The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 09, 1897, Image 1

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    l)c Oallco
Have You Purchased or Placed Your Order for
a Spring Suit? NO?
Then this may interest you, Our Stock is now complete,
show the Styles and Assortment.
ITtft Lonci-M Short i PicKwicKTSTtn.
RiphFShape clotr7inp& Odd-Shape flen .
GgMsmaa fHicriAoiin t- Co. CWUtiw
Second Shipment
of which
Just Received.
And in addition to our regular line,
we have placed the Celebrated
flight-Shape Clothing
for Odd-Shape JWen.
We are prepared
to fit any
and everyone,
especially men
who are classed as
fttn Pickwick if
Pickwick 6tout,
Sole Distributing Agents.
A Kcport to This Effect Has
Reached Key West.
lit't'ititturu Srxlrt to llnvo ISnmi KlVocted
Whllo thii tie no ml Vt'liH Ituing
Cuiivryuil to Havana.
Ki:y Wkbt, April 8. News was re
ceived last night that the Cuban insur
gents had niado an attack on the train
upon which General Rivera wan being
taken from San Cristobal to Havqua.
Reports say ttie insurgents were'euor
cesaful in their attack, and that Rivera
was freed. It, is impossible to get a
confirmation or denial of the report as
jet, but the Cuban sympathizers here
believe it to be true and are accordingly
tfort No. 11 Captured, and Seven Span
lards Killed.
Nuw Youk, April 8. A Journal spe
cial from Havana says :
A largo insurgent force recently ap
peared in front of fort No. 11, protecting
the railway line between Calbraroen and
Remedios, and opened fire with cannon
One shell fell in the middle of the fort,
killing Heven men and wounding ten,
the rest escaping. The Insurgents then
dynamited the railroad bridge, inter
rupting communication between the
citlee. They also attacked fort No. 12,
forcing its surrender and securing arms
and ammunition.
The rebel forces under Alexander Rod
'"quo and CaBtlllo continue active in
Hftvana province. They again attacked
Guines, Monday, pocked stores and set
to Spitniah barracks on fire.
N"rtlt nsiUota T,mvih Tlirrnteiiod With
l)aii)HK by l'liiml.
Si-I'aw., Minn., April 8. A Grand
'orks.S. D., special to tho Dispatch,
The Red rivur rose 1G inches last night
nl psiased the high water mark of '03
01 5 o'clock this morning. The govern
tt(int gaiij-e Indicated 41 feet above tho
low water mark. It is now rising 1
inches an hour. The bridges are now
being closely watched. When the big
gorge abovo the city comes down it is
feared they will be carried away.
Later l'he gorge above the city has
broken and immense quantities of heavy
ice are passing through the bridges this
afternoon. No teams are allowed to pass
over the bridges.
Situation lit itlsinurck.
Bismaucic. N. D., April 8. The water
in the Missouri river has risen four feet
since last night. A bout landing erected
by tho Northern Pacific railroad for the
transfer of passengers has been swept
out, and telegraph poles lifted and
swept away by the torrent. The water
has broken through the dyke at Mandau
and Bismarck, and at S o'clock this
morning was running into the railroad
roundhouse. The ice has gone out at
Fort Yates, but is still solid at Glencoe,
twenty miles down the streams. No
trains have arrived here since the day
before yesterday.
Danger l'nssed at Fargo.
Faiigo, N. D., April 8. Tho waters
are now receding, and the danger is
passed. Hundreds oj people are desti
tute. The secretary of war has just
wired Mayor Johnson, of this city, ask
ing what amount is needed ior imme
diate relief. Johnson wired back that
$10,000 is required.
Revolt In the Transvaal.
London, April 8. A dispatch to the
Times from Cape Town sayB advices re
ceived here from Delagoa bay announce
the country bordering on and across the
Limpopo river for many mileB northwest
and the northern limit of the Transvaal,
is in open revolt. It is added the situa
tion is serious. Troops are leaving for
Delagoa bay by the steamer Caranavon.
A further rising is expected in Maputa-
Ileuel Htroughold Cujirecl.
Cai'E Town, April 8. A dispatch from
Vreyburg says volunteers havo captured
and" turned the insurgents' stronghold
at Gat)Bsope. Lieutenant Harris is
among tho killed.
Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg,
tho eye specialist, and have your eyes
examined free of charge. If you sutler
with headache or nervousness you un
doubtedly have imperfect vision that, il
corrected", will benefit you for life.
Office In the Vogt block.
Advertise in The Cuuonici-e.
Discovery Which "VV 111 Kevolutlon'ze
Electric Lighting;.
New York, April 8. Nicola Tesla has
made a discovery which will revolution
ize, it is believed, the ordinary means of
illumination, and will be of inflnte use
in hundreds of directions. Teshi ex
hibited tonight newly perfected appli
ances called electrical oscillators, which
are a novel kind of transformers, based
on one his discoveries made six years
ago. By their means Thesla is now able
to produce electrical vibrations to a fre
quency of many millions a second from
ordinary currents, whether alternating
or direct.
This achievement has an important
bearing on many scientific and industri
al problems. Tesla pointed out two im
portant discoveries. First of all, ho an
nounced that he had found a new anil
powerful source of the rays. This source,
he said, was an electric arc formed under
certain conditions, and the quality of
the rays is such as to give a far finer
definition and greater power of tiie im
pressions. Tesla said that while diffi
culties at the present are sucti as to re
strict the use of the principle, lie hoped
to overcome and soon report substantial
The second important discovery, Tesla
announced, was the deflection of Roent
gen rays by a magnet. This has an im
portant bearing on tho nature of the
Roentgen rays and establishes the com
plete identity of these with the rays dis
covered by Leonard in 1891, five years
before Roentgen made his announce
ment. In the introduction of his subject,
Tesla said that in 1891 he engaged
in an investigation of the ac
tinic power of phosphorescent bodies.
The Roentgen rays effect were observed,
but not recognized. He exhibited a
great number of diagrams and designs
for a demonstration of bis theory of rays,
which he said were due to minute par
ticles of matter projected with enoi
mous velocities from the bulb, a view
which la at variance with the generally
accepted one regarding transverse waves.
Tesla's newest discovery, besides pro
ducing a more brilliant and much cheap
er means of purifying the atmosphere,
water and other substances. Ammonia,
nitric acid and other products may be
evolved from common air if from noth
ing else. It would be immpossible to
enumerate the possibilities of the discovery.
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for iU fruit IravenliiK htrciiKtli mid
lienltlif uliiosn. As-Mire the food KHliiht alum
unil nil forms of adulteration common to the
cheap brands.
Uruguuyuu Troop llnulde to Cope With
the lusurgeuth.
New YoiiK, April 8. A Herald dis
patch from Montevido sayB :
The government ia alarmed at the
failure of the troops to suppress the re
bellion. Officials admit that the news
from the front is unfavorable. The gov
ernment column under Munez lias been
dispersed by Saravia. Lamas is now
said to be marching on Monos.
Saravia, the Brazilian rebel chief, is
at Ban Luis, near the Brazilian frontier,
while Lamas is marching toward the
center of the republic. The government
troops were defeated at Trecinla y Tres,
The government has called for the
mobilization of G000 troops of the na
tional guard.
The revenue from customs for tba laat
six months ia $1,240,000 leas than for the
preceding fix months. Several deputies
have made a demand on the chamber
that the ptesldent shall change his pres
ent policy.
Notice to Taxpayer.
Notice is hereby given that by order
of the county court, the sheriff will re
turn the tax roll for 1890 to tho
county rli-rk on the first Monday in
April. 1SU7, and all tuxea then remain
ing unpaid on the roll will be declared
delinquent, and thereafter the sheriff
will not receive taxes until tho delin
quent roll Is given him. Hy order of
court. A. M. Kelsav,
ru23-4tw Clerk,
New York Weekly Tribune
Far me and Villagers,
Fathers and Mothers,
Sons and Daughters,
All the Family.
With tho close of the Presidential Campaign THE TKfiHJNE recognizes tha
fact that tho American people are now anxious to give their attention to homo and
business interests. To meet this condition, politics will Inivo fur less space and
prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the
light for the principles for which THE TJUJJUNE has labored from its inception
to tho present day. and won its lireatest victories.
Evcrv possible effort will be put forth, and money freely spent, to mako TIIK
WEEKLY' TJUBUNJi pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting,
instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75.
Write your name and address on a postal card, send It to Geo. W. Best,
Tribune Office, New York City, and a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib
une will be mailed to you.
THK rlllST HA'ITI.K U an lnteri'MlUK utory
of the taeut political MruKKlunf lblS, tlx most
lnixirtant even la anil tlio luiiuy Ibaucb In vol veil;
a logical lieatlhuon lll-iiietallfwm as uttered by
eminent exponent, Including tlio purl taken by
Hon. W. J. 1 try an In the silver ablution prior to
tliu Democratic National Convention, mid dur
ing the campaign! thu he&t examples of bin won
derful nratoiy. the laoHt noteworthy lueldeniu of
111 famoux tour, a careful review ol the political
tltuatlou, a illkcUMlon of the election returns
anil thu iHiilllcauee thoicof, and thu future
po.shlhllltlcH of lll iuttallUm a a i.olltlejl hauo.
Richly and durably bound' in English Cloth, plain edges; portrait of the au
thor forming the design on cover; autograph prelwce; magnificent ore
fientation pluto in silver, gold and blue; containing COO pHges and 32
full-page illustrations , $1 75
In half-Morocco, uiurble edge , 2 25
In full-Morocco, gilt edge , 2 75
M. J. WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamlo, Or.