The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 12, 1897, Image 3

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Spring Clothes.
Ladies' Capes.
New Styles, New Colorings, New Ideas ex
pressed in the Suits, Top Coats and Trous
ers that make up our New Spring Stock.
The very latest and best the country affords
is here for our customers, and the prices
are less than usual. Every man who likes
good cloth and perfect making should look
at them.
They nre the finest men's gar
ments we ever saw.
See Furnishing Goods window
$8.00, $10.00,
$12.50, $15.00
end $18.00.
The garments you'd "be
proud of. All the style
you can stand; all the
wear you want, and we
will sell them lower than
we ever have. What are
thev made of? Come and
see. There are some things
that can't be all told about
on paper.
Light Tan Broadcloth, sinuio anil double Capo ...
7. 88.50 to S o.OO
Tan Broadcloth, braid trimming, lino ((Utility ..
Tan Broadcloth, braid trimming, butter quality.
Tan Broadcloth, silk lining, elegantly trimmed.
Black Gros Grain Silk, cut bead trimming
Black Moire Silk, braid and cut bead trimmiuLV
$15.00 and
In Black, Tan and Ked, lined with silk. These are
good bargains at prices ranging from $0.50 to $12.
Navy Serge Blazer Suit, braid trimming $15.00
Black Serge Jacket Suit 12.50
Tan Covert Cloth Blazer Suit 12.50
Black Serge Blazer and .lackot Suits, trimmed,
$12.50 and 15.00
The Dalles Daily Gtifonieie.
APRIL 12, 1897
Ituiuloiii OliMorvutioiiH mid Local Events
of l.i'ssor Magnitude:.
Bicycles repaired and rented lit Maier
& Benton's.
The ladies' Good Intent Society will
not meet this week.
Rubber (garden hose, the best in the
city, at Maier & Benton's.
The carpet ut C. F. Stephen's store
will be rallied oft" this evening at S
All baseball players belonging to the
Commercial Club are requested to meet
at the club rooniB tonight ut 8 o'clock.
The late Latimer Booth was a member
of both the A. O. U. V. and Woodmen,
and carried $2000 insurance in each.
The social, which was to liavo been
given by tho Woodmen Tuesday oven
inc. has been postponed, probably in
definitely. Mr. Ad. Keller yesterday received
word that tho Improved Order of Red
men of Portland will give a yraud ex
cursion to Tho Dalles, May 10th.
The Good Templars will give one of
their excellent socials next Saturday
"veiling, to which all nro invited. An
admission feu of 15 cents will be charged.
Tho D. P. & A. N. yesterday had a big
scow load of rock landed alongside their
wharf, and are now loadinc the lower
wharf with it to hold it during high
Maetz & Pundt aro making tho at
tempt to open up n sower across First
street, in order that tho water may be
drained from thoir lots, after high
A. M. Williams & Co. have "put up a
"eat stand in their shoe tKmartmont, and
bavo bootblack, whowill polish the
shoes of all of theircustomers free of
Tho social committees of tho Christian
Endeavor societies of this city are nr
'""lying a lino entertainment for next
week. Look out for further announce
ments in these columns.
The sheriff today sold a tract of land
in the edge of the city to satisfy a judg
ment of John Barger against O. D. Tay
tor. It was purchased by C. W. DluUol,
tiio price paid beiug $2310.29.
The members of tho chapter of the
Eastern Star nre requested to be present
promptly at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening,
fts the Blue Lodge desires to occupy the
hall as oarly in tho evening as possible.
There will bo a meeting of the mem
bers of tho nowly organized Cycle Club
tonight at 8:30, at the council chambers,
tor tho purpose of electing officers and
Electing permanent organization. All
are requested to be present.
The baseball game between the Cham
pion and White Stars yesterday after
noon was an exceptionally well played
ono. Up to the eighth Inning the White
Mars had six runs to their credit, and
the Champions eight, but in the eighth
the. Champions broke away and tallied
eight runs. The score stood, Cham
pions 16, White Stars 8.
Do you want your windows cleaned,
carpets taken up, beaten and re laid, or
janitor work of any kind done by a
first-class man? If so, telephone Henry
Johnson at Parkins' barber shop.
'Phone 119. alO-tf
The funeral of Latimer Booth took
place yestorday afternoon from the Con
gregational church, Rev. Curtis preach
ing the sermon. The procession was a
very large one, the Masons, Workmen
and Woodmen all attending, the inter
ment being made in accordance with the
rites of tlie former.
Saturday the wind was on a tear in
Grand Dalles as well as here. The G-year-old
daughter of Mr. Korick at
tempted to go to a point a short distance
from the house, when tho the wind
caught her and carried her over a bluff.
Her face was quite badly cut, and her
loft fore arm broken, or rather bent in
what is known aB a "green-stick"
Mr. Geo. Young came in from Ridge
way Saturday, to meet tho sheep in
spector from Klickitat county. Mr.
Young usually sends a flock of 5,000
sheep across Klickitat county to market
at Yakima, but under tho recent de
cision of the county commissioners, he
is forbidden to take his sheep into the
county until they havo been quaran
tined for sixty days.
Sunday morning Roderick, the 10-year-old
son of George Brown, who
works for Mr. Saltuiarshe, was playing
at the slaughter-house, near the tank
used for scalding hogs, and which was
full of water almost boiling hot. He
slipped and fell, both legs going into the
water over the knees. In removing his
stockings the skin and flesh peeled off
with them. Dr. Hollister attended to
his injuries, and thinks he will pull
through all light. Although suffering
terribly, the little fellow is stoical and
bears tho pain without murmuring.
School SuperiiiL-iirient Gillxirt AVrlteo
Something m His .Tourmty.
Ixihaxapous, Ind.. April 5, 1897.
Editok Chkoxicm:: 1 arrived in this
i Hon tho claim of Dalles City water
WAi-tra fnr tflf tl'tia friloi'ill n'liil
j It was ordered that the city proceed to i
sell all city lots in Gates' addition, uc-!
! cording to last appraisement.
I An ordinance providing for the sale of I
Northern Grown Seeds.
Fresh Garden and Grass Seeds in Bulk.
Seed Wheat, Seed Hye, Seed Oats
city yesterday and learn that it will be! city lots was then read and placed on its 1 Seed Barley, Seed Corn, Flax Seed.
' .1 . t . . i i
NnUcti uf Sale.
Notico is hereby given that on the 19th
dav of April at the hour of 2 p. in., the
buildings and sheds known as the Loch
head feed yard will bo sold at public
sale, by virtue of a power of sale in a
chattel mortgage executed on Feb. 1,
1893, by W. II. Lochhoad lo Tho Dalles
National Bank to secure tho pavment of
a certain promissory note of date Dec.
81, 1892, amount .$1200 with interest at
1U percent.
al2-vv Mai.coi.-m McI.v.nis.
Cjclorn, '1'ako Notice.
necessary for me to lemain here about
two weeks, during which time I will
write occasionally, anticipating that
Christmas you promised me on my
We left The Dalles March 20th, and
arrived at Andrews, lnd., on the 25th,
and judging from the newspaper reports
of the storms since then, wo were fortu
nate not to be delayed.
A stop-over of six hours at Denver
gave us ample time to visit Colorado's
three-million-dollar new capitol build
ing, which is not fully finished inside.
We visited both branches of the legisla
ture, and then went to view the other
fossils in the museum. It is said that
tho Smithsonian Institute does not con
tain as complete an exhibit of all that
pertains to tho cliff dwellers as is to be
found her. Many of your readers had
tho pleasure of hearing Major Jackson,
U. S. A., lecture about these Indians.
Well, everything is to be found litre ab
he described, except the snake dance.
Tho department of mineralogy cannot
j be excelled by any ono state, and when
gazing upon the collection ol opals one
feels an attack of kleptomania.
After leaving Deuver it is pleasing to
make faster time, and from St. Louis we
took the'New York express, next to the
fastest train in tho United States.
It is needless to tell you that our stay
hero will be a pleasant one. Four gen
erations are represented in the family at
present, and at a recent reunion two
hundred and fifty relatives were present.
I took a walk along North Delaware
street this evening, and saw tho homo
of ex-President Harrison, and, by the
way, that reminds mo that I promised
to look after Colonel Sinnott'a in
terests in Washington, D. C. I
now feel that ho can get the
appointment of U. S. fish commissioner
on tho strength of the salmon story, of
which he is now the only living witness.
O. L. Gh.heut.
Council .tlixjtlnu.
An adjourned session of the city coun
cil was held Saturday evening, the
mayor and all councilinen being oresent.
Tho ordinance taxing the sale of
liquors by the bottle or flasL was read,
and the motion to place it on its final
passage was lost. On motion tho fur-
final passage, and was
of G to 3.
On motion the Oatholicchurch was al
lowed the usual privileges of the streets
for building purposes.
No further butiness appearing, council
J'utal Accident.
On the 1st inst. tho wife of County
Surveyor Wetherell started a fire in the
heating stove. She then Mt the house
for a few minutes, leaving tho floors
ajar and her little son playing on the
floor. She was out but a moment when
she heard the child scream, and looking
toward the house she was horrified to
see the little fellow running toward her
enveloped in the Haines of his burning
garments. The mother hurried to tho
rescue, iifcing her own skirts to smother
the flames, which she succeeded in do
ing, but not until too Into to svae her
precious child, who was so badly burned
that death relieved him from his sufl'er
ings at nine o'clock on the evening of
the 3rd. Skamania Pioneer.
Alfalfa Seed, Timothy Seed.
Red Clover Seed, Millet Seed.
Crimson Clover .Seed, Blue Grass Seed.
White Clover Seed, Orchard Grass Seed,
Bee Supplies. Fertilizers, Oil Meal Cake,
May. Grain, Feed and Groceries.
Early Roto Potatoes.
I'oultry and Eggs bought and sold at
J. H. GROSS' Feed and Grocery Store.
Goods Sold at Hcdrock Price for Cash.
Store open from -7 a. in. to 9 p. in.
A i'ltmii of Victory.
The Champions won by a score of 8 to
IG, and the Champions did not take
their last inning, which, of course,
would have resulted in the Champions!
score running up to 2G, provided tho j
worthy manager, Mr. Fritz, had re
mained in the box. Tho White Stars, '
no doubt, will give up tho name of
Champions now, as wo havo defeated
them twice out of three. Wo now claim
the chamtiionship of Eastern Oregon,
and aro ready for all coiners. Outside
teams preferred.
Tjii: Chami'ioxh.
.SucX'C'tiMir to (,'lirlMimn .V CorMin.
Again in business at tho old stand. would be pleased to
see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
Two years ago R. J. Warren, a drug
gist at Pleasant Brook, N. Y., bought a
small supply of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. Ho sums up the result as fol
lows : "At that time tho goods were un
known in this section ; to-day Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is a household
word." It is the snmo in hundreds of
communities. Where ever tho good
qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy become known tho people will have
nothing else. For sale by Blakeley &
Opp. A. M. Williams & Co.
Beginning tomorrow, this city ordi
nance regarding tho riding of bicycles
on the sidewalk will bo strictly enforced.
C. F. Laueh,
City Marshal.
OIiuiik "f Time.
Commencing April 8th, the steamers
of the Regulator line will leave 'Ihe
Dalles at 7 a. m. instead of 7 :30.
W. O. Am-away, Agent.
Ice cream soda at A. Keller's bakery
and confectionery. 8-lw
Tom McCoy has opened his now barber
shop opposite tho Clarendon restaurant
ther consideration of tho ordinance was Oil Second street. m-i-llll
indefinitely postponed.
The ordinance providing for the num
bering of houses was read and action on
tho same was postponed until the com
mittee on streets and public property
The finance committee, to which had
been referred the matter of loaning city
funds reported, recommending the loan
of 2500. Also recommended that the
claim of M, A. Moody for $53,50 be
On motion tho recommendations of
the committee were adopted. On mo-
Common vanilla is tonka
bean there may or may
not be vanilla in it.
Schilling's Best is vanilla
alone and is worth three
times as much money.
For sale by
W. E. Kahler
Down Go Prices.
Call and see us, for now is the time to get
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
A complete Line to Seleot from.
New Vogt Blook, The Dalles, Oregon,
Lumber, Building- Material and Boxes
Traded for TTair (lrni-n TOonrm T.owl Xrn
RO WE & CO.,
The Dftllss, Oc