4- X r a if The Dalles Daily Chronicle, T1IK 1VAI.I.KS, lllilUlllN TIME CARD FOR TRAVELERS. Below is published a correct time card oi trains and boats which leave and ar rive at The Dalles. Travelers may trust it, as Tin: Ciikoxici.k is kept fully in formed of revisions : 1). I. .fc A. X. 0. STKAMF.RS. Stcnmcr Regulator leaves every Monday, Wed nesday mid Friday at 7:r.O n. m. Arrives every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day nt A:!iO . in. OKF.GOX RAILWAY vast mail. Arrive. No.l West-hound I:l'i a.m. No.!! linst bound 10:15 i.m. A LI.KS V A S. K N'll 1'. K. No. T West-bound, leaves No. b Kiist-bound, arrives All pa-sentter traits stop nt Union Street, as well us. the. depot. it NAVIGATION CO. Leave. I:M 11.111. 10:'JU p.m. . 1:00 p.m. .11:55 a.m. Advertising It;ile. 1'cr inch. One inch or less In Daily .$150 Over two Inches and under (our inches 1 00 Over tour Inches and under twelve Inches. Over twelve inches DAILY AND WEKKI.Y. One inch or less, per inch Over one ineh and under four inches 2 00 Over four inches and under twelve inches.. 1 50 Over twelve inches l 00 Id 50 50 I'KUSONAl, MENTION, I SUMMONS. ; t.n Tin; cikci'it court of the State of Orc- x pron ror warni county. ' A lft o.l Crihblii, l'lnlntlir, vs. Sarah r. OartivrlRhL a widow; .). P. Oartwilght, a Miipie. man; .iieiia inhiko anil i u. uodirc, her huslmi'l : Iva Tavlor and Joseph Taylor, her husband; Addle Utilises and Jerome Hrldjjes, her huib.ind: Charles Simpson, a widower; Kthel Hunt, n widow: l"lv Vos bnrft and Ho ry Vocburu, her husband; Carmo lampion, umiarriul: Ziiraa Simpson, unmar ried: and Vera Simpson, unmarried, sole heirs ai. iav oi i neoanre uaruvrifjnt. deceased; Jar vis Conklin MortKiiiju Trust Company, a cor notation. Kolnnd K. Conklin aid .lonenli I! Wlllettf, receivers, and North American Trust company, n corporation, defendants. To Charles Simpson, lithe! Hunt, Klva Vosbur, tin..... 1-.. I...... 1 fl . ..... t ' ill-ill, ,lsuui, UtllUllll 11. ionium josepu C Wlllctts, Jarvls Conklin Morttjaeo Trust Com pany, a corporation, and North American Trust Company, a coiporatlon, defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon, von and each of you are hereby irnulted to appear and in iini-r wie uiueiiuen eonipiauu men against you In the above entitled cans by the llrst dav of the term of the above entitled court following the expiration of the time ptescrlbed in the or der of Mild court for the pub ieatlon of this sum mons viz- Six wcoks' publication thereof, be ginning on the 10th dav of Apiil, 1S07. the llrst day of said term of said court bciiiR tho'JIth dav of May 1.S97, and If you fall so to appear anil answer plalntlli's said amended complaint, the plalntlfl ulll apply to the Court for the relief frayed for In hi- said amended complulnt. to wlt: For a judgment against the defendant Sarah 1'. Cartwrljrht for tho sum of $2175.00, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the ilrst day of January, 1MW, computed semi-annually, lens u credit of $l5G.75on account of inteiest, and for tho further sum of $2.50.00 at torney's fees, and for tho furrher sum of joo.57, taxes paid for tho vears 1MU. lSIll and 1835. u-ltli interest ihereon at the rnto of eight per cent per annum from the 27h day of January, 1897, uud for hU costs and disbursements of tills suit. Kor tho usual decree of foreclosure of tho inort- gage set lortli and described In nlaliitlfrs amm. did complatnt, and for tho sale of the mor gagod Alias Nell Michell came down from ! premises therein described, as follows, to-wit Columbus this morning to attend the funeral of Pearl Butler. Mrs. Mat Kartholet and twin babv girls, Mrs. M. A. Chapman and Alfred ifchanno, neice and nephew of Mr. Etnil Schanno, arrived from Yakima last night, coming by team across the Sim coe mountains, and being three d.ivs on the trip. IIOKN. In Hood Itiver, April 4, 1S90, to the wife of Mr. O. P. McFall, a son. Stocnliolileis' Meeting. Notice is hereby given that a met ting of the stockholders of The Dalles Chron icle Publishing Company will be held at the county court rooms on Tuesday, the 25th day of May, A. D., 1S97," at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of adopt ing suplunentary articles of incorpora tion, increasing the capital stock of said company and transacting such other business as may come before said meet iiij,'. By order of the Board of Directors. The Dalles, Oregon, April 9, 1S97. A. S. Mac Almsteu, President. 11. G. Davenport, Secretary. Attention A. O. U. IV. at All members of Temple Lodge, No. A. O. U. , are requested to meet their hall Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock, for the purpose of attending the funeral of the deceased brother. Latimer Booth. All sojourning brotiiers are invited to meet with us. By order of Master "Workman. Gro. Boss, Becorder. A. V. & A. M. Mectitisr. '1 he southeast nuartcr of the smitlm-pst. nimrj ii-i.uuu ihu uuLimti'si quarter oi neciion so, n iiven, lownsnip one norm, liango tltteen cast W. M , containing '''Jil and 0-10) neios. That the proceeds of said sale lnnvho nnnllcl in iiiu (mi mini in me auiuuiu aue w me plum turns principal, lntcre t, taxes, attorney's fies and costs and aisbursemeuts and the expenses oft esale; that said deftndants and each and all of them, nnd all persons claimiiiK by.throuRh or under thorn; nr any of them, subsequent to uiu :.eeu nun oi sum montane, do lorever barred and foieelosed oi all light, title and interest in and to said mortgaged premises and tho whole mereoi; mat tne pinintllt hnvo execniion HRainst the defrndant Sarah 1'. Cnrtwrlght for mi iieneieney wnicn may remain alter the ap plication of the proceeds of the sale of salt: premises applicable to the navment of said hidL- nient: that the plalntliror any of tho par'ies to sum suit may nccoino purcnasers nt said sale aim inai tne nurcna'er be let into tlio full mis session of said premises upon production of the sheritl's eettincate of sale, and that tho plalntlfl' have such other anil f urtner relief as may bo cqunaoio nnu just. This summ ns is served upon you hv publicn tlon thereof for six weeks In Tin: Dali.i:s Clliio.v iclk beginning April 10th, lb'J7, bv order of Hon . L. Ilradshaw, judge of tho 7th judicial dls trlct of the state of Oregon, msde in chambers nt wanes city, Ureson, the 10th day of Apiil w". n. 11. ll.su., II Attorney for I'luintlil' Clianjr of Time. Commencing April 8th, the steamers of the Begulator line will leave The Dalles at 7 a. m. instead of 7 :30. W. C. Ai.i.away, Agent. Notice of DtsHiilutlon. Notice is hereby given that the part- nersnip nereioiore existing between Frank Gabe! and W. C. Bupert has been dissolved, to date from Saturday, April 3, 1S97. Frank Gabel will pav till bills, anu is auttionzed to collect and receipt ior an tune due t tie linn. Dated at The Dalles. Or., this oth dav of April, 1897. FltANK Gabijl, a-J-lm W. C. Btn-EKT. l''tir !5Ih or Trade. a special communication oi Wasco Lodge, No. 15, A. F. & A. M., will be held in Masonic hall Sunday, April 11th, at 1 o'clock p. ni., for the purpose of at tending the funeral of our late brother, Latimer I5ooth. All members and visit ing b-others are invited to attend. By order of V. M. F. G. ConnkliiY, Sec. pro tern. Woodmen, 'J alio Notice! All members of the Woodmen of the World are ifquested to meet at Frater nity hall on Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock sharp to act as escort at tho funeral of our late neighbor, Latimer Booth. By order of the Consul Com irunder. Notion to Taxpayers. Notice is hereby given that by order of the county court, the eherifl' will re turn tho tax roll for 1S9G to the county clerk on the first Monday in Apiil, 1S97, and all taxes then remain ing unpaid on the roll will bo declared delinquent, and thereafter the sherifl' will not receive taxes until tho delin quent roll is given him. By order of court. A. M. Kklsay, iu2.'5 4tw Clerk. A desirable ranch of 1G0 acres, within lour miles of Dalles Citv. with one snail mares, harness, wagons, plows and other property. Fine fruit land and abun dance of water. Will trade for Dalles City property. Inquire of A. S. Mac Allistek, Beal Estate and Insurance Agent. Cinto.viCLK office, The Dalles, Or. Ice cream soc'a at A. Keller's bakery and confectionery. aS-lw Yellow washing powder will make your clothes the same color. Avoid this by using Soap, Foam. It's pure white. Soap Foam compounds. a2 3m excels all other washing a2-3ni lr. Kiiib'x Nw IM.covery for Couuii tlon. This is the best medicine in the world for all forma of Cougna, Colds and Con sumption. Every bottlo is gauranteed. It will euro and not disappoint. It has Thla Is Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, a generous sample will bo mailed of tho most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (lily's Dream lialm) sufficient to demon- Btrato tho great merits of tho remedy. ELY BBOTIIERS, CO Warren St., New York City. Itov. John Beid, Jr. , of Great Falls. Mont.. I recommended Eiy'n Cream Balm to me. I can einpliasizo lim statement, "It is it positive- cure for catarrh if used as directed." Itev. Francis W. Boolo, Pastor Centralizes. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged euro for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, CO cents. j-lou Ibout Your job piijNTjijsrci? doing nil card kinds We have tlio facilities ibi ol Job Printing, irom a visiting card to a catalogue, and wo are after all the work we can do. We not only desire to keep busy,, but would prefer to be rushed. Come in and comparo our prices witli that of any one, and compare quality of work. Let us have your next order. ?t?ro9i;le publisr)i ?o. THE WORLD RENOWNED 3 WORLD RENOWNED supplied to United States and British Governments. It has no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE & MAYS, The Dalles, Oregon. Bond Issue of 820,000. School district Xo. 12. of Wasco eounti-. Oro. con (beinir the district in which Dulles citv is located) nill Ismji; twenty coupun bonds of 'tho vur value of one thousand dollars uach, beuriiiK interest nt tho rate of six per cent per iinuuin, untTUM piiruuie buifli-uniiuiuij bniu Hondo be Notice Is hereby Riven that by virtue of an execution nnd the older of sale issued oat of the Ciicuit Court of the dtntoof OreKon for Wdhco county, on tho Srt dny of ilurch. 1K)7, upon n deereo nnd juduni-'iit nude, tendered and en- tifcd theretofore theie n in a suit wherein ins reiieeeiablo nt the pleasure of sail district i t,euije A. I.iebe was plaintill'und Lizzie Uaxter nnu i.iz.io uaxter ns nuiiunlstratrix of tlio es tate of Hinjh SI. liaxter, ileeensed, were defendants-, I dM duly levy ii)ioii nnd will sell nt the frontdoor of tho county courthouse in Dalles City, Wnseo County, Onon, on Satnrdav, the lid day of April, lb'JT, at J o'clock in the 'after noon of said day, nt public miction to the high est bidder for cash In hand, tho follow IiiL'de- senueii rem ettaie, ueserined in suid execution and oilier of sale, and described as follows to ! wit: the NJof KKlj mid NJaof NWKmidSk'of I M.;, sec 8. Tn 3 3 1! l.s I-:, w. m . in u-,,1,... v uniy. wri-soii, tnKcincr with tho teiieineiits jiviiiiiiiiiiieuis nnd niter ten years from their date, hut due nnd pav able absolutely twenty jenis from date. Princi pal and interest payable at the olllce of die treasurer of Wasco County, Or., or at such place as may be designated in the citv nnd state of iew York, at the ontlon of the nurehaser. The board of directors of said district nie lawfully ftuthorlzcd to issue said bonds in necordanee with tlio provisions ot an n-1 of tho J.eulslalivo Assembly of the state of uieiron llleii In ttm oillee of the b'ecietary of Mute Keb. 2J, IrfDJ, mi l uovIdliiL', ninoiiL' other t iinirs. for thu IssiiIiil of bnnds by school distliets. in tumii laiieo with the terms of snld net. I. ns Treasurer of snld county, will receive sealed bid for said bonds nt my olllce, in Dalles City nfoie i belouciiiB, or in anv wise appertainlm: or so said, until 1 p'cloeii p. m. on the IStli ilnv of . imir-ii thereof as shall be ueceVs irv to satisfv the .', J'J.f . .... uiui lliun. (JU IIVJIIIJI IIUIIICU UV II illllllllll lillll 111)1111 Mill IV I I T . f I l.W I , TI.l.i... ei u lieu cnccK oi live ner f cm oi inn itininiiir nf ni 4 u .1 i. tMiruiiii.c n-itn 1,.,....., i i.,..it i 1.1..1. .1...' i.i.i i . ......i " i""i:;:r, : .... . uiyuvn m mo ..iii,-, ivri iiiiii;ii uiu u.iii-iiii.iiiL'. .M : i ir iiiii ill it'll hit .'f I r iin. iiiiiiiini . I. .11 .1 ,11 1... ....... (.i.. " .1 .ni . . .. . . I .i.iii.iiii ..iiitu mi, nil) iti mjii 11,1, inn uu uuiisHieieu. 1 ne miyer 10 j uay 01 l'eorunry, im'.i;; nnd the fiiillicr sum of .... ...on ui.iiiiv UU11113 iu uu uAti uiew 11 iiiu ill"- I f J.J eosiM in sum SI II, (HtctlllT With aCCIIlilll' ill trlct. The Hunt to reject any and all bids is lerest ami exi.ense, of sal,. ntuuiui, in reserved. Dated 11' Dales Citv. Wnscn Count v. (Iret-nn. this 'JJth day of March, IbUT. i-. 1.. rilll.l.trs, 1- Iw-I Treasurer of Wnseo County, ur. Dated at Tlio March, Ib'JT. mclG-il Dalles, Or., this .Ith dav of T. J. DRIVUIt. Sherill of Wnseo County, Or sjiivo Your timlii. I'u' realize that each squirrel (0 iBtroya .$1.50 wortli of uniiii annually. WIIKC ee'S Kdllirrei anil (ionhor Kxtwrm no equal or Wlioopiim ComkIi, A.tlitna, inator is the most ell'eetivo and cuononi CITATION. TX THI-: COUNTY COUKT of tho State of Ore- boh, for tho County of Watco. In the matter of tho estate of James Mrtinlum. deceased Citation. To Jacob JlcOohan. James llcfliilian. John Mn. tiiiliun, 1.UUH1 Mcfjahan, Klvn Mcliahan, ilarv IClleu Hughes, Kliabelh .MeUnhan and Kntb siiumiiKciieirsiiuu leKntees, uud Mrs. Ilunuali Ward, legatee, Krcetiui;; In tho nunio ol the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and rcquned to ujipoir in tho Coun ty Court of thu Statu of Oregon, for tho County of Wasco, ut thu couttroom Ihereof.at The Dalles, in the County of Wasco, on Monday, tho lid day of May, lb'J7, at 2 o'clock In thu afternoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any there he, why an order of salu should not bu mado and entered hetelii, directing thu executor of tho last will and testament of said deceased, to sell tho leal propei ty belonging to said estate, to-wit: '1 hu southwest quarter of Section eight, Town ship one south, Kango fourteen Knst, W. M tho Mimu being thu real property described in tho pe tition of thu executor ot said estato filed herein. This Citation is served, iiiiou you, thu said Jn- cob McOahan, Juines .McUaliiiii, John McGnliRin, . ; I.aurn Mcliahan, Ulvn MeUnhnn, Marv lillen NOTICE. Tho partnership heretofore existiiiL' in T.vkIi Valley FlouriiiK Milln, under the name of W. M. JlclJorklo & Son, is this my Hitssoivea ny limitation, .1. M. aIc Corltlo retiring. W. M. JlcCorklo will continue, and will pay all k'tral claims nun uuueiu. an deuiH oi the late linn. TyKli, Or.. April 2, 1S97. a7-lin v. at. nicwoitKi.i:, J. K. iMcUoitKij;. iNeuraska corn for sale at the Wasco warehouse. Uest feed on earth. mlM Old papers for sale at lOcenta nor lam dred. A lurgn lot ot old daily and week y ChkonicijUh on hand, the acctuniila. nun oi toao. verv jood for under carpets, on "account of size. puttini; uniionn Hay Fever, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Cold In the Head and Consump tion, It in safe for all ages, pleasant to take, and, ahove all, a Biuo cure. It is always we.l to take Dr. King's New Life Pills iu connection with Dr. King's Newt Discovery, as they i emulate and touo tho I Ktoinauh and bowels. Wo guarantee per-1 feet satisfaction or return money. Freo trial bottles at Dlakeloy & Houghton's Di ng Htore. Jugular size 50 cents and 51.00 (0; Do not fall In call on Dr. Lannerberg win oyo specialist, ami Jiave your eyeB exiiiiiined freo of charge. If you suffer wiiii iit'aiiacim or nervousness vou icai poison known. Price reduced to 30 cents. For sale by Jl. Z. Donnell, Agent. H LOOP POISON A SPEKSALTY1,rimary'Ho- tlOmo forH'imn ,tri,....in. . . HllirllpS. Klfnhotll Mj.riillinli inwl l.'iiti. Cliit..i.,l.'.. liclisof James M cU a hnn, deceased, by order of i tne county Juugu of Wasco county, Oregon, iniidu on tho ism day of March, 1M7. WiT.s'Kss. tho lion. Kobert Mays, Judgo of tho County Court ot thu Statu oi Oregon, for (sbai.) thu County of Wnseo with thu Seal of snld Court iifllxed this '.Md diy of Maich, A.Dlb'J7. Attkst. a. M. KKl.AY, Clerk, in'-' il lly Simeo.n- lioL'ro.v, Deputy Exeoutor's Notice. i...oiu.i i... .b hi . ? " uiwnys k". ... . 1. ....IBn.ll.l. IIIU I1IINI.I,,II,II11I.,..,..I- douhtedly have imperfect vision that if ! inrn'Ctfil, will benefit vou for life. . rppHcihiou. Address couk lti:.in:t)V mi" OHlco in tho Vogt block. I " "uwmo VtUVAUO, UJU Vl-.,lrilk Iu 1.I.K..I... .1.I...1.. .1... . 1 .... hnmnf;r;.Tn.7iA.. . i ""ull!UB "uhwi'iivii-ui Kneu inai. uv an oruer OI IIIU Itv TfVrw..; " . saw"""i,nlu' luuuiy Limn oi ino Btaiu oi oiegon for Wnseo ic oyM, ....a. entered, on the ;:d day of cocbarco If wdlal toci ro7 if r;0u i 7, Vi H'e ' iwL t no iinum gnwl was duly appointed i. .ii.i.. i. I'xi'f'iiiiirnr Tint mvr will nnu iiiLiniiK.nl ,.r ini... V 'Mil UIIH IVJOKtiltVJIk 1J tllllJJl ,'ased. All persons estate are 1101111111 to ll , I'..'s... i.ivi.ii ...hi iiiil'ei uuuiieis, ill IIIU uiiKiiS UllUeisiL'neil ut Thu Dalles. Ort'L'on. nt Dm ,nw... fSr?.7lt?iiWuBOlKltthomOBt,ti' I l) II. Hoberts, in Dalles City, Oregon, within. '7i7v7v.7,iVi7.f ,iffr v,,u "riu turn "X""1'1'' ",UIU muuniooi tins nonce. "... -'.-.'-". ia uistinBU naH aiwnva ri j-ii i . . nut uiam orout every uay from 10 a. m. to 12:.'10 p. in. and -1 to 0 p. m. at htuDling Williams. ,ci,4 Tho Dalles Trading Co., corner of 3d and Federal streets, will pay the highest cash prico for second-hand goods. ni21.tf C. D. Ff.KMi.va, Agent. , S. SC1IKNK, President. II. M. IlKALL, uuuiuvr. wo en CI Dated March 10. lb'J7 iniu-aiuii JOHN WA(!K.NJ)I,ASr. Wo Mays. sell lloo Cako soap, Peaso & n'J-3m First national Bank. THE DALLES - - OREGON A cieiiorai iJanking IJueinesa transacted DepoaitB received, subject to Sight Draft or OWlr. K Collections made and proceeds promntlv c . .rem tie(,1 on ,,av of coUection. blgnt ami lolegranhic Exch ork, ban rauciBco and port- ?! ORDINANCE NO. 162. Tho following is a part of ordinance No. 102, to provide for the taxing and ! killing of dogs: The owners or persons naving m ..i........ iW liurniilted to run nt Inrini u-lthlll tllO city limits, Shall, Oil Of lioforo the Pith day of May of each year. pav into the city treasury t lie sum o iir.nfnr r.nnli and overv nialo dog, and the sun. of -to for each and every slut or female dog. which shall entitle him to a receipt fiotn the treasuier, w lie i re-.tt-xt tit C ll (I II lu niinihered and Eliall des igniite tlie sex of the dog and the owner's name nnd tho amount paid; and upon the presentation of each receipt to the recorder, he shall issue a license to tho holder thereof, wlucli enau (lesigmue the owner's name and the number of the license, which number shall correspond with thut worn bv tho dog or slut. The marshal will seize, kill and prop erly bury in some suitable place outside tin itv limits anv and all dogs found rnimlni' nt lr.rue. iu violation of the ahove provisions; also any and all dogs wearing collars running at largo on which Hie owner or keeper has failed to pay or renew the license. Any person or inhabitant of this city itiiinr anv dot- nf which ho is the owner or over which he has the control, to go abroad in any of the streets, squares lanes or public places of this city without having iirst paid the license required by this ordinance, and having tho number thereof stamped or engraven on 1110 collar upon such dog, shall upon convic tion thereot uelore tne recorder, oe suu- iect to a line of not less than 5 nor more than !'50, or imprisonment for not more than llfteen davs. --t Si u Id of .School Iliiitriet Itonds. ORTHERN PAClFICjv s Pullman Eleg.ent Tourist Sleepmg Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car MINNEAPOLIS IHIMJTII (vticoo TO OKANI) KOItU CUOOKSTOX VINIKo I1KI.KNA an HUTTK Thfough Tickets CHICAGO T WAHII1NOTON CIllI.AnEIjl'IlIA yaw YORK ItOSTON AND AT.I, I'OINTH KABT iiikI HOUT1I Kor information, time curds. mntmn,i m.w. cal on or write to --, W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, 0 The Dalles, Oregon A. I). CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A.. iV. Morrison Cor. Third. Portland 0rc?oa EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE School District No. 2!), in Wasco countv. Oreiron. at a meeting regularly called" therefor, having voted to bond said district in the sum of 1:5,000, to be in six bonds of $500 each, payable abso- lutelv in twenty vears and ledeemable at the pleasure of said district after ten years, with interest coupons attached, interest pavable teini-annuallv. Prin cipal and interest payable at the oflice of tho county treasurer ot said county or at such plar-o as may be designated in the city of New iork. at tne option of tlio ourchaser, and tlio rate of in- t(jriJr. mIiuII la sii eh ns mnv lie dnsii'- nated in tho bid which may be accepted, vnilthQITI POPIilP Pnmn'u not exceeding the rate of 8 per cent. OUUUICIII rCtUlllU UUIIIU V. mi. r. . z.. . e .. .. I ... : . i - iiiereiore, in pursuance oi wie law in such cases I will receiye sealed bids for said bonds as above described, at my onice in Dalles (Jitv, Oregon, up to tho hour of i.' o'clock p. m. of tho 21st day ol April, lb'Ji, all bids to lie accom panied by cei tilled check for 5 per cent. of the amount of tho bid, the successful bidder to furnish blank bonds, liids for less than par will not be considered. liie nglit is reserved to reiect anv nnd an nuis. Trains leave and are due to arrive nt Portlaoi 8:G0 1. M. T .ll fl,..- r r . ,r uanes ijity, uregon, inarcn zu, ibiii. C. L. PlULLH'S, Treasurer Wasco Countv, Oregon. iu2L.td ' NOTICE. Notice is herebv L'iven that we will, on Friday, April 30. 1897. at thu hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said dav. at tho iverv stable of Ward. Kerns & 'Robertson. sl-II at public auction, to the highest bidder tor cash, tlio fol owintr described ner. aojini properiv, to-wit: r i. -1 ,i , . . who uav sand e norse. n innr. vnura old, branded iko this: On riilit. slmnl. der I'.aud with letter lion left hip; has lour wlnte feet, and star in face. To gether witli bridle and saddle. All sun- iiu-seu iu ij uiu property oi ft. rattersou. tins sale is under tin a"ister'Hor stulih. keepers lien, to satislv the charges of tne undi'rsiL'iied for thmr reminnn. Die Cliarges for be a bor. c.:irt. ..mil attention and the food furnished fluid 'IIIMi.nl .... ....... ... it.!.. . ....... ..........i, .iiiiuimuiiy ni, mis 'iiitf to .f.j.), .uiu iui .iLTTiiiug costs ana expenses, and uiu e.xienses oi tins sale. ' a(5 Id Waiid, KuitN.s & Koiiuutso.v, 3:cu a. m. Daily exeept Suiidayji. 1:00 I'. M, 7:: A. il, 1IM5 I'. M, OVKItLAND KX-I iress. Salem. Hose. I '3:10 A. M. jiirs, Ashland, Sac- i .........,. ii , o.... j jiiiiivjiivj, vjjiieii, oiiii i I 1 Francisco, Mojnve, f , I New Orleans and LKast II Koseuiirii nnd way sta tions MHO P.SI rvia Woodburn fori I lMt.An.Rel, Silverton, M i West Bclo, llrowns-, except ABR1TE. villu.Sprlngileldaud ! I Natron I Salem mid way stations juorvains ana way ) stations (MuMiiiuvillo and way stations Sundaji. 10.15A.M 6:a)P.JI, 1 8:23 P, 51 Mlaily. tW'iny, exeept Sunday. DINING CARS ON OODEN ROUTE. 1'UI.IjMAN 11UFFKT SLKEl'EKS AND HrX-OND-fJliASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection ntSan Frnuelsro with Orel- dental mid Oriental and l'acllie mnil steamship lines lor J A TAN and CHINA. Sallim: dates on a) plication. Kates iiint tickets to Kastern points ana m- rope. Also JAPAN, UIII.N'A, HONOLULU una Ai.hlHAI.lA, ean bo obtained from J. II. KlllKliANlVUCKetAgcni. Throuirh Ticket Ollieo. 1:11 Third street, where throinjli tickets to all points in the Eastern States, Cariuda and Kurone can ho obtained at low est rates from .1. II. KIRK LAND, Ticket AttW. All above trains arrive nt and iletutt JOT Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irvint' ktreeb. ifie GoiiiiTiDja PacRino Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTUUKRb OF Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of -fr BRAND HAMS tcP BACON DRIED REEF, ETC. Sheriff Sale. Notk'O Is herel tlon and order f',r , """V"?. Court of the shT . V ' ' . Krmn YAMUILIj DIVISION. I'ntscngcr Depot, foot of Jerterson street. Leave for OSWF.GO, dally, except Sunday. at :'JU a. in.: l':16. 1:15. o:!ii. 0:13. 8:05 p. m. fund HHW ii. in. on Satnrdav only). Arrive al I'ortland at 7:10 nnd s:C0 u in.: and 1:30, l:Ui 0:;!.") and 7:5.-1 p. m. U'live for Sheridan. v.eok days, it l:Mp.m. Aulvo at Portland, a:0 a. in. Leave for A lit LI E on Monday. Wednesdayaiil Frhiav at!):40a. m. Anivo at I'ortland, Tum- dav, Thursday and Saturday at 3;03 i. m. f-nndiiv tmliiM tnr OSH'Iffin leave nt 8:Wa.ni. mid l'i! lfi, 1 : 15, 3:30, ft:i (i: 15 and 8 05 p. m. f rive at Portland at S:3U. 10:U0 it. in.; 1:30 5:10, 0:.i5, 7:55 j. m. R. KOEIILKR, K. I'. I!OQfcl Miinuiier. Asst. (i. F. ik Jss. Azt THE younty, upon javor oi .Mays Wood, William Mary S. Wnmi. inu .,u nay oi nuuu oi orenon for v,,t,. '. ju'iKiiiuil IIIII1 fll.nriut I. fc ivo "mi ai?ainst John jvuenei wood and anu 10 mn illn.,,fl ,i , el7,!i:.1ShI'iV'''fC.H,,,1,.l,,11,1,ll'K "0 NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 Vageit n Week. 150 Taper W will, on Saturday, t he ' h-s TtZTX "V " . Ms' iiio hour of l o'clock i in., it Vii.w ?,: . ',l It stands first uroong "weekly" pope" in size, frequency of publication iiVu.r "t. , 1 oc'Ook i. in., Mt thuconrthonsi. 1,1 8,zoi irequency OI puwn;u" o,lhet1lK variety and reliability of nmnedlHhl1'1"". 'Vi!!,,'.'"".? tents. It is practically a daily at tbe o ownship one North, Ra no ifteVn easi lm Btut0 ot S nr i ill,y' ri'K0"1 AprU'V IhW. nvtMl T, J, DRIVER, S Shorlir. Notice of Final Selllemciil. prico o a weekly; and its vast subscribers, extending to every state u territory of the Union and foreign coon tries, will vouch for the accuracy 4 fairnesB of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, andao Its special features are a line uu'""' ..A."5. hereby nlwi that ii, ,..... PaK, exhaustive market roporm. lOD !,' "?. " r?t..rof tiloesnun " . u 'V,1' ' ltst. f.i.i. f. wn.. and ....j iu uju Uljlliuv eollrt rnim i..' ' lllllillll HIIU ijlIUIinil imn.-.-i court honso In Dalles i v '"1"" (oiiniy Kori.has been a oiiit.. 5i,.,V''T.' Co'"ity, Oru. lim,. ,..! .. i 1 umd by said court u ti,,. .....w u.i., iiiueu ior lien, i iii. j.,i.i t..... - ...w Utl this ath day if irarch, isuf. "CCWU,,, land. DIKBOTOHS, I'.l). M. WlLUAKH, Quo. A. Likbk. II. m, Bkaix. upra-ll This Is an "Ao of Sonp." Wiy 80 auy hut the very best. Host E01ip Hoe Cako. Sold by Pease it Mays. .a,n Enulish authors, Uoiinii Ilitylu, .leimu" ,,er",.', Ntiuiley WuyuiHii, Mary Antliony lluitu, Urol ilartt'i lIlHiulor aiHUliHv, 15lo. i Wn nlTp t lila niK.niiillHll n0W8paperD Tho Dalles Twice-a Week Chronicle jo- KOther one year for ifU.OO. The prico of thu two papers is TJ.U". Subscribe for This Ciiko.niclk. I