sons and Daughters,
All the Family.
With the close of tho Presidential Campaign THK TRIIJUNK recognizes tha
fact that tho American people are now anxious to give their attention to homo and
business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less epaeo and
prominence, until another State or National occasion demand a renewal of the
fight for the principles for which THK TUfBUNK has lubored from its inception
to the present dav. and won its irreatest victories.
Kverv poHHlhle effort will be put forth, and money freely spent, to maku THK
WKKKLY TRIBUNK pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, Interesting,
instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75.
Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best.
Tribune Office, New York City, and a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib
une will be mailed to you.
TIIK KlItBT HATTI.K In mi InterentltiK ntory
of ihu urt'iit iiollttcut utniKKlu"! lhW, lu inont
lii)iortant event and tliu iiiunv Unlive Involved:
a IokIchI 1 reulUu on ill-muiultfnm an uttered by
ciiiliifiit exiioiicutn, Including tho part taken by
Hon. V. J. llryau In tho Mlvcr uKltailou prior to
tho Demnrratlu National Convention, and dur
ing tliu campaign i tliu bent uxauiplcnci bin won
(Infill oratory, tho inont iiolewciltiy Incidents of
bin famous tour, u careful tcvlmv of tliu political
tltnation, it ilUciiMilon of tliu election returns
mid tint lniilliCHiico tlieieuf, ami tliu future
poenlbilltlen of Ill-mctallUm a u poUtloil Isnuu.
Bichly and durably bound in Knglish Cloth, plain edges ; portrait of the au
thor forming the design on cover; autograph preface; magnificent pre
sentation plate in silver, gold and blue; containing GOO pages and 82
full-page illustrations ,, , l 75
In half-Morocco, mar hie edge 2 25
In full-Morocco, gilt edge 2 75
M. J. WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamlc, Or.