The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 08, 1897, Image 4

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Tit IC DAI.l.KS,
Helow is published a correct time card
ot trains and boats winch leave and ar
rive at The Dalles. Travelers may trust
it, as The Ciihonici.i: is kept fully in
formed of revisions :
1). V. & A. X. (). STEAM BUS.
Steamer Kepulator leaves every Monday, Wed
nesday and Friday at 7: 80 a. m.
Arrives every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur
day at 5:80 p. m.
fast mail. Arilve. Leave.
jCo.l V'et-b3und 1:1") a.m. 4:60 a.m.
No.'J East-bound 10:1.1p.m. 10;'JU p.m.
No. 7 West-bound, leaves 1:00 p.m.
No. 8 East-bound, arrives 11:55 a.m.
All passcneer trains stop at Union Street, as
wen as tno uepot.
AilvertUInc ltate.
Per inch.
One Inch or less in Dally ?t fit)
Over two inches and under (our Inches 1 00
Over four Inches and under twelve inches.. .
Over twelve inches 00
One inch or less, per inch ?2 50
Over one inch and under four inches - 00
Over four inches aud under twelve inches. . 1 00
Over twelve inches 1 00
Miss Winnie Champlain of Portland
is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lytle.
Taylor Hill left for Prineville this
morning by private conveyance.
Representative Misener of Crook
county arrived in from Mitchell this
Miss Grace Graham and Mrs. Wol
ford, who attended the D. of H. social
last night, missed tiie boat this morn
ing anil returned to Hood lliver on this
afternoon's train.
Near Mosier, Sunday, April 4th, to
the wife of J. K. Steel, a son.
Tills Is IJiU'ercnt.
In your valuable paper of last evening
an article entitled, "A Keply to White
Stars." We must say that the author
of that masterly piece should never fol
low the profession of baseball, but
ehould at once leave for Hawaii to be
queen Lil's chief adviser, or else go to
Turkey and give the sultan a few
pointers. The author of that piece cer
tainly possesses a great mind, but it,
like The Dalles coal mines, is unde
veloped. His baseball playing is just
like his great (grate) mind, unripe.
He says in the first game the White
Stars did not "catch on" to the idea
:that the Champions purposely let them
win. No, that is a fact, we did not
catch on to the idea, but such a thing as
an idea could not materahze from the
brains of the Champs, but nevertheless,
as we were not playing a game of ideas,
it was outside of our line of business to
catch on to anything except a base ball,
which we managed to c.itcli on to often
enough, and at all times in due season,
to "goose egg" them six innings and
score a record that they cannot over
come with all their new-fancied ideas
and ball games in big print.
The White Stars believe that the test
of superiority is best established by
demonstration in the "Field of action,"
and we stand ready at any time to back
up this proposition by results material
ized on the diamond, and we did not or
ganize for the purpoe of playing ball or
ideas through the columns of a news
paper, although it seems so far that thiB
kind of ball is the one game that the
Champs (chumps'.'??) can play to a
perfection. Whiti: Stah.
Dr. Kimk's Novt l)I0Ovory for Costimi
tinii. This is the best medicine in the world
for all forms of Cougns, Colds and Con
sumption. Every bottle is gauranteed.
It will cure and not disappoint. It has
no equal for Whooping Cough, Asthma,
Hay Fever, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La
Grippe, Cold in tho Head and Consump
tion. It is safe for all ages, pleasant to
take, and, above all, a sure cure. It is
always well to take Dr. King's New Life
Pills in connection with Dr. King's New
Discovery, as they regulate and tone the
stomach and bowels. We guarantee per
fect satisfaction or return money. Freo
trial bottles at Ulakeley & Houghton's
Drug Store. Regular size 50 cents and
$1.00. (fl;
Ordinary tea is bad lor
the stomach, and a bad
stomach makes weak
Schilling's Best made ac
cording to directions is not
bad for the stomach. It is
good for the stomach; it is
good for the nerves; it is
At grocers' in packages.
A Schilling & Company
Ore ok On 111 net IHsc.ti tho Latent Ul
timatums. Athens' April 7. Tho cabinet minis
ters assembled last evening and engaged
until a late hour in discussing the identi
cal notes of tho representatives tf tho
powers handed yesterday to M. Skutizes,
the Greek minister of foreign affairs. It
is believed M. Skouzes will deliver tho
reply of Greece to the representatives of
the powers today.
Meanwhile it is runioied hero that
Russia has made a separate proposal to
the efl'ect that if Greece will withdraw
her troops from Crete, Russia will agree
to obtain the withdrawal of the Turkish
troops from Crete, and Russia will prom
ise that Prince George of Greece will be
sent to organize the Cretan gendarmes.
Greece, according to report, promptly,
rejected these propositions. Tho de
mand made that Admiral Canovaro, tho
Italian officer in command of the inter
national fleet in Cretan waters, be re
lieved of his couiand, is said here to be
due to his opposition to the plan drawn
up for the blockade of the Piraeus.
Throughout yesterday evening the pal
aces of King George and Crown Prince
Constantine were blazing with lights,
and the city generally a mass of illumin
ation in celebration of the anniversary
of Greek independence in 1821. Dis
plays of tire works were numerous, and
in all parts of Athens were patriotic
assemblages at which warlike orations
were delivered, the speakers being
greeted with cheers for the king and
war. During the evening there was a
grand military tatoo, in which
all of the bands in the city took part.
The whole population thronged the
streets, cheering everybody and every
thing and for war with the Turks. But
in Bpite of the demonstration of loyalty
and patriotism there was no disturbances
worth noting.
8100 liewnrd 8100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science lias
been able to cure in all its stages, and
that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
the only positive cure known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires a consti
tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrli
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying the foun
dation of the disease, and giving the
patient strength by building up the con
stitution aud assisting nature in doing
its work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers, that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any case
that it fails to cure. Send for list of
testimonials. Address:
F. .1. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75 cents.
No. 2-S.
I'lro 11hkIsk at Canilia.
Canea, April 7. Fire has broken out
at Candia, near the cathedral, and a
number of houses there are now in
flames. The British and Italian troops
are demolishing the adjacent buildings
in order to check the spread of tho con
flagration. NOTICE.
The partnership heretofore existing in
Tygh Valley Flouring Mill, under the
name of W. M. McCorkle & Son, is this
day dissolved bv limitation, .). M. Mc
Corkle retiring." W. M. McCorkle will
continue, and will pay all legal claims
and collect all debts of the late firm.
Tvgh, Or.. April 2, 1897.
W. M. McCoitKJ.i:,
a7-lm J. K. McCokkle.
A Valuibln 1'rurlptton.
Editor Morrison of Worthington, Ind.,
"Sun," writes: "You have a valuable
prescription in Electric Bitters, and 1
cm cheerfully recommend it for Consti
pation and Sick Headache, and as a gen
eral system tonic it has no equal." Mrs.
Annie Stehle, 2025 Cottage Grove Ave.,
Chicago, was all run down, could not eat
nor digest food, had a backache which
never left her and felt tired and weary,
but six bottles of Electric Bitters re
stored iier health and renewed strength.
Prices 50 cents and $1. 00. Get a Iiottta
at Blakelev and Houghton's Drug Store.
Notlcu to Taxpuyors.
Notico is hereby given that by order
of the countv court, the sheriff will re
turn the tax roll for 1S90 to tho
county clerk on the first Monday in
April, 1897, and all taxes then remain
ing unpaid on the roll will bo declared
delinquent, and thereafter the sheriff
will not receive taxes until the delin
quent roll is given him. By order of
court. A. M. Kelsay,
mUiMtw Cleric.
This Ik Your Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
a generous sample will bo mailed of tho
roost popular Catarrh and Hay Fevor Curo
(Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to deinou
etrato tho great merits of tho remedy.
CO Warren St., New York City.
Itov. John Hcid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mout.,
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to mo. I
cau emphasize, Ins statement, "It is n posi
tive curo for catarrh if uied ns directed."
Itev. Francis W. Poolo, Pastor GeutralPrea,
Church, Helena, Mout.
Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged
curo for catarrh and contains no mercury
or any injunouo drug. Prico, 00 cents.
j-lou Ibout Your
AVo have the facilities for doing all kinds
of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a
catalogue, and we are after all the work we
can do. We not only desiie to keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Come in
and compare our prices with that of any
one, and compare quality of work. Let us
have your next order.
?f?roi?i;ie publisfyii ?o.
Real Estate Exchange
Prospective Immigrants
From every part of the United States concerning the
Resources, Products, Prices. Etc.
All persons desiring to sell or rent farms or city property will find it greatly to
their advantage to call on or write at once to anv one of the undersigned members
of the Exchange, giving full particulars,
TH F. WOK I1.D ""' REN Qw"'e"''"5' ,
Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has
no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE & '
MAYS, The Dallas, Oregon.
Bond issue of 820,000,
School dlstilct No. I'., of Wasco county, Ore
son (beii!Ktlioi)Utrl"t in which Dalles City is
located) will issue twenty coupon bonds of tlio
par value of ono thousand dollars ouch, bearing
Interest Ht the ratoof six pur cent pur annum,
interest payable sctiii-iuniuallyi said bonds be
inij riuuui'inblo nt the pleasure of said district
after tun years from their date, but duo and pay
nblo absolutely twenty years from date, frluei
pal anil interest payable at the oilleu of the
treasurer of Wasco County, Or., or at such place
as may be designated in tho city and state of
Now York, at tlni option of tho purchaser. The
board of ditcctors of said district aio lawfully
authorized to issuo said bonds In aecordaneo
with tho provisions ot an net of tho Legislative
Assembly of tho State of Orison Hied in tho
oilleo of tho Secretary of State Feb. 2J, IbUil, and
providing, iiiuouk other tiling, for the Issuing
of bonds by school districts.
In compliance with the terms of said act, I, as of said county, will receive sealed bids
for said bonds ut my olliee. in Dalles City afore
said, until 1 o'clock -p. in. on the 15th day of
May, ls'JT. All bids must bo accompanied by n
certified check of live per cent of the amount of
bonds for which tho bid Is made. No bids for
less than par will bo considered. Tho buyer to
furnish bfank bonds to bo executed bv thu dis
trict. Tho tight to reject any and all bids Is
Dated at Dalles City, Wiuco County. Oregon,
this 'J'Jth day of March, lb'J7.
C. h. l'HII.Ul'S,
31-lw.l Treasurer of Wasco County, Or.
Mrs. Anna Morris, in the Krauso
building on Fifth street, near the Court
street school, is prepared to do all kinds
of dressmaking. Suits from f.'S up.
Caili In Your cliuaks.
All county wurrants registered prior
to Oct. 15, 1892, will bo paid nt my
oflice. Interest ceases ufter April 7,
1897. O. L. Pmi.i.ii'S,
County Treasurer.
Tho Dalles Trading Co., corner of lid
and Federal streets, will pay tlio highest
cash prico for second-hand goods.
in2-l-tf C. D. Fi.KMi.Nti, Agent.
terms, etc.
Chant!" "f Tlino.
Commencing April 8th, the steamers
I of tho Regulator lino will leave The
! Dalles at 7 a. m. instead of 7:30.
1 VV. O. Ai.i.awav, Agent.
j Do not fail to call on Dr. l.unnerberg,
the eye specialist, and have your eyes
examined freo of charge. If yon suffer
with headache or nervousness you un
doubtedly have imperfect vision" that, if
corrected, will benelit you for lffe.
Office in the Vogt block. "
Old papers for sale at 10 cents per hun
dred. A large lot ol old daily and week
ly CHito.sici.iis on hand, the accumula
tion of 1890. Very good for putting
under carpets, on nccount of uniform
Hot Clam broth every day from 10
a. m. to 12:30 p. m. and -1 to G p. m. at
Stubllngit Williams. nicl.4
Soap Foam excels all other washing
compounds, a2..1m
We sell Hoe .Cake soap. Pease A
Mays. ao.3m
11. M. 11KALL,
First National Bank.
A lienoral iianking Business transucteu
Depoaite received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on (lav of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port
land. U1KKOTOKS,
D. P. Thomson. Jno. S. Suhmnok.
ho, M. WW.MAM3, Gko. A, Li Kii it.
H. M. Bum,!..
The following is n part of ordinance
No. 102, to provide for the taxing and
killing of dogs: ,
The owners or persons having in
rlmriio any dog permitted to run at
?"rtri?0 V.;. v limits. Blm 1. on or
XYl lhdyofMayof each year
j uv into the city treasury the sum o
l."60for each and every male dog, and
I i. sum of !fl! for each and every slut or
e . m log, which shall entitle ..... to a
reS' t from the treasurer, which re
reV 1 -I...H i ,.i.r,id mid shall ties-
innate the eex of the .log ami tho owner a
name and tho amount paid; and upon
the presentation of each receipt to the
record.;., he shall issue a license to the
holder thereof, which shall des.gnaU
the owner's name and the number of the
license, which number shall correspond
with tlmt worn by tho dog or slut.
The marshal will seize, kill and prop
erlv burv in some suitable place outside
the city limits anv and all dogs found
running at large, in violation of the
above provisions; also any and all dogs
wearing collars running at targe on
which the owner or keeper has failed to
pay or renew the license.
Anv person or inhabitant of this city
pennitiing any dog of which he is the
owner or over which he has the control,
to go abroad in anv of the streets, squares
lanes or public places of this city without
having first paid the license required by
this ordinance, and having the number
thereof stamped or engraved on the
collar upon such dog, shall upon convic
tion thereof before the recorder, be sub
ject to a line of not less than .fo nor
more than $50, or imprisonment for not
more than lifteen days. O-'Jt
Kale of School District Itomls.
School District No. 29, in Wasco
countv, Oregon, at a meeting regularly
called therefor, having voted to bond
said district in tho sum of ifli.OOO, to be
in six bonds of 500 each, payable abso
lutely in twenty years and redeemable
at the pleasure of" said district after ten
years, with interest coupons attached,
interest payable eemi-auntially. Prin
cipal and interest payable at the oflice
of tho county treasurer of said county
or at such place as may be designated
in the city of New York, at the option
of the purchaser, and tho rate of in
terest shall be such as may be desig
nated in the bid which may be accepted,
not exceeding tho rate of 8 per cent.
Therefore, in pursuance of the law in
such cases I will receiye sealed bids for
said bonds as above describeii, at my
oflice in Dalles City, Oregon, up to the
hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of tho 21st day
of April, 1897, all bids to lie accom
panied by certified check for 5 per cent,
of the amount of the bid, the successful
bidder to furnish blank bonds. Bids
for less than par will not be considered.
The right is reserved to reject any and
all bids.
Dalles City, Oregon, March 20, 1S97.
C. L. Puiu.irs,
Treasurer Wasco Countv, Oregon.
m22-td '
Notice is hereby given that we will, on
Friday, April 30, 1897, at tho hour of 2
o'clock p. m. of said day, at the livery
stable of Ward, Kerns & Bobertson, seil
at public auction, to the highest bidder
for cash, the following describeii per
sonal property, to-wit:
One bay saddle horse, about 8 years
old, branded 'ike this : On right shoul
der F, and with letter It on left hip; has
four white feet, and star in face. To
gether with bridle and saddle. All sup
posed to be the property of S. Patterson.
This sale is under an agister's or stable
keeper's lion, to satisfy the charges of
tho undersigned for" their reasona
ble charges for the labor, care and
attention and the food furnished uaid
animal, amounting at this date to $:;.",
I and for accruing costs and expenses, and
' the expenses of this sale,
i afi td W.iti), & Bomun'KON.
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
Bale Oven and Mitchell
THOMAS HAEPEE, - - Proprietor
Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope
every day, and from Antelope to Mit
chell three times a week.
A DHbUIALTY' r'marr.Heo.
V'J. if you prefer to como hero wo will mn-
Nebraska corn for sale at tho Wasco
warehouse. Best feed on earth. mO-t
m Minia Packing Go
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
T. I' A Hi,
Through Tiekefcs
For information, time cards, maps, and ticked
cal on or write to 1
W. C. ATLAW AY. Agent, i
The Dalles, Oregon
A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G P. A.,
2.Vj, Morrison Cor. Third. I'ortlnnd Ore?on
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave ami are due to arrlvo nt Portland.
Hirtr, Asiiilaiul, bac-
8:60 r. M
J III1HU1UW, kuuii,ouu ,
1 Francisco, Mojave, ,
L...... I
3:10 A. M,
i.oh AiigciCH, r.1 ruso,
I New Orleans and
IKast J
8:30 A. M,
KoseburK niul way Ni
nons '1:40 P.M
fVla Woodbiirn fori
I Mt.AiiRel, SUvertoii, .
i West Solo, llrowns- V
vlllo, SpringlleUl ami
Natron II
1:00 I'. M
7::;o A. M
H:i." 1'. il
10:15 A. M
halcjn and way stations 1
(uorvaius aim way
f CliOP.M.
IMo.MlunvIllo a n d U 8:25P.M
(way stations
Dally. M'aily, except Sunday.
Attached to all Thtough Trains.
Dlrcot connection at San Francisco with Occi
dental and Oriental anil I'aeilie mall steamship
line.-, for .1 Al'A.N and CHINA. Saillm; dates on
a plication.
Kates . i ml tickets to Eastern points and Eu
rope. Alfco J Al'AN, CHINA, IIONOU'I-ir and
Al'STKAl.IA, can be obtained from
.1. li. KIU1CI-.VND, Ticket Agent.
ThroiiRh Ticket Ollieo,l:!l Third street. where
thioui;h tickets to all points in the Eastern
States, Canada and Europe can be obtained t
lowest i a tch from
J. II. KIltKI.AND, Ticket Agent.
All above liaiiih arrive at and depart lnm
(Hand Central Station, Fifth and IrvuiK streets.
I'afseiiKer .Depot, foot of Jeitcison street.
I.eavo for OHWEOO, dallv, except Sunday, at
7:vu a. in.; 112:1,-,, 1:1,), fi:'.'j, (i t), 8:05 i. m
(aud 11:30 p. m. on Saturday only).. Arrive
I'ortland at 7:10 and ti;'M a.m.; and 1:W, lafc
15:31 and 7:5.1 p, in.
U'uvo for Sheridan, week days, -it 1:30 p.m.
Anivo at I'ortland, 'J:'M a. m.
U'uvo for AIUMK on Monday, Wediiesdayand
Frl iav at'JUOii. in. Arrlvo at I'ortland, Tues
day, ThurMlny and Saturday at 3:05 p. w.
Sunday trains for OSWEGO leavo nt 8:10 a.
and VM 1.1, 1 : 11, :i:ho, f:ii f.M.l ami 8 01 p. m. At
Tive at Portland at 8:'M, 10:00 a. in.; 1:JM'
5:H, i::i,i, 7:5.1 p. m.
Alanauer. Ahat. G. F. & l'ass. Ait
18 I'ugea n Wcok. 150 lmura a '
It etunds first nmong weekly" papei"
in eizo, frequency of publication and
freshness, variety and reliability of con
tents. It is practically a daily at the low
price o a weekly; and its vast lt'
subscribers, extending to every state mo
territory of the Union and foreigu coon
tries, will vouch for tlio accuracy and
fairness of its news columns.
It is splendidly Illustrated, and among
Its special features are a fine bJ'JJ
page, exhaustive market reports, all w
latest fushlotid for women and a JB
series of stories by the greatest livin
American and English authors,
Vuiiun Uoylo, Jerome K. 'er!!!.'l
Htanley Weyiuait, Mary K. WH,B
Anthony Ho, Uret liurtei
tlramlur Maltliowi, Ktc, ,
We offer this uneoualed nowspaperan
Tho Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle-
gother one year fur .00. Ilia rcuw
prico of tlio two papora ie $3.00.
Subscribe for Tun CiiKONioW.